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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Sayonara Chrii, never come-back

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed) (embed)

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed) (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed) (embed)
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

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JESUS CHRIST i didn't think it could get uglier
I love male vtubers!
Fuck you we're live with halo
no one cares faggot
Olga is a schizo?
thank you, it means a lot to me
you're doing it wrong, if you're going to be an obnoxious polfag you have to be black haired with a green accent. not fully green you stupid whore
This one was actually pretty good
I've been feeling better some days but I still feel like I need more BFE
Tierlist of Pafu roasts
theres no green in the polish flag you fucking retard
why is her head/hair so big?
this is like daiya except worse
>violently bright green, clashing with every other color
there is nothing good about being a pandering whore
I was saying the burn was good you dick guzzling retard
same reason the eyes are too far apart
cheap whore buys cheap whore model
In no way was that clear by that one sentence that had nothing to do with what it was replying to fucking idiot pafu
good morning aspies
Stop making the op about whatever drama you're high on. This is trolling.
its arax he isn't good for anything else except being a catty retard
Nah it's pretty clear.
Patchery should block Pafu for her involvement in behind the scenes drama against him
>don't talk to anyone
>no drama
its just that simple
i love talking to everyone ever and causing 500 dramas
>edward hyde

Pafu is a necessary evil because you can figure out who to block easily by watching her viewer list
Shit attracts flies
isn't kankuro seiso and shit?
I talk (rarely message) like 3 people. One ghosted so like 2 people lol. Life is concern free.
>isnt kankuro shit?
speak english
probably pretends to be so, he emulates niji doesn't he
He's weird about Layla
"tolerant" like boogie2988 is and will eventually become like him
Fun fact, we're all talking and rrating so that more of us will get on the list and be insulated from this shit thread until we can make our own
i mean, if he is seiso and despises lewd stuff why is he watching pafu who has her tits out
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youd have to be demented to be attracted to that
Don't know how many of you are memeing but I genuinely find Pafu repulsive as a person
I'm a good judge of character, all it takes is stalking their streams for a week or so and deciding if I want to keep talking to them
so far every aspie friend I made has been drama free and chill
>He has to stalk their streams to figure that out
How and why the fuck do people get into drama anyways? Just play video games holy shit.
I'm not memeing, shes incredibly grating and the model isn't even attractive enough to make up for a vile personality
you left a second audio track playing in the background of this but cute pizza boy
Thank god it's not just me
At least one or two watches is all it takes. If I were to go by the schizos in thread, they usually make shit up and find fault in people who did nothing wrong, simply because they are well liked or something psychotic like that
Define "drama". Watching a stream is nothing compared to other vtuber drama I've seen. Also people generally doing bad op-sec.
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i hear patcheys a racist. seems somewhat dramatical. like dramatical murder.
aspies with weird fetishes?
What were Pafu's intentions when she tried to make Patchery look bad on /asp/?
/asp/ never had any real drama, it's just a few schizos pushing their narratives that nobody outside the thread cares about.
everyone is racist some just hide it better than others
That's rrat. asp is full of rrats in both narrative and vtuber designs. Hell the official mascot of asp shouldn't be a crab, it should be a giant rat.
schizo shut up and watch the pafu stream pls ur so god damn annoying spewing random shit asshole farthole
Isn't it obvious?
She's a /wasp/ie and anti male feminist
Obviously her feminism would make her dislike Patchery because of that joke and she already said she doesn't like Camui
Make them fight with each other and she kills two birds with one stone
Cheese gyudon ass post
t. has most certainly said nigher 20 times
I am watching it that's how I know she admitted to doing it
"it was a joke" I call bullshit
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do yuo think aoba from dramatical murder is racist........
she's a cunt, thats all
ur literally retarded or esl have you never heard a satirical joke?
Let me satirically joke about trying to ruin my friend's reputation I'm very funny
no i have not please explain i have an iq of 3
You definitely don't understand what I said but want to put on airs

