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For the 401st time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

>First original song: Say My Name

▼ Upcoming streams
Thu 07/04 7PM CT, Old School Runescape Advent collab
Fri 07/05 10PM CT, Crab Game HoloEN collab
▼ Latest streams
07/02, cooking offcollab with Haachama on Haachama's channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PodFRbem8U
06/29, Higurashi 14-26 watchalong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4PqDjFmDlA

BlueBird cover of DECO*27 - Salamander
Jewelbird cover of VIVINOS - OTOMEROID
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Unarchived karaoke (May 9th 2024 #1)
Unarchived karaoke (May 18th 2024 #2)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>79699874
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
2024 to date
Solo streams: 70
Collabs: 67
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 10
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world
Nerissa's armpits, my beloved
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
Drinking of Nerissa's armpit ambrosia
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this is AI btw, I blocked that account
Marine on Nerissa (First 1 minute or smth only)
I have sinned. I'm used to AI having barely any likes, not thousands. But those are just excuses. I will now kill myself as penance.
it's okay baker dono, I fell for it the first time as well but I blocked him so it doesn't happen again
I missa da Rissa
Do you guys think we'll get anything today?
X for doubt. We may get something this weekend would be my guess.
not even twitter space
lol dream on. If we're lucky maybe she'll stream her daily grinding session in OSRS, which may be unlucky now that I think about it...
Oh you know Rissa wants to scoop her beloved pervy captain up. That tall girl energy when she sees someone cute was probably off the charts with Omochikaeri~ energy. And you know, a tall Midwestern girl becoming Rena when you just mentally envision it, isn't it just the cutest?

Not too unlucky in that she genuinely seems to have fun shooting the shit and grinding with fans rather than just accepting the streamer swarm. So I take that as a win in itself she does like hanging in her downtime with peeps.
Yeah, it's nice that she actually likes OSRS true. Not everyone likes to watch it, but her unbridled enjoyment does make for a better stream than average
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I hope you're having a good day Nerissa. Sometimes romance is difficult and life doesnt always go the way we expected it. Regardless there is someone out there for each of us so remain in prayer and we're all going to make it. We will find our way to the special person who God specifically made for us. Dont worry. Anyway, youre the best, keep being the lovely girl that you are.
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Go back
Say what you want about the no schedule but at least we're not /baubau/ rn.
/baubau/ still have hope, while we're already used to our situation.
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No. I will do as I please. Some of my female friends have been having a rough time in their love lives. So I thought about Nerissa, I dont want her to go through what they are going through
no it seems like the end of the week is loaded though. She'll probably be in Kiara's birthday in some way or another too.
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Fuck off.
no man that uses this word has women as friends
Meant for >>79804198 this fuck head gomen
If Rissa shows up for Crab Game that will be fun. She slayed last time
I use female all the time. Did you want me to say "my girl friends" and confuse your esl brains
You love me
>Kiara birthday

