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>breaks every tracker
Big Ouchie Edition

I can't believe I have to tell you something this basic, but, don't reply to stupid bait. Just don't. And if a dramanigger tourist starved for attention gets too retarded, report and move on.

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:00 UTC

>Recent Stream
Filian x Kirsche x SmugAlana cringe videos


>Previous Thread
Rindo a cute
Why did no one bake and upkeep the general for five hours?
You fricks!
joever edition
I wonder if legal action will be took against her and the companies that already produced merch.
I'm guessing filian is going on a hiatus?
I’m filian’s strongest snacker
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Drama sisters took over, that's what happened.
*commits copyright theft*
*deletes tweet*
Nobody knows what's going to happen until a statement from one of the involved parties, but you can dream up scenarios I guess
idk but if she does that is genuinely super sad because she was really excited to get to do a holo collab and that was supposed to be Monday.
Uh oh
Forget taking a break, she's getting blacklisted by Hololive after this.
Holo is never going to approve a collab with her in her current state.
>deletes tweet
how to make you look more guilty 101
Her Vtube Award show is probably done for as well.
Personally, I'm just glad filian is in trouble. I don't give a fuck about the details. I hope she backflips into a volcano.
All she had to do was just get herself a model. All of this was so easily avoidable. Unbelievable.
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Sorry, I don't speak korean.
You'll have to get a translator and file a complaint with the American patent office.
My dream scenario is one where filian gets the electric chair and her execution is streamed live
I think Myth is going to drop her sadly
She can keep doing it if she has enough people willing to work with her because it's not like she had permission to include any of the vtubers she had nominated anyways.
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Don't worry snackers, Vshojo will save Filian just like they did with Mikeneko
Dont you mean Kuro? They helped him flee from the UK to evade paying taxes. I'm sure they can ship her to indonesia to so she wont get arrested
I hope filian’s career isn’t over because watching her streams makes me happy
Any good news from discord on Filian?
last thread was >>80004539
Looked at the catalog and our general wasn't even up. Can't believe we got derailed so fucking hard.
filian's potent ass sweat
its only been down for 6 hours. flippers just needed a break desu, i was planning on baking before next stream
I would drink it no cap
the way it drips off the fillyBush into my mouth... im hard now
Is that a good idea though? Complete randoms and twitter trannies are just taking over then.
Now that I had another look over on the catalog. It's baffling how many bloodthirsty scum are out to get Filian.
dramanigger infestation
all the good posters left
Why are you defending a criminal?
its just how this place works. give it a couple of days and fags will be bored and go back to anti-ing niji for their next fuckup
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So, what, just go back to /lig/ in the meanwhile? Have to post somewhere about the wife.
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fillianbros, it seems like the nijisisters are after your oshi
nobody is stopping you, i am able to be reserved and not sperg out when retards say mean things about my wife so i will stay here
I just want my kemonomutt streamer back bros
Now you guys understand why people hate dramaniggers
They will never be satisfied until this hobby dies
Same, btw I don't use discord. Do you maybe know if the saturday stream isn't cancelled too?
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And guess what you're going to get?
it’s honestly scary. just a vortex of emotions and mob mentality. I hope filian is taking it okay and is able to work out an agreement with everyone involved.
hasnt been announced as an event yet but seems like it is going to happen due to what filian wrote in the going live channel
There was one guy >>80035647 going off in the catalog about how the artists don't actually have a case to sue her with due to copyright/trademark quirks, which sounds like some megacope but what have you.
every newfag has to realize eventually - why the dramaniggers, the vtweeters, the sisters and the troons are cancer upon vtubing
>Filian's discord is banning people from mentioning the drama.
it's over
That guy is a retard and has been saying this shit since yesterday.
everything will be cope until the case is settled so just dont say anything and continue fillyBush posting
She can instantly save face by either
>Giving royalties to the original artist
>Getting a new model
>sister coping
Round up the mentally ill and flip them off to a mental institution, not give them internet connection. Fuck's sake man.
Even the lawyer retard say the only thing that could stop them from suing Fil is living in Japan.
Getting a new model isn't going to mean she doesn't need to pay royalties for all the other merch she has already sold.
There's also two artists involved in this and not just one.
There are two of them.
One from Japan and one from Korea
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Yo flip bros rate my new model? Fricky right nendos soon?
it’s not over. filian is going to take an L and lose money and possibly get a new model and then we will be back to YLYL streams
