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The end.
things are looking grim for vtubing
Former chumbud. I will definitely not be following her. Shes done nothing but give her fans the cold shoulder. You'd have to be one cucked simp retard to just accept it and keep giving her money. No thank you.
>member stream post
>posted exaggerations and lies
>thinks he's clever with his doomposting

yep, we got a neurotic mentally ill nijiisister folks.
fuck you rrat poster and your fucking lies.

she didn't say most of what this lunatic dreamed up, and the stuff this lunatic did quote somewhat accurately was in different context. the only line of truth in this whole RRat is gura being somewhat frustrated with the producer she's working with for a song, her exact words were

Members Stream: "it is time"
timestamp: 1:44:15

sorta serious tone of voice from gura - "I have this thing where i don't really like how I sound in music, and it's been that way for 4 years now. I much prefer how i sound when it's just me and my microphone and reverb. so I kind of prefer doing karaoke over anything that has to go through... multiple mixer hands. Yeah... cause... right away you can tell 'oh gee.. oh gees i can tell... and you guys can tell' and so... mixing is hard, i'm not gonna lie especially because i'm so picky because i know how I sound and how i want to sound or like... or like a problem i noticed a lot I'll have vibrato on a certain part, then I'll get a mix back and the vibrato will be flattened and removed and i have to say "hey, why did we do that? can we not do that? i would like that... That was a stylistic choice! That was not done... that was not a mistake! That was a stylistic choice, please revert! REVERT! so... Music too loud? Wait in the mixes, the music is always too loud, I've realized in the music today the music is always too loud. so I waste my time asking to fix this, like "hey.. i'm listening to the vocals here"

so... yeah um... i don't know.. and then it's usually... um... *cute shork noises for about 10 seconds with some giggles* yeah, music too loud, i've noticed that in a lot of music in general, is that a... new style? like the anime sound... whos that one sound guy, in anime and he just makes everything bass-boosted to the point where it all sounds like it's peaking but that's the stylistic choice. everything is like suuuuuper loud (she's giggling here) to the point of distortion?"

nerdy gura voice "urm... akshually gura loud is funny"
normal happy gura voice "sometimes!"

and she wanders off on a tangent.

OP is a tranny
if 90% of you faggots fucked off vtubing would be a lot more fun.
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Could you at least have waited for the other bait thread to die
why doesn't she just stream
she's tired of hololive
immediately btfo kek >>88680985
vshojo doesnt deserve that clout but its such easy permanent success michi was a fucking nobody in niji and now she can just enjoy life forever
Does it matter at this point?
She doesn't need to
You know why. Stop coping for a second and really think about why she doesn't need any attention from her male fans anymore. It will come out someday.
Mixing is when bands get really close to break up because everyone has a different idea of how each part should sound like. It's one of the most important parts of music production and it's why the big mixers end up working for multiple bands and musicians of wildly genres and have decades of experience (and probably frequently saw band mates nearly killing each other).
Didn't she already follow him ages ago
This isn't new
if retarded holofaggots fucked off that would be more fun
fucking gura and faunashitters
>she actually made 2 threads about it
What are the sisters deflecting about today?
oh of course its the brownfeet
>She barely made content as an indie (with free will)
>She barely makes content as a Holo (under Corpo rule)
>SURELY she will join another corpo where she's under rules and can't just be lazy for free again!

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>Gura wants to leave Hololive to join male collabing whores

When everything seemed alright, you turn and break my heart
Did I deserve your love?
It kills me inside to think of his arms wrapped around you now
Is he a better lover than I?
tl;dr seething chumchuds
Proof or its schitzo's replying to schitzo's
>Members Stream: "it is time"
>timestamp: 1:44:15
You're old enough to find this even if you don't have Gura's membership.
i never listen to guras forced corpo covers for this reason they dont sound good, her just singing sounds way better
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None of this information is new, and we discussed it to death months ago. Best not to worry about it until something actually happens.
gunrun is an important figure of the streaming industry. would you be surprised if a democrat follows Trump on twitter?
Exactly lmao

Fucking Yagoo follows him
Nothing ever happens.
Unity is inevitable. All will collab with all. There will be no walls, no isolated gardens. All will be one.
You keep reposting this bait despite being BTFO almost every time.
Redot is better
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>cue guitar solo
Well I've been trying in vain
Was only fooling myself
With each passing day
The pain still stays the same
And my search for a chuuba who isn't a traitorous whore continues...
Okay optimus
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>check vt
>sunflower schizo is at it again
>post rrat slayer
>go do something else
For everything else there's mastercard
Why we having these same threads after 2 months? We already did this song and dance before
yagoo is graduating soon, it's over
You have no counter to Full Color not being released.
It's EN's best song.
Gura looking at the exit door is legit and real, but the majority of what that post says about the stream didn't happen.
In those other corpos or as indie she could just watch videos for 6h on twitch. Or play some weird shit Cover would never get perms for. Or collab with people Cover would never allow her to collab.

