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Previous: >>80136971
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>imaginary holofanbase wars
>[holo] vs [holo]
>please hate [holo]
>[holo avatar][bait]
>as a [holofanbase], [bait]
>[holofanbase]s are [headcanon]
>how do we save [holo]
>[holo] is finished, mogged by [holo]
Please do not feed or approach the sisters.
Keep your limbs inside the vehicle at all times.
Have a nice thread.

Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

v4m wins in the end trust the process
Post it.
You're the one that said that people defending girls are holoans because they just antagonize others.
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Stop being retarded.
>previous thread 900+ post
what happened?
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Homobeggars are dramaniggers
I dont consider homoshills as girls desu
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well well well what's happening here
Ruffians shitposting
look, i hate unicorns too but holy fuck beggars are obsessed with them, they mention them EVERY FUCKING TIME, not even unicorns mention that much about beggars or about homos
Can we still save ERB?
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>Beggar faggots flooding her pre-chat crying about unicorns and borderline shitting on the rest of the girls
This is the trash you are rooting for btw faggot
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>Attract that kind of fanbase through your actions
Have to interject because homobeggars attack the rest of the fanbase in your chat.
Do I want to read ERB prechat?
>anon surprised that a nijinig is using the nijicoep list to start holo vs holo
predictions on the superchat numbers?
will yuropoors even give money?
before ennacuck starts botting the samefags again
Botcord is real
>fights the hololive fanbase out of the gate because homostars are so based ultra lit
You reap what you sow
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ERB has some nice Hololive 'fans'
What did >we tell you, """ruffian"""?
shut up we're busy with our Queen
Yes, it's pretty interesting. Tonight is gonna fucking great.
welp this is the kinda fans she sowed. so, it's reaping time
He's the phasekek falseflagger.
the guy on top is that phasecuck who used to falseflag as a shiori fan btw
mostly usd supas still
Nah, just the standard erb fan
so just ignore her existence

>rooting for
You know at this point all I'm rooting for is for you to stop shitposting about her 24/7 so that we don't get blamed for her inevitable demise
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>ERB has to tardwrangle her homo schizos this early in her career
The Shiori fag? He's everywhere huh
>faggot mindlessly defending some cunt even tho her behavior creates situation like this >>80144203 >>80144215
Yes, I'm dropping a fucking EU supa bomb on the best girl.
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he's this retard anon he changed his name because this image has been spread around outside vt
Yup. He changed his name only a couple hours ago.
Slim chance as it looks right now
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He's gonna sc her. Seem like a "fan" to me.
>so just ignore her existence
i do, never antied a single girl, but i will shit on anyone pathetic enough that tries shilling such whores in my threads and there's nothing you can do about it
Go post about her in your safe spaces instead
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Anons... the more you hate her.. the more you'll love her. Just like how I fall in love to IRyS.
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Retard didn't change his description btw.
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I just watched the holoEN mega collab. some things that i noticed from justice
>gigi is on the good side of gaming and good at socializing
>raora was kinda choking and still awkward around the senpais
>Cecil was suprisingly very asian. as in considerate of people around her, actively engaged with conversations but not in the face, and all around was very respectfull of her senpais.
>ERB was really not there. probably because she just woke up at the time but, her energy was low, she sounded confused and not very enthusiastic overall
Stop acting like the thread's police you stupid fucking faggot.
It's the most amusing thing.
>unicorns are NEVER EVER EVER seen
>homobeggars are seen everywhere
Turns out unicorns are really ... invisible?
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no he's the same guy he just changed names since his sc screenshot broke containment
>kobokerz on erb monetization waiting room
With how kobo begging for membership on kiwawas stream I doubt this FAG will contribute a single penny on her
ERB pre-chat right now. Fucking hell, /vt/ was right all along.
35 not sex
I've been desensitized. Can we get Coffee lewds instead? (since it's ShiraKen gold?)
stop acting like a holoan
You say that but unicorns here get completely mindfucked by some random beggar
>Turns out unicorns are really ... invisible?
>ERB was really not there. probably because she just woke up at the time but, her energy was low, she sounded confused and not very enthusiastic overall
She will shine when she can collab with the boys
she meant no shitting on da boiz because she's /here/
pretty sure that's common in her fanbase
She did attract all sorts of lowlives afterall
Thanks anon
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>Coffee lewds
I thought we all agreed on NO ELVES! Stick with Lamy and other human girls
Lmao I forgot that it was supposed to be Flare’s group
Miko is so dominant in Shiraken you forgot that fact sometime
at least they are not shitting on their oshi's face
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How did you know it was me.
Stop taking 'shroom, bro.
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We're NOT Inclining
I'm a fan of my Oshi not of the company, if one of them act like a retard i'll call her a fucking retard, now seethe about it you turbo faggot.
And none of your "evil unicorns" are out shitting up the girls chat or even the homos for that matter
>ERB was really not there. probably because she just woke up at the time but, her energy was low, she sounded confused and not very enthusiastic overall
Probably because she knows any small fuck up that she does will be shitposted to hell
I wonder why she has such negative attention on her... But i sure hope it was worth it whatever she did to have that negative attention
Foobs belly is inclining
All thanks to me
I'm actually sad Cecilia wasn't Amahane Miran
Current Cecilia is really bad at singing and playing violin
I don't know much about Shiori, but does she even have anything to do with homos? Why was he her fan in the first place?
>Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame's Roserian Manado Sword Btw anyone know Regis status? Just wondering is he taking a break? He didn't stream for 2 weeks already.
>Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame's Roserian Manado Sword Or is he busy with work? I didn't really catch his stream.
>keks krieger44 he just focusing on other stuff right now, hell be back
>Caddy Cheon I don't follow Holostars so I have no idea lad but ...you can check the board

can't make this shit up
maybe she can bring back the old squad energy since the invisible gun got to clocktits and w*gger
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>I Stan Shiori. As of right now.
Guess "right now" is over because he wasn't at her members yesterday.
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Aki channel, is it using some different type of ads settings?
This is not seen in other Holo streams and I think I only saw it in some Niji streams
Unskippable ads maybe? Verification hell?
Do you guys have no female friends? why are you acting like this.
>I am no longer asking
A cow is fine too
Yeah I'm sure your oshi is very happy that you're shitting on her kouhai.
>I don't know much about Shiori, but does she even have anything to do with homos? Why was he her fan in the first place?
anon he was never present in any of shioris streams he has 4 other accounts that he larps with as well and got semi famous with the interaction with mint
fun fact his first membership was with falseeyed
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>invisible gun
Again, this is cope. The only reason they stopped their homo collabs is because their favorite homos left.
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please tell me someone is saving the log of the chat room
He has a bunch of Advent accounts like this but has been exclusively using the Shiori one recently for some reason.
What games do you think would suit her?
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Kiara's limited set is still not sold out after three hours. She still has 35 left in stock
hee has 4 advent accounts that he uses to interact with indies and 2views
God you argue like a retarded child lmfao
You don't even know what i ever said on the red one
Eat shit retard
why would you declare yourself a fan of someone like a week in and be mad at them for doing something you don't like. what did you expect lmao
I don't have the complete one but I have it to just before he really started getting ranty
It's really something to read
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We need more brown elves.
