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For the 402nd time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

>First original song: Say My Name

>New merch: hololive Tanabata Date Voice Pack

▼ Upcoming streams
Fri 07/05 10PM CT, Crab Game HoloEN collab
▼ Latest streams
07/04, Old School Runescape Advent collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjil47Q_T6E
▼ Last appearances
07/03, solo twitter space: https://x.com/i/spaces/1BRKjPgNvERJw
07/02, cooking offcollab with Haachama on Haachama's channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PodFRbem8U

BlueBird cover of DECO*27 - Salamander
Jewelbird cover of VIVINOS - OTOMEROID
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Unarchived karaoke (May 9th 2024 #1)
Unarchived karaoke (May 18th 2024 #2)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>79797022
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
2024 to date
Solo streams: 70
Collabs: 68
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 10
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world
What is with Nerissa and the Klan
Nerissa's armpits, my beloved
Ya know, despite it being an absolute chaos. The girls are laughing which is good
I blame the Ruffians. Jailbirds successfuly built Nerissa's character and led her around for questing without being extra awful
is this what they call scuffkino?
Reminds me of wrangling my own friends in games, so I'm having a nice time
called out kek
Based Shiori
This exact scenario of her asking to be left alone and no one listening happened in her streams as well.
So true sis
she's angry...
If we're honest, other than interacting with fans, I've seen similiar chaos in other Holos streams. Besides, the Monster Hunter Rise streams went off without a hitch other than people being greedy with taking turns a couple runs.
So true sis
Is Rissa secretly Dutch?
Not a sister, I like the scuff, I think Advent will be fine.
>Place a cupcake in front of a thousand retarded hyperactive brown toddlers
>”whatever you do don’t eat it!”
>be surprised when the cupcake is, in fact, eaten
they're pros at entertaining. At least FWMC and Biboo are. Myth and Promise can't work off each other for shit
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sex with Nerissa Ravencroft while setting off fireworks, eating bbq, and saluting the flag
You too a good 4th of July Plapanon
Well let me know how this goes, jailbros. I'm gonna go shoot off fireworks for Rissa
I'm going to pop some off inside her~
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Haven't watched in a while damn she actually tidied up her bank
yeah but it makes like no god damn sense
why are her prayer pots arranged like that?
I've got covid and stuck at home, probably won't see a single firework tonight. Have fun for me please.
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Get well soon jailbro
Get well soon guy!
I’ll dedicate a fountain to you, jailbro. Rissa has all the artillery shells tonight
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Excuse me, the what...?
Now that's a classic Rissa trying to end it
Biboo would ABSOLUTELY get kidnapped to the wildy and raped
We should turn off the stream so we can finally ditch our loser fans!
well the collab was a bit of a disaster... so much better than what I expected!
I expected it to be way worse desu
As the resident Rissa-playing-osrs anti+shitter here, the first hour was as bad as it gets. The second hour was actually a little more fun and I'm happy Rissa took some initiative to isolate the rest of Advent from those ""people"".
I'm glad my Italian wife was streaming now, helped me lighten up a little going back into the osrs stream
What awful thing did you expect to happen?
Guys- I mean gamers- I mean Jailbirds. Did you like the collab?
A little late for that Rissa...
Homo mentions
>>79931669 (me)
I'll just add that I hope Rissa starts the stream with these measures in mind should the fabled Fauna/Irys osrs collab ever happen
Didn't expect them to ever be able to find each other's characters in the masses.
lol at the collab. I can't even understand what's happening for the first hour. Only when the orbiters thinned out were I able to grok what's happening and even then there's still orbiters around, ffs.
Let's just hope there is never another RS collab and they do something else. Surely there is some other nostalgia bait they can play
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Back at the runescape gf grind
Honestly I much preferred this collab to some of Rissa's usual osrs streams. But honestly it doesn't really matter, Rissa enjoys playing the game and all I can really do is post some mildy aggressive complaints here
Bomberman 64
She has at least 2 billion in items right
Or just normal bomberman. It can be played with up to 8 players both locally and online. I think it'd be pretty funny
they're in fucking Japan right now
they should do a Bombergirls stream
that would be cool.
>like osrs
>like nerissa
>absolutely hate her osrs streams
god why
Why's it so hard for her to get the perms guy on Runelite anyway? Jagex literally shill it to you on their official game launcher it can't be that hard
Even if she got it, she has to get written permission from every plugin dev which will never happen since these guys are mostly dead, don't read their mails or don't care
sucks to be you, the streams are kino
Surely she can get away with getting just perms from the entity hider guy, that's the only plugin she really desperately need
Do you honestly think she'd be able to figure it out even if she had perms?
jagex didnt make runelite, some guy did. And cover needs to ask this guy for perms and I bet they have no idea about this
I'll recommend it next time
Adam's not really a hard fella to reach he's pretty active online
I sure he isn't but try to explain this to japanese people at cover...
If she doesn't figure it out then Fauna will never join her, simple as
they're not even osrs streams, they're just like e-girl grifting streams
Yeah that's fair
yeah. kino.
But does he own a fax machine?
Honestly I like when they play games where you can get to join them
maybe we need to persuade jagex to just add entity hider to the base client.
yeah, but not to that extent to what happened earlier. that was just unwatchable anon.
Has the monthly poll anon been culled yet?
This might be easier than getting perms guy to do his job.
Or, as much as I don't like the idea maybe she has to directly ask on Twitter again. It's the only reason she got the game perms in the first place after all
Oops, sorry. I kinda forgot that June ended. I'll do it sometime soon.
You can't expect them to play MMOs like normal people do, while streaming. That's just how it goes.
Also, later streams were pretty chill. And at the end of the collab it was pretty nice to watch, they even gave Biboo a ring that morphs you into stones and she liked it. I think that was very nice.
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Good to see you still alive anon, I appreciate your efforts
My addict wife. I hope she had a happy July 4th
Kronii playing Papers Please reminded that Nerissa played that game way back when. I feel like current day Nerissa would never play that.
It was a pretty bad stream as I remember it
nta but that's how I also remember it
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Thank you for sharing those with us jailbro
any jailbirds wanna gift me an rs bond for a nerissa sketch
times are tough, eh?
Thanks for the updates. Surely she's being productive and just doing this on the side. We know how well our Risser can multi-task. Ha...haha...
She may not be the brightest bulb but I'm sure management has her on a leash while she's there
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we might get a solo stream any moment
OSRS got her hook, line, and sinker huh
Lmao this didn't take long
Nerissa solo streaming after a collab? Praise be OSRS!!!
if only she would get addicted to a good game...
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Well maybe put down the fucking phone, it's not like everyone can't see you were on twitter at 2AM
