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Previous: >>79943254
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

So when is the Hololive x GSC panel taking place?
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So what did we learn from the last thread anons?
nigga IP is one of the things that has global reach trough treaties
akua sexo
How much is Mythic going to pay to buy the commercial rights?
Anycolor has announced a date for their 7th annual Shareholder's meeting. It hasn't been shown in the EN version of their IR but their Japanese version of the IR shows that Anycolor will have their meeting on the 30th of July.
Which means, at the time of writing are now 25 days away from the meeting.
/#/ is declining
don't be stupid
You have to remember that GSC has at least some significant amount of investment of time and resources into this as a product, and won't be prone to just drop it outright. I'd imagine Fillian will have a window to resolve this with the original licensor, and if they either don't want to extend commercial rights or Fillian isn't capable of finding or meeting an agreement they're happy with, GSC would at that point probably drop it as a project despite the funds that have gone towards it so far.
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That Kronii is the numbers queen
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Recent clip numbers
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Last Aqua to start this thread of right now time for bed gn # enjoy SEA
oh god, the panel is going to be poisoned by this filian shit isn't it.
Always consult your lawyers
In that case the one who would lose more are Yootooz and GS(were they to continue releasing the nendo), Fillian is probably only receive the initial license payout regardless of the sale number.
Her plushies though, pretty sure she'd lose the most from it (2-3k of them right?).
I don't get it, Fillian can just buy the model from the creator. It's not a yab worth talking about honestly.
please don't go. Aqua is so much better than the ESL schizos.
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>67,240: Mio (Hololive)
>44,888: Miko (Hololive)
>37,180: Chiroru (Indie)
>34,531: Subaru (Hololive)
>22,407: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>16,589: Pekora (Hololive)
>14,665: Noel (Hololive)
>14,579: Nei (Nijisanji)
>13,205: Mito (Nijisanji)
>13,133: Lamy (Hololive)
>12,002: Raora (Hololive)
>11,428: Lunlun (Nijisanji)
>10,963: Watame (Hololive)
>10,648: Fubuki (Hololive)
>10,632: Bijou (Hololive)
>10,367: Polka (Hololive)
>10,343: Furen (Nijisanji)
>10,047: Koyori (Hololive)
>10,016: Elizabeth (Hololive)
They had an announcement and concept art anon, there's not that much investment behind it. I doubt they were even close to tooling up for production.
I don't think so, we may get one quest throwing shade at filian
Or just use the most basic common sense of reading the (very simple and straightforward) license for the thing you plan to center your entire small business and branding identity around.
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Do you think this guy will report news on Filian? Since they from the same org and all.
Only hololive matters
They didn't listen to pinkcat and that white one that i forget the name who's Soda gf
Should've done that before doing this, now the creator sees the moolas for the merch
Does Mythic have to tho? Aren't they basically just middleman?
Would kronii have been happier person today if she had debuted with her newest outfit as her default?
>okay, I deserve x% of your profits
Is interesting that it's not 100%
businesses can just violate commerical rights and pay up afterwards then so long as they still made enough money
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>07/04 TALLY:
12,002: Raora (Hololive) | Elden Ring
10,632: Bijou (Hololive) | Elden Ring
10,016: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Undertale
9,505: Cecilia (Hololive) | 7 Days to Die w/ Gigi
8,871: Gigi (Hololive) | 7 Days to Die w/ Cecilia
7,116: Mori (Hololive) | Elden Ring
5,823: Mori (Hololive) | Unarchived Karaoke

1) Mumei (Hololive) - 15,906 - Unarchived Karaoke
2) Raora (Hololive) - 15,533 - Don't Scream
3) Elizabeth (Hololive) - 19,688 - Unarchived Karaoke
4) Raora (Hololive) - 12,002 - Elden Ring

4x: Hololive

2x: Raora
1x: Elizabeth, Mumei

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
13p: Raora
7p: Cecilia, Elizabeth
5p: Mumei
3p: Bijou
1p: Mori
drama channel will bite everything
its their life blood
Do we know who in EN is in JP right now? Or suspected to be?
Other than advent and chadcast of course
It really all depends on the artist if he wants a huge pile of free instant money or not. I bet he hates money, r-right filianbros?
That /#/s likes posting lewd images of a mentally underdeveloped girl.
Mythic is gonna throw her under the bus cause Asmon doesn't want to deal with an international IP lawsuit where they're 100% in the wrong to start with.
>She reassured us that she had ownership of her IP and we took her at her word.
For that none of us should have any ideal. Unless your uncle is working for GSC.
GSC cancelled the Mel nendo despite already having a gray prototype for it. them cancelling Fillian's nendo is negligible to their profits so they can afford it. it's up to fillian to deal with the problem
I think you're underestimating how many steps are involved for the project to get to the point it currently is, and how much of a scheduling/budgeting/planning function exists for a company like GSC when it comes to a project like this.

