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>turns into egglian
Copyright Edition

I can't believe I have to tell you something this basic, but, don't reply to stupid bait. Just don't. And if a dramanigger tourist starved for attention gets too retarded, report and move on.

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:00 UTC

>Recent Stream
Filian x Kirsche x SmugAlana cringe videos


>Previous Thread
Filian is based
FIlian is BASED
Not a vtuber
>it's over
Based on theft
Not looking good
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The note of death
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>community notes
it’s ogre
our fillyWife is going to be in a chain gang outside Osaka by sundown
People put so much worth into twitter, it's no surprise a company that's been unprofitable since its inception is still running.
The amount of estrogen in your bloodstream you need to see someone fact checking a Twitter post as an "IT'S SO OVER" moment is sickening, like Jesus dude life has become too easy when people start pretending like that shit is important.
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>Rated it as helpful
I'm doing my part!
I'm still surprised Elon keeps the community notes around.
this anon can’t into shitposting
It's true. My small wojak folder simply can't compete.
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Is it time for Filian to join Phase Connect? She needs a better tard wrangler.

Fishman wouldn't let her make these kinds of retarded mistakes and clearly Mythic is useless for Filian to end up in this situation.
She is already friendly with Fishman and multiple phase girls. Filian joining would be huge for Fishman too there's no way he would say no.
not good
Why did no one tell her??!
I got into this huge boring argument about this itt after the fishman lumi collab, about how she should ditch mythic for an actual vtubing native company. at the time people basically said mythic was good enough but this may be more ammo for my side of the argument
i assumed she was in an agreement with the artist when she released her first merch, this is honestly straight up braindead
yep I have like 15 grudge postable comments saying exactly that
>ywn be nuzzled and called a baka by Filian
Why live?
>ywn be filian’s big spoon occasionally copping a feel of her tight catgirl ass while she squirms around and makes cute noises
>Filian goes to court
>Gook artist and gook lawyers looking smug as shit
>Door to the courtroom opens
>It's Filian's lawyer
you'd be braindead not to assume she had an agreement with the artist
>doki gives her a dragoon design
>rebrands with that after this drama
Is she going to jail guys? I'm scared
Nah, but somewhere between 10k-100k in damages is realistically possible.
>Lucy Pyre mocked the model during the roast
She is the prophetic lewdtuber
>door opens
>filian’s lawyer is a fat ugly bastard from /flip/ with a red bicycle helmet and basketball shorts on
>he strides to the front of the courtroom in front of the judge
>begins eight hour long monologue about civil liberties and freedom, taking inspiration from John Lilburn and the levelers
>the nip judge starts crying
>japan’s entire society is reorganized along radical left libertarian lines
>IP law ceases to exist worldwide
>filian beats her case
>her ccv averages 400k in the years after
fishcuck couldn't even afford an AX panel or a nendo for their biggest talent what makes you think he can afford one of the biggest twitch streamers?
If she fucks this case up, she won't be expensive for long
Lmao, plushie alone made 100k, if every merch that she sold was without artist permission she is fucked
During one of their collabs Lucy tried to goad Filian into showing the model she had made. Or was that the roast?
wheres the pippa nendo fishman?
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I guess I'm going to ignore /vt/ for the weekend and just play Shadow of the Erdtree. Have fun debating about VRC model artists with jealous femanons, holobronies, and 2views.
Was she fucking around when she said she pirated the model or was she serious? if she pirated it, she's 100% done.
filian is rapidly upgrading from girlfailure to lifefailure.
>if every merch that she sold was without artist permission she is fucked
No way she stopped asking for permission at some point.
If Filian didn't for the Nendroid, it's safe to assume she never did.

