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HapPia Birthday Edition

>What is /π/?
/π/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who are 3views, meaning non-corporate vtubers with average viewership that is between 100 and 1000.

>VOD Archival Guide



Previous Thread: >>79748626
twitter anchor for hiding if you don't give a FUCK
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Sleepy still going, I'm learning a lot about how sheet music is a bit silly
bratty slime will be celebrating her birthday over the next two days starting very soon and will be on the front page
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oh so that's why you were doing it, I see
also makes it easy to go back and find things if it comes up elsewhere or maybe do roundups for /news/, but not sure anyone really cares about most of what the whos get up to
fuck sheet music for real
having a scale built into the notation triggers my autism so fucking hard
would strangle the stupid fuck that invented that
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Stupid dumb arrogant woman who I hate is playing A Hat in Time
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Goofy bastard
Okay, neat, I liked her and forgot to follow up.
>bat dressing up as little red riding hood to catch the wolf
>is just a free meal anyway
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>I've made a few remixes before
>But I'm never going to share them. I made them when I was like 12. They're awful.
Everyone has that thing they tried in middle school they want to completely bury.
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>minecraft crashing
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alien slime live
Her model is really cute
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singing time
>I have a size fetish
>Sometimes I like when your ball is really big and other times when it's really small
what does that even mean
what kind of porn is she looking at
Is this the right thread for people who hate liggers?
no, just talk about chuubas
Oh, okay. Wrong thread for me, then.
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Another kuhuhu-er (this time in VRChat)
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sir, a bug has hit the vrchat stream
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Also, Beri is here. She sure looks different though.
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It's weird watching desktop Beri's model be completely stoic
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Where did Beri get a shota clownboy model from?
>ywn be a shota being lusted by a korean fujo
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Massive battle of wits going on here
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personally I think Beri should use this model more often
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still a bit sad that Beri had to cancel stream but this has been cozy
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I didn't expect Leaflit to know her at all
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She's in the Sekiro category but she's reacting to Indonesian snack food
She says McDonalds fries are only good if they're fresh, but I disagree. I love cold McDonalds fries.
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>her mom ridiculed her for crying at movies
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dormouse is finally back
Did her stream schedule flip again? I feel like its been forever since I've seen her on this late
>is for me?
she's been having problems with her internet lately so she hadn't streamed in over a week, I guess she might've fucked up her schedule in the meantime. not that I mind it though, I kinda prefer this timeslot
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Comforble Rimworlding
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thank you clauvi
her boobs aren't nearly this big
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I appreciate that she's not playing a 10x speed constantly. micro-managing day to day is part of the fun imo.
They're large in knowledge if not measurable volume
she gets so animated of 2d sprite taking turns stabbing each other
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the slime's pretty good at voicing but this game is ZZZzzzzzzzzz
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would you the peo curry with natto
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milkyqueen, grep, and joru joining for takoyaki in da kitchen
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>This really is like a girls' sleepover.
>Omg! Naaaaiiillls!
never seen nail stickers before, they even got grape in on it

also joru painted her nails, but fucked them up so she put yellow fakes over them
cute slugfailure
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>18 balls
>3 are batsu

>grape hi-chewyaki
>>grape just eats one raw, it tastes like fish jerky apparently
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guest batsus
>milky brought strong mints
>joru brought salmiakki mix

and not batsus
>Ruby Runeheart's mom made them a mexican berry-chili sauce
>chocolate and banana yaki
>grape brought japanese bbq sauce cheetos
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hmmmmmmm which one's the mint batsu
Huh, i didn't know Grape is also living in Japan.
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>birthday girl gets the ultimate batsu with a bunch of stuff thrown in
>the mint just overpowers everything
banana and chocolate yaki apparently fucks, though
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strawberry kiwi cake?
also cute chocolate treats
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Upcoming on the πtubes

>Ebi: ZZZ
>Spica: Heartbreak Karaoke
Yura: Elden Ring
0.5h - Miori: Singing and Piano
2h - Pillow: Comfy Morning
3h - Pina, DK[vnu], Kattarina[idol], Nikki[idol], Arial[vreverie]: DBD
6h - Shiki: Minecraft (maybe vsmp?)
6h - Amiya: BuckoJam
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>girls long gone
>auteru, hiiragi, kab in for some collab or other
see you later pia
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more honse comms
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full list
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>burrito place was closed, ordered a spinach and ham omelette instead
das a lotta ham
6/10 apparently

