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>wow Filian
>twitter lets you have TWO community notes!?
Indies don't need perms.
fucking kek
They don't need perms to stream with the model, but they do to make merch with it
Holy fuck her antis are out for blood.
Kek why didn't she just talk to the artists beforehand? Surely she must've known better when dealing with nippon autism?
Go back /#/tard
I don't understand Fillian, she could so easily Neuro-sama it and get a super similar model
>Never credit properly
Can anyone confirm if this is true? Grim
and Jingo didn’t care til now because?
/lig/gers are such disgusting cunts holy shit, they smell blood and they follow like piranhas
filian obviously hid it from him. you a retard or something?
>The 3rd biggest chuuba of all chuubas that doesn't hide anything and is honest about their model can HIDE information from millions of people.
Retard. Just braindead honestly.
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>The 3rd biggest chuuba
Have you heard of this thing called a language barrier?
They're calling her an idiot and laughing at her. Not everything comes from the big mean number people.
>this is what liggers actually beleive
Sounds like Jingo doesn’t care enough about his IP enough to realize one of the largest western vtubers is using it for merch.
same vtuber who has an ai art tag and a fansly LMAO not surprised
In what world is that true?
doesnt she have a new oc redesign model ready and sitting on the shelf? She should have ripped the bandaid off after seeing Doki redesign with no issues.
literally who
This world. Via subscribers.
Just not via CCV.
Filipino Frank
It's not that indies don't need perms. It's just that most indie aren't rich enough to be worth suing since they won't likely be able to afford the infringement fees and will just be thrown in jail instead, but then whoever is suing still needs to pay the lawyers out of pocket.
I didn’t know who Filian was until this year
>unironic Filianfag
wild west of /vt/
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indies killing each other? always brings a smile on my face
She definitely thought with her modifications she was off the hook for anything
She has a fucking ai art tag? Why?
Filian will be fine.
Supposedly "to filter AI art out of the regular tag"

Please don't notice that every other vtuber does not have a problem with AI art in their tags after explicitly disallowing it
and an ai erp bot fansly for 400$

she also uses ai covers with her voice as her intro
this post is funnier when you remember how rushia was originally trying to drag as many of her genmates as possible and was spreading rrats about shion
Why do holofags hate big indies so fucking much?
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imagine you make a character and a few years later some random bitch on the other side of the world is shilling clothes, figures, merchandise calling it hers

>Most based thing ever
>"erm... this you?"
>skips stream
>bans all discussion from discord and twitch
>"omg so based!"
she is literally shitting herself right now.
I am really fed up with nip perm autism. I still don't think garbage like hololive should have any power.
Good Smile officially canceled it until further notice
They mostly don't care. It's mostly sisters who actively try bringing Filian down, and we know how much they love posing as Holofags.
>But a copy of halo
>start selling halo merch on a massive scale, signing contracts to sell halo merch and gain profit
>343 sues you for using their IP and commercial rights
>"Man I hate nip perm autism"
No, this nip guy could have made thousands of dollars in the future as Filian's original artist, but he tried to take it away from her because he didn't like the money Filian was making with Nendoroids.
let's see how that holds up in court. will she run over a couple pedestrians on the way over there too because she don't need no perms because she's a stronk vtubber who don't need no corpo?
>I went and ripped the VRChat model illegally
she's talking about the mint model in this one btw which has even stricter perms
it keeps getting better and better
Guys, is Fillian literally unironically retarded? Are you tell me her being retarded isn’t just an act she puts on to entertain her viewers?
The topology of her intelligence is a complex, uneven, and constantly morphing shape.
>the creator didn't even know she existed
so big
Why femoid are so retarded? Vedal saw this coming from miles away and commissioned Neuro-Sama own model instead of being a cheapshot and insist on using Hiyori.
she's entertain zoomers with scream and overreaction. Of course she is retarded.
Fil knew about it but she thought she could get away with it for a little longer.
So she has ADHD?
Dear [name],
I hope this email finds you well
>*crashes into wall*
>*breaks controller*
Chat, what do we do now?
she's gotta just be a greedy lazy bitch, or some shit, man.
With how much money she makes, she could've bought a new model and rights from Jingo directly
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omg filian just went live and killed herself
Poor deflection attempt I've seen/#/ meltdown many times because of her numbers
I've seen numbers gloat about how she herself said she makes nowhere near Holo level of money. They like that she humbles and knows her place.