2 streams in one day for the first time in months and it's for this...oy vey.
Is it worth it to download this game for someone who has never played it? I want to contribute but is there a point for a noob player to join in this far in?
>I want to contribute but
The people contributing are Runescape autists that have spent their lives playing this shit
You should, however, try playing just to see if it tickles your autism itch since skilling is brainless fun
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Nerissa needs an intervention
No it was amazing
What exactly do you want to contribute? Handing her gp?
Just give the game a go and see how you like it, it's in a very good place right now in terms of updates even for low levels
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>Public Off
Oh nyo
The randoms that showed up in the collab killed it kek
Oh she's fucking pissed at those retards who made the collab hell for the other girls lmao, she really wanted them to get into it
It was mostly just that Darth faggot from Shiori and Mori's spamming his usual retarded nonsense and saying hi to his friends watching
i think it's cool that she likes osrs. I take back what I said about nerissa. I'm sorry for ever comparing her to kiara. She is now a cute dork. much respect
the guy got muted by a player moderator
That's on her for not thinking ahead. Damn shame for noobs who might want to join the game tho me
Were the randoms that bad?
She should have done it before... players and that guy following shiori were really cringe today
cute hat
It's more like I just want to interact with Rissa in even the smallest way possible. But I also don't want to spend hours grinding in another game when I have enough of those as is.
I wasn't watching shiori, what was the guy doing?
See >>79939252
i play it and you need thousands of hours to get to the good part of the game
getting gold is also really difficult unless you RWT. The best ways to get money are like 6M gp/hour
Some phase fan guy that is mostly banned in most holoen channels for keeping sending political superchats was harassing Shiori by following her and spamming some chud song
I don't even think he likes phase either, he got banned from Pippa's after making her laugh once and hasn't been since since there
the game was never as good since they introduced the grand exchange... now it's just a money making game...
Oh there's the answer the top is miscellaneous trash
I miss bartering for feathers
so what's the truth here?
Well this is grinding: the game (of varying degrees of instensity)
If you just wanna chat with her in game you can do that in the clan chat as soon as you enter the game but I would recommend just trying the game out and exploring the quests etc. while you're there
most people like the ge
I think the truth is that if you want to start playing the game to do anything other than hanging around Rissa and the crowd, then sure why not
Go get addicted report back after a few months when you have your quest cape
I'll cum down your throat and heal it for you Rissa
Is she joining the crab game collab soon
She was a menace in the last one
Yeah she said she is
When is the collab again? I've forgotten already lol
Guys I think she's baka
Frankly I'm surprised she got this far in OSRS with this attitude the entire time I'm over it
23 hours
when is she getting a tbow?
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>Thicc thighs
Over/under on how many hours until she learns tick manipulation
I remember when items were rare... I remember buying my first steel scimitar. it was beautiful. got it from the guy in the desert. dying to the castle guards..... getting scammed out of all my stuff at level 40.... ah good times.
Now that's a new face
>throat hurtie
>voice acts the entire quest
ame love rissa
One day Rissa will swap her UI to the resizeable classic layout instead of the ugly modern one
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
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Good night jailbro
so who's gonna be the lucky jailbird
>another billion gp item
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add another 1.6B to that
Holy moly that's like 400 dollars
it's the same guy who gave her the staff last time, right? huge simp
didn't she decline that trade? i swear i saw her click decline on that.
saw her click decline
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check that inventory
lol what
how in the?
Damn this dude has now given Nerissa all 3 mega weapons
>yet again another billion gp item
>not the one to receive Rissa's key
why even live
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This game is unironically good. Thank you Nerissa for introducing me to osrs.
mobile was such a boon for osrs, it's great to be able to pull out my phone any time and advance an easy afk grind
jailbirds im hanging out with a friend who is a complete OSRS nerd, doesn't always watch holo but he's been tuning into rissas OSRS streams and he is laughing but also going crazy telling me about how the items she's receiving for free are like the 2nd and 3rd rarest items in the entire game and are like upwards of $6k+
just funny to me, i have no idea whats going on but i hope she and you all are having fun
Yeah I'm enjoying this, very comfy vibes every time. Nerissa is the only streamer I watch for a reason, she makes me feel cozy and comfy
Technically the biggest ticket items would be 3rd age but she's been given 3 items by the same guy which are all the best weapons for their respective combat styles and are each worth approximately half of the game's maximum gp limit (all 3 together convert to like 2.8k if you buy gold through the official bond system)
idk about you guys but that sleep talk recording made me rock hard
Someone will, for sure, extract that recording and do something weird with it.
I don't normally watch Rissa but I've been loving the OSRS streams, it really tickles me to see how passionate she is about the game already to the point that she's even grinding offstream
They don't need, it's already done. CAI has some decent voices for her bot and you can even voice call the bot irt
What made me love this game is how simple and close to real world it is.
>Wanna level up skills? Catch some fish, cut and light some logs and cook the fish
>Wanna a better weapon? Train your stats and get the weapon you can equip.
I love it
Rissa... run....
it's cookie clicker with a chatroom dude
Why do so many jailbirds like osrs? Do you guys also like metal music?
>Do you guys also like metal music?
I love cookie clicker and that paperclips game
Here's your cookie clicker, bro
>do you also like metal music
Absolutely not
I don't think most do like it. The people that dislike it are probably avoiding here until this whole arc is over
never chatted that much, back where Ragnarok, WOW, Grand Chase where all Fantasy and flashy, RuneScape really stand out to me on how simple the gameplay was. And since I was a kid at that time it's basically what my brain could handle
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is she getting botted?
I ended up becoming really addicted to the ironman gameplay flow, encountering a situation where you need x so you have to train y but if you did z y would be faster so you go do b and a to prepare for c so that you can do z really tickles my autism
is she gonna miss her "important work" and just keep streaming?
Yeah, I remember I got into Ironman mode because every time I had to do quests, I always had this need to buy the items off the GE to start the quest. Now, playing as Ironman, I'm starting to rediscover new methods, monsters and locations in the game.
Nerissa liked the shitty One Piece theme.
I hope that gets a soundpost.
Shoujo hags…
Would you recommend ironman mode for a complete noob?
lol the bow and a superchat? Just like last time jeez. Let her play the game some more she'll learn the value and he'll get a better reaction blew his load way too soon.
yeah bro is simping hard without getting any thing in return
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New osrs player here. I made an ironman because Nerissa was so adamant about not wanting to play the game mode and it got me curious.