It's not anywhere close to what production itself costs, obviously, but it is still a degree of cost that I doubt any company wants to immediately throw away without at least an initial attempt to resolve first. That being said, they may be significantly more wary about working with people like Fillian in the future.
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One more just for you, buddy.
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i think ina is heading there soon?
mumei might be
That is if they made papers for it, was it really that hard to just contact your artist for confirmation and consulting your lawyer to ensure things wouldn't go south
>steal an Iphone from the store
>get caught
>"w-well I can just pay now, after you caught me, right officer? That doesn't make it theft anymore, right?
So what's all this about lawsuits, Asmon and contracts? Did Niji fuckup again or was it the indies this time?
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What's wrong with that?
You can't just pay for the things you stole and be absolved of theft
Dude, this is a feast of the highest order for them. The fact that they can sprinkle in some good holonews AND it being relevant is also a blessing
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Who cares about CCV? She made bank.
Fillian finally has the first yab in her career
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Hololive won by doing nothing.
The real shitty part of all this is my uncle who works are Rare told me GSC was so excited about the filian nendo that they pushed it ahead of the queue by swapping its position with kiaras nendo
Witcher fuck up won't happen now, owner will go Tallarico
>the first
I suspect Gura will be there soon
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Companies should just stick to making holo merch
International lawsuits are the easiest. Asmon can just ignore it and little JP artist can cry about it
sharkie has went into hibernation until her next merch run, sorry.
I thought I typed Raora...
To be fair, Filian is like the only one retarded enough to never secure the rights to their own model/IP. Even the neuro creator realized he needed to do that.
Well sure except she have profited off that model many times now, and the creator want their share from that
my uncle who works at the same company thinks your uncle is a dumbass
Strange...Jellyfag ain't here what happened?
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Nursing handjob please
By doing things according to the books, to the letter, autistically
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It's such a weird situation because, Filian knew about this.
There are clips of her talking about how she needs a new model for merch because this one is free to use.
It's why Gosegu got a model update/change before making merch too.
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Filain is going to get a real model and hire her own artist, after all this is said and done. Any suggestions for her new art mama?
yeah, I'm thinking nijiEN is BACK
You need to understand that making a new model is hard work and fuck that
Asmon owns mythic and Filian is a part of mythic. Filian never secured the rights to her IP and the original artist just found out she has been selling official merch using his model with the nendo announcement.
She did all the work though.
I've always said copyright shouldn't last longer than one month. Fucking Disney
Sometimes it's an argument of the amount of contribution the original IP constitutes.

Going back to the font example, I might not be able to claim that the use of my font was responsible for 100% of the profit of this particular product, but I can claim that at least a portion of the overall revenue made would constitute the damages of your violating my license and using it commercially.

