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Turned out to be much more than merch, here is breakdown of everything discovered so far:

Link to model's license: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WzWx-gw3I1KKIALZnIWY9dh6IDKSzK6l/view

>Sponsorship could violate "Corporate Use" since the model is used to shill corpo product/services
>Produced merch without contacting licensor
>Gave everyone permission to make merch of the model on Twitter which viloates "Assigment of Rights and Obligations" and it's pretty much an IP theft
>If she shared model with merch companies, "Redistribution of modified content" has that covered
>Didn't credit author as required in case of commercial use (see special notes)
>Most likely pirated the model and doesn't have permission to use it even for non-commercial purpose

Even if she didn't ripped the modem, I've checked out her YT and Twitch descriptions and there are no credit under any video or stream, which means that most of her profit is illegal. She also started deleting all evidence which is a criminal activity

There is also a possibility of lawsuit from sponsors/merch companies, especially from Goodsmile who most likely started produced figures and had to scrap them.

Is short: Absolutely and utterly fucked. Her only hope is model's author not going for that fat six-digit paycheck
>does a flip
goes into bankruptcy

haha typicial fillipino boy antics haha....
Finally, an expert who is in contact with the involved parties and knows exactly what's going on and what's going to happen
very ESL post but not wrong.
Don't trip on your way to school, flipbro
it's entirely wrong. the continuous stream of malformed english describing the lurid ways in which filian will lose everything and go to jail illustrates the childish nature of filian antis
Can GS go at her too for potentially lying to them about her having permission to even do this merch drop? What is the legal situation their?
Probably not worth their time/money. Cancel + blacklist is enough.
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>caught breaking the law
>but muh libruls!
i ask myself if these people have friends
>not liking racially charged jokes means having no friends
This is what /pol/ does to your brain
Case and point
They most likely have a contract fine in case the project gets cancelled due to her fault, depending on how far in it is.
Everything else just depends on the goodwill of the artist on how much of a settlement they will be okay with.
Neither probably wants a lawsuit, that's just a waste of time and money. Only way that can happen is if Filian stonewalls him and then she is ultra fucked. She won't do it though if she has more than a double digit IQ.
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Where did I say anything about le heckin libruls? Don't out yourself so quickly, nijishart
if u dissagree ur not my friend
>if she has more than a double digit IQ
uh oh
I mean, yeah. We have a secret handshake and coded language, you desperately attempt to keep up with the status quo because any misstep causes the mob to turn back on you the way it did for the radfems or the black israelites or the...
>if she has more than a double digit IQ.
if she did she wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.
stonewalling is her go-to strategy for uncomfortable situations. she's fucked.
He's quoting your image you retard
Anon, it's extremely easy to just not say nigger. It takes exactly zero brain power to not be racist.
>niji accusations out of nowhere
the desperation is amazing
you need that brain power to avoid getting enriched
How many threads saying the same thing do we need? The sisters really think they got that Doki collabing whore this time, don't they? It's going to be delicious when the two parties work something out behind the scenes and nothing really comes of this. Because of course they will. Do you know what an expensive pain in the ass an international lawsuit would be? I'm going to enjoy the grudgeposting.
Uwaaa, it's an unironic flipfag...kimoi...
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She went into hiding.
Don't use Fubuking ever again Filianshit larper.
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>She won't do it though
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its a blood sport to them. They don't care about intellectual property.
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Filian is as legally distinct as Sonichu.
There are retards still arguing that she did nothing wrong and selling merch off of a $40 model is fine.
On the other hand, seems like people don't realize that the worst case scenario is that she can just get a new model at this point and be completely fine.
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Nice fanfic.
Sonichu is more legally distinct.
Yes, actually. There is nothing legally distinct about "Filian". Literally everything in the model is Rindo, zero changes were made.
True but her ass is still grass when it comes to the past merch. I imagine they'll just settle, though.
Sonichu would have a better case for being legally distinct than this bitch. If she really pirated the model she’s 100 percent fucked.
If "sisters" are the ones who care that artists are not getting scammed then sure.
They are not
this you? >>80053017
i will tell you exactly what will happen.
She will come to agreement with the guys and pay some money for him to fuck off. This incident will finally force her to buy her own model and the debut will be 10 times bigger because she will ride the drama wave and everything will go back to normal. She is not screwed, if anything she is getting free promotion, she is shameless and don't care.
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Settle it behind the scene. Never bring it up or apologize. Drama sissys lose their mind. Win win.Like the internet historian
Okay, nigger.
100% this.
Filian loses in every scenario. There is no "win" for her kek.
She is still going to get blacklisted from Japanese corporations. Any chance of her expanding overseas is gone, except in China.
She has to say something now that the nendos got canceled.
>Go Filian! Go out and flip to the extreme!
>Yes I will! Thank you manager (my manager is me)!
>Like the internet historian
qrd? Did the stock-photo guy sue?
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>from Japanese corporations
Japan didn't even know who she was until yesterday.
Tell me you don’t simp for a video essayist too. Snackers, please.
The (original) Man in Cave video was plagiarized from an article.
westoids ruining vtubing
I still haven't watched any of his stuff ever since the reupload. Shit was so bad it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Did you ever see the man in cave reupload? Did you notice how bad that was? Apparently the original was plagiarized and he got drama over it.
Why does the model author have to be such a fucking dick about it?
It's that the cope has escalated from "this is totally fine and she has the artist's permission" to "well it's not like she'll have to graduate" in ~24 hours.
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The japanese have started covering this shitshow, they also mention other merch she previously sold.