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>I ripped it illegally
Why would she disclose this?
this is exactly what happens when you let women manage themselves
To be fair Filian is highly reliant on a 3d model for her content. Those are much more expensive than live2d models. It's a huge milestone even for a corpo vtuber to finally be given a 3d model. Just saying she'd probably have to spend way more than the average vtuber, so comparing her to everyone else isn't exactly accurate.
Bro, Filian isn't some 2view. She can afford it.
Because she's a retard.
And this is why I think artists are arrogant pricks
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Bitch better pay my share before I make her go from Filipino Boy to Palestino Boy
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where does this bullshit even start, live 2D is a monstrosity of technical wizardy bullshit. A 3D model is just a fucking 3D model. Her current one isn't even amazing, just moving unique one of the same quality wouldn't cost anywhere close to as much as a top of the line of the like live2D model. Think for a minute how easily shitters make 3D indy games and sell them for like 5 dollars. Shit Snuffy literally bought her original pre-recoon model for 15 dollars. And it was all hers, none of this free use shit. The modeler had a made a bunch of 3D modelers and was selling them in an "adoptable" fashion for cheap. This model is easily on the same level as Filians and Snuffy owns it outright. Unless she's out here trying to buy some state of the art shit, everything would be affordable, especially considering it would be made for fucking VRchat.
Thanks for your input, AIslop consoomer.
Exactly. She probably thought she was a girlboss and didn't need a male to manage her. Fucked around and found out.
>ai erp bot fansly for 400$
Am I understanding this correctly or does this means that she charges you for using a character.ai of her?
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>publish free work for funsies
>other creator takes your work without credit and creates a brand around it
>your work is now being profited off of by said creator and now various corporate entities
>hey I think you stole my work and are now making business deals around it, can I have some credit please
>WOOOOOW artists are so entitled
it's ran by some shady cryptobro startup
It's what Holofags have convinced themselves of to justify waiting 2 years for a 3D model. 3D models are easier and faster and more importantly CHEAPER to make than 2D. Even high end good ones. That Snuffy model in your post? It cost her $1,000. A good 2D model would start at roughly 5x that
Vkeks are going full force on the one indie that doesn't suck their cocks, what a surprise
>Someone steals your phone and then sell it
>You call the police
>"Huh? Why do you complain? You could have worked for them and helped them sell your phone"
>Why do indiefags hate big holos so fucking much?
ftfy retardedanonchama
You mean vkeks ? Because Filian is the only one who doesn't suck Ironshit's cock
deflection that gura swept all of them at once?
https://x.com/TrickcoG/status/1809363947939832101 lol 0:35
Her ai chatbot shows shes extremely greedy along with accepting those idol watchalong ad streams
>A 3D model is just a fucking 3D model
Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of NPR
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what is blud waffling about
Never understood why she didnt just get her own model.
I doubt she doesnt have the cash Filian seems to be a big enough streamer.
Unless she was just worried about her brand? But she also does seem pretty smooth brain and probably figured since she got this far she could keep going.
shit random porn artists make 3D models at that level for SFM for fucking free
A fucking anime styled model aint got 8 billion polygons and isn't gonna be in any kind of fancy lighting.
muh indie freedom
That's how you win the public's opinion, attack hard and fast before the person you're attacking has a chance to respond properly.
Smartest vkek here
>Waaaaaah why I can't just steal shit from people why do they have to call the police waaaah
she used to say she is going to debut her model eventually every other stream like 2 years ago
then she claimed she would debut before her awards show
then she stopped talking about it at all
Even then she's so popular she probably has a network of people who can provide a new model for her at a fraction of the price or as a favor
Watch it be something even dumber. Like the dude didn't even want royalties, but wants to make sure she's not selling crackpipes or something.
Disney moved from 2D to 3D for a reason. Shit's cheap.
Not only that but her current model looks like shit, it looks like something a beginner would make in Vroid or one of those edited tda MMD models.
It doesn't look like something a big vtuber would use.
that takes a minimal amount of effort though, why effort when can no effort and money anyway?
im on the same side of the planet as filian and speak the same language as her and i still didn't hear about this until now, why would they
I guess there was an issue with the artist she was working with
She never did anything anon. It was a joke for her to never get a model.
indies are subject to silly things such as laws
It's not like Jingo has 50 monitors open streaming 24/7 every single person who bought their model to know when someone shills illegal merch or whatever. They only realized now because apparently Nendoroid is a bigger deal than whatever rando companies did merch for Filian before. And also because obviously Filian didn't tell them. I don't think Filian intended copyright infringement, she's probably just dumb.
