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why didnt they hire mint?
are they stupid?
She probably wasn't even top 10 in the auditions, stop begging
>She probably wasn't even in the auditions, stop begging
because she didn't apply
Stop begging mintfag. You can see CC is way better and more talented than her.
Sister, Cover is a good corpo unlike your dead company. There's no reason not to try.
Thousands of people applied. She was never gonna crack top 50. And I’m being very generous.

Just cause you could make it into some shit company like niji or phase doesn’t mean you would have a shot of even sniffing a holo acceptance letter.
why the fuck would mint give up her indie career where she gets all the profits
Cope. She couldn't crack Myth, she's gonna have trouble passing the later auditions.
>There's no reason not to try.
There's one huge reason: she's still under NDAs and NCCs, which are enforceable in Japan. Auditioning is a waste of time.
holy beggars
What you earn from being indie is way WAY lower than what you get from being corpo, unless your corpo is Niji fucking Sanji.
If she wants to try her luck, she'll apply. If not, she won't.
No point trying to push her or complaining about it. She seems to be enjoying her freedoms right now.
Going to Cover might create legal problems, since Japanese non-competes are probably different from others, and she graduated instead of being fired.
if you're a 4views indie without botting you're already richer than the average holo. one downside is that you don't have access to the holobox but mint is an exception to that rule too.

it's also risky for cover to hire any former nijis at the moment since the media is still sensitive after the selen shock.
She is the least popular ex-niji by far. That tells me she is either very bad at promoting herself or she doesn't want to promote herself.
She tried and failed.
>became a huge holofag after graduation posting about them every time
>months pass
>NA concert announced
>Justice debuts
>she is "to busy" to go to the concert
>barely any holo mentions anymore
Sour grapes
>why didn't the contrarian who rejected vshojo SOLELY because people predicted the move apply to holo
>without botting
Too bad western flip-thots all bot then.
Giga cope, you know how much investment it is to get merch? The most shitter holostar probably makes the same as some mid 4 view indie
Mintschizo is back at it again. Could you give it a rest SEAtard?
stop begging
Isn't Quinn a 3view and Sayu a low 4view? Mint's at least 4x that in viewership.
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Hmm, another Anit-Mint thread during SEA hours. I wonder why?
En5 trust
Being popular and using that popularity to make money are two different things.
Most indies are hard stuck on the first part at best.
That's why they go corpo or hire people and become corpo themselves to achieve the second part.
Very rarely can you join a corpo who can do both things.
I bet Dokibird earns more than any other holoen except Gura, because she has everything a holo has: merch, sponsorships, popularity.
But the money to invest in this comes out of her own pocket, what she actually earns is low-mid level holo
Any of Justice members is better than Mint. Yes, even Elizabeth.
and other lies beggars told themselves
Holy holocope.
how is this a beggar comparison if Mint is a huge male collaber LMAO
Did her fanbase fucking hit their heads in unison?
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>even Elizabeth
BVTMfags should kill themselves
How many male collabs are on Mint's channel right now? Go count
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Yeah, she was expecting to get in holo and have a clean record, the CDGT post was a clear sign she was going that direction
Elizabeth is a better singer than Mint and Irys
it's retarded mintfags like you makes me hate her. holo lives rent free in your head longer than nijisisters holy fuck
It's Antis you tard
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Mint haters are starsfans
Already covered that retard-kun >>79875157
Girl is so desperate. She's still not gonna make it.
The money Cover invests in merch basically comes from the talents' pockets as well. Yes, Doki pays to the management team from her own pocket, but she keeps all the profit for herself.
Please Japsama forgive her, she's a good girl like Mumei now
No she doesn't, merch sites get a cut of the sales.
Cover gets deals, Doki is just a normal person using their services so she has to pay more.
Also, cover uses the cut they already get from everything else to pay for the merch, you can't just add it twice to say the talents pay for the merch when it is already included in their expected income, it just shows that you don't know shit about what you are talking about
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They tried to, but Mint opted out at the last moment. Maybe she got a better deal, or something else happened, it's unclear what, you should bug Kiara or Matara, they probably know more. There's some stuff going on behind the scenes we don't know yet. Maybe she decided to stay with Doki, considering how Hololive has a collab ban with Doki.

Cecilia's model was actually reserved for her and the lore of Cecilia was supposed to be different than it is now.
She wasn't supposed to be an automaton, but a doll possessed by a ghost who was a maid in the previous life. This is all I'm going to say.

