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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Now that Kizuna AI has returned to YouTube, will Gawr Gura remain the most popular vtuber of all time?
Fuck off.
anon I...
who's kizuna?
Noombas of truth say yes.
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Gura hasn't been the most popular VTuber for years now, an indie has quadruple the subs of her and Ame combined
>Kizuna AI has returned
anon it was a scam, also your script failed
CookieSwirlC collab with Holo when?
based and true
Kizuna Ai hasn't even returned. They built hype and then fucking squandered it. Less than 200 people are lurking in the forever-livestream. The channel has unlisted almost all vids. This shit's dead.
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Unironically I think Holos would be too whorish for her

The #1 most subscribed VTuber in the world
Not a vtuber.
Why not?
I don't know who either of those are. I only watch Filian and Doki.
NTA, but a vtuber needs to have been a vtuber since their YouTube/Twitch account was created to be considered a full vtuber. Cookie was not vtuber at the beginning and got a lot of subs before being a vtuber. For her to be considered a full one, she would have needed to make a different YT account, start from 0 as a vtuber, and beat Gura's sub count.
Since going full vtuber she's still gained over 7 million subs.
No. That is not cope. You're saying "cope" because this is how everybody who keeps tracks of things counts it, and you have no argument.
It sounds like you're making it more complicated than it needs to be just so you don't have to include someone who beats Gura. She has a model, she creates content with it, she's a VTuber
I didn't make anything. This is the general consensus. If it wasn't, she would be counted in normal lists.
What about pewdiepie then? He has over 100 million subs and occasionally streams as a vtuber. That would technically make him the most popular vtuber of all time.

And you can't just make exceptions for one person while ignoring those exceptions for another. Either you apply the same blanket rules for everyone, or you're a hypocrite. So by your own rules, CookieSwirlC is NOT the most popular vtuber.
The problem is that they do actually understand what you and I are saying, but they aren't here to make a proper, coherent argument. Gura bad and that's it.
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Did not start as once.
Concession accepted. Imagine if Mr Beast suddenly made a vtuber model for shits and giggles. Only a retard would claim he's the most popular vtuber.
Agreed. They exclude "things they don't like", plain and simple.
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Uh, yes? The Pokémon Company literally made a parody of her in their latest game.
General concensus according to who? Cookie has millions more subs than all of the other top chuubas, the general consensus would be in her favor

Sure, if Pewds has a VTuber model and he actively uses it in his content, he can be a VTuber too

Where did I say Gura is bad? Gura is a fine chuuba, she's just not #1

>Did not start as once
>Sure, if Pewds has a VTuber model and he actively uses it in his content, he can be a VTuber too
Then by your own set standards that you've placed upon yourself, pewdiepie is the most popular vtuber, not CookieSwirlC. End.
it returned again, how many times they must try to understand it bad idea
>General concensus according to who
Find one single listing of most watched vtuber, most subbed vtuber list, vtuber award streams, or ANYTHING that includes Cookie. None do.
Says who, lmao?
Where am I excluding anything? Gura has every right to be in the running for most popular VTuber, and so does Cookie

Good, glad you've started to see things my way
>General concensus according to who? Cookie has millions more subs than all of the other top chuubas, the general consensus would be in her favor
Very, very, VERY disingenuous argument.
It's the general consensus. There's a reason why Cookie isn't mentioned in stats pages for vtuber subs or given awards. Not that she's bad or anything, but including her does not work since she did not start as a vtuber and doesn't do only vtuber streams. Like that one anon said, do we include PewDiePie now?
She has a page on the VTuber wiki, she's a VTuber. It's not Cookie's fault that the book keepers don't do their due diligence in including her, but they get their numbers from YouTube, and YouTube says Cookie is #1

