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>What is Nijisanji?/Is this person in Nijisanji?/Who's in Nijisanji?
https://files.catbox.moe/xk20qs.png (JP Only)
https://www.nijisanji.jp/en/members (Official Members List)

Official Nijisanji Youtube channel
Official Nijisanji Twitter Account
Official Nijisanji Instagram
Unofficial Nijisanji wiki

Watch multiple streams at once/see who's streaming:
https://niji-mado.web.app/home (viewer)

>How do I get into Nijisanji?
Give examples of content you like/want to see and whether you can understand the language used by the branch you want to get into.

Reminder to ignore and report shitposting, discordfags, and tribalfags.

Previous thread: >>80143488
Are the 4 brats still going or did they give up?
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Me on the couch waiting for birthday sex with the birthday girl.
I love torpedo tits.
Literally me...
Endurance means endurance. Of course they're still going.
not even a niji merch. sad.
Incredible willpower...
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How long have they been chained together now?
8 hours
Well I can't watch it on TV, but good for Midori.
Holy fuck...
Oh hey Ars beat milky-way wishes! Gonna go back and check her reaction to the plot twist.
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Didn't mean to link that. Sorry anon.
I was wondering for a sec what that had to do with Kirby...
Glad to know ange doujinshis get translated to english
Reposting lewds.
Monday's shorts and such
Puchisanji (Mito): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV8dLYNTk9c
Nui/Salome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nREJtK6DOQ
Deron: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6silymoepo

Stream clips
Claire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cVlEmfvho4
Tomoe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ1afNuBrC0
Chigusa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wkT5FxXx98
Rion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYYNhVNQp-o
Mone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHAy2bRLz-U
Kaida: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABFrwVMsZd8
ChroNoiR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeTIXJ8L2IM
Voltaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PxXLWVlv6M
claire cute
I'm generally more content with cosplays.
Man, Claire is so fucking loveable.
what... what does she plan on doing with that look...
Going from a middle schooler to this lewd creature. What does Niji do to these girls?
It's really good that in this game 2 people can fall and still be pulled up.
i want to eat kebab with inyui
all women are just variants of middle school girls or highschool girls. while men are just whatever their favorite fictional character is
This would be torture otherwise.
Is that one of the artists that AI dorks really loves to Ape? I instantly assumed it was until I looked closer.
Reminder that Ange does not give (you) permission to fuck your girlfriend in Ange cosplay.
My (nonexistent) GF is a method actor and would probably end up stabbing me for thinking of Ange while she is in the Ange cosplay because she is the real Ange while she she is cosplaying.
Motherfucker they're still climbing up
So fucking cute!
Is this endurance really gonna go longer than 12 hours?
I'm not even sure how long Chained Together is.
Bettel from HolostarsEN did it with his brother on easy in 2.5 hours.
id accept naked dogeza from the 4 of them if they dont want to beat the game
idk i'm not into AI and i try to avoid it. i liked his kancolle and 2hu art in 2015
Somehow Machukai is always the one missing the jumps.
Correction will come later.
Nah, what they lack in skills they make up in willpower.
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Oh hey! Nice!
It's funny watching back Furen's archive from yesterday. She didn't expect to feel like Goku was that cool.
it should be a planet wide law that everyone women own a school uniform
yeah its was kind of a reminder for me not to get caught up in the power system and complexity debates
Meruto and Choma
I love how she remembers the funny Namekian language but none of the important story beats.
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Those are new?
She did fully remember Trunk's backstory.
We'll need the bigger version of these soon
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Nui outfits from the Chronoir 6th anni merch drop. There's also a watch which I thought looked neat
The deka nuis look big enough to take teddy bear clothes
Always like when they have something like a watch as part of a merch drop.

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