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Previous: >>80090453
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The dogs, just like Gura, make good mascots.
Shout outs to Fauna
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

>shitposter still trying
>they rushed out Kiara's nendo so they can push out FWMC's
I feel like Mocotummy reigns supreme. Are there any other tummy's that compare?
Another one??
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oh new fuwamoco artbooklet nice
plappy the lappy
GBF localization in general is garbage.
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huh? that the rest of advent are getting theirs aswell?
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proof ?
You know exactly what you're doing sister.
You're not fooling anybody
Gura should have them become her guard dogs. Have them go after Holoans and the homos.
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Now that's funny.
Icomochi Mama love
More funding to holostars
What a retard
So why does ERB need to interact with homos on twitter when she can just dm them
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Watch stream, sister.
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>this deserves 4 figures
>biboo getting 10k every stream doesn't
Did I miss anything from last night's Crab Game collab? How did Justice mesh with the others?
>PROMISE getting nendos
Will this be the thing that convinces people to drop Sana, finally
this artist is pretty good whats their name?
Stop posting on /baubau/ Japman
>>biboo getting 10k every stream doesn't
She got raided 6k yesterday and didn't make 10k.
Post merch.
You've tried this last thread already sis.
You don't get a clean slate with a new thread
>Putting anti chinese memes in a video sponsored by mihoyo
Lmao I knew this guy was retarded but man is he retarded
I hope Sayu comes to bat for him and loses her sponsorship too
jezas is it that bad for chinkhoyo huh
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It's actually FWMC, they love going to their own threads frequently
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i am so proud
Advent isn’t getting shit soon, don’t be retarded
How can I post merch if biboo doesn't get merch?
I know you're shitposting and Biboo and the other Advent members will get figures as well at some point. But, isn't this proof that CCV is not the most important metric to corporate Hololive?
What a fucking retard.
No, because those people don't watch streams, and 99% of them never watched Sana. They just cling to the past to feel special.
So these past 2 threads have taught me that it's perfectly fine to shit on advent members except for fwmc
Oh, he is already blacklisted by the chinks.
Post merch.
>biboo doesn't get merch
Wrong. You;re a falsefagging sister.
>except for fwmc
80% of last thread was shitting on fwmc and some guy having a fucking meltdown because >>80096930 got posted
sana isn't going to exist after the shop update
its going to cause some stink ofc
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Bleed not too bad
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>It's perfectly fine to shit on Holos that aren't the thread favorites
How was nenechi? I hope they treat her well.
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Kek get fucked. The worst people can't stop losing.
how fujo is gigi?
You can run Harry Potter game in GDQ or tranny are crying again?
>2k for a favela monkey
now I understand why these cuck subhumans are so DESPERATE to farm /vt/ drama. Genuine hope he gets cancer.
-10000000000000000 social credit LMAO
>they are not going to take away from us right?
FWMC roasting fillian
Kek, was it really that bad? I kinda figured that she wouldn't mesh with FUWAMOCO, but I assumed with a group it'd be different.
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>ngabug at AX

Is yagoo safe?
You know he's seething because $2,000 is a FORTUNE in his LatAm shithole. Maybe he could recoup some of the losses by making the homo video finally?
well maybe if pebbles bought merch she would get a figure too
CCV may be the least important stats of them all
Subs>merch>SC>VOD views>Watch Hours
Most in #s are profoundly retarded
They can see internal merch numbers.
>Biboo doesn't het merch
2 Shioris + Irys
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it's never fine to shit on holos other than ERB
>Watch Hours
I don't believe it
>Biboo doesn't get merch
You better post your Biboo B-day merch once it arrives. Aside from voicepacks, the only physical merch that I have for her is the 6-month keychain.
A weapon to surpass IRyS Gear.
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wait is she a legit GBFfag????
EN5 needs a brown big titty chuuba, preferably a gyaru. Sanalites will forget about sana in 0.1 sec.
outside of the shitty debut merch what other merch from biboo get delivered already?
The thread favourites being everyone except ERB.
Yeap, she spent the entire stream talking about the gacha and WMTSB.
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That one chuuba (with the horrible redesign) who was marginally related on the Filian thing says she never encouraged ripping models.
I think cover need to debut actual black chuubas.
Harry Potter games are still banned
it's their mama
Kiara gets more opportunities than Gura for a reason.
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If Connect the World was so great, why is there no Connect the World 2?
Checkmate Holokeks.
How many Ames is that?
The ride never ends.
Watch hours is actually the most important viewership stat. The problem is that it's not public, and cannot be accurately estimated.
"Lie with dogs, get the fleas"
Get some real gangster chubas.
>Kiara gets more opportunities than Gura
I doubt that very fucking much.
I think Kiara takes on more stuff and gura can't be bothered
Another crab jumped into the bucket.
GDQ has long since been compromised at the core team. It's not about external but internal factors.