Holokek arrogance has huge "Indomitable Middle Kingdom" energy. I'm ecstatic the fomenting cracks from Holojustice Western Barbarians are making them writhe in anxiety.
I was wondering how she had so many antis. Seems.mostly I offensive and doesn't butt heads with Hololive or anything. Then I remembered she's friendly with Doki and other Niji exiles and all this shit started making sense.
How retarded are you to make a nendoroid of something you don’t even own without discussing with the artist? Typical case of streamer too big to fail so they’re doing it because they know they can get away with it
Aren't the retarded ones good smile? Aren't the rights the first thing you'd check?
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The only people who think her antis are Nijifags are Holofags. A lot of people don't like her. A lot of /lig/ threads boiled down to Filianfags vs people telling them to shut the fuck up. They were exiled and live in their own thread now. VShojofags don't like Filian either because she's a retard who can't stop opening her mouth. Nijifags are probably a very small part of her antis.
She also streams with Pippa and Kirsche which has a whole other group after her
She also made a George Floyd joke and said Hitler did nothing wrong - so the usual twitter types hate her as well.
Even low 3view streamers commission 3d models that they use once or twice a month. Filian is one of the richest Indies on Twitch yet she can’t commission one for something she uses every day?
as funny as it would be to watch filian get sued into the dirt im afraid the jap dudes will be too humble and forgiving to do that, she'll probably just have to pay an amount that sounds big in yen and move on to a new, way higher budget model, shucks
You retard?. Don't you know how much effort many artists put in to connect with Twitchers?
I can see why. They are huffing that dindu copium hard and are even trying to turn this around to paint Jingo as an opportunistic villain.
That, and I doubt Filian herself is the one who handles her merch dealings.
yeah like blacks do not need credit cards
Most people still want to be credited for the work you’ve done you retard, especially when it’s something that person uses everyday. You think they’d just say “oh they’re using my work without crediting me, that’s fine”? A Niji chuuba got shit on by an artist who was their fan for not crediting their mascot design iirc
it happens a lot, but usuammy it is chinese corpo and not some idiot boygirl
Check/lig/ archive anon If anything, nobody notices the indie wars because of Niji's constant fuck ups that keeps getting into the headlines
At least the entertainment industry, including GOOD SMILE, knew who Filian's original artists were.
He had a chance to make a name for himself as a Filian's artist, and he gave it up.
I mean, I wouldn't blame her if some random spic uses her art without permission comes under her radar. It's fricking Japan, heck a lot of japs only discovered neuro-sama just a while ago.
Fillian is not as popular as you think hombre
her clips are extremely popular overseas, you are an idiot.
>Filian is the biggest Vtuber on twitch
So you're saying Twitch isn't popular? lmao
holofags do not care, easy to check their boards
your thing sounds like russian propaganda to the core, so you must be lying about almost everything, hell nijisiters are even more drama hungry than spanish speaking vtubers so they are moke likely just stirring pot just for giggles
>Be Jingo
>Get recommended a clip of a foreigner
>See they're using Rindo from the thumbnail
>Click it out of curiosity
>Some screeching idiot does a flip with the model
>Shrug shoulders and click elsewhere
Because once again, unless he found out MERCH was being made, he wouldn't care. Streaming with the model is 100% within her rights.
Tell that to mousefags and yes, especially for the japs.
Will she be forced to upgrade? Has this happened before?
if it was it would make profit
They are on Bezos life support.
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>Self claimed "walking charity"
>Spend thousands on Vtuber awards
>Her 3D model is public domain
What has stopped her from commisioning her own 3D model? Money isn't the fucking issue.
In Japan? Care to show me Filian JP nikis?
Bratty Filian needs correction!
The fuck? ching chong nip nop your ass.
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>Chilling with a Henya stream
>Suddenly Filian calls Henya and derails her thread with inane bullshit for half an hour
>Repeat over multiple streams
>Once even got the entire planned stream canceled by pressuring Henya to play Suika game instead
Yeah I'd say Filian definitely has haters in /vsj+/
>featuring Filian
Does he know?