Except it isn't the case and you can easily look it up on their financial report. Big sponsorships and partnerships are very significant sources of funding and most of the time these entities flat out refuse to deal with indies.
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I think Mint is mid but she would have been a better choice than any of the Justice members.
Why would they hire a serial homo collaber and Lucas cocksleeve
Go beg Vshojo to take your trash in
weak attempt at deflection retard, holo has been living rent free in every mintfag/pomudachi since forever
Thank you Dmitri, you're the only voice I trust at Cover right now. And I know ERB is not your fault.
They hired Elizabeth
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She's joining Dokicorp
they hired roroa & ERB, holocuck
unpopular opinion but i cant stand her
Nah, Mint is pretty good, but she's nowhere near on the level of Justice girls. She's comparable with Cecilia, but in my opinion CC outshines her in every aspect except having a bigger hardcore fanbase.
I don't think she applied after leaving Niji, and I wouldn't blame her after that bad corpo experience. She'll probably join Dokicorp in the future though.
This last gen was selected before Pomu even announced her graduation, the auditions started when Advent debuted. Hololive is not going to rush a gen just to hire one talent regardless of their talent.
>supposed to be a doll not an automaton
She literally has mechanical elements in her outfit you braindead retard, also explain the music elements when Mint fucking sucks at singing and Cecilia at least plays instruments
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I wish she had joined, but I guess she didn't want to for whatever reason.
I think cc and mint should collab to remove the allegations that they hate each other.
no one is saying they hate each other tho
Tempus 2nd
idk, it's like an all out war or something.
You should stop trying to nepohire, Kiara, cover is never doing it again after Nerissa
> Mint fucking sucks at singing
Come on now.
>Mint sucks at singing
That is the most retarded comment I've seen in this board by far, and that is a fucking massive hurdle to jump anon.
She is not good, passion level when being generous, even then, not enough to be music themed
Because she never applied as she is perfectly fine as an indie right now, stop begging.
Kiara will convince Mint to join. I believe in Wawa.
Mint's singing sounds alright to me. She isn't top-tier but definitely in a high tier.
Denying this hard, might aswell be tone deaf
You are arguing with someone that also thinks Enna if the best EN singer and Reimu is a japanese "cd goddess"
I think every signs points to Mint going for holo audition as early as December last year. When she left Niji in January, she was very spirited, being chummy with holos in Japan. Sometime around March was when EN4 passers got announced internally. I guess Mint was late to the news hence she went back to streaming again in April.
We got the mint discord in the thread now all replying the same thing KEK
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People like (You) are giving holofags a bad rep.
Doki has her own merch store, she even used to make and ship it personally. All she needs to do is to order her merch to some producer in China and ship it to customers. It costs money, but it would cost less than Cover takes.
Got merged in to council to make promise, they realized how shit was to debut a single talent without a gen to work with.
I'm more than happy to accept holostars as hololive members, but most of the board would tell you that holostars are not hololive anon.
okay sis, whatever. I know nyfco is down and we're now the designated shitposting board, but that's just a watery diarrhoea you're spraying us with.
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This doesn't explain Gigi. It's already known that people can audition while still under contract. Doki already planned her exit a year before her termination and she was supposed to graduate after Pomu.
this is a falseflag to achieve that goal
Business taxes, transport, manufacturing, advertising, she does not make more.
The fact that Nijisanji has their graduated livers sign a bunch of NDA and NonCompete agreements kinda throws all that out the window. No point in applying when there's legal bullshit preventing you from joining.
do you just listen to any woman sing and just go "omg thats the best shit ive ever heard", because this is how retarded you sound right now
Because the Justice contracts were signed in March, back when Mint was still bound by the non-compete clause of her previous contract. Notably Justice is made out of four new members, something that has never happened before in the history of Hololive. Come fall and the end of her program with Matara, Mint will announce her hiatus. After that, pay attention to any signs in the winter signaling something coming to HoloEN.
don't want that beggar near my holos
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She's still under an NDA and non-compete. Once that runs out, she'll be the nepotism hire of the next generation if she doesn't stay indie.
Gigi was not part of Nijisanji.
She’s joining dokicorp.
Shut up faggot, when you start with the nyfco sister bullshit you might aswell admit that you have nor argument, she is not a good singer and thats a fact, go lister to her fucking original that she had 3 years to make, even when produced she doesn't sound good
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holoen5 trust the plan wawa will force mint to join even if she doesn't want to
>NDA and NonCompete agreements
These don't apply to foreigners so your theory is kind of whack.
mika joined vshojo the moment she left
Worse, she's under Brave Group actually.