Cheese gyudon for you
no hell fuck anyone any species any dimension any level of consent
just like you
hes just like me fr
I don't even like using this shit site but I've had to come on here just to vent about how toxic Pafu is. She always ignores my messages in chat, she only DMs me when she wants something, as her biggest supporter who's donated over $1000 USD on both streamlabs and throne combined I feel so goddamn betrayed. It's not just the vtubers, it's her fans that have a problem with her too. It's gotten to be just too much. I can't identify myself because she has my dox and if she knew I went against her I'd be ruined, both professionally and in my personal life. I'm over it, I'm so goddamn over it
Pafu wound Patchery up to make him hate Camui
Chrii wound Camui up to make him hate Patchery
Women hate
we get it man you love videogames to the point that you decided to start copying an insult that you learned from a japanese game developer because you have no personality apart from being a videogame addict and want to seem smart and seiso on an anonymous imageboard for using an insult that seems innocuous because only 3 other people will get it and everyone else just thinks you're a silly goober despite this board being anonymous

>patchery on stream doing bit
Why are all the males so bad at streaming? No one can even break 10ccv
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its not a bit its very real. she got my sister pregnant
because they're men on the internet who don't go outside or have any sort of social skills enough to be entertaining or pursuing vtubing as a career. they just do it to hang out with friends and chill.
>He actually started calling himself Vine-something
Getting real Fallout Frontier "Disciple of Kojima" vibes from this
women are #swagslay as they say
Pafu >>> Denpa any day.
If a cute boy plays this on stream I'd give him $100 on the spot
His name on discord is vin so it's a pun I think
i don't play gay porn on stream sorry
people also call vinesauce vin or vinny
Its banned on twitch
I'll take neither thanks
It is. I asked him what he wants to be called and he said Vin but not Vinny because "the other one makes better music"
there are other places you can stream.
>tupo and sterling here for the drama right on time
Cheese gyudon
>hang out with """""""friends""""""""" and """"""""chill""""""""
Such a pathetic cope.
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what if patchey streamed it
pafu is only bareable when she has her nude toggle on
>pafu just said she reads radfem literature
im not a man but that's literally what some of the male aspies here do, most aren't trying to be big shot streamers, which is why they stream with buttugly models and play games no one cares about.
thats good food.
you're not japanese bro
Then they should make a discord and stream there. Fucking faggots need to be beaten with hammers, just like Pafu says.
why arent you a man?
Incredibly funny post if the one you're replying to happens to be Ika.
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Make a discord and stream to your friends there. Stop shitting up the vtuber tag when real vtubers are streaming.
my mothers womb preferred popping out mostly girls
Who in your opinion here is a real vtuber?
listening and learning
(You) so cute and edgy yes you are, yeesss you are
you're so combative aren't you? awww so precious
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :3
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Fwofie, LCOLONQ, and I are starting up our Talk Show in just a few minutes over on Fwofie's channel.
how do you ask to join for future episodes?
The two of them
do bears shit in the woods?
>cutie dryad
crabbing has been expunged from my soul, im saved
hafu isnt honorable tho
Iriya killing himself now that his second obsession target is collabing with 2 males, again
Watching his alt as we speak
who's idea was it to take a laptop to a camping trip? unless you're into glamping alpin...
Any femchuuba and lcolonq. He is the only interesting male due to his skillset.
what about kuro. he has an interesting skillset. like gachimuchi
>any femchuuba
>cunny with a voice changer
aww thanks :3
>cunny with a voice changer
have you watched colonq?
what skillz. is he a computer expert?
i can't watch clonq im gonna develop a crush on him because he has a cute voice
The threads are back to crab shit. Yesterday they were so nice. Did all the crabs take the day off?
He will be another neuro sama and vedal situation in a year or two.
so this talk is just.... daiyalogs? did fwofie not want to do the daiyalogs because of someone and she started her own thing?
i've been looking at what iriya does recently and i honestly cant see what separates him from the other guys here besides having a deep voice