That Suisei ogey is haunting. Stop posting it you retards
My fetish is leg
please give my retarded comfort woman a view
He never ever even donated to shiori. He just donates to dramanigs.
Guy is a complete piece of shit trying to start trouble everywhere he goes

and you argue like a holo anti
probably because you are one
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Yes, only a small fraction of unicorns do some rage attacks when they are betrayed, around 1%, that's why beggars think unicorns are a minority when we are in fact a much larger part of the fandom, invisible but still present and moving this whole show.
Nega-Shaka cameos. don't mind it.
What we are seeing in ERB's chat is further evidence that the sin brings on its own punishment
He seems like an underaged dramafag with a vendetta against advent to me. Also most of his supas are in Singaporean currency.
Let's not fool ourselves here, they stopped because the 2 faggots were cunt grifters and that forever deterred them to acknowledge homotrannies ever again
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>hololive wins = A "Vtuber community" victory
>Vtuber community wins ≠ hololive victory
aki doesn't like deactivating her ads, i dont know why, it's like polka doing it with her morning shows
This limited is on the expensive side. And being a fucking hapi, Im more impressed she was able to sell 900+ of those already. I was betting it would take her the entire day.
the recline was when Akahs was on stream
I'm not sure if it's against advent exactly. Advent was just the new popular thing at the time he started doing that.
I'm sure he's going to move to ERB and other Justice girls or whatever he thinks it will get the most attention
A bit skewed, but it’s
No Doppo and Shibukawa rep…
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QRD of the past 72 hours?
i-is that drawn by itagaki?
Holy shit man, that Sora stream was top tier
>QRD of the past 72 hours?
Hololive won, again.
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can you guys stop talking about ERB and the shiori fag and buy my tf2 cases so i can make 0.01 cent each towards my wishlist?
>hololive production will oficially collab with biribiri
Holy shit
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kys dramanigger
Yes because unicorns arent there at all
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I think it's not. I saw a tweet of the artist I think
Sorry i think about the girls first and foremost, i won't support some cunt who's turning into a catalyst for beggars and other drama vermin, emboldening those faggots to shit on the girls that don't want to acknowledge your homotrash
You don't care about any of the girls, hell you don't give a shit about the Red one at all, it's just another person you'll lash on too for your shitty culture war because you're an obsessed tranny
who is the artist? looks like the kind of style you see on muscle dudes faces
Please give us more brown girls hololive
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Dramaniggers in ERB's chat and ERB wanted to shut it down
I bet over 50% of her superchats will be drama baiting
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>ERB pre-chat
No though its a baki/shiraken spinoff
Is there more context or did that retard just randomly post that in her chat?
but they censored subaru in the himehina concert though?
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>Mihoyo × hololive pro
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le pillars
it's by one of itagaki's disciple who made that retsu isekai spin off and a bunch of other baki spin off
dramafag seething at holo/gura winning
>Raora is raiding her own waiting room
>obviously fucking phase falseflagger in ERBs chat
>try to blame ERB for it
You guys are retarded. She just needs to do her best ignoring these idiots.
All of Shiraken is fair game
Still coping. They never collabed with the other homos after the first few popular demand unity collabs. Even the homos weren't interested in collabing anymore past a certain point, Axel was busy larping as a jap to chase after VSPO girls and the blue faggot got pissy after becoming a Kobo accessory. Mori and Kronii were happily collabing with Vesper while he was involved in drama and openly avoiding the other homos and saying he didn't have the mental health to collab with them while doing biweekly yabba dabba doo collabs with the girls
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why doesnt she just do this kinda vid for active holos
might as well completely drop the mask
Watch her awkwardly replying to this sperg's SC >>80144384 will be funny, let's see how she handles it
i cant read chink
That's a huge copium right there, you should've never replied.
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>imaginary holofanbase wars
Thanks to this woman, it's about to be NOT imaginary
Can't wait for Kronii 2.0
She needs money that bad huh
bvtm phaseplaps and okbh homobeggers are literally the same circle of filth you retard
holy shit, they will let kobo do what aqua couldnt?
She brought it to herself
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>I dont consider homoshills as girls
>i won't support
Good. I'm not doing either and I particularly dislike both her behavior and the people she's attracting. But I'm not going to anti her because that's retarded. It's wasted energy and it only hurts everybody else in the process.
Just stop being anti if you can. It's not healthy
>941k subs
oh hey almost 1million again...
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People are that curious about german chuubas or what?
Nice try phasekek, go back to your shithole dramafag.
I would love to read that
cuck kino starting
i see no problem with a fan of hololive cosplaying as an ex holo
Apparently there's a lot of chinks in this thread can read this but nobody bothers to translate it
I don't know but i would watch a german karaoke eith those 2. Their dragonball song was kino
Sora has Daisenpai immunity.
she'll get 1 mil before other holomems kek
Did Erb even stream enough to train her chat at all or did she let it overgrow with faggots during rebroadcasts?
Stop projecting subhuman monkey
So ...... another statue this year ?
They just censored Hololive recently....
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kys phasepagapag
Allowing phase fans to get comfortable here was a damm mistake.
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Keisuke Itagaki's style, but someone else probably did it imitating his. probably Naoki Saito since he did a Baki parody before.
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>Tencent is acquiring Cover Cope
Given how Kronii didn't acknowledge their death
And how Mori of all people gave a cold shoulder to the beggars, so much that at some point when she did a recap of the year for new years eve she avoid ALL MENTION of those collabs from her chat
It's safe to say that they were in fact, grifting niggers
You're the one shitting yourself every time anybody say something remotely negative about her, who do you think you are fooling here homonig?
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Some retard is definitely going to give her a condom money sc and that will be a true test of her mental fortitude and if she can police her chat at all
What does it say? I can't read buglanguage
>Singaporean with ID level of english
chink wants the hololive account to retweet the image for some reason
>get comfortable
They literally have janny protection for their shitposting
But anon, if you nuke flip red will die...
You know she will too since she already replied to that one random retard on twitter
Prophecy isreal
>remotely negative about her
can you even link to posts in this thread where you were doing anything other than shitting on her you obsessed retard
you're an anti and you don't even realize it
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>Dev_is China branch
V-buta, I expect an Apology
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Wear the costume, Mike
ehhh.... nice chat you have there unity queen
Rushia should just remake her channel and just start using the model again and pray Cover doesn't sue her.
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QRD? I havent been keeping up with this new arc of homobegging
Last time I read ERB was spamming homos chat
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wtf is wrong with flip? why are they eating cow shit?
Has he ever tried abuos? That's another flip delicacy.
my wife on da telly
it says "History is the best reminder"
idk what he means by it tho
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Scary shit
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Sisters are melting down
I kinda want to join the fun...
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>hololive production will oficially collab with biribiri

All I've been doing in this thread and the previous one is shit on you, you absolute mongoloid, at best i'm laughing at the situation she's putting herself in
You act like i've raped her dog and kill her family you fucking fag
You don't even know what a fucking anti does you stupid tard homonig
>It's safe to say that they were in fact, grifting niggers
This was obvious from the moment they debuted, or if you want to be generous from like a week after they debuted. Doesn't change the fact that Mori and Kronii were besties with them until the day they disappeared, including long after their nature became obvious to everyone else
Look at the monster she is creating for herself.
