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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Dance Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 7/2:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (4,623)
2: https://twitch.tv/Buffpup (3,204)
3: https://twitch.tv/snuffy (2,992)
4: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,476)
5: https://twitch.tv/nymphelia (2,403)
6: https://twitch.tv/SquChan (2,028)
7: https://twitch.tv/Arielle (1,931)
8: https://twitch.tv/CyYuVtuber (1,732)
9: https://twitch.tv/OniGiri (1,658)
10: https://twitch.tv/JuniperActias (1,361)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (4,496) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,013) *Chinese
3: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (2,806) *Russian

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
July 4th - Dokibird
July 8th - Lumituber and Marimari

>OC material for the OP

(embed) https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>79799042
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Happy Monday lig I blub my oshi very much!
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
Lig G. Erman /here/.
One month away from the Large Indie General Annual Awards Show, The Liggies!
The second week is dedicated to voting on the categories. We had 20 submissions with about 24 useful categories. Everyone is getting 10 votes, then the top 15 that get at least 1 vote will be the final categories for this year.
While voting keep in mind not just what you would like to see, but who/what you'd most want to nominate and what categories you'd think they'd belong in.

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anyon i don't wanna get up
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I miss feemsh
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Why you didn't protect her peonista...she was asking for a challenge and you ignored her...
I miss Olivia!
Evening inis a little to the left

? tanya
Off: saru, shondo, lucy, oli, nina
Ceci doing collabs
More liquor more weed https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX1bPDeDWpA
Hi /lig/. I normally stay in /HAHA/, but I wanted to make sure my submission got in for the Dokibird birthday card, and one of the other 'goons suggested posting here.
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Wake the fuck up or I will suck your dick
get up slut
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
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Love my wolf wife
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We will throw the New World Order by it's bank.
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dancin' in a dead thread!
I would let Lucy sleep in.
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Loli pussy
Reminder that tob WON!
>last thread is about to be archived
>henya cunny still up
>deleted posts right above and below it
based mods
Henya cunny STRONK
Tell me fellas, what chuuba would be fine with a below average cock?
No Henya cunny TIGHT
sometimes they allow us a crumb of cunny for having to deal with the spam for hours.
It is your life's mission to seethe energy against all things of the cockshrinking New World Order.
i like pink thang but I'd be upset if my oshi spent her money on scratch tickets every week
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just don't pay to get unbanned retard
>retard gets banned
>donos $15 asking to get unbanned
>gets laughed at
>pink thing spends it on scratchers
>-$13 or so
Would fuck in every position
Sir are you having a stroke?
I try to be a better poster. I stopped myself 5 times today (so far) from writing a mean post
Can't tell if I like chromu or not tbdesu they seem like an actual idiot
Do You work for the CIA? Yes.
Grimmi has been wearing shoes less around the mansion so Gaspar would notice her pedicure
You can't pay for an unban, at least live on Twitch, because it can get the streamer banned.
every day I've been waking up feeling really anxious for no reason at all and i have lots of suicidal thoughts most days, vtubers for this feel?
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"Inis" more like "fittin dis dick in her hand"
you sound like a lowT kiddie diddling fag
No I work for the Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea.
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You fucked retards watch your ((((gay)))) attack. Better watch your girl cause she doesn't want to ((((slapse)))). Cause she's burning ((((you)))) at stake for total ((((crap)))).
I want to watch a lig who's submissive to chat any recommendations
Last time I was tested, I was at above 800 ng/dL. Come up with better bait
So you work for commie chinks then. They're one and the same
woman hands wrote this post
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Take 'em to the nudge.
Trannies aren't women
It isn't bait. It's me evaluating your character, you prancing lala homo man.
quick drinking
Weird posts these last 30 minutes
You are shit at evaluating people then
can you write this in English
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Uuuuu I miss Vesper
I really hope she went to see a doctor
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dirty gaaaaaaaaaaaaay
pick the 3 weirdest ones
Tim Dillon
A reminder the numberfag general wanted to drag this general down to the mud since the new holo debuts
t. spy
coqui is a nice lady
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schizo hour I see
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we are pigs, we like the the mud.
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Oh yeah? You're a spy? Post your security codes
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anny face dox
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It's just that girls just don't slay you faaaaaaaaaaaakes.
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Holofags and their consequences on society
What chuuba would NOT be fine with a below average cock?
Inis feet!!!
buhi buhi
If this is anny, what animal fits camila?
i like fat asian girls
You already know what I'm about to say.
Nah he wouldn't judge. He's a real homie.
it's his
How do you know that?
how let this weird bug in the comedy store?
where are her legs why is she a nugget
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She's built like an owl I think.
Nah, I'm spot on. You're probably taking titty skittles or some other vile shit. You disgust me.
Doki desu
I want a cute chibi owl Juni now fuck
where's all the liggers at
Squ did an IRL stream with the shirt pulled up and tied in a knot exposing her tummy and belly button. Shorts, and bare feet. Harlot!
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Get brainwormed.
a matching model with fredrik would be so cute
Why did Layna do it?
How do I find the "ugly" nyana bayana pictures?
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returning from the con it looks like (what the fuck kind of convention runs into the middle of the week)
I should activate the schizo bot
After con "in your state" visits are a thing.
good post
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what is she doing?
Unless somebody catboxed it, we're SOL. It's not on archive.org
Twitter doesn't exist
bat clan lost.
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>Beri invited Minto into the GTA RP server
Lmao who else is in the server?
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why the loli asari on the right?
Not bat. Deservidly so.
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She's here.
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I can hear that heehee perfectly...
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Upcoming on the Youtubes

