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uhhh.. where is she? i thought we were back?

i fucking bought a membership again
No you didn't poorfag
>where is she?
Rising a baby.
Gura like girls anon.
>I thought we were back
Chumbuds, surely you didn't get tricked a 26th time in a row. Come on
She filled her monthly quota now it's time for another 6 month break
yes and we love our daughter
>i fucking bought a membership again

cover made that statement about having their talents stream more often with a set number of hours per week. thats why i thought it was going to be different this time because she was being forced to stream
You really think she's just on the generic contract anon? Shes 100% negotiated that restriction away. Even if she hasn't, you really think cover will fire her for being in breach of contract? Face it anon, Gura is going to be like this until she retires. It's been like two years, stop falling for it.
9 posts in less than 10 minutes
Samefagging behavior
Gawr Gura is the largest EN vtuber who also sells the most merch, do you really think anyone can tell her what to do?
She wouldn't be doing that. That'd mean she'd have to have had sex with a man, and Gura has shown no indication of liking men. It just wouldn't fit.
>expecting an alcoholic to keep a schedule
Do chumbuds understand anything??
i wish we could just get a half an hour per day. just to say hi to us. with how things are now it feels like she hate us. i know she doesn't but sometimes she makes it hard to believe that she appreciates us
In Japan, recording for the 2 concerts, the Myth anniversary, preparing for the upcoming Dodgers baseball game event in 2 days, and a bunch of other shit. It's not just her that isn't streaming, it's most of EN right now, be patient, she's not gone again. When she really ghosts for a long time she doesn't even retweet stuff on her twitter, but she's been doing that all week.
But why is she one of the only Chuubas to take so much time off for this stuff? Mori and Kiara do a lot of non-streaming work too but still have regular schedules and everything.
They care about their fans
what are you implying?
I just told you what I think
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This shit is exactly why I became a pebble and moved on to Bijou. At least rock wife has not deserted us pebbles.
ok well just so you know gura cares about her fans too
i dont want a new girl i want gura
Weird way to farm (you)'s, but (you) do (you), I guess.
You don't like Biboo? She is cunny too.
She's not even remotely like Gura
The only people on here who use Bijou instead of Biboo are shitposters or people who don't even watch her
You're right. She's better than Gura.
let me see.. a bunch of low effort streams and a mv in which an ugly nigger dances to her garbage music
24/7 whining, still the same ungrateful cunt who freaked out over IRyS' debut for absolutely no reason
talentless twitch whore who was hired solely because Cover wanted to penetrate the Thai market, her career will tank the moment she's done with Fromsoft slop (which is close)
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Half the branch isn't streaming and busy with homework. But you knew that.
Kiara will have streamed once in what would be 10 days by the time her birthday comes around.
And gura streamed like 20 times all last year what's your point
>tranny deflect
You just claimed she had a regular schedule, but that's just not true right now. I'm not slighting her. I take that as a sign of how fucked things are behind the scenes.
>Not true right now
Anon be serious. She has regular schedules, she's just taking a break. That's by no means equivalent to gura taking months off at a time, skipping major holidays, and not having a single schedule for over two years. You're being disingenuous
she's no monkey elder, retard
You're sounding a little defensive there, chumbie. Is your oshi streaming today?
May be more truth in this than people are willing to admit. Did anyone watch the recent streams? She was shocked at the revelation that she used to be a sassy brat. The softness and baby-talk is way, way up. If you told me she was streaming after spending the day cooing over a newborn (and possibly taking antidepressants) I'd totally buy it.
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no.. please
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Yes our baby is a girl.
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You're a falseflaging drama baiter no pebble would ever call her Bijou. Hell I dropped her like 6 months ago and yet still call her biboo, bibop, booboo, basically anything but Bijou.
damn i want this life. i want a family. i wanna make gura a mom
And this is why I detest Pebbles. Many of you are castoffs from other Holos. Zero originality.
Kill yourself phasecuck
It's BEEJOE, faggot
>\"i fucking bought a membership again\"
You need to provide proof of your claim when it involves chuuba's like Gura, anon. Otherwise >>79817294

So what happens when people we don't like start calling her "Biboo?"
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god i love this girl
>It just wouldn't fit
Nonsense, I'm sure there are plenty of anons here with a micropenis
Adoption you fools
We are back. You just need to perceive time differently
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why would you grab an overgrown cumshot of a man you dont know?

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