Wait, didn't she just have a birthday live like 6 months ago? But sure, she'll likely drop by if the chicken has some stuff coming up. I'm sure we'll have plenty of other opportunities coming up given we're having her do all these random appearances popping up now. The last few collabs were announced within a couple days of them happening, so her queue is probably pretty full. Tanabata is coming up right? Doubtful Rissa isn't gonna have something around that time.
sex with Rissa's ass cheeks
birthday lives come with half a year delay for lesser holos because Fagoo needs to roll out the red carpet for his precious homoshitter money drains to occupy the studio 24/7
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I like these two dorks a heck of a lot.
It's a busy period for Advent either way so despite all i doubt there will be many RissaWawa interactions
Recently the homos really have been clogging up perms and a fuck ton of studio time
>Stars fes
>Homo 1 3d debuts
>Homo 1 3d collab
>Homo 2 3d debuts
>Homo 2 3d collab
To the point where even Subaru did not do a 3d birthday concert
Well, while I don't have beef with other fanbases, if that is true, then its pretty damn bad then. Especially if they have a queue for the more popular talents getting blocked, it'd be logical to hammer home perms for everyone at least equally. Their fax machine broken or something? Nerissa did mention a long queue of game perms still blocked up for months now iirc.
this month has shit ton of Birthdays too
I said I love the smiths
Not so much beefing with other fanbases but rather pointing at the obvious. If take Kaela for example. despite her streaming a lot, she mostly plays blank perm games or indie games, which get perms faster as indie dev check their e-mails more regularly. Check the homos steam history: G-mod, Spiderman, WWE, GGS. All stuff that takes up more time and shit.
This but me as the death knight and Nerissa in the 2B cosplay
>which get perms faster as indie dev check their e-mails more regularly
Not really, indie game perms are very unpredictable. Last month Kaela had 0 new game perms because none of the devs checked their emails
Kaela was also not streaming partially last month and participated in HoloHardcore Minecraft
Anon that was 2 months ago
no... it cannot be...
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Wtf minecraft was 2 months ago? JAILBROS IM NGMI
Wissa space
My sleepy wife...
Did it just end or is it impossible to listen if you dont have a twitter account?
Might be the latter since she’s still rambling
I hope y'all enjoy the twitter space! I'm stuck at work, in shambles that I can't listen in to my sweet, sweet Rissa.
Sleepy rambling Rissa is the cutest
Melatonin ain't working, she's hitting the wall on sleep, our poor babygirl.

Also....she loves us!
To squeeze every last penny out of (You)
Ahhhhhh I’d post a gosling if I could but im at work
But all my 7 e-mails have been banned already... i fucking hate K-pop fans
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I got you. And I miss her already…
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Allow me to do it for yoh
Thanks Jailbros
Me too… I guess I’ll buy the new voice pack to ease my suffering for now
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Could i please get a quick run down
That's why I created an account exclusively for chuubas
I used to have that. But they found out it was me somehow, and started doxxing me. It doesnt help when they doxxed me, i got banned for being doxxed. But that was late 2020 and i havent made a twitter since
What the heck did you do to have several emails banned bro. Ain't nobody going through that amount of effort for some peon who mouths off sometimes.
That space was a nice surprise. I enjoyed it quite a bit more than the last few streams, I hope she does more of them.
Holy cute sleepy phone voice
I just finished listening to the twitter space for the third time
We might get another stream before the osrs collab
Emphasis on ‘might’
Watabird wa warukunai yo nee
Bad Watabird, bad! Well, she just mentioned having fun in Japan, very tired, she is taking melatonin again it seems but it seems not to be working for her sleep.
rissa you forgot to harvest your onions in osrs
Thanks for the Qrd!
I kissa da eepy Rissa
I missa da eepy Rissa
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Did she harvest them?
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So cute
She's hugging me! I love her!
Wrong that is me, (you) are laying on the side. She is hold me against her heart (and breasts)
I’m under the covers
Do people unironically wear hats when going to bed?
Ravencroft women are something else
Yeah, could be because of:
>hair products
>acne/sensitive skin
>being bald
Bald people wear hats in bed?
Your head probably gets cold more quickly if you don’t have hair on it
yeah, to cover their horns
you wouldn't get it
how come people willingly accept that their oshi has a boyfriend? (or had in this case lmao)
Rissa’s anus on my nose
Click play?
If you can't just click play on the recording, you might need an account first
Just make a burner account jailbro
This jailbird is our champion
Holt shit she is super cute like that one time on December where she did a zatsu when she was sick
is this woman worth simping for
Thanks jailbro
This made me realize I haven't heard the word "simp" in a long while. It's been replaced by incel
damn she sounds cute
>I'm becoming a freak
>I'm in bed
>it's warm under my sheets
>Yes, I'm naked
So this is how drunk Rissa sounds, needy clingy and sex as fuck
My motivation...to gosling harder...it grows ever stronger...
>Rissa had a twitter space
>2 and a half hours Yomosaka releases this
Damn he works fast
Sup jailbros
Did anyone buy the new voice pack yet?
Every day, she probably heavily desires a Jailbird plushie more and more.
I'm not buying anything until I see what all the time spent on the JP Arc results in
>what all the time spent on the JP Arc results in
A 3D debut in a couple of weeks followed by a few pre-recorded segments for "live" concerts and similar 6 months-1 year from now. Just look at Promise/Myth; I wouldn't expect much and it almost certainly won't make up for 2-3 months of lackluster or no streams
She told me "it will be worth it when you see it" so I choose to believe her for now. Time will tell.
She warned us, probably why she hates alcohol so much, she said she gets clingy. But yes she is too cute.
I am formally requesting thicc with two c’s Nerissa art
I am formally requesting busty with double D's Nerissa art
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"Yes I'm naked, don't think about it too hard."