>She also started deleting all evidence which is a criminal activity
What the fuck do you mean by this. Really? In this day and age people still think they can get away with deleting incriminating evidence when it never works and only makes things worse?

We're nearing single digit IQ territory here.
At least Chris-chan made his own merch lol.
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>Use some artical
>didn't cite it
>tranformed it with humor and animations
>company wants its cut and vid is taken down
>settles it
>Vid goes back up with slight changes
>hbomberguy calls him out while also calling him sus right wing nazi
>blood is in the water
>Try and cancel him
>still has not brought it up once or apologize
>troons seeth till this day
Never apologize
He had no sponsorship with GSC for a nendo of his stolen video.
its just sonic and pikachu
youtuber reads an article nearly verbatim with dumb jokes and silly animations interspersed in
guy who wrote the article goes "hey dude come on you never asked me"
youtuber hashes it out with the guy who wrote the article in private
youtuber completely ignores twitter
absolutely positively nothing comes of it
I’m a brainlet but does GS have solid ground to stand on because Fillian was a deceitful business partner? They only showed off concept art, so it likely was still in preproduction. If they had a bunch of Fillians that they could not do anything with, that would make it that much easier to sue her for business damages.
I guess they could maybe sue her for reputation damages, maybe? But their bigger fear is dealing with two artists because it turns out Fillian used their work without consent, and who knows if they want a big payday or if they just want the company to take it down.
If I was the author and have a million dollars to gain over this, I'd do worse things to her.
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his newist vid is sponsored by nordvpn. He won by not just not giving troons the time of day
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This previous tweet got slapped by a community note as well.
where's the pippa nendo fishman?
>Muh sisters
/vt/ wants every shitter to burn. Remember how fast this board shit on Niji during first week of Dokibird drama?

Your broke ass parents won't afford it, but we're talking about pro 3D artist that earns shit ton of money from booth and comissions. Filian fucked with artist big time, so pray your autism queen can please deez JP nuts
Really big sponsor. What's next Disney?
She's still screwed money-wise.
Dramatourists won't bring her the cash she will need to cover this.
>She also started deleting all evidence which is a criminal activity
I see this parroted in several threads, but is it actually true? As far as I can see she only deleted the QRT of the nendo after GS removed it.
it really is over.. for her wallet
not enough drag time with kids for them to care anon
His newer videos are doing way worse than usual, I wouldn't say he got out of it unscathed.
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Why did she not listen to Anny? None of this would've happened if she had her own model.
Are you really comparing GSC to NordVPN?
She doesn't need dramatouritsts, anon. She's a 4-5 view without them.
I don't think anny or filian have ever interacted with each other.
You lost sisters get over it. Maybe try leaving a witty comment under his new vid. They will show him
Are you really comparing GSC to NordVPN?
Since she pirated her model, Jingo can get 'free' money from everything and not just merch?
>point out reality
>"y-y-y-you're a seething troon!!"
Half her audience is composed of dramatourists, that's why she's so comfortable collabing with kiwifags like Kirsche and Pippa.
I love the bratty sex fox.
>5 view
I never saw Filian with 5 views except for when she did her shitty award show.
>steals your IP
>counts to 10
>Hey, wait! You can't do that!
They really hate Filian for being edgy but also being one of the most successful vtubers, they're all coming here from Twitter, but they change their angle of attack because they know their methods that work on Twitter wont work here.
Yes, but you also lose in the scenario dramafag.
I like laughing at retards.
Do you only care about winning or losing against muh libral boogeymen that are somehow here, and then watch the shitty remake?
We need to make a distinction here though.