>ASMR 101 soon with dr. novae (femslab), then enya after that (punkalopi)
>anniversary next week
big pillin
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>got sent the pillow plush prototype images
>colors all wrong, will correct and send back
her news voice always catches me off guard
Those are some nice tan lines
>gets compliment bombed
>tomorrow during asmr I'm going to spoil you so hard, just you see

>goodbye kiss
>just you wait, tomorrow's asmr I'm going to smother you
>I'm going to give you so much love you won't know what to do
hey, alright
and thanks
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cute gobbo gaming crabstyle
>not gonna do hat in time again
>it's awful
>it's platforming, just so so much platforming
kinda based, still don't remember shit about that game despite beating it
Isnt the reason you play platformers is for all the platforming?
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and thus why she's playing a more rounded adventure game instead
think part of what makes AHiT a dull game is it's almost entirely platforming and it's not even good at that
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Wife live with Dark Souls 3
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>immediately hit with a "start the game already" redeem
Shbes haven't been messing around lately
>not wanting to listen to your wife yap for hours on end
shibes not beating the allegations
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I love how thick her accent is
>>80067775 what are
>>80068764 these
>>80068948 bitches doing
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i love how thick she is
Whiskey is playing Stellaris. I can't say I understand all of it but she seems to be having fun.
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>human teeth on a crab
that's more unsettling than it should be
a lot of these designs are simple concepts, but they work
>what if the crab just had shower curtain rings on its legs and a coral on its head then molted for second phase
>>fuck it, ship it
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She almost killed Gundyr on her first try
isn't neener a pretty good gamer in general save for distracted driving
and being directionally challenged
just girl things~
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>I don't parry, I only have the shield because it looks cute
>I'm only allowed to use the magic I have and after that, I can only use my hand axe
Pretty silly
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Tanya Time! She's playing Still Wakes the Deep!
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>concert at animethon in canada
>Silvi, Moeri, Phoebe, Utano, Alpha Betta, PiaPi, Nyaru, Yumemi, Mino Mieko, Fuyumi, KyokuBear, Freyja Cesteline, Kerimara, Hanya, KKCyber, Essie, Nanase Cain, Enva, ASHA, Xaela, Sagiki, PlumRose
>Sponsored by MosoBox
lot of familiar names in there
>20+ vtubers
I wonder how long it's going to be. Is everyone supposed to get one solo song? Are some group songs?
not sure, website doesn't say
might be done like aura's if you saw that where it was a succession of different groups so everyone sang in two or three songs with different people
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>when I was working on my model, my first thought was "people are gonna call me flat"
Don't worry, it's a compliment
"Dragonslayer Armour" is a weird name for a boss, but the design is badass
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buckjam day 2!
starting with a game she couldn't get working yesterday, trail of dreams
supposedly an actual complete rpg
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>lumi and meche
whole ass skill tree
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>"Welcome back to another episode of getting my ass clapped"
>an actual complete rpg
She's gonna be here a while
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bug finally back from her eternal slumber playing voices of the void
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>I hate to admit it but Ancestral Beri has a huge forehead
can't wait to see it
more forehead = more area for forehead kisses
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>artist who drew the Beri snake cosplay design drew a piece of Venom Snake for her
>made it half naked and she can't tell if he watched her streams or if he just read her like a book or
>Mind the Buckos
simple game of bucko herding
pretty cute
why not both
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this actually gets kind of nuts
it adds more and more chaos where they switch what they want
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Upcoming on the Youtubes