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Doc, I need a dose of BLELELELELELELEL. Stat!
>"uh oh" is a banned phrase now
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Told you so
Filian has the brotuber market on the leash
Many have tried but she's the one that perfected the formula
She can easily bounce back when she gets a new model
Surprisingly, saying you're not bothered with a passive aggressive post doesn't come off as genuine
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Omg so cool!
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Why did you drop her on the floor like that? What's wrong with you?
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she didnt accept my love...
come and get it
la gurrita muy guapa
>those who know, know
she’s perfect
so realistically, how can filian ever live this one down?
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racemixed creatura...
She'll feel down for a week or two, but she'll get back up. She always does... She has to...
by streaming 4 times a week and showing hole on fansly
she has to show bush, not hole
it's da rules
Just to think that all this time we were getting horny and seeing pantyshots of Rindo and not Filian.
Everyone was horny for Filian, not Rindo. we saw the soul behind.
There is no eroticism in Rindo without Filian
shut her trap, hire a manager and a lawyer
Is this the vtuber who shit herself on stream?
yeah she also made my peanits hard on stream too
fucking retarded bitch thought she could get away with it?
does she support trump too?
New model ASAP to save face (Preferably made by her former artists)
Lawyer up to clean the mess behind the scenes and even make a deal with Jingo to continue the Nendo deal
she made me cum on stream as well
she voted for andrew yang, joe biden, and donald trump simultaneously
idiot, dramaniggers are only okay when they are against niji
if it's against retarded 4chan vtubers suddenly you hate them, retards
go full gilian
Nah I hate Niji too but we don't have to stoop low enough to let dramafags run amok /vt/
We already have a problem with numberfags for crying out loud, no need to supplement them with dramafags
Lmfao its so insane how its just nonstop ooc clips being spammed on twitter and by dramatubers. They really are cancer
What's funny is that another model Filian has used, Mamehinata, actually got it's own nendoroid. As in the 3d model/character itself got a nendo, not a vtuber using it. Which must make it that much more annoying for Jingo.
sometimes, the laxatives win and hot catgirl shit erupts out of your butthole and splatters everywhere.
>4chan vtubers
there goes her last pair of panties, unlucky....
If she ignores and lets this collab go, what's the issue? The nips/gooks shouldn't have any enforcing power for western merch right?
So are we getting gilian full time until she has a new model to use?
no she can still use rindo to stream
Yeah but if she's changing the brand with a new model, shouldn't she be distancing herself from the rindo model?
assuming that's the action taken, yes
we don't know what the conversations (if any) behind the scenes are like and how they'll affect anything
What conversations? It seems like filian is steering this ship all by herself. Does she talk to herself?
dunno what her plan of action will be
How does it seem like that?
I mean, the smart thing to do if she wants to keep making merchandise is to start using a model that she owns the rights to.
She seems pretty big on taking sole credit and bearing sole responsibility for everything that goes on with the filian brand.
She's probably talking to Doki on how to handle the legal situation right now
What's with all the hallucinating of scenarios? None of the involved parties are publicly talking so how would any of know what's going on
Conversations between her, possible lawyer, the artists, and any friends she may ask advice from I mean
Who knows, we know literally nothing, it's just a "maybe" scenario
yes, we are back to the top of the circle now :))
Doki would probably tell her to fuck off, pay up the original artist and never try to pull that shit again.
respectable advice
gotta be a real with your friends
if goodsmile let this go on, what stops any other companies from ripping any models and use them as goods?
remember the supreme court decided that trump was immune as president
Going to be hard doing an award show with no money
She can easily bounce back when she drops down on my cock, every second while we fuck in cowgirl position
i wrote this btw
goodsmile didn't rip jingo's model, they made their own. anyone can make an imitation of a nendo as long as they don't copy the exact shape
no that was me actually
She has good enough graces with talents though
They're probably going to let the drama cool down/resolve itself before a collab
Filian will be ok, but
>she admitted to illegally download her model
>several times
she is never getting a nendo again
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intern-kun is just doing his job
or she sets them on a schedule idk
well, not unless she completely changes her business practices
The talent's opinions don't matter when she's getting blacklisted on a corporate level.
I hope she deals with it like with the George floid incident, just don't talk about it

It clearly has worked multiple times for my oshi
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Uh oh
She needs to take this one seriously though or she's killing merchandising opportunities in the future
She can always sell her underwear, her pubes, pussy moulds, etc.
I mean on the background sure if they actually try to sue her

