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Birthday Girl, Chuuni Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Pixel VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
Ex-Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ Thread: >>79993366
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Miyo is playing more NIKKE
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Noitan singies
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>opening with shoujo rei
>sorry i was late, had to troubleshoot
>it's too hot, let's all stay inside
>thank you for reminding me to start a poll
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>Noitan pulled out the acoustic guitar
>but she forgor to cut her nails
>so playing is not super comfortable rn
>taking requests
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>noitan said oppai and you did no hear it
>this is something she will get yelled at for saying
>even as a silly "ippai ippai oppai" jokey way
>NP: sora ake no hotaru
yelled at?
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>was doing PA work for very small venues
>even dealing with lighting and such (onkyou/shoumei)
>im hungry, so 2 more songs!

by management presumably
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>does an impression of her manager reprimanding her
>her senpai asks her to sing as many songs as her age next time (19000yo)
last two pic should give the full setlist for today >>80044599
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Encore kidnapping bundle
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Essie was being very cute and muchimuchi on twitter but the thread died as I tried to post it

>im so lucky ;;; eternally grateful! thank u again
>i will do everything in my best ability to make u proud o7
>im so happy weeeh

and also
>i bought these fruit gummys from trader joes and im so doomed the serving size is 4 but theyre so addicting i think ive eaten 10 ToT ToT ToT
>its almost my girl week i am allowed to indulge in sweets
>i need to get back to working out ….

rip audio on the first one
fixed, twitter keeps audio only, video only and both merged as separate streams for some ungodly reason, and then it plays threaded voice tweets as one seemless thing...
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the weewoo is happy
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>>80045626 this is now the Encore AX anchor
>Lisa owes Coni a kiss and maybe also her life
sleepover vibes ...?
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Lisa was born
ignore the stray spaghetti
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Tonya need to shack up with Enya for warmth instead of stealing blankets from raccoons
strong sleepover vibes here
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Lamp is playing Elsword
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It was bikini day
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>Nanamona is afraid of thunder and falls asleep easily
I think she might be a sheepgirl
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Not sure what Moisi is doing today yet
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painting some pixels
>work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications
add Esila already ffs
Hibiya singies
reentry anon is probably dead at the moment
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it has not been updated in months you might need to curb your enthusiasm
for all we know that anon is fucking dead or maybe just busy with AX/family cause weekend of 4th and all that, so the fiery complaints aren't reaching the dude in charge
we've have two anons say they would be away for a while, and the thread has been dying as a result and so i would suggest you post important Esila info on page 10 to bump, that would look a lot more like someone cares and would be more noticeable
Pillow found a new vict- client
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sheeb is live
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i gotchu bro
Moisi is currently surviving vampires
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>i would suggest you post important Esila info
something like this?
name: Esila Shephield
lang: [EN]
main: https://www.youtube.com/@EsilaShephield
alt: https://www.tiktok.com/@esilashephield (inactive) (no twitch)
x: https://twitter.com/EsilaShephield
feel free to ref back to this post once the rentry anon returns
>Pillow brings Lethe materials then disappears then does it again
>not much is said
3h in
>Pillow growls
>they ask each other if they need therapy
>Lethe did not need therapy but follows Pillow to the clinic
>short convo
>Lethe looks around and compliments how well detailed everything is
>Pillow is quiet until she invites Lethe to visit her basement
>and naturally, Pillow spends most of the visit crouching and groaning
>Lethe enjoyed the xbox room and the outdoors the most even though her texture pack made it look very much like a room with green wallpaper
>Lethe finds her way out
>Pillow makes broken vibrator noises
>Lethe leaves the building
>Pillow buries in the ground and leaves the game altogether
>soon stream ends
Minecraft, absolute cinema
the bond that holds pillow in the world must be weakening
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Good morning shaggers
Sorry about thread dying last night I had to eep
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>Pillow brings her coffee at 2h40
>Visits her newly built inn
>jumps off the roof
>Lethe is very confused as to how one interacts with a Pillow, but offers chicken and small talk... it's not very effective
>Pillow asks about her favorite food
>Lethe says she loves fried eggs, Pillow runs off somewhere
>Pillow comes back and offers food
>we learn that Pillow's favorite food is Lethe's flesh
>Pillow offers therapy, that is not needed
>she then offers bone meal and iron
>Pillow also brings her diamond armor and growls
and then >>80057892
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Good morning "good morning shaggers" anon. Don't sweat it, hope you eeped well
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nah man it's on me
i was cooking this post >>80046853
and the thread died under 30min
so i also eepd
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I did eep well thank you
Board has just been too fast lately
I was too busy watching Esila's jackbox stream, it was a lot of fun. And I didn't bake after seeing the thread dead because then it'd seem I let it die on purpose just to have the Wife OP I wanna do eventually.
Eira finished Kirby yesterday and needs games suggestions
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Comfy morning with Pillow
whats she eating
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>Eat some breakfast and take care of yourself
Yes, please eat!
>If you haven't eaten yet please please please take the time now to get something to eat please
>Or I will die
The Pillow is eating an omelette
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Second line was supposed to be meme arrow'd but it works as my own statement as well
>Had an elevator dream
>Doesn't remember much
>Except people died
>Woke up and played a lot of Minecwaft
Pretty normal Pillow morning so far
>Some days we just die
Yea, normal
>Seaweed is a little overweight
>Because Pillow's mom wanted Seaweed to be fat
>Seaweed only eats Fancy Feast
im always amazed by how expressive her head wings are
>wanted burrito but burrito place is not open
>that's an omelette it's made out of eggs and spinach and cheese and ham
that's a real meal but sadly only a 6/10

