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Ryan Gosling, aka me, in the movie Drive (2011) standing next to my kouhai wife Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

>July Patreon Script Schedules

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Up to discretion of the girls. Content will be free. Will come later.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>79770489
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
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I hope icey knows that I think about her always and that I'm completely obsessed with her.
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot! Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
get well soon
I hope you feel better soon icey, it's okay to take today off or even more if you feel like you need it. Dadas understand and just hope for you to come to us if it gets too hard to manage on your own. I love you my baby bear.
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Good edition
Ignoring her annoying breakdown for a moment.
Isn't it patreon audio day tomorrow?
>Latest retweet
oof that's got to hurt snowbearies
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Shouldn't it have been yesterday? I thought Mercy skipped Monday just because there are 5 Mondays this month.
Yeah I was matching her dates from last month and came up with the 2nd but that was a Saturday. Her next was the 13th and that was a Thursday, one after that was Thursday as well. So I just assumed tomorrow.
when the onahole for stronny comes out im going to go feral while listening to the patreon audios
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It'll pass, it's just how this mental illness works. It sucks but all you can do is offer kindness and compassion.
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

Kindness and compassion while she shits all over me and forgets we all exist.
I'm just going to return the favour till she remembers.
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i thought copying the file name would be enough ;-;
would you prefer that she tells you that she is upset about another groomer leaving her again? she's suffering in silence so that she doesn't have to upset her fans
I’d prefer if she just didn't have groomer-related meltdowns every week
She's not doing any of that, your schizophrenic delusions are impacting your reality. Get a grip or just stop following her, it's that easy.
>Stronny ends stream yesterday
>talk about her without actually @'ing her in a twitter post
>she fucking liked it
i didn't think she would even see it
my heart skipped a beat just now holy shit
unfortunately only 2 of the 6 she showed heavy favouritism towards pre incident have left so there's atleast 4 more times this will happen.
You'd think this guy would just stop watching her if he's so sick of her. We've been going on weeks of the same complaints, why live your life in anger all the time?
are you her boyfriend
heh, you're right, i am
later virgins
Yes actually. 3 strikes and I'm out. She's had one already.
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i am now going to make another twitter account so that i may gush about my love for stronny there
Who are this absolute legends anon. I need to know
>>79802094 (Me)
Oh this is just straight up wrong. Icey and Immy both post on Wednesdays, and Shibi posts like every day wtf? Reeflings are eating good
get ready for strike 2 then because from what I've seen, she hasn't even been checking her direct @s which means she's definitely not streaming atleast today.
he's not watching her, he's the same dude who shits on mercy or immy when the occasion presents itself, right now icey is the easy target
I'm tarded
Gonna be weird having a sex audio and cumming a huge load to icey while she's having a breakdown but I'll do it
i think she's being quiet because she's still debating with herself whether to stream or not.
she knows she has contractual obligations to stream at least three days per week so she can't just take the rest of the week off.
i guess we'll see what her decision is later today. i'm sure there will be something about "my throat hurts" and "i cried earlier today but its not because of you guys haha"
I'm a retard and just realized you can use crtl+s to spoiler. immy, if you're here this might help.
sev, sigma, ojisan time, iceys cream, brotag (cake) and fyrel
>gush about my love for stronny
bro my inner thoughts sound like a broken record
"i love her/Stronny" on repeat endlessly, i think it paralyzes me at times from doing anything since i'm just sitting there thinking about her
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But i barely even know her
she should take today off and come back tomorrow make it a members asmr and then just tell us what's happened.
Yeah, a members ASMR stream where she talks about how upset she is about another one of her groomers leaving. Great idea.
anon forgot what the stream was when the last incident happened and fell for bait.
That happened to me at work! I sorta was just repeating "I love Stronny!" in my head while working legit made it so time went by faster
Yeah, fuck Icey and her problem, I don't want to hear her upset and possibly help her with her problems.
i think it might be best if icey graduates. i dont mean that in a hateful way; vallure is clearly fucking with icey's mental health and for her own safety and well being it might be best to do that.
mental health is the kind of thing where once you lose it, you will never get it back. you can't recover from being mentally ill
I agree because that faggot simp Jj will follow her and then we will never hear his name again.