On streams not rly why would copyright matter to her Viewers and everyone knew desu just no one cared expect vtweeters
not the fillyBush...
That whole situation depends on whether filian got paid for it. These cunts are spreading rumors when the model is public. There's no proof of wrongdoing here
she's built an entire career out of this model, if the creator wanted to he could sue for everything she's got and more

I'm not talking about her career, I'm talking about the specific post I replied to. You handicapped fuck.
>flipfag compartmentalization
Its because merch is the true moneymaker here
She even admits that she wants to reach a state where she can drop merch and make a million like Gura
Nendo was the first big merch merchandising moment and dramafags instantly got on her ass to get their mandatory kill
The model isn't public, but if you do even a little research into how american copyright applies to fictional characters you find that its an extremely narrow scope, with lots of characters not qualifying for protections at all, to the point where you require personality traits as well as appearance in your scope.
"Stock" characters don't get protections for instance, and there's a good chance these vrchat models fall under that, since the designs aren't unique enough, and have literally zero personality traits.
So while they own the model, the copyright probably doesn't extend beyond the model itself.
>endless sister circlejerking
I wish you cunts would go back to obsessing over my little pony.
me when i find all these "niji sisters" or whatever they call themselves
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>Filian will never collab with Marimari underscore EN again
why did she have to be so jewish?
Just call them dramafags
They'd rather watch something burn instead of cooling down the situation
anon... it was an joke...
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this twitter freak is the reason all of this is happening, he's the one that called all his friends to cancel filian
yes all of this gay drama is only over her ai tag
Yeah but we're still gonna get this one so who cares
You think she'll actually try to go with this defense?
filian is fucking annoying
but is anything she said untrue?
Doesn't matter. This shouldn't be happening at all. Once the truth comes out everything will go back to normal.
yeah filian doesnt use ai generated art of the model
I think her lawyers already planned this defense or something very similar.
She does though.
post pics pls
No, the reason this is happening is because of filian's shameless and flagrant copyright infringement. Faggots on twatter have been trying to cancel her for years to no avail.
You guys are aware most of Filians viewers are from Youtube shorts, right?
They literally don't even know about this drama unless Filian talks about it on stream.
Twitter shit isn't real.
do you think she'll stream today? Or is her PC still (((broken)))?
this retard has no clue and is absolutely schizo, what he's on about and turned what could've been a business negociation into a shitshow because he's a vrchat femboy that hates filian for having ai tags
there is some form of copyright problems, but this is the guy that has been trying to make sure it all goes to shit because he's been sadboy posting about not being at AX and being jealous
>Check following
Fucking phasefags and their crab mentality I swear
>1 year ago
anything else?
no that's just because Pippa follows everyone that does stuff with umamusume and he reposts a lot of it
What do you mean it's not public?
There are numerous mobile games and shit that have used the model in their advertising, piggybacking off of filians success. People have brought that to her attention and she's mentioned how she can't do shit.
So either these mobile games are getting away with stealing the model and making money (precedent), or it's public.
You said she doesn't use it.
that was when everyone was testing it out and i want to know if she used it again or continued to use it
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Holochad here, no need to sell me your twitch oshi, I'm not interested to watching anything but Hololive

But I am concerned about great competitors of our god company.

