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Filian bros, it has never been so over ;_;
That's awfully convenient.
Replace PC with IP and it makes more sense.
>blatant lies
Going full corpo-style damage control I see.
good shes handling everything offline like a professional. sorry she didn't give you dramawhores any ammo
>Says she is back tommorow
Shitposts and baits are getting sadder and sadder every day.
Nice emoting on 4chan you twitter tranny subhuman.
Sisters seething that this will be handled privately and they won't get any more ammunition today
>I'll be back tomorrow
>wait, I need more time, give two more days
>uh, hold on, another 3 days and everything will be fixed
>just 6 more days, just give me six more days
Seethe :^)
>pc hort
HAHAHAHAHA suuuuuurrreeee
she needs to pay for her crimes
that's so weird, I think anyone who works for Mythic has never encountered anything like this before ToT did you get a confirmation/OK sign from Rindo before getting your Nendo ?
Already said this in another thread, but I will repeat it: the "PC got fricked" notice might be Filian's way to get the time needed to find a new or temporary model. As for the current one, she could say that she lost it after the PC's accident.
>Captcha: YAYY
Getting a new model won't make this problem go away
The damage has been done
Fillian is just gonna skate on by and ride into the sunset and get away with it and all you faggots and your moralfaggotry won't make a difference
I genuinely don't understand how she thought this would work out. She's said before this model would cause issues with merch and then she just started doing it.
Yeah, she needs time to figure this shit out. Doing it in private is the best way to go. She really fucked up with this one.
Can she suck my cock for 20 dollars after the dude sues the fuck out of her?
You might not have noticed since it's kinda subtle, but she's retarded
She's 10000% not getting sued. The original artist is in Japan and won't do shit except tweet angrily about it.
She pretends to be retarded, all vtubers put on a persona to get what they want.
Is Filian the biggest cheapskate in vtubing? Makes a shit ton of money yet never once thought about paying for an original model.
>smart when earning millions
>retarded when gets into trouble
She's so retarded that she doesn't realized that she's retarded, so she decided to pretend to be retarded
Well, she probably thought she wouldn't follow the example of girl_dm.
She did think about it though. She talked about it a lot, but decided since there's a potential for the model to flop she'd just never change it. This is a cause of her wanting to have her cake and eat it too.
International lawsuits are a thing.
No Anon, she's not playing in anything. She really is just that retarded.
Some people are going to be very upset when this gets settled behind closed doors instead of getting a public lawsuit.
You sound like the sisters now.
And now her whole career is gonna flop, so good decision huh?
She's probably going to get sued, but her general audience isn't going to stop watching her. They're children and twitch normalfags.
The chat on Bao's stream is going to be magical if she actually shows up
Tumor weeks(6 months) amirite? Imagine wasting your life holding this grudge. Learn to cook. Learn some skin care routines. You're not gonna be worth much if you waste all your time shit posting on this site.
She doesn't need a new model to stream. She has rights to stream but not sell merch.
The only party I can see being sued is GoodSmile since they're in Japan. Filian's getting out of this scot free.
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>now her whole career is gonna flop,
haha you antis are hilarious
There is no lasting damage. She'll just give the original modeler a cut and they'll go on with their day.
The modeler would be insane to try to go to war with Filian. Take your check and be glad you got the clout from one of the biggest EN vtubers.
her whole career is gonna flip
NTA but how? Sisters are the ones who always say Niji is going to sue everyone.
>go to war
Anon, I...
>The modeler would be insane to try to go to war with Filian.
It's the easiest win of their life
sue her for everything she's got
What if he wants to go for all the other merch? He could. Easy money. I wouldn't let a gold mine off for free.
>The modeler would be insane to try to go to war with Filian. Take your check and be glad you got the clout from one of the biggest EN vtubers.
It's free fucking money. And nobody can tell you are wrong because you are 100% on the right.
>PC conveniently breaks the moment she is in a career ending yab
Let me guess /flip/ is eating that turd right up and asking for seconds?
I swear it's fucking Darcy, that invective cunt has a vendetta going back to le Floyd joke.
While it's true that she can stream just fine with it, having a new model would open the possibility of making merch with that design instead of continuing to use Rindo or Mint.
Not gonna happen. You have to prove damages. She can get a cut of all the merch Filian has sold. But you can't sue her for "everything's she got"

Like I said. Take your check then fuck off.
