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Previous: >>80062077
Thanks mama very cool
As an avid shitposter myself, giving these people attention is exactly what they want. Doesn't matter if its good or bad. If I see seething, I giggle like a little school girl. its the same for these people.
Gaming idle kirin
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pls consider
learn to drop hate
invest in a smile
love will come
maybe you will like it
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>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover) *new*
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>symmetry *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

>wooow I'm really looking forward to Gigi yapping on about some gacha guy
This but without a single shred of irony.
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Play Garou. It's a good game.
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>Liggers and Nijisisters are destroying themselves
>Hololive is winning as per usual
>cecilia overlapping the nijiEN summer jam
You'd think she'd show some respect to her EN vtubing senpai
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How do we deal with the for*igner problem?
still the worst ritual posting of all 4chan
Gigi has always been the worst Hololive hire and I'm glad it didn't take long for everyone else to see how much of a shitter she is. This is gonna be a sub 2k stream
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Recent clip numbers
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Here's some numbers, someone tracked the clear times per stage for holos playing A Dance of Ice and Fire
based cuckbro
why should holos care about overlapping small corpo events anon?
>the homolover intern finally posted
gonna post this in every thread?
Oh man, our /sp/ field trip was fantastic for this. I had like three different posts that got 5+ (you)s
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Complaining on leddit it's posting wojaks would probably work honestly
Bae is worse, ERB is worse, objectively.
What makes someone start schizoing for someone this hard this fast, were you one of her PL groomers?
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What? I actually just woke up
ERB exists to make GG look better

>bae and erb in the same sentence
Don't insult bae
The AX chat is full of ESLs screaming for Bleach.
ERB gets good numbers because she only does karaoke streams and plays shitty normalfag games like Undertale. Gigi is going to continuously stream degenerate games and scare off whatever fans she may have had
Why do all the dramafags and holo-antis in general have 'watame' as their oshi??
don't care, Justice is better
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sadly, what you think is helping is exactly what they want
they count on people not giving attention to push their shit
they fear getting shit back
they always push shit, get a compliancy and count that point as the start point to demand more shit
always point them out, call them on their crap and if possible also bring the helmir to their doorstep
I was not ironic I'm looking forward to the stream.
I find funny all those liggers when justice debuted. What a bunch of insufferable retards, not even 2 weeks and now they are dealing with the filian crap and showing in a big screen how the indies are a bunch of backstabbing whores. God is a holofag.
Elira is the daisenpai of EN YTers, anon.
they're pulling an anti-helmite
>2 PDT
fucking hell i gotta wait 4 hours?
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I won't say that Hologirls aren't better, but I have no problem with nijigirls (even if most of them are now splintered loyalties ever since the Pomu/Selen graduation, seriously like the majority of western women that were fans and also cute seemed to be fans of the girls, wild shit)
they're thirsty?
I think it’s time to switch Vshojo and Niji
Either that or some homoniggers trying way too hard to divert attention from ERB.
Does anybody actually believe that?
Watch England Switzerland
>Elira is the daisenpai of EN YTers, anon.
Elira is the daisenpai of small corpo vtubers anon
But the organs aren't holos.
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>Thinks Bae is any better
This will never be true ratfuck, Bae is equal or even worse than ERB at the moment, I have never even understood the copium you ratniggers have.
probably to spite helmite
The Bae catalog threads didn't tip you off?
>ERB gets good numbers
It's fucking week 2 you moron.
We literally don't know if she gets good numbers or not
>Gacha game
>Degenerate fujo
>Annoying voice
>Annoying laugh
>Bad zatsu skills
It'll be the mother of all debuffs. Screenshot this post, you know Gigi won't get 3k with this stream unless she gets raided
this webm is disgusting
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>the dude trying to flex his japanese instead of letting the interpret talk
>talking about how important the girl is because she has lots of followers on twitter
fwmc save us...
That only works sometimes
If you fuck up (and most people do fuck that up) all it does is bring them support that mounts over time
Culture War shit has been happening for like over a decade now, surely you've had to notice by now that the most confrontational side is the one that tends to lose
The answer is not to seethe and give them the types of (you)s they want, the answer is to suck them into going mask off as quickly and blatantly as possible.

THIS is why Helmite succeeds. He has the unique ability to almost immediately garner explicit antiposting from whoever he replies to.
You know the whole point of indies is it's not just one faction
Ok and? Bad numbers aren't gonna turn me off a stream.
Anybody that actually watches streams
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Gigi brings in the well needed bantz that HoloEN was somewhat lacking. I don't mind her.
you want me to watch bongers vs crosses?
after TSUUUUUUUU vs Mini Africa match
nahh... im not watching that semen slurper today.
will read the threads though.
I don't pay attention to the catalog.
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They don't
nah a more funner way is to check their opsec reps and send them funny emails if they somehow use their personal emails just like the sistrs during the advent debut debacle
Any fleshstreamers react to hololive night yet?
It's just jurard's cocksucking discord flips
Why is Kiara's Bday in Japan prime time
Did Bae show up 1hr late for first ever intergen collab with the worst excuse possible?
Does Bae spam other people stream chat and demand attention disrupting streams?
Did Bae disrespect Sora?
She wants to be the runt this year too
ERB was consistently getting better numbers than Gigi in their Operation Tango collab even before she got raided. Gigi is a shitter and everyone has decided who the better streamer is
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>surely you've had to notice by now that the most confrontational side is the one that tends to lose
I'm on this for 20 years and I know this is a lie
Being passive is what makes you get diversity and equity into your hobby
Literally got ERB because people werent loud enough about the homoshit
>management enforced stream actually doing EU-friendly times instead of cocksucking commie coast USA
I'm hallucinating right?
IDK I only watch vtubers
Could only get studio for that timeslot
Literally be invisible and let them shoot themselves in the foot like they always do
Remember hololive wins by doing nothing while the rest burn and destroy themselves
Will beggars put money on the table or pay in exposure?
Gigi's bantz devolve into calling someone stupid and being a horny fujo. She's not funny
im more surprised that korean guy from OTV wasn't seen there.
>shokotan interview
>chat is full of shitheads screaming about bleach