>Onolumi: Dragon's Crown
>Ebi: Arknights
3h - Shiki: The Evil Within
3h - Umi: Cursed Doodles
5h - Pillow: Suika Game
6h - Amiya: King's Field
brave is chinese spyware
use firefox instead
>Beri GTA
post it
proof or you're a glowie
Pillow as my concubine, consort, comfort pillow.
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it's supposed to be zenya hima, I thought she was a barbie girl like Inis but I just realized she's not. TIL that's called a cabbie hat.
ty for reminding me that I need to test the new leaflit model
>>79812666 (me)
erm I guess it's a peaked cap since she's military themed, leaflit's is more of a cabbie hat
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You are hallucinating.
If only this looped seamlessly
shiki sex
is giris audience more asian or european? cause I'm from europe and don't know 90% of the stuff she cooks. I don't even think I could get most of the ingredients outside of a specialty asian shop
Just walked to the store and sweated my ass off. Almost passing out by the time I got back home. All for some delicious malt liquor
I want to grab Doki's belly from behind and squeeze her fat fucking tummy and jiggle it
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Use Librewolf instead.
I think it's meant to be the "high society" or "educated class" which isn't really limited to any nation due to cheap air travel.
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based steeler
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or Juni is in my walls
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would you rather be shrunk down to the size of an action figure and be taken care of by your oshi or vice versa?
god i hate them
For me today it's the hurricanes. Used to love steelies but honestly drank them too much and developed a bit of a tase aversion, natty daddys most of the time for me
Sleep tight Steeler
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bnuuy cnuuy
I love them so much, bros
I'd rather not take part in your fetishistic questionnaires.
Imagine how powerful this model would be if she had half the dommy energy she thinks she has.
Yes, and I jacked off to it The VoD, since I was working at that time.
good post
The moe is in the gap.
If only Tanya would do this...
doesn't that handle look a little... you know?
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How much do I have to pay liggerman to record himself sounding (just the voice part though I'll pay extra for the video)
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I think the fact that she can't quite pull off the vibe is actually the trademark moth flavor.
death to rtx gooners
i don't make noise when i'm sounding
That's a lot of death anon.
i love my mom, who is meat
Which ligger would jerk me off
When Meat gets cute I'm reminded she's a woman
my mom is always cute
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This is bat.
how shondo acts when being kidnapped
Its especially designed so that it doesnt slip out of your grip in tense situation
So thankful for this life I feel so blessed today. I hope you do too and smile today. This world is so wonderful and everything is going to be okay.
Thanks anon. I hope you keep riding on this vibe.
you forgot your Snuffy image
Shondo needs breakfast oli
Layna is so cute
I like mari
New Zealand doesn't have kangaroos. They have bird equivalents like the Kiwi and Burrowing Parrot.
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look at his little twig legs!
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>cat dies from stomach cancer
>get stomach cancer
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Snuffy should sit on my face all day long. Her wrinkly sweaty brown anus the only thing I will be seeing and tasting for all eternity or until she beats the new FFXIV expansion.
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Neg making a cool Neg
who's cat?
lol god dammit there's always something. it was a struggle to get the man to appear at all for some reason https://files.catbox.moe/c7hrh9.jpg
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I need to sleep for work tomorrow. Perfect cosy vibes just dropped.
>her father also died from stomach cancer
Imagine showing this to yourself at 16 and saying that you will make this one day
is that the french word for eepy
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If 16 year old me had known a single detail about my present life I would probably not exist
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The AI pedo grift is dying
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It's time to snooze with the Snoozer.