Filian sounds like an adorable retard and not malicious at all unlike the disgusting jew rabbit in phasesomething. I hope she gets through this! Filians, or whatever you call yourselves (i hope you don't call yourselves flips)
>(i hope you don't call yourselves flips)
we call ourselves pinoys
thanks holofag
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snackers say thanks
Isn't that worse and like the "Niggers" version for flips? That's what i call my flip friends when im trolling them
holobros are all lolicons, i'd think you'd love filipina girls?
Hololive is too cucked to pull off what filian is doing.
I absolutely would if they were in Hololive. I don't care about anything that isn't Hololive though. But Filian is a great competitor and urges our company to do better. To that, I give her respect. (plus pretty sure she's on twitch, never touching that shit)
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Follow the leader
I'm pretty sure they call themselves that with no derogatory intent. It may be weird for others to call them that? I'd assume flip is more offensive to them. idk I just call them pinoys because it amuses me and none of the ones I have said it to have been particularly bothered. They're usually pretty amusing when they aren't sperging the fuck out
idk about you but my flip friends spergs at me when I repeatedly call then Pinoys. it's funny.
Correct, it's okay when shitting on niji
The model itself is protected, but probably not the look of the character.
If those ads used her name, or had the character do flips and eat fruit snacks she might have a case against them.
If they used the model jingo would have a case against them.
Poorfags that get offended by not sucking Flip dick don't browse 4chan anyway
t. Flip
>doesn't care about vtuber who is not in holosanitarium
>vtuber then gets into holo
>suddenly she turns interesting
Honestly, even the niji fanbase is better than this.
hololive is the best vtuber corp for a reason, filian would have zero chance
tourist here. filian is done, right? she s going to get sued for millions and will have to declare bankruptcy
pretty sure holofags are just too lazy to watch other indies. Being in doesn't mean it's better. They literally sperg on their own livers.
yea she's cooked but they're coping really hard about it
Why are holos so boring then? They do nothing, and some of them literally don't even stream.
yeah so go back to whatever quagmire you spawned from
I'm pretty sure the least painful option she has now is to pay her debts through indentured sexual servitude. She's pretty dumb if she doesn't just cut her losses at this point.
Jokes or not the numerous clips of Filian repeatedly saying she didn’t pay a dime for her models and ripped them illegally really don’t help people’s view of her in this situation…
but enough about Filian
>>vtuber then gets into holo
>>suddenly she turns interesting
They really just can't be arsed to look for a better indie like Filian. Most of them drop holos easily if they're not their type of content.

The guy literally just said they are better. But not until they get into holo
That's what I mean. If jingo is not going after them, hes not taking steps to protect his IP. or is only selectively defending it. Which is why I think filian has a case here. If he chooses to attack filian but not these mobile games, he's attacking her specifically.
retard, i said I only watch holos, I'm well aware there are great vtubers out there with better content. I simply refuse to watch anything that isn't Hololive. There are things I don't watch in Hololive. like the homocollabers
My bad, you actually said the corp is the best, I guess you really don't give a shit about people, just the brand, the big corpo. >>80050883
no worries flippers or pinoyersm i hope your oshi sorts her shit out.

Last thing we want a competition with is the nijiniggers again.

What makes you think so? I'm sure mari isn't a fan of the news, but I can't see her saying no to ever collabing again in the future.
because Filian isn't gonna be able to stream from a jail cell
why don't you like twitch? isn't it a better streaming platform. Plus all your osh in Hololive has twitch right?
Now I have to fucking stop my foreign friends from calling me pinoy
I think you might be jumping the gun a lil bit too early there.
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Merry Christmas, Mr. Filian.
i like when filian does cartwheels
Holofags really are cancer. Never treat them with respect.
I don't blame them, Filian sounds like a man's name
just a google translate meme it defaults to male since japanese doesnt have gendered honorifics
I think I'll take the egocentric retards than you unbearable troons
lol those doofuses visit the thread with bits of supports while sisters come here to use Filian as deflection
Mr Filian is a bold thief but he's no smooth criminal
He means that holos are being cancer in general, unrelated to this case. Nijisissies are vile shlomos because they try to use this case to cause harm.
so does anyone actually believe filian is a virgin? she seems like the female version of a high school sports jock, so theres no way she hasnt had sex with dozens of guys.

also unrelated but this is my favorite filian video
Mr filian is a bold thief because he stole my heart.
Mr filian is a bold thief because he stole my cum.
>no smooth criminal
Of course, the filybush is strong.
But Miguel Gato works for Wactor now.
Wactor is still alive? what the fuck
For me it's amusing how retarded can be someone making 5 digits monthly from vtubing and still not commission a model she can fully legally own.
You are not part of "this hobby".
watching vtubers is not a hobby any more than watching netflix is lol
get a grip you guys
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>all this drama
>artists themselves are being extremely polite, neither of them directly attacks Filian or calls her out
>Jingo's tweet is pretty much "I messaged the other parties to work things out"
Dramadags deserve the worst
gossip has been man's favorite pastime since the ancient world
Exactly. Nobody but the artists should care. Everyone else is unaffected. Japanese copyright law is not something anybody ever gives a fuck about unless they have to because they live in Japan. How much do you want to bet every single person crying on xwitter watches pirated anime or read pirated manga?
I buy manga and watch anime live on TV.
The person who made the mint model didn't seem too happy about it
Because the tone of translated text is accurate.
So how do these merchandise/orgs even operate? You're telling me all these shirts/figurines/merchandise companies are doing 0 background/intellectual property check and are just rolling out whatever the flavor of the month persona asks them for?
>yo you sure you have the rights for this
>good enough for me
Has a new name now, but yeah it's alive and part of Brave group now.
We're back? We're back! LFG
She apparently did, but never used it for undisclosed reasons.
Actually if the model was still a white haired catgirl in a sailor suit she'd probably be in similar drama anyway.
Dramafags deserve the rope
It's kinda sad that Twitch by its very own nature is full of dramafags out for blood, they haven't really had that dramafag purge that Youtube had
The same way any other company operates.
Have you never filled out a form where you need to tick a box that says "I confirm that X is true."?
They're not going to waste their time checking for shit that logically should already be taken care of by you and by making you tick that box you're accepting the responsibility of doing the checks yourself.
Komado's tweet is written in the most neutral polite japanese salaryman speak imaginable.
Japanese speaking up publicly is equal to being in knifepoint in the western world.
it's more equivalent to being blogposted about on twitter
It's kind of strange that we even got to this point at all, considering it's been fairly widely known she's using off-the-shelf models for a long time. On the other hand it's not like creating something automagically manifests a notarized letter stating you are the sole creator and rights-holder of that thing, so not sure what else they're supposed to do.