How many?
>the answer is to suck them into going mask off as quickly and blatantly as possible.
Yes, and that cant be accomplished by "ignore the trolls XD"
It's hard as fuck to get good at this though
For example, how can we prove that the schizo just changed the parameter "[Council]" to "[Promise]" in their shitpost bot
It's hard
Blame Kronii.
>someone stupid
That's CC.
We are watching this
So what is the story of the ggschizo? Suddenly this retard popup even before she debuted.
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Well I guess someone twenty years deep in a culture war hole isn't gonna have a very strong perspective on anything other than the combative view of things, so your view makes sense to your own experiences, but I don't really think that's like, the right view. Seen enough things where going in loud only brought on the backlash to you, with people eventually going in on the opposite side. Not just on one end, on either end of this whole thing.
Besides, I'm pretty cool with "diversity in my hobby" considering that's how we got CC and RR and GG as well. Spices things up a bit when done well.
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>Yes, and that cant be accomplished by "ignore the trolls XD"
it actually can see>>80068718
>It's hard as fuck to get good at this though
This is the actual problem.
Most of you are just really fucking bad at this and sperg out and do active damage, so we say "ignore them" because otherwise you go and fuck it up.

Let the professionals handle it.
I love Hololive.
Either a hurt ex-fan, a jealous 2view, or someone mad it wasn't their oshi who got in instead of her
its a nice element to have in a big collab
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Praying for dark souls
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WEEK 2, retard
By your logic Biboo is the absolute runt of advent after all look at these numbers from 5th of August 2023
most "new" schizos are just regular ones reskinning the spam to try to get fresh engagement. Unless she had a dedicated hater in her old thread before it's almost certainly one of the old people here fishing for new bites.
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>Did Bae show up 1hr late for first ever intergen collab with the worst excuse possible?
Don't know, but she left Fauna hanging to talk to homos, equivalent.
>Does Bae spam other people stream chat and demand attention disrupting streams?
not as hard as ERB but yes, she shows up in homo chats (and drags other girls wih her, vide Bae and Kronii showing up in Vesper chat before Kronii's yab)
Also, shows up to their birthdays and they show up on hers, including her 3D lives.
>Did Bae disrespect Sora?
This is a moot point and not using senpai is a gay complaint to have either way.
Oh no, not another ennacuck...
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They would need to watch the stream before.
shes talentless and probably felt like other candidates would have been better in that slot. I don't necessarily feel that way, but I don't disagree.
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>07/06 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
1.670: Axel (Holostars) | Five Nights at Freddy's
1.586: Ruze (Holostars) | Chained Together Armis Collab
1.522: Fulgur (Nijisanji) | Valorant w/ Aia, Maria, Twisty, Vantacrow
1.052: Lumi (Phase-Connect) | Ragnarok

<spoiler>Curse you, Riku.</spoiler>
tits too big
Anon Id take Braves girls over nijigirls. Niji needs to be knocked out of the #2 spot
>t. Lil Dino Coz
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JWU. Gold status?
>on't know, but she left Fauna hanging to talk to homos, equivalent.
Anon I'm not happy she did this but it's been almost 2 fucking years and she hasn't done anything like this since, let it the fuck go
>someone stupid
I... actually kind of like that about her, its really cute
>><spoiler>Curse you, Riku.</spoiler>
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Here, let me show a easy way how to fight them

