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Every time they try to score a win it always turns into an L somehow
Grim if they don't show up at all.
So, it happened AGAIN.
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They had to add the anti vandalism security system please understand.
Where along the transportation process do you think these statues are stuck at?
Also, if these statues somehow don't show up, do you think AnyColor will reuse them at a later event/NijiFES? Sort of operating under the assumption here that these statues of its NijiEN members were really meant for an EN audience.
sure "covid"
I can:t believe Lelouch hijacked the cargo ship transporting the statues just to harm Nijisanji...
I think the JPs will be questioning where are their statues.
>Cancelled Venue
>Statues are late
>Stock keeps dying

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they even cancelled the free concert and just said fuck it.
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The delivery van got blocked and harassed by antis!!!
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They might cancel the EN one, but they’d never go without at least broadcasting ChroNoir.
Sorry, I knew I only had to paint Hitler mustaches on them but I went ahead and made Nazi uniforms for them and even used AI modules to make Elira say every single Hitler speech but I replaced every mention of Jews with Doki.
isn't the EN one the only one being broadcast? I doubt they'd show chronoir for free
Management is busy wiping Nijimale's semen from the statues. It's taking longer than expected.
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that's so weird, I think any one who ships statues have never encountered anything like this before, did you received a confirmation/OK sign to UPS before sending the statues?
At this point i think they fucked up something about the concert and cancelled it, like some tec staff got sick or some screen configuration didnt work for the arena.
Whose statues?
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They also cancelled some merch
Nothing to see here, just Anycolor punishing NijiEN for not making enough money during the Q4, despite them getting the branch a 3D live, a Nier Concert, five 3D debuts, a collab with Lelouch and another one with NBA.
And remember, it's the ungrateful organs' fault for failing Riku!
The fucking irony of the poster boy of CG being the most recent and seemingly greatest threat to NijiEN is amazing
They only revealed two, Elira and Shu, so has to be them.
Don't forget nearly all of LuxNoc's birthdays.
>Elira and Shu
Of course it's Elira lol. Is Shu the one that hates whitey or am I getting him mixed up with someone else?
No that's Uki
LuxNoc? Who? If they don't make the same amount or more in money as Gura, then they may as well be non-existent in Lord Riku's eyes.
I admire their commitment to being so fucking dumb. anyone else would have tried to learn something by now
If you are doing a panel in a big event a serious company will move the stuff for the panel at least 2 weeks before it. This sound like is their first time sending something big from japan to usa.
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>Damn Doki sabotaging the shipping of statues
>Damn Holobronies/Cover/US Customs paying off DHL/USPS/Fedex to screw over Anycolor
Any other sister copes that we would probably see ?
Shittersanji organs are actually rich and they all own cars!
Don't forget dragoons threatening the ones shipping the statues
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HYTE intercepted the statues, clearly.
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I think shu is the elira simp
The venue didn't bring a safe atmosphere for the statues.
The statues were knightmare frames being smuggled and they got caught
You are all fucking legends.
Ledouch-sama...I KNEEL
C'mon, by this point you should refer to him by his real identity's name, Lelouch. Doki is a cover-up so everybody's distracted while he's plotting Nijisanji's destruction.
Fucking holobronies with their unship bots
faggot clique hanamori member uki hates whites
clique hanamori member shu simps for elira and will follow her to the ends of the earth
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If they only got the finished statues less than 3 weeks ago, they probably should have just kept custody of those statues right? Instead of shipping those, they should have just sent 2-4 employees and made those statues part of their luggage or something. But who knows with this company.
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And you'd be right, however consider:

It is a well known fact that most companies wait until the last day to ship statues
Imagine if the statues arrive at the last day of Nijisanji's booth, just for them to slip up over wet floor and break.
if things keep spiraling for her elira may have to settle for the simp. kudos to him for playing the long game
Okay qrd on the Lelouch posting? I don't use twitter
He isn't even hiding it anymore!
nijiniggers get BTFO again.
back in fucking march, some dude on twitter made a satirical "I'm gonna hurt a nijisister" tweet that got like... 500 views. Sisters found it and claimed that the terrorist was the one who got the concert cancelled. The dude had a lelouch avatar.
The tweet was made before the concert was even announced and was clearly a response to all the "omg the dragoons are so angry and violent" nonsense they were spewing.
After the NijiEN concert got cancelled sisters started posting a screencap of a twitter rando with a Lelouch profile pic saying he was gonna beat up every nijisister he saw as "proof" that it was because of sayety concerns
Who is the Kallen equivalent? Mint maybe? Who is playing CC? Matara?
So who is Orange-kun in this scenario? And who is Spinzaku?
jfc lol
imagine your legacy being a single tweet turned into an absolute meme
Thank ya gents. Fucking lmao all this after they did a collab with code geass makes it more beautiful
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Nijisisters unironically believe this is why the ax concert was cancelled
This is somehow Dokibird's fault - Nijisister
CC and Kallen were the love interests so whatever girls were super close to her. Orange kun is either Axel or RPR. Spinzaku would have to be someone still inside Niji feeding her info
they should announce an L instead. Like " Today, Tazumi RIku will execute da bois in the name of allah! " I think and with their curse that will turn into "hololive dodgers collab flopped! "
pay me if it works
Holy fuck i even forgot that happened, it flopped as well,800-1k ccv for most of them in the en side kek
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Why they just didn't fucking ask to have them shipped
maybe DHL didn't ask mane-san for transportation perms
Superchats are in AUD so roughly $40USD. Split between Fullof Covid, Bitch, Riku and Youtube.
That's so weird, I think any liver statues who does need to be shipped have never encountered anything like this before ToT
Did you received a confirmation/OK sign from manechan before overseas shipping?
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I can't believe Code Geass betrayed Kurosanji
it was easy to tell it would happen. look at the blonde fag
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It's so funny how whenever there's a con/expo that has both niji and Mint/Doki things ALWAYS go badly for niji. First Offkai, now this.
this isnt even funny anymore. just sad.
>Agent LK sabotaging nijikuro at every turn
>his final act will be getting killed by a holo infront of the masses
>sisters will call him a traitor and curse his name
If LK went by LL it would be the perfect coincidence
Reminder that Phase Connect has an IRL concert at Anime Expo and Nijisanji doesn't
Most likely at the harbor, shipping big stuff is one of the most bureaucratic and complicated things you can do, you need the right people that are usually to dealing with the two harbors and know how to handle the people there.
>trying to get shit shipped on July 4th
lol retarded japs
Lol I have 2 orders in the mail, both are delayed because 4th of july.
they're doing kronii right now. erb wasnt working. they'll do some sayu or irys later.
whoa, since when did blue bear get a 3D model? I hope she gets one of her sideboob outfit, though.
explain this meme
Should have targeted delivery for days prior, not when AX starts on the 4th itself.
chronoir one that got canceled lmao, they wont give free chronoir who is their top talent
the only good thing this flip bitch ever made KEK
It’s over..
>phase connect
you must be confused
How is one twink this powerful
She was in school so her career was kind of lax, embarassing since the other Phase gen 1 members were doing well.
Then suddenly a few months ago they started pushing her hard, and her viewership surged. She got a new outfit, new assets and rigging, all kinds of stuff to accentuate her rise.
Kind of amazing how they built her up so quickly.
I kneel, lelouch sama....
Wait, what? That niji concert that nobody bought tickets for got COMPLETELY cancelled?
"Only" the venue at AX, 2/3rds of the merch, and the booth statues. Oh and the Chronoir concert is rescheduled for a later date.
They're still doing the EN concert, but it'll be streamed on Youtube for free instead.
So basically, they cut out everything but the bare minimum.
They are still selling merch tho and that is what really matters.
You can watch it online for free when the time comes.
Wait a minute...
Is it black panties on Reimu's feet?
What a whore...
>this post is unavailable
it's even funnier because niji did a Code Geass collab in March too
Just to be clear... You mean the one of which people were posting how almost no seat got a reservation?
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Bet it sells out in seconds
sure, if they have an inventory of 1 item
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the writings were on the wall, they can't even commission an artist for this. so retarded
It's a shipping delay. How are you this hard for drama every single day? Calm down and go masturbate or something.
yup, the goku one
I love this so so so much
Customs is notoriously fickle.
>this bitch nasty but the pussy tight. she'll make everyone hate her and I'll be right here to snatch her up.
You mean gokek and bejita's sparring grounds
>billion dollar company couldn't ship in advance
>sees millie's pic
>the first line is wait what happened D:
>you already know what the rest of the post will be
>you read it anyway
>still ends up being funny
Millie i fucking kneel. Only your stupidity can create such a powerful meme.
well somebody's gonna get axed when elira and shu's statue is stilll on ETA status
express shipping cost an extra 5 dollars
>Customs were hololive fans
This is your souvenir sisters. I hope the AX tickets are worth it.
the crippling ESL really sells it
Do you think the niji booth is going to get trolled hard?
Maybe by Lelouch cosplayers
I was hoping someone would throw a tomato to one of the statues, but alas...
Kek funny to see sisters blaming this on AX incompetence
i hope so but probably not
they have to live with the shame and embarrassment of being right across from hyte/doki's booth and vsj though and that's all that matters
My biggest hope is that we see a line of riku's with the black and white background standing in front, but with how god damn packed it's going to be and the fear of security not letting them in, I doubt it
Someone just needs to cosplay as a tomato and take a pic with a statue. Or be a Riku cosplayer with a notice of termination for the statues.
No need to throw shit and get kicked out. Just stand there and troll for the entire day. Hours of Nijiseethe vs 2secs of nijiseethe
>but the pussy tight
If anything it's the opposite considering she lived in a coed dorm that housed a sports team during her time at uni
Tomato on Elira statue would be kino
fuck i wish they would have a photoshoot with the black and white checkerboard and maybe one of those cardboard cutouts of Riku to pose with
LMAOing at nijikeks
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>pussy tight
Dude, she's a fat, white woman. She's as loose as they get.
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It'd be extra funny if someone TRIED something and then Doki's security publicly stopped them.
Considering Dokifags and Holofags are going to be at the opposite Hyte booth, it's possible, but it's likely going to be small stuff and online memes rather than anything major.
Definitely mudshark material
>throw a tomato
>draw eyes and mouth to an actual tomato
>put it limbs
>place said tomato in any of the statue's hands
behold, nijisethe due a fruit
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Post her with half expose zero mask.
At this point I'm assuming God is trying to whip Nijisanji into shape.
>Code Geass EP 1 starts with them hijacking a truck
Maybe by that riku cosplayer handing a termination letter.
I unironically think this would trigger Doki in a bad way.
Deserved. The LORD does not accept trannies or fags, and NijiEN panders to and cultivates these groups. They deserve His wrath.
Hopefully Lelouch has something in store for us
Maybe back in february, but she's a lot better now. You'd just get her annoyed and end up kicked out if you tried to pull anything like that.
And it turned out to be a nijifan falseflagging
Kek, Riku skimped on the shipping to save money and take his whores to go drinking on the Yacht. Imagine being a Nijisanji viewer and giving him money.
can someone explain why this is a big deal? i dont follow niji and im too retarded to see why this is a yab
wow arent they already super cheap on their merch too? how deep can this ship submerge? Riku about to implode looking for the Titanic
after the concert and half of its merch got cancelled, they basically hyped up a huge announcement and it turned out to be them saying they'd have gigantic statues of 4 organs (the clique again because of course) at the booth.

