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The 88th Wind

>CURRENT STREAM: 【Crab Game】WINNER POV - playing with my senpai! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice

>LAST STREAM: 【Dishonored】I WILL BE A GOOD AUTOMATON!! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>79994560
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zeitplan you mean, easy mistake to make.
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what are we doing on our date?
It's a schedule. HoloEN not HoloDE.
CC moans
going to the bakery to get cookies
cute giggles
green automata can't jump
She's finally gaming
she needed to wind up properly. Poor calibration before.
She's finally gaming!
Her gaming mode is activated
She's still winding up...
that's right CC, just don't overthink it
She upgraded to Knaifu
She consumed cookie. She is now fueled and primed to win
she spinning
why does gg make baby noises all the time…?
She's gaming!
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Holy fuck, she's absolutely gaming when she speen
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overclocked cc gamin, hope she doesn't break tho
unlucky, next game
she overheated...
Not even her fault that time, she got screwed
Good round for the Automaton.
They want to slowly come to an end.
The most German thread
GG carrying Justice on her back
GG clutched.
Her bloodlust
gg gaming
switching to gg for actual winning pov
She deserves it for that 2v1
lmao gg wins again
I guess she really is a true gamer
incredible gaming prowess
No more speen
my wife's wife is so good at video games...
>except for the 4 people who DIED
I love how she says things
the game truly was crab
I guess the crab really was the crab all along
>Last winner real winner
I believe
Cute head bobbing
this is a stealth game after all
she wiggles a lot and it's cute
She's sitting on my lap
this post was from me
She, in fact, did not lock in
I can't seem to remember posting this, but I must have because CC is on my lap.
>my manger told me to shill so im shilling
damn real, respect
>more 5am collabs
it has never been more over
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when cece said A ddWWWWWWWWWWWEd, I felt that
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Can someone translate?
>collab starts with cute Cece/Shiori snowball fight
>collab ends with cute Cece/Shiori snowball fight
They love each other
I hit it from the back to hard and spazzed on the keyboard, sorry
nice cope CC
>He didn't get the decoder ring from preordering the merch
cc was very cute today
Justice win
sorry, kinda hard to avoid pressing keys when she wants cuddles
How is that cope when she already did a 5 hours stream then had to get up at 5AM
>redirect to sioli
...are they?
kind of a banger
I loved all the stealthy bits. Her happy silent head bobbing is going to sustain me for a while. So cute.
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why does she spell it like this
Sleep status????
>silent head bobbing
Better still, she was dancing
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Just a thing she started doing the last two or so streams.
I didn't notice that one
She spelled it specifically "bye be" twice before
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CC was nervous, didn't realize she is so shy
they're both pianos so they have an automatic bond and with cc's minor key romantic tendencies i'm sure they have a lot to talk about
Large group collabs are always rough. Plus a lot of these girls are people she aspired towards, that’s a lot of weight on a normal person. Not everyone can be as gregarious as Gigi
i thought she was more shy because of how quiet she was but she just had her mic volume really low
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winding... down...
I wouldn't read too much into that. Hard to say how much of it was exhaustion
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Good night!
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>my doll oshi has kompetenzdefizit in action collabs
i just realized there was a new thread in my filter and figured out somehow whenever i filter /shon/ this general also gets filtered... im not sure what's causing it?
I was paying more attention to Cece's POV instead of my oshi's... I'm worried, bros
oh... thank you anon
Use double slashes
You need to use /\/shon\//
filter subject
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thanks again anons, sorry for off-topic!
so for something more on topic, CC is cute! i saw some anons saying she was being too quiet/shy but that happens in a lot of the big collabs even for the veteran EN members.
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I need more of her voice and giggles
She seemed perfectly sociable enough. Was talking to whoever got close enough to her. Seemed a bit still at the very start and then loosened up. Didn't notice her spaghetti at all at least, but this being the first big collab I've watched I don't know if that ever happens.
Her yawns will sustain me for a while
Got some good yawn timestamps?
Yeah it was her first collab outside of her gen, and a big one at that, she was doing great engaging with everyone. GG is an outlier and the rest have had at least ~a year to get to know each other.
CC might appear on Kiaras stream soon
Surely she is asleep now.
i would surely hope that cc's sleeping
she deserves the rest
RR just finished, GG is on now
>vertical stream
Kiara does not make it easy to like her.
