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>what is /pcgia/?
/pcgia/ is a thread for Phase Connect’s Second Generation and Invaders.

▼Phase Connect Links
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Unofficial Phase Connect Archives:
▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaneko_lumi
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/KanekoLumi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumi
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@lumikaneko
▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [†]
Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive/playlists
▼Dizzy Dokuro 髑髏ディズィー (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dizzydokuro
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@dizzydokuro
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dizzydokuro
▼Jelly Hoshiumi 星海ジェリー (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jellyhoshiumi
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@jellyhoshiumi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jellyhoshiumi
▼Ember Amane 天音エンバー (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emberamane
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EmberAmane
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/emberamane
▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Remilia_Nephys
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/RemiliaNephys
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/remilianephys
▼Chisaka Airi 千坂 アイリ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChisakaAiri
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/ChisakaAiri
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chisakaairi
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@chisakairiVOD
▼Amanogawa Shiina 天ノ川 しいな (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmanogawaShiina
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/AmanogawaShiina
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amanogawashiina
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@shiinaofficialvodarchive3158
▼Himemiya Rie 姫宮りえ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimemiyaRie
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/HimemiyaRie
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/himemiyarie
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@HimesBasement
▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErinaMakina
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/ErinaMakina
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/erinamakina
▼Komachi Panko 小町ぱんこ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/komachipanko
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Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/komachipanko
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@pankostreehouse3283

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Previous Thread: >>80182090
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Just full force across the face.
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i love my star woman!
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tiger pussy
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I love Shiina! Happy birthday Shiina!
lem lem lem
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I need to breed.
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Interesting. I love Dizzy.
HBD to the sweet little seamstress I want to eat those wings NOW
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I miss listening to her casting her pon magic on me...
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There is never an escape.
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don't worry about learning to grill shiina. i'll grill anything you want
Did Panko show up or something?
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:( God, please bring her home...
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NOW (Literally right now)
Amanogawa Shiina (22:00UTC | LIVE | BIRTHDAY)

