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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Why do we hate dramatubers again? They even call out antis in the community, that means they truly want a positive environment without fights in vtubing. They are our friends
Anti's can be healthy for a community. Gatekeeping and self-policing are vital to maintaining a hobby's purity.
>depressed niggersagi's cocksleeve
This. If everyone is buddy buddies then in no time hololive would turn Vshojo or worse(indie)tier since any disagreement can be called anti
i like the conviction with which she yelled pussy in the latest parrot.
but what if the gatekeepers are all retards?
Who? False idk what, that rabbit faggot and that loli guy that imitate Love Live already exists, why is there more of them?
>SEA accent
Every fucking time. Can we nuke them off the face of the earth already?
I remember when calling out trannies and jews was being an "anti" in videogames, now look at state of it. Normalfags only notice things when it's already over
You can gatekeep without being an Anti, you fucking retard.
Because they literally only care when people anti someone over holostars. If they actually gave a damn about antis that would be different but they are just homobeggars. It reminds me of that one time fuwamoco went silent on stream when homostars showed up, and that one rabbit homo dramatuber made a whole 15 minute video about how fuwamoco were acting “unprofessional”
>Gatekeeping without being mean or opposing anybody
>false allegations
What false allegations? She obviously like the homos more than hololive. And no, the homos aren't hololive
you dont know what that word means

Fuck dramaniggers
Gatekeep more
Keep faggots out
Im not going to watch your fat homolover, that does not make me an anti. Im just not going to watch her. If (you) and your dramaniggers cant handle that, thats your problem. Why do you want to force me to watch them?
This whole fucking thing feels like how faggots cemented themselves.

>we just want a positive environment
>we dont want to fight
>we are your friends
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"Drama" tuber in itself seems a term mostly used by those who hate the news being reported or zoomers who grew up not understand what newspapers and nightly news did and associate all journalism with a Kotaku gaming article.

The quality of the news v-tuber varies but as long as there is a fandom of something and it's large enough there will always be journalists or fan reporting of that media. It's not going away.
>they truly want a positive environment without fights in vtubing. They are our friends
No, they don't. They'd burn your oshi alive if it got them more content.
This whole talk looks like the tranny issue all over again
>let's accept everyone
>let's make a safe environment
>what? Do you disagree?
>kys chud, get out of this hobby, it doesn't belong to you
They sound the exact same, they feign being the good guys with good virtues but the moment you disagree they are the exact same as the people they hate
>This whole fucking thing feels like how faggots cemented themselves.
>This whole talk looks like the tranny issue all over again
thats exactly what this is
No one gives a fuck what you and your fellow subhumans think. No one is asking anything besides that you shut your whore mouths up and stop shitting up the board with your worthless opinions. It's that simple.
The language here sounds the same. I would love to see the IP count for this thread.
Rima don't you have more shit to make up and context to leave out somewhere?
Go watch your Homos that can barely clear out 300 CCV even with the power of the blue dorito. Even this random dramacunt gets more views. It's obvious homobeggars are nothing but a bunch of antis.
the internet has been the death of nuance. there always have been good and bad newsguys.
Id love to see your tits, female
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The cretin in question keeps repeating Rushia got fired because she was married. She's not a newsguy she's a dramaleech.
>Using chuubas as a shield for their dramaniggers
Why are dramafags like this?
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Agreed, I would love IP counts back, I'd even like flags and IDs so I can just block faggots like you. That said, you're still a schizo little bitch. People sometimes have similar opinions and hating cunts like Rima is a very fucking common one.
I like Rima but she's been having a lot of misses lately.
>put out a video defending rushia/mikeneko right before the truth cane out
>jumped the gun on something notmysta said and got called out by him, cried on stream
>blamed boobros for the yuko situation and ignored the entire /k/ side of the story
>sided with kirsch over offkai and took her baseless sabotage allegations seriously
This stream honestly wasn't that bad, she made fun of both unicorns and homobeggars. But she needs a course correction overall and to take her job a little more seriously.
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>beggars rather watch this who creating drama than to watch the homos
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she got nearly 1.1k viewers last night. Meanwhile, the same day, picrel. Apparently even unicorns are better content than the homos are.
thats a french accent though
To them, the only thing that prevents world peace is you and me having hobbies to enjoy and being alive
That's not a French accent at all, the fuck are you on about?
