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Upskirting Sandalphon

>Latest & Upcoming
Granblue Fantasy: Relink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJZSUtz6440
Monetization Relay: Sunday
Schedule: https://x.com/gigimurin/status/1809322242351976813
Tanabata Date Voice Pack 2024: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_tanabatadatevoice2024

>Recent Stream
Crab Game w/ HoloEN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzC1LRDo-f8

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_ジジ・ムリン%22

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

Previous: >>80057940
>Dropping this save to use her main save
Sounds like a good idea. I haven't been paying attention to the plot anyway. It's fun to watch but I don't know what these anime people are doing
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damn gigi fujoing out
If there's a reason to fall for Gigi, its the fact her passion is just overwhelming and this is the strongest display of it.
She was extra cute today.
I don't give a fuck about granblue. i'm just here for gigi yapping
Did she say that? I missed it. It's the right call, she can yap the same while doing actual game content she isn't already bored with... Well, unless it's proto bahamut grinding for a weapon. It's gonna be proto bahamut isn't it?
Great stream. She popped off about so many things she liked, it was cute and fun
I like vtubers who can really geek out about their interests
s-she reads my tweets after all... now i feel nervous about replying...
next week is Q&A + more collabs + 2 potential off days due to early meetings? did I miss anything?
She wants to play with Anya later so she said that's what she's going to do. This stream was a teaser for the story basically. She yapped over the plot anyway (if one cared for that) so it's a good call imo
I wish she didn't bring up the twitch stuff until she actually had the go ahead for it. I really do not want to keep track of streams across two platforms, and as someone who watches VODs only slightly less than live, twitch VODs are pain.
I think her reasoning is dumb indie-brain numberfaggotry, which doesn't help much either.

I'm not gonna get worked up about it until it actually happens, though. I'll rewatch the part where she talks about it later and see if I misunderstood anything though. Regardless, I hope it won't be a dealbreaker if it does happen but we shall see.
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Finding a passionate woman like Gigi who doesn't (generally speaking) hate life is a trial and tribulation since her types don't go out often... At least she's in Holo and can do great tings while yapping my ears off and that's kind of all I need right now. Gigi love.
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luckly I give a fuck both about GBF and Gigi so this stream was maximum win for me
Wouldn't her main save be on her personal or old steam account? Isn't that dangerous if it shows her steam ID or something?
We'll just have to wait and see. If she only uses twitch for esports slop and only occasionally at that, it's not a big deal. I'd either skip those or watch them at 2x speed anyway
I'm actually warming up to her. Whenever she banters even if it is a bit foul it is never malicious. She also pauses to get the Tsukkomi response which has been gaining massive respect points from me. Looking more like I was wrong about her.
I really agree with this. All the twitch talk really turned me off. Thankfully the rest of the stream was really good so I'm willing to wait and see
i miss gigi....
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i had a few friends like her in school, they're pretty sweet and cute girls under all the memes. i missed hanging out with girls like that. gigi's been making me feel more positive about life. trying to quit smoking, it feels easy for me when i imagine her being disappointed
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Today was a good day, tomorrow we got the monetization and hopefully membership in mid July
This was a weak stream bec I give 0 shits about GBF but I enjoyed having her autisticall yap in the background
i like streams that are yapping + gameplay rather than only story gameplay
Yeah, that’s why I voted for endgame run, but chat wanted to do what she already did again
I like how Gigi is conscious of stream quality and strives to make them fun for the viewers. Despite the dummy kayfabe she's actually quite professional about these things. It's a good call to avoid a full re-playthrough despite that's what chat voted for.
Gremurin love!
Extremely marketable fat fucks!
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Cute! Looking kinda tasty though
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took ten hours in paint
lol good stuff. literally me today
Gremurins beware, there is a nonzero chance Shiori will want to watch 50 Shades of Grey with Gigi...
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Gigi talks about twitch between 12:39 - 17:29


