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The 94rd Wind

>NEXT STREAM: Fauna's Dungeon with JUSTICE
[link pending]

>LAST STREAM: 【MONETIZATION RELAY】Justice hit monetization YAY let's celebrate! #holoJustice #hololiveEnglish

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>80169570
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This thread is Todd approved.
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For those that missed CC's post
>v-faction botted the first SC and got special words from cece for it
Thanks. Why youtube doesn't notify for community posts is beyond me
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Illegal thread.
Really sick of seeing that attention whore.
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>Crying because of botters
V-Faggot bots everyone so no need to feel bad
>V-faction took her first time
How do we cope now...?
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>doll hands grasp your superchats
lmao even
Crispy crunchy tasty
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bye be kartoffelcomputer
Think she'll be able to get all the pasting done tonight?
I'm betting she's going to at least need more books, paper, and ink. Doubtful it's done soon unless she has some help.
Half a week at the very least
Page 200 will just be 50 otomos glued and mashed together on the page
I'll pop to the store tomorrow & get some more supplies.
Did she have cutoff on the supa level like Raora or was she doing them all? She's going to be printing and pasting for the next month if not...
We'll probably see yet more dropping into random holo streams at 4 am to put them on in the background while pasting, and occasionally type a message in chat.
She needs to glue in like 2k of them. It will take a while.
She won’t say it, but take comfort in the fact that she knows he is an attention whoring loser.
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I'd rather get the schedule first... I'm anxious to see it
I hope each page gets slightly lazier until it is just a complete mess
I think she should stop shitposting on /grün/ and go to sleep.
No way. The book thing is going to take forever. Not to mention that she also has to work on other stuff, and I'm not even talking about actual holo homework. There's the intro song she has to finish, the BRB game, though that is probably a more long term project, and getting memberships ready.
She's gonna make us do it.
It's a multi-user account
This is the old zeitplan
Yellow and above. Should've probably went for pink and above.
Yellow up
(Should've been orange or even pink up)
Ze old Schedule
Don't know why bother posting though
It's going to take weeks
It's always Immertime in Immerheim.
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Good night Crankers. Well fought in the battle
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Justice & Fauna soon
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Guys I need help finding what page my otomo is on
I wish CC continues to play Neon White. I started playing it myself and it is really cool game
Working on something as menial as that while casually chatting with Ceci sounds pretty comfy. I'd do it.
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See you in the scrapbook, otomos
Just wanna say when she played Dishonored there was a character called "Cecelia" and Cecilia made it VERY clear they are not the same because of the spelling difference. So "Cece" is not a good nickname for Cecilia.
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Sorry, Moot replaced picture again. Meant to post it
She's putting you on her favourite page, she told me
She and her genmates disagree
I want to know what my Otomo looks like.
There's no way she'll post all 2000+ otomos on Twitter
I hope she posts the digital list of them
Didn't Cecilia hate to be called "Cece" and asked to be called Ceci?
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She is going to spend several days finishing it. Poor waifu being overworked.
Not on Twitter obviously
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I kinda regret not fomoing and not SCing, I blame my bank being wonky as shit today and nothing was working
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Gloating about being #1
At least he got a shit otomo
She could post a video of flipping through the book so you can pause and find your own
Do we really need thread celebs?
She said something like "cecilia, seesee (cece?), and sehsee (ceci?) are good but not seesee (cece again?)" so who knows
Yeah lmao
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i gave up using desktop halfway and just used my phone to sc
>God, I'm hideous
literal a botter
She doesn't like sissy. At least that's what I understood.
Cece and Ceci are pronounced identically. She does not want to be called "Sissy"
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I am going to use my custom otomo in every single post I make. I'll edit it into the corner of every image so you know it's from me.
No, but he is everywhere and it’s kinda annoying
That is not going to change if you give it more exposure for free.
We will hunt you down and painfully disassemble you
But who asked?
Stop being a menhera like ruffians
Order doesn't matter
Blaze must be rolling in her grave
So 1943 entries, let's say it takes 15s to do each entry, that's 8 hours of solid, efficient work. Not as much as I thought, but also probably not something you'd want to do for too long at a time, especially with so much other stuff on her plate.
i'm genuinely excited for this
ruffian, no one cares about your numbers and pure seethe
>t. didn't get his supa in in time
Don't forget about her kissing and hugging each one specifically.
i feel a little bad for that one guy that got folded lmao
The real question is who is serial number 69 and 420?