I give it 50/50.
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Her most recent follow is still Risu whom she followed over two years ago... wait, he's not even following her. Huh, That's interesting.
Oh well. I hope VShojo enjoys their 2 streams a month streamer
Risu followed her years ago lmao
senzawa will abandon her channel and join holo, it's over
Thanks for making me reread that in his voice
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If Ame said would you like me if I was a Jerboa, you would laugh at it too and it would sound more ridiculous but here we are
>Gura wants to leave Hololive to join male collabing whores
>you're not allowed to interact with 50% of the population
>b-b-b-because BECAUSE I SAID SO
said the greyname who never sent a superchat
Yes, but OP is claiming that senzawa just followed Gunrun, which she didn't. If she's following him at all tis from years upon years ago, and he's not following her back. There is no credit to OP's "oh shit this social media follow means she's joining soon" implied claim.
Risu will always appear on top but the rest are chronologically aligned
she followed this year in April with a bunch of rigger and designers but that's old news now
It would be in everyone's best interests if Gura graduated unironically. I can't think of anyone who'd be mad.
She's free to do whatever she wants to like React shit and no perms for shit she wants to do.

She can keep doing shit with Gura
They finally get consistent (lol) Gura
They don't need to keep this deadweight around anymore.
They don't need to deal with Gura still being in Holo
No one in EN is even close to Gura anyways. Gura said she's closest with Ame (first) and Kiara (second) and Ame is gone. And she was never really that close to Kiara and Kiara said she can't even contact her. No one in EN will truly care.
Why does Risu show up on top if she's not the most recent?
Also all of Myth would just follow her PL on their own PLs anyway because they're all friends with each other unlike what schizos say.
Cope is a river in egypt
Sure I guess but Gura is in Holo right now and doesn't collab with any of them if not rarely nor does she talk to them.
So them following each other on PL doesn't change anything she still will barely contact them or do shit with them. That's not the point though
The one that shows on top is the last person you talked to in dm. so if you follow people after that they will show up chronologically but that last dm contact on top
Kek I love this. Definitely using this later
Well I mean, of course not. But you would think that throwing out a stream or two a week at minimum would not be too much trouble for her loyal fans.
Except Nijisanji. Fuck Nijisanji.
this member stream narrative was always bullshit. why do you keep trying this?
I choose to believe this guy rather then OP. She won't ever leave us
chumbuds stalked her IRL, she got scared and has wanted out for a while, but Cover won't let her go
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First stage right now.
But why take it out on the fans, then? Why not stream regularly between all the garbage happening behind the scenes? I don't have high hopes for her actually streaming if she does go somewhere else. If anything she would stream even less.
She doesn't need loyal fans
Ame and Gura are the only Holos I don't like so if she leaves too then I win
Yeah I fucking agree with Gura here. They always try to make her do this "cutesy" singing voice. Its fucking irritating. She is a good singer and her voice is naturally cute. You don't need to make her sound like a kawaii ugu loli. Listen to the Myth 4th anniversary song live and the way she sings ~from Tokyo to Broadwaaaay~ is so good and cute she seriously blows everyone else out of the water. Then for a lot of other official songs she just has some shitty "cute" voice. Its so fucking annoying
Spoken like a true cuckbud
>doesn't deny never sending a SC or paying once membership
F2Ps are always the most whiny bitches and unikeks love to be F2Ps
She does that on her own, retard.
Based rrat slayer. Keep btfo'ing these deranged schizos.
Death to all schizos.
same and agreed
I dropped her as soon as her 2nd ghosting arc started and i havent regretted it for a second, she very clearly does not care about her fans
did the dooby bait really get stale this fast
At this point. Does any chumbuds even care? Even Ayame came back more often when she had her breaks.
won 10 more graduations this month
You have a whole thread dedicated to your shitposting >>88644573
Go back and don't ever leave it.
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>t. Falseflag king
(you) never watched her , nijitroon
>sit smugly in the seat of god, able to milk funds for doing nothing
>"but muh vocals are mixed too low I'm joining vshojo to ruin my image and become a total whore :("

