Can you guys stop turning every single thing about hololive into viral memes?Stop glorifying and worshipping hololive blindly.
>>88627342how about making your own game
>>88627342It is only game. Why you heff to be mad?
>>88627342No, the Chao World is back, you can go fuck yourself. I'll be raising some mascots into the greatest racists that ever hit the track.
>>88627524you holobronies tags didn't give us the source code how are we supposed to make it
>>88627342dude, this is a game, the fuck you talking about?
>>88628003That nijibeggar image never stops being funny.
>>88627342The fuck are you even on about?
>R-riku dono... where is our game...?
>>88627342Why you can't just let retards have fun, is it that hard?
>>88627342What's the meme?
>>88627342Gen3 and Gen4 combined should only have 8 people. Why are there 9 silhouettes?
>>88650108you realize this thread was made by a retard having fun
>>88627524>just make your own game bro
>>88638610as an autist, the color coded upgrades are a nice touch
>>88627342This is a falseflag from some bored faggot who wanted to make a holocure thread.
>>88654550Wouldn’t it just have been easier for him to make a Holocure thread, then?