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No wonder the thread has been so shit. This weekend has been like an apocalypse for the enemies of hololive.
who the fuck knows, there were so many povs and anyone streaming was mostly talking to their chat while dead
>First message is Mpreg
doesn't roboco have a nendo?
where was the seethe for her getting one?
or is it because it's FWMC you're malding
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Hey uh
I'm making the EN Tally today and it's pretty much good to go, but I wanted to just double check your guy's opinion on this:
>Podium Finishes:
Vox #1 with the 3D debut, yeah?
But then the SECOND AND THIRD PLACE FINISHES are determined entirely by the Z filter catching this.
I don't know if I should go with one thing or another in regards to this.
>Give it fully to the mechanical data gathering and abide by the automatic Z-filter
>take executive judgement and go "That doesn't SEEM like a Z, though"
There's pros and cons going either direction (Judgement on what does and doesn't count may be arbitrary as hell, could encourage more "executive decisions" later on that are less clear-cut, but at the same time, eeehhhh this is like, a hell of an edge case, would it be a precedent really?), so I just want a few second opinions before finalizing it
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It takes a special ind of retard to be unable to get mihoyo's sponsor bucks they throw at everyone
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hand holding with CC
hugs and cuddles with CC
pecks on the lips with CC
baby making sex with CC
Half a Gigi
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I love them the most
>Mococo is melting down because of nato
>Moving goalpost
Show merch or KYS
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got this recommended to me and decided to check, theyre fine, but it seems the vspo chat culture is also a thing in EN lol. These are all the chats sent in a span of 10 minutes
I speak for the pebbles. Assume all merchless nigger who shit on FWMC as Nijinigger/homosister.
Good taste as ever
>enemies of Hololive
she only ever supplicates herself at their feet, anon
Were any anons from this thread at last nights Dodger's game? If so, how hype was it? I saw a few Youtube vids and wish I could've gone. Hopefully the expand this to other MLB teams Like the Nationals/Orioles
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Where do I watch Yagoo and the gs company panel
You actually think CCV is more important than SC? Look at the hierarchy, merch of course is more important, but you’re retarded if you think CCV matters
>gigi: story my be generic but characters can carry a generic story
global tally took vrabi filter at face value in the past, I remember miko(?) slipped a gold for this exact kind of peak cut or you can check if vstats has a higher peak.
I'm not even that guy I'm actually asking.
Thank you
Check the timestamp on that post and on this tweet
Staff seems more willing to work with girls that speak Japanese, maybe because negotiation is easier
This is unironically very good CCV for a western stream of this kind.
Have you ever looked at what other large western gaming streamers are usually getting for CCV on Youtube?
People that can get over a million views on their videos in less than a day regularly sit at around 15k CCV and that's with a much more friendly algorithm.
damn right
Yeah a lot of tranny inside i like speedrun but i can't watch them
Fuwawa wants to fill Mococo's nendroid with sticky stinky goo stuff
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>This is unironically very good CCV
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Yes, see pic related.
GSC saw 2 streamers on one channel and multiplied by two… 4 figures. That’s the official conversion
Saved, what a cute retard.
What is this group called? Also, have they ever performed together? If not, they should.
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I need to stick my face in there
>trying to pull diamond dogs vs diamond dogs
for video game sponsorships yes
Arya's chat is quite a bit faster, even taking into account that she has twice the ccv.
>baby making sex
It was good they feel like they will fit in well. Gigi got to shine a fair bit. Cece and Raora bit tired but also meshed well.
ERB was like an hour late, but trying to be objective, I also think she'll settle in pretty well in time to.
Shiori had a lot of good moments. Seems like she's been getting along well with everyone behind the scenes
Okay, if there's precedent, that makes it a bit more of a comfortable call in that direction.
I will always thanks early GDQ to have shown me many amazing runners from secondary games but I don't I've watched once in the past 5 years
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miload RUN
Anon you fucked up twice.
First you didn't filled your image with something to identify so now shitposters can use that image. And you posted to litter so now we can't even prove this got posted before
I mean, that's the current state of anime, everything is generic plots but if the characters are fun and have attractive designs they get popular.
What kind of superchats do you think CC's going to get?
Or a better question, what kind of fanbase are otomos becoming in the first place?
lol, yup, you’re retarded
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Pretty grim fwmc numbers
>Mococo natto meltdown.
My disappointment at the end of the FWMC Morning natto corner is immesurable.
Honestly? I don't really care. Just do what you want.
She's going to have a Promise-esque fanbase if her split is anything to go by
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>sc cope
>was it really that bad
not really
everyone aside from Gigi and Shiori were bad at the game and the xbox live proximity chat lends itself to chaos
yeah pretty grim, only two 500$ donations in 30 minutes
KFP but worse
>I remember miko(?) slipped a gold for this exact kind of peak cut
The shitposting over that was insane, I think we had peko vs miko for like 3 threads
Kinda miss JP gold races
>1:1 Scale FWMC
Fuwawa will have a figure at the Cover office next to the other blue women
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It will get replaced with something good. Trust the plan
If it was a super obvious Z i'd get rid of it but that looks natural enough to me.
she really wants to be a homostar doesn't she?
Just ask for date next time, bro.
