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Thread for all discussion, shitposts and banter related to the /vt/ League Unity Cup


>what is the Unity Cup
The Unity Cup is an off season /vt/ league invitational using live management on PES16. It's purpose is to provide feedback for a new ruleset. Live management is not being considered for the main cup

>what is divegrass
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of threads/generals of /vt/. The players represent facets of each thread/generals culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI.

>when to watch
July 6-7, 2024

>where to watch

>LISTEN UP! The Official ∕vt∕ League Album

Today's Matches:
/who/ vs /hfz/
/pcg/ vs /manstars/
/hlgg/ vs TBD
/lia/ vs TBD
/skynetFC/ vs TBD
/baubau/ vs TBD
/lig/ vs TBD
/corpo/ vs TBD
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I blame yesterday's games on aliens.
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pls be lucky today Lia and /pcg/!
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how will lia fags cope when /pcg/ poaches their manager?
/pcg/ is a big thread, surely there must be someone who can take over
maybe on planet r
I think I preferred when the playlist was non-stop aloe
The cytube exists to test the faithful.
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Yeah I just opened it because I wasn't sure when it was gonna start and got jumpscared.
>poachbegging another phase teams manager
VERY on brand
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I made this for you, /hfz/ frens, do you like it?
wao! thanks joshu fren
WAO! nice one.
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>not even 100 viewers

the cracks are on the rose for vtl....
Look that this goal, game sucks
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>a friendly on a Sunday morning on AX weekend
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I care now
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>goal fest immediately
tiresome. why not a good 3-2 game?
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5-3, screenshot
5-8 incoming
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I was rooting for BOOMEI
TBD hate
Lia would be the player who would best know how to score on males
life long TBD fan
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dont be rude
>2-0 lead
>gets btfo
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The gameplay is better today
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>/pcg/ vs. /lia/ round 2
A setting was broken yesterday, it is fixed now.
agreed, more back and forth for some reason
>saying this after witnessing the sloppy shop of /hfz/ vs /who/
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hell yeah
on nyo
I see how it is you fucks. You're rigging it so a holothread wins the losers bracket and goes to the finals. Fuck you.
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I see how it is you chads. You're rigging it so a holothread wins the losers bracket and goes to the finals. Based as fuck.
Shit, he's onto us.
Is it true /hfz/ was raped by bees in the summer of '24?
'fraid so
A bit esoteric no?
You tell me

what a slut
have at it
Can she be stopped?
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>it's gonna be /hlgg/ vs /corpo/ in the final
>the 2 /vt/ managers
unimaginably grim and this was all an imense waste of time
>with TMA laughing like a girl on the call
I am not off the "live managing" meme. this shit sucks.
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yeah we'll see
Did you ever doubt that was the outcome?
do better
reminder the VTL6 final 2 matches
>Final: TMA vs TMA
>3rd place trophy: vt manager 1 vs. vt manager 2
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YT link?
Everything seems to have gone way better today. I would almost be ashamed of myself for dooming yesterday, except I was 100% right therefore I feel no shame.
>phase teams are only good in invitationals and friendlies that dont count
Phase is the biggest market, we need to give them some meaningless wins so they bother showing up to watch their team job in the main cup
Holokeks? Your response?????
Nene's ankles hort.
>holo teams get fucking rolled when they can't just rely on TMA exports
>phase and /corpo/ have to sob and cry and shit themselves to get live managing to even stand a chance
>holo teams are so braindead they can't do anything without the commissioner of the league handing them wins
Phase Calcio when
You people need to stop with your manager namefaggotry
This was just a tournament for big markets to test live managing.
>Lia wasted their title run for the VT Academy
>pcg wasted their title run for the Unity Cup
>use live managers
>holo domination ends
>phase domination starts
makes ya think
>the only lig scoring is not a lig
lol no
watch as the viewership tanks again because of /corpo/
did /corpo/ fix their absolutely awful songs and chants or are they still complete mood killers?
/corpo/ will bring all of their fans (they are big market, trust me))
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>took /corpo/ to extra time and gave them their toughest fight
>gave /pcg/ their only loss
Likers we have a decent cope this time
they have a good victory anthem, and kingslayer goes hard.
pcg chants are the worst ones by far.
it do be like that
PCG please fucking bury corpo or aname will be even more of an insufferable cunt than usual. And while you're at it, please bury live management. Today was good in spite of live management, not because of it. Also, only had to put up with /corpo/ at the end.
It's not called seething or being a Phasefucker...
All those /corpo/ fans must be seething right now, all two of them. HUGE market.
I haven't seen a single /corpo/ flair in the chat other than the manager
I saw 2
Nothing screams big market like having the rival fans spam your emotes for you
If corpo wins I'm gonna cry for real.
/corpo/ has the only fan that matters: TMA
seethe more phasecucks
It pays to be the fuckbuddy of the commisioner
keep seething it's cute
Faggot gets gifted the /vt/ team. Faggot gets gifted this too.
Absolute dogshit.
you guys are so pathetic lol
Fuck off
You don't know shit about what you are talking
Go back to pleddit
Wait till you notice who was in last vtls third place match. All this manager bullshit is being pushed so Triangle can finally gift his bitch boy a star.
>Phasekeks thought they'd get to win.
get fucked phasecucks
>somehow tied the game again despite the rigging
If corpo scores again it's rigged.
3 corpo flairs including the manager
1 triangle