I'm just asking where this definition comes from because it seems very specific and targeted and it changes with every conversation to specifically exclude people who aren't Gura
>no counterargument
Concession accepted.
I don't know what you're referring to, but the counter argument to everything said in this thread is right there >>80000370. YouTube is the root of all numbers, and YouTube says she is bigger than the next five people below her combined
>she's a VTuber
Nobody is arguing that she is not currently a vtuber. We are arguing that her stats are mixed between when she has been a vtuber and when she wasn't. Stats for vtubers get tracked and taken seriously if and only if they started as a vtuber and that was always their thing.
>book keepers don't do their due diligence in including her
This is so fucking disingenuous that you can't be serious. A girl with that many subs and views is not getting ignored when literal whos are getting tracked. She is not included DELIBERATELY because she does not fit as a vtuber who began as a vtuber, which is what these trackings actually track.
A toy youtuber back when that was popular. Think all the elsa and pregnant spiderman/ giant surprise egg shit. She rebranded as a vtuber vast the majority of her subs are litteral toddlers on ipads.
>very specific and targeted and it changes with every conversation
Funny that Cookie only gets brought up to shit on Gura, but she has no general, no actual discussion, nobody tracks her metrics outside of general YouTube metrics, and such. Funny that you accuse us of what you are actually doing. Everybody seems to agree, even without realizing it, unless certain people want to shit on Gura.
genuinely don't understand how her channel is allowed to have a comment section.
She's been using the model for years, consistently. If you need to start as a vtuber to be one, why is Nyanners discussion allowed?
>nyanners should be excluded too!!!111!!!
You are right they got rid of everything!
That explanation is disingenuous and it feels like you and the people who track numbers are just upset that their favorite chuuba didn't think to do something like that first. There's no rule or precedent anywhere for this line of thinking, it feels like it only exists to maintain the status quo

This thread and this board are hardly "everybody", and I think the general culture here is evidence enough of why people on /vt/ try very hard to brush away Cookie's existence. Accepting her would mean that Gura isn't #1 anymore. Still a great and very popular chuuba, but people act like she would be worth less, and would love her less, if she wasn't recognized as the most popular.

But like I said, the VTubing sphere is much, much bigger than this board and the companies who popularized it, and Cookie's sub count is proof of that. They can try and fight it all they want, but the numbers don't lie
Nobody. Already addressed, try again.
But she didn't start. She pivoted from algorithm farming which invalidates her sub count as a vtuber. This logic does not apply because if you accept it then the position becomes completely meaningless as literally anyone can pivot to being a vtuber.
What has been posted here that refuted the facts that Cookie is a VTuber and is more popular than Gura?
>pivot to being a vtuber
You mean like senzawa?
Completely new channel established under a different set of rules with different content. False equivalence. Please at least try.
But Senzawa was tricked into abandoning her old persona and using one that is completely owned by her employer, so that means she's a real VTuber :)

See, before I could even get it out >>80003969
Try again.
Not really, sen went from non vtuber to vtuber before being gura. It's the same shit, ergo she's just a grifter too
>somehow still doesn't get it
False equivalence. Try harder.
I accept your concession
>n-n-no u
Concession remains accepted.
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>Cookie detractors reduced to this
Yeah, I'm thinking Cookie is #1. Not that the conversations in this thread matter, she was always going to have fifteen million more subs than Gura, but it's fun to watch people squirm and jump through hoops whenever she gets brought up
What's there to argue, you make up arbitrary rules with no bearing on reality to justify your position
>it doesn't count because uhh, she went from videos to streaming!
You're a parody of yourself
Incorrect. I'm applying consistent logic. You're applying fallacies. Concession remains accepted.
Reduced to...? That's all that needs to be stated when dealing with fallacious arguments.
>21.3M subs
Wtf never heard of her. Probably all sub bots or SEAmonkeys
I'm bored of dealing with retards. I'll be gracious enough to let the puppets take the last word. Do as you're told, puppets. Prove how easily I pull your strings.
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>t. SEAmonkey
if pewdiepie had been vtubing exclusively since mid-2022 i would certainly say hes the most subscribed vtuber of all time
Biggest "Vtuber" with 21m subs getting less than 300k views per vid.. half the time dipping below 100k. Interesting.
Why is VTuber in quotes?

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