I miss Immy so much... I hope she's doing fine all things considered
Don't throw me under the bus what the fuck. I'm not some groomer faggot. I reply to like 1/4th of what she posts, basically lurk her chat when she streams, refuse to play GW2, and don't call myself dada or any of that shit because I feel too weird doing any of that. I don't send maros, and would never do something like a signed maro(holy shit what fucking losers would do that). I could probably vanish and she wouldn't even notice. It's Brotag but I'm not here to namefag or shit the thread up
Take away the one thing she's enjoying in life right now? That'll end well. She'll go back to her pl and end herself on stream.
hard to believe what you're saying when you baked her a cake and posted it, that's like maximum groomer levels.
Are you in turn saying those other people do those things Mr cake? Throwing others under the bus to save yourself?
Why are you this pussywhipped over an internet anime girl? She’s an entertainer, she’s supposed to entertain you, you shouldn’t have to play therapist for her every time a chat member she likes more than you stops showing up to streams.
Whether Icey wants to graduate or not, I'll support her either way. I just want her to be happy
>hey guys, I'm back... things didn't go too well, I was really happy having genmates and I really loved my fans but I just got too deep to quick and it wasn't easy to keep going.
Getting baited left and right.

I'm curious to know if Stronny knew about Icey's mental problems beforehand and decided to add it into the package (this is purely speculation).
bro one look at her past life and you can tell she has mental issues immediately
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What the fuck did Icey do to this dude for him to be this hateful? Is it because he's a SEAnigger and they're all just inhuman?
No. Despite what happens, she's never been happier in her life as she reaffirmed multiple times. It's just a rollercoaster for somebody who gets too attached. This is her dream and she can take the lows if need be.
Didn't know baking a cake is considered grooming. Be baking for the whole world then.
idk, shes talked about wanting to have a simple life in the countryside. i have to wonder if her current life is really what she wants
I don't know if they are or not. I don't care if they do all the ageplay shit in responses but if they are trying to interact with her constantly and get her to respond in one on ones, then that's pretty lame. I'm too much of a normalfag to engage in most of this schizo shit.
it started when sev left so my crack pot rrat is that after being denied his groomcord, sev gave icey an ultimatum that she had to give him her discord so he could dm her directly or he would leave and she did the smart thing and told him she couldn't, so he left her and now is shitting on her constantly
Idk anything about her PL
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot! Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
baking a cake for an anime woman on the Internet with the express purpose of getting her to remember who you are, is not the same as being a baker anon
Yoiu guys are spiralling tio hard rn. Icey is back and posting and if you read between the lines of her new reposts she's basically saying:" I'm fine, its not caused by anything it's just me and sorry btw. Also fuck you who leave me. "

I need to reprogram my mind from Icey for a bit si I can concentrate on work, I suggest others do the same until she updates.
now let's get real schizo, cenjun is sevs alt alot of the replies and chat messages he sends are very similar and despite being really new he acts like he knows icey way too well.
We’re spiraling? You can’t even type a coherent sentence.
Of course it not what she really wants. She wants a partner or at the lowest of the low to have sex with someone that claims to love her. She obviously hates that she's now surrounded with guys that love her despite her flaws, guys that want to fuck her and yet she can't do anything about it. She has to sit alone in her room for 20 hours a day. I highly doubt any woman wants to be a vtuber for the rest of their lives instead of getting married and living in the country.
Read between the lines of this for me oh so smart anon.
because to me that feels like she's given up on her dadas again after being left by some groomer.
She wasn't really hiding it in her pl account, even her debut video kind of indicated that she was terminally online and a bit unhinged. She also sounded a bit depressed in those streams, she was more monotone and had less energy usually. I would say she enjoys streaming as Icey way more
Iceyfags seriously can’t go one thread without giving attention to literal who chatters.