Why hasn't she commissioned something original? I think that'd be one of your first priorities when you are as popular as she is.
>public domain
it is not
it needs to be bought for 50ish dollar
and comes with limitations especially if you make money with it
th license states clear as day she needs to contact the creator
Public Domain would mean ANYBODY can do ANYTHING with it
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two community notes on a single tweet is hilarious. I don't recall seeing that before unless it was some schizo political shit
twitch is as famous in east as bilibili is famous in the west
>What has stopped her from commisioning her own 3D model?
her whole personality is acting retarded and I don't she is pretending anymore
So its most likely Mythic's fault?
Will he save her?
Honestly why even bother watching English-speaking vtubers when they're all ticking time bombs.
Hard to say, but it's possible.
drumsy has more subscribers than filian but he wasn't mentioned in that inaccurate hololive slide you're referencing. There's also another giant vtuber that has more subs than gura by making slop for children but I forget her name.
He's probably have told her to get a new model since long ago but of course she wouldn't listen.
>Vtuber retards her way into problems
Hope so, hate their guts, they should be exposed if they are managers with no idea of what they are doing.
They literally used the model on some gacha and she said she couldn't do shit because the model is public domain. Her words, not mine. Maybe what really happened is that that gacha did credit this Jingle Jangle person, who knows.
At least, I don't want to work with an Asian who suffers from perm autism.
vtuber lying, a story as old as time
Rindo, her current model

Mint, her older model:
Anon, Mystic is not a company, just a twitch circle.
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That's a very common practice in China and 3rd world countries.
The model is allowed to be used for apps and games. It's physical merch specifically that it's not, and that's what Filian did.
he cant even wrangle one menhera enough to get a basic ass model finished
So Filian uses an official character called Mint? Yikes. But who is Rindo?
Yes? The same reason why you never heard of hanser despite having a 4.5 million followers
>rindo, link below
>mint, link below
>who is rindo
I... I don't understand your question, anon.
Both avatars have names. Both avatars have links. You literally can click on the link.
Ok, let's do some simple math. Here is a quote from /#/.
The number on Twitch is worth 6 times more than that on Youtube.
The number on Bilibili is worth 0.1 times less than that on Youtube.
Both, filian never doing anything about it before joining Mystic. Mystic for not insuring filian has the rights.
God Baku is so ugly I could never force myself to read it.
>>80001855 (me)
I remember now, CookieSwirlC
My bad I got confused by the blue hair color of the Rindo character.
wtf I kneel
It likely won't affect her bottom line very much, but being "that one vtuber who got caught red-handed committing copyright infringement" is definitely something that will follow her. It's not like this is some smalltime merch either. It's fucking Goodsmile. She's probably in way deeper shit with them than the artist tbdesu, because those ads also violate copyright
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no problem
also worth noting: the models come with some alternative textures. So it is kind of very likely she didn't even do the color change herself.
It also has a lot of bells and whistles where you can adjust the hair and ears (which is what she did). Apart from that, it is pretty much an out of the box Rindo. One of the most (in)famous models in vrchat.
I only learned of her from a Kyoresu and Pippa stream.
Jingo, you say "contact me if commercial use" but western people don't have fax machines lmao.
Stand back Barney, I'm gonna Yaba.. Daba... DOOOOOOOOOOO
man if only Jingo was on twitter...
man if only the shop where you buy the model (the only shop) had some sort of direct messaging system or something like it
man if only jingo would have written some sort of "electronic email" on the website that sells the model...
imagine falling for bait this easily, retards all of you (me included)
To be fair the overwhelming majority of those subs came from before she was a vtuber.
he just going to tell her get a good lawyer and beg for forgiveness
love you, anon
the vtuber queen... choc lamy i kneel
The best game plan for Filian is
>to announce a hiatus
>cry because she’s frustrated because she has all sorts of kino planned in the next few weeks(flipping 4 times in a row) in a new 3d background
>get her fans to chimp out on the artist
>artist gets scared and offer a compromise
>be back to streaming in a week tops
Call me Filian if you need more help
If you knew her previous history before she became big, you would be an anti too
It's actually cheaper
she barely flips anymore. filian became a react andy and now it seems like she barely has the ability to stream by herself and always needs to do some fucking colab.
>create design and allow it to be used by the public
>someone uses it and becomes very popular
>without asking you, creates merchandise of YOUR design and doesn't credit you
Any normal lawyer would be salivating seeing this shit.