>Doesn't want to do two streams on days she has early arrangements
>Doesn't want to put something on the schedule where she won't be able to give her 100%
>Like streaming tired or only going for 1 hour before quitting
>Enter twitch. "I think twitch is a much better way for me to do guerilla streams."
>"I don't want to spam the main yt channel with random streams. But I think twitch is a really good platform for a random guerilla stream during the day where I have a lot of free time."
>"Twitch streams are side content. They're only there if you want to talk to Gigi or vibe at, I don't know, not her usual times."
>No story games on twitch, just random stuff like playing a game of TFT
>Current thinking is no archives of twitch vods. They're just something she'll do if she has free time and feels like hanging out
>Twitch is for "...if I feel bad that I didn't stream or if I just want a casual chill stream and then I can also grind some e-sports gahahaha"
>Reiterates twitch is for filler, yt is for main content. Twitch is for off-hours and side stories
>Cringes at the idea of uploading 1 hour vods of e-sports (you can even see her cringing lol), but will consider it
>No yapping on twitch "I assure you a twitch stream will be just me going 'okay, how do I do this?' gahaha"
>If something interesting does happen she will try to compile them
>"Imagine them being much more low energy and much more head empty."
>Don't worry something like a LoL collab with Nerissa is main channel content
>"Twitch content is sloppa sloppa sloppa gahahaha"
>No access to twitch yet, "may change my mind about the vods, maybe a vod channel, we'll see."
>Will talk to managment about options etc.
I watched through the Twilight arc, I can handle anything she throws at me
>I don't want to spam the main yt channel with random streams
So pretty much the exact same thing Ame said when she started her Twitch account
Appreciate you notating this
hopefully it's an offcollab
I don't get it either. There's plenty of Holos like Kaela or Nerissa that put low energy grinding slop on their main channel. On the other hand it really sounds like she cares and wants to do normal "good" streams in addition to the occasional "slop" streams so idk
>dumb indie-brain numberfaggotry
It's mostly this, because they think the youtube audience will shy away from that and that it will hurt her channel. Kaela already proved this isn't the case, and even then, she could make something like Kaela's ElaOnDuty to separate regular streams from the ones she "feels" would be twitch shit.
I can only hope this won't be as bad as I'm imagining it to be. The esports slop is bad enough but twitch really kills it for me
Even Ame, whose original idea was this, rarely used her twitch. Hope Gigi doesn't fall into that trap and I say this with twitch as my main platform
she probably thinks of spamming gerrilla streams, but for thinking about twitch maybe it's valorant/fps or fightans and those 2 are poison for a channel
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Gigi hair
I don't see the issue with uploading Twitch vods to the main channel. Creating a vod channel will just dilute her viewership. Plus they'll be under the "Videos" tab and she'll earn a couple more bucs from it.
2 and 5 are so cute
>If something interesting does happen she will try to compile them
If she clips those streams I'll have no complaints.
Sweat cutie, love Gigi pink eyes
Holos get so busy with whatever bts crap they do I doubt it will be an issue. Remember, the twitch slop is in addition to her regular streams. Meaning, after these first few months I doubt she'll have time for it, at least with how Holos always talk about being "busy"
She can likely do it at first, but once the idol duties start in full force, not even kaela could continue with the same usual schedule she had at the beginning
loaf of breadmurin when?
True, but it seems like with Advent's current JP arc management has provided them with streaming rigs because they've, more or less, kept up semi-regular streams. I think they realized taking away streaming for a month or more was a bad idea, but I'm probably giving them too much credit
god she's gorgeous
also i would be so down for a cheongsam gigi with the two buns
If you keep staring at my wife like that I'll have to break out the hijab you dirty baka
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our wife
You’re all making it sound like she’s going to permanently move to twitch lmao, she’s already said she’ll only be doing low effort streams and multiplayer slop there while YouTube streams and schedules remain unchanged. I know Twitch sucks it’s bonus content in a way.
I fear for >>80111117 and because I don't want deleted streams since her yap content is great even if she say it's "low-effort slop".
For me at least once I start missing streams, which will happen since I hate twitch, she'll slowly start becoming more of just another holomem I like watching rather than an oshi.
I'm willing to give it a try but every other holo on twitch attempt turned into too much twitch slop for me.