You think they will allow her to still use the models after all the shit she has done? You fucking stupid?
I thought her fans being underage was a joke
>You have to prove damages
You actually can. The number of merch sold is public so he can just ask for the maximum possible for all of that and leave. Easy fuckin money. If he's greedy he can also milk Filian out of fan merch since she gave approval claiming it was her own design.
why not? they can sue her again when she fucks it up
Obviously not by this point, I was answering to the other anon explaining why a new model would be ideal for her.
her humor is loud and "insert sex joke"
it's not surprising
The more money you try to suck out of her the harder the legal battle is going to be. Having an attorney isn't free and Filian has much deeper pockets for better lawyers.
>appeals to zoomies
Not a great combination, but I guess better than ITakeSpeed
Any lawyer is gonna side with him and concurs on payment after they win the case. It's that free no one is gonna spit on free money and we are talking about a lot of money.
this is an open and shut case, she can hire all the lawyers she wants
Lawyers will work on contingency for only so long.
They're going to settle something outside of court. Deal with it.
The best part is that there are multiple instances of her admitting she never bought the model. Which means she isn't entitled to ANY money she made as filian
In case you are ESL or ETL and dont get what this means:
Filian would have to pay ALL money she ever made while using those models. Every single cent

There has never been a easier win for a lawyer in the history of lawsuits
The licensing caveat is specifically for merch.. Do a modicum of research before spewing shit out of your mouth.
I'd like to see this ESL artist try to take on Filian. I seriously doubt he'd bother hiring a lawyer across the world to try and sue her in international court
>for only so long
You still don't understand the money on the stake. I would fucking take a loan to pay lawyers over this shit. No way he loses.
>Deal with it
Oh yeah Fliplian is going to deal with it that's for sure.
Have you seen her streams? Only an underage could find those entertaining
I did do my research thats why I made that post. And again, she never paid(she stole it) for the model so why are you still bringing up the tos that would never apply to her
The model is NOT free and its NOT public use
Wow. Like 50k worth of merch? Wowee!
Nah, I think Riku still takes the cake. In terms of actual streaming vtubers, then yeah probably.
DMCA takedowns are a very simple process
>there's a potential for the model to flop
Just an excuse so she doesn't have to do it.

A new model isn't gonna ruin her career, even if some snackers chimp out over new thing.
>There is no lasting damage.
Except to her rep, public perception, and professional relationships going forward.
100k and more actually. For each single one. And she was dumb enough to use that model a lot for merch.
It's not "easy money like you people think it is, you don't realise how fucking insanely expensive international lawsuits are. International lawsuits cost an absurd amount of money, far more than anything they could ever be owed in royalties. The only money they would be able to go after would be money earned from merch using the Rindo model, and only a percentage of that at best.
You can let her pay for wasting your time if she prolongs shit long enough.
The artist would likely get awarded however much their established rate is, or the average rate for merch royalties.
The retards saying he can get 100% of everything Filian made are actually retarded.
If she stole the model via piracy he can take everything she earned as filian
Get educated you retarded 7 year old
you think royalty % of her merch sales will be 100k for each one? you're fucking bonkers mate. Anyways, defending copywright overseas in incredibly expensive, so expensive that even massive companies don't bother with it half the time. The furthest most cases get is a cease and desist, and even enforcing that in another county is extremely difficult unless you have lawyers on retainer to defend your IP constantly.
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and for the record, she has admit to stealing the Mint model, and it's very likely the Rindo model was stolen as well given the circumstances >>79994774
>Career ending yab
Let's not kid ourselves here this will be forgotten in a week.
This isnt going away. It will always be something jealous 2views can drag and out go "Ermm, isnt this the one that did x y or z " anytime they want to farm clout
You mean like they are doing now about George Floyd jokes no-one cares about but them?
she's about to become a 2view herself lmaoooo
>The only party I can see being sued is GoodSmile
cancel the nendo, now filian alone by herself while goodsmile free
The retarded adhd twitch cat is more professional than certain corpo chuubas. Who would've thought?
it's a free use model wich means she has the perms to use it all the backseat vt lawyers are too stupid to understand this basic fact your all dumb as fuck nothing will happen to filian andi hope she counter sue the retard artist faggot guy for defamation hes just a grifter trying to cause drama and piggyback filian hardwork
smartest filian fan
Lot of people here don't understand that once you put something into the public domain, you don't need permission to reproduce or monetize it or any way. This artist is going to lose a lot of money if he decides to sue only to get the case thrown out in court.
