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Emergency bake edition (Sorry if I fucked up anything)

>Latest & Upcoming
Granblue Fantasy: https://www.youtube.com/live/kJZSUtz6440?si=UxN2ODi53elNmviX
Schedule: https://x.com/gigimurin/status/1809322242351976813
Tanabata Date Voice Pack 2024: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_tanabatadatevoice2024

>Recent Stream


Lore Video: https://youtu.be/qllhhLELbP4?si=H60LkwgGzwufH2Zm
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/live/j89Phi0oom8?si=pWDK3BOLOqj_ekJj
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://youtu.be/sF4g-50fLz8?si=9AMTLxzfz7ssybhb

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_ジジ・ムリン%22

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

Previous: >>80032378
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cute gigi
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Gigi is indeed very cute!
Is Granblue Fantasy actually a good game? I just know about it from seeing images of the women from it, also know about the twink Gigi likes I guess. Is it an actual game or just gacha slop?
Gigi Cute! Can’t wait for her Fujo ramblings today
Is a really old Gacha, I really advice against those in general, especially as a new player, trying to catch up is bothersome, I think relinks is considered a monster hunter and FFXIV mix, if you are interested you could try that, but the main game is indeed a gacha, never gave it a chance back in the days so I can’t really comment on the gameplay and well gachas usually end up as way too time consuming for my liking
hopefully I can be there in time but honestly waking up at 5 am is a pain man...
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Those are two different games? I didn't know that, was worried she was just going to play some shitty gacha slop, but if it's like monster hunter of FFXIV then it should be fine
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GGCC or AutoFister love! Still not sure if calling it the latter is good, since Ceci didn’t seem that much of fan of it, but all good, I love them
Bedbreaking sex with Gigi! Making a family of little gamers with Gigi! Playing games with Gigi! Growing old with Gigi!
>gigi with 5 wins last night
this gremlin is too powerful
Hi gremlins. Gigi was very cute and OP last night.

t. Kronie
Gicilia Immermurin is what they said, so that's what I'm saying
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Then worry not good Grem, whenever Relinks is a good or bad game is up to debate, but at least is not a gacha
What % of the Crab Game rounds did Gigi win? I feel like she won a good chunk of them.
Uhhh, of total rounds: 5 / 16 = 31.25%. Of rounds with a winner, 5 / 11 = 45.45%.
Fuck it, I bought the game for the diminutive chance of getting to play with Gigi, time to get it to endgame I guess
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Gigi did great yesterday, I’m really happy for her, Crab Game is a simple game with a lot of RNG, but it was a great fun, loved the collab
Darn, I really like CGi.
Also Gigi cute in her womanlove with Kiara last night. Soon she'll grope every member of EN.
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GI muriiiiinnn
Nice aim from the gremlin
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that tail? me
I wasn’t that impressed with adobe below the first time I hear it, but I really like it now, even in the “Lore” department is cool, you get the feeling that they are proper enforcers in the good is not always nice sort of things
I use it because they chose it due to thinking it was too long and complicated for people to use.
I actually use CCGG or GGCC 85% of the time.
Auto fister will return
Source: Cecilia playlist name
Likely, but can’t deny it worries me at times, that they could end up attracting too much Yuri schizos, hopefully it will never get out of hand, since I really enjoy their collabs
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Kek I didn't notice
She's fun
the dna of the soul...
lol cute Automata
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saw gigi on the 'log and found some cute fluff
cute happy gigi
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Gigi cute!
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She wins!
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She won my heart
sweaty gremlin
the sniff that started it all
Gigi cute!
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deep breathing
For the big winner last night