Cece is on
cc on the telly
enter german yapping
Ceci on the chicken screen!
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Wawa totally btfo by our giga brain Cece
Ours is das uber-kraut!
4 Language buff too OP
cc is too smart for chicken brain
CC is English
cc is so good at english!
I missed, but getting an extra win tonight is a nice surprise.
AAAHHH I pretty much missed all of it except the thick and thighs part just now
They had pretty good chemistry in that for a first talk
Something tells me they won't end up playing that game. CC too good at language.
>rivalry established
>Describe Kiara
RR: Beautiful prima idol my beautiful amazing wonderful role model ideal idol
CC: Orange.
My German wife...
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>doll hands grasp your balls
This is why I love CC
short and sweet
it's cute
Guys i overslept through the collabs. How did CC do? Was it a good one?
cc won the first match
watch gg if you want to see a gamer though, cc struggled quite a bit...
She clearly likes Shiori a lot. Collab incoming.
collab meaning kissing btw
i wouldn't mind seeing shiori pop her cherry
I want Ceci, shiori and ame to collab and merge their autism frequency into a new ascended autentity.
Shiori seldom collabs with anyone, but maybe.
Is CC actually a vampire? Goes to bed at 9am, only wakes up when the sun is down.
Truly in the summer this is the life
shiori and kiara confirmed an off collab with each other on wednesday
shiori and cc collab isn't impossible
for wednesday*
It's a shame some people have to work for a living.
That's just for these big clusterfuck Mori collabs.
I could not agree any more. CC reminds that us that the modern masters of the world decided NOT to free us from toil for reasons
CC truly is the vanguard of the revolution, showing us by example how the masters of world exploit the working class
just work from home lol
I honestly prefer watching these big collabs as VODs rather than live, they're just too chaotic for me to keep up.
Some people have real jobs.
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Hmm. What to say to CC that sounds... good?
Even if you have the luxury of working from home you can't just be awake all night. There are meetings and other responsibilities during the day.
We should bring back bullying of the unemployed, you parasites are getting too comfortable.
tell her how much you appreciate her skits and the work she puts into them
If you ask me we're not getting comfortable enough
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morning eurotomos
it's vod time
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What will she do for her monetization stream
We don't know.
Doll joint asmr
It's only 30 minutes so I can't think of much, hopefully she'll be la creatividad
>It's only 30 minutes
Is this some mandated relay bullshit?
Yes, one after the other
She could play violin.
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>one after the other
Cece was the smartest one and will likely get some high superchat value out of her medical pay notice from debut. Yes, people are retarded enough for hundreds of them to write the same message of
>Here is my share of the bill
over and over again without any self-awareness of what they are doing. It will work because Cece already had the strongest debut in Justice to begin with so people remember it the most.
>11 am
>12 am
Somebody fucked up the times didn't they?
I loved Ceci's debut but didn't ERB's debut have the most impact outside of /here/?
Yeah. They already apologized on Twitter for it.
>didn't ERB's debut have the most impact outside of /here/?
In terms of sheer viewer numbers? Probably. She is a decent singer. But my argument is that Cece has a "hook" for people to donate already. Even fi ERB does better, Cece will do well regardless.
Only because of the drama lmao
ERB is probably the only one I don't see people giving much money too because... you know
her GPUlet cope is a much bigger donation incentive. get this girl a proper workstation
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Do any german otomos have a translation for what Ceci said to Kiara on her bday call-in? I'm not fluent in super-german.
>her GPUlet cope is a much bigger donation incentive. get this girl a proper workstation
That too yeah. Another example where not buying every possible thing you will need in the future is the more frugal and smart option.
My bet is on Raora actually getting the most.
she's very affectionate with chat already and I can see people opening their wallets for her buuut her audience is heavily SEA
>Raora actually getting the most.
Do you have a rough timestamp when she joined Kiara's stream?
I wish I could catch a live Raora stream but I go to bed right before she starts streaming.
Nobody even clipped their interaction, it seems.
Check the comments on Kiara's vod. There's a bunch of timestamps there.
Ceci said KFP has to try harder with their german reps
Surprisingly was able to find one. Not sure if the translation is accurate?
What a coincidence that the two german-speaking holos are both S.
man, her laugh is the best
She sounds so feminine in german. (She does in english too, but it's somehow more pronounced in her native language.)