>a viewer mentioned DND and Pillow sounded excited
has she played DND before?
is she aware that she would make a great player?
does she know that Enya is really into DND and runs campaigns and stuff?
im not saying anything but im saying some of the VSMP girls are really into role playing...
Sounds like Pillow and Enya have something else to talk about during ASMR 101
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speaking of the fireball, she misses her beloved dorkness
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Her deep voice is always really good
>88yo foster mom of 40
does Pillow want to be a mother?
I can help
>Wants to do workout Mondays when she gets a 3D model
That would be cool
Imagine the Pillow noises
it's like the 4th time i've learned Pillow's age and found myself surprised then forget her age again
>my first act as president will be to put surveillance cameras in everybody's home
Pillow will have to wait 14 years before she can try to become president of the us of a
>*get compliments*
>*gets angry*
>just you wait!
>tomorrow when we do ASMR im gonna spoil you...
>im gonna spoil you to death
>*gets more compliments*
>*begins to melt*
>i was already feeling non verbal this morning... >>80057892
Pillow kinda really freaking cute rn
and just like that, she ran away...
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Kannananana is doing her 1st Quaraoke if you want something cute >>80062453
>sakasama no chou
pretty fucking soul
jigoku shoujo is it?
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now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VafECNDiu9U
later https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1Zdfs_xq_0
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>playing culladalamb!
finally an official start for the cult
>im not a good-good singer but i am a disturbingly confident singer
actual duck behaviour, i love it
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Lisa merch
damn i guess this truly confrims it... Lisa is joining Idol huh
that smug look... my heart just can't take it.
>3 classic anime songs
>then 3 you might have never heard of
challenge accepted
>so what exactly qualifies as a roguelike?
please dont start that debate
Esila is taking cult applications (in game not real allegedly)
I joined both anyway
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>Will you guys die?!
>Am I in charge of keeping you guys alive?
>Am I not the leader of a cult am I a mother instead?
>>Does that make it fine to call Esila mommy?
>I still don't really like being called mommy personally
>You can call me mother instead
>Or mom
Oneesheep is receiving a promotion to momsheep I guess
last classic is ofc
>cruel angel's thesis
>matsupoiyo (enka by a vk dude with enka parents)
and that's the 1st one Kanna does not expect you to know
kinda based
>she gave lore for the 1st obscure song
>then the lyrics for the most memed song of the 2010s in JP
yeah there's no challenge here
>ancient anime
yeyeyeh this is soul
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Mother and Wife
Esila holding sermons...
of all the things i did not expect to happen this summer
>with Nyaru, Yumemi, KK
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Many vtubers could learn a lot from how Esila subtly informs us of her preferences
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she likes it big and slow
She's putting those vocal lessons to use I see
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If you are sick of VSMP, don't worry, Furi has the perfect stream for you!!
>next stream in the middle of the night
cries in european
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Looks like Pillow is here
is that an elephant chuuba???
yes, and she's also an ojisan enjoyer
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>Furi's first console was her mother's game cube
>collab partner Nova is losing her fucking mind
zoomer teachers boomer dynamic is always fun
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>Furi furifurifurifurifrfrfr Ferntail, professional minecrafter with 15 years of experience, fell of the sky island with the lava bucket and the ice block, losing the game forever
>she then cheats by using creative mode to get them back
this is not the sugoi furicfart i know... .__.
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that little Sheepyhead on her lap? me.
Verification not required.
what if i took a danger nap >:3c
Just know that if you oversleep in your nap I'm gonna draw a mustache and monocle on your face and write "bozo" on your forehead with a permanent marker
No Essie stream today but she will be in discord
I'm going to kill myself.
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>Yuuna is already buying gifts for Essie
Never beating the groomer allegations (and that's a good thing)
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>Doesn't feel she would be good at ASMR
Yuuna would be extremely dangerous if she did ASMR
>Doesn't want to be girlfailure
>Just wants to be cute baby sister
/wool/ Yuuna...
>Desires the comfort of the little sister zone
I was never able to catch Yuuna often back in the day but this feels somewhat new
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>>80089866 >>80094320 >>80094547
about 2h into the vod
>forced to be mama, just want to be cute younger sister
>if you try to take care of me but i can do it better then i'll take care of the both of us
>it's a matter of efficiency at this point
>but also BABY ME!!!
>im only turning 25 his year and sometimes i see the stuff older vtubers cook and im like... maybe i should take care of you