There you go
So with youtube demoneitizing clipper channels, will new vtubers have trouble growing their channels?
I’ve been called GG schizo a few times even tho I just said she sounds like Dookie and Enna. But probably the dude that’s constantly at is is pisses since she used to be a runt at their old corpo and fucked of only to be the runt here. So maybe it is someone who mad their oshi didn’t make it instead of GG
I won't lie: I am not a picky man
I see a cute girl, I catch a little lustful feeling in my heart, I'm very simple like that
>comparing collabs with spamming someone's chat
>rehashing dumb rrats
>still has to admit all the shit ERB did wrong because he has no counter argument
And you don't even have a fucking ontopic image to post because you are a fucking twitter warrior tourist
Not until she apologizes to Fauna and all the fans onstream and denounces homos forever
Maybe he just went silently like in the CTW concert
What's this about?
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You are the problem.
Amazing how much Shiori fell off in hindsight. But Biboo really improved. Rock wife now just needs to learb a few more things
We're long gone from the ez subs era anyway. Clippers have been deprioritized by youtube for like 2 years now.
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This guy might be a real holofag, just retarded
Mori changed, Kronii changed, Bae didn't change a single thing, this is all cope of the strongest variety, you can't find any examples of her getting it ever, In my opinion she is even worse as times goes on and she holds herself back because og high cowardice but make no mistake, she would be Ollie if she was allowed to or had less backlash.
yeah man, that's how the audience joins your side, great job
Ever heard of "arguing for the audience" my man
>So with youtube demoneitizing clipper channels, will new vtubers have trouble growing their channels?
not really since its not something new and has been happening for almost 2 years now they just need to make a longer intro and theyr clear like the other clippers
>got called a schizo
>uses nijisister lingo
gee i wonder why
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Biboo was the Fauna of Advent. Gigi will be the Biboo of Justice. Shiori was the Kronii of Advent and ERB will be the Shiori of Kronii
>fell off
She never had good numbers.
You're a moron because you think the numbers from these first weeks are at all relevant
*while doing a naked dogeza
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>This guy might be a real holofag, just retarded
he;s a fan of the fandom leech
he's more interested in the community than the content
90k. They will activate the bots so this won't be an embarrassment
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Her 3D live shows she is the same girl she has always been
>Biboo was the fauna of advent
Fucking stop this, outside of Fromsoft shit she's quite literally nothing and has to rely on raids.
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Why would they force Raora and GG in that timeslot when they're not actually pandering to it though? It makes no fucking sense. GG isn't an EU holo, she has neither the slot nor culture for it.
>Shiori was the Kronii of Advent
God you're such a fucking retard
Judging from how the sisters are pushing ERB's debut numbers, its relevant. I do think Biboo improved a lot too
I checked /#/ for the first time two days ago and now I can't leave. Is it over for me?
Seethe more jurard
>Why would they force Raora and GG in that timeslot when they're not actually pandering to it though?
Management autism
>carried hard by model
>fell off when people realized she was a talentless bitch
no u
oh ok, saw some jp clippers getting notifications from youtube and wasn't sure how big of a deal it was.
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learn to actually like the numbers and get a good set of internal filters and you're just fine.
If you're getting caught by the schizos then it's game over for you
So that's it? nijiEN wins just like that?
>Not true scottman fallacy.
Shut the fuck up Ratfuck, Bae isn't any better than ERB and thats a hard cold fact.
thanks for the laugh
>points out about being called a schizo even because of a tame comparison
>proceeds to call her as a runt
I don't think he's ever given a single SC to her. And how vocal she is about them we'd probably heard already.
>its relevant
Outside of their combined box which does show how much interest there is in their gen NO their individual numbers right now are not relevant.
It's a relay retardo
Holy fuck holo tiktok are full of indog doxxfaggots
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iirc sushi and i think yura got hit a couple of years back and they just deleted the targeted vids
No more brown click baits. Only true and loyal clippers will keep clipping because they love their oshi or several girls, and want to spread highlights of them even if the algo don't favour them.
Then start the relay and Raora's usual time? They already have their usual slots, let them stream for an hour
>Jurard is against homos now
Really now sisters?
JWU, who has the POV ccv for the EN crab game collab yesterday?
>fell off when people realized she was a talentless bitch
This didn't happen to Kronii, and it didn't happen with Shiori either.
Kronii fell off because she started fighting her own audience and stop streaming.
Shiori never had good numbers to begin with but she made things worse by taking a 10 day break on week 3
welcome to tiktok
>t. coping ratnigger
my doll gf
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See if you can last through the first Modless Hell period we get. People samefagging on 3 devices for hours on spamming the thread with stupid bait and then replying to themselves. Last time when someone finally paid attention like 48 posts got deleted at once from a 300-ish post thread. One guy doing both sides of a "Gura vs Pekora" debate.
What the fuck is a "relay' when it comes to SCs anyway? I'm not gonna SC all of them Cover, few people are.
>Not true scottman fallacy
I made fun of you for being a tourist. That has nothing to do with that fallacy.
Fucking retard
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For lurker who are too dumb to understand what >>80068995 did, I can explain a little
It was said that in 20 years of internet hobbies, it was noticed that being passive never worked
The faggot is implying that this means it was 20 years of "fighting back that never worked either"
That was never said in the original post since it also can mean it was just 20 years observing a timeloop
The strategy he used can mold the perception of what is being discussed and lead the conversation to infinite shitpost
Noticing this you can just point it out as bullshit and do the same to the few replies you get back from the samefag or its discord friends
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Forgetting someone?
those are just coincidences
setbacks that anyone with talent could recover from
I mean just look at Towa
she came back from a massive giga yab because she is genuinely funny, cute and a good singer
Kronii and Shiori have none of that
On positive side it pushed more people towards making animated clips, shit's a scene already
Why does he just donate to dramatubers and to clippers instead of actually donating to holomem
Welcome to every single place that isn't /vt/ and r/Hololive.
Normalfags love doxxshit
Yeah I'm not gonna archive dive for receipts but Sushi scrubbed a couple million views worth of clips from his channel. Yura idk about. Korone's clipper and Aqua's clipper are both on their 3rd channels after their first two were completely targeted. I'm not sure how this is only just now happening on the JP side and it's still super interesting how I've never seen Nijiclippers complain about this
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Didn't know you could have video in a Twitter Space
Shiori is funny and cute though
Advent did it too did you cry then also?
GG is streaming late yes but not completely out of reach for EU (2-3 watchable hours). But yeah she doesn't have the culture, that is true.
It being a relay is honestly more retarded than the time
Coming home status?
>The faggot is implying that this means it was 20 years of "fighting back that never worked either"
not really wrong there
They are not deprioritized enough
>Clippers have been deprioritized by youtube for like 2 years now
It seems that it is fairly recent. I just searched Doki's name today and the first recommendations are Doki channel and her streams. When i searched for her name when she just redebuted, even her channel got buried with clips.
>Kronii fell off because she started fighting her own audience and stop streaming.
That was the final blow. Kronii was set up to be the strongest in Council but threw it away because of her pride as a VA
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That's what happened in your head, reality is another world, retard.
Why the fuck would the relay start at Raoras usual hour? Its 7 hours before the rest normally start
>come back from
Kronii never tried to come back from anything? Every time you see her she sounds burn out and just going through the motions to keep her job.
Shiori also never tried to get mainstream appeal, she's been weird and doing her own thing from week 1 and never changed.