She's french-c*nadian
Antis are not healthy for any community, what is healthy is self-policing and there are ways to do it. Now self-policing is a slippery slope that can just kill creativity and drive away people, no I am not talking about newcomers, I am talking about the balanced individuals who do not share your extremist views, which means you can end up in an echo chamber and it kills the whole point of freedom of speech. You are not a closed off village in the middle of nowhere like the Amish, you just like 2d girls, stop acting like a down syndrome cultist.
No clue what that bootleg bullshit sounds like, but French accents sound nothing like whatever the fuck that fat bitch in the OP has.
Quebecois specifically. She's clearly a French-speaker and I don't know why anyone would think she's SEA, it sounds nothing like any SEA accent.
SEA immigrant.
>Just let them in
>What's the harm?
>They aren't hurting anybody
Kys retard, this is how trannies got mainstream.
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>collabs with doxsagi
>clear beggar agenda, will misrepresent or leave out context to dunk on the unicorns
>phase/dramafag fanbase
>reads supachats like this without any pushback
>doxposting in her vod comments and stream going unmoderated
dramatubers are snakes.
oh nice shes into anal?! sweet
>slippery slope
thats what letting troons in is, actually
she sounds more like millie than any french woman i know
>freedom of speech
Freedom of speech is when I can say nigger on the internet without getting banned
It has nothing to do with opinions
Who the fuck is he even talking about?
Aki because he's a retarded EOP
Being an extremist is also freedom of speech, your point?
No idea, that group of larping advent fans seem to be everywhere but actual hololive streams
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/MANS/ support vtuber journalist that shits on niji
You /pol/-adjacents are seriously obsessed with them, just go fuck one already and get it out of your system. I don't care to talk to mentally ill people, from either side.
Here is a (You) for making me laugh more.
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Metokur-tier fencesitter over here
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Let me reiterate my previous statement
>I don't talk to mentally ill from either side
>But I'll happily cater to one side over the other and let them do what they want while telling the other side to fuck off
Kys tranny.
kwab but also WHO?
Extremist speech that incites targeting an individual or people with maliciousness with the objective of spreading hate isn't protected under Freedom of speech, really why do I care to use terms that you retards actually have no clue about?
not reading all that furthermore you will never be a woman
I am not the tranny you actually so deeply desire, anon in denial.
>freedom of speech is what is written by the government
Freedom of speech is bad.
I would absolutely ban trannies from ever talking. I imagine the catalog would be just that little more bearable without all the homospam and dramaniggery.
I didn't even use the legal definition, but you cannot even tell because you have no clue. KEK.
>uh akshually im not a tranny you think i am
Cool story anon.
Can you guys try talking about vtubers instead of trannies and other /pol/shit? How about the one in the OP?
It's how dramafags derail the thread, happens every time
I don't like her.
The sea canadian mongrel?
Yeah that's worse than being a troon.
I don't care for them most of the time, I will keep pushing against them being allowed in women sports and bullshit they are trying to pull. I will not accept if Holo tries to pull the same shit they did with Yugo, but I am not obsessed like some people here.
By them, I mean Nijisanji
/vt/ loved dramatubers when Niji was the target, but now that Niji is in the toilet the rest of us have to deal with the consequences of giving them any credibility. These grifters don’t care about vtubers, they only care about clicks.
Liz? She is not my type so I don't care much for her. As long as she is respectful of the girls who want to keep the CGDCT, then she is no issue to me.
She needs rape correction
>incites targeting an individual or people with maliciousness with the objective of spreading hate
sounds exactly what the homo sisters are doing to idol culture
Cool it with the racism sister.
This woman is more unhinged than false right?
/vt/ is a /pol/ colony, like almost everywhere else on the internet unfortunately, i miss when caring about politics got you stuffed into a locker for being a nerd.
>/vt/ is one person
There is a reason Doxxsagi and his crew was hated even when Selen shit happened, only a handful of dramafags tried to shill them. Fuck off with that "vt loves dramatubers"
>please don't derail my thread, i want advertisement for my channel
hope you get gangraped by some indian migrants, rima
>nijien bringing in nijizhang community
You:"Hey we should follow their example and allow every garbage fans in here."
Rima your voice sounds worse than a tranny one.
She's not a seamonkey
>Fuck off with that "vt loves dramatubers"
/vt/ only hates dramafags when they target people they like, Doxxsagi already did that by doxxing holos so he gets very little love here.