>Free to use
>It's a model you can purchase on booth
It's not public domain, just because you bought 1 product from a person doesnt mean you can make a brand out of it. Please use your brain, not to mention she most likely stole both of the models. Why why why are you people so retarded
you rushed home from school to post this retarded shit didn't you? i can smell the boy sweat coming off you
I don't think a lawsuit gets resolved in two weeks.
It's not free to use. Certain limitations apply.
Dude, way to say you're a kid. Be more careful. This place is full of pedos.
You don't need to be a lawyer to have a basic grasp of the copyright law. I would expect anyone who have created content online to have a basic understanding of copyright, unless they're okay with getting their original work stolen.
do you even know what public domain means?
Nothing will happen.
She'll settle or just get another design, her community is massive and don't give a shit about this, in fact she's smart, she'll address it, go on hiatus, get another model then redebut to massive numbers and donations.
You must be 18 years or older to post on this website.
And what you don't understand is that the model is not public domain. Is sold for 40 dollars.
Why do autistic zoomer women lie so much lmao
They are used to getting their way
A license is sold for 40 dollars. You can only use the model under the TOS you tacitly accepted with the purchase.
>>Verification not required.
They've been doing that about george floyd and china for years now. She'll be fine, but she's absolutely going to have to pay a settlement.
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The thing is, most vtubers now seem like they're too big to fail. Yabs are in and of thesmelves now classifiable as "content." Nothing ever happens.
>There is no lasting damage
Oh man, flips and their bootlickers are so fucking funny. With how it's going down right now, corpos won't even touch her with a 1 km pole to make her merch anymore.
Remember, folks. If you're an internet celebrity who got caught up in whatever controversy, just shut up, lay low and then come back as if nothing happened. It's that easy!
You are a fucking idiot. There is a thing called licenses. Something can be free for use (this is not the case, the model is sold for 40 dollars, Filian just pirated it), but not be free for commercial use. Take for example fonts - a font can be: free for personal use but not to commercialize, free for personal use and commercialization with credits given and permissions, free for commercial use but requires license for work for profit, or free domain. Is the same with models. Something being given for free by the author, doesn't mean that could can then take it and sell it. The author still holds copyrights, unless they make it free domain.
or MAC address
Jumping right into lawsuits talk is retarded, but trying to merchandise someone else's IP makes you look shitty no matter what. Completely avoidable rake she jumped on top of
Well yea, they're all women, has to be something super extreme, only one I can even think off is that Yakinisu girl
r/okaybuddyretard is that way if you're going to post ironic retarded posts. You're still retarded btw even if it's ironic.
>get away with it
She literally can't when there's a third party (Goodsmile) involved and their money and image is also on the line. Not to mention how autistic the Japanese are about intellectual property. She's not gonna get sued, but that nendo is as good as dead
Rindo's terms and conditions if anyone's interested:

I think Filian's in deep doo doo
Those jokes alone cost her Welch's
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What a stupid bitch. Kids need wranglers no matter how famous they are
>corporate use
>mandatory crediting for commercial use
Are the doo doos she's stepped in, right?
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How would a case like this work?
Its international law isn't it?
Probably assignment of rights as well
So Filian didn't even paid the model at the beginning, just pirate it?
>party a sells art to party b
>party b agrees to terms of use (ok for stream/broadcast. any merch needs approval by artist)
>party b decides to make merch without consent of party a breaking their agreement.
>party a has a legal right to any income made by party b using party a's IP. This can take the form of back payment, future royalties, seizure of digital assets and physical goods, termination of agreement with party b so they can no longer use said art
now double this for Filian because she did it with two different artists
I hope she's smart enough to not make this shit worse
>The retards saying he can get 100% of everything Filian made are actually retarded
Technically, he COULD get 100% of the profits from the merch sales. And that would be legal. It's very unlikely, but it is possible.
She's a retarded zoomer who used her clout to blacklist the person that put her in the spotlight from events, she will 100% make this worst.
dramatubers are quiet about this juicy megayab for some reason.