This is often why extending rights to commercial use says something like "contact the licensor" instead of just giving you a raw sum, because as the original creator there's a big difference between selling you an extended license to use the model in some small limited-run keychain set and selling you an extended license to use the model in an expensive large-run retail product. You're not going to just use a flat rate for any and all commercial products, unless you like getting ripped off.
Better archive them, if she wants to fight it she'll try to get those taken down. That's about as fucked as she can get if it goes to court or something and that clip comes up.
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if only USA and JP didn't sign a treaty on copyright laws oh wait they did it 40 years ago
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I hope its Akizone
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Uh Oh!
I doubt it. These drama tubers have no integrity. They aren't going to touch this one since they are part of the same twitch orbiter cult.
This reminded me how Holos need to get perms to use specific fonts.
Price comes from value. If some random indie wants to use it, in their case it has low value. If you build up that value like the retard Filian has done and THEN try to buy it, you have to pay more.
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When do the train lolis get a Nendo?
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Average Niji sister
GSC WHERE ARE PROMISE NENDOS? Stop wasting time with western scammers.
False has reported on twitch drama before
Heck he's done entire episodes on them before, it just looks like he only focuses on nijisanji because they are low hanging fruit
Can't sue if we have your signature saying it's fine
Why is Vox solo debuting 3D?
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It's a shame how few lewds AZKi actually has.
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>copyright shouldn't last longer than one month
Will asmongold react to this drama? He's Mythic leader, right? Or OTK?
Most companies need to, actually, not just holos. We just don't hear about it unless you work in a corporate environment
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Did Nerissa already do the collab with her? I wonder if this will fuck with it if not.
Lemon Mito, the master of kemomimi girls.
Isn't the panel with yagoo tomorrow?
Just saying, why not make some Disney toys, games, movies without a license and just pay later if the "punishment" is just a cut of the proceeds. Depending on your expenses, it can still be a net win
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>16h ago
Wow you guys are slow as fuck
i think hes EST so he doesnt make it to every jelly stream
Imagine all the meat flopping around when she flips
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Are there even BA Nendos? I feel like Hina would get one first or that wolf girl who's on the app icon.
The rest of Luxiem will be announced afterwards. Expect one group collab per announcement. nijiEN could easily win this month.
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>People asking for Promise nendos and figures
>GSC does nothing
>GSC instead works with low effort twitch whore
>This happens
Serves GSC right
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Why the hell are male vtubers so...chuuni?
Retardchama guess who they get to sue for damages
>bitch tried to invoke the Atlantean deep magic
Good. Retards should hurry the fuck up
Raora Panthera
I'm not sad about this turn of events, I tell you what
you mean the master of drawing fubuki (but slightly different each time)
Why would GSC waste their time with shitters like Council? Nobody knows who any of them are outside of holoEN's tiny bubble.
Four golds will win them the month.
It's on Cover, not GSC. Promise simply isn't worth making merch of compared to girls like Fuwamoco and Gura.
because they are nerdy losers
>maybe if I tack disney onto the end of my point people will agree with me
Me on the left.
You fags really need to be less obvious with your shitposting
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Justice saves the day
>stealing from a more popular vtuber
What has she not stolen?
you stink of liggery
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yeah council didn't do as good as they expected
Her name really should have been RAWRa Pantera XD
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Hololive will get blacklisted by the indie industry if they try to pull out of a collab for such bullshit reasoning
are you living under a rock? GSC already released a bunch of BA nendos and even announced incoming ones!
I don't think she could pronounce that
I mean, Fuwamoco are getting a Nendo, are they not? The fact that they're getting one before any Promise girls tells you exactly what Cover thinks.
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>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover) *new*
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>symmetry *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
>Legally Japanese have no rights outside of Japan
Found the Filian legal advisor! Mate, copyright law (and intellectual property law in general) is one of the few things
>thanks to Disney, in great part
where international jurisdiction applies and all the artist has to do is to pick and choose the appropriate venue in the United States and file a suit there.
He can also file the suit in Japan and get awarded a default judgement when Filian fails to show and use this result to block the production in any place, not only Japan

It won’t come to that tho. Unless the artist is pants on head retard he’ll settle for a share of the money, it’s like finding 20 bucks in your jacket pocket
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>the indie industry
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>indie industry
t'was a good one
oh nyo. the horror.
Well, first, why actively violate licenses for products and have to go through lawsuits and lawyer fees and cut away significant portions of your profits when you could just... NOT do that? Why would I use a font I know is in violation of the license I purchased it under when I could just use a different font that doesn't have that problem?

And if you're saying that, well, it would make sense if you decide to violate a really BIG IP, a company like Disney can sue you right into the fucking dirt for well beyond even the original revenue of the product, but for damages well beyond that. In your theoretical example, Disney could claim damages not just from the sale of the product but damages directly to the integrity of their IP and brand(s) and copyright violations and I could find myself millions of dollars in the hole for it.

In these cases, like this case with Filian, we're usually talking a small individual creator having a license violated by a larger corporation, not the reverse.
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>the indie industry
wait the retard said that on a public stream
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I don't really keep up with BA news besides the lewds I see on Twitter.
>There are clips of her talking about how she needs a new model for merch because this one is free to use.
thats... really fucking bad
her fucking face fucking blinded me fuck you
>Indie industry
Rumao, Ui can fund the entire western indie "industry" by herself
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If Cover hears about this they will probably cancel the collab because being reliant on artists and dealing with a lot of copyright matters they don't want any of their talents to be associated with someone that might get sued for copyright infringement.
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He’s just gonna pump out another FBK clone
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thanks for the chuckle

