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Sunny released a merch bundle for her birthday, and she said

>If I sell 12 bundles, I will have made the same amount off of merch as I did in my entire heist

Her "heist" refers to her time in Nijisanji.
Her entire time in NijiEN netted her under 1k USD

To be fair to Niji, how much TTT merch you even remember? They literally forgot the group even existed since it was all sucking Luxiem dick no matter how much shit they did.
No sympathies for that lazy bitch. She should've streamed more if she wanted more money.
eh streaming more would not have made her more money anon just look at her genmate vivi
She literally didn't stream so this is a complete nothingburger
>w-well she wouldn't have made much even if she had streamed!!
Then it's not news, we already know organs only get scraps.
Laziest dunk imaginable, if she wants to pander to niji antis then maybe she should start with NOT sucking on the shithole of quin
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>NijiEN is a Scam
Always has been
People get into vtubing for passion about Japanese entertainment. If you want money you show skin. This has always been the case and there are no exceptions.
Nijis don't get a salary?
This is such a braindead take. Slumming it for no money is what you do as an indie just starting out on Twitch with three viewers. Nijisanji at one point was the Number 1 corpo, the literal pinnacle of vtubing. They're the kind of company that was promising 10 billion yen in growth for this calendar year and (at least before they shot their reputation down the shitter) it was a believably achievable goal.

Treating livers like this is criminal. As an Elira/Millie/Vox hater, these fucking livers deserve better.
They never have. They throw you to the wolves and you got to fend for yourself.
>As an Elira/Millie/Vox hater
What about Enna
reminder that mika couldn't afford a simple physical at the doctor, but after four months of streaming as michi she was able to get a month-long full exam testing for everything. anycolor also lied to her and didn't pay the employer portion of taxes, which they legally should be doing in indonesia
every indication we've ever had is that they pay their talent like dogshit and they all would be better off as indies
>To be fair
shocking that an unpopular liver who wouldn't stream didn't make money from the nijisanji income source they get the lowest percentage of
There's being a weeb, then there's being you - delusional weeb.
So given the 2% rule Niji made about 50K off of her?
Niji doesn't take 98%. They take 3% and the other 95% is the cost of manufacturing/shipping
She was on hiatus for at least 95% of her entire career at Nijisanji and streamed maybe ten times while she worked there, let's be honest. Maybe if she'd gotten off her ass and built her name up, there would have been more people buying her merch. At least she's smart enough to see that whining about Nijisanji is an easy grift that takes far less effort
>It's good because someone robbing 90% of your gain is like having to start from scratch.
So you are a jobless retarded, gotcha.
For a large corpo, a single merch drop should net her more than she made during her whole Niji "career"
Can't sell shit if you don't stream. What was she expecting?
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this merch lineup is kind of ass
>Lazy fucking grifter shows up, doesn't try from DAY ONE, barely streams. Long hiatuses, way worse numbers than her genmates. Just completely checks out and fucks off from the day she arrives.
>doesn't sell merch or make fans
WOW shocking development. Vivi sold a ton of merch
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No, it's called twitter. She reposted peoples merch hauls constantly
how so
Enna's fine.
she literally couldn't between her hand exploding and her fucking name keeping her out of the algorithm.
vivi didn't even get merch
>muh she didn't stream!
She streamed a bunch in the first six and then realized it wouldn't matter at all. Vivi made 12 grand in superchats, only 5 grand more than Kunai did and Vivi is still broke as fuck. She cried over spilling her food for the week and having to choose between car insurance or meals. They both made the correct choice in leaving a company that didn't care about them.
>between her hand exploding
>Her entire time in NijiEN netted her under 1k USD
Even less.
Keep in mind that Kawa Entertainment (the company making this Sunny merch) takes a 35% cut.
So (12 bundles x $77.77) - 35% = ~$606
I literally own multiple pieces of it, so you're wrong and an idiot. she got all the same merch the rest of them get. the debut stuff, bday stuff, anniversary stuff, mini plushies, voice packs etc
Kunai's earnings after a year in Niji don't even come up to what she would have made with a part-time job at minimum wage.

For being part of the "biggest" company that makes SO much money, that's inexcusable.
hahaha seethe sisters, SEETHE. like the little sea monkeys you are!
How did it become so bad?
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>Didn't work for months and telling her fans to not buy merch for some reason
>"Oh wow, if I work for a couple of hours and sell merch i'll earn more than the entire time I spent doing nothing! How does that work????"
this. kinda underwhelming
>stream for months under a company
>have half the viewers you had as an indie
Yeah I'd probably give up too
>she got all the same merch the rest of them get
Why lie? She gets left out here and there.
>Expecting a TTT member not named Claude to get merch
Look when you're part of hanamori you get all the perks

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