But she has single-handedly set back development time, red-tape wrangling, and initial costs for any future indie merch collaborations for sure.
if Filian doesn't stream today I'm gonna cancel my sub and probably kms myself. How can Filian do this to her fans?
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I think the worst part is how they exaggerate stuff for the sake of portraying her in a terrible light. Things like "SHE'S ENCOURAGING AI. SHE POSTS AI ART ON HER FANSLY" or "SHE'S RACIST AND MAKES FUN OF BLACK PEOPLE". Even we criticized her when it's appropriate, stuff like being content brained to the point that a colab between her and marimari_en was more cringe than funny(was cobbled together because a sponsor pulled out so whatever) because she was worried for viewer retention, or the stuff with her fansly, but that we've discussed already many times in the past month alone. There are vtubers who screwed over their fans and are still successful and have a following.
Of course it's a shitty situation that we've all seen coming(even Lucy roasted her about that in a roast competiontion iirc).
Thank you holochad! Ignore the holo-antis, they're just tourists. Not a big holowatcher myself but I do like your newest pink panther, gura and I appreciate what Ame has done for hololive in the past years
>(i hope you don't call yourselves flips)
Lol no, snackers or for the down bad smackers.
>it's not like creating something automagically manifests a notarized letter stating you are the sole creator and rights-holder of that thing
cant speak for weebland
thats actually kinda how this shit works in burgerland
>all rights reserved
is kinda the 'default' thing
You get it by default, but it's not like a registered trademark, you just have to rely on no one else being stupid enough to try to steal and claim that thing for themselves. Which is exactly what happened here. If you check the GSC image it says "© Filian" at the bottom, and there's no database or central authority GSC could have double-checked with to make sure that was actually true, and that she wasn't just misrepresenting things.
It's not default. To get a copyright you have to register and file it through official channels. There are many ways to do so depending on the type of copyright you're trying to get. Why do you wonder you have to go through this trouble? Because they need to check whether or not a new copyright would infringe on an existing copyright.
it becomes fuzzy with trademarks. if you do not have a registered international trademark, and someone produces a similar ip in an entirely different country, you do not get to make a trademark infringement claim against that ip.
Youtooz gives 0 shits, it's just a Funko Pop knockoff
Goodsmile works with major media companies all the damn time so they assumed at the Vtubing world is just full of corpos
She faked that entire thing
Could Filian quickly copyright claim her model? Maybe it would pass.
Based, and pretty much me. Filian just seem way too naive and happy-go-lucky for all this legalese, which makes me question what the hell Mythic is even doing, because this is exactly the kind of stuff I'd expect an agency to deal with.
It’s baffling how retarded she is.
no shes fucked
the question is how fucked
Mythic is a Hollywood style talent agency. Not a Vtuber agency. I can see them having no experience with this and or it's out of their scope.
Not all characters are copyrightable. "stock" characters (like wizards, samurai, detectives, catgirls, etc) are not protected until they are properly delineated from the stock version, and are then only protected in the way in which they are different.
What is absolutely protected is the the 3d model itself.

No your ip is protected regardless of if you apply or not, although applying doesn't guarantee protection either if your claim is too broad or something.

