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Perfectly Legal Nursing Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Pixel VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
Ex-Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ Thread: >>79720179
Essie is a real nurse now, so watch out
shaking in my veins rn
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Esila is setting trap cards and gathering cult members off the graveyard with the most charming and innocent southern demeanor
I just want to bake once with that specific image, nothing more.
extremely noble, not very time sensitive
and by that i mean Esila with remain your wife for a long time and you will have plenty of occasions to bake her a thread with a ring in it
and now i'll be passing out listening to card game accents and comfy southern noises o7
you fuckers are pretty cool, seal you later
>not very time sensitive
indeed. then again, I'm both in /wool/ and /brg/ for Esila and only Esila. she's nowhere near large enough to have a personal general yet.
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>I'm both in /wool/ and /brg/ for Esila and only Esila
Absolutely based
I love her.
boy, I'm glad Esila went with human pupils.
be nise
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I miss her already.
Essie in da server
fo today
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Yuuna is trying to train Essie to be her feeder...
I wonder if a fusion between human and sheep pupils would work. Be it human ones inside of sheep ones, weird cubic shape turning oval in the middle or something else.
Waiting for essie nurse art.
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Here you go!
Now that's a healthcare professional I could trust with my internal organs
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A strange bird went live
>wat da fwick
>america ya!!!!!!!!!
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okay this is kino
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It's a sauropod... it's a giraffe... it's... vtuborwoman!!
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>5 locks on the door
Her dad is a little paranoid maybe possibly
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the creature wants to be held tenderly
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>*Essie explains how to find and open her door*
>*instantly gets raided by fishy individuals*
>please check out Krum she is the cutest cutest cutest cutest cutest cutest cat and she is debuting a new model this week
>*makes sure to tell everyone she is home alone*
Krum is cutest cat this is a true fact
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>on my road there was a dead squirrel
>there were vultures were pecking at it nyamnyamnyam
>and then all of a sudden a bald eagle picked up the squirrel and flew away with it
>and that's why i think bald eagles are the coolest
appropriating trash and pretending it's cool now that its yours, the most american thing to do
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>this bald eagle sheep is now LEGALLY loicensed to practice as a noise in the United States of America
>i can practice in multiple states
nowhere is safe...
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>was watching Pillow earlier and the AI generated stream summary said
>>viewers are saying how cute the sheep and cat streamers are they are also requesting to see the farm cats and commenting on how cute the sheep Essie is
>i think she pulled up a sheep and call it Essie
>thank you somuch Pillow
>when i went it i was so confuse i was like what the heck
so anyways, Essie is the fastest test taker in that midwest state she cant place
>Lamb Essie learns about the idea of the world ending
>Cries herself to sleep over it
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hot season is upon us and so i ask, which sheeps implied they're sheared?
>Essie is very disapointed that Yellowstone's Old Faithful will not literally kill everyone ever just like that one tiktok she saw once foretold
>no exit-tensile cry-sis for the children
>THEY LYIN' so people dont panic
>goodbye mormons i guess...
>good luck chicago

>when i was still in my religious school i was literally like
>im too young to die... im only 7....
>id cry myself to sleep because i was so scared of the end of the world
>*Essie learns about volcanos*
and goes from
>i would love to look at a volcano 50 miles away from it with binoculars
>unironically we need a big volcano to explode and cool us down
in half a second
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not Esila, she's being tormented by the family AC as is
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we have seen many sheepgirl limbs, and it turns out they are all sheared so far
as to whatever your dirty mind is preoccupied with, most of the cute girls this thread yaps about are too shy to address that
but there tons of lewd sheep no one talks about who might tell you everything about their body
hope her brainworms subside
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>let me google this...
>why is it safe to go in onsen in Japan?
>>there are still potential side effects of onsen use such as aggravating blood pressure or heart disease
>ahh?? what the-
>*googles some more* heart disease onsen...
>*why are hot tubs dangerous*
>yeah... they lower your blood pressure
>>hot tub place excessive demand on the heart potentially resulting in cardiac arrest or increase risk of stroke
>well if you are an old person do not go into a hot tub YOU WILL DIE
i love how curious and misinformed Essie it, constantly updating the simplistic model of the universe in her silly little head
>increased risk of stroke => YOU WILL DIE
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>baachi gets high on ketamine and fucking drowns
>curious and misinformed Essie
It's fascinating to watch her brain actively work against learning useful information
>learns that she doesn't know where the arctic circle is or what countries are near it
>does not google a simple image to cement a very clear and visual piece of information in her mind
>instead instantly googles when to use a sauna or what to do to close your hair follicles
>stays misinformed and influenced by Tiktok
This silly creature would be so much fun to mess with on a daily basis and you should not trust her to raise children
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>you need to have the long thing
>and the beans do not make the long thing
and thus Halloween proves that the dawg is a sausage and the bun is a mere costume
>one of the elderly cats i use to pet on campus is missing
>this cat was my emotional support...
>if you have no cats on your campus then your campus is dumb and stupid and lame
>venezuelan raid out of nowhere
don't they have to like survive over there?
>She's a goat
The ewenity crosses even language barriers
>america bird hates on canada bird
>raided by mexico
>brazilian music playing
damn Essie really went global after her VSMP ar huh
Essie coded post
if she wasnt streaming right now this could have been an Essie post >>79922418
currency went to shit, but it turns out that, unlike oxygen, money is not real and people can exist without it
dont tell the rest of the world tho
think this is a vtuber doodling stream but we are 2h in and her cloaca aint drawing any chuuba
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we have internet here ya know, incredibly shitty but still
>money is not real and people can exist without it
I'm going to physically harm you
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>money is not real
say that to any south american
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This is the stream now
and i love it
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>disrespecting Krum after she raided
baka my head shakingly

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