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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>bleleles into your heart
Uppies Edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomerbloomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:04 - 24:06 UTC

>Recent Stream
GIRL'S NIGHT w/ Trickywi KanekoLumi Megalodon


>Previous Thread
Blelele more pls
parasocial woman how dare you curse me with your worms (affectionate)
I like reading those as every now and then someone puts a small change here. I don't think I have seen regular stream hours say 21:04 - 24:06.
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She is way too cute. Filian is the best
lil bit of personal flair
for some reason it's been going backwards
the past 2-3 threads have been 21:05
the thread before that was 21:06 (which i think was the one i baked)
https://files.catbox.moe/toff72.mp4 >be graced with a clip of an adorable/satisfied gremlin noise
If those vids aren't cringe I'll be a bit mad, the only thing discordfags are good at is being cringe, if they somehow fail here I don't think there is any hope left for them.
https://files.catbox.moe/umlima.mp4 Filian making a cute noise and being cute after being complimented for looking cute today (first new tracking stream)
more compliments required
what i see everynight
Please stop spying on my and my wife
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make me
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https://files.catbox.moe/thfx9t.mp4 - Filian gets her ears stroked by Saruei without her realizing
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This is just a test to see if I understood how to create a soundpost. I'll delete if it's broken so please disregard.
Oh hey it works, nice
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I wonder what's gonna flush her entire face.
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
when she sees my pp
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She has none of the mentioned things in the picture.
I don't like cringe and I don't like collabs with people I don't know in them so I doubt I'll be able to power through today's stream, but I'll give it my best.
Every inch of her is absolute perfection.
Filian I fard
her cake is very prominent and im not gonna pretend otherwise
Filian is for cartoonish bullying
Yeah, idk if someone pointed out in current flip or previous, but damn in that maid macarena clip you can see that she does have quite sizeable ass
Layna got pretty excited and yelled that her ass is massive too.
It’s a normal-sized ass, she’s just small
Layna really is a pillar of both the gosling and smacker communities.
Relative sizes are everything.
Layna is our(and Filians) greatest ally, and we love her for that
Layna is a charisma void and has made questionable life decisions. She's no ally of mine and shouldn't be an ally of Filian's. Marimari underscore EN is a much better friend to Filian and a far superior collab partner
L opinion layna is very sweet and cute and sexo
What questionable choices she made besides buying a house from simp money and having tattoos?
not forcibly marrying filian when they met up
She looks like a fat nu-whore
she looks like a normal gal breh idk what ur on about
>Shitting on Layna
Begone unloved one. You are unwelcome.
She looks like a type of girl who got tired of being a barista/cashier and instead does vtubing now.
I don't watch Layna but I kind of like that headcanon. Is there a barista themed vtuber out there?
Too bad, seethe or whatever. Everything I’ve criticized is under her direct control.
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filian in 6 hours!
Y'know this is weirdly accurate lmao
Just saw her in-game playing The Last Descendant
As in Filian or Layna? Since rn kind of both are being talked about
That's like very single vtuber. I haven't heard of a single accountant turned vtuber or banker, farmer, soldier or whatever. It's all girls from low income households who held low income jobs that try vtubing on the side and turn it full time.
>But she was a moderl!!!
Instagram whore. Those who know, know.
Someone with the tag TTV/Filian, could be anyone really lol
I need filian to blelelelele me
I miss her
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gn brehs
Good night. We will see you in five (5) hours for fillyOnline.
>a so-called snacker who hates layna
>when filian is friends with people like el_xox and fefe
Come on now.

Anyway I was thinking about today's stream and wondering how it's going to work. If it's user submitted content then hopefully Kirsche's fans are in on it since she watches some really cursed shit and doesn't even react.
These highlight videos with Mari and Pippa are so good.
accountants would become vtubers but we’re all too boring
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only i am fit to be fillys man, only i can provide her with limitless fruitsnacks
I talked about it before, but it should technically go okayish. Snackers are extremaly cringe after all. What bugs me however, is that they might really not hit it off. SmugAlana and Filian haven't really interacted before. Idk about Kirsche and Alana, but if not then we might be up to for stream with cringe videos and awkward interactions. I do hope for the best though.
That Vtubers Family channel is only 25K subs but I get recommended their Cooksie-tier videos all the time
Please enlighten me. Why are Filian's thights so fat?
she runs so much that all the poptarts and ramen goes straight to her fat catgirl thighs and ass
I wish she collabed with him the content would be gold.
With some extra gross gamba kick streamer? Shit taste anon.
not watching but I’m vaguely familiar with this guys life story, it’s super sad he lives in a super shitty home with his parents and smokes weed all day while playing negative EV games on stake. he broke his door down once when he lost and then his dad came in and reinstalled it for him live on tv.