Is almost time, can’t wait to hear her fujo fantasies
I wonder if she also imagines the smell
Patiently waiting for her to stream something I care about.
Bad news anon.... she's only going to be playing gacha and gacha adjecent games
That's okay, I'm somewhat of a gacha gamer myself.
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Gigi cute!
Well I like that she is clearing games, is likely she will complete the Crab game the next time she plays it
Time to objectifying sandalphon!
Time to objectify Gigi!
I hate homoangels with a burning passion
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The gacha? No its gachaslop. The IP is great though, so the fighting and this game are welcome additions to vidya,c especially in this day and age of ugly transnnigger DEIfication
fgo is unironically less gachaslop-like compared to granblue
finally it's gigi time!!!
>DVR on
Ceci's girlfriend (gremlin) is live!
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we're approaching the singularity
she's using her cwab game earnings to scalp gigi standees...
can we get a reup?
>Yippee, yippee!!
What did she mean by this?
The fujo coming out already
Actually the best even was handsome gorilla
Granblue vacuumed thousands of dollars directly out of my wallet, I had to stop playing because I am poor AND weak to gacha.
fuck that
It's over....
>guerrilla on twitch
>not archived
what the fuck man
Bad idea
>gigi wants twitch perms for guerilla vibing, mostly unarchived
>youtube for main content
it's great she wants to hang out with grems, but it's gonna be hell on my harddrive
Gigi hates us...
Gigi killing her career... No...
gigi just make a second YT account if you care that much...
>keeps the slop off of her youtube channel
Based Gigi
Sounds like a valid use for twitch desu. It's higher quality stream too relative to YouTube. Shame about the shitty userbase. I'll watch.
I fucking hate twitch man
I don’t really follow twitch, but well I guess time will tell, what’s so good about twitch anyway?
At the same time don't want to fuck up the algo for the main channel you have to be careful.
>filter over half the people /here/ by streaming on twitch
God, I have never wanted anyone to get perms more in my entire life.
Emotes, that's about it. The ads are cancer though
can't you just make a sub channel for those VODs on youtube?
If she streams slop like esports on Twitch I guess it's not so bad. I don't want to watch that shit anyway, especially if she's not going to talk and stuff
>not going to talk
Why wouldn't she talk? Didn't she explicitly say she wanted to yap while playing those games?
Tourist here, what's the deal with all the gigis every time she steams?
Good to know, time for you to back to your Filian threads sister.
Are we watching a different stream? She said she was going to be head empty while on Twitch and not go hard on entertaining commentary
Fauna shitters still mad their oshi got exposed for the "gamer" fraud she is last night I guess.
she's multiplying
As a streamer, you get to farm bezos bucks, and then you, the viewer, get gigi emotes to use on other streams
Crossing my fingers management denies the Twitch shit.
I saw Ferry and Cag. It looks like she has good taste.
She said she'd vibe and chill with chat.
I'm guessing the early streams are overseas collabs. I really like her current timeslot, but if it shifts her sleep schedule enough for me to catch goodnight doodles maybe it balances out
She's plugging her merch in a silly way by constantly multiplying the png of her standee on the screen. It's cute.
As a dedicated gacha coomer, should I try granblue?
>CG next week
hell yeah
I remember when the la+ twitch announcement dropped, a bunch of sea posters said they have to pay extra to watch twitch streams
sure but wait for next month when they start giving shit away for summer
It depends how much do you like grinding?
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Highly likely there will be a GGCC collab next week
depends on what you want the gacha for, it has lots of pretty female jpgs for you to stroke your dick to if that's what you're looking for.
I went back and rewatched. We're both right
It's got a lot of bullshit to sift through story-wise, but when it gets good it's pretty damn good. Sick music as well. Gameplay-wise though it's turbo grindy and not insanely satisfying (mileage may vary though). Very whale-able though if you're into that
stop making it sound good
all i want is vods and twitch sucks at vods
fuck no
but if you do just play casually
Gigi did a poll asking if viewers wanted to see her play new content or start from the beginning, and start from the beginning won
I'm more into the Granblue fighter myself but I doubt any holo will ever play it, let alone tubers that are talked about in /fig/.
I did enough whaling in FGO. Those days are over. Casual f2p only.
I love GG but personally I will not watch her Twitch streams, anyways, to block Twitch's stream injected ads use Ublock Origin plus:

I personally use the Userscript version with Tampermonkey.
It's very f2p friendly as well, thankfully. Like that previous anon said though, join for the summer shit
Yeah, quite a sad event, they should have just let her play endgame
>Not watching soulful Gigi vibe
Ngmi. Also twitch stream quality is unironically better.
I hate Twitch but I will watch Gigi's Twitch streams if she gets approval. I still refuse to install those emote extensions or whatever
If you came from FGO you will be in for a surprise when they shower you with free shit. They have roulettes where they give you a bunch of free summons its great.
gigi uwohh'ing and cumming to the music
She mentioned Runescape but does anyone actually want more Holo Runescape streams, or specifically a Gigi OSRS stream? Like dawg when Nerissa did her first one the other week it was so boring.
>Also twitch stream quality is unironically better.
Because none of the holoens use YT correctly, streaming 1440p60fps and sending HEVC/AV1 to the ingesting server will mog Twitch's quality to oblivion.
I won't watch Twitch esports streams so I think this might be okay
gigi wants to fuck a dragon?
>Bahamut's kinda sexy
Gigi no...
if anyone doubted her being a hopelessly horny fujo
>Gigi loves power of friendship plot
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is this achievable natty
She's a little horny today
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is having guerilla/low brain activity streams on youtube bad?
Probably ovulating
>aegislash gets gigi going
That's my gremlin!
gardevoir lovers BTFO!
I guess maybe, she wants to be seems full of energy in those, in theory the twitch ones will be a little bit lower in quality
this girl is a freak
Gigi wants to get knotted...
It can be bad for her algo on main channel yeah. Sure you can make a 2nd yt channel but a nice plus to a secondary twitch stream is exposure to a different user base to help grow a following.
bros how do i become a werewolf so i can savagely fuck gigi
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Algorithm suppression or whatever if you spam content people don't watch or whatever. No one knows how that shit works not even youtube does.
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Hey look it's Gigi's crush
I will now proceed to pleasure my wife with this fish.
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>you just know she shops at bad dragon
that fish? me.
Good luck anon, you don't get to breathe until she's done.
at least i will die happy
There is also the monthly subscription you get for free if you link your account to Amazon. Many used theirs for Miko/Lamy.
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It's okay to be into monsters you know?
An anon of impeccable taste and spitting facts as well I see
wee lil cwab
are you into monsters anon?
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gigi is getting too close to discovering the truth
I think twitch is the better platform, but it always feels a bit scummy to me to use multiple sites, since people would have to sub/member multiple times to actually get the benefits like no ads and emotes.
anon she's talking about it RIGHT NOW
kek she's perfect
what's your main?
I hope she makes a free chat frame so we can chat on YT whenever she's twitching
use an adblocker and stop giving a shit about emotes
It is still the best piece of art that she has.
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I don't know much about gacha or their stories. I just like listening to Gigi yap about her interests.
but you still get ads as a member on youtube
Same, I bounced off GBFR pretty hard, but I can be at maximum entertainment by this idiot just yapping away about her nerdy interests
oh that makes sense. If these streams are going to hurt Gigi's growth then I'm ok with them being on Twitch
this dumb gremlin is going to make me pick up GBF again just to play WMTSB
Ad blockers reliably work on youtube, not on twitch, and I do care about emotes.
That would be a good compromise, assuming she actually reads it.
She's making me want to go back to my old account and actually play it...but the game is such a relic. So many good designs though
Kek this thread is full of doomposts and then it's back to talking about how horny and stinky GG is
Is a gacha anon, those are usually way to time consuming, up to you but, I must say by now I skip gachas, since I don’t have a lot of time for videogames anymore
to be fair, she started getting horny talking about GBF Bahamut and it set the thread off
i played for a bit cause of GBVSR and it was interesting but too hard to balance playing that along with blue archive and nikke
>Vira is Gigi's waifu
>Vira is my waifu
Me and Gigi are practically married
>grem: I can fix him
>gigi: NO!
>gigi: I don't wanna fix him
That's agains YT TOS. Using YT chat for a stream on another site.
she has established in the past that she doesn't want to fix him, she wants him to make her worse
Your oshi is growing on me...
It's the opposite for me, gacha takes 10 minutes per day while I don't always have hours to sink into other games
After she explained what her twitch plans were we mellowed out, while still not exactly happy about it, it might be alright to move esports over there
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I saw other vtubers do it before for years and nothing happened
If you like a horny fujo yapping about every little thing that interests her, you will enjoy your time here.
>I don't think normal happy person would keep this
This sounds so retarded that it might actually be true.
lol funny language
she got sandy!
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A normal happy person wouldn't be in this thread in the first place.
go nuts, make that folder 50tb. It doesn't matter
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She explained it in a way that lowered my worries about it. I do watch Ayame on there for her Valoslop to just watch her be cute to be fair.
god she's so fucking cute
Maybe, but COVER is a big name and other Corpos actually care about it since they can sue it if needed
I HATE Sandals
A big one? I just saw some butthurt ruffian about fwmc recent X space + YT chat ranting how that's against TOS but i never checked it
>Does Gigi knows she's an Ad?
WTF did the gremurin mean by this
Gigi's enthusiasm about her likes heals my soul.
Sounds like they were expressing that they feel compelled to buy this game/start playing GBF because of her endorsements
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Seriously. There is literally nothing in this world more attractive to me than someone being so passionate about things they love.
Gigi does precisely that, seemingly effortlessly and it always makes me so happy.
Not him but Twitch only has a vague as fuck "you can't merge chats from other platforms" which can be interpreted a million different ways. i know a pretty big streamer who displays both chats seperately without any issue.
Gigi has DVR turned on for this stream
Bubs should be given to all players
>X space + YT chat
Every Holo does this though
I want to be Gigi's meowmeow...
gigi is my miaomiao
>imagine a pathetic old business man
I'm so in
>an anime pathetic old business man
it's so over
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heavy breathing
GG masturbating live
She is horny
my sides
Gigi isn’t my oshi. But you have to love her passion for things she likes
Imagine a sweaty narmaya after some sit ups
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goofy ass dude
holy shit, is gigi PFE?
peak fujo experience
This reminds me of that one Nene clip where she is just rotating the camera around some loli asking why she's so erotic
She's having so much fun making him do goofy poses, it's unreal.
Man, I don't give a shit about this game or Sandalphon but Gigi is making me love this so much.
You had any doubts after she brought up a BTS X Lightning mcqueen fanfic?