VRchat would give her the best models for free.
>always needs to do some fucking colab.
going back to her roots, gotta find someone to leech off of
Pikamee with VOMs was better.
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the best game plan for filian is
>deal with it privately
>start her next stream dancing
>make a 2 second joke about it
>spin around on the floor
it's ok when Hololive does it
we have been telling her to have a real debut already but she just ignores it in general.

this will not be the last drama concerning merch in the future.
>A lot of /lig/ threads boiled down to Filianfags vs people telling them to shut the fuck up. They were exiled and live in their own thread now
so basically, filianfags are the dragoons of /lig/?
The funniest part is that filian probably never had a debut because she has a dumbass fucking idea that she will lose viewers since her model would be different and people wouldn't recognize her.
Its not like she can do anything about it, If she gets a new model its going to have to be entirely new design that cant resemble her current one otherwise it just ends up in lawsuit territory for jingo. And a new design is going to upset a bunch of fans attached to her current look
this checks out when I see how she doesn't want mobile ads using "her" model
>people wouldn't recognize her.
that would absolutely happen though?
sisters are so shameful with their falseflagging it's utterly pathetic
How about you go study your oshi's history before she blew up fag, shes an utter cunt
Goodsmile just deleted the tweet
You've been crying about Henya having friends and how she doesn't pander to her chat 24/7 for months now, it's getting tiresome.
I aint talking about henya bud
With all ex-NIJISANJI going indie or to other corpo using new model/old model and being successful. Fans being attachment to model is kinda not a big deal. Rindo model is generic cat girl and Filian become successful due to her own efforts, feels like her fan will still follow her if she get new model.
Her nendo actually get pulled lmao
she could probably commission jingo himself to make a totally-not-rindo design for her.
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Sister, I know she's not a cunt because she's my oshi's kamioshi. Stop trying to smear their names.
Oh shit
>community notes
She actually lost. Shes going to get sued by Goodsmile and that other person
Obviously she went back and actually paid for the model once she started making big money right?
Thats a really poor example, filian isnt getting a big ass whole vtuber welcome following large drama like they are that allowed such a thing. The model is generic but its what filian is known as. A new design will absolutely urk certain fans. It will change her brand entirely. Now shes big enough that it wont be a real problem but it will hurt her brand in the temporary.
That's really only a short term problem. Especially if she just went with another white haired fox/cat thing girl. That alone isn't too unique when it comes to animecentric designs.
why would she get sued by goodsmile, there's no damages to sue for unless they already had the models designed, and if they had that much done, they'd just change the arrangement to benefit the artists as well
It's not even worth it for the artists to sue her
I'm sorry you werent there in the early days of vrchat to learn what a skank she truly is
Tweet being deleted could be just precaution or lessen pr damage, The drama is getting too much traction fuking two community notes. Negotiation could still be happening behind the scenes
Anon you're talking about someone who leaves week-old food on her computer table and uses paper dishes because shes too lazy to wash actual dishes. It should not be fucking legal for filian to live by herself.
That's why she should have gotten an actual model back in 2022 when she announced she would be doing vtubing full time back in february and would have a model around july.
I really don’t get how you get popular doing this shit, is it because it’s an anime model?
>there's no damages to sue
I don't know. As soon as a model gets announced, usually a team starts prepping shit. They need to be paid.
pretty retarded but wtf did she expect obviously you can't capitalize on a model you don't actually own
So now that Fil is basically blacklisted by every JP corpo, can you guys recommend a good merch idea made by western companies?
Your vitriolic blabbering really falls flat at this point. When you keep repeating the same insult over and over as opposed to actually explaining anything in proper detail you just come across as an annoyance.
Turns out showing a bunch of coomers your anime girl panties a bunch of times works. (oh teehee sorry guys i totally didnt mean to flashbang you!) Its such a annoying gag
Mint isn't exactly know for making good decisions considering she stayed in a black company for years.
>No money to buy a model to actually own like every other indie vtuber
>Must spend money on more vr equipment to break instead
Would bet money that she lied to goodsmile about owning it kek
>form has a checkbox
>"Are you the copyright?"
>Well, I did buy it, so yeah!
That is usually how it is done. There isn't a 30 minutes voice call where they ask "Are you SURE you have it?" every 5 minutes. It's one question on a piece of paper that you can check off.