Hopes for next week?
For me it's whatever TTRPG they can wrangle a group to do
Besides Laplus and maybe Ame are there any that use it to a significant degree? We'll have to wait and see but Gigi seems to actually care, she's doing twitch because that's what she thinks is best for all of us, after all.
She said lots of collabs next week, so I wonder who's even available. Half of EN is MIA and Advent is busy with 3D
Tbhdesu I don’t even care if she uses Twitch occasionally as long as main content isn’t going there
Ayame and Roboco does long valorent grinds on twitch from time to time. Ame uses twitch semi-ironically for karaoke and some fps grinds since it was clearly mandated from management. Laplus probably is the only one that loves streaming on twitch more than YT but I don't watch her.
I like her sock :)
I don't care much about her using Twitch since I use it occasionally myself anyway. I'm more interested in what esports games she's going to play and if she's actually good at them.
she mentioned TFT, whatever that is (i assume she isn't talking about warcraft 3: the frozen throne)
probably this
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Gi night grems, I'm gonna go pass out.
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Gi night grem
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Watch out Twitch kiddies, a new gremlin is coming to take the #1 streamer title
That's what I assumed as well. I can see why she cringed at the idea of making a vod for that lol
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I'd say ShyLily is a big competition in gremlin terms, but she focuses mostly on WoW, Nikke and Mihoyo slop, so no worries there.
that's a good game for zoning out.
did a dog bark at 0:21
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this part was nuts
Just sounds like audio warping from the upload to me. It's not like that in the original vod (00:05:15 in the vod)
too long for soundpost but it's really cute ahhh someone should make a version with >>80108292
Thanks soundpost-anon these are great, your efforts are appreciated
Sounds like her mic peaking when she said "guys" (05:19 in vod)
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Gigi's my little meowmeow.
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good night grems
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gi night
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take care
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Post stream tweet (if it wasn't already posted here)
I hope I wake up early enough to remember to ask her via superchat her feelings on every fujos favorite gbf murderhobo lobelia.
Gigi cute!
and smart!
>>"Twitch content is sloppa sloppa sloppa gahahaha"
She's definitely /here/, isn't she?
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Gigi cool!
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Gigi, if you're /here/ use the word "trombone" at some point next stream
The worst thing is her lack of impulse control proves that this is a good test lol
So how are you going to treat gigi's crabs anons?
With a fork, obviously.
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should just go back to bed
WOOO this artist always makes FANTASTIC Gigi art, great scenarios/poses as well. Apropos considering this >>80117095 today lol
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Gigi LOVE!!
gigi CUTE
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Jean Gi
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This seems like an idea that will easily go bad, either by her providing streams that require too much effort on Twitch or just eating into her time in a bad way
Once the idol trash starts she won't have the time to split between her regular streams and twitch slop so I don't think we have anything to worry about, but you're right
>idol trash
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread. /lig/ is two threads down.
you can like holo and not like the idol stuff
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I don't know if I'll be awake for the monetization stream...........
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With monetization opening, does that mean Gigi is "for sale?"
You've been able to buy your own Gigi since day one, grem
It's me! I'm the big Grem
Gn Grems, hopefully I wake before the monetization. Otherwise, see ya on the flip side
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Take care!
Gigi is about to sing with Wawa, GET IN HERE:
Gigi on wawa birthday stream!
Kiara wants to be fisted by Gigi...
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That was kino
Yeah I can see karaokes being fun with Geegs
prerecorded kino and I can’t believe this is how we get teased with gigi karaoke
Is monetization going to be a karaoke? It'd be funny if Gigi did a stand up set or something instead lol
Gigi is
To be honest, I want her to talk about the new moon men + Phoenix lore following Granblue's 10 year anniversary celebration a few months ago