Dead hours

Dead hours

Girls without a current schedule:
Ember, Jelly
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Wings complete!
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I hope the return is either Tuesday night or later than next Sunday. Purely for selfish reasons.
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Neat. I love Jelly.
Happy birthday Shiina. I want to chow down on her cake.
Does Shiina know the proper technique to eat the flats?
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Ready to be punched
I want to pinch her cheek
Got cum in her eye by accident, my bad.
That was my guess as well, but with tummy hort I think it's leaning more on a stream later into the week.
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that looks so good
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Damn that looks appetizing. The food looks good too.
Her cooking is always top notch, she has what it takes to be part in a competition
The Kani Pinch!
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why is she mad? :(
Wemi is the brattiest member of Phase Connect!
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she saw your posts
she saw the gay posts
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this is the only trace i could find
It was a joke about the Mama Mia!
I want to dump that bowl of ice cold water on Shiina's head.
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why do you anti?
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I don't know man. Her new look is doing something to me. I get the same way when Jelly uses her fivehead toggle.
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I have Airi down as returning on the 12th, I don't remember why, it's probably wrong
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nta but shiina is made for bullying
1 thread under /pcai/
2 threads under /pcgen2+/
8 threads under _____
620 threads and counting under /pcgia/
631 threads in total
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just seeing a woman's forehead is enough for you to bully them?
no she isn't >:(
You don't wanna just give her a little slap and see hers and the crab hats eyes go wobbly?
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I'd like to do a few things with you that'll make your eyes go wobbly, boy.
It's free space that is just begging to be filled by the palm of my hand.
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My mom used to make strawberry cake just like this for my sister's birthday every single year. July birthday too. Was her favorite.
>Shiina is very bulliable
>Sissycookie is very bulliable
People really are like their oshi...
>any bakers in chat?
now thats a soundclip for this thread
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nice try, dog
12th would be over 2 full weeks from when everything got postponed. Wednesday would be two weeks on the dot if the tweet is semi-accurate.
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New sound?! Moo.
I have no idea why past me decided on the 12th but that's what's on the sheet so that's my expectation
Who is going to massage her shoulders after this long hard working stream?
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me natually
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Not me. Moo. I'm gonna tell her I'm hungy. Moo. Then leave the dirty dishes in the sink and sit down. Moo. Just kidding. moo.
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Happy Birthday Shiina
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Bad minimoo! Bad!
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you sang along with her, right an-on?
That looks tasty...
Naturally! Moo!
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Honestly I really liked the previous birthday. A lot has been said about donothons, that they are bad, and blah, blah. However, I like that there is a special day in the year in which the chuuba can spend 12 hours straight with chat just hanging out, and doing activities. Forget about the sleeping time, just think of it as two 12 hour streams. Last birthday was nice. Obviously she shouldn't do it if she physically doesn't feel up to it.
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I didn't and kinda wish I did
He HATES Shiina....
>3 wings and a piece of cake is a meal
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I now have confirmation that Shiina does NOT know how to eat flats.
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Airi isn't sweaty.
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>i wish you were here to finish this for me
me too
Phase enemy Rima is here...
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Airi should stream while her family is chilling next to her
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i want to be that bee
i want her to hug me like that when i'm sad
I'm Dan, that's me.
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thank you for your input dan
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of course, it's dinner not lunch
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why does she have fangs?
Remi and Shiina look so much cuter now
神GOD様 bless Teru
You'll break your momma's heart calling dinner "lunch" and supper "dinner", anon.
Man if Teru died Phase rigging would be ground to a halt
>Pina Pengin / 辺銀ピナ 【PRIMA Project: Requiem】
I didn't realize that now they are actually using the "PRIMA" name. I know various ex-PRISM announced the PRIMA project during Offkai but I didn't know if it was serious or what, is it an informal group or a small corpo like V-Dere?
I only know about Teru, there is really nobody else doing the rigging? Generally speaking not only for gen 2
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i realized i can cook chicken wings in my air fryer
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Shiina LOVES ojisans
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i bet i can make country fried BEEF steak out of a COW too moo
you can do burgers in there too
I don't eat supper. Why? I'm just going to bed, I don't need more food
Kuniko as well.
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For which members?
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>watching shiina hit retweet and comment on stream
>at the same time my phone goes off with an alert for each one
neat! it's like a behind the scenes look at when she regularly goes through the art tag
Pedobear bros...
that's a very macabre though...
I'm sure somebody else would be available but Teru has become a staple of Phase, so it'd be sad to lose him. Kinda like Mins. He didn't die, he's still around, although he's not working that closely with Phase.
Origins and Clara.
my crab has got a gun
my crab has got a gun
my crab has got a gun
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>where do you live that the grass is that green
shiina, most of the south looks exactly like that
She's an animal. Rawr.
just like jelly!