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chinks seethe at Tanabata festival because it's the same date the japs invaded China during WW2
As it is usual, if a person allows herself to be defined by the things she ISN'T / she DISAGREES, her audience will be packed filled with people that couldn't care less about her, but only about wielding her as a tool
only if twitch dies.
even then i kind of doubt shed want to apply
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>Taiwan yab anniversary parade
I get what he meant,chink are starting to forget those incidents and move on but he want hololive to remind everyone too that hololive is bad aka the 2020 era
Yeah lets ignore the rest of the post anon, push a little more and your mask will slip
>all the cgdct collabed with mori two days ago
No.... cgdct has fallen....
Anit-ERB and homos? yes they are not Hololive and they bring down my enjoyment of the other girls.
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kek even gigi is moving to twitch
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It's gonna be really funny when ERB realizes the kind of people she attracted with her petty attitude
So you can't link to any posts in this thread where you were doing anything other than shitposting about erb?
That's a good use of your time?
they're baiting Hololive at going into another chinkout because 7/7 was a grim day for them
"his" currency is SGD and the usage of stan make me believe she an exnijisister or a kpop sister.
>his was obvious from the moment they debuted, or if you want to be generous from like a week after they debuted.
Actually full of shit trying to twist things so he can shit on the girls
I smell homonig faggotry
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AZKi is singing Higurashi OP!
Don't mind if I do...
>All homobeggars are ESL
Nice fanbase
I didn't expect Biboo to be a much better merch seller than Kiara, didn't her limited sell out in like 3 minutes?
kekaroo, enjoy dealing with that fanbase ERB
I see a ruffian there. Can someone do a opsec check on him
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All my posts are me shitting on you
Retarded faggot lol
Is BA gonna shutdown like PrinCon?
I love how her prechat is just chokeful of homobeggers and dramanigs instead of fans.
No '' erb fking red homo'' poster? LAme
He's posting ITT right now anon.
Thanks anon, I'm sad I missed the beginning
what petty behavior. is interacting with stars petty by definition and so all who do so are petty or did she actually do something.
So, any cope for why her limited birthday merch sold out in a few minutes last year while it took multiple hours this year? Did Kiara lose fans?
They all have money to SC to her right?
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AZKi's bare shoulders...
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This is gonna be really funny ERB-chan
I know youre /here/, you re terminally online just like us
Damn most probably an indosister exchange student in singapore?
it already happened with the Gura cover. this isn't new though.
The time for the birthday certainly didn't help Kiara
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It's the same Shiori phase faggot
>herb sc readings are just going to be "thanks for owning the unicorns"
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Finally some good stream
grown ups is talking about erb right now
>Yeah I'm sure your oshi is very happy that you're shitting on her kouhai.
here comes the reddit-tier defense you are a caricature
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>last chat
kek. Wouldn't it be funny if ERB manage to get her own dedicated mega-schizo like ennaschizo and do shit like breaking her members stream games like this?
>metal gear unicorn
I think I heard this name before..
So some retarded chink @ Cover with some political stuff? What got you people to reply 20 times to this?
Holy shit it's actually happening. Fucking getting my popcorn for tonight numberfagbros.
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>ERB: guys pls spread love and positivity
>ERB fans: but not for unicorns
who needs antis if you have homobeggar fans?
>I think I heard this name before..
It's a falseflagger
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Kek I will tune in for the shitshow.
It's most definitely a male. Just a very useless faggot that probably waste his parents money watching vtubers instead of studying.
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HAHAHAHAHAHA did erb deserved this tho?
>pander to homotrash
>all the mentally ill homonigs culture warrior and drama nigs falseflager flood your chat
Rare kami modo doggo
Just close the fucking chat
It was inevitable this would happen
anon thats the shiori larpers other account he has one for nerissa and biboo as well
they already dis a collab retard. the reason blue archieve went full cunny route was because of gura
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>Rotten pork delicacy
>Cow shit juice soup
>Monkey meat
>Garbage can chicken
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She had to pin this just now. FUCKING KEK. Karma is real.
>I'm SEA who loves drama
This is her audience
Me reaping
This is genuinely entertaining
>safe space
Mikecat won...
That's the wrong word, it should have been
and she did.
I'm talking about Mr. Bravo
it's the indotard that loved to shit on other holos using faumeiRyS pics
>Mogojohn the blahblah
ahh the SIngaporean shill is there too.
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Can we not talk about her for the rest of the day, she has enough to deal with
>So, any cope for why her limited birthday merch sold out in a few minutes last year while it took multiple hours this year?
I mean, you already set up that any answer you receive is going to be perceived as cope, so what do you want?
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Just dont spam "BROK GANG", let it unfold naturally
Man they're killing her hope of not flopping her entire career even harder than she is.
Say what you will about Ollie/Bae, but they don't have an openly antagonistic fanbase.
She also (re)did that segment where she asked her mother about her thougha on holomembers, but didn't include the homos like the first time
Fucking beautiful
She pursued that audience
Beggarbros we finally found our oshi! Let's all superchat her and remember to join her membership.
just how many times are you anons gonna fall for the vagueposting grifters?
Enjoying the water?
She's loving the shitstorm she brought in
Not you, I mean her
love that curve
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the rushia cosplay worked
Well queen of drama is what she is. I kinda feel bad for her but at the same time she is the one who tried to lead a antiunicorn/pro unity army.
What about da boiz?
>The strongest defender against homoaggotry in /baubau is a singaporean vs. the giga homobegger, which is also singaporean.
1. No one here speaks chink
2. Bait
sharkie is only "successful" because she lucked into the right model and she had lockdown tourists at first. she'd be nothing if she had to actually work for her success.
Buy an ad
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Its zhangs mass replying on it
real #anons are talking about erb right now
hololive tagging from a nobody.
hi Mori
LMAO the prechat is getting worse. Damage control all over the place. FUCKING LOL.
Is this a discord raid? It's just a chink post with 0 context but a fuckton of replies behaving as if it's the end of the world. 20 fucking mins later still no context btw
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Da boiz? What about da boiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she invited these faggotry. she gave way for dramaniggers and seanig falseflaggers to poison her own fanbase. very retarded move
It's obvious to anybody with half a brain that they fuck up badly behind the scene
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I'm lovin' it.
Appeal to beggars and they will destroy you. Many Such Cases!
It's literally the opposite, retard
It's the same guy you idiot. All of these accounts with this retarded pattern
>ChumBud the nr 1 Gura Shrimp
Are the Singaporean homobegger/dramagrifter schizo
fuck im hard
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love that worming
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Limited sets finally sold out
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Someone started mentioning Fuwamoco ignoring the boys and she posted this
you just know this shit is going to be all over every dramatuber channel tomorrow
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I was planning on skipping her stream, but I might have to watch if for the potential reaction, if they do donate.
I suggest someone records the stream with chat visible.
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holofags are fucking cancer
Feel bad for someone who brought this cancer into your hobby.
Not the first time for her btw.