Biggest market.
>from 3-0 to 6-5
cry phasecucks cry
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What the hell was that
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That's crazy
Well that was fun.
Now, let's not touch this PES ever again
>cries and begs to switch games
Phasekeks not like this...
>AnAme team won
Um, guys, I tried to make reservations at a restaurant for our victory, but they said they take reservations for parties of five or more. Could two or three of you pretend to be /corpo/ fans so I can make the rezzie...?
I have a question, Would anyone be willing to make something similar to ASS and First Bait for vtl?
no point if its not the organizers
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I see
What are those?
talk show where the organizer and a council talk about the League
The thing that happens after matches in the main cup where the dudes behind the cup talk about the matches of the day, how they figure it'll go with the next day's set, etc. And they usually get the managers of respective teams to call in when talking about their match of the day.
/corpo/ lost viewers in every single match they were in compared to the match that came before them. they lost a combined 35 viewers in their 2 games vs. Phase teams.

They had no business even being in this cup.
An aftershow that talks about the league, will go over the matches and give commentary and what: >>80184229 says
Also both give the opportunity to show off a "Shitpost" and "Feedback" boxes at the very end of a league going way late into the early morning
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>/doog/ was forbbident to participate in Unity Cup just to have a 2fans team winning
You know those old sports radio shows that used to be what every guy listened to when they weren't home and couldn't watch ESPN? It's that but for virtual divegrass and run by shitposters.
phasecuck or numberfag? either way your seething is cute
Crazy. Who manages corpo anyway?
The only cute seething in /pcg/ is from femanon, who I WILL have sex with one day!
/doog/ isn't run by aname. Get a bigger market manager and try again.
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So... Is the board more united now? No grudges?
I hate to do this but we are running very low on time
Vt roster poll: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKTmuSrBqmn6St12Y1DvyxempWbb_SpZkie6n48GE_gNaVcg/viewform
We'll close it tomorrow, middle of the day then follow it up with the medal poll
Thought you weren't mixing vtl and 4cc?
Hypocrite fucking clowns.
he isnt, the threads are camped by the 4ccg and get reported into oblivion and then deleted in 30 minutes
its okay when aname does it
he knows, you're talking to one of them
Hey since we are talking about the 4CC wasn't there talk about changing management?
>expecting those two discord faggots to have any integrity
how new
roru roru rumao
Once again desperate to plug your shit that nobody cares about on other successful events, huh?
feedback: i think it would be very healthy to have new management
if you wont entertain that, then at least please don't plug 4cc stuff in vtl threads
I'm going to be extremely honest with you. I know exactly who you are and between your two teams in /vt/ league, you have contributed nothing of value. You did not make the models for your teams, you did not make tactics, you do not make the portraits correctly, you did not submit even the requests on time, you did not update the roster for one of them out of neglect, and you do not even own a computer.