For the people making the product, it's not a hobby, it's a business. The ultimate goal is staying profitable, and doing whatever best achieves that is the only real goal.
You have no clue about idol culture if you think all idols shouldn't EVER speak to males, so both sides are ruining it because they don't understand it to begin with. I'm not about to elaborate on it, since I refuse to impart knowledge on closed ears.
They will follow whatever gets them the most money, even if it means making the "hobby" "impure".
Which is why it's up to the hobbyists that enjoy vtubers to make sure that these sorts of decisions are detrimental to business. You HAVE to be an anti, they have to see that their decision results in a PR shitshow and loss of income or they'll keep doing it.
That should only be reserved for really bad stuff like the Selen termination or the Coco yab and I don't even consider that being an anti. If you're actually publicly complaining because one member homocollabed you're just stirring shit.
I am more than happy to keep the kpoopies away from Holo, but the extremism is making more controversy than healthy self-policing. If anyone asks why some girls aren't collabing with males, I simply tell them to respect that choice as much as I respect the ones who choose otherwise, they usually understand and I avoid useless arguments.
Slippery slope retard, if one member does it with no consequences the rest will do. You MUST throw a fit EVERY time.
Another anon being smart? Thank you for giving me some faith that this board is not that much of an echo chamber yet, we already have Twitter for that shit.
It's so funny to me beggars get mad about "unicorns" or cgdctfags for only watching girls but will turn around and watch this seadramafag before watching the homos.
Dramatubers will shoot at every direction for money, they already were shooting at holo years ago, normies just don't dig deeper. They watch their "Documentaries" and think that dramatubers are cool. It was only a matter of time for them to start attacking holo again. I said it over a year ago and guess what, i was right. Everyone sane understands that dramatubers are here to burn other people for content.
Because they are stupid seaniggers?
Stop shilling your channel and buy an ad.
They're only in it to "own" the unicorns they don't actually care about any of this
That's how they get you anon, they will never stop pushing boundaries and claiming it's just a one time thing, no big deal
He is a tranny.
>nobody knows what an anti is
Wow great thread. Please accuse me of being [buzzword] next.
You can say the same about unicorn
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This the only thing I cared about in the video

Sounds hot
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The main problem is that even normal vtubers and their fans seem to engage with these fags, giving them even more exposure. They should've been the runts of the industry, but now they actually have a big audience and hold a lot of power
This is obvious bait but I can't help myself, dramafags don't want a positive environment for Vtubing, they want clout and money and they will shit on anything to keep the fire going, so fuck Rima and the rest of them
>they actually have a big audience and hold a lot of power
They really don't.
They do, you do not want their schizos to spread misinfo or harass other vtubers or their fans off the things these fags say. And they sadly have a lot of schizos, DN fag already has almost100k subs, insane
Most of those retards are there because he shat on Niji the second he tries something direct on Holo they are gone. His slimy attempt to sell holo dox almost killed him for good.
>>79816719 (me)
There is a reason why liggers don't usually badmouth other content creators or create drama. Because they have big audience and their words carry weight, you do not want to be on a big creators bad side
That is an extremely uncharitable way to frame what Kobo actually did, sometimes I struggle to tell if they are antis or just desperately want to be degraded like this to the point they invent this headcanon.
It's like how this board holds power. Yes, on the surface nothing /here/ matters, but if you look at how vtuber fans talk outside of /here/ half the time they sound identical to our pagpags. It's informal power that shapes the culture, mostly for the worse. The only saving grace is that when someone really fucks up they get killed with hammers.
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False 170+k, Rima also has 50+k, Khyo 90+k(oh yeah fag did Fuwamoco vid that made his retards raid official channel too), Parrot 60+k inb4 not a dramatuber(he absolutely is)
That's less than Fuwamoco subs kek.
her comments are full of fucking doxx and she loves it
Drama is their livelihood. If the community ran-out most of them will make up some shit just to get views.
They already make up some shit to get views, she literally pulled 4chan shitposts to prove a point in this stream
They do influence SEA but they are mostly poorfags who don't participate in anything notable
Her good friend doxxsagi
>She obviously like the homos more than hololive. And no, the homos aren't hololive
He doesn't when watch them. He just wants to push the typical twitter culture war agenda like all the other 41%ers on that shitform.