The current situation with the Nendoroid is bad and on her, but fan made stuff isn't the same, like doujins ot fangames, it's not something people should even need permission
Sure you do, sister.
The fuck you mean lmfao, I've been winning since the start of this. Filian is in maximum damage control mode.
Anon... Read the comment that started it.
The guy was arguing that this is positive for her because she will ride "drama wave" and that she got "free promotion".
That's fucking spreading a curse to other content creators so their lives fall apart. Chris won in the end.
>Sponsorship could violate "Corporate Use" since the model is used to shill corpo product/services
>Produced merch without contacting licensor
>Gave everyone permission to make merch of the model on Twitter which viloates "Assigment of Rights and Obligations" and it's pretty much an IP theft
>If she shared model with merch companies, "Redistribution of modified content" has that covered
>Didn't credit author as required in case of commercial use (see special notes)
>Most likely pirated the model and doesn't have permission to use it even for non-commercial purpose
yes, breaking tos of a $40 premade model isnt a huge legal deal. money will solve any problem.

>started deleting all evidence which is a criminal activity
if you think deleting tweets/vods is a criminal activity you are retarded sorry
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am saying these people don't care about intellectual property some of they guys don't even belive in owning land and just see blood in the water and want to "cancel" (person they don't like). The only way you win is by not playing their game.
Didn’t she get a distinct model a while ago, the one with the overalls? Why didn’t she just stick with that?
>yes, breaking tos of a $40 premade model isnt a huge legal deal. money will solve any problem.
It wouldn't be if it was a nobody. But this is booths biggest money maker.
She's retarded.
It's more like she took a picture of Pikachu and said "THIS IS MY ORIGINAL CHARACTER, ELECTRORAT, FEEL FREE TO USE :)"
Man, this shit is so fucking dumb. You have to be a sub-50 IQ chimpanzee to use a model you do not own and make merch out of it without reading the ToS. This shit is hilarious.
Isn't that the model called "Mint" which also doesn't belong to her?
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Have we finally got her sister is it over. She is done this time for sure
>Steal a pair on Nikkes
>Change the shoelaces and rebrand them as Nikko
>Sell them as a product on shoe stores
Is she retarded?
What a fucking retard.
No, she has a third model that would be considered distinct enough, she just barely uses it and I don't think it's ever been used in merch.
She is chinese. Its a culture thing.
That's also a model she pirated.
Wait, she's a flip?
>She is chinese
That's enough for me to anti her.
It's not our game anon. Filian will have to settle this on her own.
Also IH's uploads really have been kinda shit recently.
Maybe don't get too invested on defending e-celebs, because dramafags always win.
this whole situation is mostly about the cons of selling premade $40 product that anyone can use to create content.

the premade model artist cant realistically go chasing everyone who downloaded the model illegally or made merch without asking.

my guess is filian will settle $$$ to avoid bad PR and maybe get a legally distinct model.
I doubt it, but bringing an international lawsuit would cost much more money and effort than they would get out of it either way, so it's not going to happen. Realistically/practically speaking Filian is likely safe from any legal issues, so this is mostly a matter of whether she's willing to part with some percentage of the profits in order to save her reputation.
The amount of money they lost will dictaminate if they pursue legal amendments against Fillian. If they already started with the final production she is in for lots of troubles. They most likely were in prototype phase tho.
She's a Filipino boy.
That's the thing. This isn't just so random guy. This is a big cheese. He makes booth and by extension Pixiv retarded amounts of money. If they want to Pixiv will back them
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Yes she will have to settle this. But she does not have to kneel to the twitter mob. Or even apologize. Its between her and the owners. Not her the owners and a twitter crusade. You give thme a inch and they take a mile. What I am trying to say is ignor twitter.
Neuro-sama called her "Filipino Boy" and the joke stuck
>She is chinese.
It all makes sense now.
Chad crisis manager her:
>just keep ironically streaming unironically
>put all earnings in crypto, gold and silver
>get some shithouse lawyer just in case to delay everything
>get a new model created by AI ironically
>never choise a side politically but keep dogwhistling
>use literally every corpo/clouted connection you have and make them choose you side and force collabs, or else make fun of them on stream and calling them cucks and stuff, completely burn that bridge.
>join hololive if possible just for kek, and yagoo is based(for now) but it would be a good litmus-test anyway because the homogens are sus.
>if possible, move to the least cucked country that has the most favourable laws for your situation, possibly where you have a network as well.(perhaps texas is alteady the best?)
>literally shill crypto
>use the goofy ahh elections as a leeching platform saying uncomfortable truths trying to get viral on normie tv
>youre literally a female, youre literally above the law; use this to decimate your lowkey political enemies online by making "bad vibes" content (tongue in cheek ofcourse)
>Or start your own vtubing corpo with someone else's money, which she should have done anyway with Neuro and that faggot vedal.
Crisis averted
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>stealing is LE BAD
damn I kneel
I know is not blackrock but its still money for old rope.
Was it also Anny that convinced Vedal he needs a new model for Neuro?
Isnt this just tech companies?
Is she actually going to do a fucking collab in a time like this or will she stay hidden?
There's only one way this ends
>"Wow, artists are so fricking cringe. Right, chat? Anyway let's watch some more Tiktoks." *Flips*
Vedal just has a brain.
I don't know who contacted who first but it was a great decision, now he's free to sell all the merch he wants without problems.
I mean, the current drama says you can chase after them.