>what's your main?
Alright. Time to get fit and do a Sandy cosplay and do this for Gigi.
You got this. Get those gains, show up to a meet and greet in cosplay, and watch her combust
Oh damn, she's a FUJO fujo huh? People weren't kidding.
just starve yourself
Grems, this feeling I have... Is it love?
She's so easily entertained...
Explain the fuck is happening in this here video.
Yep, seems like a pretty hardcore one.
She's the only one streaming and only 6k viewers. ERB is really solo carrying this gen huh
She really is a FFXIV player. I literally JUST dealt with the exact situation she described two hours ago in one of the new Extremes.
someone please explain what the fuck she is on about with "true north" or whatever.
to be fair i'd buckbreak Sandy too
My guess is Liz adopt an orphan who happen to have the power to paint realty as she sees fit if it amuses her so Liz decided to put her to work as a chaser and that is how GiGi became the Fister of Holo justice.
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I'm only a newfag in Stormblood but that sounds ridiculous lol
It's about the vibe
never heard of apng kid?
you sure?
Final Fantasy XIV is an MMO. In the game, there is a very loose party finder system where you join other players to complete harder content without organizing beforehand.
Most of the time, the party leader will put the strat they will be following in the party description. Sometimes, they're not clear on something, however. There can be mechanics where it changes depends on where the boss is looking or to give melee more uptime on the rear of the boss, which gives them more damage for some skills.
Some parties don't trust other people to adjust to the fight according to where the boss is facing, so they prefer static positions. It would be the difference between always going south-west for a mechanic vs always sticking to the boss's back left.
Growing on me a lot, I like her enthusiasm about the games she plays.
I recently quit GBF, I'd say anyone getting interested stay away from the browser game but Relink is really really incredible
basically "true north" is no matter where the boss is and how it's positioned, you'll always go to whatever spot regardless of the boss' position for a certain mechanic (i.e. if you're assigned north to resolve maybe moving out for a big explosion on yourself so you don't hit anyone else, you'll always go north in the arena)
otherwise if it was "boss relative" a player who was assigned north would go the front of the boss for that is it's "north" even if it's facing say east of the arena
the point of these differences is to try and have the community have a similar understanding of how to resolve mechanics for the sake of consistency across the game's party finder
there's a non-zero chance i was a shitter in gigi's pf...no...
I play Hoyo-slop and wuwa, and her yapping is pretty entertaining.
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>pinax PTSD
I like Gigi but she streams too late for me.
I was going to restart ffxiv because of the dlc but this talk is giving me anxiety, lmao
why is gigi so relatable... doing week 1 PF too, this girl is actually a proper FFXIV raider
thank you anon, very sex
This is all party finder talk, there really aren't expectations for randoms in pf. Everyone goes in with bare minimum expectations to clear. If you have an actual static group, it's a lot more consistent.
Also you have a long while before you need to worry about it depending on where you are.
That's good to know, thanks
Yeah I just returned to FFIXV, to my surprise, I didn’t even clear the main story of Endwalker, I guess it makes sense, why I didn’t remember how it ended
Versus stream confirmed
Nice, I hope we get an EN holo who can actually play fighting games, at least to a certain level.
I don't know how serious she was being but the character she's gushing over was datamined for it
she probably only got into it because she's a fangirl, but it also doesn't mean she's necessarily good or bad, but from her personality i'd say she knows a little how to play.
i never played fightan until persona 4 arena came out because i'm a huge fatlus, but i ended up getting real into it and pretty decent, and moving on to other fighters eventually
Her passion is actually contagious
gigi LOVES the power of friendship
So this Sandalphan guy is gay?
His group isn't known as the homoangels for nothing
GBF is a pretty gay game regardless of gender
There's no like clear definite confirmation one way or the other, but fujos LIVE for the Lucifer/Sandalphon storyline.
Damn, I should have bought this instead of Tales of Arise during this sale huh
It's alright, they are still adding shit to it anyway. Waiting awhile will just mean more content
I'm tempted to pick up gbf just because of how much gigi cares about it