Trademark is a completely different beast that requires filing and is concerned with recognition and association with a specific brand.
>No your ip is protected regardless of if you apply or not
This is 100% false. You do not understand what an actual copyright is. You have to file it for it to be legally binding. The fact that nobody steals your uncopyrighted IP is merely because there's very little to gain from doing so. If there was money to be made somebody would take it and there wouldn't be anything you could do to stop them because THEY filed the claim first.
Dude. You can retroactively file. Or you can contest their filing and just prove you were first. It's really common.
>What is absolutely protected is the the 3d model itself.
The 3D model that was never actually used to make merch. All merch was made from original work.
>you can just spend years trudging through a legal swamp while being unable to use the IP you made without more litigation being pushed against you
Not only is this a stupid waste of time and money, but it's also unlikely to succeed. Never expect to possess ownership of an IP if you have not actually fucking filed it with a copyright authority. There is no god damned default copyright.
That shit is not gonna fly in court.
Can you show me where the 3D model file was used to produce merchandise? Otherwise you are simply making a brand trademark claim. There is no "Rindo" brand and Jingo certainly does not possess an international trademark for said nonexistent brand.
Exactly, she's probably safe from this stuff.
They might end up getting jingo's ok, but its important that its filians copyright and not jingos, and that its signed in legalese if it matters.
People end up in trouble when its just a verbal or written ok, because it can be revoked.

Jingo would need to prove the rindo character is copyrightable if it was brought to court, which it probably isn't because its too generic.
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spend more time getting lerarnt instead of masturbating to hololive doujinshis
you dont HAVE to file to own the copyright
but you do to be able to take more serious, legal action about fuckers using your shit claiming its their own

selling a product with a ToS for usage with dos/dont is already like 95% of a legal case against flippy registration of copyright irrelevant
She can play it smart and turn this into a win. Settle with the artist, apologize for screwing up, get a new model exactly how she wants, redebut to much acclaim. "Sorry, I'm young and stupid" is not a defense but it is understandable and something you can mature from by realizing.
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Spare me your cope. Don't even reply to me, she fucked up and she just has to hope the dude doesn't bring her to court.
No what she needs to do is keep using the model, mock the artist on twitter because there is literally nothing he can do to her from Japan and continue on like nothing happened
I will reply to you to inform you that you do not understand the legal system and believe it is a vehicle for your own personal vendetta. You may cope, and you may seethe, but Filian did nothing wrong.
I think being retarded is enough of a defense in the vtuber sphere. People are making this look way bigger than it really is.
I don't think either side wants to go to court. Especially across international boundaries. It's too costly in time, money, reputation, etc.
You are a kid or baiting.
I agree and I hope so.
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Hey, at least that means she'll finally debut that new model, right? ...Right?
So when's that nendo coming out?
new model plus new tracking would be goated
she shouldve gotten that new glove by now so it would be pretty sicknasty...
Either a new model or shell just quickly swap over to Gillian permanently, apparently that model has 0 issues being marketed compared to the other 2 she uses
No, and I want to reiterate, since you actually posted the model, under the
mistaken belief that Goodsmile or any other merchandiser used the model to create a product - they did not. And that is all the license covers. A character design claim is a trademark claim.
To be fair those models also have no issue, she just had to ask.
Looks like she's not going to continue on like nothing happened then.
Uh oh TAT
Sometimes a chuuba needs to be taken down a peg
Start selling merch of Gura with green eyes, don't answer me again until you do so.
I'm not going to start dropshipping plastic garbage to appease your incorrect apprehension of the law. But Boob Booba the green-eyed shark girl would be fully legal to manufacture and sell.
So, in short, if you plan to make money off of your work you should file. Otherwise you'll end up fighting in court against people that may have more money or less scruples than you. If you need to file to protect yourself from someone trying to take your shit, the default isn't good enough and shouldn't be relied upon for anything. You're arguing that a technicality is good enough. Maybe in a normal discussion. But when it comes to the law, and money, you have to file as early as possible.

So I will repeat myself, there is no default copyright. There is only a default disincentive for people to steal your shit, but there's nothing legally stopping them from filing first and then making shit up while preventing you from using your IP for years.
I'm pretty sure something similar to this happened to the sinking city guys
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you Flipfags really try to over-complicate things
This red fucker came also from vr-chat, and has a figure
3D creator and referenced image source were both credited.
>slams into a lawsuit
poggy woggy
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>becomes homeless
>slams into a lawsuit
>your honor the accuser is cringe!
Gura is probably trademarked.
A few visual changes and a complete departure in terms of behavior/characterization is usually enough to not be copyright infringement.