Those statues will now not arrive in time for the event, because of course they won't. They probably go to another school.
niji is really, borderline maliciously, incompetent at managing their shit huh
I'd like to imagine this is Enna. But then again I'd feel sorry for the tables
I wonder if the statues even existed in the first place
Despite everything, Enna turns me on a lot. Hatefapping to her feels great. So this is now what I'll imagine next. Thanks for the idea!
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>cancelled merch
Their site says they are available tho
kurwa spierdalaj
They just have to carry a black sheet of poster paper and hold it out in front of the Elira statue (if it gets there at all)
Luca is Orange-kun of nijisanji
Nice but also
>4 statues 5 days ago
>now only 2 statues, delayed
It could just intern-kun using machine translation saying that 2 of the 4 statues are delayed, but it's funnier to believe that they quietly didn't mention that there's only 2 statues now instead of 4.
Knowing Niji, that's still entirely possible
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did someone say le retard?
Not even remotely. Not because niji is good but because the kind of 'tards here who'd cause a scene don't leave their houses. Now the sisters on the other hand...
Look at the image. I posted. Compare the left side to the right side.
T-Shirt? Gone.
Hoodie? Gone.
Tote Bag? Gone.
Posters? Gone.
Mousepad? Gone.
Those are no longer found listed anywhere now.
Stop noticing things
Funniest part is that they probably already produced the cancelled merch and it's just sitting in a warehouse somewhere being unusable
just like the play button
ale z ciebie jebany pedal jak postujesz takie gowno
If the sisters wanted the cancelled merch they could just fucking ask
The Zero army will show up
based cuckbro
am I supposed to feel bad for them
Imagine if you scan the QR and get this link instead
I pray at least one Lelouch or Zero cosplayer trolls around purely for the meme
Anime Expo will change that QR to give you this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PTKwh_1Ejo
Every time, I hear this
Any footage of knightmareframes hijacking the cargo?
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>quietly cancel the 2 nijiEN statues because they aren't even worth the plastic and only make the Chronoir statues
>claim there were delays during delivery last second
What's this from?
You joke, but this is probably what happened. I'll be surprised if we ever see the statues.
They think this is how you save face, just hope it was so forgettable that people literally forget something happened.
Maybe he made a typo?
reminder that nijisanji should have no sympathy and get what they fucking deserve
The bottom of the Pacific.
Knowing the sisters they'll probably find a completely innocent cosplayer and harass them as a "pre-emptive strike"
They could just claim it was already completed long ago but got destroyed by accident when that barge crashed in Baltimore.
It's illegal to dump trash and other harmful waste into the ocean anon
Will the remaining 2 already there?
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This is what minimum wage hires produce
who knows when the one statue they sent will make it's appearance
plausible rrat, time will tell
Cargo ship got looted by Somalian pirates and the statues are now sitting in a hut in Africa
Code Geass cosplay meetup at the Niji booth
Her vocal cords were damaged because, as seen with Suisei and IRyS and even those who just sing frequently like Marine, God HATES vsingers.
She was crying about it too right? I remember something like that, that was sad.
I can't believe how much shit Elira got this year. A life sized statue of this bozo. I wonder how they feel seeing her lose thousands of subs and become 3view and damaging the rest of the branch beyond repair knowing how much they invested.
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Please understand, the statues aren't real and they were never going to show up.
So.. what was the logic behind forcing your artist to draw you a rapist Japanese foot soldier when your main fanbase is Chinese?
I hate how this shit is still funny every single fucking time
I think 100% someone who wasn't planning on cosplaying is going to show up in a cheap tomato costume. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BWDWXKBP/
His fanbase loves rape, there's a reason he's been doing weekly rape asmrs before youtube caught on and struck him for not following the guidelines
Koreans sure, but when were the Chinese ever raped by ashigaru?
careful phasebros on choosing volunteers, you might get a sister sabotaging it again.
He might be under the assumption that all of the Far East is a single country named Japan, with China being some sort of province of theirs.
He's a brit, he sees china as a colony, which is kinda based desu
>Vox making the chinese fans remember their place by trying to instill fear into them.
If anything she's getting all of this for being a good little Arasaka girl. HOPEFULLY she's starting to realize that being a corpo bootlicker doesn't pay.
Uh anon, I dont think the time period matters here
i have my doubts that they ever made 4 instead of the 2 showing
The way the original announcement was worded, it left unclear if it was 4 statues of Nijisanji as a whole (2 for EN and 2 for JP), or 4 for each branch. With this new tweet, I guess it confirms that for EN there were only 2.
>Captcha: XXX2
You have a point. The bugs seem to think Westerners are still carrying out genocides to this day which makes what they are doing A-OK.
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As long as the earphone for the meet-and-greets gets shipped in time, the booth can still be salvaged somehow.
That was so cheap I still can't believe they did it.
It was fucking disgusting. I wonder how many people ended up with ear infections after that
It's even worse than demanding people bring their own
based braindmg enjoyer
twisty status?
Choking on Aster's cock.
Yo I saw that Ibrahim motherfucker yesterday. 19k views. Niji JP don't give a fuck. Jp must be carrying the whole company now
what the actual fuck