I didn't know she sold that much, if this goes anywhere near court she is royally fucked.
Better hope the artist is happy with a slap on the wrist and a guarantee she will never do it again.
No anon you don't understand you're supposed to treat this as if the sky is falling some woman on twitter with a beard told me that filian is evil and rotten to the core
she has repeatedly made a bit out of pirating it and the og og model files were literally just sent over to her by her friend and then she started using them
During the actual roast Lucy burned her about it.
IP laws are for jews
If only Filian listened
Dude, people will stop caring about this by monday.
Unless this goes to court, then we have comfy court reporter threads.
Sure buddy let me ask her.
The mint artist also says they never gave permission, so it's pretty safe to assume she just straight yoinked.
We're looping through the same L takes again.
Filian will be fine.
Like 10 legal teams have okayed it.
Lawyers who know better than nobodies online.
We've been telling her to get her own model since day 1
literally no one, not even the drama trannies, care about filian being le evil, people are just rubbernecking because she made 20,000,000 jokes about pirating her model or buying it and the outfits for $10 and then she got caught lacking in 4k
>Lawyers who know better than nobodies online.
You underestimate that fact that to a certain degree, lawyers still just believe what their client says.
Why would the lawyer know where Filian got her model from?
False will have a field day kek
Mythic is made up of incompetent retards.
False in Mythic
>Like 10 legal teams have okayed it.
Where did you get that idea? And even if they did; if it was under the assumption that she owned the model, them okaying it is fucking useless.
Oh well
So here's what's gonna happen.
>Filian will make some sort of apology and will explain that she didn't remember the correct licensing terms
>the nendo will be canceled
>They will figure something out with the artists behind the scenes
>There will be no lawsuit because it's literally not worth the hassle for anybody. Nobody wants to spend half a million of a 5 years of legal bullshit to possibly get 100k in damages or something
>dramafags and armchair lawyers of /vt/ will move on to something new after the weekend
>twitter freaks will still eternally seethe at Filian for Fentanyl Floyd joke so no change there
and that will be the end of the story
Who is looking forward to the Subathon-until-Filian-paid-back-her-debt?
5 month never ending stream LETS GOOOOO
maybe she’ll finally post hole on fansly
But even the 100k for the out of court settlement would suck for her.
>flipping and running around nonstop shouting for days maybe even weeks
yea shes gonna need alot of coke for that
>Grifter Mindset
I hate that faggot
she talked about buying something for 50k a few months ago and when someone suggested to do a subathon for it she said no because she could simply buy it
her net worth is probably mid 6 low 7 figs depending on what she does with her money, it’ll suck but she’ll survive. they won’t make her pay an unreasonable sum, you’re probably looking at a low 6 high 5 figure settlement out of court
Can we please rangeban phasebeggars.
Ehehe not after the bill.
Why would filian lie to lawyers but not chat?

Between mythic and all the other companies she's done merch with.

She doesn't try to claim she owns the model
>But even the 100k for the out of court settlement would suck for her.
Bro she's making 500k-1m a year easily. She'll be fine.
I wish
You forgot to mention the part where she transitions to a new model so this doesn't happen again.
Man, I just wanted to gosling post this weekend, now I have to be productive as shit and take care of my life and well being like some normalfag...
It's just not fair.
it’s unclear but probably 800k-1.2mil annual revenue nowadays or thereabouts
Considering how much the plushies sold, I could see them going higher.
Nothing that will break Filian's back, especially since they will always allow her to pay back in installments.