This is the log to after the falseflagger stopped
Some of the later stuff got flagged as offensive for some reason so I just haven't posted the whole thing
This shit is so funny
It's funny seeing ERB trying to damage control chat like a discord mod
Lurk more.
>got successful in not 1, not 2 but 3 different personas
>its just luck
That is a blatant falseflagger (you) go fuck yourself
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Oh heavens no!
Not the ban hammer!
This shit aint even happen, the opposite actually
pre-chat doesn't get archived so the dramafags are going to have to get it from here
The thing is, I genuinely thought this is why Cover cut off the homoshit with Advent. They realized they were making 0 money and dragging both fanbases into drama.
So why does someone like ERB even exist? Why didn't management train any thoughts of homoshittery out of her like with Nerissa/Shiori/Raora
Least obvious falseflagger
those fucking beggars are mintfags and dokifags, the ones falseflagging as advent fans or am i wrong?
>all are welcome here
kek, she's doing her best trying to NOT allow her audience to exclude "unicorns" (in the day of her monetization)
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Mori 2.0
anon its the same guy larping as different accounts
yeah this is a must watch stream now
>One singaporean with over a million accounts all samefagging and one guying ERB chat?!?
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What a fucking dumbass, on the record of tolerating this kind of stuff now
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"I had a conflict with my boyfriend please take his fingers"
"Amanyo-sama can't do it herself, so you should cut his fingers and send the... I should spot saying scary things."
LAMO Krone is savage.
ERB is a Bejitabro btw
I'm doing my part by watching her clips.
Miguel gato cuck asmr... home
Jurard please stop coming here defending ERB and the homos, no one likes your boiz and the red whore
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Oh my.
Is she talking about the homos or FWMC?
This is so strange and unprecedented
i love this yearly stream of hers
>they're unsucceessful leeches
>FWMC cultivated such toxic fans it's sad
bro, is it just me or this feels like /here/ posts?
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Surely somebody will let her know that this is a direct consequence of her own behavior. That's literally all you get from catering to homotrannies.
she need that unicorn dough
Sorry, 'holopro unity' is a dead meme paraded by beggars in an attempt to foist a bunch of homoshitters on people who just want to ignore them.
Liz will learn, regardless of what she wants.
Unicucks deserve the rope
It will only invites more dramaniggers.... ERB you retard...
kys faggot, stop shitting her chat
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Should've followed in Bae's footsteps
But not unforeseen.
That's straight up false flagging and containment breaking. Probably you.
>unicorn mention and incomprehensible garbage in chat
>Location: Philippines
>Joined: July 7, 2024
not being very subtle are ya
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>hire a bong
>hire the one bong who is a sister
so much support...
we lost, holobros...
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kys phasenigger. go back to your shiteating country
It's almost like her chat got posted /here/ and now got spammed by subhumans
No anon, specifically the guy with the name pattern I outlined is 1, max 2-3 discord niggers. It's basically not random people.
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last time i saw her with big ccv it was the ennacuck wave bots. too bad tracking sites removed her from not being a vtuber anymore
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Kek all it takes it a few "falseflaggers" for all the "Liz fans" to out themselves as homobeggers.
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seems legit to me
Just tag them for future reference
Suddenly all baits and seethe stopped in this thread
You can't accept the fact that her actions attract these kind of mentally ill people. Reap what you sow Liz.
You grant homobeggars the tip of your little fingernail and they take the entire arm and rape your mother.
She definitely not rehearsing or she can't rehearse
the phasenig that is spamming the chat was there before it got posted here
he just created another account to troll after
ERB is the best thing that happened to HoloEN and it's not for a good reason
didn't one of the horse dramaniggers had a stream about her? i bet most of the beggars rallied there
Are you guys ready for the dramaniggers to milk this too?
>Hololive TALENT's chat attacks her over collabing with holostars
+the 20k likes on twitter for a post calling this out
Its all them, trying to win against unicorns for some reason
The other Justice girls (and their fans) might have some sort of peace of mind knowing they just don't have to deal with any of this.
unicorns are a menace. Good on her for standing up against the toxic "fans"
Yes theres alot of containment breaking happening right now and she needs to just close the chat
Other girls' chats have also been posted here.
Because the filps are trolling ERB prechat rn and posting their acts here.
and your dog/cat. In front of you
So you're saying that if Kiara did her birthday stream at normal hours it would've sold out instantly like it did in last years birthday? Why did she even choose those hours to have her birthday stream, is she retarded?
stop noticing things
Best way to do things is just ban people instead of doing this. This will just force the subhumans on both sides to push it
I'm amazed they haven't used gura
hell yeah baby, its been a long time since MiKorone24
Kek nice bait. Anyone who checks the chat can see who the toxic fans are.
I can assure you #dwellers dont go to her chat
We just love to watch
Wtf is that true?
funny how retards that seethe at FWMC from last thread suddenly disappeared
>Hates bullies
>Cultivates a environment for bullies
>get rid of the white blood cell (unicorn)
>virus and parasites run rampage
How could this happen to me~
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Smells like retard falseflags. One retard and his many alt accounts? A phaseplap subhuman raid? Or perhaps nijivermin
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>global defending ERB
holy fuck I didn't realize how bad that thread has gotten
Anon, did you look at the OP we're having? The thread has already been slowed down to a crawl before her chat was even posted on here.
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uhhh what is happening?
why ERB chat just shitting on unicorns outta nowhere?
did she say something about unicorns?
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Those drama seekers will superchat ERB right?
I wish youtube could have an option to the streamers where accounts that are 'X' years old or below are not allowed to live chat in the stream.
>removed her from not being a vtuber anymore
they removed her because zhangs and antis kept reporting her channel. If vstats removed flesh streamer yuka misumi would be the first one to go.
the only begging done right
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>Say what you will about Ollie/Bae, but they don't have an openly antagonistic fanbase.
They are the same you mongrel, I'm tired of ratfags pretending Bae is any better or homo collabs the right way and other such narratives.
>It's almost like her chat got posted /here/ and now got spammed by subhumans
anon check the chats history the phasenigs and other posters were posting the same shit before it got posted here
I dont like ERB but I will never support containment breaking pagpag shitposters.
Just close the chat and don't reply to the trolls fucking idiot baka!!!
Well we are being raided daily by them and they probably saw the shitstorm brewing so it's possible
yeah, to shitpost
Tonight's relay is gonna be super interesting.
You bet that singaporean will
Her actions indeed attracted culture war retards which includes you, don't act like your hand are clean when it's very obvious that some of you fags are involved in this shit posting and false flagging. Homobeggars started Unicorn posting sure but some of the comments are definitely from people here.
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Jurard pls that's your own kind
would love to see it, ERB will just ignore them and the drama whores will just lose more money
is this achievable natty?
erb won
No they are not the same at all. Stop being a holoan or at least get better material
this is why philippinoes will never have a hololive branch anti-bros...
She's so fucking cute
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She is a hololive girl, anon, even if she willingly(or unwillingly) riled up the homobeggers
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CC is not a retard.
There are definitely drama falseflaggers in there riling up the fans. But a contingent of beggars are falling for it and making things worse.
they're your allies, Elden Ring chama...
don't let the invisible gun get to (You)
it's like they are in different companies
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Homobeggars status?