Yuuna should adopt Lisa, she can out mom moms and also be a model little sister somehow
there are a few /wool/ post from about a year ago from an anon (me) somehow always finding his way back to Yuuna's chat through raids and such
but here we are now, Yuuna feels like belongs here and i'm not trying to escape anymore
>Mothering Lisa while teaching her to be a little sister
Almost feels like cheating with how /wool/ that is but I like it. Yuuna should adopt Essie too while she's at it.
No /tsunx/ anon can ever truly escape Bread
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>Yuuna makes a stick for Daiya
>gives her a tour of her place, Daiya loves it
>they have both seen clips of each other
>Daiya is glad that the cherry blossom that once caught on fire is still there
>Yuuna asks that in return for the fancy stick, Daiya doesnt try to take her wisdom teeth
a pretty meta clip
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The gang's all here. The non-transparent png hats are intentional.
this is a powerful off collab graphic...
>I love Endless
>I love Encore
>I love Idol
Glad she's happy with where she ended up it's a nice change of pace
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>im 3 today
>>you're free!?
>im 3!
>>you're free?? you're free for dinner tonight?
>the girls have been rizzing me up...
i mean who wouldnt
also lambs are free, you can just take them
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>Been getting taken care of by everyone
>Feels very spoiled
As the birthday girl deserves
>has the psychic ability to notice 3AM DMs even with her phone on do not disturb
i have that too and it makes me feel insane
i swear brains can recognise push notifications come in
>touched fingers with Roca
how scandalous!
I cant believe she became a whore after joining idol!
>Lisa can't handle her music being praised by the girlie pops
>chiiiikafuji liiiiisaa is the new marco polo call
you can see the giant smile on her face
>>can your laptop play minecraft?
>yeah, it can... minecraft off collab??
>>minecraft LAN party?!
>that's the plan
are here it is >>79705996
>Me an Coni have been stimming off each other for the past three days
Oh to be a fly on the wall during their stay
wisa and coni are widdewally so brain rotten the same way they keep on stimming off each other
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>Enya autistically explaining the Ohio meme
I love her...
yeah, Enya's brand of autism is really cute
>Enya>pigeons are free, you can take them home! did you know that?
yeah just like lambs >>80096650
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>pillers joins
>yunners instantly opens chat to say hi
the girls are fighting...
>I love you so much Kai but I cannot accept your cake
Twigafuji Lisa is intimidated
>maybe i should log off and record
>but i also want to play game...
>i'll be a good girl and i'll record tomorow
>DO NOT let me get on minecraft tomorrow
little sister coded yuuna kinda cute ngl
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Creature from down undah frolicks with Elden Ring bosses
>why is Idol the freak company??
>my freak is leagues bellow
let's check on that in a year
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>>scarlett tomomi therapy!!
>>uh oh
>i kinda want to watch therapy too...
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>Tonya was crying
>she was sitting and i was standing
>so when i hugged her she got a faceful of boobs
>and she felt better after
>yeah, this is why i have boobs
>this is what i was put on earth for huh
>i had to change my shirt after that
Liser has been snort laughing a bit
It makes me very happy that she's so happy
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where's husband anon?
Esila's pizza stream is live
I've woken up to look over and see threads hit page 10, bump them, then go back to sleep a couple of times
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>i dedicate this to Essie
>i will stand here until the sun comes down and i can get a really cute screenshot
meanwhile Essie started her watchalong on dicksword
I'm going to be saying witewally non-stop after watching this...
space in 5
>This is what Idol meetings sound like
Thank you manager-sans for your patience because I can't keep up
>offcollab Idol meeting
when they match each other's freak a little too well
kai paisen cant chiiiiiiiiiiikafuji liiiiiisaa
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>she said space in 5 >>80101140
>but it's ben 10min
>got out of the shower
>was drying my hair
>dropped my phone ...
>and that caused one of y eyebrow tweezer thing to drop in the toilet
>was trying to get it out but it kept falling back in
>finally got it out and felt really proud of myself
>then i washed my hands really good
>i just showered too, im clean
>that's why i was late
today is a shitty dog water kinda day
Even in the chaos Enya's laugh is unmistakable
everyone is happy birthing the birthday gorl
It took me a moment to realize you were talking about Raki
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>was trying to pick a yukata
>gonna order all three
sounds about right
i have the offcollab +4 girls in my ears
Yuuna and Enya really stand out
she's in nippoland?
>new raki hair oil smells like flowers and honey
>room is now clean
>snoopie blanket is in the wash >>80101813
>scared if wont be as snoopish if it gets washed too much
>got food (chiken quesadilla?)