Plus the usual C&D, maybe forcing her to change the model if she doesn't to it anyway.
hoping this happens since she'll never fucking debut her model unless pressured into it
She buys the exclusive rights to the model
He's covered Filian drama with a disclaimer of conflict of interests before but ok.
>Why would filian lie to lawyers but not chat?
I doubt she knew she wasn't allowed to do it.
I'm imagining sitting in a US court while kadokawa lawyers try to fuck me over for watching hundreds of anime without paying for them
Dude can simply ask for half of a million and pretend it never happened
Yes, I unironically forgot to mention that. She will get probably get some new model sooner rather than later because Rindo and Mint have become a (potential) liability at this point
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uh oh... stinky
filian would put up a fight if he asks for half a mil. he’ll probably ask for less in hopes of an easy score
All i want from Filian is instead of taking time to address this she buys a different model with all the right perms, forgets about the Nendo deal for now and tell the artist to fuck off as the artist fall is to irrelevancy once everything blows over, honestly Filian is the only big vtuber i know who uses this model this broke leech artist should be grateful Filian in giving him exposure by using his model, fuck him and his supporters!!!
I don't think she can win that fight.
this whole time we wanted /flip/ to be a real general and now that that day has come it was an L
>Filian for Fentanyl Floyd joke
Wait, she actually made that joke? I thought that was a psyop.
Yeah, whatever it is, I hope they can sort it out outside of court
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How will filian turn this drama into stream content?
They will.
Any reasonable lawyer Filian hires will settle unless the model maker is completely unreasonable.
she besmirched the name of saint flloyd once or twice yes
>maybe forcing her to change the model
The funny thing is that she can keep using the model so long as she just buys it again.
kek no
she also invited her racist friend to gator's groomer night
Can a brother get a soundpost? It won't be used for catalogposting, either, since people are too distracted by long-form posts about IP law.
she apologized immediately afterwards and talked about how bad she felt on her alt, but it did happen yes
He is generally negative only when it comes to Niji stuff. He's probably going to cover it in a neutral tone.
just search filian floyd on youtube
theres no soundpost of the second one since its a private event, but you wont have any trouble finding the floyd joke by just looking it up
and what about everyone else who bought the model already? It's sold on Booth and it's pretty popular overall.
I wonder if all the other languages rindo’s are on red alert lul, there’s a popular Korean rindo and a popular Spanish rindo and also I think a popular Japanese rindo who already got sued
She has a live2d model, right? Just say that the merch is based on it, it's that easy
gosegu doesn't sell merch
fairly certain the transitive property of IP law does not work in filian’s favor here
If IP laws didn't exist, anyone could just take Gura's model, make a new channel with the same name, and pretend to be her.
What fight? It’s not her model.
Lmfao. You have no idea how much revenue Jingo makes from selling the license. Fillian couldn’t afford it if she tried. Maybe if she commissioned Jingo for a completely unique model she could get away with it but the bridge def is burned since this is the 3rd time it’s happened and last time Jingo suffered a bunch of hate from likely Fillian spammers attacking her for enforcing her copyright.


This also isn’t the first time people have taken her work and posed it as her own.

MMD Modeler Mr Pink has been doing it for nearly all of her popular models.