How many did she finish in 30 minutes?
She's only doing that to mine.
I don't see any fanart there.
All me.
I want Ceci to fold me in half....
On camera is very different from aolo
I like this post
True but it's at least a real baseline rather than random speculation
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these two guys
Your Otomo is stuck in the book with glue, my Otomo is stuck down with her pussy slime
At first I was a bit bummed out that she wouldn't get to mine on stream, but now that I think about it, it might be better this way. She's going to touch mine without gloves on.
The people who got in on stream are missing out being touched by her silky ungloved hands
She's gonna pee on mine
>yellow and above
>posts a blue
Ruffian, don't gossip about attention whores itt please
I don't remember making this post
I just hope I managed to make it into the book, I technically should but she was trying to shut down the stream when mine went through.
Only fans worthy of mention in holodiscussion are Ludokano and Flurrybolt
I should have asked her to spit on mine
god please don't turn this thread into namefag central like /inf/
You're forgetting everyone's favourite fan
(You) :)
What gloves? Her bare doll jointed hands were on stream
I would like to apologize to my page mates for being covered in CC piss
Who do you think is pushing this if not the kronies itt?
They will never know that CC's favourite is actually me
Gyatt for Nerizzler + April Fool's and Exhaustive Foot Compilation
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real dead hours
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I sure hope Immi is sleeping and not crying as she post 200 pages worth of Otomos..
i just want to be away from them...
my otomo will be stained with her sweat and tears (happy tears)
Reminder that all the "top" chatters bot themselves with numbers because they're all attention whoring niggers
You /lig/gers should get used to this soon
You know damn well she's smiling at every message and giving each Otomo a kiss before pasting them in the book
That's just normal. No one wants to have anything to do with them.
She had clear gloves so she didn’t have to touch the dirty early model otomos
As a ruffian, I can confirm that it's ruffians.
Absolutely brutal
As a jailbird, it was us.
Now I'm glad she was doing them out of order so my early SC wasn't on screen
Is her hymen just one of those warranty seals?
As an elfriend, I blame the deadbeats as usual
More like an air filter.
Ceci and Kronii should have lesbian sex
Send post
It was. I keep it in a little box for the memories
I second this
As a Pioneer, I hope we get a Germany geoguessr stream.
Do jailbirds namefag a bunch? I don't use /ope/, but /baubau/ is disgusting with posting names
So when is she going to upgrade her fossil PC?
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My name is Rick
It's always so funny how terrible the corporate mandated ships look when #reallesbians get hired and start flirting for real
Dude, you should turn yourself into a pickle.
Potatoes are part of her lore, but she's never mentioned them, so I guess her PC is where that lore is
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I haven't been cranked in so long, my gears are rusty, and I've lost my key....
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Get him boys
Don't be folled
That's no Otomo
1080GTX (2016) in 2024... CC please.
Takamori was forced from day 1, never felt legit, and went on for far too long. Ceci and Gigi have one interaction and everyone gets it immediately
But it's the Ti version!
can we combine to form weapons like the wonderful 101?
no but we can do it like guts eider
Takamori was at its best when it pissed off calli
i dunno I just really want to blame them for something
My specs are
>GTX 1050ti
>Core i3-4160
>Asus H81M-C
>32GB HyperX DDR3 ram
>WD Blue 4TB
>Windows 8.1
>square monitor
I don't really have trouble playing games even newer ones. And my Dishonored Complete edition never bugged out like hers did? Then again FPS drops I barely notice anyway. But I can understand needing a beefier PC for streaming.
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We are gonna pass your ass like a blunt nigga
personally I am embarrassed to be made of the same thing as a kronie
based waitGOD
How do I look at the list? I want to see where I am.
It's not about what she streams right now but what she wants to stream in the future. Many recent games that get ported from console are horribly optimized and the cover app they use for streaming basically devours memory.
My minecraft also has everything set to max and never lags, then again I don't need perms to install optimization mods.
Yeah understandable. She could just install optimization and bugfix mods for those shitty ports if she really likes her 1080ti like I do my 1050 but then again cover perms' bullshit fax machine strategy please undastand.
>square monitor
explain yourself weirdo
We are precision German engineering. Kroniis are korean like a kia
NTA but a CRT would be my guess
i drive a hyundai..
My condolences
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>I missed the monetization stream
Actually it's a 21 inch Dell LCD monitor. The one that comes with modular speakers under the monitor you can detach and use as a seperate speaker for your phone or mp3 player. It's also the last one of it's kind that has built in USB hubs on the sides and back.
