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VSMP is a whitelisted Minecraft server for VTubers hosted by PixelLink.

The server uses a custom modpack with the full mod list found here:

>Official Link

>Member List & Schedules

>Stream Playlist

>Thread Template

>VSMP Host Agency
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/

>VSMP Affiliates
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
PRIMA: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V4Mirai: >>>/vt//v4m/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Specialite: >>>/vt//corpo/
Sheeptubers: >>>/vt//wool/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/

Previous thread: >>79811852
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Anchorpost for streams
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I love unity!
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kek spica
Mozzu and Miori should have never been allowed in this server
Kilia: https://youtu.be/B9lTFdu3Jm4
killing yourself would be a moral good
They're not going to be exclude people just to satisfy your autism
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holy shit this is like the peak of automation
My cute latina wife
Have they started any drama on the server?
>Replying to shitters this early into the thread
anon please
Next thread will be better.
Is Shura a hag?
How hag are we talking?
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Buoys, is Kilia always this comfy? She has a nice singing voice
anon... don't watch her memberonly stuff...
that is also a reply, even if you don't type the >>
Déjà vu.
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I'm a big boy, I can take it
She’s never told her age but based on her likes anons have calculated 32 or 33
Nice. Another one for the collection
there are threads for spanish chuubas?
One or two but I wouldn't touch them with with a 10 foot pole
Yes but don’t go, only shitposting lately
Haven't checked pomu dex yet. I'm guessing no streams for several hours unless someone guerillas?
yep exactly that
Scarlett in 2 ish hours
Pain. Agony even. Despair if you will.
Scarlett in a little over two hours, but yeah...
Thank god.
I miss my wife, tails
The director of shrek 4 will save us
Anti unity chuubas are a problem
you're replying to /pkg/ schizo
Threadshitters are the problem
A bit longer, hottie https://youtu.be/hCfRr0QJ_JE
I've replayed this section like 5 times today
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I wasn't into it at first but Tomo interrupting pillows therapy session with the abrupt eating made me bust out laughing
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clip anchor!
for edited clips and timestamps
from a very wool coded stream:
>>79888871 the pants incident was foreshadowed
>>79892187 just CGDCT, 15min slide of the stream to get a idea of the whole thing
Kanna getting a Curse of Binding and Mending pants is so fucking funny. It doesn't help that pants are literally the ugliest armor piece in Minecraft, no matter the material
There is one but you'll be hard pressed to find it because the monkeys keep changing the name
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Love Shura
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Shura AMOR!
fatto catto sexo
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Scarlett LIVE
Fatto catto is someone else here anon KEK
[Scarlett News] She's the only one in the server right now
Tell her to declare herself monarch of the server, who's gonna protest anyway
It is a "scarlett writes kusomaros to your oshi" stream now
Actually, tell her to call Shura submissive, Sumisa in Spanish
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Yuuna joined
How is literally no one on. it's fucking holiday
You answered your own question
>Why aren't people playing minecraft while it's the biggest holiday for Americans
Think for more than a few seconds
yeah holiday is just a free day from work
Furi, and subsequently Brestie joined too
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will she join her friends
They did exclude people :/
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jesus cyon
Go back to your bootleg server, Reina
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good, segregation
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Pillow joined
axolotl in da lava fo today
Pillow will build therapy clinic so the ASMR clinic is just for ASMR
no mercy...
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Don't hurt Seaweed.
>Have you guys ever done mushrooms?
>When Pillow was a kid she kept hitting her head on a kitchen countertops
more pillow lore
The teachers that neglected to help Pillow deserve hellfire
kek this is fucking kino
this dumbass 12yro
what the fuck is happening
Those fucking phantoms just iced pillow cold.
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Pillow is fucking losing it
That pillow scream
>sounds like a shota
>sneeze is the girliest sound you've ever heard
confused peanits moment
>i'm going to teach you to talk to women
what the fuck is happening
I'm fucking dying from side explosion
Kanna warden and pants moment
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I'm fucking dying
Could these girls make a PixelLink RP GTA server work?
no GTA RP is cringe minecraft is based
what's yuuna doing anyways?
as always she builds
Yapping and building, she was with Essie for a bit earlier
synchronized fart kek
I'm fucking dying.
Building a cafe for more efficient girl feeding
As expected from architect prime

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