Instead they hired someone who helped Sayu pretty significantly kek
It would apply if she was trying to join Hololive, since Cover is in Japan.
the only ones begging here are holobros tho? not that i care anyway. i have no dog in this fight.
Oh is that why the sisters relentlessly attack the new gen? Explains a lot
If she didn't reach an agreement with anycolor, she can't work for a Japanese corpo until July 20th.
Yup, hiring someone helping a victim an not someone who was all buddy buddy with the harassers, learn the difference
>we dont want your whore
You ok there buddy?
>I watch CGDCT while getting finger blasted by Luca's brown fingers
>Mint bait thread
Alright what happened to phasecuck connect this time? Did pickme plappa have another melty?
have you tried vshojo? they have a high chance of hiring big ex corpos.
Mika never signed any contracts. Just talked about it a couple days ago.
Vshojo is an US company, not a Japanese company, A Japanese non-compete does not have an affect overseas.
And you know that Pomu signed contracts.......... how exactly.......? Your crystal ball revealed it to you in a dream?
Because despite people telling you otherwise about Brave Group being a black company despite the shenanigans in their music label group, V4Mirai's contracts allowed it to happen without repercussions or consequences which is why she was able to join. If it was truly black, do you think Cover would've been able to just take her as is without needing to actually negotiate an exit with lawyers? I doubt Cover would bend over backwards with legal issues to help a potential hire who was at best mid 3view. They definitely won't do it for Mint who is much more reputable in the scene if she bothered to apply which I doubt.
Remember that Japanese laws apply to Japanese companies and even if the talent isn't bound by them, a dispute can be done regarding said talent from one company to another. No one is going to take that risk.
The non-compete is actually even longer, it goes up until next year after her graduation on July 20th if you take the maximal view on that leaked contract and want to be completely in the clear.
Both have shit obnoxious fanbases
Correct, holofags and phasecucks are the biggest blights upon vtubing
*January 20th 2025
It's Mintschzio. The retard has a hate boner for her for whatever reason.
Seriously, fuck off.
The only thing worse than having that loser whore in Holo, would be you being part of the fanbase.
Get to fuck, you're a creep with shit taste and you spam the exact same thing every fucking day.
Brave Group had everything to gain from letting Cover buy out the contract of a low-3view.
Nijisanji has everything to lose if they let their talents just hop right over to Hololive.
>implying there's only one mint beggar on the board
Pipe down ex-nijidrone, you will never escape your dark past
There's more than 1 mintschizo. The pomuschizo that has been seething about her for over 3 years, and recently there's been a capipi that for some reason has daily meltdown about Mint.
Dont forget to beg those same "holofags" and "phasecucks" to save you irrelevant oshi
Fucking retard
No, I meam she never signed ANYTHING.
She was technically never even hired by Anycolor.
Dont ask me how that works..
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Mint mogs most holos and all of phase
>literally "just trust me bro"
And here I thought you would be retarded enough to admit it came to you in a dream. You impressed me.
We know from Sayu that EN management forces mountains of contract paperwork onto the livers.
Pomu is a known pushover who wouldn't try to fight things in the contract, she'd just sign it so she could leave peacefully.
that and a mix of BVTMfags create god-awful threads like this one
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA look at this dude
Gigi made it to Hololive without issues.
Mika went to Vshojo without issues.
Your theory doesn't hold water. The burden is on you to show that these non-compete clauses work on foreign agents.
>get out of jp corpo hell
>join another jp corpo
she's not that stupid
>Mika Melatika Graduation: 2023/12/28
>Michi debut: 2024/4/20
>"mika joined vshojo the moment she left"
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>Gigi made it to Hololive without issues.
Because, believe it or not, Brave isn't as petty as Anycolor is.
i think it might have been better to just say that she loved the Holostars and male Vtubers instead
>Botted subs
>Convert jumping on vtuber bandwagon
I blame Vshojo whores for this.
V4Mirai/Brave doesn't have a non-compete or anything we know of, there wouldn't have been 2 graduations that were amicable for talents leaving for greener pastures if that was the case.
Mike joined an American talent agency in a similar move that other people from the same background like Kuro and Matara already proved can be done. The only proof this gives is the fact that the non-compete agreement signed per the leaked contract doesn't work outside of Japan.
The big question is if it holds water in Japan and no one, talent or company, is in a rush to find out.
>V4Mirai/Brave doesn't have a non-compete or anything we know of
Saki went on a legal battle with them over this issue. C'mon, anon.