here you go I suppose that it will need to be repeated several times in the next hours just include the summary in the copypasta
It is until you realize the artist is in Japan and filian isn't.
You can oh nooooo GSC can't work with her anymore because they're Japanese but she can work with the rest of the world, which last time I checked, is combined bigger than Japan
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Sorry anon i'm posting Holoboy
Tempus nendo when?
shut the fuck up, we don't need some schizo to snitch on Cover just because you hate Filian
here you go retard this isn't selen vs niji this is copyright bullshittery
Why does this entire board have this bizarre viewpoint that laws no longer exist the second that you leave Japan?
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Oh god not the indies. Not the ever important indies.
That'd be so much worse than pissing off all the artists that they rely on. Say it ain't so.
They better cancel the collab. Doing a collab with an actual criminal probably isn't a good look.
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We love ERB here
Ok, but non-shitpost answer, why did Fuwamoco get to jump the line in front of Promise for a Nendo? It can't be pure popularity, right?
A large majority of Hololive viewers are also indie vtuber viewers. Be careful of what you're saying or else you will pay for this transgression
You guys are blowing this way outta proportion it's kinda funny
there's no way she's this dumb, is there? her fans have been begging her to create a legally distinct variant of her model for months
It's more that filian is rich and the artist isn't. That's all it ever really comes down to when deciding who the legal system will work for
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It's actually baffling at this point.
They are Japanese
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Trying too hard anonchama
cute larp go on
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btw that's my baby spunk she's spewing
do NOT report this to Cover until after the collab with Nerissa
Because the Selen shit made retards come out of the woodwork.
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I'm surprised I'm still here.
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Weird how there’s no proof because Twitch doesn’t archive VODS, checkmate and flips away
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The Lil Fil merch she's selling and has sold may ALSO be a legal issue in terms of sales perms that she's neglected to get. She now has two potential lawsuits on the table.
Uh I already submitted my report
You need to double down
Post Mumei and her big moomers?
I'm off to work.
What are you going to do? Visit me in Somalia right now?
Mizuryuu Kei, Butcha U or Tsukuru (this guy draw very good femboy doujin)
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I don't remember making this post
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Do you know what walled garden means?
You guys are retard, Fillians manager went through this with a fine tooth comb
that's fine, as long as I remember flooding her womb
delusional ligger
It keeps getting worse kek
I just want that egal eagle grifter to hop on a quick stream and tell you all international copyright is notoriously weak so we can move on
Ahh, to be young.
>a large majority
Hey Siri, pull up the numbers for indie vtubers
damn can't argue with her mane-chan, she seems well informed
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What retard
Yeah, we love retards.
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Or this one: what's going on?
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Filian did nothing wrong. Piracy is based. Snitches get stiches.
Don't think she'd be THAT retarded, but just in case.
this is getting better by the minute
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I'm fucking dying bro.
They are estimated to be in the same number as the average ccv for NijiEN
>Going back to the font example, I might not be able to claim that the use of my font was responsible for 100% of the profit of this particular product, but I can claim that at least a portion of the overall revenue made would constitute the damages of your violating my license and using it commercially.
For anything over 2500 bucks Uncle Sam can enter the fray and take you to the cleaners as well
>There are four essential elements to a charge of criminal copyright infringement. >In order to sustain a conviction under section 506(a), the government must demonstrate: (1) that a valid copyright; (2) was infringed by the defendant; (3) willfully; and (4) for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain.