How's your day, faggot?
Rima kys bitch
The DEI activist of vtubing... being canadian and a troon supporter...
>weird indonesians obsessed with numbers, nu-gamergate twitter neckbeards and 17 year old kpop fangirls with currentthing emojis in their name are maintaining the purity of vtubing
>calling someone a virgin means that you're bragging about your sex life
HOLY retard
Man this dude sucks at larping or he makes it obvious on purpose
>Talking about sex life
Holy shit they are not even clipwatching, dude pulled it out of his ass
Actually insane that she still defends the faggot
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This guy have mental issue
>Why do we hate dramatubers again?
Because you're scum.
Rent fucking free he's not even a unicorn.
I'm not watching your video.
Why do people always try to make Hololive into Nijisansji 2.0 ?
You already have Nijisanji watch them.
You should need to do a IQ test before being able to use your oshi's name and pfp
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>Oshi's name
Dude is a falseflagger, never donated to any of the holomembers and never chatted there. He donates a lot to dramatubers and grifting lawyer tho, and did some bait donations to Mint(referring to her past career in messages)
Because they want to farm drama off it, comes with the name "dramatuber"
because vt sisters hate themselves.
>reddit spacing
But Hololive has a bunch of members who do that same thing all the time on the jp side. The problems is you retards who live in an alternative reality on the boards instead of actually watching the streams.
because they're liars. that woman lied tons of times in that stream alone because it's better content to make drama out of nothing rather than have nothing to talk about.
"Happenings" would be a better term.
holy kek. imagine being enough of a retarded faggot to send crying scs like that.
rima just invents things. niji en isn't bringing them enough clicks anymore. people just pretend they have some sort of credibility.
And gullible retards will still watch them sadly
>Willingly sabotaging the company you supposedly support is healthy
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Certified mental nutcase.
Youtube oldfags especially know this because of the cancerous commentary community which later evolved into dramafags who ragebait and pretend to be concerned on every topic and moving on by never giving a shit about the topic again
They LARP as journalists and documentarians where they never really gave a shit about the state of their specialty like vtubing
A principled journalist wouldn't even dare break conventions like no PL/RM talk and the good old showing both perspectives
They're cancerous little shots who are just there to feed off outrage and would easily move onto the next big niche to latch themselves into
>3 hours
She must had read all the 87 bait threads /here/
That is downright disgusting behaviour.
Stop being an incel.
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They are phasefags, literally only thing they watch is Pippa react content and drama
This guy is absolutely repulsive
>defending dramanigs
The absolute state of this shitty board, maybe /qa/troons were right about just making an e-celeb board instead of /vt/
Is that what you call Niji’s JP fans cussing out people translating into EN in the chat or even just people typing in English?
Why is it always SEA?
Everyone should hate dramachannels. They're fucking leeches who don't care about vtubing at all. You may like them cause they may shit on someone you don't like, but they very well will come after "your girl" the next day. They don't care about antis or wanting a positive community. They only want clicks so they get paid. Every dramafag should die
>Doxxagi is 100% a faggot
They even admitted in some of their streams
SEXO with Sexy Canadian French Horse Girl
Because they exist purely to exaggerate every minor thing that happens and drum up drama and bickering entirely to make a profit.
it's all fun and games until your oshi is the subject of one of these dramafags who don't do any research on their own beyond surface level reading what the top 5 catalog posters on 4chan say
its quite easy to tell who never watched any of the videos he´s complaining about.
Isn't the flesh fag in the corner that grifter LARPing as an attorney?
I have a problem with drama tubers that try to spin a narrative. I think what made me realize this was the Yuko Yurei situation and Rima. She was told multiple times that there was more to the story and she just dismissed it because she “wanted to give Yuko a chance to respond”. She gave her a chance and has now bailed on the story because it didn’t suit the narrative she was spinning of “le parasocial fans are evil”. Yuko herself has said that it was Idol corp and not the fans that are responsible for her graduation.
they said they're SEA but live in canada
that's how they figure they can be racist against white people
said this on stream
She's a doxxfag and friends with depressed nousagi.
that's enough for me to dislike her.
>drama tubers
You spinning all news or reporting under the sun by not corpo./organizations as "drama" is retarded. Just admit you want CCP levels of suppression or come from that place. You're not getting rid of standard fandom behavior. Might as well go after ever youtuber who does a review while you're at it.