it's not like anyone else here actually has genuine trouble making friends with the girls, i didn't want to believe rrats at first but i think his hesitation to interact with men is just a coverup for being a sexpest
After I destroy every relationship he has I will make him only mine
ah interesting, he sounds better than Vedal. so he got that going for him
Its almost as if all talkshows and podcast like talkshows are...the same
Dude leave him alone. You're being a dick
nice try i have known iriya for two hours but he is my bestie now
It's just a talk stream it seem, so yeah
Seem it might be possible, anon
>i honestly cant see what separates him from the other guys here
Looked at his alt?
He is actually gay, and he refuses to admit it
That's why he was sexpesting women, he is trying to force himself to be straight when in reality all he wants is to pound wolf bussy
i think hes enjoying being called a good boy
i have and he's just a fly magnet literally and figuratively, only a mentally ill girl would want that which is not what other men should be aiming for. y'all are better than that right
lesbian with a cock is a good descriptor of him besides the fact that he isn't trans
Now that you mention it, the only male chats I have ever seen him in are either femboys like Haru or nomic males like Must or Cheen
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>alpin talking about spiritual mumbojumbo to not age
no thanks
I don't think I understand why people think cutting yourself is so over the line. Like if someone i know in real life cuts themselves i feel just fine. A stranger on the internet is whatever. Its not that extreme. You guys make way more disgusting stuff in your "ironic" horny posts but when his involve blood suddenly its a big deal and can't be a joke at all
you forgot me
im not the one who brought up the cutting, my observations are completely removed from that
You all should be raped
as a vn fan I think I could do that for you 90% sure its banned om twitch tho so I might have to find a workaround/use another site
I don't like condescension or dismissal of anyone regardless of their viewpoints its extremely immature and mean spirited. Engage with him honestly or not at all
Don't post such a disheartening meme image to put people down
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i love blood (1997)
Women can't be schizos.
I should talk on stream about my coworker that shot his wife with a shotgun at some point...
like half the people on this list are dead now
Okay psycho now fuck off back to the 15 year old edgelord cave you came from
He's a good guy
thanks patchey the realest whiteboy vtuber out there even though youre racist and are currently assisting the armenian genocide actively
mods call this guy a good boy
Literally what was edgy about my post. I just want to be nice to everyone here
I wish someone would create rrats as creative as this for me.
I don't want someone to love me and make horny posts about me, I want someone as dedicated as this anon to a crazy rrat.
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rats........ i hear they make all of the rules
Do your job viewerschizo, post the list
so are half the males here and all of them would make better husbands than iriya in the long run
ok first on the list: goku
Thanks mein amigo I try my fardest
Idk, I just want to be iriya's husband, I'm sure he would make for a good wife
okay this is based though
You asked what made him different, that's what makes him different
and people are taking his advice seriously. do you believe that, aspies are retarded?
Someone said they want dick sucking ASMR and that got me thinking, how do I sell that shit.
t. Gay male
Hopefully not, but it took me by surprise and reminds me of all these crazy people i've meet that was health people with an idea that doing some spiritual stuff will solve all your problems and are so cultish
Do it anon, save him and make him gay with a breeding fetish
Am I crazy for thinking clonq and alpin sound similar
fansly if you're doing it live, patreon or something like patreon if not. make sure short clips of it are reuploaded to things like pornhub to draw traffic to where they have to pay for the rest
why are you gay
Does Alpin actually own a gym?
most white men sound the same.
Maybe gay isn't the right word, I've only been with a guy once but it was better than with my ex.
Denpa Gumpai Pafu Pittie Layla
Most black men sounds the same
Most asian men sounding the same
What have they done that's schizo worthy
She's a FtM like Haru, Bacilly and squid
>defending gay little white boys
They objectively all sound the fucking same.
Most Asian women sound the same
so true, ook-ook!
they have vaginas
No racism outside /b/
ah so the right word is FAGGOT
Fuck yeah kid.
>are so cultish
with the way people treat alpin, it might as well be
>believing 4chan enforces racism rules

