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>steals your intellectual property and makes merch with it
I don't have intellectual property. I don't have intellect either
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>steals your intellectual property and makes merch with it
/mint/ (or at least me who frequently bakes new breads) stands with Filian and Mint's friend.
do you at least have property anon or are you posting from the library computer before heading back to John 3?
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>John 3
Ah yes. The meeting of Jesus and the Good Pharisee. A classic chapter, containing the cornerstone of Christian soteriology.
Fuck you, retard. Mint respects artists.
I'm a neet sponging. What's John 3?
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stolen laptop neighbor's wifi mom's house stolen solar panels
John 3:16, it's a bible verse and also an org that helps homeless people. looked it up and it appears to only be local to where I live. homeless here shorten it to John 3

those count as possessions, good for you anon
There's no real "standing" with anyone. Filian fucked up at best.
unbased. artists shouldn't be respected. they're scum.
Is this an anti thread? Well either way I think Filian is pretty poggy woggy you guys
I really really really really really really want to touch her butt
don’t care still love my fillyWife
why do artists deserve respect?
They provide free content for AI models.
>why do engineers deserve respect? They just draw shitty, hard to understand pictures on blue paper, then complain when people copy them without paying for it. What a bunch of whiny losers.
>can an engineer give me a boner?
>well then screw them artists are waaay more important
>anon forgot about sexbots
>high percentage of marxists championing robot takeover of the workforce are "artists"
>believes labor jobs will be redundant in their post-scarcity robot society
>don't care one iota about people losing jobs to those robots
>think they will have robot slaves while they draw shitty furry porn for commissions while working-class plebs starve
>*AI art enters*
"artists" can fucking starve and die lmao, 99% of them are scum
At least the artist was lenient enough to let her monetizing with the model on stream
No more artists means no more anime tiddies.
>b-but AI
Who do you think AI learns from?
>At least the artist was lenient enough to let her monetizing with the model on stream
Because she bought the rights to it
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Would people outside of gay ERPers on VRChat even know about what a Rindo is if not for Filian?
The problem is not that artists exist. The problem is that every useless whiny retard who doesn't want to work wants to be an artist. And they are all fucking terrible at drawing.
I'm sure there's enough anime tiddy reference art for AI to further learn from. And once human-made tiddy reference art runs out, we could make a feedback loop of AI-made tiddy reference art. The tiddy possibilities are endless
Engineers build:
>bridges, homes, computers parts, robots, cars, planes...
Painters, film directors, porn stars, drawers build:

I wonder anon, which artist is deserving of respect? Which art makes you go "holy fuck, my life is 10000 times easier because of you, thank you, you LITERALLY created the lights in my home"?Is it the one which makes it so you don't live with fleas because you have a home, or is it the one who made the hot fetish art of your dreams?
Is copyright a good thing? No. Are artists deserving of respect? Well, depends on what kind of art they make :)
Kek thats just an anecdote but kind of hard to refute
I remember watching those Newgrounds artists talk about their lives candidly like
>yeah I barely get paid but I spend all day watching videos while I draw and if I had a 9-5 I would probably kill myself in under a month
And these were the popular ones
>>yeah I barely get paid but I spend all day watching videos while I draw and if I had a 9-5 I would probably kill myself in under a month
desu that's the mentality of most internet """creators""". The amount of times I've heard something similar from youtubers or twitch streamers is ridiculous. And they have the audacity to think their "work" is difficult.