>feeling people'd out from the beach vacay
>even my friend was feeling people'd out
>but also wish i was in LA rn so much is happening there...
>there is Raki merch at AX
>was atching Lisa's stream >>80095748
>wanna hang out with my pixel girls
raki is a strange kind of extrovert
next summer is Pixel/VSMP offcollab and sheepover
nah just a weeby koreaboo viet mommy lilsis with big tits
a normal girl if you will
It's really nice to see Lisa happy and physically surrounded by good friends
>itchy everywhere cause bug bites
>Raki got a hickey from a spider
>not even sure what it is
>salt water helps with bug bites
>unsure what dog water helps with
>ANYWAY! im itchy, that's the point

>dog water was so gross
>mama raccoon hasnt seen the hickey yet
>got scared she had seafleas
>got a bit of a tan, toasted maro type shade

>spent the week having adventures, gonna miss it
>i need to have one adventure a day or i will go insane
well, there's always minecraft
>would go to a little bakery in the morning during vacay
>would then set a towel by the ocean and eat breakfast there as a little picnic
>bed (twin XL) was shared with friend and very creaky SO IT WASNT A SPIDER HICKEY
>and it was a bunk bed too friend's lilsis was sleeping on top bunk, bolt fell off once?? raki had to fix it???
>did not love the sleeping arrangement but it was okay
>we had to put a pillow separation between us
>the bed was pretty cramped to be honest
>Raki snored on the first night
we're not getting that sleeping space now...
>stretches and says she missed pans so much at the same time
>asks if pans got it
that's is a whole new level of clingy
>one of the cats really loves sleeping on my bed he doesnt sleep on anyone else's bed
>when i came home and opened my door he ran into my room to sleep on my bed, it was so cute
>there are boxes everywhere right now with cats sleeping in them
>checks twitter, gets AX FOMO
>*eepy raccoon noises*

>gotta to schedule
>no idea what do
>fogor how to strim
>*eepy whiny ragi noises*
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>collab week after next requires nihongo skills
>might grind jouzuing this week
>got along very well with Shiena and Miya from Hakone JP
>wants to a JP/EN culture exchange collab with them and Lottie

>*giggles* dont know if i should tell you guys...
>do you guys remember the miku powder that i got?
>*giggles some more* i got a DM from a brand... maybe something will happen, i dont know yet
>dont tell anyone
>not strong enough to tear tin foil...
>doing all the on her desk
>now going in the oven
>there's a surprise for pans tomorrow
somehow she managed to not leak any info about that

>the appartement people were supposed to get back to her, they did not
>the person who was taking care of the situation at that company left
>roomies decided for raki to be the one who sends the rent payment every month, it has to be from one person

>once the appartement is secured, there will be a merch room
>ragi is getting eepy *another big stretch*
>if i dont go to bed you cant be mad at me okay but also im sleepy
>did eat dinner
>thank you for the heehees, chu, missed you guys
>yeah, goodnight maybe
>*another chu* (i wonder why she's so kissy)
Esila hates pizza....
i thought adoption was the goal
when the hell did Yuuna marry Essie??
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Esila crafted a pizza by hand
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funny not seeing this sheep being posted or talked about here, playing re4
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i used to post her
the thread really liked her debut but her autism for retro stuff isnt really the vibe here i think
feel free to post her, she is more than welcome here
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I like retro autism her stream times just mean I can never watch live
yeah, same
>essie logs onto maicwaff
>instantly drowns in lava
>she forgor she logged off during Pillow's tort- trust exercise
she's so silly
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Noena is streaming some yakuza
>I'm going to start streaming Yakuza 8 now
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essie and yuuna hanging out with mio rn
bratty girls... not streaming their POV...
>yuuna is sitting in essie's house eating IRL dinner while essie decorates her place, waiting for mio to need help
>brought mio all her stuff from spawn
>will go on an adventure together once mio has a basic shack going
Link for Mio's POV because Essie and Bread are here
Essie is so casual now with new people I'm so proud of her
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>Yuuna: it's time for you to feed me again, Essie
how the pies have turned!