How new are you?
You niggas gonna make it
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So you want to be a male vtuber? Maybe you already are one, and you're seeing zero growth. If so, this guide may be for you. I can't guarantee that you'll see any growth, any advice is better than no advice.

Don't be a male vtuber. I know you don't want to hear this but it's the truth.

There is objectively not an audience for you in the vtubing sphere. We see this right now with the current hatred for the Holostars for interacting with the new HoloEU talents. The majority of viewers are unicorns. The majority of viewers absolutely hate men with every fiber of their being. There is a reason many viewers were ecstatic when Magni and Vesper were fired from Holostars. It is why there was no announcement unlike with Rushia, who was a beloved Hololive talent.

Normies think vtubers are cringe. They are going to think you're extra cringe. You won't make any inroads with normal streamer culture.

Still undeterred? I admire your bravery. I can respect it. Here are a few pieces of advice I've seen through the years. Many of these are to preserve your mental health more than anything. For males, that is the most important thing.

1. Accept your place in the universe. The majority of viewers are only watching you until their oshi goes live. Enjoy their company until then. Those who would watch a male first are already watching Vox Akuma or Holostars. If you want to try to get an established audience you have to either be a femboy or go hard on appealing to yumejoshi or fujoshi. There's a reason all the corporate males look the same.

2. Don't actively chase or pay attention to numbers, ever. Check occasionally to track your growth, maybe every two weeks, but don't leave the number of viewers or followers visible. That will surely lead to brain worms when compared to any femchuuba.

3. Mind your niche. Overplayed categories have no way to be discovered. Play niche games, especially if you don't like them.

4. Be somewhat parasocial. Unlike the fems, you have to try your hardest to hold on to any viewers you may have. Anyone who willingly chooses to watch you over a woman who is doing the same thing as you should be cherished.

5. Invest in good equipment when possible. 2d or 3d Models over PNGs, audio interfaces over a USB microphone, the works. When a cute girl has a scuffed stream, it's cute and endearing. A fem could have a still PNG on screen and will still have more viewers than you. When it's you, it's cringe and will cause people to !lurk. You don't want that.

6. DO NOT INTERACT WITH WOMEN. If they choose to interact first, respond. Do not approach. You will draw the ire of their community, as they see you as a threat. Along with that, they will almost universally have a bigger following than you. This could hurt you mentally if you have invested more than them. You want to avoid any controversy.

7. Avoid controversy! This goes for everyone, but I've seen so many male vtubers get canceled and ruined over takes and opinions that's called based when it's a woman. Pippa's entire fanbase is built on her being a creature that should have been canceled years ago, but she continues to be more and more popular. Fems are immune to cancel culture. You're not. Be diligent.

8. Stream on Twitch. There is no discoverability on YouTube. If you use YouTube, make edited videos on your interests. Do not store VODs on your main channel. An objective truth is that no one watches VODs.

9. Avoid dead air. Yap constantly. A lady can be quiet for hours and still have viewers. You don't have that luxury. Avoid narrating your actions in game though! Keep track of things to yap about while streaming.

10. Know your limits. More than likely you will never even come close to partner or joining a real vtuber agency. As a male vtuber, you will most likely hit your viewer ceiling at under ten viewers. Try your hardest to break them, but know there just aren't a lot of people who want to watch males.
That's just how people treat perceived succesful men.
Help I accidentally hit a goal for karaoke but I cannot fucking sing
Can't be racist against white people. Ask any femchuuba.
Good. A good singing voice here is a bonus. Most people will just want to hear you having a good time belting out the lyrics to the songs you choose
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The people want it so I give it. Here is advice for the femchuubas who aren't in this thread!

You naturally grow so you don't have to think about it too much. I have never seen a stagnant femchuuba of multiple years of streaming. The only way forward is up and that's what you get by being a femchuuba!

1. Be cute! This comes naturally to you.

2. Lewdness isn't mandatory. You're not a male. You don't have to pander to coomers as a gay little femboy to succeed.

3. Play whatever you want! As a femchuuba, you're going to draw in viewers who want to see you play their favorite games for the first time.

4. Don't associate with males at all. Any viewers you have will hate his presence and not show up to those streams. Only stream with other femchuubas.

5. Find your niche! Unlike a male, you have the added benefit of being a cute girl. Niche doesn't matter, just fill it!

6. Keep calm and keep streaming. You will grow naturally. You aren't a male. You actually have an audience that isn't other male vtubers. You have the bonus of also getting male vtubers to simp for you!
Karaoke streams are about SOVL first and foremost and ability second
Does not apply to males tho we watch them sing so we can shit on them lmao
Tierlist of racist aspies?
nobody here knows im incredibly racist to certain non-white nationalities
I'm not FtM. Fuck off.
okay babygirl <3
Which /asp/ies are trans again
all of them
>thread crabs iriya calls him ftm
>thread still crabs me by calling me male
Why are you like this
chasers will do anything except admit theyre fags
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Thank you so much for showing up asp! I tried to invite all the people I felt like I had meaningful connections too :) I hope next year we can have even more wild adventures
I dont even know what to type anymore.

I wish I could get some honest feedback on my streams and or if people like me or not.
post link retard
I think you're cool albert
Happy 1 year.
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hey friend.
if ya want to, you can link me a VoD and i look over it. If you want to keep it private, PM me on X.

I'll prob be paranoid about it untill i die anyway. But its ok.
I can't watch your streams due to the timing but I think you're a swell guy.