It's ok maybe you can be the "1st" member!
it's okay you just don't love ceci enough
It's this one. Got a little soundbar under it. I also like the stand design. Also how is a square monitor weird? Everyone started out on square monitors.
Why the 32gb of ram?
Did you steal it from a school?
He never closed a tab in his life.
I'm old and poor. Square CRT's I can understand. I've only ever seen these small square monitors used in businesses like checkout displays or information screens. But as long as you like it it's cool
not that anon but I think that model is available on ebay for people who want to play retroshit
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It's the max the mobo can take. DDR3 after all. I plan to upgrade to DDR4 board one day but all my moneys go to Ceci now.
Nope had it for more than a decade. Almost 2. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Could always get a widescreen one like pic related but I don't have enough space in my tiny table. Plus I can watch Ceci in it surf the net and play games so I can't complain.
I wish I could still use a CRT. Would look great playing retro games on. Alas, my 1050ti uses DVI and can't into D-sub cables anymore.
You know your computer is old, when the stuff you find in e-waste bins for free, is better than what you have.
How did she do the randomized otomos?
Did she create a program to mix and match attributes or did someone draw each and every single one of those?
I superchatted for the first time today. I've only ever membered before. This might be the start of a downward spiral for me.
It's layers that are randomly assigned but she limited it somehow because it was in the millions of combinations
She bought a sweatshop in Vietnam. FOR JUSTICE
I did the same, I have never added a payment to Google before, (only Twitch) but I had to superchat my Oshi.
>when the stuff you find in e-waste bins for free, is better than what you have
That's the thing. I don't really find any. If I did you think I'd stick with this? I'm saving up though. But it's hard supporting your oshi and your bills all at the same time.
Hopefully no one actually does that after she posts the layers.
i hope she never posts the digital files files of the otomos
You just know some asshole literally will. Cryptofaggots will make nfts out of anything.
Don't tell anyone I said this but I think Ceci is very cute and I enjoy her streams a lot
she's already posted my personal digital files all over the net in the name of justice
Don't feel pressured to SC. Membership is a good way to support since it's cheap and you get something in return. If you just want to support her, merch is generally the way to go, and especially voice packs are have less middle-men.
If you want to send her a message, consider sending an actual physical letter. You won't get a reply, but it's a bit more special than an SC and you can write stuff you're too embarrassed to put online. (Mind that you have to keep it within reason as managers check it before sending it to the talent.)
Make sure to wipe most of the cum off your letter or it will get all crunchy and the manager will notice
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>not SC-ing, Membering, and buying merch at the same time.
Check your local scrapyards, ask if they have an after hours drop off area, and come back when they are closed. If you see any towers or monitors, just grab and go. Don't stay around too long, as some places don't want you to take stuff.
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This. I'm happy with my merch collection and memberships, but I never send SC except snails
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I've never thought about stealing before. There's always a first time I guess. FOR JUSTICE!
Gonna cum on a mannequin for CC
kek look at this fag
Most fan who bother to send letters usually make it very fancy according to holos who have spoken about it. Like, they will scent it with perfume, get real expensive paper, etc.

Sure, you can do that if you want. But SCs are not the end-all of support, and can even be a bit annoying for the holo if they don't like SC reading streams or get a lot of bait SCs. (The reason Gura and several others don't get many is because they can't be bothered to do SC readings.)

>he admits being a snail spammer
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It's not stealing, if it's garbage.
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Can't wait for Ceci to get one of these hololive figmas. Tho I still wish it was a revoltech though for maximum doll clacking jointage...
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>snail spammer
Pff tell that to the wankers guarding the dump and making the rules.
What are the rules to sending a letter? Could I send origami or something like that or does it have to be like only a postcard?
Figma balls
The rules are on the Cover website somewhere
Y'got me balls in your mouth again!
Why does every Hololive YT description have "A message to underage fans" what is that about?
Glancing over this, I'd think that would be over what would be considered a letter and would be rejected.
i'm just gonna memebership her
if some good merch comes out i'll buy it.
can't wait for her doll/nendoroid
For legal reasons and perms autism
Depending on how she handles SC going forward, I might send a low yellow if I have any pressing questions or suggestions, but I will mostly support her through merch. Of course I will member too, but that's a negligible amount. And fuck gifters.
safety measures because of prowling chumbuds and pebbles
>even the youtube chat called him out on his faggotry
>Sending a SC on the first monetization screen
Rookie mistake.