Pirating is cool. Selling shit off of it is disgusting, like some shitty website selling cracked copies of programs.
If I had to guess, she had someone working on a model, they just never got it done because everyone knows artists don't have professional standards.
Filian becoming a second Bahroo would be quite the development
She really shouldn't. Imaging how awkward that shit is going to be for Bao. The best move is just to release a statement saying she is in contact with the involved parties and they will figure something out and to go back to streaming as per normal after AX.
Yes stealing is typical nigger/poor person behavior.
she has a model but said its worse then the current ones so why use it
she accidently showed part of her body on camera. if shes chinese shes very white skinned
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>if shes chinese shes very white skinned
This is the hand of a asian person
Not surprising, that's why there's so few vtubers that use 3D models.
I don't have a source, as I said, it's a guess.
Many people are mistaken due to Nip corpo Vtubers, but basically, Twitch should not be treated as mainstream content.
Chat is this real?
Yes. I can confirm that the vast majority of Chinese people have skin this colour due to the smog blocking out the sun.
shes whiter then chibidoki
red head confirmed
Cute hands. I'm hard just looking at them
She is not, she's white, during her first collab with Doki they made this very clear.
The pink tint in her skin doesn't look very asian.
This is not Filian's hand.

a…are you single? Let’s talk about our oshis
nah ignoring it and just doing her thing is the only right choice. If there are legal workings they will stay behind the scenes. None of big creators will say anything because she is a huge part of vtubing indie scene. That's like going after IronMouse even if she did do something scummy. The most you'll get is lukewarm I hope she learns from this *heart emoji*. It's the vtweeters and luteral whos that are seething.
based drooling subhuman retardposter
>Turned out to be much more than merch, here is breakdown of everything discovered so far:
Let's fucking go!

>Link to model's license: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WzWx-gw3I1KKIALZnIWY9dh6IDKSzK6l/view

>>Sponsorship could violate "Corporate Use" since the model is used to shill corpo product/services

>>Produced merch without contacting licensor

>>Gave everyone permission to make merch of the model on Twitter which viloates "Assigment of Rights and Obligations" and it's pretty much an IP theft
Wrong! Only if you argue that her writing this implies (once more) that she has complete copyright over this, which she has stated otherwise on her streams. People on twitter constantly tell other people to produce merch of IPs they don't own. Doesn't make it IP theft.
Strongest argument here: "implication of her owning the rights to produce merch"

>>If she shared model with merch companies, "Redistribution of modified content" has that covered

>>Didn't credit author as required in case of commercial use (see special notes)
Not needed. See:
>8. Others - V Credit notation - Not necessary, but preferred
No credit is needed. There also isn't any "if corporate, then credit is needed".
As for muh commercial, the license specifically says:
>1. Main purpose(s) of using the Digital Content - A Personal Use Permitted to use in activities with commercial or non-profit-seeking purposes
So both commercial and non-commercial uses are FINE.
Strongest argument here: "Filian is a corperation!" this needs to be proven.

>>Most likely pirated the model and doesn't have permission to use it even for non-commercial purpose
Maybe! But until proven, this is speculation.
No, her saying it in a video is not proof enough as she has herself shown to be an unreliable source of information on her stream. The lack of a invoice from the online shop is evidence.

>Even if she didn't ripped the modem, I've checked out her YT and Twitch descriptions and there are no credit under any video or stream, which means that most of her profit is illegal. She also started deleting all evidence which is a criminal activity
Again, credit is not needed.
For "deleting evidence" to be considered a criminal activity, there needs to be an investigation happening.
Me deleting private DMs is not criminal, unless someone charged me for drug trafficking and I wanna get rid of the nigger I had contact with.