FWMC won? QRD?
>mococo doesn't support the jew puppets
>gigi did all the crafter questlines in XIV
wtf I love her now?
Expect lots of "PC fund" SCs to start with.
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My beloved Fauna
(if you care about that)
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is vtubing just a battle of how many mentally ill wealthy software developers women can seduce
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the fact they even sponsored him showed how retarded zhangs are, like do they even look at his content?
Yeah, me
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Good for Nene. Hopefully this helps with her self-esteem. It probably won’t though.
hell yeah
Liggers are the worst. I don't even know why we have a ligger general when they will stick a knife into each other at the drop of a hat.
they looked at numbers probably. Ironic tbhdesu
shiori tried to have sex with ame
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buds are winning

She's showing herself to be NijiEN's protagonist, no matter how hard they want to shill Elira
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Filian isn't exactly an enemy and while it's not at an apocalypse inside hololive the same way it is outside, en management are trying hard to bring it inside hololive.
I'm talking as someone who had screencaps and shit like that re-used for shitposts.
add some secret watermark or at least make sure to post somewhere permanent so people can prove it got posted before.
Their numbers are never anything crazy that's not their strong suit
Check FWMC' s community post
Fuck that, have this one ASMR.
It was rape. Ame never recovered...
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Too small
GG may end up the runt due to bad game choices. CC back is hard carrying this gen/
Their numbers are all in the $$$$$
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Global usualy goes with highest reported on each stream across the different sites. Which is usually, but not always, vrabi.
What do you usually do? Stick with the vrabi autofilter or take into account vstats? The "it doesn't seem like a z" feels like it'll be the source of arguments, like it has been in the past.
The important thing is to be consistant going forward
it was a lot of fun, ERB was basically non-existent and we got nice shiori + ame and shiori + fauna and shiori+gigi stuff, I might rewatch it because I was really tired and I barely remember the second half (I was in bed)
>How did Justice mesh with the others?
pretty good. but i will say that the stupid xbox mic quality the game has didn't help since CC for example didn't catch what others were saying a lot of times (and neither did i)
>so now shitposters can use that image
Retard did you miss the fucking timestamp
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>Holo Doggo
1k people got f5'd on fwmc stream because of youtube pajeets
>watch hours
don't be fucking retarded
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>bad game choices
>CC hard carrying
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oh no
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they got pop up and nendos before advent and fags are seething because
>their CCV is too low to get them
or some shit.
basically, phase and nijikeks are seething.
maybe the fillifags are also angry.
either way, based dogs getting their nendo.
one more wish down
>1 minute
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Nice merch anon. I've got these, and have the FUWAMOCO/Biboo b-day merch on order.
Fauna mention in GDQ 2024! in front of 70k viewers!
Don't worry I'm sure your second rate girl will get a pop up parade soon
This is abhorrent.
RR is gonna be stable destination.
GG will be the example of talent freedom, in a good way for her and in a bad way for her numbers.
CC continues to prove Lando was right in theory but fumbled the vtuber hard. https://youtu.be/eEG2I9U3IHk?t=872
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where is it now?
not to mention you can actually easily edit the timestamp itself with photoshop
Is that the same mention as posted earlier?
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Who? (0 mindshare)
>Kiara gets more opportunities than Gura for a reason.
Is that reason your personal delusion? Dunno how the fuck you can look at just the last 9 months of Gura getting an Aquarium collab, a huge sushi collab, the dodgers shit and think "oh yeah Kiara is competing with this" let alone "is getting more than this".
What's a lalafell
Dodgers game still feels like a weird dream.
Nice. My Biboo BD merch's still in limbo...
What the fuck are you talking about you sperg there's a date in the photo
What's Gura's new Nendo look like?
Google it
>Subs are more important then revenue
>Most in #s are profoundly retarded
At least we can confirm you are
Or...you know, Gura simply isn't interested in minor sponsorships.
see >>80098689
>CC continues to prove Lando was right in theory but fumbled the vtuber hard.

But yeah, she thinks switching languages over and over is annoying and retarded
you have to let it go...
It's some Egyptian food. Why?
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What is even the point of this. Are there even ERBkeks to mock at this point?
if bijou were a potato
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Lolicons wet dream
Small race creatures, playable from FF14
Ultimate Mococo POV pic.
>be sponsored by Chinese company
>push anti China memes
What a retard
No one asked.
No, sapling just finished BG3 run.
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Fuwawa POV
all whores
all of them
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So this is the third times I try watching GG, Debut and that taxi game.
I notice she relaxed and finally drop her forced Bae laugh, kind of faster version of CC.
The improvement is on track
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nice pebble :D
It's a scale figure
he's latinx? lmao.. no way that faggot is not fucking crying that he lost 2k for being a massive retard
t. latinx
You're too paranoid. Ask for a written date next time or something idunno.