You don't watch fucking streams
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Cute! So many cute interactions in the collab
Only Hololive matters
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because nijiclippers are either interns or vta fags since that is a part of their "training" according to that fired vta guy
I feel like culturally a British person would be a lot closer to an American than an Italian?
Isn't Kiara the daisenpai since she debuted first?
it's a nigga that always complaining about people calling out phasekeks or nijikeks falseflagging lies because "it gives them attention", retard at best malicious at worst trying to sneak poison instead of teaching the newfags who are the enemies and why
Didn't she reactivate a old account? That could have factored in
He's a regular Legal Mindset visitor. Might be a unityfag too since he is not hostile to Nijis and Homos.
ERB is a sheep shagger
Huh, at least Gigi can move merch. I wonder if she got a boost because of the collab because I don't remember her being that close to Raora during the last update
Game of Thrones?
a gen of 4 that has 2 runts
feels like shit
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Is this autism?
Gigi's good Holoshop sales is countered by her garbage Geekjack sales
Shoo shoo faggot
>tsukihime without the awkward ciel anal scene
What's the point?
no its called being german
I mean that likely just means that she has a more american viewerbase since she doesn't really stream in EU.
krautism at its finest
Germans are all autistic
This kraut is way too cute.
She's german. Autism runs through her veins.
>ERB will be the Shiori of Kronii
If you spew bullshit, at least fix this shit
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If the first debut is a group there is no Daisenpai *unless* everyone else graduates. If Finana fucks off Elira really will be Niji EN's Daisenpai. Myth doesn't have one.
not thats being a german which is a worse fate than autism
at least its miles better than being a frog
How long before Justice settles into their post debut numbers? Or have they already lost debut buff?
you're lost, buddy
If we get Cece to ever open an Excel Spreadsheet, I think we'll be able to indoctrinate her into anything
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Listening to IRyS member stream, I guess she saw the /vt/ sexy poll? Probably on twitter
Unironically based. She should lean more into her German autism.
There's other European 'tisms Euro viewers crave. Europeans are generally a lot more well travelled than Americans so we have experienced each others cultures a lot (share game servers and sports too)
You handing out a lot of yous for this early in the morning, anything in particular you want people to move on from my pinoy posting pal?
People are coping that they already lost it because they are getting regular 4view streams already but I think they will fall much lower than this still.
I'm watching the AX stream while waiting for my mocowife and the other one.
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>v4mirai has a daisenpai and its a black woman
should get them blackrock money
retarded ruffian thinking we care about dumb panel he was spamming the thread earlier
ignore him
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went for a nap during RR stream, double redirect?
seethe sis
we need more tan women in hololive
Too many playlists but

>Euro Truck Simulator 2
>Making Music
>Game making
>EN collabs

.....I think these would make great playthroughs. Especially Skyrim.
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It's funny I think Luna is the most raided HoloJP (not counting stuff like relays and shit)
Post holo merch
go shitpost about it in baubau or whatever shithole you came from
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Gorillaz is the true EN daisenpai.
I mean we nordic people love brits and their humour (and they love our crime shows and books), i would guess it is the same with the other northern german peoples (southern germans like bavarians and austrians seem to be more in tune with the romance region of europe)
Fuck off Todd
you can spam the thread but you can't make us give a fuck about fwmc
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3200 peak so far for the fate panel. can hololive and GSC beat this?
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can you fuck off back to your own thread?
>indieshit imploding
>vox botted sub 40k 3D debut
>holo kino in a stadium of 50k people
can't stop winning won't stop winning
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Funnily enough she had a Brazillian genmate, but said genmate graduated due to some big IRL opportunity. Actually feel kinda sorry for Serina - she clearly did not want that to happen.
I'm sorry about your top dog's sub-40k 3D debut, sis
RR raided Anya with terrible retention.
It seems that Anya raided Nanora based on your history.
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We had 3 botted streams so I wanted to make a list of current VOD views.
>name | peak | views
Fauna | 12409 | 98k
FWMC | 11976 | 85K (bot)
Nerissa | 9087 | 52k (bot)
Cecilia | 8757 | 90k
Gigi | 8659 | 57k (bot)
Mori | 5706 | 60k
ERB | 5663 | 69k
Shiori | 5378 | 47k
High VOD views for CC and Liz relatively to CCV. Debut buff with more people still checking anything with new talents + timezones? Seems like 3000-3500 bot injections.
>Literally got ERB because people werent loud enough about the homoshit
you've been constantly loud tho, you've been screaming about homoshit through entirety of Advent's tenure despite them doing absolutely nothing with them, you were loudly cheering for FWMC and former homocollabers giving them the silent treatment, you downvoted the Reddit fags into oblivion and it resulted in... ERB still getting hired and still doing her shit
so no, you were absolutely being loud, you were definitely heard by the management and you were, indirectly, told that their policy did not change at all and they'll hire people that hit the requirements even if they don't follow some semi-political mantra
Small thing but the Zack and Cody dude also went to AX and is a massive Holofag.
see >>80070249
keep spamming ruffkek
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Meanwhile, in twitch whore news.
Don't care, I am still mad that Warner Bros is going all in on the Suicide Squad shit instead of SBR anime. Yeah Mori got that opporturnity but I would prefer to see some comboy action animated
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Holo board
Holo thread
seethe cope and dilate
Liz also had a shorter stream so that has to be accounted for.
she deserved it for abandoning her erotic model for her disgusting sex demon twitch whore model
Same reason many have KFP in their names, it's the safest
>How do you do fellow fanbase
Used to be Korone
>got robbed
>got to keep her phone
keep spamming, retard
Only way I am getting robbed in burgerland is at gunpoint because I do not trust other people.
SBWho? Does it have Harley in it?
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keep dilating you tranny
She might have meant burglarized as in her car or room.
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EZ 10k
elaborate please i don't know those people
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Please stop insulting the ruffians
Heard holo collabing with akb, is that true?
not holo, suisei
Sounds like someone just stole her purse or something, and she thought the police in LA would care lol.
I'd still hit.
Suisei sang a song with AKB girls as backup dancers
Me too. With a bat.
>Ruffians are the trannies shitting up the board with Bae v Kiara spam since both of them were right about FUWAMOCO needing to slow down
It all adds up.
Shit thread post fuwawa
FWMC are trans allies, they have been from the start
Seethe at the dogs all you want homosis that won't change anything
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Where's she at, California or something? She's going to get herself shot lmao
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>literally carried another chuuba around for 10 seconds