Financial penalty IIRC is three times the value of the work / the revenue it would have generated plus damages assigned by the judge.
Civil case usually gets tried in the same court meaning if you lose one you lost both.
They usually don’t bother with small fry tho, this is legacy from an era of VHS pirates and phonorecord counterfeiters and, recently, modchippers
It's named "Mint" too lmao
Filian kayfabe of being a retard zoomer went too far.
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>Designed by: Creator:Filian
Holy fucking based
I disagree. It's getting better by the minute
Nothing will happen mark my words
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I don't care about Fillian. I'm just going to continue to post AZKi lewds.
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I am very tired holokeks
good niight
for those that missed it, apparently VSPOEN will get memberships (and possibly monetization) very soon
yep, faster than Justice
Walled Garden bitch. Why would Holochads mingle with indie plebeian scum?
This was a nothin burger when Filian was just starting out. Now that she’s signed with Mythic, has her merch lines, licenses out the ip to Gamersups,Youtooz, and GSC, the chickens have come to roost.
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Also this >>79951117
Turns out it was TWO artists.
Okay but why no holoid figures
Kronii can get so racist holy shit, must be her Asian heritage.
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If the artist goes menhera she is fucking cooked.
AZKi is flat.
Zeroguess AZKi's nipples
vtuber for this feel?
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ID too pure to buy merch
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I mean, she isn't, but this >>79951613 is closer to her size.
Ayame is busty?
>Something yab worthy happens to one of more liked twitchers
>Entire indie scene shows up and does everything it can to make it worse for them
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I wish that skin was L2D. I still got it anyway though since it's godlike.
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It's not the first time
Well, you can't say that being in a corpo is a disadvantage now when one of the biggest indie vtubers get herself into an IP trouble like that. At least things are clear-cut with corpos.
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This will become yet another nothing burger, just like every other yab this retarded thread hyped up
I mean it is quite normal for small corpos to get it the first week or like 10 days
Oh. Yea see, that's.......
huh its almost as if being an indie means competing on the open market and they will cut the head of the top to get her place without hesitation
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more like if he has enough money
and judging by this case being very clear cut and in his favor he can just pay his lawyers after he has won
We don't even know if Mythic was involved with this. Being signed with them does not preclude pursuing commercials on tour own. They aren't typically involved with merch production they just secure deals between talents and sponsors.
Filian is DONE DONE
See that's that beauty of it. Filian is wicked smart. When you owe the bank 100 woolongs, that's your problem. When you owe the bank 1 morbillion woolongs, that's the bank problem. Filian has a lot of companies tied up with her that will find it in their best interest to make this go away
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She really thought she owns it.
Reminder that HoloEN all kneeled before filian and the girls were all begging for their fans to vote for them in her big vtuber awards show
This is the "crab bucket" in action
>Large majority
Yeah a whole 300 people lol
Would be a shame if the holo collab got axed because of this
I mean you can, if the person is willing to take the cash.
I don't get what's the holdup for justice
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every tweet of this shit I've seen has people calling it out
oh well lol
That the indie scene. If she is gone, maybe her fans will watch them
Isn't Filian one of smarter indies that actually understood value of professionalism and paperwork?
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nah Cover isn't anal at all about copyright infringement surely they won't care
Wtf I thought indies didn't have to deal with perms bullshit...
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how tf does YT Music count plays when the topic version is still around 800k
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I think most people don't give a shit one way or the other, but why are you so invested in the nothing burger scenario?
gotta trim the competition anon
Lol no, indie are indies because they are afraid of paperwork
Dramatubers eating good today
Yet another example of why Cover's perms and legal autism, as frustrating as it can be, is as important as ever to protect it and the girls from future issues.

Once you start doing business above a certain threshold, you can't just continue to act like you're some small casual internet streamer.
>Isn't Filian one of smarter indies that actually understood value of professionalism
That's why it's most likely the artist just forgot they already signed something with filian ages ago when she was first making merch
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The award show that used AI art of Suisei?