Do Holo chuubas usually have good clothes merch?
Mostly "one size fits all" hoodies and baseball hats.
Thank you, I don't understand what they mean by inquiries for illustrations on there, but I'll take my chances with adding my otomo doodle.
I'm gonna be in the book, and you won't. Nothing you say has any value. You are a failed otomo, if you ever were one in the first place, and you will be disassembled and disposed of.
>he's not in the book
>not in the book
Fauna has mentioned wanting people to draw doodles on her letters, as long as it's not crazy, I don't see why not
>he's not in the book
I'm guessing you'd have to inquire here with what drawing you're sending before sending it.
Seems kind of obtuse, but I guess it's necessary.
Like the other anon said, it's mostly hoodies, shirts and hats. There have been others things like socks, slippers, scarves, knitted caps. You can look through the hololive shop to get a sense of designs and stuff. Quality varies, but I've never received anything I'd say was cheap or bad
A moment of silence for the aborted otomos that didn’t get into the book
in 12 years ceci will look through that book once more and smile
Specifically at the picture of her husband (me).
She'll kiss mine again then turn and kiss me
chief martini cecilia my love
PC building handcam stream after the first paycheck would be kino
That's a really sweet thought. No matter what happens, she's got a very physical thing to remember her debut and otomos by as much as we got to leave something for her to look at as a memory.
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>others things
I just remembered that Anya sold slippers.
i think it'd be a little hard to pull off without any yabs since you have to move around a lot
Need an otomo version
I've seen exactly one pc building stream and my understanding is that the SSD got bent like a taco but is still somehow functional.
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She can wear this thing, buy a white wig, and make green highlights
I'd vomit but it would also be understandable.
Was CC only printing the SCs from the monetization stream? I was busy and missed it :(
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oh to become
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hey that otomo is kronie colored! tear him to bits! reduce him to scrap!
He's just feeling a little blue. He doesn't have any clock faces!
Oh well...
why is bijou's :D so erotic?
you know damn well sho's gonna help her.
I am in 2 books now a graduation book and a monetization debut one
Thank god I thought i'm the only one who noticed.
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They walk among us.
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I have a green one. Take it or leave it.
Is it true those guys like children?
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I hope Ceci gets the MILF hat and becomes Fauna's favorite tomorrow.
It cracked in half after centuries of dry rot
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she ask for it
she will receive a powerful hrrring of green
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When is fauna collab?
I just got back from a 12 hour work day that was hell to see she made my yearly salary in a day. No longer an otomoto, now a staunch anti (mostly joking, 100% seething)
if it makes you feel better she only gets like 20% of all of it
Monday 2am CEST
No, that makes me feel worse. That means shitters at google are geting it for doing nothing. At least I like CC.

She can make up for it by doing joi asmr
Yeah but that is true of literally any content creator so at least you picked a good one to support with your hard earned cash
AND you arent even in the book
damn that sucks buddy
anon, you're a shitty person
>literally any content creator
yeah, but at least im in the book
She did the work to get into holo. She took a gamble at is finally being rewarded for her hard work.
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You mean Tuesday
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>it's still in purple
>not green
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it's beautiful...
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Aww... can you make it green instead of purple like this one?: >>80194799
Pretty please?
I thought about doing it green, but I think it would be too unrecognizable
Just realized a figma of her with the doll joints would be more accurate than a scale figure without any doll joints
Do I?
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But.. our oshi isn't purple.
She only takes like 30% of 6mil yen so around 1800000yen or 10k euro. I make that much in 2 weeks working my wagie job here in EU, but its 1 time thing for her and I can grind indefinitely. No need to seethe, just git gut otomobro.
>gosling for Towa
They make the least from SC's which is why the culture is focused on merch now. Pretty sure a single merch drop would be your annual salary and they would have multiple a year from birthdays and anniversarys and other events
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Here is grün version
What 'wagie' job are you working where you get 90€ an hour
Based. Perfect.
I think bro just wanted to flex a little bit
Or said wagie job doesn't involve much arithmetic
KYS you boogie fuck, thx
He just works 16 hour shifts
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Feel free to send some of that moon money my way.
CC in sayu's chat. Thoughts?
thought this was an otomo holding up a g-string
Head empty.