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>These antis are falsflaggers and not holofans
>she deserves it though for being a unityfag
why are you like this?
they were superchatting dramaniggers to stir shit so ofc theyll supa erb
False flaggers have no allegiance and we have proof that people larping as unicorns also larp as beggars.
I wonder why
Mike cat just jumped up 6k viewers in 10 minutes.
I suspect that onboarding training is optional and Erb just skipped it all
I can see no other reason why she would be doing what she's doing
Yes they are you dishonest fuck Holoan.
Is she?
that StartheGoat guy is 100% false flagger
Account created today too
holy fucking desperados, this is fucking cringe
there were some antiunicornfags talking in chat before anons sharing it /here/
you can't have your cake and eat it too, ERB
Holy based
I love my above average intelligence wife
i have nothing to apologise for since im not ESL
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>Super coordinated discord raid from posting pre chat to unicorns magically appearing in ERB prechat
Low IQ
Gnomerissa is really cute.
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>sea bros
>sea gang
There was one guy, then his chats get posted here and suddenly there were multiple shit stirrers. You're gonna tell me that's a coincidence?
>Sora isn't even senpai
what do (You) think, anonchama
She's probably shitposting in /grun/ right now
Why are you posting your own spam there?
You are that same seething krokek from the other day who got laughed at by the entire thread for making this claim. Bae is like Fubuki in her approach. She does not cultivate a fanbase that hates CGDCT or tries to go against it
Or maybe all of them, wouldn't be surprised if they talked to each other
unityfag is a mask for homobegging.
You either support the hololive magic and female centered walled garden or you want hololive to become niji, there is no in between.
no he won't it's 3am in Monday morning
>don't act like your hand are clean when it's very obvious that some of you fags are involved in this shit posting and false flagging
I will never understand how someone can be on 4chan and still think they can use collective guilt. Bro you're posting in /#/ right now, either you accept that doesn't mean you are part of the bad shit, or that you too are everything you rage against.
Holy kek.
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she is actually thinking doll, nice
I can absolutely tell you that were not on her chat room, in fact if she ever enters other girls stream, I instantly mute it till she leave
The dude was having a conversation with other people
The unicorns in her chat are definitely falseflaggers but the homobeggars are actually legit. She attracted that kind of fanbase.
did that cuckposting fanartist have draw her yet?
>So you're saying that if Kiara did her birthday stream at normal hours it would've sold out instantly like it did in last years birthday?
I mean, probably? I don't see what would stop it from selling out as fast as it did last year if so. Also, Kiara chose those hours because she's in Japan and it was the only time she was able to rent the studio out for a stream, hence why the "birthday stream" didn't actually happen on her birthday.
>There was one guy, then his chats get posted here and suddenly there were multiple shit stirrers
Anon there were 6 guys the only one that suddenly showed up after the chat got posted here was the mogojohn nu account
>I-i-it-it's falseflaggers!
do unikeks really
She in Japan
This is the only time available to her in order to use the studio to stream the Bday stuff
Isn't it crazy how ERB is the only one in her branch to deal with this? If it was just falseflaggers and not her genuine fanbase wouldn't they be shitting up other chats too? Why is she the only one affected? It's almost as if it's people from her audience that she intentionally cultivated...
>There was one guy
there was more than one guy before this shit was even posted here. I know because I've been watching the chat before it got posted here.
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Get me pictures of Unicorn!
What about Gigi or Raora?
No one cares about her and if it makes her sad or not, because she brought it on herself. Anyone who cares about what is happening cares about how it will affect everyone else and the drama it will cause. So we don't want it to happen, but not to protect HERB.
Not hard concepts to explain.
I'll save this for later, thanks anon!
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>erb won
won what
Wow anon, it's like someone just dropped a hot, RED piece of meat to a pool piranhas
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retard he was having convos with other people complaining about unicorns as well
>Mogojohn the strongest
both just created today. raid or samefag?
nice shitpost
what anon, you want me to shit on mori, kiara, kronii, mel, coco, rushia, a-chan and bae too? fucking kill yourself with the rest of phasetards and nijifags
>the mogojohn nu account
and that's just the guy with retarded long names that was already in the chat with another name before that too
Again. You are posting /#/. This means, by your logic, you are raiding ERB.
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Friendly reminder. If you are from Philippines I make more money as a slightly above average worker in 1 day than you do in 2 months.
kys flipmonkey
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Now why would my beautiful automaton wife visit such a thread that's filled with horny old men whose is only interested in licking her doll joints?
>Metal Gear Unicorn
Isn't that that one Bae anti?
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Comedy Gold
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The sisters will donate to virtual signal before dropping her cold in the sewers.
Discordnigs are busy ELSEWHERE clearly
>Fulgur has a new outfit already, revealed now
Did Kiara reply to those tweets from Octavio and Jurard?
Fellow Homochads we need to rally together to finally prove that Unikeks are the minority that need to be bullied out of.the Hololive community. The boys deserve all the support from us and the other girls and should not be bullied by the voice of the minority.
200 waiting room, dead chat.
2k waiting room, they're asleep apparently.
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>blames the employees and not the ones making decisions
the state of this board
Anon this is an anti thread what are you expecting. People use this thread for drama. Right now ERB has provided a perfect window for drama niggers and Collab beggars to hurt Hololive.
Some people just wants to see Hololive burn.
She fucking did it to herself, there is nothing to gain in associating with homovermin
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My hands are clean
You do understand that if you give collabbeggars an inch they will destroy EN right? We are literally maintaining boundaries to save this fucking company but you are too stupid to see it.
I'm a Bae anti too.
Did she do his wojak outfit recently?
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Watch streams then
gathering all the beggars, now i hope there will be no more beggars on the other girls chat
that faggot is a troll from /here/ , not a homobeggar
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OMG this is like SO true BROTHER
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We love hololive here
Advent. Justice 3/4
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Anon?! Also
i make 4x wtf??!?!
t. factory wagie
So erb fans are homobeggar aka holo anti? Yikes.
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You can start watching them
None of the people you've listed got anything to do with the issue at hand
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Man, AZKi's singing is as great as always, I like it when she does chiller singing streams
>toxic fanbase
ive seen those exact same talking points in r/ holostars and r/okbh
I literally don't care enough to open her channel
KEK anon they can't afford to even buy games so their only entertainment is shitposting PLEASUU UNDERSTANDSUUI
Is this count?
>Why is she the only one affected?
She is the one that panders to them?
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Random fucking hatbot why
>WAAAAAAAA Why can't I be a holy anti in peace! WAAAAAA!
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>Some people just wants to see Hololive burn.
yeah hololive fans
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TOP KEK, Korone is a blessing!
>dude will fall out of a stair repeatedly tonight in the nearest alley
Lmao, was it a anti?
is this english?
how do we measure it? what metrics? numbers??
or is this a rare one like the GAYEST POST TALLY
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another ammo for the invisible war I guess?
i'm pointing out that the people you have listed had nothing to do with the current issue
but keep eating your own cum i guess?
Salamat malam, jurard
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>cultivate anti breeding ground
>we spread positivity
hERB you retard
Huh? Was him a schizo?
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Night and day.