Most artists are still the scummiest or scum, though
Filian should do another dating show with a bunch of nice girls but one of the contestants is just Stamper on a webcam acting unhinged and making everyone uncomfortable
Another fleshy got caught beating off right after stream. This is a pattern. Do you think Fil does it too?
Off topic but damn I feel bad for that dude, if he had kept it together he'd at least have a bit part in Smiling Friends. Meth destroyed his brain. Let's hope that never happens to our dear Filly.
I don’t think, I know.
Literally a non issue
At worst she'll pay and have to stop
At medium, it's even more advertising
At best she'll use the opportunity to make a deal with the model creator lmao
>Another fleshy got caught beating off right after stream
Rindo model got semi famous because there was a girl that was a Gura fan that used it and wanted to be a vtuber.
I think if you search the archives for Rindo my beloved you should see posts about it.
filian will rise from the ashes like a phoenix
Pictures of real tiddies maybe? or did you forget those are a thing since you clearly havent seen them
Someone post a link to the vid of a group of women trying to survive on an island and failing miserable
filian needs to be punished
Filian does it during the stream
Filian literally did everything wrong anon. There is no defending how retarded she is.
chat, Filian did nothing wrong.
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
>make one mistake
>”guys it’s so over”
*asset flips*
So this is the end of /flip/? No link to the new bake in the previous thread and lack of bake in post. Seems like the thing has been vastly overrun by random folks who only want to stir further drama. You really can't have nice things on the internet.
They were huffing copium and spreading lies and damage control but stopped once good smile confirmed that it is copyright theft
Now they have no defense anymore
>flips ass
>lands ass on my face
>tongue goes up her butthole
that butt is copyrighted, anon, you better pay up
And we barely lasted a month, maybe we were the bad turning point in filly's career...
>worlds first good 4chan thread
>their oshi’s career immediately goes up in flames
I would laugh if it wasn’t sad
I think we’re too inclined to say that “it’s so over” when anyone screws up once. At worst this is a minor setback incurred by being too headstrong. Let’s not doompost
Up until she and Bao hook up together
All we did is shitpost about random fantasies. Then drama popped out and people couldn't help themselves and they kept on talking only about it. Oh well, maybe someone will restart /flip/ properly in a few days or smth once everyone gets bored of this drama so we can get back to mundane stuff like having those dumb tattoo discussions, filyBush theories and goslining to some webms.
that's what i was planning on doing, or next time she streams
As a Dragoon, I firmly want to stand with every large indie. That said, Filian fucked up. Take the L.
I don’t think it was necessarily people responding to bait so much as the thread getting overwhelmed by tourists. but maybe that’s just me giving us the benefit of the doubt, I only read bits and pieces of threads today.
>sister detected
yeah we know anon we just want her to pay up and us to be able to get back to watching streams

Btw I think I said it very early on when shit hit the fan – go and write something nice to Filian in DMs. Even if she won't read those, her DMs are probably overrun by a lot of hate messages and same old kys bs. So at least having a handful of messages that are a little nicer might help her feel less overwhelmed by this.
Filniggers made me an anti for defending this
bro we take nothing but Ls at snacker HQ. We just need Fill to do a whole bunch of welch's and coke and she'll fix it. She's survived literal neck breaking falls before, she can survive this.
>blames other people for being hateful
sounds like you're just a psychopath
it was defo tourists flooding the thread. it moved like 5x faster than even stream hours
yeah i dont have twitter but i might make one
I don't think this is the end, but it's pointless to have a thread now, with the state of the catalog and all. I think making a thread when she's about to stream or after this whole debacle is the best choice.
Shame though, it genuinely felt like a different experience than the other threads...
she’s our oshi anon of course we’re going to try to defend the dumb shit she does
We know... Is it wrong we want this thing to get solved so we can go back to having fun?
Mizkif literally covered up actual rape, like several times and got away with it, and for better or worse that is Filian's sensei, she will lock the fuck in and solve this, somehow.
the Oh No just got deleted
Well for starters instead of just being complete shitpost spam, bait or art bumps of the same five pictures (looking at you swarm I know we're tsun about it but come on) this is genuinely a bretty nice general that allows a lot of good discussion on Filian and Filian adjacent things. I can tell people actually really do like the streamer, parasocial or otherwise. Flip will live on however, otherwise I will be flipping out.
>saying nigger means you're racist
You must be 18 to post here
are you actually retarded?
>which artist is deserving of respect?
Adolf Hitler
>She's doing damage control on twitter
It's over
This has to be bait, right? You omitted music as well... Music is art too
god save us. I’m going to bed
What's filian's stance on George Floyd jokes?
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So, who are you watching now that Filian's career is over?
I think I'm going to try out the new holoEN girls.
buy an ad
>the biggest indie vtuber
>rival to pekora and gura
>made it to the cover report
>creator of the biggest award show for vtubbers
>all of this crumbles because she was too cheap/retarded to get an actual OC model to monetize safely
Literally one of the dumbest downfalls of all time
Anon, you at least have to buy your own flag if you want to falseflag. Too transparent.
they all fucking sucks (except for CiCi)
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I'm already liking GG a lot
i would unironically prefer watching paint dry that new holos. the only good gen they had anyway was gen 1 and they all fucked it up one way or another or ran out of content. Hell, Filian could probably make a paint drying stream actually fun as fuck.
she most definitely would
based and same
She could have just contacted the author. It genuinely wasn't that deep.
They make her breathless with laughter!
I don't care. Koreans don't have rights. Maybe next time learn to speak english and create a copyright in the 1st world's copyright office because America doesn't give one flying shit about you screeching overseas about your "muh property" that you ripped off from a thousand different pre-existing animu designs..
Honestly the jokes write themselves. She is the definition of hiding in plain sight
Yikes buddy I thought artists hated ableism! Can’t wait for your “friends” to cancel you
>At worst she'll pay and have to stop
She won't have to pay shit to a foreigner. This is America. Your countries exist at our pleasure and we'll coupe your government's ass and kill a million of your citizens in a civil war if you start bitching too much that we make you into our garbage dump. Keep it up if you want to get Ukrained.
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Honestly, I think you might just be a contrarian. HoloEN has been especially kino lately and you might not even realize how much you're missing out on
Giga based. All those retards shitting on AI art thought their jobs would be safe suddenly AI is "unethical" when it's them losing work. You reap what you sow artfags
I meant coup, but none of you ESLs would have noticed anyway.
Flagged false, ignoring
And worst part is, she had more than ample time to do what Vedal did with Neuro-sama, but NOPE. Safe to say, she's done. When she gets sued, her gag Fansly is about to become a real one.
CC is my favorite there. I love her mischevious nature, and it's not limited to her solo streams at all.
fucking BASED