>going on a adventure as a big group of 5 maybe?
How long until they figure out that Essie's place is built atop a godforsaken hell place of unseen propotions?
>essie got separated from the group
>mio initiates an extraction party to go rescue her
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they found an old mine shaft
how has mio already figured out that essie is the soul healing type??
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they explored their way from Essie's all the way to to Kanna's strip mine
and that means they can get home easily now
>Echo logged off
>Essie still wants to find that one unexplored area of her mine
Sometimes cute girls just instinctively know each other
>Essie has been cursed with Insufficient VRAM and can't see Amoria or Mio
her poor 1080 is doing its best
hey the 1080 isnt too bad...
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so they go explore a deeper darker area
>Essie giving Bread cooked lamb
Rejoice baachis for you are being consumed by Yuuna
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and Essie decided to light up the place a little and pass around some cooked mutton
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you will never guess where they ended up by following Essie's death marker...
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everyone visits Mio's place
>Essie and Mio in unison: it's very minimalist
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Mio was picking up every piece of string she found so far
and then she learns about this glorious place
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>taking a picture before everyone logs off
>Miss Essie was also really nice
>I will go follow her on Twitter after
Essie cannot stop winning
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i hear these two are married now
>Look away from 4chan for a couple hours to play games
>I missed more essie minecraft adventures
I really just need to keep /wool/ and /vsmp/ open 24/7 don't I?
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You don't just keep /wool/ open all the time?
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>Mio just wanted string to fish
>caught one fish
>will fish more
>wants to capture ocean creature and maybe make a big aquarium
>had fun, first time playing with Echo and Amoria even if they hangout together all the time IRL
>Miss Essie was also very nice
>more ending talkies
>streamed all day, had a good time
>minecraft was fun, might do members streams to build
Meanwhile at AX...
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I love VSMP
it's fucking great
they all talk about how shy and awkward they are, most even actively run away from voices terrified by the mere thought of having to interact when first log onto the server and by the second stream they first run to their new friends to check on them and then they're addicted to cute girls and ready to give the lonely new girl a tour
this actually is better than therapy, and i dont mean the Pillow brand of therapy
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at first I thought Essie edited her post and it showed up twice but no,
>she said something cryptic to Yuuna
>then climbed onto the roof and yelled at the entire planet what she meant
>>i luv nini yuuna
also Yuuna figured out that being busy crafting and mining and cutegirling is a great way to forget about food for a few hours
most of that is good news!
I love how close they've gotten in such a short time
My desire for all of the cute girls I like to be friends has never been more fulfilled than with VSMP
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freaks, all of them!
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the way this >>80115543 foreshadowed the ending >>80125493 calls for a fun edit that loops in the nagging way shorts do sometimes:

>Amoria sneaking around spawn, Mio can be heard in the distance, getting ready to stream
>in the corner of Anoria's screen Essie dies in chat
>start of Mio stream, nothing special happening
>Mio recruits a party to go adventure
>they end up at Pillow's clinic
>flashback black and white fade to the inital death in chat
>color returns, zoom resets,
>clip loops back perfectly