Yeah. There are points to be make but most of them have no arguments other than calling everything "drama".
She is Canadian you absolute retard, clearly you are the fucking SEA if you can't recognize accents.
well with homostars it's different because cover is actively sabotaging itself, and therefore the fans opposing their own self-sabotage is actually beneficial to cover
Everyone should thank sayu doki legal mindset for new grifter like Rima emerging from the shadows.
also remember that these homos raid each other all the time, so even when you see one of them approaching or surpassing 1k, it's for like 2 minutes and then they dive back down to the 200-500 ccv range
fuck off, why do you think they call it gatekeeping? do you think in medieval times, knights would guard the gate to their castle by just politely asking invaders to leave?
The average CCV for the streams tells a different story than yours anon, you shouldn't lie when is very easy to look at the truth.
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Lmao unicorns admitting they're antis and giving piss poor excuses as to why is okay when THEY do it. You literally cannot make this shit up. What a bunch of clowns
Native canadians do not sound like that.
Nobody is mad at erb ,it is all meme.
This dramafags takes every thing seriously
Doxxsagi and his friends are out of content.
Who the fuck ever like leeches, hyenas and vultures?
canada is sea colony
Sad fact that people still watch them and give them money
Not really, DN promoted her
I mean Asmongold farms millions of views by reacting to some /v/ and /pol/ type vids with culture war shit. Sadly outrage sells
Every review youtuber is trash, your point? Everyone is biased, simple as that.
Normally I hate this attitude, but with vtubers this is 100% true.
Fpbp and /thread
Go back to r*ddit.
>calling someone a virgin means that you're bragging about your sex life
that's true
Ignore this, I had not seen the context.
criticizing someone is not the same as censorship.
I'm not going to see your dramafags, morons
how is it insane?
Artia was her oshi, and it took her ages to change her mind
all phaseniggers get the rope
The only person I’ve seen actually do a somewhat decent job is falseyed. It’s funny you say that I want censorship but that’s another criticism I have for Rima. She actually said she didn’t want to touch topics that because she “has connections to the industry”. She avoids stories that are critical of talents or anything that isn’t easy clout. A real reporter would dig to find the truth and not dismiss facts that because it hurts their “connections”.
Rima talks really slow, have to have it at 1.5-2x speed to be digestible. unless you like seeing her tits for longer...couldn't be me
with how ruthless American lawyers can be , you would shit yourself trying to call him a larper face to face
The problem with "drama" tubers is that even if they report the "news" with good intentions they have 0 (ZERO) proper training in journalism ethics and standards so the quality of their reports are very low and a lot of the time their sources are tertiary, quaternary, and/or even straight up lies plus it requires a demonstrably high amount of time and effort to vet sources and leads from all sides which one person cannot feasibly do especially in a incredibly schizo industry such as Vtubing. That being said I like Rima but holy fuck does she get her facts so categorically wrong a third of the time which doesn't help that her audience feed her falsehoods half the time, and it also doesn't help that she has a full time job outside of Vtubing so she's way in over her head on this.
thats hilarious because the exact same thing goes to retards like you
But if there's a positive environment without fights in vtubing, dramatubers lose their job.
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Could you possibly report to youtube for slander and libel on these drama channels? Should be easy enough to report a ToS violation on the accounts affected by the dramatuber.
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I like the straight line you can draw in in this thread between meaningful discussion, and when the SEAfags woke up.
wow rima i never saw you like that...
i guess you're a girl too.
She's likely from Quebec and native frog speaker.
i heard all quebec girls are buttsluts, is that true? asking for a friend.
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The other posters are fake. It was me. All me.
We can thank Pippa for that.
>you can end up in an echo chamber and it kills the whole point of freedom of speech
Everywhere is an echo chamber and freedom of speech does not exist, the only choice is what echoes in your chamber and what speech is given freedom. You are a leech pretending to care about these things so you can subvert the chamber and change what is permitted. You are exactly what the gates need to be held against. Kill yourself.
Seen enough to know she makes up shit to push her agenda and disregards any facts that contradict her bias.
She said on stream that she's not white. Whatever she is, she's not canadian.
Are you suggesting not being white means she can't be Canadian? Have you fucking seen Canada recently?
you mean like you are doing now?