Fuck artists, they stink of shit. It's all nuevo bullshit meant to deconstruct traditional standards of beauty.
We don't want you retarded zoomers. Go watch nijislop.
True that USA are good at turning stuff into garbage dumps, mostly themselves. Either way, I will laugh the day a million get killed in the name of filian
She dissapears all the time and just comes around when corp drags her ass out of bed, she'll dissapear again soon now that they did. Kiara I always found a tryhard, Ina is okay but I was never too into her, Mori I still find cool in her own self aware cringe nerd girl way, and the other ones that came after I just never got into. I always prefered the indie scene or VShojo's style anyway. It's really just a matter of taste, I saw all the english holos after myth try and replicate their thing and it just clicked for me. Maybe that mouse one, she was kinda cool. Anyway, my dopamine receptors were fried by Filian anyway, I can't go back...
Filian is Canadian
you couldn't answer, so I guess art admits defeat. now I'm just waiting for your "i AcCepT youR cOnCeSsIoN" post as you cry into your bowl of dry cereal.
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>She dissapears all the time and just comes around when corp drags her ass out of bed, she'll dissapear again soon now that they did
this is cope
gura is thriving while filian literally fucked up bad enough to end her career, it's over for her. once again hololive won by doing nothing
Canada is a vassal state to the USA.
okay now you're just falseflagging kek
>literally fucked up bad enough to end her career
Some day you will look up that word in a dictionary.
Vtweeters calling out Filian for using VRChat model while using VRChat/Free asset models (It's different though, cause theres 97 tattoos on them and it's justifiable cause filian has a heckin large follower count).
Filian is at worst retarded and at best a dumbass.
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and now you're just coping, because gura isn't going anywhere any time soon. but filian will be
Honestly, how I think it's going to play out is that filian will end up sorting out some sort of compensation for the artist, go on hiatus for a while and during it, she'll contract an artist, rigger, ect. and redebut in a month or two
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Another one.
This nigger was mocked for only being able to make stick men kek
Internet drama always gets the fags to out themselves, it’s wild
Yep pretty much this. And she'll make a shitload of money it too.
People thinking she's gonna go away forever after being bankrupted are seriously delusional or 12 years old.
this nigga like 40 now they really got everyone commenting on this, when does manletears and WT Snacks give his take on it?
Filian should just hire an artist
Don't worry though. once they get off their 120 game losing streak in league, they'll get right back on doing that commission they took from you 11 months ago! Though used the last of their funds on gacha, so emergency comms open!!!1!
If that happened I'd just watch other indies instead.
>I'd just watch other indies instead
indie vtubers in general are fucking garbage, though
I think it stems from jealousy. Filian has gained a lot and is a “have” now. Those who are jealous at her rise are gleeful to be presented with a chance for her to fall. More than that
Now that she’s an easy target, the virtue signaler crowd will all comment on this because it’s easy social points, even if their opinion is irrelevant and need not be said.