>actually explaining anything in proper detail
Its a sorry world when everybody needs to be fucking spoonfed, but fine i'll do it for you. She was a generic vrchatter, but her antics got roflgators eye, and she got into his lobbies, proceed to leech and in turn blow up. Proceeds to then in turn ditch her entire previous friend group entirely, and then use new found fame to kick people out of events. Shes a total narcissistic asshole, who will gladly ditch her friends if it means more fame. Hell look at a her now constantly collabing she never stopped leeching. Those fools who collab with her dont know any of this though and think she just genuinely wants to hang out and there friends.
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Is she actually retarded?
I don't watch her, so I don't know if she's also a fucking moron on stream
copyright retardation is not a legitimate reason to dislike someone THOUGH
If you're going to post twitter screenshots stop censoring the account names you faggot.
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I can't believe this is how Good Smile Company goes down, by a fucking vtuber.
Based Filian.
>Goodsmile produced figure prototypes with just a check in a box for copyright verification
They obviously didn't but this will be the /flip/ cope
A Rob lobby loser ladder climbing over others?
Some things never change, kek.
realistically she won't get sued but her career is over
I mean, what do you think happens?
They gonna ask it on a form, and thats it. If it is a checkbox, or if there need to be some questions on who and when the copyright existed doesn't really matter.
Good smiles duty is not to take the filled out form and check it if these things are true. That is what the signature of "I declare this one is true" is for.
Or at least, that is how it works in the west.
Has this guy considered that Filian's popularity might've boosted exposure to his work and possibly sales?
> exposure to his work
Do you know what the fuck vrchat is? Everybody uses his models
Call it "Foxy flipper" or something
>her career is over
I doubt it, people will still watch her. It's only very very bad if it makes other big vtubers refuse to associate with her but I don't see that happening. Worst case she loses some money and has to get a new model.
>lol nobody knows this artist
>did he ever consider that he sold more because of filian
which way, filian supporter?
Yes, she is
>Do you know what the fuck vrchat is?
No, I have sex with women
Ah i see, tell your hand i said hello
I'm happy the girls are having fun but being stuck in no stream limbo fucking sucks. Shame Aviel ran out of money before he had a chance to debut gen 3.
Wtf is an aviel
>It's goodsmiles fault they didn't ask for legal documentation not Filian's fault for lying on a contract
Good luck finding a good enough lawyer to argue that while going up against a big corporation's lawyer in court
Wow no way
>Good luck finding a good enough lawyer to argue that
but I didn't argue that at all?
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Let be real for a minute, how much would be recommended to start archiving everything about Fillian just in case she do something really fucking stupid like saying that she will actually get a model but delete any single video of her using Jingo model
Deleting any video would be completely pointless.
Is Mythic actually gonna do something? They must have had something to do with convincing Goodsmile this was a good idea.
whats even funnier is that if goodsmile announced it they already have figures in production for her.
oh no fillian now you have to make your own model now
It's fine, Mythic has lawyers that will argue for her right to use the model in court.
mythic arent her managers, they wont do shit.
She has theright to use the model for streaming, but she can't for the merch.
depends if you see it as corporate use or not
wait, wasn't there a indie that cumbuds were trying to groom using the fillian model that named herself rindo? the lazy bitch literally couldn't even be bothered to change her name? kek
Funny joke
no one but american twitchfags know who the fuck filian is
>The 3rd biggest chuuba of all chuubas
she's barely a vtuber, just a vrchat whore
it's popular with whores who think they're vtubers
not really popular with actual vtubers and vtuber fans
Any new developments since the deleted goodsmile tweet?
Can you blame them? They say not to kick an enemy while they're down but she's basically asking for it with how easily avoidable of a fuckup this could've been.
liggers... please don't tell me all of you are like this.
She seems to be barely known in the home country of chuuba's until this fuck up.
Doesn't excuse it though, seems like a very convenient streak of negligence. I hate copyright stuff in certain aspects but this is pretty clear cut of an issue, the dude has them ask for permission for merchandising with the models, she clearly didn't do that step, now she's in trouble for it.