Now THAT was convoluted
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For all the giggers that missed the wawa karaoke with GG. In short? It was kino
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orang!! what a throwback
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still can't into hair
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Gigi Cute!
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gi muriiin!!!
CUUUUUTE!!! thank you!!! her singing is so amazing!!! wonderful to wake up to <3
Monetization today...who among you shall be the first akasupa?
who wouldn't
Does her membership open at the same time?
Negative, that wont be for another week(or two?)
iirc it's up to them when they want to open membership, but it'll be a separate stream later
She's such a little shit. I love it
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Gi muriiiiinnn!
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Excited for today, bros.
It was a very clever song to sing together. They did great!
Manifesting a GG Kiara collab wherein Kiara calls GG a little shit and kisses her even though she's already roommates with Ceci...
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Horny Otomo!
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Wait wrong tab
Horny Gremurin!
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matching cute
>plays Project Sekai
>hated Witcher
>chose to sing Motteke Seilor Fuku with Kiara
Ok, your oshi is pretty based
1 hour. Rev up those wallets and get ready to paste your pre typed SC
here ya go!
lmao cute. based grem-otomo brotherhood
unfortunately i hate SCs and the idea of giving even more money to google, so i'll wait for membership and future merch. looking forward to the stream though.
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I totally get ya, my dude
Just think of this as a stepping stone towards membership.
yep it's the worst % cut to the talent, probably why gigi has been going hard with the acrylic stands
there's 0 chance that merch production and shipping is less than youtube's 30% cut
any amount of money going to gigi is good :) i just want her to be supported
every single time it's been brought up, that's been the answer, so unless they are deliberately sabotaging their own finances, that's the truth.
Which is why Gigi should do more dating voice packs!
Yeah but at least the cut isn't going to woke youtube/google.
I understand that, but I will still donate some today, is an important day for her and seeing the colors is good for her morale, after that yeah, I focus on merch
Talents throughout the vtubing space invariably say the best way to support them is: steamelements, etc. > non-physical merch > physical merch >> youtube/twitch memberships and supas
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FWMC said Birthday merch was the most important thing and other Holos have pretty much said as much.
That's fair, good point anon.
The Gigi one was really cute especially the JP one
im speaking more generally, im not as familiar with hololive specifics of merch cuts, the point is youtube is way down at the bottom. that said, >>80159814 is right about the morale-boosting effects of some every once in awhile.
Someone fucked up
I don't like sending SCs anymore either so I'm with you on waiting for memberships.
at least just send a green saying kind words. or leave a vod comment saying you're proud of her
dont underestimate how important it is to be there for your oshi
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going on a trip together with gigi...
Is that a Gi-Wagon?
we on a trip with a little rocket ship
she forgot to remove chat from the copy-paste cars...
It's a pontiac GiGTO.
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we have to drive because gigi can't reach the pedals
kek is each honk a supa?
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>It starts to slow down
>It picks up again
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>car karaoke with supas honking in the background
God, need a real Gigi karaoke stream
Why do people watch her? Her voice is terrible.
>above below featuring honking cars
That's my gremlin
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This is truly as unhinged as I expect a Gigi milestone stream to be
She's not very good at singing but she understands that the point is to enjoy yourself. Extremely soulful car singing.
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Yep, it's kino
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I love this kid
i agree but she's pretty funny when she stops sperging after 15-30 minutes of a stream
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This is so fucking overstimulating I feel like a gigantic autist right now I love it I love this stupid brat afgdghghhh OH MY DIO WHATS WRONG WHATS RIHGT
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you answered your own question
enough about you
In another timeline, she's shown off that she's actually shown a pretty good singer, the BGM is just quiet and it sounds like she hasn't warmed up.
>why do people watch her
because she's entertaining, dickwad. now go back to your extremely vanilla and boring "idol" content.
post tits femanon
>13k CCV on monetization stream
lol dead chuuba
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bros I'm on a date and she's so cute what do I say
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I want to pretend she's Cheebs. Gimme 3 points.
I'll take a huge tuna
Based reverse psychology giggers making me donate more money to GG
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Knowing you'll never have lunch with Gigi
say that you FUCK HARD
She's so cute
traffic bros we're so back
No way we get a live Hitomania
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I fucking love Gigi so much.
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As someone who doesn't really care about the singing stuff, I appreciate that she's just taking the piss out of it and doing soulful car singing.
I cannot tell you how hilarious that Gigi is just one of my favorite fighting game characters becoming a streamer. I'll have to commission art or make it or something.
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is Gigi the Gigi of Hololive?
Yeah, this is great.