Notice how SEGA isn't credited? Despite this being a clear knuckles rip off?
I don't see Sega credited anywhere?
This design is unironically more unique than Fil design compared to Rindo.
>ohh husbant
>I break too many VR head set
>now I am homless
Why would sega associate themselves of this abomination?
>This red fucker came also from vr-chat
No it didn't you fucking retard that ungandan knuckles is modeled after a drawing made in a random Youtube review video
If you know how trademark fuckin works
If they own that ugly fucker.. it makes it Canon to Sonic universe
The only thing they credit is the movie director from Uganda for the accent lmao
If she from the start had commissioned her own model of a similar white-haired wolf girl with hair ornaments, then it's possible the exact same merch with the exact same artistic interpretations of the character would be safe. But now when they're derivative works/interpretations of the specific model in question, with a provable link, it's not going to fly.

That said, nothing is going to happen here in terms of lawsuits. Even the twitter post from the model creator was just like "please follow the TOS, mmkay?" so this is mostly a question of Filian saving face and managing her reputation.
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she's not going to stream again is she...
Unironically Filian should be taken to court to be made an example out of since intellectual property theft has been an issue lately in Vtubing.
The people v. Fillian
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no doomposting
If cover hasn't gone to court over failing to protect talents alongside niji, then I doubt this is going to be as explosive as you think it will be.
Not until she address's the model elephant in the room, unless she's gonna pretend it never happened.
This isn't a corpo that was stolen from. She stole from one person that has nothing to lose
>that has nothing to lose
How do you know that?
>She stole from one person
Two people.
Youtooz gives no fucks about licensing
It's Goodsmile that gives her problems
They literally have everything to gain by going to court. The general public in Japan and outside of it are already on their side. And escalating it will only give them more attention for their arts and models on top of whatever payout they get because they can't lose at this point. There's too much evidence.
Without her those models would never generate said revenue. The modelers didn't add shit to that .
They are gonna settle because nobody wants to spend 5 years in and out courts.
they dont mean the potential revenue they mean the intellectual property
Except going to court is a drawn out process and nobody is going to give a fuck in a week. It's also very costly. This is all just speculation on your part. Most of this shit gets settled quietly.
do you think there's any chance Filian could join Hololive after this whole scandal? I'd love to see her collabing with Korone
Oh. Then her actual sales/profits/revenue has nothing to do with it. Give them a 50$ Amazon gift card and tell them to shut up.
If it does go to court it absolutely wouldn’t take 5 years. This is as open and shut a case as I’ve ever seen. Filian is entirely in the wrong in all aspects. The only thing that would require any deliberation is how much money the artists are entitled to.
now that they have the chance to get said potential profits they wont settle for that
It would still take 5 years. Legal procedures are long.
Yagoo poached Yunihoo from Mythic
And that's where the whole copyright and legal system is complete bullshit. Why didn't those artists make millions of profits from their models? Because they can't.
>Joined Holo and got Goodsmile bucks from the Zen Nendo
Now I can see why she can just afford a 4090 out of nowhere
Yeah we had a guy fucking destroy our kitchen instead of renovating it and it's still going through the legal system over four years later despite the guy doing everything wrong (lying and not showing up to court). This shit takes forever.
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'Course she will. You really think THIS is her end as a streamer? Because of crabs screeching?
She is more than just a vrchat model(s). It'll be bitch to settle the merch and the kart game, but that's just a monetary hit that I'm sure if the discussion with the artists ends amicably(or rather the discussion between the lawyers gets to an agreement) we'll be back to norm.
I just hope Fili is okay mentally...
depends on the medium i guess but im not too well versed in this type of business
I'm more worried about her dramanigger friends blowing things out of proportion to her
with how much traction is starting to get and apparently japanese news looking to cover this the artists could easily get donations to help cover legal costs. lawyers are probably drooling over the potential to take this case
>Why didn't those artists make millions of profits from their models?
Why didn’t Filian simply ask the artists for permission per their ToS?
Why didn’t she commission her own model/design to make merch with instead of using designs she didn’t own the rights to and frequently joked about obtaining illegally?
I mean I've been saying this from day one.
Especially dramachuubas.
They all have to go.
You're assuming that they're wrathful when this entire thing is likely going to resolved out of court.
In case you're a newfag tourist, which is exactly what you are.