I'll blame xynchro for it anyway
Thanks, honestly both did an amazing job
>Indexknight getting literally who'd by Jelly
You hate to see it
Everywhere that isn't the west coast looks like that
Jesus Christ.
what the fuck is this mental illness letter
>goodbye letter
schizos, this is what you do to your oshis that care about you
I don't care that they're professionals and thick-skinned or whatever. You don't do that to a girl.
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what the hell was that
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Brother had to give a real schizo sendoff
Doing this during her birthday, come on were you a fan or a hater it's not clear...
I'm happy I'm not watching Shiina right now.
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the table she's always banging? all me
Time to goon!
Oh he also did Airi, Runie, and Hina. JPs other than Clara and Invaders other than Jelly are all one off riggers.
what does Shiina mean by viewers surviving the content shift?
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Even I ain't that crazy bro.
You ever wonder why there are images of Shiina baking the cookies in the oven?
I'm sad my skeb didn't come in on time
Hopefully on the end of a rope. Don't be a massive faggot and announce you're leaving like that, especially not on a day your oshi should be happy like on her birthday.
Around September last year she had a shift where things came to a head, people were mad about her locking up, being overly uptight and censoring herself. She got over it, had a big angry stream where she was baking the cookies and things improved immediately after a vacation to see her mom
:( I'm sorry, man. You know she'll still see it when it does. And you never know, could have dodged a bullet having her reaction colored by what happened earlier
It's okay Cookie-friend. Moo. She'll still see it and be happy to see it just like she's happy to see these. Moo! I know it hurts not to see her happy on stream, but she'll be happy all the same. Moo!
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Honestly? SOVL
>people were mad about her locking up, being overly uptight and censoring herself.
It was more than that. She was also having really schizo moderation and would snap at viewers for doing what she was asking or making jokes she didn't like or get. For a time Shiina was nothing but a ball of nerves and her streams were getting annoying. I'm glad she fixed her issues.
god I wish I could draw without having to put in the time to get good
Crunchy Crab Beats to blow out your sound card too
Funny enough, that was the first stream of hers I saw and then hung around.
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I was making pretty decent progress recently. Then I fucked up while skating and I haven't been able to draw straight lines for a week.
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i love shiina so much
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Proud of you Shiina. Keep at it.
[Shiina News] She doesn't like her laugh
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I must sleb. I must. Nini, /pcgia/.
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crab peek
fish is holding shiina back fish hate
Nini lovebug.
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Nini! Woof!
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nini, lovebug!
sleep tite~
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Nini! Moo!
Femcookies are dying out...
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people live tweet streams?
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I crab salute to the crabsolutely best butter cookies
All true
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What kind of freak would live post an entire stream? Isn't that what chat is for?
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I'm glad we don't do that here. Moo.
Shiina tries to look cool but she just ends up looking fuckable
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i've never seen them before on my twitter feed is the deal
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Shiina was never seiso
Where is Komachi "#1 Buttercookie" Panko's present for Shiina HMM??
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She was there earlier, probably asleep now
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Man. Now I really want to replay Halo CE.
i like that most of these clips were from right after i started watching her
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Good thing we have sissycookie
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double Shiina
Crab Shiina on your left, og Shiina on your right, JUST IMAGINE!
>brown hand
Right is just begging to get noogied.
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She will be flicked inshallah.
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My chest hurts when I laugh...
I don't think that's supposed to happen...
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That's pretty cool
Is that the model we posted in this thread while it was being modeled?
I want to give Shiina a creampie for her birthday
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Stop laughing. That'll be 400 dollars.
Shiina should put on some pants.
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could be. i completely forgot about that
Shiina's outfit makes me subconsciously expect it to be a hentai mmd
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[Project Orion News]
They're working on more music to do a full concert
Thanks for helping the poor guy, Scamko.
They need better branding and advertising. I didn't even know their group name until just now.
>another paygated con exclusive concert
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Please please please I want that concert to be real holy shit I will go anywhere to see it live that would be a dream come true
quick, someone post pr0n to her feed
What's that? moo?
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uuu i can't wait! they're my favorite singers in phase! and jelly too
Fess up /pcgia/

Which one of you antis sent that letter
lmao at the retard who posted the wrong chuuba
What a retarded fucking autist
Check the other thread.
Well that song is pretty recent, it debuted while the whole Offkai was going on. A lot of things were happening then. But it's been only one month. By the end of the year surely we'll see more.
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thank you dan very cool
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Can someone examine those keystrokes? I think Dan said exactly what she typed.
I want those hands around my peepee
Meds. moo.
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you've been staying up too late. you're seeing things. go take your meds and go to bed, sweetie
i like shiina
like them
i had fun
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Had a great time, even if it went pretty long and I'm gonna be exhausted tomorrow
She was cute!/10
New hair, I have to get used to it/10
I eat it all!/10
Good stream/10
She had fun, no pressure, just cooking, chilling with chat, etc.
Watched the whole thing. Nice stream. As she said was better than last year. I really want that hoody and hope it's decent quality/10
She looks SO much cuter than before it's insane. Good job artist and Teru. Also very succulent-looking hands as always./10
I'm not saying the girls should do it, but damn it feels good when they explicitly say that they renewed their contracts and stuff
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as adorable as the day i found her/10
cute and cuter! i love her new styles so much! i can't wait to see how much she'll use them in the future/10
looked delicious! i'll try to bake the cake later this week for sure/10
great stream! i love shiina so much and i'm looking forward to another year with her/10
I better see all you cookies in oversized hoodies in 12 months
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Cute hag. Extra cute and slappable this evening.
Real cute. Love the braids. Really love the ponytail. Love her wide open forehead. I want to flick it.
Those wings looked fucking delicious. I'm not a fan of cake so the dessert looked alright. Still hungry.
Awesome birthday stream. Really fun watch.
God I hope that starwomen news isn't just talk.
i'm not a cookie, i just watched the stream
bruh... no contract talk, please... muh immersion...
That only grows the immersion for me.
I hate "oversized"... that don't make no physical sense
So Pippa socks are in "male size" and despite being of stretchy material they don't fit girls, but this "oversized" hoodie fits everybody? Really? That don't make no sense!
She signed the Celestial Contract™ to remain in Phase World™
There, immersion protected
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Akshully they left Phase World and are all on Earth per the lore. Shiina didn't even come from Phase World.
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Made me hungry/10
Very good overall, Dan is kinda sus tho
kek, thanks bro
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nini, pcgia
sleep tite
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I will steal sissycookie's oversized hoodie from his frilly dresser. I will force him to climb under the hoodie and hang onto my torso, legs tight around my waist, so I can get discounts at restaurants by pretending to be 7 months boypregnant. In return, I will drop food scraps down so he can feast with me.
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Nini Cookie-fwiend! Moo! I am also going to sleep /pcgia/ gn! Moo! ninininini!
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Have a good night, cookie.
And goodnight, /pcgia/. I love this alien. Doesn't seem like Jelly is streaming tonight. Don't wake me when she inevitably guerillas due to my absence. I accept my fate.
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Love the pony tail, love the braids, love the new bangs, love everything! Spammed the word cute so many times during her stream, she is the real incarnation of it, even the meaning in the dictionary should change with Shiina next to it, no need for more.
Regarding her cooking, like always it made me hungry, whatever she cooks looks tasty, she was at times under pressure, cause there was too much to do and she had to be careful about it but I really think she did great despite all the tasks at hand while streaming. Also some really cool creation from the community.
For the merch I plan to buy the lot, waited a long time for this, waiting to make a grouped order cause taxes and shipping to EU is hell, so finally I don't need to restrain myself anymore.
I'm so glad I met her, Shiina love!
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Nini bro, I'm also completely exhausted, but it was worth to stay the night, hitting the bed now