....is this what they call Black Power?
>Miload shit numbers
>Sis raiding /#/ and seething
roru roru
FWMC already killed their 1m in a year goal and have droves of ruffians leaving them for the new girls. Sisters don't need to do anything.
gyaru gorilla muscles
its called being a dancer so she is fit as fuck
sonic movie
goddamnit holo en is taking up my whole weekend i wanna play elden ring ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
those split schizos that come here expecting the same results are too fucking funny, the other day a baeschizo was trying to bait with her for hours
I find it hard to have sympathy for this
Did CC have a large waiting room than FWMC?
You kept posting that shit.
The tranny won the jingle competition.
And he identified as a she, not as a they, so why is >ruffians in plural?
how can you not have more than one monitor? or just put them on your phone/tablet
It's actually hilarious how many ruffians dropped their oshi mark and have new girls oshi marks.
Sonic movie wasn't cultural war shit, though, it was art shit
AKA, "holy fucking shit that thing looks ATROCIOUS what are you doing"
Fan feedback 100% can work out but that's like, a whole different thing
just PiP them if you are single monitor, it's great
they are so fucking mad lol
Is it weird if she comes back as a doll joint girl?
When is holo collabing with JKT
I have 3 monitors but one is for sports, one is for this thread, and one is for anime
that would translate in less VOD views not more
Can't wait to see how many paypigs they are going to lose
Just like any other fields, you need a good mentor and a lot of practices.
If you have developed bad habits, then it would take more time to improve your skillsets.
Online confrontation is easier to avoid than street confrontation.
Leave it to the experts until you become a lite expert.
the "top" ruffians are self serving whores there is nothing to be surprised about
No because people would check out her stream since she was late. Halve the number.
>samefagging his schizo ramblings
ayy caramba
All POVs were botted to some degree aside from Mori by the way
kill yourself sister
Now's the time, /#/.
Give your candidates for HoloES.
kill yourself ennafaggot
Anya had moved to SC reading.
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My Mori!
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Ok bros, what do I do. I ordered a life sized Gura sex doll. Correct proportions, fat tail. I got a notif that it was here. It was unpacked and sitting at my bedroom door. I live alone. Someone entered my home, unpacked a Gura sex doll, and set it in front of my bed room. I'm so freaked out right now. No one has the key to my house, I'm not certain how they got in.
I might actually watch this black chuuba now.
pic or GTFO faggot
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pics or gtfo
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my brain hurts trying to decipher this
The fact that you think only 3 are botted are proof that you know less about bots and detecting them than you think you do.
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>somebody behind the dude translating
They already did
I feel like in this case no one would be fooled by a falseflagger named "Shiori Novella Novellite Knight" due to how blatant xhe is in xher falseflagging attempt. I do agree that phaseniggers and nijiniggers' lies should be countered such that it doesn't become a narrative here. Otherwise, right now an innocent, unaware lunaito would've fallen to the phasekeks' lies.
Color me surprised.
so true ennatranny
>ackshually all of EN are botted
get new material ennashart
This is british chinese food
fucking disgusting shit
t. sweden
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... Can Kronii do this?
>trump mention
The fuck is that panel?
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Rawr XD
Were you goddamn drunk or high on something at some point? Did you basically black out, forget you set it up yourself, and are now panicking over your own retardation?
Are you just LARPING?
If you think someone actually broke into your house, you need to change all your damn locks NOW.
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I wonder if Sioli will try to collab with Ame
Ame is too autistic lately so i doubt it will be an easy task
I didn't say all of them. In this case all but Mori. Even Fauna by a small amount.
I Skippa da Posta.
>It's actually hilarious how many ruffians dropped their oshi mark and have new girls oshi marks.
That's what you get when you pander to the /jp/ schizos who anti most of your branch for being lazy whores and latch on to your "work ethic"
Numbers and trends are interesting, and some interesting discussion about vtubing happens. If you can wade through the sea of shit
I'm pleased to announce that Raora and Cecilia have earned my subscription. Gigi still has to work a little more for hers, but I still think she can do it, she just needs to not pick gay shit to stream.
This dude's never heard of the Samehada graph
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I can't wait to buy the Nendos/Figurines
So Cecilia is the only justice girl that has still not gone under 10k for a solo stream?
I am begging you to get new material. You haven't come up with something new since you tried the combined Twitch x Youtube tally and that was almost a year ago. You're boring.
I Am Part-time Worker
Miko 37,494
Subaru 34,531
Pekora 26,553