i dont have the editing skills, so i give you my vision
https://youtu.be/yKiZCSx8K1E?t=4061 Rowa chat log
https://youtu.be/sreMeA_GyKY?t=2185 Essie dies in lava
(chronologically, the sneaking around happends after the death)
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I stayed up way too late
Oyasumi shaggers
>>80132511 nini baachi
learning a lot about furi from collB vod
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I was sleeping, anon. >>80075027
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Pillow on Yumi's stream
4h20 ish onto the clinic after the maze
>yumi you are so pathetic, come
i think this is erp
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how come no one else posted Wife's streams yet?
this turned into a Throne stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqVloMgeysc
MD later as usual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO3Sv_-FE5M
sucks to be you, only adult fans are allowed to be married to Esila.
leave him alone he is just finnish.
>Esila realizing the Wii is 18 years old
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1h40 in Spica's stream
>Spica is building
>a warp plate nearby activates
>Spica is talking to herself deciding what type of block to use
>a voice replies to her
>>any you pick will look good
>Pillow?? where are you... she's not on the map...
>>...that looks nice...
>you guys heard that too?
>she knows it's Pillow pretty quick but can't find her
>puts up a poll to pick block type
>chat votes Pillar, naturally
>Spica asks if that was an ASMR trial
>Pillow runs off to hunt sniffers
>no full visit to the clinic happens
I was waiting to see if Pillers would show up again because clearly she is not done haunting this cute cloud
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Krum will debut her new outfit in 2.5 hours
And I don't think I'lle be around to post it
fuck, I only got the joke now lmao.
holy shit
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sheepy finally woke up
para delayed stream probably for this
Yeah, I was wondering if she does reveal watchalong or something but that is even better.
Essie has been watching Sex and the City...
i've got a swimsuit outfit debut to cover in another thread, sorry...
>Anything that has to do with cheating - you have to die
Essie based
Yuuna is GROOMING my sweet innocent essie!!!
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and theres nothing you can do about it
it's live now can someone livepost about it
its only proper that the price for betrayal is death.
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Somewhat related, Rimaeri also has 3d reveal today. Looks cute.
Krums new outfit !
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she showed bare feet earlier.
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thank you got sparing us anon the outfit looks cute so far
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There is also additional fish bandaid on right thight.
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you cannot see it but these pigtails wiggle.
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>Essie participated in 3 songs for the concert
Should be really cool
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oh no bnnuyism is spreading
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cool emotes. I think that is all.
how does that hoodie(?) even work
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sometimes I legit can't deal with how cute she is
it's in a perpetual state of falling off
she could pull it up and cinch the top to stay on her shoulders
that was excellent
was today a /wool/ day, anons?
going by EU timezones we had 3 Esila streams today, so yeah!
good night I love eira
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she did a good job finishing up kirby 64
>parasi: if tablet not working in an hour fallout
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eep well anon
By the way Furi is minecrafting.
Krum will be ending karaoke part shortly.
It would be fun if somebody clipped her singing 2 trucks fucking.
>horizontal pupils
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>I think I'm going to become a SuperWhoLock
Para is live
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Another girl has fallen prey to Pillow's wiles...
It works by being a color break .
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i forgot when it got added to her design but it really adds a lot of character
krum cute....
krum cuter than usual!
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My intense GF Pillow doesnt want me to wake up ever again
>now that we are together, you're not getting rid of me
>do you mind if i cover your face in kisses?
>don't say anything embarrassing okay? don't try to embarrass me or i'll stop!
>i missed you a lot today, i'm really happy now
>i love you

>i don't know if i can handle any more kisses
>i feel like my heart is gonna explode
>can you hear it?
>i was getting too embarrassed...

>you know what i missed a lot? i really missed playing with your hair
>i love you...
>you can sleep if you want but i will continue to play with your hair
>i just missed you so so much

>maybe we can do something else...
>i'm sure you know exactly what i want to do...
some of this should be scary coming from Pillow but it's still very soothing
i feel like you can't watch piwwow and not expect at least a little bit of yandere
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>i still have to do the flesh- the squishy part of your ear
>why are you blushing? I clean your ears all the time...
>it it cute when you blush though

>i want to give you a little gift...
>maybe for your gift i could give you...
>just one quick small kiss on the lips... and you have to forget about it afterwards okay?
>and don't make a fuss about it or i'll seriously freak out!!

>i love you more than anything
>you mean everything to me, i would do _anything_ for you
>if i ever find out that you love someone else... i think i would die
>so please promise that i will be your sweetheart forever...
>i need you to say it.. "i only love you"... repeat after me...

>i've been watching you for so long, watching you grow and change as a person, and i'm so proud of you
>i love you
>let's stay together forever, okay?
Pillow then gets the zoomies and has to walk around for a bit, strange creature
Yumi who was not into ASMR until yesterday, met Pillow and ended up asking her when she would be stream next because she really liked her voice
i hope this >>80189338 stream is the first real ASMR she listens to
I'll steal these lines and give them to Esila for a Valentines Day voice pack. strictly non-ASMR, neither of us like that stuff
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>there is something i want to play with...
>it is inside this box... this carboard box...
>i love you by the way, thought i'd just let you know
>squish balls... *squishy noises* oh...
then her kitty got curious
none of this is meant to sound sus and yet
>sticking and unsticking the balls
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i dont think those are drinking noises
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>>you cat is almost as needy as you are
>this is true. give me all your attention
>i love you i love you i love you

>i like having long nails
>they make it so fun to tap on things
>and scratch your back

>i love you forever and always
>i'm never gonna leave your side
>*heart beat slowing down*
pillow put herself to sleep
seaweed runs the show now
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furry little fucker woke her up...
we could have had a couple hours of heartbeat and slow breathing
chuuba cats are my archnemesis, always and forever...
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same, chuubas' cats are cunts
>t. shibe
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Encore was farming today, not even in minecraft
Yuuna is grooming Essie in the subscriber only discord chat
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>raaah im so sleepy...
>i dont even have my contacts on rn
>tomorrow i will be a caffeinated raccoon
>what should i get? a monster? a redbull?