Because you would try to change it right?
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He also didn't stream for like

Months at a time
Yeah, its also french for sword so feel free to grab Para and start swinging her at your enemies.
I refuse to forget about franky
we don't care, go back
Learn to numberfag
Is Minecraft the most popular game among vtubers?
Why is it that all female vtubers (and some males too) can sing and draw at least in some capacity?
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Singing and drawing are two of the most popular useless skills along with casual gardening. A lot of people pick those up as a hobby. A lot of vtubers are former Tumblr girls so that adds to it.
>1 stream for last datapoint
Numberniggers arent sending their best
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Morning my friendy frens. I'm still eepy, but I'm awake.
Everyone can sing to some capacity with reverb, and many artists become VTubers, that's why they can draw
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There's probably thousands of low view League streamers who are also vtubers
I can imagine the same for Fortnite, maybe also GTA V

Pretty sure it splits back to flesh streamers for CS:GO and DOTA 2 but yeah minecraft is up there
yo woke up at the right time my friend
Finally some (You)s, I thrive off attention!
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It's a hobby for introverted anime fans (or at least fans of the anime aesthetic), I'm guessing that also increases the artist to non artist ratio. As for singing, no clue, it seems to be a thing people do in like karaoke or something but I don't think most people even know what that is where I live so I have no experience with that.
I love drinking so much! I love ignoring the crushing weight of responsibility to just have a good time!
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>currently 109 people streaming League with the Vtuber tag
And you have to consider all the people who are vtubers without putting that in their tag
Basically anyone can sing. You have to be extraordinarily naturally untalented AND have never attempted to improve at singing in your life to actually sing badly.
Chubbas that would randomly say "i needed this" softly during a collab?
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hell yeah
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please also drink some water inbetween drinks. i didn't yesterday and my head is killing me
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>have never attempted to improve at singing in your life
Seriously when do people even sing in a natural situation?
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My coworker sometimes sings during work, I think it's a good thing he seems like a stressed guy

He's not a good singer though
Why is there an old granny in the OP
I almost forgot to hate Layna today
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>extraordinarily naturally untalented AND have never attempted to improve at singing in your life to actually sing badly.
Yeah, me.
I realized I'm an alcoholic for real because my buzz from alcohol feels like I'm glowing, like I'm lifting outside my body and nothing else could be more wonderful than this
is this about snuffy?
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When they feel like it.
I don't even know what the context for this post is but I agree.
stream went down for a moment
ok I thought it was on my end
I jist imagined some neet contorting their face in disgust and abject hatred for 5 mins before sighing contently and wipeing the sweat from their brow while they post this.
You bought an onahole to pretend it's Pink Cat. I bought an onahole as assurance to myself that I won't kill myself because I don't want my grandma to have to confront the fact that I would own something like that after I'm dead. We are not the same.
now that was a short sleam...
Hey guys want any of Inis's clothes from when she was fat?
I bought an onahole and never use it because it makes me cum too fast honestly. It feels better to edge with my hand
felt like she could have kept trying to power through, but she just gave up there
Why cant she buy a mobile hotspot?
how often do you guys masturbate?
I bought an onahole so my homie can fuck my ass without it being gay.
yeah give us the chubby Inis arc
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It was a lovely 30 minute night cap. The Snoomin always tries her best.
I did not buy an onahole because i live a minamilist lifestyle.
I don't get how people do that around people, I don't think I'd be able to even if I was like the last person on earth.
I want to send angry letter to snuffy isp
Sporting events, church, while driving, social gatherings. I think it's a relatively modern thing for people to not sing at all on a weekly basis.
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I mean to be honest I think it's crazy he does it in office but I encourage it

It's just nice to sing
Sweaty Snuffy with a hairy anus shitting on Nyanners
im streaky but it probably averages out to once a day
That's interesting because I've seen countless stories of normies being unable to cum after having sex for over 30 mins sometimes even an hour. Onaholes must have something loose holes don't.
shes talked about trying to get a different isp thats in the area but she either doesnt have any options from the major providers, or she just never hears back from the local ones
Maybe I should try to sing. But I'm scared my neighbours will hear it
2-3 times a day. will be more if I have time.
man no one's live. who are you guys watching?
Snuffy is a business risk