why pekora is third army trash
Also Charlemagne mention?
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anon, making things ugly is part of the cultural war crap
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why do people say Biboo is the Fauna of advent
FWMC 2,5k
CC... right under 6k? Raided waiting room? Or something fucky with vrabi since it shows similar 6k for Fauna, but I think she was only like 4,5k by the end.
they both leech off Gura
Based playlist
drink bleach ennanigger
>Raid baby gets raid babied
Literally not me but whatever. I don't give a single shit about twitch or twitch vtubers. You continue to show how clueless you are about all of this.
It's so fucking funny that AKB is in their twilight era but JKT is on the rise instead.
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>Fauna vs Biboo
kill yourself
Wait, why is the Goodsmile chairperson also joining? Isn't that a big deal? Is this a first?
Nah, she had Neon White
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But from all the culture war fags I've ever seen, that idea was
>they make women ugly on purpose to push a new idea of attractiveness to people, thus "wokeshit" or something
But like. That was Sonic. The hedgehog. Not a woman. Not someone you're supposed to be attracted to.
Unless you wanna admit something to the class, I don't think that really applies here
she already has once, but she got overlapped hard
>Did CC have a large waiting room than FWMC?
Fauna - 3,502
Mori - 2,985
Cecilia - 2,792
ERB - 2,214
Fuwamoco - 1,997
Gigi - 1,510
Shiori - 1,312
Nerissa - 1,305
holoX casual outfit nendos are a big deal.
GSC is entering a long time partnership with Hololive
that is my bet anyway
How did Biboo, who never interacted with Gura directly, leech off of her?
Not surprising considering the last few months with them.
>posts schedule
>"we're so sorry wuffians but we have to cancel half the streams this week bau bau..."
>rinse and repeat
If you're so sure, post receipts
Unless you're literally just mistaking "round based dips" for botting
You have until this thread ends to post proof, ennafart. Go on, entertain me.
Loli model
Do mean biggest? Fauna even with others getting botted somehow
He's going to formalize the treaty with the Holo Empire and release the Promise Nendos
so uhh...
what's the problem with the FWMC jingle winner being a tranny?
did i miss something?
Stop samefagging
ruffians actually thought they were the second coming of jesus but as it turns out they were just as lazy as all the other EN girls
People still play that garbage?
nijjers are grasping at straws to deflect from their top dog's sub-40k 3D debut
It's one of the dramafag's trash. They are never in Hololive chats or comments. They only use the hololive name because they want to use its credibility to get more people to watch said dramafag channels.
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My doll wifes wife who is my wife
you know how shitposters are, they like to push the
>if you have one fan with qualities I don't like then all of them are actually like that person
Do you want the numbers?
FWMC, GG, Nerissa - 1000
ERB, Shiori, CC - 500
Fauna - 400
Why do we hate her again?
sisters hates trannies now.
How come the Justice debut buff crashed suddenly? Raora was getting consistent 10ks
Brother that's LITERALLY the round-based dips for like half of them
Mumei pls, go back to streaming.
That's a big jump for Gigi, also wasn't Cece behind ERB on the holostore before?
That's not proof ennashart. Do better. Post pics, post receipts. At least make an attempt.
Trump has agreed to make good on his first term promise to make anime girls real. He welched on it initially, but presidents can get away with pretty much whatever they want in their second terms because they don't have to worry about pissing off voters.
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>there are people who will believe in this comment and not see the fundamental flaw
Honestly, I think she is just harmless to everyone except herself.
She keeps riling up the homobeggers
>"we're so sorry wuffians but we have to cancel half the streams this week bau bau..."
It got really blatant this week when they were pretending to be sick only to magically get better before their karaoke at AX.
Ruffians that still buy their crap are completely retarded
It'd be more accurate to call Biboo the "Gura" of Advent, or another Gura-Killer, but she's above that. And its not just the loli model. With how rarely Gura streams nowadays, Biboo is pretty much the best alternative to Gura these days

>but that makes her a leech!
I'd take a good Gura alternative over no cunny whatsoever. And Biboo's cute.
Did the first 2 members of V4Mirai go for CGDCT content or was there a shift towards it with gen 2?
they will use anything, even themselves to shit on nice things
for me that fact just makes that dude who tried to shit the whole jingle thing even more pathetic for losing to a estrogened mental ill male
no I'm talking about the IRyS avatarposting anon that profess to not being belligerent against falseflaggers
cuz she's a slag.
Just open vrabi and look at Shioris graph compared to Mori. Your round bases dips are much smaller than you think. Despite having similar CCV Shiori has massive waves compared to Mori, and yet no one even thought Shiori was botted at all, but if you look at the two side by side it's plain as day. It's much easier to detect them on lower CCV ranges, which is why the 400 on Fauna barely registered.
stop samefagging
It is a year too late to try to invoke the Gurakiller curse
>shows up late for a 12 person collab
>force everybody to take a 5 minute break waiting for you to set up your stream
>mostly zones out for the 1hr of the collab you showed up for
No. And this is just her direct actions don't even get started on the effect she will have on bringing homobeggars to all other streams too specially if she ever raids anybody
Beggar Supreme
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The reason why things are getting "uglier" is the OBSESSION with realism. The people they base the characters on ARE NOT UGLY. They hire literal MODELS for half the characters people call ugly. But it is literally impossible to capture the human face without cutting corners that ends up making them ugly.