I imagine she’s fed up with it and rightfully so.
Becoming a fleshtuber
yeah idk she can probably hire a good lawyer and then they stall it out for a while and make it annoying but really it’s as clear cut a case as they come, filian has no leverage whatsoever and has made so many terrible comments about the situation from a PR standpoint
>changes into purple sweater or ninja outfit
I don't think exclusivity is feasible in this case. But a licensing agreement for merch purposes might've been possible previously but not sure about now.
>suffered a bunch of hate from likely Fillian spammers attacking her for enforcing her copyright.
If IP laws didn't exist, vtubers could leave their corpos and still be the same vtuber.
>Asmon sabotaging her on purpose to get her to sign the OTK contract
There isn't any, that's a sister. Sisters are the only ones actually using twitter.
Isn't she Spanish or something? They don't care about copyright
Filian is Canadian, the rindo artist/modeler is Japanese
shes in NA, copyright def matters
Filian is Filipino
I said likely because it’s only speculation due to timings.
Just so you know, booth is a subsidiary of pixiv and as Jingo is one of booths biggest money makers through the sale of rindo and derivative works made for Rindo I imagine they’ll go to bat for her in JP courts against good smile company if they choose to continue the current path.
shes either white, east asian or SEA
oh yeah she’s kinda cooked if there’s a corpo backing up ringo, that makes filian threatening to draw it out in court untenable
no SEA has feet as white as hers
I’m not a sister, I am just an acquaintance of jingo and hear things from her circles in VRchat. I could care less about vchoobers desu but what Fillian is doing is shitty. I figured I’d give some input since half of you can’t even distinguish jingo (the creator) and rindo (the model) which is totally understandable due to how somewhat niche VRchat is.
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nobody has 100-200k in liquid unless they're megawealthy.
she's gonna have to liquidate some of her wealth builders (you DID invest in ETFs or other instruments with your stupid vtuber money, right Filian???) and it's going to cost her more than the settlement in the long run. it's going to suck regardless.
I thought he was korean >>79972862
>Fillian spammers attacking her for enforcing her copyright.
Any proof?
>I said likely because it’s only speculation due to timings.
So you're just trying to stir shit, got it.
my liquid net worth is around 300k USD and I’m literally a random 24 year old who lives in his moms basement and works a mid corpo cuck job
It’s not my fault you lack the reading basic reading comprehension needed to understand my original post.
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>holding onto cash in an inflationary environment
son, what the fuck are you doing?
that's one bad cold away from bankruptcy
you have money because you are a single man with no expenses working a job with an inflated salary. which is good for you but certainly not the norm
Canadians is fucked by their government the moment they open their mouth if it's not for sucking trans cock, so if she's Canadian it's just sad
There is literally zero chance this is true unless you live in CA. I make 120k a year working for the DoD in Ohio and even I don't have 300k in liquid asset (net I'm worth over 700k, but that's net). I have 80k in cash, at any one moment, max.
I’m counting MBS and Tbills and anything with a duration under 12 months.
Cope all you want sister, everyone sees what you're trying to do.
He's probably gonna reply with another incentive reply just remember >>79979214
>I can't believe I have to tell you something this basic, but, don't reply to stupid bait. Just don't. And if a dramanigger tourist starved for attention gets too retarded, report and move on.
They really do stick up from the normal posters here.
The mom's basement part makes it plausible, I could easily be 300k+ if I had no real expenses.
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I don’t feel like showing off my other boomer brokerage accounts
I mean the merch can get cancelled and artist doesnt have to get paid shit anyways. Why does she have to pay any legal fees?
Nijishartsisters like to larp as doki and mint fans to attack people they hate. Wouldnt put it past them doing it to make filian look bad
>charles schwab
wait a minute, i thought they don't even talk to you unless you have minimum $1M to invest with
You're either a leech, or Asian. Buy a house anon.
At this moment she should just play victim and unleash her army of autistic zoomers on the model creator