You are a phoneposter who has freeloaded off of other people's hard work for two leagues and you have the audacity to complain? You know nothing, not even a crumb
what's with the spamming schizo?
work on your aim brother
What's happening here, I thought this was about funni ball kicking
This is the post-event invasion by /4ccg/ tourists who have nothing better to do with their lives.
This happens literally every event.
I'll give you the qrd. One of the managers for the /vt/ 4cc team is liked by approximately zero people, tolerated by a few, and hated by many many more. He is also the manager for /corpo/. /corpo/ won this event, which has riled up some shitposters. There ya go. Now you, too, can schizo out whenever you think he might be around.
Many people expected /lia/ vs /pcg/ to be the top, but as I did warn, the overlap on those fanbases is so huge it would essentially be like if only one of them were playing.
All in all, this tournament of big markets couldn't beat the ccv of the first game, of the first day of Randomized Tag team.

I'll avoid mentioning other... things related to markets that already are pretty self evident.
I hope this "Big market" kind of retardness never returns to a tournament unless it is an active part of the theme.
It clearly has a much less relevant effect on the attendance that previously thought.

So those are my final thoughts on this
>Many people expected /lia/ vs /pcg/ to be the top
literally who said this?
/lia/ is a solo girl team and punches way above their weight as a solo team, but come on now anybody with half a brain knew this.
they might be the "biggest market" solo vtuber team, but the biggest solo vtuber team should not be even close to the same level as a /pcg/ /lig/ /skynet/ these generals who house posters from many different chuubas
sometimes I masturbate after drinking a lot of water and then my pee hurts
We do respect that division and this is the first time I've posted this poll in an non board team thread related event. I'll admit that we are little crunched for time because I was lazer focused on another divegrass event. That is entirely upon my shoulder for the blame.
If you would like to try and help the team out in anyway, just message me and I'll help you get set up.
Nice try faggot.
That's more it.
People want AnAme gone from the 4cc team. There's not one single simple reason he's just an insufferable faggot.
>We do respect that division
>posts the poll here anyways
>the options are almost 90% vtl players
So you don't respect it
Not him, but VTL players get requested, so I don't see how this is an argument.
>lord of the board is an option
>but not ogey calibur
shant be voting
I think you, and tma, need to re-evaluate and redefine what big market even means.
if you want to be black and white that big ccv = big market? that's not the healthiest way to look at it.

who is a bigger market team and more valuable to the VT League? a team like /numbers/ or a team like /pyon/? /pyon/ is. because their thread cares deeply. generals like /pyon/, /lia/, /hfz/ etc are what the cup is all about. they show up in chat and support and get excited and have enthusiasm.
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway. I don't know what those 2 fellows are doing and I've got my own stuff to handle right now.

We have the exhibition matches coming up. https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Talk:/vt/_League_Unity_Cup
Note! These are held in the evening Eastern US time during the week instead of middle of the day on weekends.

See you all there!

And then also, VTL7 will be contested by 48 teams across 11 days! Signups will open August 8th, be sure to get your thread interested now if you would like to be one of those 48!
You know, when you say "we don't do this" then do it anyway the only message it sends is that you have no principles and will do whatever you want anyway.
And considering how other polls have gone and your record with respecting them you don't have buily a ton of trust to begin with.
People want an avenue to have different management. This is a reasonable request.
It's not your team. It is the boards.
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>48 teams across 11 days
/mythread/ will kwab
>48 teams
>people were hoping for it to be culled to 40
>8 more filler steams added
Big market isn't about your ccv but about who you know.
Literally no one has said this
people say "people" I lot when they really mean "I"
Today was better than yesterday. Live management is cancer. Perhaps tell the vt 4cc people to make their own threads.
Who the fuck was asking for less teams?
I think less teams would be better, so I guess I did
I dont think there should be less teams per se, but i do think redundant teams should be filtered
Well I disagree.
>Team I like: essential.
>Team I dont: redundant.
Can't imagine that going well.
>There's not one single simple reason
Glad you made it clear that your samefagging can be safely ignored.
Wow. Have never seen less people celebrate a win.