Don’t do drugs and gamble, kids. they make vtuber enjoyers look like we’ll adjusted adults
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secret to filian being effortlessly cute?
built different
only 2 hours until I get to see my wife again and this noFilly hell can end
There are a few STEMlord vtubers around - and I mean ones who had a formal education and held actual jobs in the industry.
who else is there besides Luna and that one phase girl who used to work in embedded systems? I’m pretty sure Jelly never actually worked in STEM but I’ve only ever seen like 4 hours of her streams
>>79831315 (me)
I guess fauna was like, a lab slave when she was in college, but I don’t think she ever got a real full time job in bio
like half of that channel's videos are titled som variation of "Filian BREAKS chat with her gyatt" or "Layna's irl gyatt BROKE chat" like
it's annoyingly repetitive
that’s basically every clip on youtube sadly. being lewd gets views, practically nothing else does
One (1!) hour until fillyOnline!
I don't mind the lewdness itself, it's how they specifically do their clickbaiting with that lewdness, I think
>Filian breaks chat with her lewd ERP roleplay with them
>Filian inexplicably roleplays chat jorkinh their peanits to her streams
These are both accurately describing of a previously posted clip /here/ and clickbaiting, but one is following that shitty "breaks [chat/person]" formula
If that makes sense
>being lewd gets views, practically nothing else does
In a way that's kind of sad. We truly live in a society...
it is sad yes. honestly if you stop to think about it too much the entire vtubing scene is pretty depressing for various reasons.
I can almost feel her breath...
What part is depressing about maidenless men being exploited by wenches for their wealth?
oh only basically all of it, yeah, lol…
>>79835483 (me)
and to be fair to the women involved, a decent amount of it is because they have unironic mental illnesses and couldn’t hack it in a real career
Fruit snacks
her tongue is blue-purple (she loves grape)
Mental illness? I though they were extremely lazy to get a real 8-to-6, 5 days out of 7, jobs. Having to play games for an hour or few every other day and raking in thousands? While being completely anonymous so you could potentially rugpull on some meme coin when you want an out. Couldn't be a job that's any better.
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Camgirls and sex workers are often but not always some combination of poor and autistic. the giga camgirl queen is aella and she’s weird af
linking since this is still probably the best thing I’ve ever seen written about camgirling and a lot of it is applicable to vtubing:

I'm increasingly sure we have a couple (like, 2) regular raiders who swing by every few days to shit stir. I guess we are a real general now.
we will sacrifice them to fily who will stir their guts with her femcock
I’ll never be convinced this place is a real general, we could be a year in to always hitting bump limit and I would still get anxious the thread is going to die every time it hits anything deeper than page 7
Is Filian a furry?
By her base model no, I am an advocate of the 10% rule. Her possession of the furrian model makes me wonder though.
same, this place could start doing 40 threads a week on average and it would still feel like a half alive half dead shitposting general where people post tumbleweeds and cry about how they’re afraid it’s going to archive early
it is a testament to our will as the strongest snackers even with our few numbers keeping it lively
filian BREAKS /flip/ with her gyatt
the few, the proud, the smackers
with an ass like that she can break whatever she wants here
what's happening on stream today
I think it’s cringe clip reaction content with kirsche and alana
Kirsche and SmugAlana collab, try not to cringe.
not as in, I think reaction content is cringe, as in the theme of the stream is literally them reacting to purposefully cringe user submitted content
So she views males as just wallets. What a way to reinforce what I said. Never give money to a woman who is not from your family. Ever.
eh she actually has a decent take on it

>I don’t think women easily empathize with the life of unattractive men. Women get constant messages that you are beautiful and you are desirable – they get social support and easily accessible casual sex, if they ever wanted it.