Who the hell told you that kek. Literally any schmuck can open an account.
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gold oz for scale
*Joins Phase Connect*
So a leech then. I feel sorry for your mother.
Also thanks for the doxx loser. I can reverse engineer what you look like and where you live from the reflections in your fingernails.
This post glows.
maybe it was for one their weird one-on-one personalized investment things
leech in the sense that I refuse to give money to the housing Jew and buy a 3 and 2 for $900,000, maybe
let's be real, any parent who kicks out their children in the current housing environment, never loved their children
You're based anon. I bought a house and I kind of regret it.
Or it's for wealth management.
in an hour and a half we'll have a better idea how joever it is.
nta but my parents are pressuring me to buy a house because they sold theirs long ago but they want to live in a house again
it's kinda fucked up
Honestly they don't seem to care about anything but their oshi
/NijiEN/ is way too slow for them to be the falseflaggers behind everything
If they aren't gonna pay rent tell them to fuck off. If you can't stand living with them tell them to fuck off anyways.
I mean I’d consider it if I had a gf or wife and we wanted to start a family but let’s be real I sit around and watch filian for upwards of 15-20 hours a week that shit ain’t happening for a long time if ever
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Buying a house brings a shit ton of chores with it. You'll be sacrificing your free time. Also wtf are you doing nigger, 6 figs and on 4chan??? Don't you have hookers and blow to go through???
NTA but life doesn't change when you get money, you just don't have to stress about bills anymore.
what part of “you can never leave” was not clear? I could be 7 figs liquid at 25 and I’d still be terminally single posting itt all day
>Don't you have hookers and blow to go through???
Been there, done that. It's not that fun.
>six figs and on 4chan
how do you think he has 6 figures in his bank?
You fucks are so lucky that Jingo isn’t a schizo and will most likely just ask for a one time fine
People who work their way up to 6 figs don't do hookers and blow if they wanna keep it. It's mostly inheritance babies that engage in that kind of retarded behavior.
she needs to get back to her roots as snailian
Because of the previous merch that she sold that also (according to all currently available information) wasn't sanctioned by the creator
heh, more like smellylian
Filian owes me sex.
I hope so. If she's actually that cool about it Filian should give her like double what she asks for just out of decency.
filian needs to show hole as an apology for inviting drama tourists into flip
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Filbert is a good guy
Fuck this glowing ass grifter, he needs three sets of birdshot delivered through his eyeballs
oh boy...
I want a new model.
they already live rent free with me in a 2-2 apartment monthly rent is $3400
life is great
I lost a lot of respect for Kirsche for enabling faggots like him. These guys don't even care about vtubers. It's just free exposure for them.
And yet it's perfectly fine with Filian grifts
Filian's been saying she'd debut her new model for two years now.
rent in california be like 2 bed 2 bath in the tenderloin $5,000 monthly
I can understand why they wouldn't think they need to ask, but it is kind of funny that none of these companies ever bothered to ask her about the model licensing.
Him going all-in on vtuber drama after doki got him views is the funniest shit.
It would be shocking if a talent agency got blindsided by that.
you had respect for kirsche?
time to find out if mythic are literal mouth breathers or just metaphorical moth breathers
Think a little harder.
They definitely asked.
Some of their vtubers haven't been exactly chuffed about how little they do to help or how they don't get the sponsors they want.
I am gonna reorder my rape schedule to add this person to the top of the list
i have a glaring suspicion that Filian signed all documents pertaining to the model rights because "yeah i bought the thing so i own it, duh"
t. knows nothing about IP laws
>Index finger is longer than the ring finger
>A) Rip the band-aid off. Make a new model. You'll get some initial blowback from fans who don't like change, but eventually recover with a design that you have all the rights for.
>B) Buy the rights to the Mint design. Probably won't work, but worth a shot.
>C) Negotiate a deal with Jingo to be able to use the design for merchandise.
>D) Do nothing and just hope no one notices.