>Cece's first instinct is that having a whole conversation in German is maybe not the best idea for the sake of the viewers, Kiara tells her to keep going anyway.
The most important part of the clip really. Yes, as >>80046860 stated Cece teased the chat a bit at this point to go with the flow, but she knows this is a gimmick for the totsu and wouldn't do her streams in half german or even say half japanese or something equally retarded. A founding member of the holoEN brnach doing that at first just seems impossible now doesn't it?
It's actually crazy how girly she makes such a coarse language sound
I don't think it's a course language though. I think people got this impression to due to Hitler and his speeches. It sounds very harsh on video, but normal german is much nicer to listen to. It's like judging english solely by some hood gangbanger in a rap video.
(And don't get it twisted, I'm not german myself.)
Damn, her German activates neurons.
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what a NERD
As a burger with german family that I got to visit occasionally, you're right.
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>coarse language
I swear it's like these people have never heard of or seen Christopher Watlz in any of his film appearances where he speaks german.
I think I caught her mixing in a norwegian pronunciation in the Wawa stream.
Start at 37:12. She says "for example", but pronounces it like "for eksempel".
Might just be a german thing of course.
your doll is pronunciationmogging my kamioshi... very cute
I love CC
Now she knows how Gura felt during the one block stream where she kept misprouncing it in the first place just because. What goes around comes around tenchou.
If she ever whispered in German, I might just cum
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I love her THIIIIIIS much.
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I have no idea how much that is in meters
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I hope my dreams are about the Green women getting molested by Shiori
You two need to kiss. Immanentize.
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This but the other way around
This but all three molest me
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I have no idea what the game she is streaming today is.
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Please do ASMR soon CC, I need something new to help me sleep
Stop begging.
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>accurate doll joints
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>"Ich liebe dich"
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oh my
Why did she make such a sound?
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oreo woman spotted
Doesn't Wawa have a whole dirndl outfit? Why was she just wearing an apron prop over her summer outfit?
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How was the second half of the stream? I was too eepy to stay up for the whole thing.
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>Inglorious Basterds
I prefer that smooth talking sweet german man in another film that also stars a sexy doll girl.
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Gunnm/Battle Angel Alita Watchalong with Ceci when?? I don't care if it's the original oav or the live action, they're both great. But I honestly prefer the live action because the dowggie didn't die in that one.
I hope they collab and become friends. Shiori is a sweetheart and so fun in collabs, even though she seldom does them.
WHAT WERE THEY THINKING WITH THE CGI EYES????? other than that it surpassed my expectations by a lot
Retarded americans that don't understand the difference between the appeal of anime style art and not literally translating it to real life.
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Don't care.
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You need to be above 18 to use this site.
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are >we a little stoopid?
I'm a genius.
otomo's iq depends on how much you wind them up, but if you wind too much they'll explode.
Yes, we look retarded. I can relate.
If you wind them up too much hey start talking about baking millions of cookies with 5 ovens in just 5 years
I don't appear to be drooling in that pic so no.
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Where is my glue?
otomos eat crayons
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Is Chattino smarter?
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What?? Since when have foreigners invaded grün?!
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Ok now that's just weird. Her tongue is now on the roof of her mouth and doesn't make sense.
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Stop manipulating Ceci's images you dirty foreigners! Get outta here! Git!
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...know exactly what we are doing
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This IS the foreign land
That Kiara and Ceci German conversation actually sounded nice, which is strange since I don't really like how the German language sounds, I guess it's surprising to me that they were both able to make the language sound appealing, that is all.
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what do you guys think she'll do for her member content?
>I don't really like how the German language sounds
How much german have you actually listened to outside of the mandatory 10 minutes of Hitler speeches in 5th grade history lessons?
Cranking ASMR
Just the usual hololive stuff
honestly i’d be happy with chatting streams with some level of member interaction
lots of watchalongs
Hopefully watchalong
Apparently she used to do a lot
Violin karaoke
i am going to create game profiles with Immergreen. Ceci is going to have a hard time in character creation for every new games in the future.
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German isn't anywhere near as "harsh" of a language that people make it out to be, but it does sound nice when Ceci and Kiara speak it.
I rewatched her call in to Kiara’s stream last night and my golly, her German is so cute yet sounds so hot. How do I cope, otomos?
What do you need to cope with?