This seems like a pretty big coping mechanism after realizing western v-tubing was a mistake so you just pick vague avenues, like an entire service, to slander.
fleshtuber cock sleeves aren't vtubers, sorry anon
their viewers are forsen and jerma fans, not vtuber fans
That's how I used to feel along with having some really autistic guy in a server I was a regular in constantly post all the pissing scenes from the manga but about a year ago I decided to say fuck it and read through everything. Great series, glad I didn't let a bad first impression filter me indefinitely
Here's the thing that I don't understand. A godsmile figure will also benefit the artist with brand recognition, so why he could just solve this privately, he would get the money AND he would still get the godsmile buff so... why not do that? Filian is 100% retarded for being in this situation, but is it worth losing a valuable cash cow like her? Her stuff SELLS like candy and she basically IS the face of rindo in the west.
too late for that, might as well burn the whole building
Elaborate. I hardly ever watch her, so I don't know much.
>not really popular with actual vtubers and vtuber fans
Henya and Filian are friends, if Henya is not a Vtuber, what is your definition of Vtubing?
nendroids have different stages of production
since they don't even have a gray prototype it means that they were only in the design phase
easy enough to scrap the project
That's exactly sister demographic, yes
wait...she's kinda based lmao
>crab being mad because one of them escaped the bucket
never gets old, KWAB
it's not only about the money you hebraic slave
Could still happened, we still haven't have a follow up tweet on Artist and official statement by Filian and Goodsmile. Artist initial tweet is professional and polite looks like he is open to talks. If we are to believed on his timeline of events. It's a minor miracle he tweeted calmy. Put yourself in Artist shoes your traveling suddenly your X blows up your friends and randos on intrenet DM's you that your creation is getting hijacked by Goodsmile. You try contact Fillian and Goodsmile gud luck with that probably get AI bot answering your shit. Most Artist in that situation would have probably go ape shit and post something in all caps.
It's about what them? If he reached privately he would gain the recognition, the money and the brand buff. Doing this he gets likes on twitter and nothing else, this will have 0 effect on filians average viewership simply because her viewers do not care about this, vtubers and brands will eventually come back because she still is the largest EN indie, twitter trannies will seethe, but they always hated her anyway so literally nothing will change. What did he gain from this? This went from a situation where everyone could gain something to a situation where everyone loses.
Yeah. That's the big deal here. The artist is small time. She just has to write a check or two. But tricking a corpo into copyright theft is big. They take that shit seriously and it'll make other corpos think twice before working with her
This could have all been handled in a couple of days privately between Filian, GoodSmile, and Ringo without any damage to either party. This molehill was turned into a mountain simply because twittertards saw an opportunity to take Filian down a peg and pressure GoodSmile to acknowledge the issue publicly
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She's gone ahahahahaha
>This molehill was turned into a mountain simply because she couldn't be bothered to get an original model
True, it's baffling she hasn't considered getting an original model. It could even be heavily based on Ringo's, obviously with changes to make it legally distinct. No doubt that was a retarded decision on her account, however the influence from twitter antis can't be ignored
>everyone loses
>artist gets sympathy and money
>Goodsmile looks good being on their side
Not really, no
>I can't believe antis would use her mistakes against her
come on man, she fucked up. she fugged it all up
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Wow, she is so popular
Even if this was true, she's not indie. She's in Mythic or whatever - the retarded company
>the lazy bitch literally couldn't even be bothered to change her name?
then again she was like 12
>japan filter on a indie western vtuber
Come on now
Anon, the artist is japanese
Every social media post with the nendoroid was deleted and they removed it from the Anime Expo display.
it's ogre
just get a new model lmao
Something she should have done ages ago, but she is a retard.
>Those are much more expensive than live2d models.
No they're not. Modern Live2D is a cluaterfuck, layers upon layers of bullshit. The technology itself was originally intended to be used in games for animated character portraits. The focus on face tracking a bit came later. That's why all the early models used by Nijisanji and Hololive looked so stiff and had a limited range of motions.
lmao this woman gained 4 million subs in the past 3 years, it's actually hilarious how fast she gains subs compared to JP vtubers.
GOOD l2d is some black magic fuckery and I'm in awe at some of the shit people good at it can produce.
the elder god... many know her name, but few dare to speak it
I literally dont care. Copyright laws are for faggots.
In a just world, filian would get the death penalty. But we live under some universalist principles where "people" like her are treated the same as any other criminal. Sickening.
The artist is japanese retard.
>minor crime is death penalty
Based but anon when will you apply it on yourself?
As clear as it is that Filian was a massive retard, something about this blatantly being bitter women just makes it not as funny.

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