Contrary to popular belief non competes are not actually enforceable in Japan outside of high ranking positions with material trade secret knowledge
What the actual FUCK is your issue with Mint, you falseflagging phasebrowns?
Saki isn't V4Mirai. And can you prove otherwise that the graduations weren't amicable like Saki? It's not in doubt this was the case here.
Cover has a policy of not hiring talents from other big agencies. There was never any chance she'd be taken.
Why are holobeggars so obsessed with Mint?
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ITT: picrel
How the tables have turned
>Botted subs
nah, the children side of youtube is extremely generous for views and subscribers. they don't buy merch obviously.
Dunno man, Pippa probably asks herself that question everyday
mintcucks truly are the most delusional beggars on this board
It's fine when Pippa does it
The only people I see is her fans demanding hololive hire her and how "hololive fucked up"
You got it the other way around
Mint having a dedicated discord that organizes to come to threads to defend her is not too surprising knowing where she comes from
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sour grapes holocuckis, over 3 years and counting rumao
>phasebrown projection
>"We don't hire stealth avoiders"
- Yagoo (probably)
Go ahead and use every buzzword you know when someone points out your desperation
>phasebrown projection
>pippacuck seething
Like clockwork LOL
How about 3 non-buzzwords then?:
You are brown.
Uh oh you guys are making it too obvious
This take is so fucking stupid. Mint honestly doesn't have enough to separate herself from Hololive's existing roster and honestly she's doing good enough as an indie that she doesn't need the Holo buff.
seethe phasecuck
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Uh oh pippashart melty
Doki has even said in a stream (not sure if member or not, all of her yapping brainrotted my memory) that she would only become corpo again only if she got a REALLY good deal, and that was after she was ranting for 30 minutes on each of the previous 6-7 streams on how much work, decisions, reading she has to do now that she's indie but still wants to do lots of huge projects.
because they got a better mint cecilia, you mintfag cant stop begging, i hope vhoejo pick her asap so you mintfag finally shut up
>is cover stupid?
How many times are you going to samefag?
Those posts you linked were made in a NIJISANJI thread
Mintbeggars have begging her to join hololive for 3 years
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I wonder who created this thread...
>justice girls
They are racing for mist mediocre hire, there are dozens of small corpo and indie that are far greater to watch
Are you not just a blind drone but also one of the kind that jump to new shiny thibg and start calling a new blue dorito kamioshi on debut?
>says it's a niji thread
>links to a non-niji thread
pippanegros aren't bright huh?
how many times you mintfag/pomucuck doing this? cover are dont want this ex niji luca cocksleeve, stop begging.
Oh no no no no AHAHAHAHA
Thank you for the link
these pomucuck just never stop begging they are truly the same breed as nijisisters, hopefully vhoejo pick her asap so we finally free frome these retards
So it was taken from a Mint thread begging Hololive to get her kek
And the cope never ends
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>Don't hold your breath, it's extremely unlikely that Nijisanji will include any men. It's probably going to be three girls between the market and their branch trends.
>mintbeggars praying from the bottom of their soul for her not to join a branch with males
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Ah the good ol' holoseethe in the morning
its way from pomu times, they always begging "yagoo save pomu" now recently its the same case with rosecuck rosemi fans too, like its clear cover are not interested with them at all, move on.
and mint beggars have gone quiet
Lemao rumao KEK
>he's now samefagging on multiple devices
Whew holocuckis never cease to amaze me how pathetic they are
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Discord raider trying to create a monster for him to fight, ironic as fuck
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Why is this thread so ESL?
You think they hanged themselves when that offcollab orgy in the hotel happened
>h-hes gay!!!! damage control across the board
Probably not
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NTA, but it is possible that she just couldn't be bothered because she knew it would be a long shot.
Anon noone cares about your cuck fantasies, go back to your cuckhole
>Hololive has a collab ban with Doki.
What makes you say that? Has Doki said this outright or are just just speculating?
The consequences of pippa existing have been a disaster for the vtubing as a whole
Why would they hire used goods in every sense of the word?
I know pomukeks are among most pathetic fanbases as they watched their oshi off collab with men, spent 3 years cheering a black company that exploited their oshi until they could no longer deny the reality, and even today repeatedly beg doki and vshitshow in order to remain relevent, but you really need to know your place is nowhere near Holo
>used goods
but enough about cecilia and elizabeth
Altare used to collab with Selen, but now he only uses his alt account to collab with her.