Man, never would've thought that Shiori would be the MVP apparent of the collab.
erb will singlehandedly boost all homo numbers by constantly raiding into them. I can see it now
she killed them all on debut so no
what were they called again in tera, lilins? I forgot their names but not the school swimsuit and the hips
Shame the Japanese don’t know how to create interesting male characters. And people wonder why anime dudes are hated so much, it’s because they’re boring. And somehow it’s extended to male vtubers as well.
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GSC, hear me out for a sec…
>where is it now?
Now that is a worthless picture that no one will take seriously because it doesn't have a physical timestamp. That's the way irl proof photos have worked on this website for close to 20 years now.
Gigi says her credit score is good
quality ham
Fauna's mindshare ever increasing
Cholesterol design is in of itself, SEX
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Who's the audience for this? I feel bad for EN members carrying the EN brand.
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So this is what happens when your winning too much
Saruei is too much of a menhera in a bad way to actually take advantage of her foreign-ness.
Meanwhile Cecilia's german-ness shines through, because germans may as well have a different mindset than the rest of humanity, and there was a kinda precedent for that with ShyLily, since her german origins sometimes come out on her streams too, and I don't only mean the times she talks about her poops.
Her genmate is streaming and she’s in the homo’s chat. Her senpai just got nendroid figures and talking about it and she’s chatting it up with some homos.
>You're too paranoid.
There is no such thing as too paranoid when this place is filled with phasenigs and nijinigs
If she's stupid enough to raid homos over holos/her genmates, she'll soon learn why /#/ was apprehensive about the raid feature being introduced on YT and why JPs don't use it. Fans see that shit and turn on you, your first level of unity is to your gen, then to your branch, then to hololive.
Portable onahole.
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>Lolicon's wet dream
Hell no, I fucking hate those things. The ones from GBF are alright though.
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whats happening?
Is the same sapling from last year?
>not hairy enough
God I want to fuck this Owl
would buy, but they would never make a peokomama figurine
I'm curious on how nijiEN works? She got sponsorships, figure scale, voice pack, and merch. And all of that after black screen
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So that's it? Hololive wins?
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Do you mean it's still unfulfilled, or something else? I was able to get one of the limited ones for Biboo. Hopefully no issues arise.
>Fuwawa is rambling incoherently and is bad at math
I've usually just been checking Vrabi each day, with occasional checks at the pages of notable indies like Doki and Mint to double check if they made it on the tally that day. There hasn't really been a situation involving comparing sources and deciding which to take into account since I took over the duties of this thing.
I think I'd want to just take Vrabi, if only because it really does make the job a little easier when doing it all by hand, but also just because there's some implications that could come with taking a different tally point specifically to dodge the Z-filter, because if I remember right, Vstats doesn't run a filter or just manually imposes one, which is basically their own "executive decision" stuff.
I think I'm gonna end up going with "Z filter is there to catch Zs, and trying to dodge it, even if you think it's a stupid ruling, is opening the door for actual Z filter dodging to be argued for in the future," just because it's a whole can of worms.
>Hell no
Opinions on Yaia?
Harvin are cute, lalafell look like demon spawns made to look cute.
No, the BG3 one is though >>80097298
Still some stragglers until the monetization.
Bros the fuwamoco audio in the panel....
should I watch the panel or skippa
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I'll tune in to her stream now and give it a go then.
would buy at least 5 of these
It's just the difference between HoneySelect and Koikatsu.
Getting Nendos this quickly was less likely to happen than getting 1mm subs
Myth = gura
Promise = fauna
Advent = fwmc
Justice = erb

What a downgrade
skippa skippa
you should kill yourself
>Promise = fauna
You mean Mumei?
>Advent debuted 5 years ago
Skippa, there wasn't anything particularly interesting outside of the actual announcements we got.
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I fucking hate how much this makes sense.
All you need to know is that they're getting Nendroid and Pop up figures + Promise Nendroids. Skippa
Fuwabotco(real), they were lagging hard
So when FWMC never even goes out of stock because there is no demand will cover and GSC realize they made a huge mistake?
Ruffians petitioned Good Smile to make it happen. They're on par with the Watamates in pushing their oshi to success
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My favorite girl from GBF. Already wife material and she's only 6. I don't know much about that series besides superficial stuff like Harvins and the cowtit race though.
Fuwawa telling ruffians to buy multiples of each figure…
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Fuwawa wants you to buy an army of fuwamoco
it makes 12 nendos
>3 fuwawa
>3 mococo
>and 3 sets of fuwamoco (fuwawa+mococo)
Do you like her numbers ambitions, /#/?
Bro, do you have Biboo bedsheets? If so, nice!
Teaching their fan about idol culture.
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is everyone horny today?
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welp his social credit has truly plummeted
Here? Like, right here, on /vt/? in /#/?
Time to ruin it from the inside with holostars and bad hires both staffs and talents
>I think I'd want to just take Vrabi, if only because it really does make the job a little easier when doing it all by hand
That's how the raspberry tally used to work. Unfiltered unprocessed vrabi midnight tally.

Just do whatever the fuck, disclose what you're doing and go with it.
Being invited to a single con with attendance leeched off of holoEN being the most popular vtubing group outside of Japan should not fix her self esteem, she did nothing to earn this outside of being in hololive and even then she's one of the least competent performers they have.