She asks for the impossible...!
Why she had to mention that?
Rissa forgive me, I cannot hold back on that one
>Rissa has been sleeping 4 hours every night
>I've been sleeping 4 hours every night
(me)? I also been sleeping only 4 hours every nighy
I guess we're all sleep deprived these days
How sweet is Nerissa's asshole?
The Meet-up Pizza Party would become a Slumber Party after the pizza because we're all too tired to stay awake.
And then the Slumber Party becomes the Yobai Party
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My wife
And then the Yobai party becomes a song release party
I'd like that very much
How do I the Risser
If this is true you're a good freind, keep it up.
Sweaty naked Rissa touching herself under the covers
Not sweaty!
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This moment was the point of no return for me, I fell so damn hard for her
After this Hololive gig is over she should be a foodtuber so we can watch het eat a lot and slowly gain weight over time
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Let's compromise and say she should become a foodtuber AND fooTtuber
So are there going to be any streams this week? Shiori is doing two aside from the collabs and Biboos done two already, and Fuwamoco would have done two already if not for food poisoning.

She's going at her own pace and that's fine
She said there might be one tomorrow but it's not certain.
The collab is tomorrow
She's busier than them.
Xwitter space earlier, Chammers collab two days ago, Crab Game collab Friday. I wouldn't expect more since this is their most (purportedly) packed week and with Rissa being Rissa, well, you get the picture. Maybe some OSRS on the weekend or something
"Do not feet the feet"
~Nerissa Ravencroft
latinx rissa
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You dogs undersold the Xwitter space, I would've checked it sooner if I knew it was such kino!
>She's talking about food again lol....
>"Miss you guys"
>She's naked right now in bed
>Thinks it would be cool to rent out a whole restaurant to hang with the Jailbirds
>Runescape grinding love
>Hopes to stream tomorrow (today? Timezones confusing)
Well it was only 12 minutes, even the most disillusioned jailbird would've gotten around to checking it out without prompting from others
I thought it sounded kinda dull from what I saw people saying so I waited until now to listen. Definitely would have checked it earlier had I known what it was actually like
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I'm buying some fireworks tomorrow and lighting them off in Rissa's honor. Every American deserves a boisterous July 4th
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rissa shouldn't be american
she is european coded
is yomosaka the best vtuber artist?
Rissa scored big by getting him
Being thighchoked by Nerissa
Being sat on by Nerissa
Blindfolded ASMR session with Nerissa
Being hugged from behind by a physically larger Nerissa
Being pegged by Nerissa
>Being pegged by Nerissa
See now you're talking my language bro.
Rissa might be the single person least likely to ever give pegging a try
Are Jailbirds the fattest fucks in hololive?
You'd be surprised
He's so fucking good. Rediscovered some of his old imas yuri the other day and thanked God I'm alive to witness his art
It’s the feathers! I swear!
Freeing the titty for USA!
ShioRaven and it's consequences on MariFlare have been a disaster, a small barely thriving community annihilated...
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
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what do you mean by that young man
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Based Nerissa. I know youre enjoying that game a lot so keep doing what makes you happy woman. Dont let any pessimistic comments from here get you down. You're the best Nerissa I hope you're having a good day!
Anyway I found this picture and thought about you. I hope it at least gives you some amusement
Not sure why they agreed to this game especially since the last advent collab was debut watchalongs. Would’ve been better to play chained together for example but whatever I’ve already moved on to cecigigi
I asked btw
We'll get that eventually I'm sure, don't worry. There's a non-zero chance they make fun of Rissa for yet again having awful taste in something, so that could fun
>I’ve already moved on to cecigigi
Based and mostly same
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Btw I remembered you saying that you are on a waiting list for a cat from the breeder? I dont remember but perhaps reconsider, what if your future husband and father of your many children does not like cats and wont allow them in your home. You wouldn't want to burden brorissa by unloading your new cat on him. Dogs are rad though, everyone loves dogs.
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Nerissa's armpits, warm and comfy
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Is Nerissa the only gfe in holo EN?
Good question. Fauna and Shiori are probably the other closest options, but even they don't really play into gfe in the same way. So yeah Rissa might be the only gfe
That's what I thought too, with the same 2 examples in mind. Nerissa has me wrapped around her fingers
Yeah, some of Fauna's content gives "date" vibes, but not gfe. Shiori sometimes gives off "friend of opposite sex that is kind of flirting with you/being weirdly intimate" vibes, but not gfe. Nerissa tells you about her family, does the "miss you" type stuff, and is flirtatious. Nerissa is a venus fly trap and we are the flies
Did Rissa also get laser treatment on her armpits
Yeah she talked about it. It was the most recent one even.
Biboo went out with Raora, what about Nerissa?
And Kiara ran into Shiori. Nerissa may be around with other members as well.
>what about Nerissa?
She was their chair
For both of them?
Kiara does much more gfe things and she's self aware
Yeah Kiara is at that stage of life....
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Happy 4th of July burger anons or however you celebrate it
She's tall (long) and has a titanium rod for stability. Perfection.
Kiara has always been parasocial for positive affirmation. GFE? Not sure
And you think she could hold both Shiori and Kiara?
She's honest in a biting kind of way, which, no hate to KFP or her, kind of muddles the feeling, it kind of makes the viewer feel sometimes like they are making her go through the motions even if that isn't entirely the case. Being parasocial is what happens with all streamers and chats, because if there isn't a connection, no fun to be had together then people go to find a new place to belong or the streamer fades from disinterest in their work.