>There is also a possibility of lawsuit from sponsors/merch companies, especially from Goodsmile who most likely started produced figures and had to scrap them.
Japan copyright law is kind of different from american copyright law. It COULD happen, but at least to someone who has more brain than me, the outcome of a lawsuit might be that this can't be enforced in america. See this timestamped video: https://www.youtube.com/live/cS-pYYAvLc8?feature=shared&t=2181 (talking about the shop selling the model and the company making the nendo, with a short tangent in america)
Right to integrety (which gets violated by creating merch) doesn't exist in america. It's a different law alltogether.
From listening to him, it feels like wanting to charge your USB-C phone with Micro-USB. Both are USB cables, but they just will not fit. And seeing that neither the artist, nor goodsmile as any american branch, they most likely can't enforce their copyright (contrary to e.g. Nintendo, who has branches in almost every country. You will not find a character that is only protected in Japan. It will be protected by the copyright of multiple countries, in each specific country)
Appearantly, the only thing that may or may not enforce this is twitter mob.
(again, all according to that lawyer, but he seems neutral so I believe him)

Hence a settlement would be preferable FOR BOTH SIDES.

>Is short: Absolutely and utterly fucked. Her only hope is model's author not going for that fat six-digit paycheck
See above.
Settlement incomming.
WORST worst thing happening is, Filian not giving a shit and finding companies who also doesn't give a shit. She continues to use the model, and uses american companies to continue doing merch. This will burn the EN vtubing scene from ever collabing with anything japan, ever.

BEST outcome is them settling this behind the scenes.
Goodsmile making a "Rindo" nendo (which kind of fits because there are other famous VRChat models who already got their own nendo).
Jingo gets some settlement money.
Filian gets a new model and then can start to sell legit merch.

stop shitting your pants with false "MUH CREDIT!!!" or "B-B-B-BUT COMERCIAL!!!!"
This is about the merch.
She's fucked isn't she?
ayy lmao
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>No credit is needed. There also isn't any "if corporate, then credit is needed".
welp, you got me
I am a retard and didn't read until further down.
I swear the rest is legit!
>Is short: Absolutely and utterly fucked.
I sure fucking hope so.
All that spastic drivel only for literally everything to be proven wrong
What a loser lmfao
>breaking the law
Bro it's a civil case, calm down, the artist will most likely settle with filian for a 5 figure amount and call it even
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No, that's me, dipshit, lololol
>She uses the huge drama buff and all the eyes on her to debut her new model to a record setting crowd and even creates skits about her own trial for her "crimes"
Yep, absolutely no way she's getting out of this one
>new model
Good luck to her finding someone to want to work with her after this kek.
>Good luck to her finding someone to want to work with her after this kek.
Her new model was ready a year ago
You know what artists like more than "muh tegrity?"
>every fox girl looks the same
Are you autistic?
>Her new model was ready a year ago
If true even more fuel to her retard fire LMFAO
Why this looks like Voldemort's hand?
Do you even have to ask?
>ripped the modem
Slow down William Gibson...
I thought this was a plastic manikin hand at first.
If i were the model artist i wouldn't want to miss out on a fat paycheck for damages, regardless of any backlash.
Filian will just apologize, get someone to finally make her a new model and have her viewers help her pay for stuff while the model maker gets a nice amount of money

Win win
Yeah who would want to design the most famous model indie in EN. Let alone doing it for a lot of cash. That would be crazy. Exposure and money. What artist wants that?
And the only ones at a loss are the retarded snackers. Truly, the best outcome.
he'll ask for 50M Yen and a naked dogeza
and he'll be based for doing so
The ultimate apology and mending of fences would be Fillian paying Jingo to create her new model.
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>Do a flip
>Suicide her career
Hehe lol
>Fillian paying Jingo to create her new model
best end
Spoiler this shit next time
>most famous model indie in EN.
Should have done that a long time ago, now the best case scenario for her is losing a ton of money in settlements and reputational damage.
the people who care dont watch her already
he still gets millions, and gets millions on his 2nd channel
whats his usual supposed to be
Ok, nigger. Anything else you want to get off your chest?
YOU ARE ON 4CHAN??? fuck off tourist
not a single particle of sunlight has touch that hand
Not necessarily, my skin isn't much darker and I occasionally go on hikes. My skin just burns, peels off after a few days and then it's completely white again. No tan at all. I've no idea why but I've always been like.
Enjoy the early skin cancer bro
Have you heard of the concept of sunscreen cream?
It's not the burning and peeling that makes your skin brown.
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I'm not letting this twittery slide. Shame on lesser slapse from all nations. When nothing happens and you're dumb
I don't think that poor artists from Japan will have money to chase content creator from other part of the globe... but they may rightfully use copyright claim systems on platform where Filian's active.
The entire case makes any further promotion, merchandise, collaborations etc literally be gone because no company will want to be dealing with this crap. Probably Mythic will want to drop her.
Also it creates extremely bad optics among general audience.
The only way for Filian to get out of this scenario is to apologize, scrape EVERYTHING from her platforms and take a break to work on obtaining new model and do it in proper way. There's no way for her to keep using her current models.
And to make clear - all the bullcrap about her being racist etc is just that - a bullshit and meaningless noise. Still she's kinda fucked and the only way to get out of it for her will be pretty painful.
after how many layers of bbcream?
>nah ignoring it and just doing her thing is the only right choice
>>the only right choice
That depends. Do you want it to blow over or do you want her to be harassed?
There's no way for her to keep doing what she's doing, retardino.
Forget legal cases for a moment, that's a meme - no Japanese VRC model artist has that much cash to go after overseas person.
But every platform where Filian's active has copyright claim system and she practically used offende artist's models pretty much in her every video. They just need to report her shit and her YT channel, Twitch channel, Xitter etc will be all gone and artists will be completely right in doing it. This is why her continuing to use these models is THE WORST she can do.
90% sure the uh-oh was from her thinking she had time to get ducks in a row and GSC making an announcement while the ink on the contract was still wet.