The attempt to chase realism is what is causing this shit. Stylized will ALWAYS be superior and will stand the test of time, while all these "realistic" graphics end up getting outdated within 3 years. Look at fucking Heavy Rain for the biggest example of this. Praised to the high heavens for how realistic it looked when initially released but it is fucking BUTT UGLY.
3 minutes to write a bunch of text but no pics
since when do we hate slags here?
>>mostly zones out for the 1hr of the collab you showed up for
Sorry, no cock. Attention and effort is reserved for the homos.
>Shiori has massive waves compared to Mori, and yet no one even thought Shiori was botted at all
People would have to actually care about shiori numbers for that.
Just being a loli does not make you a "Gura alternative". Bijou is nothing like Gura at all. Fucking retard
Biboo is closer to en Pekora if anything
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The more I look the less convinced I am of your argument
Especially when you look at some of the weird peaks in the beginning and notice that they have the highest chat speeds, too, which correlates to it being legit
Tourists, just you know this is /#/ when it gets raided. Get used to the low-effort posting and spam that ensues.
I don't care what you believe, because it's far more funny to me watching this thread pretend they understand how bots work.
That's fucking offensive to Pekora, Biboo is a bad streamer and is literally coasting on how "cute" she is
you don't need to go to that extreme either
she tried a few jokes, none of those landed so she started loudly humming instead
Be less obvious
So you have no proof, got it. You should have just admitted it from the start ennafuck. God you're disappointing.
It won't work anyway. The curse had one whole year to work, and it didn't. Because and to begin with, Biboo is already Holo. Thats a major buff for anyone. And of course, Gura doesn't stream. Biboo managed to do what GKs like Yuko Yurei and Jira couldn't.
They hired people to model as 3d sonic?
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what is this? kek
at least the next ones are cute girls
I 100% agree, because I am so fucking frustrated with the slavish devotion to realism in half the content the AAAs put out, be it in movie CGI or vidya or any of that stuff.
It's just throwing WAY too much money at VFX workers with nowhere NEAR enough time to do it well, and then in the case of movies, giving them redo orders with like two months left anyways, so it just looks like hot garbage half the time.
The realism devotion is a self-fulfilling doom spiral.
>1 hr ago
Seems like hologirls are a a debuff. She should keep spamming the bois instead
>highest chat speeds, too, which correlates to it being legit
Way to somehow makes yourself sound even more retarded than the guy you're replying to.
I wonder what the other retard will manage to top this moronic post
She's nowhere close to Pekora.
Also funny how Pekora exposed her as a shitter when even she could beat Radahn while Biboo still hasn't.
Ah, I see the Bijou-anti is here. Yeah, I see you, chumkek.
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>realism is ugly
not sure if you bought the idea or is selling it
either way you are wrong
here's some realism to prove that realism isn't necessarily ugly
yes, I want holos to sing it
And yet Mori, who almost mirrored her CCV, has almost no waves
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Was all worth it for no kofauna
Oh, I recognize this posting style. This is the same guy who samefags Gura v Biboo in the catalog.
Are you retarded? No one is saying real people are ugly.
Most ruffians aren't buying their crap either. Tell them to stop being lazy just like you told our oshis to stop being lazy last year
>pekora fucking stacked out with full gear and buffs vs biboo playing meme builds
That's not CGI, so not sure you understand the point they were making
Nevermind, anon might have a point.
>Pomucuck post got insta deleted
>Botnigger and discord spam are still up
Very natural thread
>doesn't know about the mori solid steed
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>All POVs
Do we really need to play spot the difference
almost like meidos are much harsher on, I dunno, the picture with semen edited into it than they are about arguments between anons
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To be honest, I would say Biboo is her own person. She has been compared to Pikamee/Henya, and you just mentioned Pekora. And of course, Gura. But she has a unique personality, and one that came to its own in the past year through both Advent as well as the memes she has created. Biboo is quite special.
I have my reasons for comparing her to Gura though. Its a bit subtle.
Be less obvious sister
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seethe sister
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Probably because Mori was dogwater at the game and Shiori was actually winning rounds. Try harder ennashit.
>people leave Fauna when ERB start
>come back when she starts yapping up a fucking storm
man I hate enna cuck so much. finally a decent horse race and it all got fucked up
The Kobo of EN
>she tried a few jokes, none of those landed so she started loudly humming instead
she will never mesh well with any holos because she is a genuine sister that is a fat hag that plays no games, she will collab with the boys and like it there
your description applies to most of the en girls except liking the homos
Let this man through
Fauna's yapping is pretty great
41% yourself ennashart. nobody is falling for your shit. you are a laughing stock across the internet.
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realism means shadows and light stuff
you can literally make a cute sonic plushie in real life
you can find animals that are even cuter than the video game sonic
using "realism" to make ugly creatures is not an excuse
if you are serious you are being mislead
Fauna started 1 minute late, ticked up to 5.8k just before she started. Cecilia started 9 minutes late.
FWMC started 5 minutes early.
So you can really compare final waiting rooms, here: >>80071622
>nobody is falling for your shit
says the guy replying to a deleted post
wtf, holoEN won everything, even a baseball game.
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Be less obvious, ennacuck
And there we go, you can't help yourself can you?
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Was fucking some sidebitch and missed the entire hololive dodger collab? What do I need to look up in the archive?
When is Enna's next collab with Diego?
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Moris peaks coincide with the round, while Shioris waves fluctuate regardless of what's happening in the collab.
holo vs holo is all we have left
everyone else decided to quit
>goddess of victory
>will smith
it was fucking great
>fwmc collabing with males in 90 minutes
>people still shitting on ERB for talking to people on twitter
I don't even understand unicorns anymore
SSS on the organ
Marine cosplayer
Will Smith
Gura singing giving the Dodgers the strength to win the game
Drone show
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Anon, you need to look into the VFX/CGI stuff more, it's a real phenomenon that's infested the trends of these productions for a long time, the concept of
>Good Graphics = More Realism = Hyper-realism
That's how you get all these showcases where they hype up their product by going
They went with a weird ass hedgehog look at first because "LOOK AT ALL THE INDIVIDUAL QUILLS WE CAN RENDER AT ONCE, IT'S SO REALISTIC," and that got the pushback.
Hololive itself, to bring it back to topic, does well because their "in-house style" that all the Mamas and Papas try and bend towards when making characters fits a lower detail aesthetic, and thus makes 3D Rendering much simpler. The one exception was IRyS 1.0, which got rectified because of that exact reason, among others.
way to out yourself as drama vermin
Both lines looks fairly normal compared to obvious waves of fuwamoco and nerissa
so true sis
we love shitting on holos here
>holo vs holo is all we have left
Only if you're a subhuman like this homonigger here >>80072831
Fuck you horse racing isn't holo vs holo. Why the fuck can the JPs horse race and it's OK but if it's EN it's wrong? Fuck off.
Chumbuds rather watch Shiori unironically. We seen Biboo vs Gura overlap and literally it’s the same numbers
Outing yourself as an illiterate is not going to make you look better, ennapaki. Now stop ban evading, 4 minutes to reset your router is sad.
Merch lines that lasted until the cops kicked out everyone at midnight.
sisters are really upset about something today. I can't figure out what it is though. the only big recent yab is the filian thing and those trannies would be happy about that.
Lulu, don't call Shirley a side bitch
It's the fucking numbers thread
Horse racing numbers is normal
It's when you start shitting on whoever win/loses that's the fucking issue. Kill yourself you fucking newfag.
Because there we less bots, compared to none for Mori. >>80071786
I don't get the double standard either.
If you watched streams you would know Shiori had a ton of hilarious interactions with various members leading people including myself to switch to her POV every now and then because she was standing out
>complete random delta
>T-those are waves I swear
ennacuck stop claiming natty streams as botted because you are too poor
why is this deleted
>It's when you start shitting on whoever win/loses that's the fucking issue.
So it's only an issue when what happens EVERY SINGLE TIME happens
What horse race? That collab was dominated by Fauna number-wise.
gas yourself ennacunt
It's just becoming regular scheduled spam at this point. EUhours are usually dead, and since Justice debuted the botters are ramping up in these hours.
When is FWMC Yagoo X GS panel? Did I miss it already?
So why does this thread fucking exist if numbers bad
Because that's pretty much the crux of the issue, no?
You have no idea which streams are botted and which aren't, that much is clear
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If I were to posit a guess
Let's talk about the sub-40k Top Dog 3D debut instead
yeah keep going desperate faggot
When's the nijisanji concert
two and a half hours
>So why does this thread fucking exist
It was a number thread when Niji still existed. Now it's a News thread mostly
There is the funnel from Gura to Biboo after the former streams end. There are some similarities between the two that should not be ignored, and its not just the loli model.
It’s simple, Homofags are shitters. Okayu and Pekora collab with Hikakin and no one says shit. Gura collabs with Mattpatt or Fauna talks about NL and no one gives a shit.