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>Cover is a good corpo
Who will be the next boogeyman? Vshojo? What will you do when she joins vshojo btw
well known luca cocksleeve too lmao, i remember when those pomucucks cope about mint with luca offpako KEK
Oh, Mint had an offpako with luca? Proof? So I can rub it in those mintfags faces.
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I wonder why.
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>phasebrowns are now posting their cuck fantasies because they're just as brown as luca
My fucking sides
They went lingerie shopping together, take it as you will
Yes yes, can you link me proof? I need it for future posting.
Kronii is a cunt and homobeggar, she doesn't count.
KEK, oh no no mintcuck
Why are they so obsessed with her?
oh no no no holocucks not like this lmfaoooooo
its well known that pomucuck are begging for pomut to join holo and be "idol" YEARS ago, after nijiEN downfall they begging even more
Please, for the love of everything that is holy, learn english before posting on this board.
This is a known falseflagger, you probably know it from where you got the screenshot and is just using it without context because you ran out or arguments, but go ahead and keep making shit up
You are going to need more then that to cope with /b/omu
But I suppose pomukeks have as much integrity as their oshi has tits
holofag cope
pls stop begging mintfag, go ask vhoejo to recruit her already ffs
Let me guess, /#/?
yeah, its the same guy from that dramatuber stream yesterday who happened to be phasefag falseflagging
>deflecting to Phase
retarded holofag
Accept that you got btfo and leave in silence
>deflecting from event that just happen yesterday
nice try phasefag, but you can even still check that dramatuber channel yourself
Why are mintbeggars obsessively spending their time in /#/?
Can we stop tribalfagging for a second and realize it's a BVTMfag that is making these types of threads?
>mintfag who used to be "nijisanji fans" turn out to be a retarded faggot
geez i wonder why?
Because all mintbeggars are holofags, and /#/ is holofag central
It's too late to throw reverse accusations now, Holocuck.
let me check what happened
>holo dodger thing about to come
>another niji L with their statue for AX
ah i see
Braindamaged ones you mean, right? Because no sane holofan wants mint
>check the source of an image with the archive
>/#/ is totally not a den of psychotic Holofans btw, I just decided to defend it for some reason
>It's too late to throw reverse accusations now
>mintfag think holofans want their luca cocksleeve
go ask vhoejo now mintcuck and i'm happy she join that whore company with literal whore.
all holotards are braindamaged
These are bots, aren't they?
For actual stream discussion is better than global
All 3 replies to that original post are calling him out for falseflagging
reposted it again the next day
reposted it again, the same day but this time the jannies gave him a vacation
came back and started posting it again
then started spamming it in random threads
now tell us mintbeggar, which of these threads did you get that image from and mind telling us why you were there?
>holo numberfags having a melty
Panko poster, don't you have some "Panko is the better Raora" threads to make?
What did niji do this time
the statue of elira and clique for AX, i think its not there yet.
Cover is a black corpo when Vshojo is a realistic option.
>all mintfag are braindamaged
ftfy, well i guess thats what happen if you are in niji
How does this exact thread, with basically the same exact posts get to bumb limit seceral times a week?
idk how and why but it keep happen to them at this point just cancel and leave AX
Mintfags just cant help themselves to anti hololive and other corpos
Dude, if you believe every falseflag attempt you are bound to join on a cult at some point. Don't be so manipulable, anon.
>mintfag coping that no one want their luca cocksleeve
i know you are not used to this mintfag, but most ppl are not cuck like you, specially from a fuckng luca kek
>numbermonkey calling for backup in his general
>>79874242 >>78420275
>>78420864 >>78442168
>>78411401 >>78425303
>>78441619 >>78447342
>>78447993 >>78476396
>>78485064 >>78465914
>>78486168 >>78492689
>>78494129 >>78529959
>>78540420 >>78574504
>>78584809 >>78585921
>>78594868 >>78595096
>>79473316 >>79660059
>>79660341 >>79876638
Because Holotards make up the majority of this board.
>gets a Ren cocksleeve and a stars cocksleeve instead
You have different preferences, holocuck, I got you
Thought so. Imagine having the nerve to try and call out others when you spend the most time on /#/ out of anyone here. Keep going maybe if you attack hololive long enough they will definitely bend over for you and get Mint in.
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>mint still meet up with luca offline
we know no one can match you mintfag for being a luca cuck
>mintfag still begging mint for cecilia
sorry cecilia just better, it is a fact
I wish we still had the IP counter. These bait threads get to bump limit basically every day but it'd be funny to see only 12 IPs total or whatever this fuckery amounts to.