Really puts big market in perspective.
I'm not a phasefag so maybe some of them could explain it to me but pcg and pcgia have the exact same players minus Pippa for the second one. How is that non redundant?
Talking about the principle, I haven't compared the rosters. I guess if the players are exactly the same, sure I agree.
In general it just seems like something that would bring endless arguments and solve nothing.
I mean this very thread you can see disagreement over what big market means with implications of favoritism.
There's one other important detail you are forgetting about "big market" in that the teams invited were the biggest markets of the MANAGED teams. By no means is /corpo/ a top-8 biggest VTL market, but they are a top-8 biggest market from the much smaller pool of managed teams.
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why was /corpo/ invited before /manstars/ and /baubau/ and /doog/?

/copro/ had no business being in this invitaional.
There's one other important detail you are forgetting about "big market" in that the teams invited were the biggest markets of the teams ran by the organizers friends. By no means is /corpo/ a top-8 biggest VTL market, but they are a top-8 biggest market from the much smaller pool of teams managed by people the organizer likes.
based anon calling out the aname favoritism.
caught red handed
Crazy how TMA's buttbuddy got one of the slots.
Really activates the almonds.
the TMA and Amane defense force got real quiet all of the sudden
I mean, I realized I messed with /manstars/ and /baubau/ and invited them after the fact, yes. /corpo/ is still bigger than /rrat/ and /doog/ by the metrics I've seen
It's okay bro everyone knows Aname gets special treatment.
Honestly, /corpo/ and /hlgg/ should not have been allowed to play because they have 4cc live managing experience. congrats you let them dunk on people who never live managed before.
>And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for the no fans team winning the event
>implying that wasn't the whole point.
/pcg/ matched /corpo/ blow for blow until the very last second, which was only disrupted by something that no form of managing could ever account for nor prevent.
/hlgg/ only won two games, against teams that had lackluster defensive setups, and by the narrowest margins in the entire tournament. They also lost handily to /pcg/. /hlgg/ was also the only team to not score in multiple matches (/pcg/ lost their first game 0-5, but it never happened again, and no other teams ended a game with 0 goals).
This was hardly a "dunk". Either you don't know what a dunk is, or you didn't watch any of the streams this weekend.
So which is it? Are you illiterate or ignorant?
You are trying too hard.
>corpo is bigger market than baubau.
corpo is a small market team. there is nothing big market about it. never has been lmao.
kek you're pretty sad bro
Do you think it's one seething anon mad about /corpo/?
>the exact same players
/pcgia/ is missing all of the key players that make /pcg/ what it is and make it fun.
it is a team for the secondary phase players and less funny memes to get playing time. it is a b-team.
>biggest market
>actual big market
>fan favorite
>big market
>probably the biggest market solo girl team
>decent sized for a solo team
>no fan team because they are split 20 ways and the splits don't come back to support them

/manstars/ and /bauau/ should have been in over /hlgg/ and /corpo/ who were both included for whatever reason.
Regardless, you all had fun, no?
We're going to try and get billboards back as well as finish doing some more aesthetic stuff.
What if I hate AnAme but I still thinl he should manage the main team?
fuck /corpo/ btw
Why's that?
He can be insufferable and I'm sure he dislikes me too and does some wrong shit with VTL related things but as the /vt/ manager, he's been doing good so far.
I feel there's some overlap between discord drama and board drama here

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