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Man management are truly morons or the girls are just so dumb to keep doing this "monetization relay" that will just limit how much they'd make on the 1st day. And its 30 mins to boot, at least make it an hour.
Is nijiEN back? Their numbers have been skyrocketing lately.
dont worry about it
Genuinely don't think she knew. Maybe this'll be a wake up call.
You make $1,600 in day as "a slightly above average worker?" It's already bad enough that you make in a year what they do in a decade, no need to exaggerate it.
Just go back to trolling her chat
It got boring
this is the audience cover is chasing.
I'm just watching holo like TV/anime. I can move on anytime unlike you PARASOCIAL FUCKS
Rica live
Where is that?
lol dumbass
How many times you're gonna post this?
It was obvious they hired her to attract the normalfags.
>HOLOSTARS in all caps
Thats a real one right there
Anon FWMC proves it doesn't fucking matter if they've attracted the right people
We support them through sharing clips and sharing about them on X. Holo girls lack of support is the reason for the low viewership for the boys. So we need to rally behind ERB to change the toxic culture. A collab with Gura will bring the needed eyes on the boys
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Holo top 5 getto
ook ook banana yummy cummy goo goo ga ga?
Do you really think that Raora and Gigi wanted to do their monetization streams at this hour and CC wanted to have it last only 30 minutes?
you mom
They've been at 2021 levels yes... right after the GTA numbers disappeared from JP
The absolute state of that chat
This has to be falseflagging
she should stop addressing and start banning
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>Comedy Gold
What's absolutely depressing is that VSPO has reached 3view status. I was kinda hoping they find their niche before that happened
Its a dumb monetization relay, specially that Rara has alot of east asian fanbase
>Its 4am in JP and korean on that time
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>My unmatched perspicacity, coupled with sheer indefatigability, makes me a feared opponent in the vtubing realm.
Do you call her mel or rica now? Literally the same voice.
Peko gold today?
this is the first time i'm hearing about this. report where? youtube or vrabi? because if it's the latter, vrabi's just giving the zhangs and mafusisters what they want.
She also just blocked him and told to fuck off and never come back. Based Doog.
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These chat seem nice. I wonder what the difference is?
monetization relay it's fucking retarded even if it was 1hr
Now you remember Kronii doing SC VAs for hours during her Monetization stream. And then retards will compare them anyway and point out how Justice is a failure.
New masterpiece dropped.
AZKi is singing プラネタリウム
VSPO EN i mean
You can thank ERB for that
For the love of God get a new line. I've been reading the same exact drivel since 2021.
isn't it funny how when you start to shitpost about the other girls here the trolling there stops?
come on now please seethe about Mori and Bae some more
This shit is funny
This guy is a meme
He doesn't actually make good mixes
it took kronii years to recover from that SC VA stream kek
because ERB has popular demand, unlike the runt
>homo pandering
>chat filled with vermin
>no homo pandering
>chat celebrating talking about how they'll give a lot etc
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You talking about EN?
Because JP got a big bump from Apex today.
For EN, yeah, they hit 3 view since the 2nd stream.
Well we got Liz to seethe a little so that's a start. Hopefully we get her to bend the knee eventually.
>isn't it funny how when you start to shitpost about the other girls here the trolling there stops?
nta but the fuck you talking about
the retards are still there
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Where is this faggot anon now btw?
Shut up nigger i'm watching holostars clip
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>please anti bae
>please anti ollie
>please anti kronii
>please anti kobo
>please anti erb
who the fuck are these people?
I hope she doesn't. That'd be so boring
They are going to anti her so hard if she stops interacting with the homos.
>filp discord monkeys trolling prechat and posting /here
Subscriber mode exist for a reason. The fact that nobody in prechat suggested it lmao. Real "FANS"
Well, it provides real world examples of what happens when you engage with these people, so hopefully any future girls will finally get the memo. That is a positive I suppose.
Yeah unicorns are anti vermin
There's a limit to how much you can superchat each day, some will blow their load early or hold off on giving all they can to one even if they have more money to support each one. there's also gonna be some who might not make it in time due to other obligations or distractions that might come up which is more feasible with a 30 min time limit.
kys falseflagging retard
Goodluck on ERB, she will deal with that for a very long time
And she cant flip her side because they will anti her for a very long time too
All me actually
It's pretty fucking funny
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>riku has a yatch
>riku is the owner of a horse for racing

So true fellow /$/fag! What a non glowing post!
I anti all of those, but Kronii changed so I support her again.
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chu chu~
the homobeggars are still there because they are her fucking audience lmao
I'm talking about all those new accounts created today
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Kronii is good now.
>please anti bae
>please anti kronii
>please anti ollie
>please anti kobo
>please anti erb
I don't know about you all but I am kekking, this shit is hilarious. Feels good to have a 2view oshi and not to have a horse in this race.
Why are you falseflagging as us?
Are you gonna send this to your dramavermintuber too?
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>please anti bae
>please anti kronii
>please anti kobo
>please anti Ollie
>please anti erb
>kneecap yourself
these are some mega falseflagger level posts, i can almost hear the screenshot button being pressed
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It keeps happening by the way. And there's no in stream reason for this to be happening when he's just showing off predictions
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They still do clip reaction streams.
>YT acc exposed as a filp
Every fucking pagpag time.
Subscriber mode while you're still trying to grow subs would be:
-for 5-10 mins, so useless here anyway
-a bad idea if for longer, since you're cucking people who are here for your big tourist stream, might sub but will lose interest if they can't chat right away
shadowbanned on vstats and vrabi ranking both her an kson got massively reported by zhangs and antis. also vstats and vrabi are zhang friendly.
you forgot mori
hell we have so many low info tourists here they will include shiori in that list soon too
Get out with your fake culture war.
wheres the soundpost?
Bots make for good illusions, yes.
>homocollabs are allowed only in EN
We love all EN girls here
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$1,460, IT senior, not in a FAANG or management position, coming from a random university, literally any retard can do the same
>feels good to have a 2view oshi
Yeah im sure she wont abandon you in her first opportunity to be famous or actally be able to pay bills bro you're totally winning she 100% loves you
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>I'm talking about all those new accounts created today
the mogjohn retard got sent to the dungeon but the other one is still there
Oh hey, I can play this game too
>please anti Gura
>please anti IRyS
>please anti Fauna
>please anti FWMC
>please anti Gigi
Who the FUCK are these people?
Unironically this.
>doesn't like subscriber mode
It's frustrating for you huh?
Dramanigs please include me in the screencap when you make the video!
...but enough about hololive
Do you think they are gonna all out and post their shit in SCs too? How mentally ill does someone have to be to spend money for that.
No way that faggot gonna anti her.
Gatekeepers of Hololive
How long until someone links this post in global?
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here it is
>2 weeks since the server closed
I didn't even know Chigusa was in it.
Can we go back to the Zhang Tanabata now?
And you discord vermin! can you fuck off now?
No they'd rather SC drama tubers than the actual talents they supposedly support
i hope all of you kill yourselves, and i say this as a Kronie that antied her during her homo arc
those are obviously the same people who write the other stuff you fucking imbecile
There is honestly no explanation for something as stupid as a monetization relay
Just came into the thread, what did Liz do this time?