>Nijisanji is Arasaka
You wish, Nijisanji is fucking Snake Nation.
Code Tomato: Doki of the Rebellion

Doki Knights
Matara. On the periphery but highly influential
One of the homostars, clearly a good guy but limited as to what they can do.

Anycolor Empire
>Charles vi Brittania
Riku obviously
Has to be Vox, used to be close to Selen but was ready to assassinate her at the Empire's command. Probable plant by Ancolor
Luca. easy enough
Marianne. Scheming bitch
Enna. Except Nina was smart. Both fuck tables
Ike. Nobody remembers him

/here/ or insert dramatuber
Sayu. A normal well adjusted person at the start completely mindbroken by the end (sadly) by being involved in the rebellion even marginally
>Princess Kaguya
Michi not involved in any frontline actions But has been shitting up Anycolor operations from the sidelines
Similar to Michi.
Kuro. Similar reasoning to Michi.
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that's so weird, I think any one who ships statues have never encountered anything like this before, did you received a confirmation/OK sign to UPS before sending the statues?
Ironic you guys have baseball merchandise, yet this is your third or even fourth strike. Nijifans ceep taking L's and it's not even funny anymore. Do. Better.
Classic black company, can you be at least somehow useful and can't Nijisanji ever get some Ws? Remember to bring blacklights!
Stay Safe Life-Sized Elira Booba statue...
>Arrives at the convention centre sticky and with a hole in the crotch
It must suck ass being their fan this year.
Also what is goin on with Rosemi?
She's currently in japan together with luca again
the fuck?
is this during the singapore event?
In Japan recording the AX.
While the official statements from Anycolor/Nijisanji and Anime Expo do not specifically explain a reason, it is absolutely worth pointing out that after 5 weeks of ticket sales and with only a week to go, they had only managed to sell 14% of available tickets for all three concerts.