Nerissa is different because I don't feel Kiara's type of honest energy, Nerissa is an actually goofy geeky theater girl to her core, and likes embracing it, despite being bullied for it in the past, Kiara seems to fight against the geekiness and is kind of hard cutting in some ways with geek culture despite where she is, so I never really found the two to be similiar. Nerissa has a quirky ADHD fueled personality, but I feel she likes being a geek. Other ENs too, despite being geeks, seem to try fighting against it. But the ones I think are kind of best bud types are pretty much all of Advent, they feel like honest geeks wholesale. They remind me of some female friends I have had, which is why a good deal of the quirks feel familiar to me, though I have never tried dating my friends, its a comfortable feeling.
Quick, very important question
There's no way in hell Rissa's 3D showcase will be before the the 20th of this month, correct?
Dont date your close friends, horrible idea, trust me. Unless you already know that this friend does like you back prior to starting to date them or you start a non-close mutual relation of kindness and friendlyness

In terms of Wawa and Rissa. I guess it is more an image thing. Wawa wants to be seen as cool, cute, hot, leader and such and actively tries to force that vision. Meamwhile Rissa is more "whatever" as long is it's no lies or false image
Why'd you think that?
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just asking so I can make my hospital schedule for the month, I'm absolutely panicking
Don't stress yourself too much ERbird(?), you got enough as it is. At least where it comes to promotional stuff like showcases, you'll hear those well in advance.
>Nerissa has me wrapped around her fingers
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Yeah I hope so, I'll take lots of night shifts this month to escape the volcanic temperatures so I'll be missing lots of live streams
Remember to hydrate properly
Nah, I'm pretty sure it'll come out close to their anniversaries
So end of the month
Thanks a lot guys. I'm an adventfag so idk much about 3D showcases and stuff (but luckily they all appear to be one each day)
Most often on weekends
If what Kiara describes is GFE then Kronii is a contender for most GFE in EN
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my corny wife
Just listened to both ERB and Rissa's Viva La Vida and damn. As someone who has been to a coldplay concert less than a year ago i must say, anyone that says Rissa is worse than ERB must be deaf. ERB is a idiot and cannot keep the right tone while Rissa respects the song and keeps it authentic
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I'm not even American but happy sex of july
like a good 2/3 of all posts about ERB are shitpost, I wouldn't take them seriously at all
I need more Rissa bodypaint art
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>holo vs holo
Fuck off. Their both great
oh God i don't know what to expect from this
they won't be able to do anything
It's Holo v Holo. It's not even bait. I'm taking it up for Rissa. I'm just expressing how i think it is weird that there were so many posts about Rissa being "mogged" by ERB or "that her carreer is over" when no such thing is the case. This jailbird >>79889866 already explained the cause
ERB is a homo collaber
they are not the same
>>79890725 (me)
*it's not holo v holo
Also goddamnit
*braps silently*
Judge for yourself. She does really unnecessary stuff, ruining the song and people are eating it up for some reason
No I hate red
sex with Nerissa's ticklish feet
My sleep schedule did a full circle and now I sleep at 8 and wake up at 3 am for the stream. Goodnight /ope/, cya when it's time to rune the scape
I'm actually glad I'm on vacation the rest of the week so I'm not tempted to watch this dumpster fire of a stream tonight.
Feel free to grudgepost if I'm wrong.
I'm not sure how it would work either, guess I'm turning off my alarm. If I wake up I wake up
American holo American thread happy fourth
All American Jailbirds are obligated to light off at least one firework or sparkler in the name of Rissa and America
Here is the thing, I won't insult her because she has her own style and wants to have fun with karaoke(which she does), but I agree, people who say Rissa is vastly inferior or lacking in comparison are smoking the ganja hard. Those people have no idea the disservice that kinda talk does to both talents and reading that reflects badly on fans because they start seeing us as people who'll shit on anyone for the smallest things.
Latin America?