>it's one guy
>it's (whatever time) in SEA
>it's actually pinpals falseflagging
>it's whichever youtube chat celebrity is most popular with the schizos today
Choose your boogeyman for the morning.
sev isn't a who chatter you faggot
Why are you here at icey hours. Your streamer isn't even awake or streaming right now
For me it's extraterrestrials
are you me? i had the same thought when i saw him for the first time
why the fuck would pinpals be falseflagging did i miss something?
fuck he knows
Just waiting for the Snowbearies to implode
11pm. Time to start slamming back the vodka for icey snowpaws. That'll fix this, I'll just time skip with the aid of alcohol.
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People shitting on Icey all starts at the same time. The thread is always quiet until then and suddenly it lights up with shit about Icey graduating and nothing burgers. You're fucking retarded if you don't realise it's either one or two faga just shitting up the thread. Or you're just him in which case blow your own head off.
>>79804098 (me)
I meant AM. I promise I haven't started drinking yet.
kiss your sister
I'm getting close
Some schizo shit from last week, I didn't really understand it myself either.
Green you outed yourself again, we all know you're the only faggot brit.
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And it's always around the same time.
You would think bro would get sick of doing this daily for multiple weeks now.
Neither is Icey
>talk about a topic doesn't start until someone starts talking about the topic
damn, that's crazy
ah regardless these schizos shouldnt even be given the time of day they are just spouting their shitty opinon
they miss their little sister and they can't even cum who knows what a pinpal might do in a situation like this
you know >>79803721 is kinda making sense sev was a brit and it starts at brit time.
That’s the narrative the schizo ojisans have landed on, don’t question it or they’ll accuse you of being him
id like to think that pinpals are better than that and so i will
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Ahem - this is my girlfriend Icey Snowpaws. She is the love of my life and I love to see her laugh and smile. Thank you for reading have a nice day.
your girlfriend is ugly irl
Yeah him, the one SEA pinpal who hates Icey and is also coincidentally whichever chat celebrity the schizos are currently mad at
That's wrong actually. I've seen at least 3 maybe 4 excluding myself. Whenever they spell favourite you can tell.
Thread could use a janny.
>more namefaggotry
Just go make a discord already
the mythical megaboogeyman
Agree to disagree to ur opinion
I thought VAllure was for gooning, not mehera 5D chess
The big threads barely get moderated so I don't see it happening. We're close to finding the guy anyway so he won't be around for long.
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I'm my own janny
My sound is always greyed out/muted for these things
who is it anon?
Please give me your filters
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liberal usage of this button on the source posts with recursive hiding
It's ok. You can still watch the tits bounce with no sound.
>he doesn't have the script
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I want to go feral with Icey. As soon as she was in the vicinity I'd be ripping her clothes off like some kind of animal. Every inch of her would be grabbed, groped and spanked. I want to smack her ass so hard that it leaves a big, red handprint so that everyone knows who she belongs to. I want to grab her by the throat and completely control her breathing so that she knows that her entire being belongs to Dada. I need to cum deep inside that smooth cunny of hers and feel her clench around my cock as I choke her. I love Icey so much, I need to fuck her so badly.
Triple sevens jackpot
Icey will stream today
yeah she will stream her suicide
Based ojisan hiding all the meaniehead posts that hurt his feefees
Yea, I'm a filthy casual anon
Anytime someone mentions suicide with a female streamer I just have to think back to the fact that women never ever kill themselves so there's no point entertaining the idea it might happen.
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I believe! At least we got GW2 yesterday so I'd be okay with her skipping today if she needs.
icey is about to become a statistic
It’s been one month and ojisans are already acting like chumbuds
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How do you think Denpa would react if we touched tentacles.
>be me
>having sex with icey all last night and all this morning
>took her phone and started retweeting sad girl things so no one wonders where she is
>anons think it's about some groomer leaving her
Yeah but it was going to be her cute cartoon watchalong date. I'd take that over gw2 any day.
Y's it the blue girls man
This is a very funny post.. wow! Good job! I don't think I've ever laughed this hard before!!