That would be truly insane, surely she's smort enough to see how badly that goes after the start. No corporation is perfect but hololive seem very patient with her overall considering she literally doesn't do the one fucking job she has most of the time
>dead bait
el retardo
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Anyone remember
>"quality over quantity"
She was active on that account today fyi. Unfollowed three people
So this is the final yab... not with a bang, but with a slow, growing disconnect, like a progressively loveless marriage.
TLDR: Chumcuck cope
I mean, obviously. They are the field of ash upon which great things will be built.
This gets said for all large fanbases but chumbuds are truly the most cowered -dog pathetic sods to exist. They get no streams or even tweets.
Even openly proud cucked fanbases from Nyanners, Mumei and Elizabeth at least get streams ffs.
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>Gura not streaming
>Ame had a whole song with Gura doing her graduation highlighting their closeness above anyone else
>Dooby debuted extremely quickly after graduating, making it clear she was working on this while still in Holo
>Gura showing obvious signs of doing the exact same thing
Her job is, and has been for awhile, to sell merch. She does pretty well. It might have been streaming once, but not for the last few years.
She’s been the most active she’s ever in her rm account by sporadically following people throughout the day for the past two months. Some questionable like live 2d riggers. I’m not sure how chumbuds don’t see this as a red flag
Yes, yes. 2 more weeks for sure sisters! Can't wait!
That's a braindead take. Not in any of her karaokes did she force the over the top uwu singing.
Tbf that was just a fansong without any input from either Ame or Gura but your point still stands. Their last collab highlighted their closeness over everyone else
Shes not a slave, they obviously sign a contract every year. This situation is several years old at this point. She obviously enjoys the perks of being an "affiliate" employee.
immediate rrat slaying, good anon
still no anniversary stream celebration. Isn't that the most important stream of the year for a vtuber?
She's already out
>cut off the date of the post
Eat a bullet, sister.
it's over for gura. that's sad.
>I complain about the poor audio mixing in HoloEN songs for years
>specifically point out how they turn Gura's voice almost unrecognizable
>get called a retard and a sister every time
>Gura does her yearly membership stream
>she says the same thing
>"it's so over for Hololive graduation soon Vshojo poach incoming"
I hate all of you
Because she uses her karaoke to fuck around
when did she say this? wheres the proof
Holy based
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As she should
member stream
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I wonder why the subhumans are trying so hard with this shitpost angle again...
It's not happening man
>for her loyal fans.
her loyal fans happily accepted her not streaming status, so why should she bother when she knows they'll be there anyways.
NijiGODs dabbing on HoloEN's destruction
So this is the true endgame of SEAmonkeys using typewriters
I'm pretty sure the only reason Gura is still in is because Cover are begging her to not quit. And since they allow her to not stream for months and months and are still paying her fair share from merch and stuff, why would she quit? Not to mention I bet there are still a bunch of people renewing memberships every month even though she don't stream too.
Ame wanted to leave but what finally pushed her to do it was seeing Gura so disillusioned but feeling trapped. Ame left to show her that she can make it on her own and that her fans will still follow her. I fully believe that Gura will be the next to go after fes
>>Or collab with people
She doesn't pick her phone because it gives her anxiety. Her confort group is 3 mild mannered soft spoken girls. Do you really believe she wants to collab with obnoxius and loud people?
no way you typed all that in 5 minutes, down to the timestamps, copypasta methinks
She hates her fanbase and for good reason.
You mean people like Henya, Doob or Shondo? Yeah so loud and obnoxious.
In order for vshojo to even have a shot, they would have to offer a lump sum. Give her 100% of stream and merch revenue. A guarantee to deny collabs with anyone from vshojo, events, sponsored or otherwise. Sounds unreasonable, but having her join would boost their brand. Gura I s worth her weight in gold, because honestly, she doesn't need vshojo or anyone to be successful.
>Twitter AND a post screenshot
Jesas, how low are we willing to go?
Gura pissed off a lot of people by not showing up for work. She does not give a fuck about her viewers. I hope she falls into irrelevance just like Kson.
Mr Brownfeet, go shit in the street instead of on the board
>Gacha terms

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