>Uses somebody elses model to make merch
>Uses AI art during her award show

Everything she does just reeks of laziness. No wonder she is primarily known as a low effort shorts spammer.
Yeah, but that is like being the idiot in the retard group
Lofi begging on Twitter for ID Nendo lol
as a company that heavily relies on copyright, licenses, and IP it would be a really bad look to let Nerissa associate with Fillian
naaa most likely filian thought she could get away with it
Is she really indie? She work for Mythic
Way to out yourself as a Kronii anti
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Indie scene is full of backstabbers and Filian was already on shaky grounds and only tolerated cause she's popular and let people leech off of her.
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>The award show that used AI art of Suisei?
kek, I forgot about that
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Link for the more larger ones preying on this?
how about ja rule, what did he say?
That's like saying VShojo is an actual corpo
They're crabs and they love drama, what do you expect? I'd guess there's some combing archives right now trying to save as many incriminating clips as they can. At least as a Holo watcher who's been wondering where the next drama is coming from it gives me something to laugh at between streams.
YouTube is retarded like that
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Kronii is right to call out Cover management for being really shit at it. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be done period.
You forgot the important part
>Hired DN to make the script outline for her cause she doesn't know shit about vtubers.
Isn't that the one Gura didn't even know about? I think only Mori was begging and she begs REDDIT, so it's not exactly unexpected.
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what a dumbass
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No one knows. Sleep Talking is off by 900K
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Green is a good colour.
Kys ligger. We holochads doesn't watch fucking indies unless they are affiliated on some way with the walled garden like ui.
Probably something funny like Jamaican me crazy!!
>why such a killjoy
Lot of people still hate her for the Floyd George joke, playing hogwarts, using ai, or collabing with Pippa
You should really change the way you type and samefag
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Fuck off, sapling, it's ASKi time.
>salami that low
nijisanji really are a bunch of incompetent hacks, what a waste
Not at all, she's known as a very low attention span indie. She's "professional" only by indie standards, which means very little as you can see.
I didn't know about that. That is really pathetic. I thought my opinion of Filian couldn't get any lower but here we are.
Only the last thing should get her hate.
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There's always room for two sexy holo's
Is risu inclining?
But doesn't she pay for clips?
pretty sure this counts the MV views too (which is at 800k), but Go-Getters has no MV yet, which makes it weird
maybe people who have it credited in their reuploads of the full version contribute
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Yes, you're right. I'm sorry
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She's not pettan, but that is still too big: https://youtu.be/-kGVeueQEnA
ah yes, i'm sure that two separate artists signed away full commercial rights for anybody to make any merch they want of filian and lil fil for free and just for fun and totally forgot it after
Holotori dance's MV isn't even on the same channel (and is at 7.1 million) but the topic version is only at 1 million. YT Music logs it at 1.2M
Thank fuck for the filian yab, it eclipsed the fact that fwmc lost to shiori on the advent horserace today.
her morning show does well
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Its a hard life being chumbud prime
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is the YT Music/Topic version still on HoloEN channel or on Kiara's?
Uh where are Gura's pants and Fauna's top!?
Yeah but this isn't her morning show, it's her periodic lunchtime show
The Topic one is on Kiara's
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it's not good to lie, anon
I didn't either. That's an unforgivable red line. She can rot.
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patata potato
watch streams
I wish AZKi had Noel-sized tits
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Hi Dudul. Please share your Gura lewds stash. We know it exists.
hmmm, and so is the YT music one
so it seems like they do not associate different channel stuff, so that means that whatever counted for Mori wasn't from the reuploads
maybe it counts short views as a "fraction" of a play?
tbf fanmerch is in grey area in general but you don't have a say in it if there's no special contract for you specifically you retard flip
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Wtf she could have hire literally anyone and chose him?
So what are the odds she doesn't have the cash to pay him?
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She is a woman.
about tree fiddy
Depends what he asks for. If I were him I'd ask for a high price but not so high she says fuck it and drops the model. And also royalties.
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Hot new ad, this time for this funky video
play victim and change her model
I know you eat pagpag too but that was addressed to Fillian you retards
Would it be too much if he demands half of the profit?
>Only at 4chang /vt/
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Did this retard really just fan merch is a grey area.
She’s already hated by the twitter mob that would appeal to. Maybe phasefags will rally around her cause she makes edgy jokes
If Mythic is involved in the process with GSC, then they are partly responsible even if it's not in their contract with Fillian.