See >>79888744
I kissa da Rissa
I missa da Rissa
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Im going to be sick dudes, those are for the eyes of her husband only.
Yeah, (me)
'Twas I who penned this missive
Hearty, corn-fed American milkers, just as God intended
happy Fourth of July jailbros
Happy Independence Day!
She really needs a new hat
Just got back from picking up some fireworks. I'm dedicating an artillery shell to Rissa
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Hail, watabird
Hail you
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Nerissa has a butthole and a vagina
Silly jailbird making jokes. You know Rissa is an Idol and you know idols dont have private parts. Therefore Rissa does not have private parts
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how big of a disaster is the runescape collab gonna be?
How do I join the Jailbird clan?
Update on the fireworks?
It's only 5:30 rn. Plenty of light out. I just lit a couple of day time stuff that wasn't too hard to clean. The rest are night time fireworks. I made sure to get as many blue ones as I could for Rissa
Ahh i see. Well it is July 5th here. Have fun Jailbird!!! Make sure not to cause a fire hazard!!!
Should be fine, it rained recently so the ground should be saturated
she's a bird so she has a cloaca
Don't die so close to the collab.
Im sorry. I have an exam in 6 hours. WIFE LIVE, wont likely be /here/ though
So right now we're not really playing osrs, we're just watching Advent clear the tutorial + Rissa get mobbed as usual. This blows holes
Did the others go through the tutorial already or did none of them have the foresight to do that before hand?
Sorry but this is a fucking terrible idea for a collab where she can't even play with them forever because they can't be in the same place because she's too far ahead
>>79920609 (me)
Well that answered my question
This is gonna be a lot of tardwrangling LMAO
What server is she on?
Good luck on your exam, jailbro!
I'm sorry Rissa but the idea is a shitshow just as I expected. They're never letting you pick the advent game of the week ever again kek
Rissa ain't wrong, Biboo says the game is ugly, but they're playing Minecraft a bunch, even though I have never gotten the allure of Minecraft.
Seems like a good game for two members grind out a skill together while they chat but all of advent? Nope.
At least something positive will come from this collab then
>''Its not realistic otherwise''
Shiori please
What world are they on?
I believe in Runescapes charm oozing through, ganbare Rissa!
Hoping beyond hope for an eventual 5 man group iron even though I know that'd grow old before they hit anything truly difficult
Getting carried by a bunch of losers, never needed to grind for levels and can't recommend to buy membership. Is this the buying gf runescape experience? Do these woman take everything for granted?
Thanks jailbro. Also watch out for sisters because there has been a lot of Rissa seethe on this board recently
Rissa is balding
She's just like… me…
it's 2024, how do you not know that being a woman is a literal cheat code in any online game?
Oh lord the chaos
>trying to hide what worlds they're going to
>none of them have private off
yeah this will go well
Rissa is being extra autistic
It's funny that she's getting mad but it's literally her own poor planning and inexperience that is causing this.
This is like watching trucks going under the can opener bridge
Seems this collab is uniting everyone in their hate of Nerissa. I can't even blame them, terrible idea
What the fuck did you think would happen
Sister... your schizophrenia meds...
>Being a cunt to people
Classic Rissa
But i love watching those videos
nerissa is retarded but it's what I expected from the fact that she is a woman. very cute
Did Rissa forget she doesn't know how to play this and relied entirely on Jailbirds to get her to where she is?
are they actually gonna quest or are they just gonna sit around while people give them stuff?
Honestly just shut up at this point this was going to be a given when you play in public like this
It's just a very self centered game choice
They will never play Runescape again...
What else would you expect?
Holy hell this has to be the most frustrated I've ever been watching Rissa play. Like goddamn did you not think for a second you would need some kind of countermeasures other than just telling people to fuck off???
Rissa , I love you a lot, but please never do a Runescape collab again
it's mad funny lol I love this
Is she really so dumb to think any of them will ever want to play this again?