Wow, okay chud. Try thinking about what Icey wants for once.
sorry iceys cream didn't know you were like that
There’s just something about blue cunny that makes lonely childless 40 year old men go crazy
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
this but unironically
if you don't like the text on the screen, literally nothing wrong with making it go away
Icey is awake and I need to kiss her.
holy shit she's stacked
Hey Icey, take some time to think over what we talked about, okay? I'll be there for you whenever you make a decision
*tap* *tap* *tap*
The thread is literally just shit posters at this point. No point tapping if it's just these faggots.
What I do????
you talk to icey?
You don’t?
i've made 10 posts in this thread (or 11 if you include this one)
This is because I stuttered on her name in my tribute and nearly said Immy
she hasn't let me into her dms yet :(
Ah well, better luck next time. Maybe bake her a cake or something
Please be true
Icey is so cute when she's suicidal. I just want to hug her so tight that she turns blue.
I miss immy
brotag stop bragging
But she’s always blue
That's kinda disgusting if I'm honest. Not a chance she's thinking about her fans at all when saying that. Makes my stomach turn.
I jwu and didn't even have any thought of something bad happening but the reassurance is nice?
reminds me a bit of what >>79803926 said
I think she's reading the thread which she needs to stop doing. The majority of posts about her in the last few hours are just shitposts.
Call me crazy but people usually don’t feel the need to say “i’m fine, nothing bad happened” if they’re actually fine and nothing bad happened
ok real wasnt there supposed to be an immy and icey collab video? when is that dropping, ive been edging for weeks for that video.
this feels like she's just trying to not have us worry, there's probably truth to it especially the last part but something definitely happened which caused this.
I actually wonder how her mental health is, it's hard to tell
yaaaaaaaaay Icey I missed you so much in so glad you're back and are doing okay I want to fuck you so bad you can't walk for a week straight and the sadness never comes back
Now that I'm back reading the thread her post makes a bit more sense but the posts here are even less coherent so yeah. I'm sorta glad she reads this place since I can gush and say things I normally wouldn't in chat, but the downside is the thread being bizarre and a bit shitty sometimes
And all were made by me in fact
wow it really is like having all the bad parts of having a girlfriend without any of the good ones!
Np I'm on the job.
She's lusting after previous partner's and her old days as a whore(derogatory) she wants to walk outside naked and get raped and touched by all the men in the street.
There's nothing more to it. She's just a horrible person.
Don't you have a job or something? Is shitting on Icey really how you spend your whole day?
>>79803926 was correct after all
>raveslut is just moody because she wants to fuck a stranger
>her fans were worried about her
That HAS to have been Icey posting that. It's basically wors for word what she tweeted.
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I wrote it but I am spiritually connected with her. Even I'm slightly hurt she would just admit it though.
Why are you hurt?
Just an unfortunate symptom of brown skin.
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Already said it before, but this with feet instead.
icey is awake and horny
So am I. Icey and I were made for each other!
Good morning immy i care for you dearly
Immy's awake and horny!
I think she really enjoyed that shock green text, especially the kidnapping part
I’m glad your ok immy I missed you
fuck it if she wants to get some random dick so she can cry herself to sleep because it's hollow and isn't what she actually wants (her dadas dick) then she can do it and I won't even mind because she will come back to us knowing she needs us not some stranger
Holy fucking cuck.
Just makes me feel worthless in her eyes. Seeing as the one thing that would make her happy I obviously can't give and all the reassurance in the world will never make her feel loved or happy. Kinda sucks that I was right.
On a side note seeing her talk about wanting general casual sex with anybody that will give it to her regardless if she knows them or not makes me feel sick.
yesterday two dozen guys ran a train on icey, and now youre complaining about cucks?
She’s totally thinking about the cake you baked her while she’s getting dicked down, don’t worry.
ok guys, immy is awake now. we can stop shit talking icey.
They weren't actually meant to be whores(derogatory) wtf
I'm gonna throw up
I can't believe icey just said she's going outside to find the first guy she sees and is going to let him go to town on all of her holes just because she's a little lonely.
AHHHH I love immy!
verification not required
Wtf did you guys actually expect? Icey talked about knowing how to strip well. She talked about knowing how to ride dick like a pro. You think she just was born with those skills randomly? It's a whorepo. Even if they aren't dating someone at this exact moment(big if) they clearly have plenty of experience. Who cares? Why are you actually falling in love with where's and then getting upset when they want to have sex?