If not, then it's down to Fillian.
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What's going to happen after the 80000000th post?
>not so high she says fuck it and drops the model. And also royalties.
She can't do that though. She's made money off of it already, she has to pay him one way or the other. If she changes after the fact, which she'd be stupid not to do but obviously she is stupid, he can ask for a cut in future merch as well. Either way he has a right to a huge chunk of change right now.
I'd say so. Most contracts don't ever go that high.
Again, that doesn't do shit since she already sold some merch using that model.
why are Vtubers NOT a fad in the west
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everyone wins
Why would you call Filian Filipino, that's random. Admit you're retarded
gura graduates
The final yab begins to unravel
80000001st post, come on anon
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...and not just on twitch!
She has to pay either way but less if she drops it right now. If she wants to keep using it she'll have to work out an arrangement to compensate the guy.
We go back to 1
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I have run out of AZKi now time for bed for reals this time
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I bring you the funnies so you don't have to trudge the catalog.
Here we have a Filianfag being retarded about copywrite law.
You're welcome.
It's funny how Hololive's "supposed" enemies are dropping dead one by one
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This is going to be a fun week. Hope it doesn't end in a nothing burger and dramafags fuel the flames even more.
Serves people like Filian right for being enemies of Hololive.
it's missing all the tattoos
GSC or the model artist should throw the book at her at this point.
It's even funnier because it's by suicide.
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>if i steal someone else's property for long enough it will become legally mine eventually
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One of the worst things internet brings is that absolute retards like this get a platform to show off their absolute retardation.
It’s the Nijisanji mentality anon
actual commie behaviour
Technically works for squatters kek
Made for white cock
wdym that's the best part, it's entertaining
squatters rights is a thing
Do you think every JJK fanmerch in AX were approved by Gege Akutami you ESL cretin?
Someone called her a Flip last thread, so I did. Like I care about Twitchuubas
that specifically works in burgerland tho
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Sex with Onyan
i thought she was the biggest twitch chuuba
why didn't she buy a new model?
lmao, vtuber is heavily dependent on community contributions
would your community even want to create something for you if you could just steal it and make money for yourself? of course not
Can't any non-Holo corpo or indie at least stay competent for over 2 years? It's sad seeing Hololive being the only one not have career-ending fuckups
NTA, but ESL calling another ESL is pretty funny.
From the same generation of retards which is being gaslit into believing that if someone enters your house and manages to stay there for a week you can’t forcibly evict them and has to go to court AND compensate them
Then politicians candidate for public positions (like district attorney or mayor), get voted by this exact type of retard and make it law
probably laziness
vshojo only grows stronger >:3
so the perms autism is actually good now?
They're already dead.
need a spade womb tattoo
wow what an achievement. Vspokeks deserve a pat on the back and a cookie.
Why are euros suck cucks?
Boobs too small.
Ass way too small.
As annoying as it can be sometimes, yes, it is a good thing.
It’s more of a
>father of two finds out why “gun safes” are a thing after 5 years old son kills 3 years old daughter with his pistol
Anon, they are all women. They can't even go a week without a WOMAN MOMENT.
That's why they need strong and restricting patriarchal management structures to keep them in check.
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anon... hololive is made up of these retards
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wait, how does neuro-sama do merch then? Did Filian not change hers up enough? Or is it just the default model with some changes?
>vshojo gets multiple new figures from GSC including a new special Ironmouse PuP and a Zen nendo
>holoEN only gets a shitty re-release of the shark's PuP
What went wrong?
Kronii is really into this game, huh?
this is pretty much true for trademarks, which is why companies are encouraged to protect their ownership even if it appears petty (like the entire perms thing Cover is struggling with)
The Vshojo booth says otherwise, having matched the same attendance as the Holo booth
Neuro got a whole new model before merch dropped
the absolute state
And management makes sure they don’t act up too much.
>Kiara talked about watching the Barbie movie recently on her twitter space. Won’t discuss it because it touches on political subjects.
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Uh oh
that's so weird, this has never happened to a last minute announcement by Mythic before ToT did you get ok-sign/confirmation to mane-san before stealing a model?
>It's all in Japanese
The JP fan are arriving at LA
>Now they're seething about holo and trying to prop up vshojo
It took them longer than I'd expected.
>having matched the same attendance as the Holo booth
you counted all of the attendees?
Friend of Filian
>right wing
Enemy of Filian
>left wing
>Twitter mob
>NA audience
Retard, Vshojo's was at least twice as many as Holo.
that's a burger thing tho
How are the liggers handling it? Do they like or hate her anyway?
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>Controlling hololly
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>He doesn't know about Adverse possession
It’s not. “Genericizing” a trademark is the epitome of “suffering from success”, like copy machines being called “xerox machines” and vacuums being called “hoovers” and yes, if the company doesn’t fight it they risk losing their exclusive use of the name but it has nothing to do with anything other than these extreme examples, people confusing the brand name with the entire class of products.