It’s another case like any other these days.
nah they're pretty cool i think
most of them are holo rejects
Yo the touch fluffy tail dude what the frick
is that meant to be a bad thing or?
it means they're basically the same thing you'd get following hololive girls, but worse
Says (You). Hololive gives me Cocomelon vibes which I'm not really into. Not that I dislike Holowhatever it's just not my cup of tea.
Some night not like it, but Filian has IShowSpeed levels of energy and potential, she was born to stream. Getting her own model will only make her stronger.
nah it means you get something that didn't fit into the themes that hololive wanted
>false flaggers posing as holochads
You "people" are pathetic
Poor comparison but I get it
>Hololive gives me Cocomelon vibes
that's a (You) problem, not a Hololive problem
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>because gura isn't going anywhere any time soon
Especially not anywhere close to her own streaming equipment.
What you dont like the same endless yuri baiting and the same jokes about blending subway sandwiches?
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>indie vtuber fans are pathetic
What else is new?
So? Even if that's the case it's whatever. I'm not clowning on what others watch. Enjoy what you like, watch what you wanna watch, and support what you wanna support.
Falseflagging aside I think Pekora is the best and most superior Holo anyway. It's a good thing that vtubing exist cause I just dont see someone like her making it as a female comedian in Japan as a fleshie. In fact I am not sure female comedians are even a thing in Japan with all the social stigma and how shy girls are anyway.
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>Enjoy what you like, watch what you wanna watch, and support what you wanna support
indiefag mentality
people only say shit like this when they know they're on the losing team
Sisters are trying so hard to pit Holo against Filian
I wonder why
I admit I used to watch Pekora back in the day. Good times.
>losing team
not everything has to be like high school. be an adult
>unbecomes a nendo
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>not everything has to be like high school. be an adult
You're only saying that because you know Hololive is winning right now, while your oshi is in deep shit legally.
You have to be 18+ to be able to post here.
Why wouldn't Filian just stream as usual, say she fucked up and is dealing with it, then move on?
Why wouldn't you just rebake the thread once catalogsisters move on to the latest crumb of drama?
Even seeming regular /flip/ users are becoming hysterical women over this. Embarrassing.
This is like pitting McDonald's against a Local Restaurant. No one cares bro. Grow up.
A local restaurant that was caught stealing shit from the supermarket across the street, maybe.
again, dunno what you mean by this. congrats on your team winning i guess?
>graduation announcement
actual /mint/ representative here
we do not
I'm an engineer and I respect artists since I interact with architects every single day
If an architect can make my blueprint mess into a presentable thing then artistic renditions are the literal peak
Let’s be real. We all know she’s going to bs and protag her way through this like she does everything else
damn straight
Wasn't WT Snacks in AX recently?
Originalfags are slowly looking like the Star Wars boomers at Comic Cons
At least Snacks is still one of /us/ even if he doesn't run the site behind the scenes
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i could see my wife saying this unironically
>People thinking she's gonna go away forever after being bankrupted are seriously delusional or 12 years old.
not even a filian fan but dramasisters are idiots
so it is the usual suspects astroturfing this nothingburger?
the artist said "pls contact me" and that was it. But ofc twitter minors were already salivating, huh?
Basically. Them and clout chasers scrounging for relevance
I think this unironically gets resolved with either a deal being struck or a “my bad” and some temporary backtracking
thtas what it always was going to be. there is no "stepping down" or "graduation", it'll just be an undisclosed deal and her twitter anti count will increase by 5%
How long do you guys think it will take for this bullshit to die down? I am not expecting it to happen today, but they should move on by monday, school week starts afterall.
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Am I cursed?
>start watching Rushia
>week later the GTA stream and the shitshow that followed
>start watching Filian
>week later this whole shitshow
Who should I kill next?
I was wondering when the guy who made his model was gonna take notice.
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N-Nothingburger! *hides*
so true sis
i'd say monday too, depends on how tomorrow's stream goes
You know it's two artists and now GS has to contact her too right?
destroy fillian
‘s ass
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Everything sis was saying about intellectual property was bullshit. No one is more intellectual than filian, and her globalist spy and rigger hunt, chase, hand lay, shibari, outlaw roundup, trial, lynch, ritual sacrifice... or all three.
oh nyo, not 2 whole artist!!!!
it's so over...