I want you to know that ALL drama is banned from the server. They don't allow ANY drama discussion. This is not a special case, this is the norm.
Not much you can say than what's happened anon, the merch sales with art based on the two models and the kart game.
Anything else that people have tried to bring up is just plain wrong.
Honestly I see anything else just becoming a running joke, like what happened with Pyrocynical and his fat furry fetish, assuming this whole things settles peacefully between the parties involved.
Why didn't they make millions in profits by becoming a famous vtuber?
You want the truth?
Really easily.
Like REALLY easy.
Snackers don't give a FUCK about this drama, it's only twitter dramaniggers and troons that don't like her now and they'll forget in a week when the next drama happens.
So assuming she just keeps streaming then she'll do absolutely fine and still have 5000+ CCV per stream.
You have to understand that NONE of the people on twitter complaining, watch her at all.
And snackers aren't woke faggots for the majority so twitterdrama means NOTHING.
Her best play is to take a week off, get lawyered up and come back to streaming as normal and ban any reference to the drama in chat or in donos and it will be like it never even happened.
What are you even trying to say? They're selling models and obviously make money from doing so. Are you claiming that they already witnessed a gorillion cases someone making merch based on their designs and never said a thing because they actually just have to let it slide?
So when is Filian getting a new nendo?
It would be stupid for the artist to go scorched earth on her though
They'll probably settle for something and maybe collaborate in the future
Win-win for both parties
Even if snackers did give a shit, Japanese copyright law is negligible. Filian will get it sorted out with the artists and then probably start using her own model. She's a procrastinator. Not a big deal.
Lawyers probably said to not ask for permission.
If you ask for permission you're admitting that you think its their IP, and making the merch would be infringement.
>inb4 it is their ip
There's a good chance the rindo character is uncopyrightable, and clearly filians lawyers(mythic) think that will hold up in court.
The legal system is complete bullshit. If Filian never existed, then the money also wouldn't that she generated. The artists shouldn't be entitled to a part of her profits, only a flat fee.
who baking
GSC deleted the tweet and Filian too. It's over bro.
Filian built her whole brand off the models she stole though? And clearly she felt that they were crucial to her success as seen by her hesitancy to debut a model of her own design that she commissioned.
>doing anything
It's unwise for them to pull out because of dramafags though, it's still in the concept phase so they're probably ironing out the deal atm
GSC never did that and they had drama in the past. It's not even showcased at AX.
But anooooon, this doesn't align with my fantasies of seeing anyone that's not my oshi plummeting into nothingness :(((((
Pretty much. I could see this forcing her to debut and reserving Rindo & Mint for special nostalgic occasions, again if this gets resolved amicably unless it's possible to prohibit her from using them on videos or streams, which I don't really see happening unless it's out of respect or to avoid reminding people of what happened(I don't really see the latter happening but it's still a possibility)
Objectively false.
>It's unwise for them to pull out because of dramafags though
Dramafags don’t even have to be the reason. Filian has been profiting off merch made using models that she doesn’t own the rights to and didn’t ask permission to make merch of. Twitter dramafags aren’t the reason Goodsmile deleted the tweet, common sense is.
Why are fags here still coping, lmao
>unless it's possible to prohibit her from using them on videos or streams
They can if she broke the ToS, I think.
Getting sued is just free content chat *flips and breaks neck*
if she never bought the models in the first place the TOS doesn’t apply
Im a tourist to twitch whores.
you call yourselves snackers? lmao
is "white cracker" more appropriate?
Could have been a different model. The model's value is not the whole brand's value.
Anon it's a tourist with provocative intentions, don't feed him.
It's easily the most popular nendo announcement for a vtuber on that wave
It would be retarded to let go of free money
no i just couldnt understand what he was even baiting about, give the nigga a chance at least
Rebrand it as Rindo. Easy win for everyone involved.
ESL retard lmao
Oh uh.
>this user was banned from the discord
>Could have been a different model.
Maybe. But it wasn’t.
Filian built her brand using these models, using their image, and making merch off of them without consent from the original artists.
Filian’s reluctance to get a design of her own despite knowing that she didn’t own the designs she was profiting off of shows that she felt as though they were crucial to her brand and image as a whole.
That doesn't really mean much, its not uncommon to pull something like that if its contested and you're unsure. Plus with the time zone difference + weekend communication is probably very slow.
Nendos are printing money anyway, they don't need the headache, they'll just move up production of some other figure into that slot.
It's the first case in the corpo history. And they had similar drama before.
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