It could have happened with Hololive tho, in 2021 a Russian vtuber had to put a disclaimer with something like
>I’m a vtuber, not Hololive
>Hololive is their own thing, not every girl vtuber is a “Hololive”
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Damn, what mindbroke these holoan today?
She likes having power and control
two extreme sides. have fun with your zatsu mc number 4569
They don't think filian is to blame.
you can't be this new
Do you think you will ever get custom swimsuits again, or at least ones unique to each branch?
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She used to have Power in HoloEN caste.
Then Magni and Vesper happen, even management knows her ability to sell went underway
This is why Adobe fights hard to tell people that the correct term is “image manipulation” instead of photoshopping because if it becomes a widely accepted general term they lose the name. A good example is dumpster, that used to be a brand name.
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That's crazy. So when are they hosting their own Vshojo concert or expo or something?
So what group is shitting up the thread right now, mythic interns?
“Thermos” comes to mind too, it’s also a brand name but they lost that one because now it’s the name of that class of products
I really dont get why we wont get it through some 2D summer art, but hey cover are cheap fucks that like slapping default.png on shit and sell it as merch
You want to know why Justice monetization was delayed? Because ERB kept spamming Unarchived Karaoke and couldn't reach the minimum watch time.
I do thanks.
Have fun in paying a jap because you stole his model.
Filian should get sued for this.
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All VT mamas have expressed their opinions on their respective Nendroids but Zen's? why?
Not quite the same, but it is related in terms of trademark, and in this case it's called Genericization.
Are you blind or coping?
What for?
This isn't the first time she's talked about horses.
...uh, does Iofi actually have the hots for them?
people have been warning Filian about the free model for a very long time but she's always been stubborn about it, now the time to face the consequences has arrived and she'll pretend that she didn't know she couldn't do that.
woman are so fucking retarded.
>couldn't reach the minimum watch time.
They reach that through their debut retard
If I had to guess it is because she does so much unarchived shit it triggers youtubes systems because they think she has something to hide
Is this just sheer ignorant stupidity or absurd levels of arrogance?
holofags because they got bodied by vshojo at AX
>no figure announcements
>holobooth was a massive failure
>holomeet flopped
SEA and Nijiniggers
Just the usual
Indies in for a rude awakening I guess
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>Regloss, HoloID and smallcorpofags shilling in my sacred numbers
Someone post that guy saying that nijisanji and china don't need to care about copyright
Isn't YouTube requirement is multiple stream/videos not just a single one
Good or bad?
She literally linked the cover of a doujin before in which she get's fucked by a horse
No, the hard requirements are only 4k watch time and 1k subs.
it is at least 3 videos, 4k hours watch time total, and like 500/1000 subs
I replied to a baiting shitpost with a shitppst in turn. That's all /pol/-aligned dramafags deserve.
At least I hope Iofi isn't into horses.
>up and then dies
Of course it's bad.
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so kobo can play mihomo games on bilibili but not on youtube?
EU on their lunch breaks
>shit numbers followed by a raid into instant bleed out
What do you think
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The problem continues to spread
Brown nipples...
My dick...
1k subs + 4k watchtime over a year or 10million shorts views in over 90days
Yeah, that makes sense.
There’s no way to defend Filian since she’s done this twice to two separate artists lol
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I hope Kobo never gets that horse, for Iofi's sake.
Looks like it, even Iofi and Ollie can only do ZZZ pre release watchalong on B2
that's good
Someone should send an email to the creator saying he can earn alot from the lawsuit.
>lunch break
>it is 11 o'clock in EUland and 10 o'clock in bongland
>6 fucking hours
>took 3 hours for the raid to bleed out
Pretty good all things considered
Three hours retard
No one there is brown. Well, Aqua might have a gyaru tan if her real-life fashion sense is anything to go by.
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The rindo guy just discovered a gold mine.
Extremely good, the prolonged drop means viewers had to go to sleep
>Instant bleed out
>3 hours and some of the raid is still retained
Filian hangs out with too many literal whores for my taste. If anything she’s more beggar centric
Perfectly fine, especially when you consider the time.
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She already got two
The numbers start going down immediately
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Where are the brown nips?
I really don't give a shit about some random ass twitchnig stealing some model desu
The holo posing app for photos
The sexy poll got containment break and twittards confused why Mori, ERB and Kronii being so low kek
Tourists go away.
mean for this
Yeah because it was fucking 2 AND A HALF HOURS PAST MIDNIGHT.
and yet another company the artist can shake down for money.
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good ending lets gooo!
Considering the time of day and how long the raid took to bleed down, it's not the worst, but certainly not as stable as some of the other raids we've seen.
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Why are you retarded?
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how many times are you gonna ban evade tonight?
its like a chained explosion
she could have just asked
But it’s paid dlc
Did she put that faggot whorehey in a cell?
Why are Fubuki's boobs so big?
She hangs out with DN too
Moments like these are why I slowly came to appreciate the perms autism
If Gura can get an MLB team to promote, then Mousey can easily get something like an NFL team, right?
So far the tally for Filian's Bizarre Adventure is
>TWO artists work profited from illegally
>Gamersupps merch using that IP
>A video game using that IP
>A Nendo using that IP
>Numerous bits of self published merch using both IPs
>Illegally granting perms for fans to also use that IP for profit
And climbing as more is unearthed.
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The first Kronii solo stream I've watched in a long time was actually a pretty good time.
Nubuki is a titmonster. Almost Nerissa-tier.
yeah that was good
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It's true in this case and she probably would get the go ahead with a small cut for the artist.
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Wait it gets even better. It's not the same model.
JOP and Taiwanese clips of EN are the only clips I watch and comments i care about
I would ravage that Ayame in a heartbeat
>He doesn’t know
every time she stray from obscure indie game #1239 is always a good time
who's the second artist?
Really? Now I hate her.
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*forgot cross threading
They want to eat Gura noodles.
Kronii is gone now. What? That's the first time I've said that in a long time.
Iofi is a horse girl
when you click on one TW channel and the algo start to serve you dozens, those are the only clip I check nowadays
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Because he’s JP like Jingo I guess
Papers Please IS a generic indie game, it just got lucky because it came out before the indie game boom
You going to post any of them?
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pay this man
Now you go the fuck to sleep
which holo for this feel?

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