Dont learn Germans. Useless language
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>violin karaoke
Ah. I see you are also a man of culture as well.
Every language except English is useless. Autists do it for fun.
Languages typically sound better when cute girls are speaking it
I will learn more of it, would actually be useful for diving into Swedish academia since we used German for it some hundred years ago
>Cecioli Immervella
>Cecivella Shiorimmergreen
I learned german so I can insult the stupid racist white power neonazi redneck americans without them realizing I'm calling them and their mothers literal dogshit so I wouldn't say it's useless. If anything it's boundless entertainment.
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I think you need some medication for your obsession
CC where's my waiting room
let her sleep
doll sex
>not durable
too big
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Cog rating streams.
ku100 GFE ASMR
>Not sure if the translation is accurate?
it is
Does Cecilia or Kronii have the bigger cog?
hope someone drop the patreon versions just as before, because I don't want to wait for kemono to work again in a month or two
too brown
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>not flat
I pretend I do not see it. I refuse to perceive.
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Yes, totally a coincidence
>Does Cecilia or Kronii have the bigger cog?
Anon, the shark calls Kronni clock woman as a joke and because of the ticking clock looking halo around her, not because she has machine parts. Being Korean suggests she might be part plastic but that's it.
What is the parasocial relationship between Otomos and Cece?
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she uses us to make her tea
The relationship between streamer and chat is by definition not parasocial.
With superchats/memberships will she finally get a beef PC
It will still be some time before she gets the first paycheck. Last time I've heard about it they were lagging like 2 months behind Cover getting the money.
What uf she gets sponsored by intel to shill battlemage
lmao imagine all the crashes thatll happen on stream
Is blue more contrarian than red?
She will go AMD GPU and Intel CPU just to be contrarian
That's my current system...
Too /g/ for that
>It will still be some time before she gets the first paycheck. Last time I've heard about it they were lagging like 2 months behind Cover getting the money.
Even worse: the yen is so worthless now, the lowest it has been in an eternity, that their paychecks also suffer. Any foreigner who goes to japan gets great deals though.
Are you a contrarian?
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Otismo energy
I don't see how it affects them much. It's not like they are paid in Cover stocks and the salary has been a negligible part of overall holo income forever. Girls who mostly sell to Japanese audience might be affected, but Cecilia streams in the middle of the night for Asia.
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We share a bond of pure autism that goes beyond words.
Ceci is the type of person to use a 2500k in 2024
CC is my GF
It was the cheapest combo for 60fps 1080p gaming back in early 2022, but I do prefer red GPUs for the sole reason of contrarianism, yes.
nigga you WIDE
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But why not get the red CPU then? Seems like a weird choice to go with blue for the CPU when you can do the RED/RED combo
Really hate that pic. The stupid artist made her eyes too far apart. inb4 gura's they're closer than your mom and dad will ever be...
Red motherboard prices...
I built mine when GPU prices went full retard (middle of 2021) so red/red was the only option. Back then only a retard would pick blue for a CPU (11th gen lmao)
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The artist's style just makes everybody look kind of retarded. That's why I like it.
They also both camped in a hidden spot. They don't know it yet but they are similar in more ways than the color green and tea.
She had the high ground but couldn't hit Fauna even once
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>am I kawaii uguu~
were they that expensive?
Both Fauna and Cecilia have bad aim. They're both pretty good at games in general, but aiming with a mouse is not their forte.
Then again, I also blame it on the horrible latency that must have occurred with people all across the globe. Assuming Mori hosted, anyone in Europe or Japan were kind of boned.
Where in the world is Mori these days anyway?
Rootless cosmopolitan femoid
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>that hideous uncute mongoloid biboo
Good question. I suppose she might be in Japan, and then everyone except JP residents would be boned instead. Is Advent in Japan right now? I haven't paid attention.
At any rate, Cecilia had ping issues. It's rough when it's not hitscan.
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Like the one between Führer and Soldier
Yeah, Advent is still in Japan.
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Huh... people were right... we really do look like servbots from Megaman Legends... we even have the same dumb, cute smile.
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Imagine falling in love with a fucking doll
She's up. Frame soon
Ceci is older sister experience
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Yeah... Imagine...
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I don't have to. I already love Ceci.
What are the chances of ceci playing mega man (legends)?
last to give Ceci a big kiss

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