Neg Nasu
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Literally singing at the top of my lungs most days don't be a pussy
My /asp/ chum
Averaged probably a bit over 1 a day. But sometimes ill go 2 or 3 without then several in a single day if not hour.
I'm just a premature ejaculator honestly. I'm cut but still so sensitive I can cum from two fingers rubbing my frenulum
like 3 to 8 times but only on saturdays
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This drawing
I guess so. I think my hometown had none of that aside from people getting shitfaced and wandering the streets screaming random names in the middle of the night. Not sure if it's that modern though, all the pubs were supposedly actually killed off by boomers.
Snuffy seems like that lesbian friend that will wingman for her straight male friend so he can get laid.
wow you guys are so weird masturbate too much
average once a day unless I'm extremely engaged in a hobby
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Anny heard me. Hell yeah! Sex fox art stream soon
I don't cum so it's hard to count. I just stimulate MY PENIS to get ENERGY.
like once or twice a day
coqui vod since my 4 wives streamed at the same time last night
Naiyo tweeted, that she's going to bed now, so better be going to bedge too spedgie
Bean and pesto collab
Once or twice a week, but it really depends on how my depression is doing.
I love jacking off every day! Sometimes even twice or thrice
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his bedge time is in 30 minutes. Funny how he synced up with Naiyo though.
You chose wrong if you didn’t watch her live
hi jeremy
Womp womping.
I would love to jack off more often, but it makes me sooo sleepy. If I jerk off during the day, I feel like I'm going to pass out for the rest of the day
and he went past his bedge time the last few days, so today i'm sending him to bedge a little earlier
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ecto is top priority since she only streams a couple days per week and tobs was doing a weird irl room stream so I was whoring around
I saw she did. I can barely string sentences together so I probably should sleep too. I just couldn't force myself to get to it for the last hour or so.
It makes sense it ended up overlapping. It's basically the last possible point that would still technically allow me to sleep around 7 hours before she starts.
Watching a stream vod of a literal who with a nice voice I found a couple weeks ago.
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I will drink coffe and cum every day. The cats I've had are from outer space.
what about how you masturbate, like describe the process in more detail
>wake up
>see snuffy going live tweet
>go on twitch
>not live
>check twitter again
>spectrum fuckery again
how do I put a curse on them
great. now mako is also ending. please get that food fast and start stream anny
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Godspeed womper.
I kind of want to make a Manhattan edit of him, but my paint skills are too shitty for that
do you think your oshi would like you
i take my hand, grip my cock and stroke it until white stuff comes out
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What cool 2d games has Saruei played? 2d platformers? 2d rpgs?
This is nice, but I prefer the one I posted since it has more prominent blush and a subtle smile.
I made her cum.
It feels energizing for me
Firebombing usually works.
not like that in a more sexy way
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It doesn't matter.
Imagine if you told you oshi you love her and she said it back haha
Grabbing Mari from behind and hanging her on two coat hooks by her thong straps!
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I made this one a while ago, unless you want a different picture to get liggerfied
She would tolerate me at board game nights but only because because her bf keeps inviting me because he feels sorry for me
I was gonna say something like that but I'm not sure if it's against the rules to say stuff like that.
I want to drum on that metal tail with my fingers
No excuse
I'm jealous
Don't think so? I'm not telling him to do it or how to do it. I was just answering a question.
yeah, i aint clicking that
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I use a $50 amazon onahip that I cut the middle out of to create a cavity for my Janice Griffith fleshlight. Then I place a cum towel over the bean bag in my living room, boot up my Quest and peruse my 20 TB collection of JAV VR titles until something piques my interest.
Hollow knight, Jump King, Terraria, Katana Zero, Cuphead and some others I don't remember.
Third time today. It's not even 11 am yet.
I hope you smile today. Is this not such a wonderful day? I promise that God loves you regardless of what you believe. I hope you smile today, this world is so wonderful
I'm pretty sure one of her best friends who's also a streamer doesn't like me, and I know she's right not to like me because I always end up being weird in her chat by just being me. So yeah, I suspect I'm just "that guy" and she'd just be weirded out.
Bed what?
Why's a little girl moving like that for
mix some of your own blood (wanna add about as much before you start feeling affected by it) in an emulsion of olive oil and water, add in tropaeolum leaves and flowers until the mixture is kinda thick with them (the total amount is about dependant on how much blood you used), then purchase a spectrum product (preferably a flammable one), ignite the product and boil the mixture above the fire. once it's boiling, but before the oil has started to smoke, pour some into a cup, ladle, etc. and think about what you want to have happen to the target, then drink it, while it's still as hot as possible
probably not, but shes forced to act like she does for financial reasons and that's good enough for me
Its a disguise she isnt actually a little girl but a cum huntress
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lig, i'm here to inform you that giri, who i like, is cooking Roti Scam-nai and Rendang right now
I take solace in the fact that God Himself elected for me to have this suffering.
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I like to think Marine is a pleasant woman who could appreciate a bit of conversation with anyone, but probably wouldn't like me enough to ask if I wanted to hang out later on, or probably would say they were busy if I brought something up
fucking mods changing the title
nobody likes me
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smooth child toes erotic
Delicious feet
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not really, i'm just another name on the chat
I'm not sure. She likes canadian accents and more reserved IT types so maybe.
Good news everyone