>Shiki: Learning Minecraft
>Amiya: Bucko GameJam
1h - kyOresu: Setup Reviews
1h - Nyaru: Jong with Viewers
2h - Bri: Drunk Karaoke
4h - Nana: Return Zatsu
6.75h - Tomoe: Drunk Classic Art Critique
7h - Lumin: Request Karaoke
8h - Non: Embroidery Handcam
overwrote my damn π
nana was in japan for vacation, she's fun
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>Ami's Wild Web
actually a gameboy game
just have to chase down the buckos and tag them in time
cute sprites
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>Gather the Buckos
cool little puzzle game
the buckos stick to each other and you drag them to the end in a block
I don't really watch Amiya because of my YT autism but I find it really neat how well done all of these seem to be, she's got a nice community
did you use the proper extensions?
what do you mean
default youtube is always garbage
YTBetter userscript for replay enable
Youtube Superfast Chat userscript or hyperchat to unfuck the garbage chat some
enhancer for youtube and sponsorblock are a given
custom css for where it irritates
if that doesn't work, you can always use holodex
and if THAT doesn't work, just use streamlink
>her news voice always catches me off guard
don't wanna be that guy but that might just be her not-streaming voice
it sounds basically like a regular american woman
you are that guy and that guy is retarded on multiple levels
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>spent almost 30 minutes painting her base floor with blood
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>Bonk the Bucko
whackamole, but cute, vba rom
looks good, though
should make a spooky game centered around the idea of autistically decorating a house only for the house to shift and change as various entities are called forth a dealt with
controls on this one look a little wonky
the buckos are randomly placed and give energy to keep going
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>planning to go for 8 more hours
She's really determined to beat this game
...today? the fuck
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Sleepy reacting to weird old commercials
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>Bungie Jumping Bucko
oh man the early flash game era vibes
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I wonder what was the advertising team for PlayStation'ss was thinking with that baby commercial
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>Kumo Ga Gotoku
another rpg? lots and lots of text
sidescroller where you run around trying to dodge the buckos and shit idk
there's still a few left
man something about her makes me wanna bully her (affectionate) despite going out of my way to avoid fujos from my past interactions
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Maybe she doesn't need all 8 of them. I think she's already at the final boss.
>10s of hours in this game
>still turns off the filters
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Her screams are so loud
forgot to mention, but she obviously didn't make it through all of them
there will be a day 3 at some point
summer karaoke tomorrow
yeah it's great isn't it
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yenkoes 2.0 thursday
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>just giving up and inviting people to help her
Kek she wants to go to put this behind her already. I don't blame her. We would be here forever with her current build.
memed too close to the sun
beri's red carpet...
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be nise to her
what filters? I think I saw she had the hunger thing toggled off but that's it
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Annnnndd done.
the signal dialing thing with the knobs, she was turning off one filter at a time thinking she was dialing them with the knobs like it was toggling between them. I think that fucks with the processing speeds

Feet cam, if you're into that sort of thing
Wtf there's a grappling hook in this game?
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is she still timing her pissing?
no I think she was just scared
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The stockings are off now
those sure are smol
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>Beri raiding straight into 3D yuy
very nice, she looks great
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sheep gonna play re4
blind or just replaying?
stream title says for the first time
Oh, she finally started the game, how long does it take her to fix it?
She seems like she could snap at any moment
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Why did they make more Life is Strange games
>releases parking brake on car so it crashes into another car
>steals a shirt, and money from a guy selling not very expensive band t-shirts
Why is Chloe like this? I feel no empathy for her. She's just a weird psychopath.
funny how one rendition's natural superpower was basically empathy
This big lesson of Life is Strange is: don't live in a small town if you can help it, there's nothing to do but crime and drugs.
>Retro category
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>playing with the tramp stamp mod
She would
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>just baring it all for the world to see
the biggest con slut
huh, why's Yuria there?
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I feel really stupid because I knew Angel's Sword existed but somehow didn't realize Yuria was part of it
to be fair, it's not like they do a lot with it afaik
I suppose, I'm just used to seeing Leaflit and her mom on stream together so often but never really with Yuria. Though I don't watch Yuria in general either, so that's probably part of it
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Slug playing DOOM WADs
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other slime's most of the way through day 2
ordering a pizza soon
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ami amami and yura here in 7h with a bunch of corpo girlies
kawaii, v&u, pixellink, vreverie
the grimmest the youtubes have ever been
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no dying
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tard tardmaxing on tiktard? tardtok? tardtard?
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feels like I haven't seen a chuuba watching actual plain tik toks on stream in a while. snuffy used to do it a lot but she stopped because even she was getting too brainrotted for it
one of the worst blackpills
humanity is retarded and the villains were right
>jeremy fragrance
here we go again
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cute, funny, and talented cloud blocking on the vsmp
she even built herself a sandstone waystone. so proud

no youtubes post this morning
this is the only stream aside from robolumi playing mgsv and maybe a guerilla or two
>noyoutubes post this morning
>this is the only stream aside from robolumi playing mgsv and maybe a guerilla or two
it's over...
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~three days in four months isn't too bad for dead hours
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>kanna raid
hobbit hole cloud cafe, potentially a castle turret in the works
>supposed to be building a water elevator to reach it
>learning how to grow modded glowstone instead
just minecraft things
>I'm pretty good at jerkin
>I think I could do it real good

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