>>79805295 (me)
I told you it was immycore. I'm an ojisan but I clearly have a psychic connection with mentally ill girls
You could be enjoying little sis smelly armpits but instead you are fantasizing about the cuck chair. Life is really what you make with it
I honest to stronny might switch to Immy.
let them cope
icey tweets out that she's just a slut and needs dick rn and then goes to have her nap kek
I love Icey. With all my heart and all my dick.
Get well soon
I love Immy. With all my heart and all my dick
Are those the same threadshitters or do some ojisans really think she wants to fuck some random dude? She could do that easily if she wanted, she's obviously frustrated because she wants physical intimacy with her dadas specifically.
Surely gw2 has to be dropped now. Somehow even erp in an mmo is too much for her to handle without getting insanely touched starved and craving random sex.
Thanking god every day that Bleating Hearts don't have to deal with any of this shit.
sure am glad my little sister seems okay
guys you all know me as an ojisan how do I switch to immy without getting hate?
I'm an ojisan but you're coping hard. This keeps happening and I'm debating what to do going forward.
Just make a new account
I’m still worried about her, but she’s talking now so it’s slowly taking the edge off.
I'd rather cope than fantasize about some cuck shit that's not even there
No we don't think that and know that because she's talked about it on stream. The thread shitters don't know anything because they've never watched a second of her content. I'm just not posting because there's no point when this faggot is here shitting the place up. It sucks but mods aren't doing anything about it.
You joke but I'm starting to think if things keep progressing down the same path then maybe a month down the line she'll be so frustrated with being so virtually loved and not physically that she might end up doing that.
Threadshitters BTFO already?
I don't want to get well. I want Icey. I want an unhealthy codependency with her.
I don't even feel like replying today.
when you click that guy's profile, you see he's an african american.
did icey just do a racism? is he not considered a dada because he's black?
I’m sorry to hear that, anon. You deserve better.
for me, it's mercy modiste
As long as she's alive.
Hope you're doing okay Immy. I bet you're having a thick, chunky, painful period right now so please rest up.
why does she always reply to "dada jj"? just who is that guy
Go on. More detail anon, I know you wanted to write several paragraphs.
I like a little crunch when I eat out my sister
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He's the guy who replies to every tweet within seconds
urgh, crystallized period blood. the idea of that makes me want to puke
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Tan Loli Nun Shibi… I missed out..
why does she always reply to "insert ojisan that I don't like" just who is he?
Bros, how do we get Icey to stop thinking about casual sex? Should I bake her another cake?
That'll do it surely
you have to bake her something even better this time
two cakes?
Make sure you tell her you put your cum into this time, don’t leave that part out
no a 6 layer wedding cake at minimum.
shes fucking her cousin. its so over pinpals
And for me too!
That aunt needs to stay away. The only one that’s allowed to immynap is me she doesn’t need to inherit a house when she can inherit my cum.
Icey just posted her pussy for her dadas.
i didn't expect her pussy to be so hairy
She’s hairier than I thought she be
Ojisans is IceysCream /our/ guy? I think he's funny but I need to know if I should actually be hating him instead.
he was our guy but he has pretty openly revealed himself to be a hardcore groomer so you decide.
You're almost there Immy, just don't think about the return flight
An absolute chonker
Fuck that guy, he can’t even bake
No one with a name is our guys. This is always a grooming technique. Create 'outs' so you can establish yourself as one of the 'ins'.
You seem like an expert anon..
Patiently waiting for immys return flight so another groomcord tries to dox her plane and we can move to another drama
the only reason why I put up with him is because he's one of her throne whales, if he stops that then he's as bad as sev
I'm foaming at the mouth thinking about all that sweet drama
what do we think about reeflings
Icey let me fuck the sadness away!
They really want to get raped by Stronny.
>Put up with him
Big bad anonymous poster what are you going to do
>Spend hours worrying about Icey.
>Suddenly posting again


>She goes back to the now-impressive streak of not replying to me.