>Men do not live in a world where people are supporting them even when nobody seems to want them. Men are lonelier and have fewer options of healing that loneliness. They also have a greater (initiatory!) sex drive, and are stuck with the social burden of being the one who has to act and pursue, because if they don’t, they will be alone forever.

>And so for you to smile at them, laugh at their jokes, be warmly interested in what they have to say, to be willing to bare your body for them and feel pleasure with them – this is something that they crave.

>Obviously money is involved. Obviously you wouldn’t do this without money and you shouldn’t feel obligated to do anything. It isn’t your responsibility to heal other people’s loneliness. But keep in mind that this is a fundamental yearning of the people you’re dealing with – they want you to approve of them, to deem them worthy of affection. To maximize money, you should give out approval proportionally to the amount they tip you. You don’t have to maximize money in this regard, though, if you don’t want to. I paid more attention to higher tippers in general, but I also paid more attention to people I genuinely liked. Camming would have been unbearable for me otherwise.
pretty respectable imo
do you prefer it when filian runs circles around her collab partner leaving them bamboozled, or for her collab partner to (metaphorically) grab filian and pin her to the ground
it's circumstantial, dependent on the partner
Five (5!!) minutes remaining, fillyOnline soon!

Filian is LATE
stream time is 21:06, she's still on schedule
Wife is live
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still one minute before she is, officially. probably related to getting the collab audio working or something idk
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My wife is live.
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my bride is live!
Because when the smack begins to flow
I really don't care anymore
About all the Jim-Jim's in this town
And all the politicians makin' crazy sounds
And everybody puttin' everybody else down
And all the dead bodies piled up in mounds
'Cause when the smack begins to flow
Then I really don't care anymore
Ah, when the filly is in my blood
And that blood is in my head
Then thank God that I'm good as dead
Then thank your God that I'm not aware
And thank God that I just don't care
And I guess I just don't know
And I guess I just don't know
>1v1'inig Bao later too
double collab...
>Chatter: I will do unspeakable things to her model
>Filian: Not even ME? Like, bro
w flip
>i'd do unspeakable things to her model
>not even me!? Mods!
Lmao, seems like she hate loves comments like that
new intro music? idk if I like it.
i loved this intro
royalty free drum and bass lul
yeah me, Man I Love Filian
Man, I love Filian
I’m not an ipad kid I’m a newgrounds kid
filian, I love Man
How can screaming be so soothing?
filian no the intramuscular ketamine is way stronger
what's that synthy song filian plays for dramatic purposes?
rip little nigga
wait no it's Porter Robinson's Goodbye to a World
why'd i say Avicii
I remember that one year of like middle school where every kid had a uke
how does she keep get away with the MINOR aligatoins
Oh shame. Song gets worse after the part she plays on stream.
Had a friend that bought one on impulse. He never learned how to play it, but it was a fun toy on our trip.
Minors enjoy it.
AI slop on stream again
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This is pretty good.
AI good enough to make good slop but not good enough to do my job and suck my cock for me
the perfect level of cancer
as a music kid in high school i was around a lot more of them than i would have liked to
What's on the screen?
a tentacle monster turning an anime girl into a kebab
Ngl I do feel bad for the dude. Hope mods unban him soon.
Wonder if these guys she bans for content get unbanned after stream
they usually do
most of the time they do
>doesn’t know what a dragoon is
it always makes me kek how vtubers never watch other vtubers
You expect Filian to be a Nijisanji sister?
fil on her own stream is "clueless, cute and innocent"
After acting cringe you want to watch cringe too? That aside I know Squ sometimes watches Filian's vods.
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kirsche time?
no but I do somewhat expect her to know the fan name for a drama buffed and extremely popular indie, especially after that indie put filian shoutouts in her latest tryhard anime short thing
she doesn't know the fanname of like, anyone
even after collabing with her three times lol
Tbf Filian has horrible memory, she can forget something you told her once easily
kek I mean I guess I can’t judge, I used to do le “I don’t know people’s names until the third time” bit when I first met people at parties in college
adhd moment
Remember when that /lig/ger did an oil painting of Filian for her art competition?
dare I say kino
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squat walking without effort, she can crush me if she wants
The true meaning of Christmas in Japan is to eat KFC and have sex.
>Toothpaste and oranges tasted like meat
What is this kemonomutt waffling about
shame, maybe if their 1990s bubble never burst they would have upgraded from bottom tier american fast food by now
All the bugs she's eaten have done irreversible damage to her taste buds
I have no idea. She geniuenly might be a different species.
KFC in Japan is miles ahead of KFC in the US, like most American fast food chains abroad
it’s umami bro trust me
cute deformed at birth peg leg filly
One of the few upsides of being a europoor are stricter food regulations
W El Xox post
because normally only women want to bang people who act like 14 year old boys filian
>Chat, I'm a cute embarrassment
Ok that's true it was cute
she was very cute when she said that…
How can Filian browse her art tag on stream there is so much porn
Today she is really into her being dateless talks.
thats part of the fun
the numbers mason
she has her settings set to hide sensitive content
she needs some d
I love that the author put Layna next to Filian. W take.
i can help her with that
she’s in the luteal phase of her menstrual cycle
perfect for breeding
thug shakers shoutout omegalul
lofi beats to back arch and toe curl to
smacker oilers rise up
>bans her oilers because le funny
these are pussy donations when will someone do $10,000
when she shows paypal donos on stream
She didn't. She loves numbers too much.
Enjoy your call from your bank.
>This schedule is tighter than your mom
>donates 1k
>first time chatter
Its someone's alt account. Probably from SEA or something with cheap subs looking for attention
true honestly
nvm seems like she deleted the link from her bio
hello yes I would like to transfer $10,000 in recent dividend payments from charles schwab to my private client account at chase bank and then send it directly to the pseudonymous kemonomutt vtuber filianislost
Kek she's so nice to these mediocre artists
what’s she gonna do, bully them for not being holo tier fanart and then get even less fan art
my wholesome stream appreciating the effort (on stream)
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Except for randomly saying "CAN WE GET ONE SINGLE GOOD ART PIECE" after immediately looking at someone's art
For a streamer she already is pretty harsh. She straight up says stuff like "oh finally good art" etc.

