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>A place for all Indie ES vtubers.Unity edition.
Feel free to talk about japanese indies learning the language. Keep spam and AI art to a minimum.

Ignore sudden off-topic dramas and raids.

Idol ES >>79963626
910inc (ex-wactor) >>79832601

Previous thread >>79966675
>Keep spam and AI art to a minimum.
How about no? Do you have some kind of fetish with these gay ass rules you decided on your own?
>Anti AI
Who's this tourist
Reminder to stop making Giftschlangen relevant, you’re giving her power to groom girls in megajorn’s behalf.
>Keep spam and AI art to a minimum
>image forum
kys newfag
He does't like people bumping his shitting thread with pictures.
Wtf with that girl and that Ryona shit
>all that tortilla and other fags name calling on the previous thread
So that's your new approach?, name calling those maggots to cover up is you shitting on her nigger?
Keep crying. Still my oshi.
Faggot accept Yamu fetishes
The Queen is live!

I wasn’t talking about Yamu
check puchy's xwitter
the one dropping that account was totally not him right?
Nope. It was me. She’s stupid enough to put hashtags, nobody draws that bald head with a ginger girl
ogey puchy
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>Eiwy dropped out
So Shura is warning them
>>80004232 (me)
Never mind I just saw her
Sometimes wish I had a time machine to join Anya's server and warn her how yuritroon and her minions would fuck up her online life beyond her imagination.
She was warned from the beginning and yet she ignored those warnings
Vtubing has been built on the hardwork of artists, get a job and commission cheap art at least you leech
That girl it’s easy to manipulate, and after seeing that account she have, I really hope she gets better.
If you mean being warned /here/ that’s pointless. You really think she's going to read every fucking thread where they throw shit at her?
/here/ blacklist
Sylvie is a clout chaser and a piece of shit
She knew it and yet she still did it
I just can justify how she keeps doing all these shit over and over again
>Sylvie is a clout chaser and a piece of shit
Fuck off Anyaschizo
koa here is your blacklist
I'm not the Anyaschizo retard but it's obvious that she doesn't care about soldaditos or her community if she keeps doing this shit like with tvnauta and radio funa or that ryona account with that bald faggot
>she doesn't care about soldaditos
She do. She always tries her best.
>shit like with tvnauta
She apologized and it will never happen again. she even showed us her dms and all that shit.
She doesn’t even follow them. it’s just one event and that doesn’t change anything. she wants to have friends and I will support her in that.
>Ryona account
That shit it’s a personal acc. It has nothing to do with her Vtuber and could be categorized as Doxx
You can now stop destroying minecraft gifts
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>ryona account with that bald faggot
It's her own personal account it's fair game, she isn't even interacting with e-celebs or something I want to fuck yuni
Nei is menstruating
Nobody cares about your opinion
The worst thing is that they were expossed as shitters in the last thread, they kept trying to change the topic about sylvie with other chuubas
>Ignore sudden off-topic dramas and raids.
Autismo cat asmr
>cancelling stream to avoid any mention about megajorn
Girl..... This only paints you in a worst light, you already knew how awful that nigger is.
Just beware of anything and take care of yourself
>puchy took off his oshi mark again
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but puchy was always brotecitoCHAD
how many times (you) have to understand that meica controls everything from the shadows
That motherfucker deserves the rope. he knows she's into weird shit and that's why he keeps verbally abusing her in the livechat.
He and the troon should be banished from any chuuba fanbase.
I’ll get bashed for this but I’m actually enjoying Shura so much more lately
that faggot is irrelevant he never had a chance
pushit tried to ruin the last asmr with his comments and his monopoly money, but Sylvie and the chat completely ignored him kek
We're contrarians here
Why Kanita why...
There's absolutely nothing wrong with her ryona account, let the girl have an outlet to her emotions.
Everyone whose oshi is in this list needs to explain himself right fucking now.
Why would someone would bash you for that?
What was he saying?
Someone will bash his boipussy
she's waiting for me btw :)
fucking kys felipe
>that way of writting...
I don’t know sometimes people in this place get angry over nothing
Thanks for ruining it fucking retarded faggot
Just 2 shitters write like that
The only one who writes like that was that one Femanon asking for advice
yeah...she's totally not /here/
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This girl kek
The fenanon asking for advice is more likely to be Mao and I don't remember her writing in all lowercase