Watched the Rushia video. She came up with the conclusion using her subhuman brain that Rushia got fired because [redacted] when everyone knows that's not a problem for others Holos. She's a subhuman who doesn't speak a word of japanese and feeds her SEA audience misinformation.
you're full of shit she Said she got fired for going to third parties breaking nda
False. The video is there why are you lying Rima?
You are talking about the idol culture video and yes she actually said that. She is a retard EOP.
show the timestamp then. but you wont because your just faggot
Why are you defending this subhuman?
Fuck you, you reminded me that nux taku exists.
>half of the comments telling her she is wrong
Is she like a lolcow?
I saw a stream with her, the parrot and doxsagi. It was clear that she has absolutely no clue about vtubers, the history, the memes etc., not even the most basic bitch insipid leddit like shit. She
>loves Marine!
and totes watches her!
But doesn't know anything about her that even the newest of newfag tourists have gleaned by clipnigging.
Colombia bird, nigsagi, gaybo bunny and the larp news anchor at least know shit, for all their faults and drama peddling. This woman seems to only be aware of the most shallow of twitter bs and it shows.
She usually deletes any evidence that what's she's spouting is diarrhea.
Don't worry, the comments will be gone soon since her troonish simps monitoring this thread will go screech to her about it.
Are you a kid? Tolerance isn’t acceptance, and no org no matter how pure will have unrestricted access on another. What a fucking retard, go swallow a gun and don’t become nijisister tier with nonsense hyperboles
>this incident among others lead to her being fired.
just as i thought, you're a massive faggot making shit up.

your mother is dead and a whore
she's such a pickme.
>this incident among others lead to her being fired.
It did not though. She uses this as an arrow against idol culture but the incident had nothing to do with her getting fired you absolute newfag. Cover the next day released a statement in full support of Rushia. Why are you a tourist Rima?
kek this disingenuous troon unironically and indignantly defends a dramanigger
Wow SEAcreatures like you have abysimal reading comprhension.
*abysmal reading comprehension
this msg on screen was the start to the entire shitshow. that then lead to her running to third partys and that lead to her being fired. you guys are retarded.
I am gonna put it in a way even your tiny SEA brain can understand it
>Cover supports Rushia
>[end of incident]
>Rushia still goes to dramafags because she is getting one guyed

How Idol culture fits into this and where the message was one of the reasons she was fired. She was fired only for the leaks, in the termination notice there's no mentioning of the message. Hence it's not one of the reasons, the only reason you would imply the opposite is to push an agenda.
You are so fucking retarded I feel sorry for the people around you.
you're just retarded on purpose to spin your rrat.
I accept your concession mongoloid, saying one of the reason Cover fired Rushia was because of the incident is malicious and the whore should get her head bashed into the ground by a hobo.
but she didnt say that was the reason.
>this incident among others lead to her being fired BY her agency
>implying cover fired her because of that among other reasons
Phase Connect hired shill.
lol you guys really cant into english. thats funny. anyway if one sentence that can be misunderstood is all you got you are reaching. try again.
Stop projecting mongrel.
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"We" don't.

It's just that some people (NDF/Sisters) hate accountability.
your mom is dead. shes sucking maos dick in hell right now.
I don't know a single white person liking dramafaggotry. Their comment section reeks of PagPag.
The good thing about you is you're only a walking fuckhole, rima
they are grifting scum
wow very organic homo
true but who antis the antis
Artia was her oshi? Figures...
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unicorn cope
How charitable they are, willing to lose their job to improve the environment
Not really, since they don't attack people directly, just speculating, unless they directly start slandering the existing talent nothing you can do.
kinda agree
Here's another channel to be reported, you should prepare a new channel Rima.
Gatekeeping is the opposite of being antis
/vt/ likes dramatubers when they expose bad people
/vt/ hates dramatubers when they make up shit and push harmful agendas
Kill yourself.
False is a news reporter, she is a clout chaser.
>They even call out antis in the community
No, she's wrongly calling most important part of the community "antis".
Wonder if she'll cry on stream again like when she got called out by Kuro that one time on Twitter
>Calling out Holofag unicorns for being psychos is pushing an agenda
You and Nijiniggers are just different sides of the same coin.
Dude Canada is like 50 Asian.
are you not embarrassed to necrobump your shitty bait thread everytime before it dies? is this really the best you can do with your life? id feel sad for you if this wasnt so pathetic.

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