>Already wife material and she's only 6
You don't even need fanart for that, the official art is wife material enough.
How many fucking jannies do people think there are
gokischizo, just take the L and learn from it ...
>what kind of fanbase are otomos becoming in the first place?
Hard to predict feels like a big mix of traits from half the other EN members
Gokischizo you are pathetic
>deleted in less than 1m
>Fuwawa is rambling incoherently and is bad at math
Anon, this isn't news. It'd be more surprising if Fuwawa was coherent and good at math.
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> today
yeah, it was really fun being there, although I was lucky enough to get in the merch line very early

For some reason several normies asked me about hololive even though the only merch I was wearing was the suisei COMET hat.
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>shiori schizo personalities making out/up
Checks out.
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Gura got her Nendo even sooner than this relative to her debut.
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>this isn't news
it's news for the retards in this thread that don't watch streams
These posts just seem like Rosemi's pissed the sister off somehow and they're trying to get people to shit on her
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no one can top screwdriver vn
so ame and ina are still the queen of fujos there
>FWMC never go out of stock
Lol. Anon, please try harder with your shitposts.
>She's showing herself to be NijiEN's protagonist, no matter how hard they want to shill Elira
That just sounds like Rosemi's gonna be the next one being terminated.
the deadbeat is a mod
I know because he banned on baubau more than once during mori collabs
you can't even comment that you dislike mori's voice
could have been &sana
>Rosemi's pissed the sister off somehow
Closest to Selen outside of those who already graduated, plus didn't throw Selen under the bus at the time or even now, on top of being one of the last "Holo-lite" type hires left in the company
She's their hate sink
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I bet she thinks its hot
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1) Can anyone get this high natty or it's just Sora being "human vocaloid"?
2) Papaya? Is it any good?
3) Is Sora always this sexy or she's just pretending for this video clip?
GSC and Cover are basing this entire shit in fake botted numbers
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So this is the power of Nijisanji EN https://x.com/Jackson01710603/status/1809664556014399693
Kek. The retardation to believe there's a SapJanny. Cataloguenigs wouldn't be frothing at the mouth every day if there was
Why do you think most of the western games using character creators go with KK? Even the characters of the game the schizo ritualposter references are made with it.
Those are rarely accurate, most of the time even when I was checking trending for Gura or anyone else most of the latest results are just people using the word in their username, it's weird.
You'd be surprised.
NTA but the topped subbed holos bring in the most revenue in each of their branches? Like sponsors are always durr gimme da Gawr Gura or da Calliope Mori
In HoloJP the differences simply aren't that big but no super profitable popular holo is not in their top 5 most subbed
Ruffians are already talking about the logistics of buying 20 at a time
>sapjanny doesn't break the rules of what he was hired to do so he doesn't exist
not how it works
GG is feeling the love from holo fans. She's gonna be doing Japanese versions of her voicepacks from now on despite initially being a bit wishy washy about it. Apparently there's a lot of them already recorded for because she apologized about how one of the future ones doesn't have a Japanese variant.
> Promise = Faumei.
They compliment each other.
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According to 5ch, this is the most popular owl in hololive.
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Soon :D
I still can't believe the holopro twitter isn't promoting this.
Kek. Based. And Panama are such fucking idiots
>Is Sora always this sexy
Yes, she's secretly one of the sexiest Holos.
>NTA but the topped subbed holos bring in the most revenue in each of their branches?
Not really and Kobo is the counterexample you are looking for
proof next thread?
if you don't finish school soon i swear to christ
Imagine what would happen if they took the jannies off of whatever leash they're on for even one day
What would this board look like if they went full ResetERA level of moderation on it
>Gigi played HSR with Chinese dub
Yeah that sounds reasonable. Like I said the most important thing is to be consistant with it
Those aren't homo nendos.
where was this seethe for Nene and Roboco?
am i forgetting something?
you're making all these assumptions basing it on CCV but never made these arguments fot neither of those two
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Lol 2m views yab
Video in case they delete it.
Uh, anon. Is there another owl in Hololive that I don't know about?
GG plays Maplestory...?
But she's the only owl?