Source: Same shit happened to my mom with Games Workshop 25 years ago.
From the thumbnail i thought she was wearing a glove.
That is albino. My hands are darker than that and I'm an it worker on night shift in the rainiest state in the country.
>filian is fucked!!!
>plebbit spacing
Snackers don't give a shit, she'll be fine.
hi SEAfriend
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I don't think she's royally fucked but..
If it was a JP-kun who got scammed by her then the JP mentality would be to compromise, maybe he'd be compensated and the merch would still go out.
But its a Korean-kun, they could be a more vicious asian breed and seek damages and all that. Which they deserve.

It's so mindblowing though her brain never stopped along the way and thought "man, my business is picking up, i better lose the stuff that i scrounged off the internet that i'll be using to make money off now" Even i do stuff like this once i started making money, like legal software use, ain't taking my chances and tank the whole business.
Dumb zoomer.
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>Filian did not talk to the original owner of the model before releasing merch who states in the tos that you have to talk to him about merchandise
>Claimed she owns it and was directing people to make more merch of the model (she isnt the owner)
>She uses 4 different models on stream: The Jingo one which is the main one, "lil fil" 2 models by another artist, and 1 more unrelated to filian as a whole model which she calls Gilian. All are premade and arent original models, anyone can buy them off booth
>She uses 2 models for merch, the Jingo one which we now found out was never contacted about the merch, the lil fil one made by Komado is the same situation as Jingo and does NOT allow for sale as merch
>She uses 1 model for a video game, same artist as the lil fil one. Filian has never received permission
>All of Filians assets come with the Rindo model which means Filian has not "based her model off Rindo", it IS the Rindo model
>No word from good smile or Filian about it