>she doesn't know how many states US has
Canadian moment
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reminder that fillyanne still owes squchan a smoochan
filyLesbian tonguing
Tabs dying, finally.
Filian PLEASE tone down the edge just a week before the Nerissa collab
>Captcha: RRAPE
Kai Cenat tab open - I cringe at her taste in content sometimes
>"Are you with me or are you a nazi?"
>multiple people type "both"
fillian seems to be pretty resistent, some people have been gotten banned for much less the she has done
kek but Kirsche's honorable chatters are here so plausible deniability
i know who their streamer is
Zoomer hag is hanging out with proper hags and they have no idea what is going on.
Vedal mentioned
She really said so much shit about Kirsche model lmao
>pineapple is a symbol of swingers
>alana casually saying she knows about this
Is this actually a thing? What the frick
tbf she's probably just cruising for the latest content to copy so she can farm zoomers.
alana knows altype of random shit
it’s like a meme thing from swinging culture on cruise ships
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you know that room STINKS right now
>What if we had a beheading
>Isn't that called a circumcision
Ok Filian
ack please don’t remind me of my trauma’s filian
New clip
Lmao, first time I saw Fillian vape on stream
cutest outfit!
I hate the popping bs so fricking much
So far they are working decently together. This might be fun
I’m tempted to make fun of kirsche’s accent but I’m on my good boy behavior for filian
She's so cute. I just want to stuff her full of Mott's fruit snacks.
What's funny about?
It's so awkward that she does like no small talk or actual connecting before attempting to immediately launch into the activities, as if the banter between them isn't actually more entertaining than the activity itself.
*about it
nothing, her accent is fine I like it.
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I like to picture how impractical it is to wear a hat like this while you do flips.
yep just like last stream, to content brained pilled or the marimari scary vid collab
filian contentbrain taking over yet again
>Mods crush his balls.
Contentbrain. She thinks people tune in for the conent and that just talking is lazy. This is why we never get a few hours of just chatting.
The yapping is the best part.
It is. To Filian it isn't.
I want to get vored tbqh
Maybe it's because she's trying to simultaneously farm clips for her YouTube videos and other clipping channels on other platforms. Kind of sad though.
scared of getting banned kek
BiliBili account already dead, hasn't even streamed there yet. Impressive.
Far too based for Filian.
>He's 80 and I'm ADHD
i'd seed filians underbelly
Kirsche surprised me. Didn't expect her to drop her opinions on Filian's stream, a streamer that tries to be so unpolitical it's impressive.
sex cult otk confirmed (she knows more then we know)
give humans a crumb of clout and money and they always immediately form sex cults, can’t be helped
flip is a sex cult, for we are all gooning
yet another vtuber dating their mods
>first message: EAT ME
based fillyVore appreciator
Mods are servants who get paid by extra interaction with the streamer. And tbf only the top tier mods get anything more than a message in a special "mods" channel.
What do you mean? Filian's deal is she says stuff on stream like
even though she tells people like Kirsche behind the scenes
>please get political it'll be funny
Just now she basically goaded Kirsche into what she'd do as president. It wasn't like she just said that shit on another chuuba's stream spontaneously.
yep especialy if its larger then a 2view
This was sorta funny the first 30 times I saw it on /pcg/
Why the fuck is 'Jar' banned from chat lmao