this is puchy or tortilla
is so fucking obvious i hope she blocks them
That schizo sounds like Ang Leo to me, does anyone else agree?
Enya is reading here btw
This one?
>just in the last thread
I don't pay attention to shitters in chat so I have no idea who you're talking about and when you guys namedrop shitters left and right I don't give a shit because I don't know who they are.
That’s the anyaschizo writting style tho
yamu its embarassing at this point
>shitting on yamu
kek I'll check more threads
Make the comparison. Also how mentally retarded do you have to be to compare ways of writing? It's easy to copy someone's way of writing, stop trying fucking schizo.
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go back to twitter, sylvie
or at least do a stream, your soldaditos are reading you right now
ok chiller
He just wants more excuses to make believe that Sylvie is /here/
thank you retard
she delete the account
kill yourself please :)
What did it say?
>she deleted it
There's more but the anyaschizo, even the totallly_not_retard knows how to use capitals
And? That’s doesn’t proves anything fucking schizo. also she always writes without capitals
sylvie was expossed as a shitter by her way of writting and now discordfags can't say she's not /here/
>Can't stop thinking about Yamu
>This nigga is accusing Sylvie just because she writes without capital letters.
You can't make this shit up
>sylvie was expossed as a shitter by her way of writting
Just this:
Don't mind the schizo
>she's here
>writes just like a shitter
>deletes her acc when she's expossed about that
She deleted thanks to this faggot >>80010503 now kys
Sylvie is the insufferable OP now everything makes sense
Sure, deletes an acc just for one faggot. Whatever you say, "anon"
I'm asking what did she write, not about the new shitpost
>He’s still trying
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So who is it really?
Ignore the schizo and see this
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that's why she keeps insisting on not talking about Koa or Meica holy kek
But she’s not Yamu
>50 centavos mexicanos
is this filtered somehow or was he spamming like that?
I can't believe Ruby was Sylvie all along
In all honesty nobody mentions Koa/Nisha anymore(Shura, Eru, Axtre, Sylvie, Yamu) and Meica sometimes talks about Shura
Yes. It’s not the first time, fucking newfag.
>not talking about Koa or Meica
I agree with that, soldaditos are a light version of koaputos and botekeks
When Sylvie gets angry, her way of posting is very similar to the faggot OP this makes a lot of sense.
Why doesn't surprise me
You forgot
Yeah. she can stream while baking the thread. She makes all these thread where her Anyaschizo keeps spamming ancient shit
>baking the thread
fag this threads were made during the day kek
ok Sylvie
you've already been exposed, any attempt at damage control is no longer going to work
>Enya but re-retweeted Op pics
I can’t believe it. She was the shitter all this time. I told you guys. she’s a master mind manipulator
Why are you ignoring this?
I've been enjoying her SM64 series a lot, except at the end of last stream where she got a little salty kek
sylvie stop this is pathetic
>Rrat killer
is it confirmed that girl is /here/?
sylvie was and is still /here/ and doesn't use "dots"
a screenshot
literally a whole thread
>Sucias? Que te pensas que onions mexicano
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>is it confirmed that girl is /here/?
How naive are you? When I say /here/ I mean the /vt/ board in general, I doubt she checks this particular general because a) it's irrelevant and b) these monkeys keep changing the name and she probably couldn't find it if she wanted. I'm sure she hangs out in the jew thread, though.
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Ruby is Lily and she drew this, also she was an avid user of spic boards in her PL's PL
Sylvie hates this place.
She used to lurk /wactor/ and was begging anons attention on twitter like this >>80013309
I mean here in /iesg/ but I guess you can use that as damage control. there are several threads and just one faggot writes exactly like sylvie
stop samefagging sylvie It's honestly a very weak attempt to change the narrative at this point
She should stop using this place to shit on other girls then
>just one faggot writes exactly like sylvie
Why are you trying so hard? It’s pathetic af
if i write lowercase i'm a shitther?
Should Type Like This?
Or is just better to write like this?
Or even better i should

write like this?
I'm surprised there's newfags so new they don't know about this
fk off sylvie
you should write like this, it makes you a shitter
let's change the name of the general again to /lowercase/
Can you search for someone who writes like this >>80011050 but shitting on sylvie? Not using capitals nor dots?
I did search, that's why I'm sure
Kazze is so lucky.
Thanks anon,