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>07/06 TALLY:
39,384: Vox (Nijisanji) | 3D Debut
12,409: Fauna (Hololive) | Crab Game Collab
12,249: Vox (Nijisanji) | 3D Karaoke
11,976: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | Crab Game Collab
11,668: Cecilia (Hololive) | Dishonored
10,013: Kiara (Hololive) | Birthday Totsumachi and Countdown
9,956: Bijou (Hololive) | Lapidary: Jewel Craft Simulator
9,087: Nerissa (Hololive) | Crab Game Collab
8,757: Cecilia (Hololive) | Crab Game Collab
8,659: Gigi (Hololive) | Crab Game Collab
7,927: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Unarchived Karaoke Rebroadcast
7,252: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | FuwaMoco Morning
5,706: Mori (Hololive) | Crab Game Collab
5,663: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Crab Game Collab
5,490: Mori (Hololive) | Elden Ring
5,378: Shiori (Hololive) | Crab Game Collab
5,018: Meloco (Nijisanji) | Tokimemo Girls Side 2 Offcollab w/ Nozomi

1) Mumei (Hololive) - 15,906 - Unarchived Karaoke
2) Raora (Hololive) - 15,533 - Don't Scream
3) Elizabeth (Hololive) - 19,688 - Unarchived Karaoke
4) Raora (Hololive) - 12,002 - Elden Ring
5) Nerissa (Hololive) - 18,900 - Old School Runescape
6) Vox (Nijisanji) - 39,384 - 3D Debut

5x: Hololive
1x: Nijisanji

2x: Raora
1x: Elizabeth, Mumei, Nerissa, Vox

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
13p: Raora
7p: Cecilia, Elizabeth
6p: Fauna, Vox
5p: Mumei, Nerissa
3p: Bijou
1p: Kronii, Mori
there's more than one owl?
I thought it was actually good. Chose a good song for herself
ID issues.
is she chinese american?
nijisisters having a blast
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her social credit just inclined
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They arent wrong
actually not grim
Shes trying to corrupt biboo...
i thought these girls get 20k based on last week’s numbers. they couldn’t fall off THAT hard so quickly right?
I don't care
Besides Nene gets a lot better numbers than FWMC
What's up with the older woman
Look at all those normie views.
might be trannies
Botted superchats? Botted merch sales?
No, I think she may just have
The only thing cancel-worthy would be playing with EN dub, here's an example from another game.
She really seems to get on well with most of the others
Also, I'm once again reminded of how cheap things are in Japan. Like Kiara said, ordering that same ramen in another country (US) it would be like $17-20.
>Botted superchats
SCs all come from the same 20 guys
>Botted merch sales
Proof of merch sales?
They would be right. Tensai~
Their debuts were botted. In reality, they were probably like 5-7k, a little better than v4mirai.
I only believe in trusted sources like Moom News
Goku and Bejitabros....
Mori tier rapping
Why's his 3d Debut titled Minotaur? Is it because NijiEN is lost in the labyrinth of bad numbers?
>1,000 Yen
wow... five bucks...
is this the only time I've posted this and been almost exactly accurate
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Raora is gonna play ffxiv on stream with non-holo friends?
>take nap
>miss the announcement
>promisefags cucked again
Damn. Maybe next year, bros.
thumbnail looks like a fat dong
>ignores roboco
thanks for proving that you were indeed a shitposter that's just trying to farm (you)
well, there you go.
now fuck off and make another FWMC bait post.
be original this time
Is ERB's monetization a karaoke or did she change her schedule for tomorrow?
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I have the audio of 60+ Moom streams saved to my phone for going to sleep, and every one has this picture for album art.
Stop getting drunk
Don't question m'lord. He's the hideo kojima of vtubing.
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I feel there's chance both RR and CC will become the stable destination members of the gen, first gen with potentially 2
>less than 6€ for that bowl of ramen
cute Kiara&Biboo, the best part of the holoEN girls JParcs is that they can meet irl during the recordings, it does wonders for branch unity.
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Boros you got btfo by some pebble
cute but
when the fuck in these surrounding 72 hours is her birthday
All she knows is karaoke lmao
Anon you look at too much futa porn. I'm not seeing it
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I do too, but only because I believe media should be in its native language.
New contender for "funny /#/fag running gag"
>everyone just believes it's Mumei without even making a big deal of it
>took this long for council nendroids that won’t even outsell indies
yeah I'm not seeing it either
Is there more of this cosplay....
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Hololive needs a story arc of 2 gens fighting each other
I feel you anon. I just go to sleep at a normal hour (around 12am EST) and miss most of Mumei's streams. At least we have the archives thanks to some dedicated anons.
Anon subs are the only number Cover cares about and FWMC have great growth rates
I mean it probably is, but I don't think anybody has actually said. CC is the only one with a waiting room up, and it doesn't reveal anything.
>Mococo said she wants to finger Fauna
hi ennacuck, how are you doing ^_^ is enna and her boyfriend doing well?
> stop breathing
genshit has busted ass mouthflaps i could understand being annoyed by it
>Japan Baseball
>NA baseball
It's your turn now IDbros
She has to fight Mumei first.
How the mighty have fallen...also CUTE FAUNA.
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>FWMC never even goes out of stock
FWMC mindshare is crazy
and ruffians are always trained to buy merch
their mama merch is always sold out
Who doesn't?
This dude does some great art.
sounds based
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>Media should be in its native language
Where do you stand on something like Kingdom Hearts? While it's Japanese, the origin of all the Disney characters is English?
>retard said so on twitter it must be true
All I know about South East Asian baseball is that the Phillipines are banned from ever playing in Little League again
Get in line
kingdom hearts has always been a monstrosity so it's normal that nothing works perfectly for it
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>SCs thanking FuwaMoco for their hardwork
>their hardwork: ouchie owie! tummy hurt stream cancelled
>bro NEEDS Donald to speak rubbish but in English
not worth it when the other half of the cast are edgelords in black cloaks
Anon you can't find shit for Fauna in Japan either, that doesn't mean it's selling out, that just ALSO can meas no one is selling to the stores to begin with.