how does that change the fact that is still a call and done?
I dont forgive him and other oldfags for being in that cringeass netflix documentary. I guess everyone gotta get the bag somehow but damn, everyone looked so rough and old there.
Try doing that with Disney, they'll rip her to shred
oh so she "BASED" based?
The more she flips herself the more I want to support her.
lmao to the morons crying for this comment
they called her a racist, they called her a nazi, hell they even called her a pedo. they pulled all the stops at x dot com. but then again thats part the course nowadays.
They can still draw porn for extreme kinks. Those are hard to find so not enough material for AI. Also AI is bad at making multiple character
If she can overcome come this challenge she'll become even more powerful.
>I always prefered the indie scene or VShojo's style
Shit taste
Top tier artist revolutionize the way human capture image. Digital picture created from many pixel? Artist invented that. Rgb mix and match? Also artist. Davinci is a talented artist himself. Try watching Raden to understand the history, chud
true, this is Filian's gohan SSJ2 moment, she will become a different beast after this.
How are people here so fucking stupid that they think blatant copyright infringement is "twitter cancel culture"?
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Why did she not simply commission her own fucking model before dropping merch?
I'm surprised this situation took so long to happen, I don't think she's stupid, I think she's extremely arrogant and genuinely thought she could keep getting away with it just because she has a large following and is friend with big streamers.
Trolls remorse is a bitch man
Because the people trying to cancel her dont give a shit about that, they just hate her because she has le wrong politics, which is funny because Filian has no fucking politics anyway, she just gives anyone a platform.
X tards were mentioning Rindo's artists when they announced the Nendoroid.
He didn't care before that.
They tried to cancel her back then with the George Floyd joke
They just found the perfect opportunity to cancel her and she bit the bullet hard
>goodsmile deleted their tweet
>filian deleted her quote tweet
He didn't KNOW before that.
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I like Fillian, but she deserves this and it's only her fault.

Like what about this says "Oh they're really passionate about IP law" no, they're just deranged leftists that always wanted to take a shot at her. And again, Filian isnt even Right Wing at all lol, shes like a liberal that likes edgy humor, which was fucking normal before 2012.
>Which art makes you go "holy fuck, my life is 10000 times easier because of you, thank you, you LITERALLY created the lights in my home"?
Thomas Kincaid, painter of light
She did the wrong thing. That has been established like 63728382 threads ago since people apparently can't get enough of saying same shit over and over again. But apparently every tourist is too bored so they to keep on spamming the same stuff.
Yes, but they are right this time.
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All cops are busty
He didn't know she was doing it dipshit
>actually caring about the concepts of winning or losing
At the end of the day this is just an entertainment industry with different heads running it. The concept of "vtubing" of any kind could be banned tomorrow and it'll be just that.
The current situation going on? Yeah it sucks, but that's it. Whatever the outcome may be it'll be just that, it ain't a ride or die situation. In the end it doesn't matter, it's all just entertainment, not idolatry, unless you view it that way?
>VShojo's style
Holy shit taste batman
Find the most menhera fanbase, it'll be funny
Condoms and birth control pills aren't cheap you know, our girl has priorities.
they are hypocrites
>Why did she not simply commission her own fucking model before dropping merch?
Part of Filian's "personality" is talking about how smart she is for getting her vtuber model for free and making something out of it when almost everyone else has had to spend thousands if not tens of thousands on models. She has done this numerous times. She loves talking about the fact that she ripped her model for free because everyone knows how expensive getting into vtubing usually is.