>Admits to never paying for the model implying she pirated it https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=6805&v=_ZIYQu9pRpY
>Pirating means she never could have known about the tos
Filipinos have such an awful track record in vtubing. Can you imagine if Lyrica accepted going to ID instead? Maybe that branch would've been nuked from orbit.
Filipino pala si filian ahahahaha kaya naman pala eh
She isn't a flip you fucking dramafags. It's a meme that started from Neuro calling her Filipino Boy, and then Filipino Frank.
>the sister reveals she can't take a joke
This is IP infringement at best and a federal crime at worst. It's so mild that it's likely just a little IP infringement. I'm really confused by the snackers that really want it to be a federal crime instead of a simple IP oopsie that requires mild statutory compensation.
>I was merely joking
Fuck off retards, it becomes increasingly clear that none of you actually watch vtubers at all.
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Honestly I don't think she's smart enough for this to be some kind of masterminded plan to steal someone's artwork. I would absolutely take "it's just a model I copied from someone on VRChat I didn't know any better" at face value. She said some edgy shit about it but she's known to say edgy shit, especially when she doesn't believe she's really done anything wrong. It should have been up to her management to review the legal details at some point but clearly they weren't doing the grunt work. I think this resolves as a misunderstanding and all of the twitter faggots that are wound up on niji drama will go looking for blood in the water somewhere else.
This is so astroturfed
She didnt do anything wrong
Not even a Filian fan but things will end up in an agreement, a big nothingburger.
i only watch CGDCT and don't watch h*mocollabers
I'm saving all these FILIAN IS FUCKED threads that are even making shit up now for some grudgeposting later. Gonna be great fun.
Holy fucking newfag
I like how some scenarios like Niji have everyone blowing the seventh trumpet month after month while other corpos and indies just experience episode #7547 of "Nothing Ever Happens"
Well it's more like people are blowing this way out of proportion including literally making shit up like OP here. On the other hand it's still a big yab and Filian's "oopsie, pc hort" from yesterday doesn't help her much.
Ripping a model is also against VRChat ToS so technically she can get banned.
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Fuck you're so right
why is that video unlisted?
Why don't you just...
I don't know
Stream without expecting money in return?
Man, she's fucked.
Threatened by Filian's legal team according to the uplaoder
This is 4chan nigger
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lol now girl_dm_ is having to say she doesn't condone stealing models because one of the clips going around where Filian says she stole her model says she learned about Luppet from her. https://twitter.com/Girl_Dm_/status/1809671687895466160
Why? If you do it as a hobby and have another job, you can't stream that much. Otherwise, ofc you want to earn money through your work.
I should be paid for every 4chan post I make.
I'm saving this to shut my friends up about me being pale. I'm black compared to this.
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Is Filian just lazy, doesn't give a shit or is she stupid? She's had more than enough dosh to commission her own oc unique model for ages.
No because literally nobody gives a fuck about your 4chan posts. On the other hand people like watching streamers. They provide a service, entertainment in this case, and they can earn money through ads or direct donations of people watching the content etc. Hopefully this explanation on the level of talking to a 10 year old child has helped you understand the basic concepts.
>literally nobody gives a fuck about your 4chan posts
You clearly do :^)
sorry I don't care, copyright laws are evil
It's probably good this happened before she got famous or popular, it gives her time to get herself a new model that she owns. She will probably be able to get some assistance with how she is somewhat known.
I can earn money by stealing other's works and presenting them as my own as long as I'm a woman? Great to know!
I think their bullshit too but it doesn't change the fact of the matter that Filian is kind of a dumbass for not commissioning an OC.
All three, and add "woman" to the list.
The biggest woman moment was not getting an original model after blowing up and making tons of money, just peer incompetent on her part. Hell, if she really liked the model and wanted it to be her brand officially, she could have contacted the artist and came to some sort of deal but she didn't.
Her bragging about how easy it was for her to get a model for free was never the chad move she thought it was. It's like a Jew bragging about getting a discounted toothbrush because of a loophole in the stores advertisement.
Enough to reply, true. Lemme know how much you've earned from that. Your simile is still retarded and here we are. Go milk a goat or something...whatever the fuck you 3rd worlders spend time doing
No need to seethe so much my melanin rich fren.
Learning how to handle losing is gonna be a big part of your journey!
When have I said that? Her using the models for physical merch is bad. It needs to be addressed and resolved. Also she's not helping herself with pretending her PC got coincidentally broken either. It's just that it's all blown out of proportion /here/
Good, i always despised how hard she was shilled here like she was the best streamer out there
You said that she deserves money for what she's doing.
Well, turns out that she's stealing.
Do you still believe she deserves to monetize her streams like this?
Do I need to repeat this like you're a 3 y/o?
Just another woman moment.
>what do you mean laws applies to me? I said I didn't care
>doesn't maintain peak popularity forever after long breaks

wow, who could have guessed?
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I dont hate "her" but this whole shitstorm has been hilarious. I can't wait for the lolsuit
meh even she loses half or more of her audience she's still big enough to make a living streaming
hardly a career killer but it'll hurt if it gets that bad
Nobody cares aside from soon to be replaced artists and eternally assblasted retards on shitter
Nothing is going to happen.
International lawsuits are retarded expensive and cumbersome.
The creator is also japanese and we all know that japanese creators are a bunch of spineless cucks.
It’s a shame all of this is happening to Filian if only because I’ll miss masturbating to her live after she goes to jail
Yes, for streams absolutely. As you can see in the model license, it allows for commercial use for streaming. The only contentious point is the physical merch. (and maybe the game character for the Mint model, not sure about that one). And I understand that you've seen like 20 threads talking about how she pirated the model posting some screenshots of a joke from 2022 but you should probably double check things first. Or did you just read the OP and just took it as true?
There will be a lawsuit. Fillian is a cash cow and she needs to have her utters milked
>it allows for commercial use for streaming
That's some made up bullshit excuse.
Show me the creator posting in japanese that he allows streamers to make money out of his vrchat model for streaming.
literally from the google doc from the OP (it's the same for both Rindo and Mint)
It says it's allowed for use in streaming.
It doesn't say anything about monetization.
>Destroys her own career out of sheer retardation