Also important to note, these concerts (to emphasize, there were going to be three of them) were set to be held not in some kind of smaller venue, but in the Peacock Theater in LA. This theater gets used for major awards ceremonies and can seat up to 7,100 people, and even in the reduced capacity configuration they intended to use for these concerts, capacity is still around 4,000 people.

So again, while the specific reason has not been confirmed, it seems pretty clear that the reason is because of abominably low ticket sales, which likely led to Anycolor/Nijisanji deciding to cut their losses and at least save on the event fees (their deposit would be toast) while also avoiding the situation of 500-600 people sitting in a 7,100 person theater for three different concerts which would be awkward for the attendees and embarrassing for the company.

The bigger issue at hand is one of pathological mismanagement within Anycolor/Nijisanji, which is lengthy and well-documented at this point. But to stick to the specific situation at hand, they clearly badly overestimated the level of current interest in their stable of talents when they decided it was a good idea to hold three separate concerts in the largest venue they could book.

To get into the weeds a little bit:

Raw numbers compiled as of 5 days ago had ticket sales at 507 for Concert 1 (12.52%), 560 for Concert 2 (13.83%), and 615 for Concert 3 (15.19%). To note: the percentages are derived from the Peacock Theater reduced capacity configuration of 4,050 seats.

The cumulative numbers are 1682 total tickets sold out of a total 12,150 seats across all three concerts, or 13.84% overall tickets sold, which I had rounded to 14% in my previous post for the sake of brevity.

And yeah, the situation is worst for people who were planning on going specifically to attend the concerts, because so much money has already been spent and at this point a lot of it may simply not be refundable, unless someone also happened to spring for travel insurance.
>Nijisanji has meet and greet at the Singapore Event
>Talk with the chuuba 1-on-1 in a booth
>To save costs Nijisanji only used a single pair of earphones that attendees had to share
>earphones that attendees had to share
I don't have the tweets saved.
How the fuck is this so funny still kek
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I just find it funny that they're trying to copy everything Hololive is doing so hard
And failing in doing so
>Are you ready to meet FOUR life-sized statues of #NIJISANJI_EN and #NIJISANJI Livers?
>Because we are not
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Logistics fag here.
Any competent logistics operator would ship it way before the schedule, especially because all container vessel schedules are fucked up due to the shitfest in Middle East and lack of containers in all East Asian countries. And this shit isn't something recent, it's been a clusterfuck since the beginning of this year. (This is of course assuming they have shipped from Japan)
If they knew they wouldn't meet the deadline by sea, they would have definitely crammed it in an cargo aircraft even if they had to pay the premium, because not receiving these statues on time, it's not just lost money on premium shipping, it's loss of potential exposure (which is happening right now)
Spinzaku is Luca Kaneshiro, the Nijispy
>Any competent logistics operator
There's the problem. Assuming they even have one in the first place and it's not some random intern-kun or mane-san ordering the shipping.
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Well, looking at what occured right after the Riku apology video and the black screen, 100% people will mock them publicly with appropriate cosplays. And it's going to be great.
I'm actually surprised they haven't done air cargo for it already
Is that a 3D render of the actual venue?I though 15% sales is still better than nothing when I looked at the seating plan considering the preceding events, but when visually shown, it's actually even more pathetic than the singapore images wtf