No warning needed she should've started banning everybody immediately
>Ctrl+F StartheGoat
there are a lot more accounts created today not just that guy
we already knew its just too obvious, watching monkey spending all of his lunch money for next 3 week to crush someone and fail is my cup of tea , from the amount of retards throw anything to shit on her, i bet ERB will be the highest earner for superchat today
How thrustworthy is this?
>i say this as a Kronie that antied her during her homo arc
god damn you forgave her
i could never do that. i moved on and found someone better
>IT senior
>a slightly above average worker
Bro. Not saying it's not achievable natty for people with IQ above 110 but you have a very skewed perspective of the average.
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So you fags want to act hard but when someone actually steps up and does something you guys get cold feet? You guys are a bunch of cowards.
Do you think they're gonna pull even more degenerate shit than what Shiori gets?
Monkeys here raided her chat
>the girls are just so dumb
bro Raora was shitting on management during her art zatsu because of this relay
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She won
He's learning to crosspost late so to act as a concerned globalfag/numberfag, but he doesn't fucking know why he keeps getting banned kek.
The ERB seethe in here is kind of like the Kiara seethe in global.
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I don't claim you nigger. kys.
>2view cum guzzler in /#/
How about you kill yourself instead, oshihen nigger?
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calm down Jurard
Will she still go through with her stupid Twitch plan or did she realize it's dumb yet?
>7k during predictions
Probably 20-30k peak
Go back discordvermin
go back to your discord already pagpagers
>Monkeys here raided the chat
>despite the beggars shitting on the girls being there before chat got posted here
really makes you think
>those are obviously the same people who write the other stuff you fucking imbecile
I mean, yeah? That was fucking obvious but you homoniggers keep acting like the fans of the girls who want nothing with the male failures are the ones responsible for this shitposting.
Don't you have to make more videos about Rushia?
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Korone fed everyone's wishes to a goat.
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It's happening again...
My sides.
Hello ERB, jurard collab when?
i dont wanna give liz an engagement (my 1view) so when does Liz's stream start? i'll grind in a game for the meantime
Literally did nothing this time,she is rehearsing and her fan decides to help advertise her
>laughing at the SJW reaping what she sow is seething
Discord's not sending their best.
I don't really like any of the ones you listed. Bae is ok, the others I actively dislike.
If she does want to change to the CGDCT side at some point, best option is just to do it and not say anything. Beggars will slowly disappear like they did with Shiori.
Explain pagpag-kun?
Holy fucking kek you don't have to be this blunt La+
which stream is this
beep boop
they just use the extension
>singaporean dramafag "defends" ERB in dramatubers' channels
>then shits up her chat with multiple accounts to the point she has to give a warning
Is this the "I play both sides so I always come out on top" mentality or what?
>like they did with Shiori
Did they finally stop doing those tumblr-esque drawings with the red homo?
Fucking delusional. People here didn't even realize till letter.
you know, dislike is one thing, anti-ing is another
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Neither Kronii or Bae ever had any kind of pretensions of changing Hololive's culture.
Putting them in the same basket as the others is disingenuous at best and downright malicious at worst.
As a Kronie, kindly kill yourself and stop using my Oshi to shitpost. faggot retard tongue my anus.
Shiori's shit was a single tweet and not understanding what she said on debut. Liz made it clear that she is holopro predebut,on debut, on her first archive karaoke and spamming homo chats with post. She is not getting the gentle treatment Shiorin got
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I will be reallt angry if i am not in the next 4ch video for you faggots shitting in my scared number thread.
She won't flip. She IS a homobeggar
fungus outfit reveal
It's called mental illness
But I liked seeing the fanart they didn't retweet...
>Is this the "I play both sides so I always come out on top" mentality or what?
hes a dramafag fan hes membered to rev, khyo and false
She said she wants to stream on Twitch sometimes yesterday and plans to play league or other stuff there and not even upload the vods of it on youtube
>Beggars will slowly disappear like they did with Shiori.
Shiori wasn’t in discord DMs with a homo. It would be more like Kronii, trying her hardest to distance herself from a brand of content she created for herself (the sandwich thing)
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Subhuman beggercord subhumans in MY numbers thread???
You're gonna deny that when these brown monkeys were literally just spamming the same shit unicorns spam /here/, like:
Bae does though, she would merge stars and holo if she had the power and you know it, stop the rat cope.
>tongue my anus
i only see a faggot replying to me and that's you
Dramaniggers always won
ah so its not surprising then since its the niji special
salome had hat streams before
Well goodluck on her, thats her entire career, she'll deal with those homobeggars and dramavermins for years
i do not care about this brit
can you shut the fuck up about her
its literally dokifags again
Wow this thread is awful. I'll be back in 3 hours.
Reasons I'm against that is that she's gonna get invaded by the VShojo and twitch beggars, and that I despise twitch, so I won't be able to hear her yaps.
Kek antis really live rent free in Laplus head.
won what? medication?
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You sure that's not anons here copying shits in her chat?
She's doing a really shit job at it then, since she doesn't even interact with the EN fags anymore
All you deserve in your mouth is a shitty asshole you faglord retard
you really think we go out of here and spam her chat?
youre an idiot to not know
>Never interrupt your enemy when their making mistakes
>You're gonna deny that when these brown monkeys were literally just spamming the same shit unicorns spam /here/, like:
and they got those from erb chat and okbh anon shit youre not one of the brightest tool in the shed arent ya
Nobody cares about you, anon. You are nobody. Fuck off if you don't like it.
Shiori still gets it and Liz is never going to loose that shit, especially after being their only hope since Advent no homos policy.
Motherfuckers stop containment breaking, or at least get some new screenshots
>She's doing a really shit job at it then, since she doesn't even interact with the EN fags anymore
She does it through DMs, just like ERB
Thats... pretty dumb, isnt? Whats the point? What there is to gain? Twitch watchers wont come for her YT streams.
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I don't get the comparison with Shiori.

>replied to a few homos on twitter before, that's it

>replies to a lot of homos
>tweets at homos out of the blue for no reason
>mentions homos all the time
>sings homo songs on stream
>drew homos for her debut
>sits in homo chats for hours sending 100+ messages on more than one occasion
>has outright cited homos as one of the reasons why she's here
>has stated collabing with them all is one of her goals
>has already planned an apex collab with the dino man

How are they comparable AT ALL?
Anon you are one retarded mothefucker
those retards literally did the same thing during advents debut which resulted in one anon opsec checking a 16 year old furry sister
I thought that's just his falseflagger. Fuck there's too much falseflaggers what is real anymore
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that's still you being a faggot anon
live2d when
Denying or agreeing to anything in an anonymous thread is pointless. Any real anon would understand this, because no one can prove who is actually speaking and their intent. Are you from a discord or something?
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Actual summary of what she said btw
They’re not. The people comparing are the homobeggars that wanted Shiori to be just that
Holoan make up sources in their head. Nothing new.
Getting those parasocial points on the super limited 1-2 hr league streams since the only people tuning in will be die hards vs any casuals.
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We are winning, we don't have the need to move a single finger, the ball is in your park sister
Kronii does it wrong though because she snaps at her fanbase about it. Best to just ignore it when you want to change.