If Filian got a new, unique model that would be one of her handful of personality traits gone. What's next, asking her not jump around like a retard?
You do know damn well if Senzawa made merch of her model she would be in hot water too
Fucking disingenuous faggot
Anny is just jealous other were encroaching on her territory
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She pretends to respect them, while her actions show she doesn't respect them. She's a Niji at heart.
Always funny to see a holodrone seethe when somebody prefers something else than the blue dorito.
The kind of person who becomes an artist usually is lazy and of poor character. Just think of all the people who tout art as their major hobby or passion (excluding people who study classical techniques). What they are actually saying is "I think Im right and other people should just agree with me no matter what shit I put out"
Dramafags just want to watch the world burn
are all fillicucks this dumb
don't generals usually let themselves die when a big yab happens and come back later? the snackers may not have a long enough attention span for the second part
/inf/ still exists despite it being the same 3 people samefagging all day
I’m a chumbud, dumbud. I just know when funny is funny.
I'll let you go if you can tell me what came first: ranch, or cool ranch.
Anny has her own army of simps, Filian has her own demographic who, for the most part, doesn't watch other vtubers unless they are collabing with her.
I mean in the "Who owns Vedal's cock" sense
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shouldn't have given them a legitimate justification
Oh ok lol.
Holy FRICK snackers, how will we cope our way out of this one?
Start watching the US presidential debates, please.
I don't know sist- I mean fellow snacker
I was thinking filian is real dumb for the legal fiasco but holy shit I'm struggling to fathom how incomprehensibly dumb some of the people trying to play defense for her are. Nobody knows jack shit beyond a couple tweets and the rest is just face slamming in the digital plaza. Just go jack off instead or something, you'll probably be happier
shitting on her for stealing intellectual property is a pretty legitimate thing to do
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Strictly, everything to happen or become legislation is illegal globalism. An enemy warring foreign hall of secret society power does not own Me, and a Corporation Of The United States does not own me.

The same goes for the libshit attackers as well.
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Clean your room guys, get those empty bottles and cans out of there, sweep the floor or maybe vacuum your place.
thanks for looking out for us bro
*RAPES everyone in this thread with time powers*

sorry i only last like 30-100 pumps usually. sosrry
Poor Filianfags, they're completely mindbroken.
because human brain evolved to like pretty/esthetic things so good art gives you actual market advantage over no art or bad art
so you can put a monetary value on how much of an advantage it gives you
also its surprisingly difficult to learn to do good art
now when it comes to respect you should respect anyone who makes a living of of their own work even if you think what they do is easy especially since drawing isn't easy because if it was everyone would just draw for themselves instead of paying for it because everyone who uses internet has all the tools needed to be an artist and somehow most people aren't artists
>bans you for typing "uh oh" in her Discord.
trump is shit
by the way, bugs think like this. idk how you can be unappreciative of art when your entire life revolves around it.
if you know him, does that mean you are 40?
Snacks is a faggot who deserved getting the boot
>snacks went from fucking whales to fucking whales in cosplay
hes a faggot but atleast hes consistent
>steals your assets
>sells game with it
What is every Unity game?
I spend the majority of my time playing video games which is a few different arts put together and it is very enjoyable
Learn history
When you take the technology out of a video game you'll end up with Daikatana.
When you take the art out you'll end up with Quake 2
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Japanese people have started covering it, it's not looking good.
>5000 yen
Sure aniki
>he says on his Internet machine that satisfies his boner on the regular
Learn history, you are retarded.
Top kek
Nah, as an engineer, I would like to inform you that you can't steal any technology in STEM. We don't whine about intellectual property, since progress is more important to us. And it's impossible to steal a design and profit from it. Do you think why Elon Musk gave all Tesla intellectual property to the public? BECAUSE YOU CANNOT BUILD A SECOND TESLA WITHOUT BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. The same goes for all high-level technologies. So if you are a good eng/sci you will always work in industry or institute. Samsung will never steal design of your semiconductor, because they dont fucking understand how it works. They need YOU, the nerd, who was working on it for 10+ years, so they just hire your laboratory. So do not compare.
I'm also an engineer in building services and I interact with architects who are usually principal consultants of projects; I fucking despise them. I can count the number of architects that I actually respect on one hand.

I prefer working with aggressive builders who abuse the fuck out of me while trying to cover up their mistakes instead of ignorant architects who try to hamfist their "vision" into the project, despite none of the services actually working.