I liked her
Even worse, they got cucked out of half of their own country.
This is why we need AI. I can't wait for more artists to be destitute and homeless.
Both artists and vtubers should get replaced by AI and be forced to get a real job at McDonalds.
Have you ever seen thieir revenge movies? I woudn't cross a korean.
everything would be just so much easier if you look at these things before making comments.
AI isn't there yet for vtubers but it would be ideal. I've seen neuro streams. Only brainrotted zoomers could like that word salad shit.
and who wrote that document? the creator himself? I didn't know he knew english.
It doesn't need to be a lawsuit. The artist can just ask for an exorbitant amount of money with a threat of a lawsuit. Filian knows she is in the wrong here and would lose a court case so she'll pay that money and settle or risk taking it to actual court and definitely lose which would be significantly worse for her branding and image.
>thinking retards actually read or looks up information.
lmao even
If retards fatsos like Digibro managed to not only have friends but also girlfriends to plow then yes.
Those people can have friends.
excuse you, i'm trying to move the goalpost here can you please stop
But enough about Filian
>release model
>it gets cloned/used a lot, its on VRchat what do you expect
>model gets massively popular
>attempt to own it again after X amount of years to cash in on goodsmile money

Theres no way the artist hasn't heard of Fillian before right? I imagine they'll just settle behind the scenes and Fillian will get a new model regardless, she's done so much damage to her equipment over the years she clearly has money to spare so I think she'll be fine to reach some kind of agreement that benefits everyone involved more than years of legal fees
I'll just spoon feed you anon at this point. Starting to feel bad about (you)


Filian at least seems human. Get back to me when they publicly release those AI models that fool people who interact with them into believing they are human.
It doesn't say anything about monetizing the model.
>Theres no way the artist hasn't heard of Fillian before right?
He doesn't appear to really be involved in vtubing, it's completely possible that he only had vague knowledge of an EN indie who was using the model to stream (which the artist allowed) and had absolutely no idea she was using it for selling merch (which he doesn't allow).
Yeah, I'm sure the translation just randomly added the word commercial there. I'm done with spoofeeding now cuz >>80082396
anon here is right. It's a waste of time
Nijis are liberals wtf are you on
Add in that Filian basically doesn't exist outside of the EN sphere and yeah it's very likely that if he knew about her at all it was only as some indie streamer and nothing more.
So you can't even prove basic stuff?
What a fucking retard.
I solely go on VT for drama like God intended
Why snackers assume that everyone must know their indie whore? Ironlung is far more popular than her and barely anyone talking about her in eastern sphere.
it's almost like these artists dont give a shit about what they make until they realize they can sue someone and get a quick payday
Filian is about to stream in a couple minutes. I wonder if she addresses this
If you're only talking about getting money through streaming, like superchat or streamlab donations? Yes that is okay. The issue currently with Filian is the misuse in regards to Derivative work and merchandising based on the models used.
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>is about to stream in a couple minutes
LMAO, she already went into hiding
it's an irl stream, if it was a normal stream yeah she would but an irl collab? i doubt it
How are they being a dick? Retard
Funny how you forget to mention ads and selling skins in other games.
anon...that's from yesterday
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uh oh
Are you retard?
I’ll trust a greentexting anon over that faggots like legalmindset any day
>artist writes a clause so he doesn't get fucked out of money
>user agrees to this and uses model
>artist gets fucked out of money
>IP laws are cancer and artists just want money
Are you? Look at the date and time of that thread.
No but I think you are
>It's fricked. i think we're just back tomorrow
You clearly are and lack of reading comprehension too.
who cares? holobronies and nijisisters together are making much ado about nothing
>the Japanese
It’s a literally who, Japan.
>moon runes make everything more serious
can you fucking read or are you just pretending to be retarded
Which is today you fucking mongoloid.
>Filian is about to stream in a couple minutes. I wonder if she addresses this
this was the original post. Which is still true. The thing you linked is from yesterday and here I'm gonna blow your fucking mid. Yesterday's tomorrow is today. Does pagpag eating affect person's brain or something?
That should fall under "Article 4" in the provided document. The in-game skin should fall under "Integration into software, such as product development" - "Please contact the Licensor(s)" do that that model being used needing confirmation.
that's a nice argument anon but filian fans can't read anything that doesn't have buzzwords or makes funny noises
You make a fair point anon. I'll reset my case
I don't see her live. Where are you watching?
>*no response*
So you're a liar just like her. Got it.
Why isn't our queen filbert streaming bros???
I thought she was innocent...
ok, now you are trying to hard, anon. I'm sure you are in the chat with all the other dramaniggers waiting for the tech stuff to get sorted. But even with you just shitposting, I'll give you one thing. If the stream somehow doesn't happen, I will reevaluate my position.
How convenient!
Sorry you're not getting you wanted, dramafag. Try not to cry too much when she goes live with Bao :)
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