I will follow your advice.
Shut Up Sylvie
Honestly she wasn't and she still is not that interesting, Hada, Eiwy and Enya are far more interesting even without GFE, like what else does she have?
Just search trannya and then there you go
Too late, Sylvie
She's a fun streamer to listen to. Her big problem in her PL was trying too hard to copy other vtubers' traits like that fake Pekora laugh she used to do and that absolutely cringe fake Rushia rage she did. She dropped that shit and now she's more enjoyable.
Sylvie, is it true that you like tributes?
They changed the whole narrative of Yamu being the shitter to make Anya the shitter, these Yamucucks are insufferable
None, can't believe anyaschizo writes better english than her kek
Nigga, there’s multiple shitters who writes like that. just look at the archives.
Then post them.
It scares me or throws me off how constructed her personality seems to be, she gives me true sociopath vibes.
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last thread started like that and that fag stopped when sylvie was tweeted on that megafaggot event too
Otra vez este estupido del tortillacuck tratando de aislar a Sylvie y de que todas la odien
Pinche vieja chillona por eso le das asquito puto negrito idiota
This made me feel second hand embarrasment
kys pusshit go watch meicagona
holy kek Sylvie stop
Honestly me too, fags talk about how false some vtubers are but she gives that aura since moment one
>there’s multiple shitters who writes like that
>b-believe me! I won't post any example tho!
>Believing that schizo
How do you accuse someone because of the way they write? That's the stupidest shit I've ever read /here/
Ok Felipe
Kazze is so fucking lucky!
This is why we need /Sylvie/
hanten stop
More like /Yamu/
Not even Sylvie was there...
They got bored of shitting on each other without anyone else giving a fuck that they stopped completely for some days, now they are back and we need to kick them out again.
Someone post that image of the shitter bumping his thread every 30 minutes
They don’t have any real proof. only their schizophrenia.
there's proof in the last thread, there's not proof at all she isn't unless you post someone shitting on sylvie with the same writing style kek
Why does Sylvie speak like a Mexican?
Why does Sylvie know very specific insults towards chiapanecos, yucatecos and veracruzanos?
Why are all the friends that Sylvie has added to her personal accounts Mexican?
Why does Sylvie's brother speak like a Mexican and all his friends are Mexican?
How does Sylvie have access to Mexican food that can't be prepared outside of Mexico?
> writing in lower caps is a "writing style" now
ok sylvie
Search and post a fag not using capitals to reffer to himself, otherwise that anon has more sense than (you)
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These shitters can't stop shaming themselves?
>new Hina account
>Reddit spacing
Keep trying

Hi pisshit make yourself a favor and kys
>vtuber accout
>suspensive dots
You can't be serious
Is this best you have? My fucking sides KEK
I just wanna point out that all fags baiting are using the funny google translation ‘
are you retarded?
> eru wants to know where's the female eruditas
Damn, she wants more submissives?
Looks more like deepL to me
oh no noo anysado don't look
Fake ass bullshit
I want to see the reaction of all her soldaputos when we get to that arc kek
>He is back
And just what we needed, stop baking this general niggers
soldaputos care to explain?
That's a random ass girl
I wonder what excuse will she give to her paypigs and groomers for this
just one more name change bro, just one more i promise this will be the last one
they are kaze and yamu
This shit its fake af, kek
I'm not even a soldaputo but this looks fake as fuck
I like to watch
now she will make that account private,
just pass the @ already she's going to delete that account
every time she deletes one of her alt accounts she creates a new one and passes it on to her friends but they are retard so no problem
Yeah, me.
Thats me
I wrote this
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> these retards will accept any fake screenshot as proof
Kek here's something to keep you up all night
I can't believe it...
well, doesn't change the fact she's a shitter
ok sylvie whatever you say
just post the @ if she delete the acc anon please
>This nigga it’s still trying
Fuck off totally not wackek
>keep doing those weak control damage attempts
anysado on suicide watch
So you deleted it? ok get it.
>Unrelated screenshot
no te la vas a coger
So i can took a random instagram girl, and post it /here/ and you all are going to believe it’s that a chuuba
Ceph this level of damage control is embarassing.