Going live, doing some classic research into bacteria. Wooo!
He is FtM, there's no man on earth who knows that pressing on a woman's lower stomach when she's aroused is pleasurable, only women know that shit
It was cringe when you called them out by name for not coming
Anon how dumb are you
Dont worry too much about it, ive got a panic disorder it just happens sometimes im already over it. Goes pretty quickly, thanks for the kind words eitherway.
HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY PAFU!!!!! it was really fun! ^^
you didn't invite me but I turned up anyway!
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Aight man. I'll look over it and come back to you when im awake again. Probably via PM's or ill just write something in an ASP thread while mentioning your name or tag.

But to be honest - i'm not sure if im the right person to give you feedback. I'm just a sub 10 view aspie - not as big or well known as you are. I got the feeling that its not my place to critique you - but non the less i will give you feedback really soon.
I mean just any general impressions can help always nice to hear feedback, also arent you german? Go to sleep man goddamn.
What theme would you have for Ace P.'s 2nd outfit, if you had the chance to choose?
Thanks for comin by peeps!
Huh? Lemme clarify. I think I said "no not really" when Fwofie asked if the spiritual stuff (Reiki) was real. Thought that came across. I was explaining I used the weird Reiki energy healing spiritual stuff as an excuse to study the Placebo Effect back in High School. My bad if it came across otherwise. It deffo wasn't meant to be an endorsement of it.

Yup! It's a personal training gym though, so only open when my clients are in, not gen pop commercial gym.
I think you're okay! I like listening to your streams, you just have a specific taste in games that I don't share so often times I don't stick around, or I just listen and keep you in the background. Similar to Ace's streams.
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put the bunny outfit on, ace
anon i know about that
Am I the only man on earth who didnt know this?
Reminder that Pafu is objectively correct about men!
>guy is being sexist and shitting on male vtubers
>nooo don't be condescending to him that's too far!
my boyfriend knows that and I didn't teach him some men research to find out how to pleasure their partners
Fuck off whore
ok no more lurking this thread
Any man watching her is a cuck
Doesn't matter since he doesn't stream

i dont know what either of you two expected

all female chuubas have boyfriends (anyone remotely desirable is assuredly taken, as a general rule of the world)

4chan is rude
ty for dropping by!

i don't do well in big groups of people and 4 is max before it becomes hard to say anything for me. it's also a little more intimate when its a smaller group and i feel the viewers can follow it a bit more. i like daiyalogues though, but it gets intimidating when there's a lot of people on at the same time.
How many males do you watch? Why do you want to defend objectively boring losers like daiya?
I watch nothing but males. I don't watch female vtubers at all. Does that upset you?
what about me i am a woman and didn't know either. i have no idea what's pleasurable to women.... uuu
Name all the males you watch. Put your money where your mouth is. Tell us what you like about them. Back up your words.
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is this good?
if you were raided then no
If male you have hit your ceiling, if femchuuba no.
Nyo :3
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only 1 raid
I'm a male
This guy can't stop thinking about male vtubers. I think he might be gay.
>asked to name even one male
>nyo :3
I hope you get inoperable cancer and you find it too late.
Nah, just a radical feminist!
you didnt get to an hour and a half, what are you doing?
most male aspies are 10+ccv
Bet you can't name five.
>radical feminist
I knew you were a tranny. All cgdctfags are
The schizo sure is obsessed with trannies and knows a lot about them. Are they one too?
Iriya is a tranny though

His soft pale skin screams NEET girl
/Asp/ stands for All Sexualities and Preferences!
So the schizo is the Haru anti. I see...
there's no point posting words-only tweets unless you have twitter blue
>rightfully insults males
>no response
>called schizo
>males show themselves to be the only schizos
>still called schizo
All of you deserve testicular cancer.
I love men so much. Male vtubers, keep doing what you're doing. I love you.
Beryl, LCOLONQ, AceWindfall, Cheen, Dante, Alpin, Kuromaru, Kankuro, and literally anyone else who streams consistently
>refuses to specify what they love about them
Gay or female?
I need an Iriya stream to heal my soul... Please...
Actionpts destroys your argument.
he's been hovering around 5ccv all day
my stream is better
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He's too busy dressing in cute maid outfits for me and sending photos
i guess he's having an off day today from streaming elden ring for the millionth time
>show at least 5 males with ccv above 10
>8 examples named
>oooh but that doesn't count bcs this one guy