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Gigi is the Gigi of Vtubing
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No, sorry. She's the Fister of Hololive.
I mean this is literally the best way to follow up after Liz. Contrast and come out of it just as memorable.
i didnt even watch ERB stream though. was there one? i'm only subbed to Gigi, sorry.
I love this violent gremlin
Somehow she's the Gura of Vshojo.
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>Her voice is terrible.
I know, but I love it so much. I'm obsessed with her.
Don't be that guy, man.
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Wait. isn't this just a date?
Zoomer Bae
Wait, that's not real merch is it? That hoodie is terrible.
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Stopping to shill, nice. But shouldn't she be t the soup store?
>that guy
im being completely truthful though? i literally have no idea about the other streams, and dont watch them or keep up with their schedules.
>singing in full keyfabe voice
>just belting out the lines out of sync
It's unironically amazing.
It is surprisingly bad considering how good Hololive is at designing subtle clothing
traffic bros we are so back
fake fan.
No, because Popo is here too, and its ruining everything for us.
Bros I feel like I'm losing braincels
Popo is like a pet, anon, don't be weird
her gen is doing a monetization relay, they are streaming one after another
Y'all niqqas better be doing the callbacks
I love my nigga Popo
don't bother
fat fuck is hanging out of the window
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im just a gigi fan, idk what to say. also, i was going to buy the hoodie but its terrible what the fuck?
Gigi's quite special
At least she's playing into the "I can't sing"
Popo is a creep who'd try to shag your head as soon as you've got your back turned
Tell me, what is best in life?
I am actually, but I'm replacing all the lyrics with HONK.
Definition of SOVL.
He's just grooming you bro, chill.
You WILL cry when she performance at hololive fes
>She has officially gone crazy from the honking
I sure will
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she's crying oh no.....
I actually think I love this girl... gura please forgive me...
Popo has a hoodie!
To crush you enemies.
To have them driven before you.
And to hear the lamentations of their women.
She's so Gigi...
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my most prized possession
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That's me btw
why settle for one if you can have a harem !!
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Me on the right
>pinned merch link
sasuga manesan
Anons, please stop doxxing me and my wife
why does she need a metal pipe when she could just fist the car
Glad I'm not the only one who saw this. As soon as I learned she has gauntlets I was surprised no one else talked about this. But I guess UNI is pretty niche
Because le metal pipe meme
You mean mine.
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Me on the left.
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is Gigi not only the gamer of EN, but also the most GFE?
mika my beloved
>shilling things she's not even a part of
Honest question: what is she on? There's no way someone just exists like this constantly.
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She’s singing this a lot better than the other songs
>what is she on?
My lap
>what is she on?
She floats somewhere between GFE and FFE fujo friend experience
Gigi Murin makes me smile
I legit think she made the honks so loud that it would drive her insane
t. me
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Me? I'm there with her, I'm part of her idol journey, AND SO ARE YOU GIGGERS!
those are the same thing if you've ever dated a weeb girl
Best friend's dorky little sister experience.
The honking noise is really loud on her side, imagine singing when you can barely hear the music.
>29 minutes
She is the perfect childhood friend that shares all your interests.
>Gigi is one of those people who wears a shirt in the pool
It's over, bros...
>She was able to get the slurping sound into the stream
the perfect woman...
i miss gigi....
>small child screaming HELP in a pool
Yup, it's kino
we eat good todays grems
gigi gone...
ok that was fun. im off to touch grass now. gigi over.
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The honkening has concluded.
It was so great, it almost makes we wonder if that was intentional.
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They definitely deserved a 1hour relay but they probably had to settle with 30min because of the gigantic timezone difference
I want a CCGG offcollab handcam where Cece has those doll joint hands and Gigi has painted Hulk Hands
>those hands hulk smashing my cock and balls
Really? I would expect ERB karaoke to be the highest, especially with being the first one. Everyone can insult me as well for asking.
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yes Gigi got more donos than Herb
How many watch erb?
First, KYS. Second, anything that has a gimmick to it like this or drawing commissions for reds will always get a ton of supers. People love being represented on stream and whether you want to call that attention whoring or what is a different matter entirely.
CC is gonna get mogged by RR art supas anyway, management approved this relay for a reason yknow. Each stream is more creative than the last and it's not a coincidence. They're making sure the last girl doesn't get left with whale scraps
I'm okay with this outcome
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>Committed to the earl piercing honk
My Gigi is going to be Gideaf...
I'm going to kiss Gigi's ears...
This 3 man wave is awesome
sell gigi stocks, buy CC i guess. momentum trade.
Do you think Gigi cried after the stream?
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She was tearing up during SSS. No doubt she did afterwards.
yeah, tearing up seeing the numbers CC pulled in after
Yeah, Gigi Friend Experience
I can't believe CC stole Gigi's stream ending like that.
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gigi love
It's happened to all the streams so far
She's still in the pool trying to hide her tears

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