Probably nothing happen to Filian herself but nendo will definitely get pull.
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That entirely depends on how things progress since there's multiple things at play. Good Smile Company is a third party to this thing as one would assume that as far as they were aware that she had the rights to the character. Then it's just about settling with Rindou's creator and also the Mint model's creator.
Most lawsuits are settled before the go to court, but if Filian persists, likely everyone who becomes aware of the issue will stop working with her until the issue is resolved, and then Filian will go to wherever Jingo lives (Japan I think) to settle the case. The whole process can take over 12 months.
This unironically works. Look at Jake Paul.
what lawyer going to side with filian when filian has admitted to ripping the avatar off of vrchat and said has paid nothing? Unless she somehow pulls off a OJ.
It doesn't involve Niji so they don't care.
In fact, False was a co-host for Filian's vtuber awards.
>It's very unlikely, but it is possible
It'll probably be handled behind closed doors but a part of me hopes the artist hires some savage lawyers to take down Filian
she ripped it right from vrchat
>example of girl_dm
She's never hidden the fact that her model isn't hers. Nothing's over. An agreement is pretty much the best solution for both parties.
What are the possibilities that Lilian goes full Jew and doesn't want to pay anything to the artist or give him credit? I don't watch her
I'm just concerned if she'll actually settle or if she's gonna try and pretend like nothings going on.
No, no. Even worst. Booth (where jindo sell her models) is property of pixiv. Jindo is a money maker for them, and now they know about the nendo collab. Pixiv has stakes here, and if they feel they have been left out of their cut, they could back up jindo legal fees. Filian is fucked.
I'm not a twit, what order is this shiit supposed to be read. Is she saying "Uh oh" to Darcy or to the merch announcement for seemingly no reason.
Darcy responding to Filian
legal mindset will be covering it

Starting in 10 minutes if anyone wants to watch
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What kind of thought process goes into posts like these?
>my oshi is a thief, that's so based
she still publicly gave everyone else permission to merchandise fanarts of the model, implying ownership and also breaking an additional TOS point. Plus if the two clips we have of her implying she pirated the models are true, then we get into the realm of her not even being allowed to stream with them as she didn't buy them.
They COULD, but the reality is that litigation is way too long and expensive a process for any sane person to find worth pursuing unless there's a shitload of money involved and 99% of cases like these are handled by settlements
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>Huge VR chat streamer showcases her, at the time she was a relative unkown
>People are drawn to her because she's a good dancer and literally does flips
>Community grows and grows
>During one of those VR chat things she's making a bunch of racist and gay jokes
>The VR chat dude bans her from all his events
>Time passes
>Twitch rivals thing happens(basically a competition)
>She gets the VR chat dude blacklisted
>He releases a bunch of stuff about her behavior and what a bitch she is
And that's pretty much it.
>Lands a international lawsuit

Goodsmile just deleted the tweet
That's what i mean. Filian can't get cocky, because the shadow of a corpo is looming over her. The only way is to settle, and Jindo has the upper hand. Public opinion is against Filian right now, except for some literal kids and jindo could use the whole "i pirated this model" to force a juicy settlement. Heck, Goodsmile could perfectly say "not my Circus" and get out. IMO, filian is fucked.
The vrc dude was roflgator, and actually It wasn't filian who got roflgator removed from the competition. roflgator assumed it was filian initially but later said that someone in the event told him it wasnt her.
Also fil raided and collabed with roflgator at a later date, which doesn't make sense if she was holding a grudge against him.
Ah I stand corrected then.
Why did he blame her right away tho
but the artist is japanese
and goodsmile is japanese
their gonna do it on japanese law
which is absurdly strict on IPs used outside their country
NTA, but if Goodsmile is sued, then yes. But for Filian? She would be sued in the US under US law, which recognizes Japanese copyright, but does not follow Japanese law.
I don't know if it was unreasonable for him to assume it was filian, I remember reading some speculation about who else it could have been (possibly zentreya?) but i'm not that deep into the lore.
Goodsmile wont be sued, it was just annoucement, that said I feel goodsmile will be more careful going forward.
>You have to prove damages
>but the artist is japanese
Reminder that Roboco's model had the same origin and Yagoo personally negotiated the use of the VRC model with the creator
NTA, but true. But the model is sold from Japan even if he is a gook.