It's the most fun I had playing an mmo game since who knows when. i might downgrade to regular ironman cause uim feels too hardcore right now. Limited bag space is slowing my progress
Personally I'd always caution noobs away from Ironman mode until they've gotten their feet wet with the game already. It's ridiculously satisfying if you can stomach the extra monotony and grind but it can be overwhelming and frustrating for a new player before you have experience with the game in the form of a main account
You can try the mode to see if you like it. You can change it back the same account to the normal mode for free, but you can't change back to Ironman after.
Yes. I don't know for what unfathomable reason someone would bot a fucking Runescape stream at 2 am on a random Friday, with like one other Hololive stream going on, but she is.
UIM is genuine CBT mode where you have to constantly juggle your pittance of inventory slots in death storage and it just gets worse and worse as you get more things you want to keep, definitely recommend regular IM if you're enjoying UIM though
They started botting immediately as Ame raided too
bird brain fr fr
I was never really one for metal, to harsh for my taste
Think like RuneScape but single-player, without the trading and help from other players. You can still learn the game but your progress can be slow since you can't make money that easily by selling materials and stuffs to other players. The same goes by training skill that requires lots of materials too, you need to gather them all.
>Pink SC
get fucked idiot
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I miss her already…
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I like to think of ironman as "forced to do all the content" mode