Inis got her new apartment
nice shit, the detail on the hair decoration is rly good
This literally sounds like someone who is only interested in men for their income
I glanced at the thumbnail and thought she was showing off her grannie panties for a moment
i like you
She does.
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Bedge. Naiyo back in ~900.
yeah with me
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Good bedge cute spedgie
That's not what she's mainly interested in, I just can't think of any other qualities I have.
goodnight spedgie
Sweet dreams spedge bro
ue, ue, ue... the soung of bedge
Which liggers would lick and kiss your pp
>earns enough that they call themselves an IT guy
>technically doesn't earn too much because they're too shy to ask for a promotion
>this is a good thing because they won't bother me if I say I need space
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>I don't even know how to do a hawk Utah
poor onibro...
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what the tuna
Yeah ai really degraded fine details down
Liggers with a prominent bush?
How come she hasn't successfully hunted for cum yet?
porn addict brainrot
We really need a fujo mega collab to see how rotten they become when trapped in a feedback loop
stop masturbating
I drink this shit like I have a lot to say it's alcohol every single day
I actually added the blush and smile in gimp myself. I'm not aware of how they made the new outfit. The lower resolution should have been a good clue.
how did u you know
>Check Twitter
>She’s talking about how much she hates her new landlord and wants to kill herself so her bloated corpse taints the apartment
Shame she's a lezzo, absolutely built to wring my balls dry
why is she drinking maple syrup straight from the bottle?
why are you fapping to the thread?
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I will never stop yoinking it
The sun came out and I ate something and my mood has drastically improved. I think my oshi would like me, actually.
I'm not an addict, I just like really like cumming
Because she wants something nice and sweet after dealing with con attendees for 16 hours. also I'm pretty sure that's whiskey or rum
hitting the yoinky sploinky on my goonstick until it leaks the vinegar yogurt
>tranny is a fucked in the head degenerate
What? How could this happen?
New landlord means the new person that owns her current apartment
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What is it with Inis and landlords? Once is one thing but every landlord you've ever had is a pattern.
Women like this being complete freaks is kind of hot, but at the same time they might be too much of a freak
Uh, yeah anon

The woman who screams about rape for a living might be problematic what a concept
The sun is smiling upon you today. And I think the sun smiles for everyone. Isn't it such a sunny wonderful day
Normally having to pay someone for shelter that you don't own tends to generate resentment
I will masturbate to Miwa as often as I please!
>decide to open shondo discord for first time since they went to bed 12h ago
>***olivia is typing
>its her first message since then
Jesus my timing was amazing
Plenty of landlords are just genuinely shit.
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I don't like the sun because it burns my milk colored skin if I don't wear sunblock
She's a blonde German and they are international globalists. Religious Enemies say they.
There is a certain type of individual who becomes a landlord in Germany.

What are they up to today?
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People that shit on gooners like to pretend that jacking off isn't literally the best feeling ever
I love Coqui
It's a man tho
you have clearly never smoked fentanyl
Why are you at an island that burns you then if you don't like the sun
Today is shondos big business day, she has to do something important.
Landlords aren't usually great, but you have to keep in mind that Inis keeps multiple pets and screams like she's being raped all the time. At least glad she doesn't smoke and practices musical instruments badly at like 4 in the morning.
Try heroin.
Tell me about it
I'm drunk as fuck stumbling losing my balance and all that shit
Have you ever taken back Constantinople from the moors? its quite the rush
Maybe, just maybe, inis is the problem?
don't fall down and break your neck
>At least glad she doesn't smoke and practices musical instruments badly at like 4 in the morning.

Para has it covered in that department

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