She sells her models on a japanese website under japanese law.
What a bitch, you have more sources?
yeah, my source is that I made it up
Literally a twitch clip.
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It's too powerful. It works on anyone. Such levels of pasive aggressiveness
Stone cold, Fillian. Stone cold.
Filian can be dead by tomorrow that's how much power the artist has. But she can always make a new one! With what money she is going to get milked dry of all her profits that were never negotiated. This would be the website distributor/artist vs Mythic /Filian. Ez money.
>Samefagging after 3 hours
why is this in all the threads about filian?
The artist can easily get Filian's channel banned on twitch.
It happened to projectmelody.
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Stay mad sister. You should be happy snackers make you all look a little bit smarter but the debate on that is still ongoing.
This board is truly made of dumbfucks
I used to watch VRC streamers years ago so idk if it has changed but VRC is packed with assets created by modelers and riggers and everything can be used freely inside of VRC , it's like no man's land about perms and IPs, streamers with enough money would commission unique VRC models but there was always a risk of hackers stealing it and making it public use reducing your 3 thousand dollar investment to nothing , the lawlessness stops when you grab the asset and take it out of VRC and make money off of it
legal pressure isn't required to give a payout
if filian doesn't make this right with a large amount of money she's not going to be able to work with artists in the future or collab with any vtubers who heavily respect artists (which is most of them)
lot of anons here be like "oh who gives a fuck about greedy artists it's nbd no one cares" but her label to the entire vtuber sphere now is VTuber Who Steals and Doesn't Care About Artists and anyone who collabs as her will be questioned as to why they're collabing with someone who disrespects a job that's literally required for vtubing
>VTuber Who Steals and Doesn't Care About Artists
And the Nendoroid (which is a huge fucking milestone for a vtuber) was the thing that pushed outside of the vtuber bubble.
Isn't that some sort of dramatic irony or some shit?
It’s been known for a long time where she got her model from, and none of her fans seemed to care. I guess the Nendo debacle brought it back into the public conversation. But I’m pretty nothing is going to happen, people are going to stop caring in a few weeks and she’s going to go back to doing the retarded shit she always does.
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her fans aren't the ones who need convincing, she's going to be completely ostracized by her peers and collabs are a huge part of vtubing including filian's content. her peers, who are smart and respectful of artists, knew that her model wasn't custom but likely assumed as the rest of us non-fans did that filian had a deal with jingo because common sense is that selling merch of a design you don't own is a very bad idea
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>filian won't be able to suck up to ironlung handing her another free VTuber of the year award
she collabed with mouse once and it was a large group collab
I'm talking about the indie sphere who she collabs weekly with
dude are you literally SEA? that's fucking chump change, this isn't nearly as catastrophic as you're making it out to be, you're acting like this is a million dollar case
As long as she has clout she'll still get collabs. Artists snubbing won't affect her because she never bought any art anyway.
>All these people itt who don't even watch the vtuber in question
Filian's PC has been falling apart for a while now, especially so after she dropped her bowling ball at it. She has had a brand new PC for a while now too but she hasn't even pulled it out of the box because she's a lazy moron. This is the same person who keeps using busted VR equipment with exposed wires which she taped up despite having multiple backups.
you faggots consume too much slop and its affecting your brains.
>sue her for everythings shes got
actual LOL here.
>normie vtuber
>normies dont care about 'artists'
i dont see any scenario where fillan loses anything
Isnt that the smarter thing to do? Making a statement could make things much worse
Didn't work for Elira etc, they've never recovered from the black screen week
From a legal standpoint, it would be better to stay silent than to say anything that might risk being used against you in court. However, she already has some damming evidence against her. The least she can do now is save some face.
Do yall retards really think lawyers missed this?
Why are artists so fucking evil bros
>still denying after they took the announcement down
I tried shitposting in the 'cord, but the mod is going full damage control right now.
Because I'm reposting it.
well arent you just mama's darling little faggot
thanks, king
Filian is part of the big indie and drama tuber clique.
....not really the worst possible course of action she could have taken here. At an absolute minimum, she is at least giving the appearance of being aware of the concept of damage control. And this also gives her the dubious distinction of being the first indie vtuber to ever be given a stealth suspension (even if it's self-imposed)

Much better than doubling down and/or intentionally interrupting someone else's Neopets stream

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