You want potions? You better start fucking farming and levelling your herb. You want a set of bandos? Time to learn GWD and pray for that big dopamine drop instead of just farming the money snake and money dragon until you've saved up enough
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>still enchanting bolts after ending the stream
this woman
it's an online meeting then lel
damn son
>”And so this is our upcoming plan for- hey, Rissa are you listening?”
>”Yeah, totally. I’m right with ya.”
Man she's actually addicted lol
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an hour later and she's still there, grinding...
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Will management step in when she starts missing meetings and homework deadlines?
this is concerning
What is
How so
Nerissa I couldnt watch earlier because for obvious reasons but I started tk watch your bod and you were having s great time. Its nice to hear yiu having fun even if the people here like to onsult you. Domt listen to them just have fun and enjou your streaming. Keep having fun and
Im domt want to have simful thoghts
She's in Kronii's chat.
All I want in life is for Rissa to get as addicted to my cock as she is to runescape.
Rissa's armpits are warm and sweaty
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Nursing handjob from Nerissa
Nerissa breastmilk will be perfect for my coffee
A good day to you Plappybird
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The frame for the collab is up.

>【Crab Game】hololive EN COLLAB!!!
>6 am
Well I hope it's 1 hour like the last one so I can watch it all
My guess is it will be two hours so they can raid into Shiori's cover.
Will she push Kronii into the sea again
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i'll go buy milk, don't die
Milk getto. Time for my favorite drink
Expected since Calli organized it. I didnt need sleep anyway.
Wonder if the Filian collab will still happen with the drama around her right now.
Selen flashbacks kek
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Hi. Yeah so i missed an addtional Rissa stream and i feel like i failed my exam so imma die. Who needs another law certificate anyway. How is the vod?
I'm praying you somehow make it watabird! You didn't give up when you didn't make it into the university you wanted and now you're a teacher there so don't give up now!!

It was a good and comfy stream, the most important part for me was when she played the voice recording of her talking in her sleep
Thanks jailbro i'll watch the vod
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I’m going gosling
For non obvious reasons
With how hot it is, going skiing sounds nice.
If they are non obvious, explain em
>lands in legal trouble
Fuwamoco's frame shows who's gonna be in the collab (but they forgot Kronii).
>Ame and Fauna
This is gonna be good
Too early to tell
But fillian will probably just flip a huge amount of money to the artist and that will be the end of it
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Missing Nerissa? Reminisce on the past month and consider voting for June's top streams.