How could she be retarded enough to have choosen D?
i'm calling it
no stream today
it's going to be funny when Mythic turns out to share a chunk of the blame and they have to wheel Assmanbald out in front of an apology wall
>How could she be retarded enough to have choosen D?
Have you never seen a Filian stream? You'd think it'd be obvious at first glance.
She hasn't said it's cancelled so I'm assuming it'll happen as scheduled
that dude is so rich he could probably buy the Rindo IP and make it back in a month
I thought she was fine at first. She just leans far too hard into politics these days.
she’s fulfilling a niche that people seem to like. not for me, but I can unironically respect the grind
>Choose D
Yeah, that's women for you
They probably share more than a chunk, it's my understanding that they manage the merch deals for her. Their lawyers probably wrote the contracts and there is literally no way they (Mythic) aren't aware she doesn't own the rights to the model.
>no stream today
The drama will provide her a big CCV boost, of course she's going to stream.
Maybe we'll get a few trannies trying to shame her which can only be entertaining.
what even is today’s stream supposed to be I forgor
KokoNuts collab, playing a visual novel.
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Ive been a loyal snacker for years but it would be hypocritical of me not to think less of her now. I used to shitfling at /#/fags all day because an indie was beating their corposlop, but now she's trying to pull shit like any old corpo. Sadge.
>E) Lawyers tell you the model's likeness is indefensible in court since it isn't an original enough design so you can make merch
The thing is, she's so non-serious 99% of the time, I dont know how she'd go about addressing it without ditxhing her streaming personna entirely and making the whole stream a boring "I sowwy" schtick like every other appology stream.
Because it requires 0 work, obviously. It's always been a (potential) problem for future Filian. Unfortunately, the future is now.
isn’t it a little hypocritical not to care when she did her whole “teehee I don’t actually own the licensing” bit for years on end and then act like you care when she finally faces the consequences of her own actions
That person is larping.
indeed sis-I mean fellow snacker. this injustice will not stand. #RindoRights
>The workaholic takes the route that requires 0 work
Why would he assume it's indefensible? There's a lot of generic anime chatacter designs that look 90% the same, but there's still an IP attached to each of them. It's easy to make a near-copy and have plausible deniability, but Filian didnt even do that.
Why would you assume I like Niji? Riku should have been lynched by now desu.
please take your meds bro, you've been at this all day, no one is joining you in your fantasy land.
You think they could make the fake-posting less obvious, especially after all their practice, but they never seem to get better.
I forgot she ever said that. I knew she didnt own the model but the consequences didnt occur to me.
Nigger talked about it. First dramafag covering it
she did. it's a completely different character
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>depressed nousagi
please hang yourself from the nearest tree
She worked with this guy before btw. Never trust snakes.
>plushie alone made 100k
This can't be real, right? She did not made 100k with just a plushie.... Right? Where's your source?
The artstyle matters with 2d/animation, less so with 3d, but individual character designs, without any of the personality or story attached are generally very difficult to claim unless they are extremely unique because almost all character designs are derivatives of derivatives at this point.
So its not about if filian owns it, she doesn't, its about if jingo could claim ownership of rindo as an original unique design.
if filian was your prison bunk mate would she be the one who cooks shitty prison food for the two of you or would you cook it for her?
Alright bros, have to hit the sheets. I'll see you all tomorrow.
If she streams today, I hope she's alright...
Oh and remember, bros
>Do not reply to bait, shitstirring, tribaltards, or dramafaggotry. Be it inside AND outside the thread - Hide, Report, and Move on.
She would be the one who drops the soap.
I'd rather hang myself with my bed sheet than to eat something filian cooked.
>implying dramafags have integrity
Good night dude
me and filian after filian joins me in prison by getting arrested for violating 20 billion cases of IP law