>huge multi-level theater
They have curtains to hide the 2nd and 3rd floor if ticket sales are low, but...yeah...
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Recording the concert. Seems to just be doing her own thing.
>Seems to just be doing her own thing
Is there anyone left to organize things?
unironically i think rosemi, doppio, and maybe Aia (if lots of D&D collabs count) are currently the only ones who would even bother organizing anything, no one else seems to have much ambition
I'd bet a couple bucks on those two statues accidentally being the NijiEN ones.
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Who dis
They could "lose" the JP ones to avoid griefing.
What about Millie and Finana?
No problem, it will be delivered after AX, and Anycolor will post pictures of it on the internet for free. Sisters be like:
>'Thank you Nijisanji for taking care of us. Now we can stare at the details without worrying about time and others. This is even better than seeing it in real life'
>'Yes, and now, those of us who can go to AX can see them too. Thank you for loving us Nijisanji'
too lazy
too sad
poor dog, Millie can go fuck herself though
based houthis bombing ships
Finana, seemingly innocent but capable of much malice. PARASOCIAL FUCKS!!! she screamed as she murdered her own fanbase
Ironically PARASOCIAL FUCKS was aimed at Vox's fanbase after they started harassing Reimu.
Well ironically Euphie didn't want to butcher the elevens either but she did (even if she was Geassed to do it)
I can just see the responses from the rest of nijiEN- KNOW YOUR PLACE RUNT
Now that you say it, it does fits.
Why do you imagine them as bad people?
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You made go deep through my shitposting folder
Unless proven otherwise they are bad people. The current situation falls squarely on their shoulders.
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>concert with himehina, kson, the official love live vtubers, etc.
>one phase girl
Feels like some sort of cosmic level karma constantly fucking nijiEN up since the Selen incident. Bullies do get punished eventually, huh?
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Meanwhile, in Doki's Tomato Farm!

the fuck?
that's too fast I feel like, but congratulations all the same
Considering how long nendoroids take to make from planning to announcing phase, this has been in the works for over a year. Meaning she planned all this drama to benefit from.
Nah, you can get them really quickly. Nazuna got one in a similar timeframe and definitely wasn't planning to get fired.
>coming out alongside vshojo nendos
I'm thinking things were expedited, actually
They are still at nijisanji
need I say more?
dokibird is so powerful she got a nendroid made of her graduated PL
she was that powerful even back then
ninjasanji should be begging on their knees so that she doesn't instantly destroy the company now that she's free and back at full power
or maybe nendroid are actually niji antis, we should flock to twitter sisters and post videos of us destroying our nendos
They're both being streamed, but EN is being streamed for free while Chronoir's stream will be paywalled
Were they smeared in cow dung for a good luck or whatever sacred creature they have in SEA, why does it look like this? I could understand ear grease, but what's with everything else.
That Pegor is very kissable.
It's honestly impressive how Nijisanji has managed to last this long despite how many bad decisions it's made.
Japs are extremely loyal if you are early and pander to them. That's why they still buy shittendo trash while the rest of the world moved on 3 decades ago to better platform holders.
It's always been their mentality to focus on JP, even back when I was a dumbass interacting with them in English I'd just get ignored
JP branch will be fine, but the Nijisanji EN label will always be cursed, from naming their dead India branch to that and now the current EN branch
Dino Time? Gone.
Gaslighting, honestly, it's the same with holo community or any cult-like following, except hololive doesn't do so many bad decisions, so it rarely goes that way. You aren't allowed to criticise, have doubts about anything, if you do, you aren't a real fan etc.
Cmon, biggest corpos in the world fight tens of lawsuits against their exworkers everyday and they are still thriving(Nestle, Amazon etc.). This is actual nothingburger in the grand scheme of things. NijiJP will be fine even after 5 of these "Selen"s, nijiEN tho yeah, they are fucked
I see a lot of these JP branch will be fine but will it? JP branch is bleeding old talents. New waves don't perform well. Their revenue comes from a handful of merch and VP pushers and which with the exception of Salome are all old talents and despite what sisters want you to believe Chronoir doesn't singlehandedly create those metrics with two talents. JP branch is not in a death spiral like EN but things are churning their as well.
>That's why they still buy shittendo trash while the rest of the world moved on 3 decades ago to better platform holders.
Granted for how historically dickish Nintendo has been they have been whipping the shit out of Sony and Xbox the past couple of years.
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If NijiEN was a standalone company, it would've collapsed a while ago like another shitty small black company.
This is honestly so in line with lelouch's M.O. it's funny
>JP branch is bleeding old talent
As long as Kuzuha, Kanae and a few others are still with them, they are safe in Japan, i think.
Depends on how long they stay. They'll have to graduate eventually, even Utako just graduated.
>As long as Kuzuha, Kanae
anon that IS Chronoir... they amount for a lot of profits but they can't keep NijiJP alive on their own. As for others I did not expect a lot of JPs to graduate or go on hiatus in the last 2 years yet they have. Mayuyu leaving was one of the biggest morale blows because if this guy left there are serious issues brewing within JP.
Sure sister

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