>We're supposed to design HVAC, hydraulic, electrical, and fire protection services in this nice, new $300 million hospital, but you've only given us 400mm of ceiling space because you think your special raked batten ceiling looks nice?
>Cool, we'll just bust out the wireless electricity and ductless HVAC

Only saving grace is the end client usually tells them to stop being faggots and design a functional building.

Why would Jingo stop making avatars because of this? Because she would suddenly get rich from the payout??
kek for real?
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>We don't whine about intellectual property, since progress is more important to us
you couldnt engineer yourself out of a cardboard box even with GPT
Stop larping
NTA but codemonkeying is not engineering.
>what is reverse engineering
you're not an engineer
Filian can easily solve this by just turning into a fleshtuber
It is not technology, it is not even coding
>reverse engineering
lol, you missed the point. Even with all the schemes, you simply won't have the resources to copy any high-tech stuff. That's why we don't have Chinese processors.
I think she's said before that whilst her body is fine her face isn't great.
Oh good. They're all trashing their blight of globalist retardge too.
They'll die if they don't.
Lmao, good luck to these wimps to do anything, if they can't do anything to get a woman to breed they will not have the guts to make any real legal moves, they will just complain there in twitter but not really doing anything. Japanese artists never do anything in this kind of scenario because their nation are just submissive and cowards by nature.
>Even with all the schemes, you simply won't have the resources to copy any high-tech stuff
So your argument isn't that IP can't be stolen, it's simply that IP thieves don't have the capacity to mass produce what they steal?
>That's why we don't have Chinese processors.
But we literally have. And their industry is progressing faster than the original one back then.
Meth filian sounds kino tbdesu
Japan can't do shit, they're the wimps of this planet and will never dare to do anything legal and fillian just need to throw some pocket change so the wimp artist just shut the hell up. Fillian will just continue normally after she get another model
friends and family come first. This is basic stuff.
>Japan can't do shit, they're the wimps of this planet and will never dare to do anything legal
You've somehow lived your life completely unaware of Nintendo and Sony?
Based. Intellectual property is a spook.
filian strim today? (page 10 bump)
>make one mistake
>keep compounding it for years
So what do you think Filian will reincarnate into once she joins phase connect? I doubt she will stick with a white haired fox after this.
Not even surprised.
Whatever you say ESL bro.
>phase connect
you misspelled vshoujo there kohai
I literally believe Filian did nothing wrong completely unironically
they don't
so true seafriend
based as fuck
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speaking of
funny cuz true
Based, fuck intellectual property
Filian is an angel who did literally nothing wrong.
so, she doesnt consider herself an artist, good to know.
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10/10 would steal again
You're a dumb mother fucker. As dumb as they come.
There is only one artist I would ever consider respecting
>asmongold subreddit deleting / rejecting all filian related submitted posts
Get fucked marxist.
>Deleting flood of off-topic
>I don't think she's stupid
she is.
his subreddit is where he gets all his drama shit to do his daily reactslop content though
How much do clippers actually make? Filian has her program, and I'm wondering if it's legit or if she's taking advantage of 6000 editors essentially for free advertising. Idk how YouTube works, but if you get 100k views on a video you gotta make more than $25, right?
ok, so we're in copper *falls over*
Hey! Wait a minute. I just Googled it.

>On average, a YouTuber earns around $0.018 for each view, which amounts to $18 for every 1,000 views.

So... She pockets $1,775 and gives them $25...?
$14-20 CPM is for family friendly channels afaik. for vtuber it would be below like $2
she's paid out 10k last month
on avg every clipper made 500 bucks on top of whatever youtube pays them for the videos
Hm... So even if it was $1 per 1,000 views like you're saying, you would get $100 for 100,000 views instead of $25. I knew there had to be a reason why she sounded so guilty when shilling her program. That is diabolical. It's like Chad billionaire Suiiika VS a bunch of poverty NEETs...

based on what faggot zoomer?
It was $10,300÷50. So each person made $206. From what I've read, YouTube doesn't pay you anything until you have 1k subs and 4k hours watched. For short YT clips, 4k hours would take a while before you're monetized.
i'm horrible at math
In fairness to the accuracy of the statement, it's 7000 yen for Rindo and 2500 for Mint, but I'm guessing the implication of your post is "No 3D models cost a lot of money to commission" except these are Booth models that she just pirated.
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