I want to cumjar filian like you wouldn't believe.
fily jar
Damn, she is really hungry for attention today.
Pony cum jar
asmongold if he cut his hair
>the sexy vegan
That is cringe incarnate
Maybe I'd cringe at it if I could understand whatever the fuck was said in the video.
L stream ngl
I want chibian fumo now
Why not lil fil ;(
>Filian referencing porn again
Oh! I never saw that one. Kek
Poor Kronks is gonna get drain.
>Alana exposing the filygreed
Snacka they just watched a fetish video
>Filian: First to move is gay
>Alana: I'm gay
I had to google this meme. I can't keep up with modern memes anymore
none of them are gay which is a rare thing for a vtuber collab
Putting tiny clothes on cockroaches seems kinda neat though.
>she knows what is the name of being into bugs
She won't ever beat allegations.
The fact she knows what glowie is.. Oh my god. I wonder if she knows the full name?
she only knows what a glowie is because of pippa, i don't think she knows anythting besides that
stop assuming filian is so sheltered when she acts like such a femcel
So she doesn't know she's asking whether she's a glow in the dark CIA nigger? KEK
yep just watch her on someone elses stream
It's more of the fact we rarely get to see more of this side of her. It's fun.
This stream is chaotic as expected.
/flip/, what's going on with /lig/? It's like they all got bodyswapped with dramafags.
always have been
I avoid that place for my own mental health.
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I like yellow lumi but it would've been funny if they tried to call lumituber just to add to the white furred kemonomimi chuubas
When I was searching for alt stream vods on warosu from years ago, it wasn't like that at all. Might have been pre-/flip/ since there was lots of snackers there.
Kirsche got away with the least painful one.
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Do it, kittens.
Speaking of alt stream vods, I can't asked for a week or so. Anyone have them archived somewhere?
That's definitely not true. Something weird happened this year. I don't know what was the catalyst but the 2-3 faggots who wouldn't stop talking about MSM being a fake company was definitely a tipping point.
>Kirsche: Pee on yourself while doing a handstand
You could almost mistake her for a flipper
Lumituber is a wolf.
Filian is dead.
Honestly, if not for the fact she is a political streamer, I wouldn't mind watching her sometimes. But I don't come to twitch to listen about politics of some country an ocean away.
What ever happened to that Lumi?
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I just go in there to shitpost about bat since some lunatic keeps thinking that only one person is behind that trend.
That single seething guy in Lumi's chat.
Same, but I also seem to be diametrically opposite of her politics anyway lol..
Last stream a week ago I guess. Also I don't think she speaks English.
I missed this whole part not because of ads, but because my computer zooted itself
Unfucking believable
Not gonna lie. I was hoping for more sounding talk.
based velvet underground smacker
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He dindu nuffin
Is Achievos not in chat? Damn that's a first
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I bet you were
Not sure why I read this in a PsychicPebbles voice.
I don't mind it. Besides she does other stuff too so she's good.
Filian's crusty cunny
I just for here, which one is which? I don't know their voices.
oh shit i need to bake
I lost in the first frame holy shit. I hate this video.
tropical is kirsche, arctic is alana
At least he went on to make Facebook and now he's living the life with his mid looking Chinese wife.

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