go into any FotM category on Twitch and observe a sea of perma-1view females
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you guys are all cool thats all c: have a good 4th when it hits!
I will go watch him now, just to spite you
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>went on a vacation for about 3 weeks
>barely did anything
I'd rather you spoonfeed me, you bitter fuck. Shouldn't be hard to find someone and do some quick sullygnome research to find their yearly ccv. I do it all the time.
why do people think i'm weird
that grifter bitch who claimed to be an idol and typed like a fucking retard never came back, huh? crazy.
its been a day, chill out
pretty sad that you wont watch him out of enjoyment, really says a lot
>annual ccv
>for chuubas who debuted in 2022 or later
you don't understand how data works, don't you?
I watch him normally, but I was going to work on backlog, but now I will delay that
either someone is grooming her in DMs or she realized no one cared about her grifting
right right of course, whatever you say
you are beyond help. rope
So you specifically want sullygnome links for 5 or more aspie males who get 10+ CCV on their average CCV over the past year? Ok.
How long until she comes back, id say two days
isn't her model gonna be done end of month or something? she'll probably be back before then to shill herself and asp will eat it all up and give her 30 ccv on debut
(You) too can report threadshitters and give them a forced vacation
What are you trying to do?
who? chrii?
When girls put 3DIOs on their throne because they want to 'try ASMR to see if I like it' and it gets instantly funded

I fucking hate being a man
no thoughts head empty good night asp
good night dum fox
not her
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not me but was just about to post lol
thanks to everyone who stopped by!
I want to push someone away...just so they claw me back...
this doesnt work on men on the internet, go be a normie elsewhere
I won't
Fythol my stupid princess, stream tonight?
Even in the 4chan community I feel like a weird person holy fuck am I unironically autistic
There's plenty of guys that do ASMR and get stuff funded. Work harder to gather a dedicated fanbase.
as opposed to ironically autistic
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>it's all wannabe chuubas watching wannabe chuubas
It's fucking depressing, I don't think I can go on like this.
Yes because they are pre-established creators of asmr content. This is just some bitch who just wants to try it
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Sorry about today guys
Was getting my butt kicked in the DLC, really hard to stay positive while getting a wedgie!

Will have to pivot to something more tolerable tomorrow!
Got too curious, now i'm too jealous that i'm disassociating holy shit good bye asp
About what retard?
shadow of the erdtree is fucking hard
can someone call me a princess too pls
Who are you?
Have you done anything worth calling you princess today?
Kankuro you're so weird
im a princess ;_;
of course, princess. <3
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thanks for visiting !!!
i briefly got out of my bed and ate a pack of peanuts instead of not eating anything. im responsible pls
I'm ready to jump out of my window anyone wanna join me
me but im a pussy so you're gonna have to push me, i give anyone permission to kill me
Vocaroo to prove it
no im not. hmph
fythol I know its you and if you arent fythol then i aint callin you princess
I was asking for 1view femchuubas, not known schizos and trannies.
No, you really weren't.
fythol already has someone calling her a princess ):<
>t. envious femchuuba
I miss Haru uuuuu
cool thumbsup
that wasnt me i just woke up ;_; stream in like an hour or two oki
Name yourself princess
then i aint interested!!!!
Zero-Sense-Of-Direction Princess
The best you have and it's still awful. Pafu is so right.
today is no getting lost on the map day trust >_>
i hate you
>pls ignore
I have no one to watch me, but I will continue to stream even if it's only the same 3 people or less every night. Streaming and being a chuuba are the only escapes I have left from real life... and I'm failing at them. Hopefully I'll die soon and won't have to think about it anymore.
If you replied to the anti-male schizo, kindly strangle yourself
yea that's cool baby, say it again and mean it this time
Name him sis
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I'll be keeping count.
What am I right about im so drunk
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tfw have an aspie to call me cute names in private
Fythol can I cum tribute you?
its not worth it anymore
My one year anniversary is coming up and I wouldn't know what the hell I should be doing for it...
I am edging to Fythol
Alpin isn't a schizo but your assessment is mostly correct aside from that
Most of those have also been streaming for years
Why don't you call me cute names in private :(
and i hate you
good morning its time for gachashit
Fythol rape
what do you mean by this
>tranny light
alpin is gay
What name do you like the best? I'm a fan of using all of them, so it's usually just a roulette which one I pick at any given time.
anything really.
I like to call people honey bunny :3
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Stinky little bitch it is.
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