he keeps trying
Imagine standing up for a girl thinking
you have a chance with her.
That's pathetic
pretty much and you can write all lowercase so they call you that chuuba doing damage control
These shitters have nothing kek. The anons of yore doxxed Hina, Akira and even his mom and these losers can't even post something tangible. Quite pathetic.
These schizos are so fucking pathetic. I can see already why nobody took this place serious anymore
Same fake shit as above
>two fake ass instagram shit
Stop trying fucking schizo srsly
are you aware that just because you keep parroting that it's not her doesn't mean that we're going to end up believing you?
Why censure when you are going to be banned anyways?
Toss the @ then faggot, she has many schizos already, you need to post actual proofs if you want to be taken seriously but that isn't going to happen since you don't have shit
>Giving him attention
r e t a r d s .
Why are always Yamu and Sylvie the ones who gets shitted all the time? They are cute hardworking girls, why they attract so much schizos?
They're even "censored" with the same red stripe, they're made by the same shitter
Don't compare them Yamu has always been a bitch, Sylvie is just an idiot
They pander to anons and discordfags hate that
They are the only ones with confirmation coming here, the fag are butthurt they choose come here thet they gay ass discord server
>Sylvie was exposed
Do you mean that fucking narrative about the way she writes? That’s fucking pathetic even for (You)
you mean crayon, gift and megaputo
That's an old ass screenshot, she didn't upload any story recently, a failed groomer
Watch how they are trying so hard to change the topic to shit on Yamu kek, Sylvie called her discord to rescue her but why keep shitting on Yamu?
>ban a fag
>half the thread gone
>Again with some dumb bogeyman
Is a bored shitter begging for his (You)s desperately like a crackhead
we are being raided by the anysado discord btw
those posts of "her" shitting on yamu in the last thread make sense now
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I’m just saying that the only thing that these faggots started to shit on her was because of the way she writes.
>discord raid
All in your schizophrenia, nobody was shitting on Yamu. it’s just the same schizo trying to start a tribalfight
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Why shit on Yamu then? Sylvie got expossed by shitting her in the last thread and she keeps doing the same kek
(You) are not so smart, right?
Sex fiend
I'm going to enjoy this
This pretty much, now I know who were the ones shitting on Yamu
>Sylvie got exposed
There’s literally no proof. Stop trying, Anyaschizo, it’s fucking pathetic at this point
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You tell me
stop trying anysado is pathetic at tshi point
its because she writes like this, shes the shitter!!!!
With all this "how they write" talk you should be able to recognize the shitters
>Ruru bait
>"woa can't believe Yamu said this"
>"calm down Yamu"
>Yamu bait
>"Woa can't believe Sylvie saying this"
>"Calm down Sylvie"
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Failed idol
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There's proof, in the last thread and by the way she keeps shitting on Yamu.
she is worse than Meica kek
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They want Soldaputos shit on Yamu and the Yamusagis shit on Sylvie and so on
Now for this
They are going to change their way of writing,
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>There’s literally no fucking proof
>Just one shitter (probably himself)
This is so fucking sad. I really hope this shit it’s bait or smt
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They were shitting on yamu up too but they stopped to do damage control for Sylvie tho. If not Sylvie, soldaputos have some vendetta against Yamu for some reason. Maybe is Puchy again kek
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Don't bake threads on weekends
>soldaputos banned
finally some peace
man, this thread is always so funny
They were shitting on Gift first, then Yamu, then Sylvie.
no one was throwing shit at Yamu, Sylvie was exposed in the previous thread and that's when it all started
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>she lied about the reason she took the hiatus for
Haven't heard that rat context?
>hey you know when someone shits here there is some kind of drama in the Jew thread