This is the same shit as if Chat spammed XQC about some 3view shitter over and over. No one gives a fuck
>2k watching and the show doesn't even start for another half hour
This is going to be massive.
There is nothing to talk about but hololive numbers
Do you want me to talk about idol numbers?
Rin is back and she has 2.4k watching. not bad
Chumbuds will funnel out to even JPs.
>muh similarities
I don’t see them apart from Loli
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Has ERB replied already?
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it's still a numbers thread, it's just that people have been here for years and the numbers aren't super surprising anymore.
Nothing's really "shaken up the scene" in terms of numbers in a while. Very predictable.
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The "holos they don't like" schizo is back. Damn, those bans should be longer
nice spacing retarded faggot
still won't save your homos
>There is nothing to talk about but hololive numbers
Somehow the thread managed to talk about plenty of fucking things yesterday during the ball game without any holo vs holo.
It's almost like yo want to shit this place up and shit on the girls.
Shiori was surviving a lot, people kept switching in and out
rule 3 only exists to shield phase
She was also interacting with the biggest POV a lot too so people likely moved over to hers when Fauna kept dying and saying I'LL SUPPORT YOU SHIORI
I understand what you mean but
>They went with a weird ass hedgehog look at first because "LOOK AT ALL THE INDIVIDUAL QUILLS WE CAN RENDER AT ONCE, IT'S SO REALISTIC," and that got the pushback.
this is just an argument (that makes no sense btw) to push ugly shit on people
realism can't be an excuse for ugliness because it just means "drawings" that looks like photos due the lights and shadows, and physics if talking about motion pictures
enough of this, thanks for the nice discussion
god bless
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>instant discord replies
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Gray cunts
Grim desu
>it's still a numbers thread
There are far more important numbers than CCV. Hell almost everything is more important than CCV at this point.
She was winner POV for a few rounds too. It doesn't matter though, claiming there are bots where there are none isn't even a new angle from xhim.
wrong on every part of that statement, congratulations.
GSC announcements in order from most to least likely
holoX casual nendos
3rd outfit (kimono?) nendos for first army members
Area15 nendos/PuPs/Figmas
ReGLOSS figures
casual Pekora Pop Up Parade
yonkisei/gokisei PuPs/Figmas
Advent figures
Promise nendos
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you only think that because your oshi is a meaningless runt
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Why are you still in this thread?
well sure during prime EN hours it's basically global 2
What's justice memes? It can't be all about homos qnd erb right
120 minutes and penalties next match please
i love southgate-ball
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CCV is the only number we have that we can actually see, though.
We have a small window into it for merch sales on the sites, but nothing about sales splits or profit ratios to work with for deeper understanding beyond hypothetical
The only tracking we have is for active engagement so we can only judge that, no clue on how many passive memberships are out there
>Social Media Engagement?
lol, lmao
etc, etc.
Nobody fucking cares about numbers phasefag
Sisters and shitposters were sure Luxiem 3d debut would have a shot at 100k during their height, and instead we ended up with a wet fart.

Shit would make for a great slope to ski on.
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skippa skippa
Thank you for proving my point.
Because the horse race was never the point of this thread.
100k totally legitimate twitter likes doko
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Sisters seem pretty upset about Vox's sub 40k 3D debut for sure LMAO

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