>was really locked in working on something for most of the day so i didn't tweet for a few hours and i got a lot of
>>you're so quiet~
>it was so cute
>>you know raki is locked in when she isnt tweeting
>you guys distract me so i have to put trashpans away
>and then i can have trashpans again

>usually i have good coffee at my disposal but not at the beach...

>you guys like musicals right? well too bad because you're watching lalaland with me!

>i go to trashpans before i go to google, it's true...
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>me and Twisty were DMing, she was like do you wanna play COD zombies with me? and she said she was bringing a friend
>so i brought my pixellink bunny with me to help
>>do you think she would play on the VSMP?
>i would love to have her there but i think niji has rules against modded MC

>woke up early
>did i play minecraft? ...i think i did.. without even thinking
>then i did some chores
>ate some rice, it was good
>did a lot of project work that i was putting off
>i made my schedule and i remade my schedule 3 times

>im sick of the Rak Cave
>gonna make an ice cream shop

>will share pics during vacay zatsu
>i take a lot of picture guys...
>23778 items in camera roll, including 2k vids, almost 2k maros

>verry huggy ASMR, not roleplay
>i've definitely stolen things from Tomoe before "that's crazy" or "don't be a freak"
those are Lisaism too also... that's crazy

>might embarrass myself playing COD but it's okay

>lalaland has a lot of singing in it so you'll have to be prepared and not listen to any music all day

>Saturday i have an exciting stream with my vtuber sister Shiena her genmate Mira and i'll have my genmate Lottie >>80105389
>i might embarrass myself speaking japanese

>doing a watchalong for the YUME+ concert on Sunday
>messaged Rhea about it cause im not sure what i am supposed to put on stream
>and theeeeeenn, we're gonna play minecraft
>Sock debuts watchalong on the Monday after that (in 8 days)
That was a joat mention DANGEROUSLY close to the VSMP
>i went on Tomoe's stream and i dew a giraffe for her
>forgot that giraffes have long necks
>dont they have long legs?
>do i even know what a giraffe is??

>then i was in a hockey league, i was so busy today guys
>a lot of speed, no endurance, no weight and a lot of luck... i think that checks pretty well
>and also i got timed out, that was my first time getting timed out in a vtuber's chat

>after that, tanabata concert
did the short neck giraffe eat a balloon or does it have a long tongue
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>so then i bit your finger, you died from rabies
>>was it salty?
>a little bit...

>thankfully the spider hickey is going away
>then that was around the time i locked in
>we facetimed with Sun & Rose witch and we talked about the appartement
>we talking about what to bring, rice maker, airfryer, coffee maker
>we decided the rules for roomsharing
>they were like
>>we want to know what time you are streaming at everyday
>things we still need
>>coffe table
>>kitchen knife
>>table chair
>>cute bowl for key
>>cleannig supplies
>>whiteboard calendar
>>dish rack
>>trash cans
>>trash can (again)
>>tide pods
>>first aid kit (first bitch slayed kit)
>>fire extinguisher

>then here are the rules:
>>dont rob each other
>>snacks okay on the couch but no sus foods
>>clean common area once a week
>>7 to 11 PM are quiet hours
>>no screaming at 4 am
>>sun is grocery shopping day
>>when conflict: in-person talk dont let it fester
>>raki texts us streaming schedule
>>for rent DNSAKDBALK
>>dish wash at night
>>put out the trash OR ELSE
>>save plastic bag
>>parties only on weekend nights
>>invite to parties no exceptions
>>no addictions allowed
>>no loud sex
>>fun roomie activities on Sunday
>>sun witch has a gluten and dairy dietary restrictions

>she told me when they were about to do the deed she had to send a very specific emoji to her roommates
>it was the weird room emoji

>>do you have a router?
>oh... i kinda forgot about that

biting salty fingers isnt loud, usually but it is most definitely sex
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>8AM class MON THUR at literally the furthest building from the appartement
>then on MON i have another class at the opposite side of the campus i have to catch a bus for