Nini guys~
Not missing the both of you nini! Now for real to the bed!
You just want an excuse to smell his hoodie like a pervert. Good night~
Need card ideas (effect and/or art) for /tcgia/ if anyone has any. There's currently a Lumi, Yuri and "Other" (gen 1) card in Pack 10, so it can't be any of those.
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A nini card.
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jellybee to expand on the beeko archetype
maybe that yelling pankocat i see to expand on the nasacats
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Nini cookies and minimoo.
das rite, she was just in space n shiet, and then fell to Earth like a meteorite, like superman or something mang
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Her magnum opus.
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What about KaMOOchi "Manko" Panko! Moo. (going to bed for real now)
Sleep well
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>breaking nini
Where did we go wrong.
Minimoo is a mischevious little girl, please understand.
I still think the split hairstyle doesn't fit.
shiina's cunny
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Nini /pcgia/
what a baby, he sleeps with the lights on
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Nini airihead and nini /pcgia/
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Hello (10 AM).
After this weekend I really need Jelly...
I'm going to bed
Can I have a good close-up of Shiina where her ponytail is properly visible?
Okay without trolling please, do we have any hints who's invading?
No sorry
You could try again in a few hours when the cookies are up

That's fine, I just put it up there for later.
Fuck this shit
What happened?
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>Jelly games
Looking good.
Air fryer users are vegans of cooking industry.
>captcha: RAWJY
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loomi schedule
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Bee-Eating Spider
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Good morning gentlemen, I love Shiina
Hi, >>80219038
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The sokoban one is pretty fun. Played a little before I fell asleep last night.
Sorry I'm on mobile at work, you mean like this?
Not really a fan of these bangs honestly
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Shiina did a good job with that cake so I'm going to reward her with sex.
>works for ~5 hours
>gets rewarded for 20 seconds
Yeah cool "gift".
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What's the current meta? Can't be worse than current Hearthstone.
She'll be thinking about those 20 seconds for weeks.
Shiina must be going back to her childhood with that 90s middle part
Would have been funny if she was wearing a headband Naruto style
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No one, Inv-03 is cancelled anon
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Thank you, I will finish my session on this.

Curtains to a kissable forehead.
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Good morning /pcgia/
>Can't be worse than current Hearthstone.
Is it that bad?
good morning stark knight
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Good morning. I love this parasite.
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Morning, dude.
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>i am also excited to prove to you that i am a woman with womanly hobbies, like shopping
Why is this child allowed to live on her own?
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Are we SURE we placed her correctly on the intelligence graph?
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I forgot to say I love this alien.
I love this alien.

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