Is this a normal amount of sister-bait and falseflagging, or is it more severe than usual recently?
Forceful impregnation should be her punishment
gn anon I’m sure it’ll blow over, get some rest
by me
i told filian fansly to friend me on discord if its really her and they replied with a "i am a bot" gif. i dont think its her guys
i asked if they know if its fil posing in the pictures lol
here's the content from dms if anyone wants it btw, we should add it to the baking
pixeldrain com/u/8eS1h15Q
Here, tell me how hard it is to retexture hair and eye colours.
Force feeding until chubby fil punishment
I hate to tell you this but none of this shit matters. The patriot act exists and Google already has my exact psychological profile stored in a 300 million trillion bit array of floating point numbers on an AWS server somewhere
As an architect, I agree with your assessment. It's a harsh punishment, but it must be endured.
I’m talking out impregnating her against her will using our penises to ejaculate semen in her womb. Don’t be weird.
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Hey, snacker bros, things will turn out well and this will blow over eventually. Don't let this shit get ya down.
Wife (possibly) live in 1 (one) hour. Gotta do some classic /flip/ posting. For anyone curious Spain fucked Germany 2-1 in the last minute of overtime.
>Be artist
>Make something a lot of people can enjoy
>Don't get even $5 fucking bucks for all of that
Jesus Christ.
Yeah you're right anon, it's a little weird but sometimes the punishment must fit the crime.
how many hours till stream?
My friend wants to play video games with me and I have a rule not to choose to watching filian streams over real socializing to prevent me from becoming too parasocial so I won’t be able to be there, I hope you anons are able to have a fun thread despite the drama
She's down at the station and might not get out tonight
she’ll make it out of this ok. Sending my energy
cancelled, she's fleeing to mexico as we speak
>This can't be real, right? She did not made 100k with just a plushie.... Right? Where's your source?
Dude...every Vtuber with more than 2000 CCV is wealthier than you think, and Filian is literally so large that she appears in Hololive reports. I'm surprised she denies being a millionaire because she should definitely be one at this point
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She makes millions based on that model
We’ll do the Ui special and then do your idea if it happens again. Deal?
Gonna be honest I kinda thought the twitter drama is retarded but I might be wrong. If you make a model but put it on vrchat for others to use, do you even own it anymore? Vrchat would probably take ownership and then it essentially becomes public anyway right
>disclaimer that I'm genuinely talking out my ass and just going off my first impression thoughts and not based on research
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Are they liable?
Why not both at once? It'll keep her from blabbing on about some nonsense.
For details, read this post: >>79975383
If it's in their terms of service, maybe. Blizzard did that with WC3 and custom maps it fucking blows.
she's gained like 2K followers since yesterday or the day before
Have fun! I hope the thread does calm down during the stream. I essentially ditched the thread today since everyone has been needlessly sperging over the whole thing. Whatever happens, happens. I think Kokonuts collab might be really fun, so I have high hopes ngl.
Thanks gooner bro
Everything in that post is wrong. It's written by an armchair lawyer.
All this drama? planned by Fillian
my cute galaxy brain kemonomutt wife is wielding us all like puppets
Any discord lurkers?
Anon... do you really believe the Gura you're watching in "hololive" is actually Gura?
Both Gura and the genuine hololive were shut down 3 years ago
The guy who wrote that doesn't have the single idea about what he's talking about
>doesn't have the single idea
/flip/ has discord lurkers at basically all times, I’m pretty sure snackers hq uses this thread to say shit they don’t want to talk about in the discord.
seems stream today is cancelled but stream tomorrow is not
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it's so over
Thats what I'm presuming
I think it looks very cunty by filian to not give credit especially from the eyes of the twitter mob, but I can't see her being in the actual wrong legally. But "not legally wrong" doesn't mean youre not a bit of a knob
Some of that makes sense but he kinda derails hard
Nah. VRchat models aren’t necessarily made for VRchat. Some models have VRchat features but as long as you remove them it’s entirely owned by the original creator.
lmao okay so she is actually putting out fires today then. Rip filian, wish you the best of luck with your legal troubles
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oh wait plot twist
She flipped it off her desk
>didn't even hint at addressing it
she's either in deep shit and is trying to drag it out as much as possible or she's currently signing some papers
>fricked up my pc
Come on just say today felt too pressuring to stream it'd be understandable
filian doing the ol' ignore twitter drama and it'll go away trick
what a coincidence
Twitter mob bringing up her past shit, saying she encourages ai art, when did she do that?
filian ALWAYS avoids explicitly referencing drama. It’s her go to strategy
In legalese "giving credit" can translate to "deserves credit" which is bad for your argument.
Legal documents often have to be anal about stuff like this.
they say that cuz she had an AI art tag which was just to separate actual fanart from ai art
Not this time. She's fricked her kast flip.
She "encouraged" ai art by making a twitter hashtag for it so it doesn't end up on her real art tag
Noooo, I really wanted to watch that collab. Damn, any ideas what to do instead since now I have a hole in my schedule?
Guy, we're fucking saved. Fillian will defy Rindo to a backflip competition for the legal rights of the model.
shitpost and talk in circles on 4chan and pretend you understand how japanese civil law works
Streaming is a dogshit idea, it'll be full of newfags spamming about the figure so I fully expected her to cancel, its just not really appreciated to be lied to either
the funniest timeline would be filian having no idea the copyright issue is happening at all
her mods are aware, she definitely is lol
And this is why I thought I'd ask about it, the truth is always different to what they paint it as
More should have an ai tag, if some can't help but post their slop at least it can be contained
>rises like a phoenix
She has a perfectly good starforge pc somewhere in a corner of her room, she should just use that
This bread is already over 300 replies and and we are in the same spot we were when shit hit the fan like 2 threads ago. Shocking how little talking about the same thing changes nothing. Does anyone have "I have a gun" as a soundpost?
>he thinks the excuse is real
>I'm surprised she denies being a millionaire
You shouldn't be. She's effectively a pathological liar when it comes to personal information.
that's why I just smacker post in-between all of this, there's generally nothing to be gained in discussing it on 4chan of all places
by my calculations we are approximately halfway through our supply of obnoxious know it all’s who will come in and LARP like they have something new to add to the concnersation. though this is somewhat contingent on the supply of people pretending to know what they’re talking about and giving (you’s) in response
what is that pfp
it’s cuz you guys keep paypigging in obscure non transparent ways so no one knows how much money these girls have until low 4 views like layna start buying decently nice homes in cash
I guess she's gonna let this shit get dragged into court, fucking hell.
Some character she made in Black Desert
Guys I really don’t care about this drama. All I care about is how badly I want to facefuck Filian until she passes out.
Excluding the merch drops, you can look at their subscriber count then multiply it by 2.5 and get a (pre-tax) income of what they get in a month.
>>79988072 (me)
Guess I'll watch that one Italian 2view I enjoy, what a bummer.
>if she doesn't address it on stream, that means shes ignoring it
how dumb?
>filian used to play BDO
I still think this is the thing that makes me respect her the most, like you genuinely did have to be autistic to have been into that game. they made the map painting game bros look well adjusted
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no stream
it’s okay kitten please go talk to your lawyer on zoom and then get wine drunk later tonight to relax
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Im gonna give a FREE OF CHARGE one time consultation of how to solve this nightmare for Fillian.