There is NOBODY in Hololive who ever did this kind of shit, you can't even compare her to Ollie for that matter
What's your first supacha to ERB?
>She's doing a really shit job at it then
Yes, she doesn't have the guts to go to war, she only pushes as far as she can with no resistance, remove the resistance and she would push it all the way, prove me wrong when you get a clip of her defending the walled garden (will never happen).
What the fuck?
they aren't, but has that ever stopped shitposters?
>I want to do another Mikorone
>I also want to try PekKorone
>still only a png
>he typed while seething
Just gonna give her 20 bucks and be done with it. No message.
anon.... shes talking about twitter like....
>replied to a few homos
>a few
One. Almost a year ago. As a reply back for a tweet SHE made.
Kys faggot, I'm just an observer.
The comparison isn't in what they did, but how the subhumans latched on to Shiori.
Anyway it was bad for Shiori, its gonna be gruesome for this dumbass that literally just waltzed into Hololive's ONLY FUCKING DRAMA HOTTOPIC and made herself a part of it.

Surely we can all agree ERB could have handled being a unityfag with more grace than this?
Hello jurard, ERB collab when?
ERB is comparable to Ollie and Bae.
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Sub 10k Outfit reveal
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Um, actually >we are the anti thread, you see.
Here's his channel ID for archival purposes.
She literally called out grey retards about it
Not her fanbase sister
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>le containtment breaking
>anons first time for falling for a discord/redit falseflag
fucking hilarious
lmao drama homobeggars are so fucking pathetic. Imagine having no morals or standards to the point where you need to falseflag to even attempt to accomplish anything.
He is creating content for dramafags. Imagine all the easy clickbait titles for clips and the drama coverage condemning unicorns for causing drama they can make
I unironically think that homos are useless leeches but I would NEVER shit up holos chats motherfucker so how about you fuck off?
No fucking way
Least conspicuous falseflagger. Ennacuck maybe?
Seething over...?
ah ok this is Gigi not knowing how much idol work bts there it is, she will change tune soon enough. retarded idea anyway.
Skill issue, Gura's is literally used as a sign of life
There's a goat on korone stream
Hi StartheGoat. I know you're here. Welcome back to the chat
when was the last time Bae interacted with a EN homo?
Fulgur just mentioned Elizabeth because his new artist is the same person who did the stuff for her debut
I bet this is the faggot with the fwmc/biboo membership here.
Nigger you are here too does that mean you were also raiding her? The only people who are obsessed with unicorns are Homobeggars and dramavermin.
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idk man, he's a good dude, can't hate on him
AZKi is no longer singing...
EU SC % guesses for the monetization streams?
Just post cunnies.
you think it's not the same person? they're trying to make it seem like it's containment breaking to outsiders.
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Holy shit, now there are 2 hobos in NijiEN!
>Helmite is defending ERB in the comments
His hate against dramafags is bigger than his hate against homos, if he has any
>everyone I don't like is a tourist!
Make peace with it anon, they're all /#/fags.
WTF IS THAT?!?!?!?
wtf is that disgusting shit?
Oh fuck what? EU timezone????? RIP.
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So what are each of their gimmick for monetization? If ERB is doing the same thing Kronii did I can see her being way over the rest at least for the first.
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I agree
He is true neutral to the homos.
>please seethe more at /#/
Ollie yes Bae not so much, even Bae is more tame than her
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Mind broken
Strongest dramafags
>israel according to the nijien thread
I can live with Holostars collabs but if she collabs with Niji males I'm losing my mind officially
That's not how she is lmao, are you schizophrenic? did this come to you in a dream? Bae only interacts with homos of her own terms, she doesn't literally want a merger
between the two groups, she does not consider Holostars a part of Hololive because she said Advent was the first time she ever had kouhai, she seperates both under the holopro label
>"AIEEEE pls be a retard and break containment"
Ogey retard
>creates content for dramafags
>then donates to those dramafags to get attention from them
Absolutely pathetic
Holy mother of falseflagging. My sides.
Bets it's the same dude that tries to get global to hate this thread?
it's funny how they openly show their seethe like that lmoai
Rrat was literally there as the blueprint for a unityfag holo but she still decided to act like an unabashed homo fangirl who still thinks her old chatting habits are acceptable now that she's a holomem. People joke about Raora's "skippa skippa" but ERB is doing a DarkSydePhill run where she completely ignored all the tutorials and is now asking why things aren't working for her.
Like I would know, you tell me, I have her and the homos blocked for at least a year, all I remember is her having homos in her 3D concert and watching movies with homos.
>least obvious falseflagger
dramafags getting desperate
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>Sub 10k Outfit reveal
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Great, now they can't use it anymore.
>not the anti thread they said
This is probably the fag calling me a false ruffian because I asked him to stop shitposting about erb non-stop
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Any reason why the antis seem so desperate this weekend?
you fucking retard, kill yourself if you don't even know helmite's history, he's basically a king
Her birthday and a tweet recently
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I guess she's starting to ban them now lol
Mentally ill
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Let it be known that this entire situation isn't just one unlucky fuck up that just happened unexpectedly.
Let it be known that We knew that this was going to happen at some point and that it was unavoidable.
Let it be know that nijis were always shitters, which is Why We hated them, and that this was bound to happen because of it.
Let it be known that mixed collabs inevitably lead to an erosion of the values that a vtuber should hold, and that
it is a sign of a decadent management policy.
But, above all:
Let it be known that We, true vtuber fans, were right all along, that the only vtubers worth anything are from hololive, and that unityfags were wrong all along. That We have seen and foresaw the rot of nijisanji and male
EN vtubers 3 years before it happened and that We were called schizos for it all along.
Let it be known that We stayed steadfast regardless of it, and now We were yet again proven correct.
Let it be known that We still roam these halls, And I am still proud to be in this fanbase with you all
I genuinely feel that most sisters have no idea what a unicorn is... they probably think that if someone doesnt like holo member forced to collab with holostar then that is a unicorn
Scarlet rot.
What's the chance all this shit is him? >>80062833 I mean he loves to dramabait just like that time with Gura and Pekora
You got the wrong link btw
theres no /numbers in 4chen retard
Its only on plebbit or discord
>he thought helmite was a holoan just like him
Helmite has ALWAYS defended EVERY GIRL.
I completely gave up trying to understand them. Those people are beyond fucked up in their minds and not even a mental asylum would accept them.
if homobeggars weren't subhumans he would be their biggest ally, he's a unityfag
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So it's the same discord mongrels (Catalog pigs) who spam the board? Grim.
>His hate against dramafags is bigger than his hate against homos
Who gives a shit about the homos, it's the dramafags and a part of their fans who are useful idiots that are the problem. Even the worst homos like Jutard are just equivalents to holos like Ollie/ERB.
I don't hate homos (except Jurard), I just don't want them to do anything with the girls I care about. They can have all the fun they want on their own, separated away. Simple as.
Shiora was supposed to be their champion but she backed down until ERB came about
Feels good to live rent free inside his head.
i can't find shit post proofs
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Thats exactly what they think
We pissed him off huh. KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEK
probably, and probably he was the one who was liveposting the dramawhore days ago

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