It's too accurate to be a joke at this point
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Japanese voices are always superior. If you're given the option of experiencing something with Japanese audio and you don't take it, can you really call yourself a weeb?
>IM again
You're back to ironmouse ennacuck? What happened to you man?
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Anything from the holotakeover stuff
xhe's having a rough day
They're live-in sister though, they have Fastpasses to each other's genitals.
Fauna really is the sexiest
don't give the obvious baiter (you)
see how hard he's trying to farm?
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Fauna, now Fuwawa
>something like Kingdom Hearts
I seen spiderman in Japanese. It's like watching anime with English dub.
>retard said so on 4chan it must be true
Me on the left
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Recent clip numbers
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nobody's thanking you for anything you've ever done so you wouldn't understand
I'd like to see her Sans Culottes, if you know what I mean
Not sure about twitter but i tried to get icomochi mama merch last year and that shit was gone fast
Why would anybody shit on Nene of all people? It’s like kicking a puppy.
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>59,017: Aqua (Hololive)
>39,384: Vox (Nijisanji)
>37,494: Miko (Hololive)
>33,871: Subaru (Hololive)
>27,288: Kagami (Nijisanji)
>25,104: Subaru (Hololive)
>22,282: Chiroru (Indie)
>20,045: Ito Life (Indie)
>19,587: Korone (Hololive)
>19,395: Koyori (Hololive)
>18,206: Pekora (Hololive)
>15,283: Ema (VSPO)
>14,304: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>14,221: Lamy (Hololive)
>13,629: Ririmu (Nijisanji)
>12,604: Vox (Nijisanji)
>12,409: Fauna (Hololive)
>11,976: Fuwamoco (Hololive)
>11,729: Aki (Hololive)
>11,668: Cecilia (Hololive)
>11,086: Fubuki (Hololive)
>11,040: Botan (Hololive)
>10,832: Furen (Nijisanji)
>10,410: Laplus (Hololive)
>10,207: Watame (Hololive)
>10,013: Kiara (Hololive)
>SCs all come from the same people
The top ones but this is the case for most streamers, not just chuubas
>proof of merch sales
Their birthday merch sold out their limited versions in like ~30s.
They cost about $100 each, stock was 1500 for each Fuwawa and Mococo.
That was $300k in revenue less than a minute. I'm sure they've made the company millions just from their birthday merch alone.
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that had ultra low volume
I know what you mean
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That reminds me that the Fauna shirts will start shipping this, and next month
nene a cute
The new term is "Sans dent" if you want to make fun of poor
Theres alot of mentally ill goons on this board anon. Why bother trying to understand their depravity
>Their birthday merch sold out their limited versions in like ~30s.
LITERALLY and I do mean LITERALLY. Every advent girl sold out in 30s or less.
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It's like when GSC does a rerun of a shark figure and they only stock like 10 units.
Illegal Mococo raid! Fuwawa wants to ensure her sisters success!
What is second hand store?I thought that is the place you sell unwanted trash.
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Guys, how about this: Hololive pinball machines!
What do you expect Mococo is Fuwawa's nepo hire.
Most people combined orders with bday merch so it's gonna take a bit longer on average I suppose.
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konami would like to know your location
>Their birthday merch sold out their limited versions in like ~30s.
Holy fuck ruffian, are you a /#/ newfag? Imagine saying this with pride. Like some sort of "heh, selling out instantly, I bet that never happens" thing.
Kinda dumb to put all that in a video with a chink owned company sponsorship,but I do hate Nijisanji,and China, so I'm glad he's telling them to get fucked.
Who else likes zoomer dudes? Even other zoomer women don’t like young guys. That’s why the only way you’ll ever make male vtubers work is if you find older guys in their 30s and 40s. And even then that probably won’t work if you end up with a Vesper/Aruran.
Negative marketing, they should have done a hololive gacha mobile game if they wanted a predatory monetization scheme.
I didn't and I glad I didn't because then I can wear it to Breaking Dimen- WAIT FUCK I THINK I PAIRED IT WITH OKAYU'S SWEATER
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I did too, but then I bought more separately cause I didnt want to wait till September
why did this get deleted?
>unwanted trash
>3x original price
It's going to be funny when flopvent's 3D debuts fail to beat Luxiem's.
Based. She understands that Mococo is the real star of the channel
You are gonna end some poor gachi's finance. Also, too big of a merch especially for japanese.
Uhh bros? Is hololive mistreating their talent?
I’ll give you Vegeta, but Goku? lolno
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Fuwawa lost the janken fair and square.
Who's this? Stocking from Panty & Stocking?
Ennacuck posted it
>not unwanted trash
if they have so many fans why do they never show up for their streams?
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You're reading far too much into a single post, but it's apparent you're just here to seethe.