Automatons are genderless. How can we be sure that those hands we see are from a female?
i can tell by her touch
I don't think that was really her
Click on the name. It's not really her.
nice larp retard
is /#/ too boring for you?
Whatever, she's cute. Wish people wouldn't do that. Ends up causing annoyances.
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Kill yourself falseflagging vermin. You tried this on global and /#/
Sayu has actively anti'd Niji so I don't see the problem
>10k euro
>2 weeks
chur bro
Damn the chinese are already building cheap knock off CCs
If all automaton hands are like this, I really don't mind if she grasps my balls.
i wrote this btw
Guys she did more than one skyrim stream right?Because there is only 1 vod but i swear there was more.
I don't want to have any sort of sexual or extensive emotional relationship with CC
She's cool and would be fun to hang out with, but she seems like she would be a very troublesome woman.
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C'mon otomos... I know we're dumb but we're not THAT dumb.
Troublesome as in your would become emotional and physiologically dependent on her like an addiction?
She didn't
Dishonoured is the only game she played multiple times
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>I don't want to have any sort of sexual or extensive emotional relationship with CC
Then don't? Who are you trying to convince anon?
i miss ceci...
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kigs are based.
I had to read that 3 times to get it...
no troublesome in that she is very whiny and autistic
she's the type where you tell her about your favorite movie and then she's like, "no that movie sucks, you're wrong" and then she lists a bunch of reasons why you're wrong and then you feel bad for the rest of the date.
This otomo gets it
Need kigtuber
She's a contrarian and practical person, she would rather you take her to Chilis for dates rather than a fancy restaurant. You'd save a lot of money.
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Nimmer again
You just need to know how to banter back like what GG does
probably the reason why she did that in the first place.
Ngl. Ceci seems like a fun person to be with for awhile but feels like she would be a very naggy wife in the long run.
Her favorite movie is the Golden Compass...
>immer = ever
>forimmer = forever
Otomo... your reading comprehension...
That is a SEA boy under that mask
Ever since watching Ceci I have started thinking and speaking to myself in a German accent subconsciously. What is happening to me bros?
are you in the book otomo?
and then she sees that I'm sad and then she relucatantly promises sex to make me feel better
and then we have the hottest emotionless sex ever
Das ist nochmal
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No, because I'm poor.
German efficiency!
I can't even remember if I've seen it, wasn't there a polar bear or something?
>C'mon otomos... I know we're dumb but we're not THAT dumb.
I read this line in my head with CC's voice. Oh no, she has taken residence in my head.
>she's the type where you tell her about your favorite movie and then she's like, "no that movie sucks, you're wrong" and then she lists a bunch of reasons why you're wrong and then you feel bad for the rest of the date.
Based. I can be an arrogant prick most of the time and that will teach me a lesson to be humble to other peoples opinions. even if they're absolutely fucking wrong.
Probably not because I teased her about coffee.
I don't think I've watched it either but yeah there's a polar bear
>having your oshi live rent free in your head
You're doing it little otomo! You're winning! YAY JUSTICE!
anon... it's like 10 currency...
It's a Hong Konger so at least it's not an indog. I will consider giving a reach around if he moans girly.
>she is very whiny and autistic
I had an ex-gf like this and I miss her the most.
yay... justice?
The hand crafted otomos in the book are superior, but we will accept the mass production otomos as well
whats your favorite movie we can just do that now?
Fixed income is a bitch.
That's a good question actually... I have a few... lemme get back to you.
Yes, its a book series that was written in response to Chronicles of Narnia and promotes paganism instead of Christianty
CC should renounce it and come back to the side of God and Lion Jesus like her fellow christian holomems Shiori, Mumei and Fauna
Bro we are literally worshipping idols. I don’t think the Christian thing is working out
But Germanic paganism has a long and storied history
Ok, off the top of my head,
Treasure Planet and Phil Tippet's Mad God
Tie between Edge of Tomorrow mostly because I edge a lot and I dream of killing myself daily, not necessarily related, Hellboy (the one with Ron Perlman) because I'm a mignolaverse fag.
Carpenter Brut's "Blood Machine" Mini Trilogy.
I think I saw some guys wearing anime shirts and REPENT TO GOD hats on the anime expo stream today
Maybe? I managed to sneak one in in like last 2 minutes of the stream when she was having issues closing stream.
But she likes it ironically for being a terrible movie with tons of money behind it
she should do a kevin costner's waterworld watchalong
I want to hold her 1080p ness

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