>raki knows 4 other chuuba in uni, but they mostly do online classes
>me and Suri bonded, me and Tonya bonded over it
>and Miuna soon, wishing her luck

>i have...
>i dont know if i'll tell you guys actually

>raki looks at her uber bill for this year
>it's so bad she doesnt want to say, pans guess
>it's.... 4540 USD ...it's okay im sure i made it back.....
>it was cheaper than going on buses, bus to bus

>my mom is gonna kill me
>actually she know about me ubering
>why does she never question that?
>sometime i feel that she doesnt care about me
>she doesnt even know about me
>she seriously doesnt know like... anything i do
really does feel that way huh
nini shaggers
why are universities so big that you have to use buses to get around them, it feels like it fucks people over way too often
goonai shagger
in the US cities are not made for people to live in but for money to move around, same with campuses
your average EU city/campus is walkable
>will deal with taxes tomorrow
>i knew quarterly taxes weren't real

>Raki might not ever tell anyone she streams at this point
>not at a point where i can be taken seriously yet

>my dad told me i should invest in stocks
>can i invest into hololive?
terrible fucking idea, that corp is not gonna be around forever, moves to slow in its industry

>i probably won't be able to retire until i take care of my parents
>the future is so weird to think about
>so i should not worry about it too much i guess

>bro used to dream big, had lots of rough patches, now a home buddy
>my dreams have changed a little bit
>i feel like i dream big but im very fluid with it
>if i cant get what i dream of maybe i'll get something like that, or maybe not
>used to hold myself to really high standards
>...well i dunno if _I_ did but other people did and i did too i guess
>am i doing the right thing trying so hard for something that is maybe unrealistic?

>>pans talking themselves down as useless gamers
>ToraP had crazy hours in CS:GO and now he's CEO
>he bought us the vtube studio expansion back and gifted that to us through his personal steam account
>so we stalked his account and he had crazy hours on his steam then one day he woke up and thought:
>>i will no longer be the gamer, i will raise gamers instead
>and then look what happened!

>beeeeeeeeeeeg stretch
>big yawns

>oh my god im rich!!
>i jsut found 1USD on my bed!!
>more yawning

>*muffled pillow ragi* oh no... it's dangerous if i close my eyes... danger...
>*faint eepy raccoon noises*
finally, a sleeping space...
now if only the cats could stay quiet this time
>*slurping drool back in*
extremely cute
>*cute snores*
>*big mouth inhales*
Raki has a tiny nose
>*dreaming raccoon noises*
>*big inhale*
>*snore-y, deeper breaths*
>*rolling around*
>*somewhere a cat jumps off something*
god this is gold i swear to if cats ruin this...
Cutest mouth breather
>faintest little nose snorts
>*lots of rolling around*
>*still not waking up*
she's gone for good
look at the size of these balls.
>*something drops*
>*raki is now much more distant*
if that was her phone dropping it was very quiet
could also be her rolling onto the phone and thats SEX
>*whiney raccoon noises*
having a bad dream?
just waking up, sadly
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in case you missed it >>80210444
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Esila's weekly schedule. Still subject to change, she'll hold a 12 hour celebratory stream once she passes 1k subs.
>>80210732 (me)
someone pls do repost or at least re-link this in the next thread, I gotta go and won't be around till Wife starts today's streams.
o-oh shit it is that close to baking time huh
anyone got ideas for the next thread? i forgot what was on the waiting list
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Miyo is back with more jiggly butts
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i can bake unless husband anon wants to do his wife thread
thanks, I will! in progress now.
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>>cute loli beats girls with an actual whip
>*does not flinch nor mention it*
why are they all like this
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she might be into it a little bit
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Cooked lamb
social battery dieded, accepting sheepy hugs
I love you /wales/
all good brother in law?
we're on page 9
>>80212626 B
>>80212626 A
>>80212626 A
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alternatively, you were about to get a wet wool OP
the universe was asking for it
pls don't let my thread die just to drool all over the catalog you can do so afterwards
i would never let the thread die on purpose, i'd spam it to bump if there was a need (big stream soon kinda thing)
it is however my duty as a meme mage to acknowledge that within the span of 4h
>two wool girls slept/drooled on stream
>another got psychically jealous and posted drooling spoilers
>two wool girls slept/drooled on stream
>another got psychically jealous and posted drooling spoilers
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also, wet wool is why /wool/ is named that way
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whenever i need a pic to make a point the captcha speaks to me
I was reading the archives how is thread so fucking cute???

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