Thank you poll anon, you do a good service to the thread.
Wondering about this though: I really fucking hate Rissa's osrs streams, but from what I've seen they are in fact representative of the usual Rissa experience, especially since she actually likes the game. How do I vote /ope/?
Big chance Rissa will call in
Since Kiara is in Japan Rissa should sneak into Kiara's closet and give her a birthday surprise.
Birthday cunnilingus?
rissa paizuri
Rissa mention by Mococo how Fuwawa seems to not see Rissa in chat
For anyone wondering, Rissa enchanted about ~1600 more sets of 10 bolts after the stream ended
>Collab with Selen
>Selen dies
>Collab with Fillian
>Fillian might die
Is lady Ravencroft cursed?
she changed her mode
A pleasant day to you, Jailbird
You too, Jailbro, have an excellent day
Looking for the booba webm from the Onigiri collab someone post pls thank you
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My hero
Is this body dysmorphia
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Goodnight Jailbros, cya at the collab
Its why she's my favorite. She's horny for her model not because it makes her look better to us or get points from us, but because she likes it. I still remember her reaction to that one Jailbird who guessed on her NY outfit with no pan, lots of cleavage and thick thighs. She was ecstatic and it was so cute.
rissa has new york outfit?
The kimono outfit. NY is New Year. So the guessing stream for her outfit reveal.
Depends on if Filian actually smoothes things over with the party in question or if she decides to go full retard by doubling down.
ope, didn't see ya therre
just bumpin the thread, y'see
Working on VOD reps for multiple streams, was the Advent OSRS worth watching even though I finished her most recent solo stream?
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>last used 4 months ago
she HATES that outfit
If you like OSRS then yes. The second half is better then the first half of the collab, they're out of tutorial, get a better handle on things and so on. If you don't like OSRS it's more trash made worse by the chaos
Honestly not really, it was just her being frustrated at spammers while trying to corral the girls and the girls being frustrated at being crowded and not understanding what the fuck is going on
I enjoyed it as background noise while exploring the ER DLC
it's mostly advent being cute retards so it can be frustrating, but I think it was better than some of the horror slop they play
I personally liked it more than Rissa's solo OSRS streams but it's still not particularly exciting to watch. And watching Shiori's or Biboo's POV is probably better, since for the first 30 minutes or so Rissa is just standing still doing nothing.
Seems more like she was enjoying the other assets she was getting those fan assets that came one after the other, and forgot about it mostly.
yeah well it does suck
>forgot about it
I can see that happening lol Plus we know how much a creature of habit she is, clicking different settings is anathema to her
If her mama had given her the cleavage she begged for, we'd never see the original outfit again.
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Ahhh that was a good OPE
Hey don't look at me like that
Rissa should try gargling with fermented urine. It's ancient Indian remedy for voice hort
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Yeah, mi—
Actually no, I won't, that's just disgusting
i guess i'll step up
She should pee on me and see if it helps her voice.
You can continue to whine or you can drink the piss and help your vocal issues Rissa. It's a natural remedy, you like those right?
Normally I won't kinkshame, but this I will, shame on you Jailbird. I dub thee LemonadeBird now for your mark of shame.
what's with indians eating poo and drinking pee?
It's not kink it's ayurvedic medicine. Every righteous person keeps bottles of urine fermenting in their home for an occasion like voice hort
Doctor: I'm prescribing 1 cup of piss right down the throat. Gargling for 30 seconds minimum to cure your throat Ms. Ravencroft.
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Thanks for giving me my medicine Jailbird~ Just a few more sips and my throat will be all better~
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what are you talking about
Hail, Jailbird
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So Nerissa is a piss drinker?
No? I mean she drinks Shiori's but the exception does not make the rule
Hi, he is not me. I was out drinking my sorrow from today away at a sports bar while betting on Spain and France, winning 75 buckeroos
I see, so she drinks piss, but isn't a piss drinker. A fine, particular distinction but a valid one. She doesn't drink any piss lying around
Only directly from the source and not just any, exclusively Shiori's
Fresh urine doesn't have the same medicinal effects as fermented. While it's a start in the right direction, I would implore her to get Shiori to pee in a bottle and let that ferment for 12 days before drinking it.
She only likes the freshest and bested Shiori lemonade
She'll have to drink 6x as much Shiori lemonade to have even remotely close to any measurable effect as the fermented. Is she up for it?
Getting my ass kicked by hispanic kids for wearing the OMOCAT x hololive English jailbird shirt
"One wrong move here and the neighborhood LatinX
mujer will call your Mega64, sock-and-sandal, graphic tee
fuckin’ dink ass out. “I don’t want that beige dick, mijo,”
she’d say, brushing empanada flakes off her overgrown
hairy forearms. She’d laugh at your little pito and call you a
MayoCas ian—lay you out real fast, faster than a Del Sol
with a hundred grand under the hood. Spit Goya bean soda
down your tube socks. Then she’ll get a law degree and
become the next Supreme Court Justice. Welcome to the
jungle, pendejo (Spanish for ‘bub’)."
Recent Rissa activity has broken the Jailbirds. Their fragile psyches are shattered
im not touching that post, it looks schizophrenic

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