looks like I need to clear 54 chapters of story, then it's available in side stories section. is early story decent or skippa? also is multiplayer required? I've seen throwaway twitter accounts for calling raids
I'd just be a filthy wiki reader...
You can skip while reading a wiki for character summaries. I always skip events with characters I don't like so you don't have to read everything.
Nothing brings more joy to my heart then seeing Gigi back under 6k.
Buy an account for cheap and watch the story on YT
gbf relink is really great if you know anything about the other granblue games and already care about the characters.
If you don't, it's just anime monster hunter.
It's been a really long while since I've played, but:
Early story is foundational to the later stuff. It's OK. It gets more exciting later on around/after the defeat of the first major antagonist.
I'm not entirely certain how necessary raids are if you're only interested in the story content, but if you're grinding out event content(which the What Makes The Sky Blue trilogy is), you'll probably hit up raids at some point. Unless they added all of them to the side stories; side story content is usually soloable as far as i'm aware.
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Gigi love!
Does she need a new mic or do i need new headphones?
Gigi should join my crew for earth gw.
i like it lol
arise is ok but man
relink has the gameplay i always wanted in an anime game
I love how she loves absolutely everything and gets hype over the simplest things... she's just like me...
She keeps talking about FFXIV but man Stormblood is dragging for me. HSW was pretty good though
Io is the sexiest character in relink
next expansion is raw kino
Wrong, Sandalphon exists.
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I think the final part of storm blood is decent, also I liked the postgame story, the theme of the exp was also quite good, I remember it from time to time “Storm of Blood, Born from blood of our fallen brothers”
Already? That was fast.
Did gigi roll for her?
I don't understand. Stormblood was good and kept me playing until now but it was also my entry point in FFXIV.
No but I did... and now I don't have a spark ready for the rest of summer... (But it's okay I LOVE Raziel)
Stormblood can be a bit rough, the Doma/Azim steppe bit is good though and the patch msq quests give a lot of exploration to ala migho that was sorely needed. Shadowbringers takes the buildup and delivers in spades though. 5.0 - 5.3 is honestly the best stretch of story in the entire game.
gigi whaling on the claw machine to deny the normies a plush
lol Gigi
Stormblood always seemed to me like an expansion that was fun to play when it was current content but whenever i played through the game in Shadowbringers i was close to quitting multiple times.
just like me fr fr
Stormblood made me fall in love with FF14. I started with ARR and liked it a lot, played it so much, then HW came out and I was finding it so boring, the post game patches slowly coming in were equally as bad so I quit the game, came back towards the end of SBs but playing through SBs I realized how good the game was again, it saved FF14 for me from HW almost killing it
gigi eating ice soup after getting max copies of her angel husbando...
Stormblood is kinda divisive, but post-SB patches are SICK, and the kino doesn't stop until Endwalker.
I still think EW patches were good and I thoroughly enjoyed Dawntrail's story. Both of those are pretty divisive as well, though.
Gigi is going to have ultra exclusive and rare merch for us. She knows the ways of gacha and will milk us dry
Why has no one made a rrat face for Gigi yet?
limited edition gigi scented spats
SB MSQ pacing is absolutely horrendous, i recommend new players finish that expansion with trial first then buy the whole game
Sasuga JP bros supporting Gigi
she's so cute
Do you think she's stinky?
fuck yea
boring ass kusoge, i will not trust hoyoshill again
Its better than their other games but that's not saying much
FUUUUUUUUUUCK I'm about to oshihen, sorry FWMC she's just too cute and funny (and she actually streams games)
Baker are you here?
I like that Gigi sounds like a real autistic anime girl.
I got you
Bless you baker
This. I'm starting to get used to her voice.
She seems to enjoy streaming and she's fun. Seems like a good oshi unless occasional esports twitch streams are a dealbreaker, which shouldn't be
her yapping is too cute, so passionate
Thanks baker
It was almost a dealbreaker for me when she mentioned it but... this whole stream made me kneell to her again she's so cute and passionate and my heart
Same here. The unarchived esports twitch slop made me waver but this stream gave me some more hope

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