Starting to think that 25 of the IPs here are tourists. I'm seeing week old shit being rehashed for the millionth time.
I laughed. Sorry not sorry.
kill him
fuck you youre not my dada
What's your plan?
you shouldn't have @her directly green now she knows you're a weirdo groomer
shoot him to death at iceys first con appearance.
I'm your dada icey and I think it's time you nap before stream, it's a 2.5 hour video
I could take them
I was just imagining a very carsick lil sis vomiting all over me. I hope there's a rp of this some day.
in a fight, right?
How we feeling about peanut butter? I don't care for it crunchy on sandwiches, but I really enjoy crunchy when you get a few bites with a spoon as a snack.
I would only disappoint you. I encourage our more creative anons to try and cook up some dreadful period cunnilingus greentext
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>cute and stinky imouto vomit smell on me
>stopping at a gas station to use their restroom to change clothes
>imouto comes in with me because she has to change tampons
peanut butter and nutella on a piece of bread is top tier
Gonna suck on that tampon like a stick of gogurt!
As disgusting as that is I still laughed
faggot. suck on her pussy instead
I'm the greentext anon and I don't know if I can do it...
Jesus christ you made me gag
immy makes me feel energized and kinky and horny
stronny fills me with determination
icey makes me feel depressed and sometimes angry
mercy makes me feel wholesome and comfy
shibi makes me feel submissive
azura makes me feel sleepy
Why does this sound so nice?
Immy makes me horny
Icey makes me horny
I don't watch anyone else
Stronnys first 6 or so streams were fun though.
icey is the true daughter experience her kayfabe is insane
why are faggots complaining about icey being a woman (female)?
did they not get the memo? this is a whorpo, keep your idol bs in hololive
Period blood is actually pretty fucking revolting so I don't blame you. That said, Immy wants us to dive into her bloody snatch against our better judgement.
Good luck ojisan. Give her a headpat from me when she's sucking her dada's cock.
do i even have to post it?
Thought it was just me. Glad it's not.
So true, sister! All these dumbass men keep getting mad when the entertainers they watch act like therapy patients instead of being entertaining.
you know that's not what I'm talking about
retards here are getting angry at her for not being a virgin
>all of a sudden extremely horny for icey snowpaws and want to tell her what I'd do to her right now
Mummeh stayed up all night again... she's gonna get only a couple hours of sleep again...
she has you by your balls, but it's okay me too.
Nobody but you mentioned being a virgin retard
Back to discord or twitter femanon
Tell her. She just posted a picture of her pussy after another post saying she needed fucked. Just respond to one of those and go nuts
she needs to stop having sex with her boyfriend all night then
Does Icey care whether I use her oshi mark or not? I kind of remember her talking about it but i dont remember what she said. I've never used them before but I would do it for her if she likes it
No, they’re getting mad at her for being a moody little bitch and then after they spent hours worrying about her tweeting out that actually nothing bad happened and it’s just because she needs casual sex.
i thought the rrat was that she is married and moved to australia for her husband
But then you'd know. I'll get it next horny post she makes.
if you don't use them then she doesn't consider you a dada.
only if you are one of her groomers, like everything else
she moved to Australia because there's less taxes and she van run a business super easily.
yeah of course. there was that one guy, halhorn or something like that, who had an oshi mark that isn't icey's, and she flipped out on him over it.
I feel like we need to add a key or a legend to the OP explaining what groomer means.
To me it obviously means anyone I don't like, I use it liberally like calling people Nazis or racists.
stfu you racist nazi groomer
shut up incel
she won't hate you if you don't but that definitely makes her happy
Madam like my poem!
You don't have to use them but she likes when people use them.
I thought shibi would've been jaded about tributes by now, but I'll guess I'll have to go and tryhard one
It was sick anon
gj anon
Baker doko?
Why did she admit she needs irl flesh dicks to stay stable? Is she an idiot?
it's in the oven
icey in the 'log
imagine icey sitting on a toilet and pushing and straining trying to shit out a fat log while she's horny posting on X
welcome to bpd creatures
arigato baker-san
like a glazed snicker after a night clubbing

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