Main reason she wasn't accepted.
i wish vhoejo just recruit mint already se dont have to deal with mintfag begging non stop, even tho holo already release a new gen which mean they will have to beg for an entire year atleast baka
>bait image made by yet another numbermonkey >>79025228
>Mint beggars sour graping
Mintfans are perfectly happy with her being indie so she doesn't have to deal with shit like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_vkXeRSJrg
Keep begging Holobeggar.
>it was real in my mind I swear
Stars begging is real tho
>Mintfans are perfectly happy with her being indie
>hundreds thread of mintfag begging for holo to "save" her
stop it mintfag, move one, holo already debut justice.
/#/ is fucking cancer
>>it was real in my mind
>clueless mintfag doesnt know that mint and luca had an offpako back then which is why shes called luca cocksleeve
whos gonna tell him? KEK
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>loud and obnoxious disney singing is good so my opinion on this is absolutely valid
>I cannot judge her butchered japanese for I am amerifat
>sings well is now a valid defense in a comedy/talent company
see >>79878986
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listen here, I never even watched either of them, but holy fuck was the pomuposting back in the days obnoxious. it was fucking everywhere. it doesn't warrant schizoing out over her for YEARS, no, but it doesn't surprise me either, look where we are.
Why are you in every single one of them and in /#/ obsessively?
I accept your concession.
She sucks
ironmouse, matara or kuro need to just hire mint for vshojo already maybe mintfag will stop begging
I'm sure they just halfassedly quickly modelled the violin.
>Pomu cucks forcing "I am Pomu" memes 3 years ago
>Mint cucks forcing "Better than Hololive" memes 3 years later
You guys are really fucking annoying.
Mint is really overrated, she's not a great vtuber, she just got propped up because she wasn't garbage like most of the rest of NijiEN
> has better ccv than half of holoen
> is more intertaining than half of holoen
I'm sorry to harm your feelings, it's just stating a fact
>low numbers
>underage nudes
Keep screaming that in the mirror to the only persons that believes this bullshit
Why don't you watch Mori, holocuck? She's a 3k shitter without raids from other girls.
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Why do so many people who don't watch this indie seethe/beg about her so hard?
she had no skills or anything to offer
a flash in the pan
they needed someone who knows Japanese
Mint's vtuber debut was way later than Ame's reign of Twitch and that made her an inferior choice
a full-fledged VSinger
singer, artist, good voice, one million subs
voice actress, lots of subs
ASMRtish, good voice, good mannerisms
second best hire if not for the cock chasing
one of the OGs

It boils down to Mint vs Bijou
>not even hiding that he is the /#/ trash that obsessively goes there
Which means bugger-all when Cover itself is in Japan, where Japanese laws apply.
Not to mention that for a substantial portion of the period between when she graduated Niji and when the auditions for Justice were completed, she was physically in Japan. So that's another reason why she didn't (couldn't legally) audition.
She's less popular than every holo (bar ID) in the company.
Hololive isn't Vshojo, they arent gonna do as many nepotism hires as they used to.

Also Mint is better suited for Vshojo. Sorry.
I would argue she is more popular/well known than Shiori.
She has 200k more subs in half the time. She has more total channel views. They have pretty similar CCV.
And as a singular event, the Dokibird drama and debut got way more overall publicity than Shioris debut I think
>I'm not begging!
Worthless fucking vermin
Oh, so Pomu turned Luca into a sissy? I say BASED.
The drama is the sole reason she has more subs. And isn't Doki's CCV in the 3k range? That's Shiori's absolute minimum.
This but Panko
And Mint is going to join Vshojo when she gets a new model
I dont think Dokibird or Mint or whoever your schizo mind is telling you about, should join Hololive. And I am not shitting on Shiori either, she is probably in my top 5 HoloENs.
Just saying it is at least arguable that Dokibird is more well known than Shiori because the Dokibird drama got a lot of exposure back then
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>quinn now such a literalwho people forget him to even dab on
that's what we call karma in action.
>keeps parroting earnings of indies against Holo talents
Literally obsessed
EN4 hire suck tho? Auditions must have been fucking sad
>>79882386 me
They prefer tranny voice shitters who can't sing over a cute idol
would she read my 5 dollar birthday begging supa if she was in holo
Everytime these retards get exposed.
The holobegging will continue until morale improves.
This is the clip sisters are trying to spin into "Pomu is a whore!"
Judge for yourself.
/#/ may be cancer but >>79874918 is retarded
hilarious thread
>And has never hidden that she was more fond of Nijisanji than Holo

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