Option A :
>Have a video made with a proper apology, translated and all, sure it can be like Sodapoppin's one time ban video of VRchat, admit to all the shit youve done and how you feel about it, really get the tears running for everyone, but make it sincere!
>Put yourself into a hiatus to start with and slowly work towards fixing the burn thats happening
>Hire a proper team of lawyers, maybe with the help of Mythic, also get a translator to sit in.
>Get in contact with the actual artist(s) of the model(s), fix up papers to get the exclusive rights for the model and hire the artists as a team for future models to be made for her.
>Give the Artist(s) a fraction of what she's made in terms of revenue from merch already seeing as this isnt the first time.
>Deal must be good for artist(s) and both parties agreed on.
>Get the art team working on a NEW MODEL EXCLUSIVE and all!
>Come back from hiatus, have a MASSIVE FUCKING STREAM, donothon and all! Really get paid well and pay the people that helped settle the fire.

Or go with Option B :
>Scorched earth style all the fuckers, Seth them up, really farm the drama in ultra gear and just flip the fuck out like usual.

Knowing her? She'll go with a Option B style + Ignore it, thank you for reading my yapping.
I miss Filian uuuuuuuuuuuu
time for bed
losing Fil and getting BTFO'D by spain in the last minute took a toll on me
I came from the future and I only have a short amount of time but I need to tell you how this is handled
The model owner settles out of court privately where we hardly learn anything, the figure sells as normal and filian continues like nothing happened
Nothing actually happens
Also I get to stick my cock down h
John Titor here. Filian bears and raises my children. I’ll explain more later
>Copyright problem all over Twitter, discord etc.
Stream time.
>Oops guise I... uh... umm.. brokeded my pc ah ha ha... yeah that's it ahh... guess no stream today guise... ah see you tomorrow lol
Yes, very believable.
>The model owner settles out of court privately where we hardly learn anything, the figure sells as normal and filian continues like nothing happened
i can't imagine it going any other way desu
Germany losing was the highlight of my day. Idc who wins as long as Germany loses. Just football things.
Best of luck to Bao, she's gonna need it tomorrow.
Who knows, her PC was having issues the past few streams, so it breaking it not out of the realm of possibilities
there won't be a stream tomorrow
it’s the classic filly lie. everyone knows it’s like 80% chances she’s just lying through her teeth, but the 20% is enough to keep you honest
>needs more bread
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
do we? we could always just refuse to make the general and deny people a general to shit up if there isn’t gonna be a stream anyways
And just as a recent source for that:
I'm tired of these disingenious fricks saying "she encouraged ai art".
>>79989323 (me)
all the regulars have already said their piece by now, it’s just gonna be tourists repeating things already discussed verbatim
Some random rubbish in my neigbourhood won't stop me from goon posting
Some random rubbish in my neigbourhood won't stop me from gosling posting
not correct. There's now the part when she's lying about her PC and tomorrow there also won't be a stream because something will happen and the PC won't be fixed.
fair I will check in on the thread occasionally and hornypost about how I want to get filian pregnant and how she would make an amazing mother
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>PC hort
the gosling smacker detente lul
her ass will hurt when I'm through with her
wtf am I supposed to do now?
my cute fillyWife is currently in a zoom meeting with 4 Jewish men from Cravath Swaine and Moore
the twitter mob is like two underaged pronoun havers spamming the same quote tweet to everyone they can
So do you guys want me to phonebake or someone more competent will pick it up?
just do it
Frick man...
Holy fucking cope. Is she seriously trying to pretend this isnt happening?

Come on Fil, stop it. Stop lying. It just makes you look worse.

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