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holoEN's third wave
so much FWMC bait flying around i feel like im in /baubau/
Why use their 2D and not do this in their 3D studio?
but I'm not the ennacuck?
Ririsya. A JP indie that caught her big break from Mori's contest
I told her she should have put a towel or something when on her knees. But she didn;t listen.
So she buffed Fuwawa again?
She'll be as big as Noel soon.
>One incorrect step
>Gets hit
dancing teachers are like that
Always punished!
Well that's unfortunate.
Can’t believe FWMC stole Kiara’s thunder on her birthday
>Hololive pinball machines
We'll need an IRyS cover of pinball wizard in that case!
Why don't you try coming up with your own meme for once instead of copying hololive things? You twitchnigs are no better than the nijibugmen when it comes to this.
She was sucking the Kikkerikkock
Promise fans had a bad day. Please understand
RIP anon.
hey ennacuck, shitposting didn't work out so you're pulling out your ironmouse costume?
I enjoyed it. Fauna was in fine yapping form, and the terrible in game communication system led to her mostly talking to chat. ERB was only there for part of it and you couldn't hear her for the rest of the time she was there.
Still better than a lot of NijiEN these days…
bro, even ame the runt of myth sold out her limiteds so fast even anon here can't get the stock numbers.
I love the dogs so much, look at all the tranny seethe in this thread kek
I masturbated five times today and it's not even dark yet. Something is in the air.
she's always been this large
I await the 3Ds when she's bigger than the rest of the Advent booba
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that post has nothing to do with im, irys, ennacuck or anything at all
they literally got their nendo.
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Sex with a fembud.
Was she rushing or dragging?
Is this a bot?
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> thread
All across the board. I honestly want to see how someone who comes here to seethe about anime woman looks like and lives. It must be fascinating
Bro, are you really trying to use a members stream CCV to shitpost. You know that the actual numbers aren't public. Aren't you embarrassed to be posting low effort bait all the time?
>still no reply
Holy shit she hates them now.
It's Ennacuck. Probably upset about milaud's sub-40k 3D debut
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you are literally talking to a bot
What I read is "second hand store" not merch site
>he missed the last thread of someone having a melty because fuwamoco got a figure as well as nendos
it was wild
Kinda funny how her goth outfit inclined Fauna's fanarts numbers.
Extraordinary tuck.
That's a dude
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I can see it
lol cute
wtf fujos are actually pretty cute?
they used to be friends actually
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cute gg

Not always
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Is that?
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>spam gets deleted
>shifts towards doxxshit
get some new material, ennacuck
Nijiniggers are not cute, no
They still are.
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Too small
That how weak FWMC mindshare is at /here/
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just the usual actors doing their bit
Kobo nendo doko?
Uh I think they need to tone down the Bau Bau's with other talents. It becomes more about attention seeking and bringing themselves up abit too hard.
>your friend joins your company and does everything you ever wanted to do except better and faster than you
recipe for disaster imo
>self delete
This post glows
No one care Ennacuck
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All me.
All 600 posts in this thread
>dedicated fans who support your oshi vs tourists who only watch your streams
Every time I go to take a shit this thread gets worse while I'm gone
And sadly I ate cheese today so this doesn't bode well
I'm surprised there's no ID nendo at all. Random shitters and characters get these, you're telling me someone like Anya or Moona or Kaela couldn't sell any with their respective foreign fanbases?
Uh oh Ennacuck is having a melty. Literally pissing and shitting xerself.
I don't hate ERB but it's going to be funny when she drops below IRyS and you stop using her for shitposting.
>that sea of Gura cosplay
no wonder he keeps putting her in everything if this is what he sees every time he comes to LA
Kek Yagoo bodyguard is an IRyStocrat
>ignore homos on main channel
>speedrun merch
simple as
>ESL brownfoot
a tale as old as time
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I don't have many things in common with GG but I think the way she enthusiastically and unashamedly talks about them is cute. I think I like her most out of Justice.
So that "Vtuber live" thing with the Love Live Vtuber, KSON, that one Phase Connect girl, HimeHina and I think a couple others happened. It was good stuff.

When it was KSON's turn a chinese guy turned off his penlights and left
Why do I have a buspop EN in my recs, which one of you did this
Just one?
>liz ever losing to irys
lol lmao even
So who have the most figure in hololive?
Anon,go back /BauBau/ already
no fucking way lmao
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Wait fuck
I know that guy
He's at every fucking international event
This dude is going fucking EVERYWHERE across the country, in East Coast, in West Coast, in fucking GERMANY
Jesus Christ, Cover, you overwork this man... he better be getting a good salary, whenever I talk to him he's doing a really good job
And you go back to /pcg/
>When it was KSON's turn a chinese guy turned off his penlights and left
I cannot fathom an actual vtuber fan who speaks english somehow still not understanding what happened during the Coco yab. Are chinks just retarded?
Probably Marine
go back to SEA, stop siphoning canadian welfare
That I saw yeah, since he was in the row in front of mine.
Social credits, anon. It's can't be helped.
hope she'll reconsider streaming on twitchj

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