>Managers(male) traveling with talents
>130 CCV
They were shitting on Gift so anons don't talk about Sylvie, then they try with Yamu. They and Sylvie are shitters by nature
>Sylvie was exposed
Stop trying retard
You are not bored of this childish facetards?
What's the point of this shit.
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There's non-stop drama in the Jew thread and you're an imbecile to think they care about this shithole of a general
Btw Meica is having a Hana moment
Nice fanfic.
There are two whole thread you can read
Where's that fag who said to have the recordings of the shitter and her "mom"?
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I read all of them. Sylvie hasn’t nothing to do with the Yamuschizo, you’re only parroting the same shit just because she writes without capitals
The thread was okay until someone posted that megajorn event were sylvie was in it and after sylvie's porn account was exposed too
Yamu was just drag in by those fucking soldaputos trying to deflect the fact that their whore now belongs to megajorn
We really have to start making /Sylvie/ again so at least the enitire general doesn't get derail by those faggots and they cand involve other girls on their shit
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>Sylvie exposed as shitter
>delete her twitter account
>calls her discord friends to defend her
Until retards keep giving him (You)s he will continue with this shit report all shitposts
Kek lmao That nigga has already other girl
Nice try, lazy threadwatchers could believe you
Stop replying to that retard
It's funny that in the /wactor/ days when someone did something wrong the anons never forgave them, but now they always look for an excuse not to hate them
>Tal vez fui demasiado amable con los comentarios fuera de lugar y ahora siento que es difícil controlar el ambiente. Voy a ser firme y directa para decir que no me gustan, y luego continuar la conversación para disfrutar el stream :)
All Megahorn fault
yes i saw the tweet but explain what happened in the stream
>He really doesn't know
I don't watch her, I have some self respect
Anons aren't the strawman you painted them to be, they just want to be left alone in peace with their oshis.
Sylvie's been forgiven too many times already
Meica God <3 <3
link their retarded baits, get the tard rangebanned
>Actualmente en linea
I'll tell you the truth, anons will forgive everything as long as the pandering continues.
Nateyo was forgiven from having a successful groomer and she just had to make some references to the thread to earn anons favor.
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then don't assume things retarded
someone send him a message
not your personal army vpnigger
>sylvie is probably going to retire from that minecraft event
>soldcucksitos are having a total and complete meltdown in the paypig server
>puchy realized he was far from winning and removed everything
anysado masterclass
hi pushit
Asysado i kneel
Sylvie's going to get angry
anons may say you can't recognize someone from the way they write but that faggot is well known
/sylvie/ wouldn't make sense, just one faggot anon support her unironically and the fags that come to white knight are from a discord server
Don't you get tired of restarting your IP?
Son you seriously suck at recognizing patterns of speech, like big time. You aren't cut for this and for your own sanity you should stop.
but I've just arrived
That fag was annoying in /yamu/, anonsagis who've been there know of him
>He has only meica in bio now
He's somalian anon kek
Shura stream
>No entiendo Argentino, mi cuenta bancaria tiene más de 2 dígitos
querrás decir "primer mundo anon"
I don't like Meica but nobody should deal with that fag
the primer mundo anon doesn't know english
Based Pushit
This is the most pathetic damage control ever Ren lmao
>En linea
envidia de que estás atrapado en hambrentina y yo vivo en Helsinki???
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Get out of here Merol
ren pls
Merol vive en un pueblucho hasta donde se, su salario no le alcanza para tanto no exageres
mizu will never betray me
I bet Merol uses his savings to donate
>nos defending know shitters
You will larp as anything for the sale of shitpost aren't you fuking niggers?
>He deleted the "screenshots" himself
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merun hands
I think she’s far more boring with all that coomerbait
I love her so much
ogey sylvie

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