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guys how is our panel going there are more people at our panel than just one mouse right !!!

Is that the same convention center Niji was supposed to sell out? It looks pretty full.
So many empty seats. How much did she pay for these actors again?
kek is niji even considered the 3th biggest vtuber org
fix ur eyes sister
how loud were? if the viewers aren't talking constantly then they aren't real.
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Not quite, but it's still very, very good.
Aren't you guys getting tired of clowning on the poor nijisisters?
They're already in a bad place, don't make it even harder for them.
fuck those cloutchasers
they only became Nijifans because Niji used to be on top
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I was in that place yesterday for a few minutes. Then this morning they took over the board to bitch about some indie who, unsurprisingly, gets more views than any of their oshis. So, now it's back to clowning on them full-time like it's my job. Hell, not just a job, a career.
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Not until they're completely gone and can no longer smear shit anymore.
I hold them accountable for their organs’ hubris.
these are probably all embedded spectators
Holograms, surely
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no, I just dropped in here to laugh at you sisters. It cannot be stopped until the NijiEN merges to JP or JP goes under.
Suck my dick
No. Continue until they learn to go back to kitchen. Go make me a sandwich instead.
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Happy for Mouse!
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That was actually while they were still filling seats at the start. They filled the theater and had to turn people away.
I don't care about VR cat girl, I want to shit on Niji!
I´ve never seen so many people getting cucked on a stadium. She brought her husband into the podium, unbelievable.
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we're still in an all out war
until the branch dissolved is my end goal
Shut up and keep licking Riku's asshole, sister
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It is considered the biggest shipwreck among vtuber orgs.
So BTFO losers, you could never fail this hard
Nope, they can eat shit forever for what they did to Mio and Aloe some years ago
Fuck off, SHITster falseflaggot.
>phasetrannies larping as vshojochads now
what part of the phrase
you dont understand sister?
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>"Normal" teeth
>Single flesh fang
Not trying to sound like a nijikek but if Kurocolor had made the concert free I wonder if they would have had a similar turnout.
They weren't even on the same day.
>Guys Nijisanji is so fucking horrible literally Hitler

>BTW look at this completely unrelated thing

Is this all you guys have left now? Just posting random shit and making it about Niji for some reason?
Niji couldn't fill a quarter of that theater.
>nijisanji sells a concert in the "largest venue ever" according to sisters, shit up the board for weeks about it
>fucking NOBODY buys tickets, not even for Nijisanji's ChroNoir, their pride and joy, concert cancelled due to poor sales
>IronMouse yap session fills about 5x as much as Nijisanji's proposed concert
i took it easy on them for a day out of guilt. Then the sisters proceeded to shit post on my oshi in one of their random doxxsister shit posting tirades. They are a bunch of bullies and don't deserve a nice place to discuss vtubers. I honestly believe this site will improve in thread quality, since it always did when they were too big to fail yet Niji fucked up so they all go silent here.
How's that all-out war feeling now, sister?
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I was there actually pretty fun time
honestly its phase at this point and they werent even at AX
so mouse just took the concert hall nijisanji left and used it for a regular talk panel? lmao what a flex
I used to think like you a year or so ago, because if we're being honest any fuckup niji had would be blown up far above and beyond what actually mattered.

But then Nijisanji decided to nearly kill two talents. They'll get no sympathy from me.
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Does this look like the face of mercy to you?
Nijisisters are cretins and they prove it every time they smear their shit on this board. All niji fans with a shred of decency have jumped ship months ago.
Props to the turncoat former sisters who act like insider spies tho
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they were asking for it
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The sins of the nijiniggers will not be so easily forgotten
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>Aren't you guys getting tired of clowning on the poor nijisisters?
The irony of this statement will come to light once Yagoo retires and since A-Chan is gone. Who knows what will happen?
barring a medical issue, yagoo is still quite young for a ceo. though i may not agree with him where the homostars are concerned, i do appreciate his past and current commitment to keeping hololive an apolitical entertainment only organization. i hope it stays like this for years to come, though i am worried now that the company is public and opening an office in the us
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Nijisisters are all mainland chinese nationals. Asking them to get a tourist visa to the US to watch a show is asking them to be put on a government watch list.
It would be objectively immoral to allow people who support a company that tried to cover up a suicide and then publicly attacked the victim, twice, and has still yet to apologize, remove, or publicly shame anyone for any of it, to continue to support said company, uncontested.
all cardboard cutouts
and like 5 phones
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Well maybe if Kurosanji catered to giantess fetish they'd fill more seats.
Never forget. Never forgive
Total nijinigger death
If you can't afford to be at AX you're not that big. Prediction for next year brave group will be in the big boy club with vspo en and v4mirai and their eu branch
I've hated those fuckers for around 5 years now, hopefully soon they'll be gone forever and vtubing can heal
Bad things happening to bad people will never stop being funny.
v4mirai is already at ax
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At the Vshojo booth. Still great though. Next year they will have their own and probably the biggest. They can afford it.
theres nothing even close to 2k people in that pic lol
>still leeching off the white man
disgusting talentless dying of aids whore
Be honest, anon. You laid this out as bait for people to shit on the sisters some more, right?
She took that screenshot at the start, they were still filling seats. They hit capacity while there were still more people in line.
The impotent screeching of numbermonkeys like you is music to my ears
i want vspo to do well but the recent 3 en members are about as entertaining as watching paint dry they can play really well especially the korean but besides that they all kinda suck as streamers with fake forced voices and really thick accents
Wait, Rem already has a 3D model? She debuted just a few months ago, damn
god i hate ironcunt almost as much as nijishitji
Speedrunning 2D to 3d model upgrades is kind of V4's thing.
Arya is a fun girl. Remia is simmering toxicity incarnate, Jira is cute. I'll think it might just be a matter of time for them to come out of their shells a bit more.
I know Brave group is huge but that's still really impressive. They must have made the 3D model and L2D at the same time or within a very short time frame of each other.

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