No, she thought, despite multiple streams where people did not fuck of when asked, that adding in 3 more fanbases they would totally listen and fuck off
I stopped watching
This is just confirmation that she's not pretending she actually is that pon
1/2 of Rissa's OSRS content has been people feeding her resources to increase skills and whatever, so yeah probably just sit around
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I hope they can get nicely settled in and then do fishing collab streams
lmao I don't think that was ever in doubt. It's a charm of hers, just not this time around
Honestly, this is a good experience for her. Hopefully she understands more of how to prepare and handle something like this
I hope for Nerissa in Lady Dimitrescue dress fanarts after this
She has never been humbled once and has not shown that she's grown as a streamer in any way since debut. She gets one guy'd in every single stream to this day. She gets one guy'd by backseaters moments after asking to backseated.
The only way to prepare would be to get runelite perms. And that just means that there's nothing that she could have done to counteract it
Oh the faggot is at it again
List the ways she's improved
Runelite is officially supported now so it SHOULD be fine, but of course perms autism
Isn't this the guy who said he'd never come back a couple days ago?
Yep, that's the faggot
I genuinely think she didnt expect it to turn out like this
I've never said I'm leaving and I don't intend to. She hasn't improved one single bit since debut and honestly has got worse in many aspects.
Thanks Nerissa. This is probably the worst collab in the history of HoloEN.
Yeah she's not a good streamer objectively. The Jailbirds left obviously like her for other reasons, you realize this right?
We're gonna have a lot of people pretending to be "concerned" about this, if we acknowledge them, they'll continue their roleplay.
lol I love my retarded wife
Yeah I'll just enjoy my coffee and watch this peak CGDCT unfold
She's a retard then.
We can utilize this retardation to our advantage: we can convince her to just __________ for us
It's the same two fags everytime. They're very easy to point out and have nothing new to say. Everything has already been said before. You're right, best to just ignore them
Baker dono, would you use this for the OP today? >>79856386
That was already the plan.

I have so many names kek
But did you hydrate properly baker-sama?


Can't wait for Nerissa to be mad after this and blame the Jailbirds when in reality this is her fault and probably a bunch of randoms.
I get to fuck Nerissa's fat tits as the last post

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