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Previous: >>88705757
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Hololive sites

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>line goes up forever
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/#/ is reclining
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do I see a pattern here or am I going schizo
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>86,316: Shellin (Nijisanji)
>48,281: Matsuri (Hololive)
>45,513: Sakuna (Indie)
>43,488: Himawari (Nijisanji)
>37,960: Kanata (Hololive)
>34,258: Miko (Hololive)
>23,175: Mint (Indie)
>21,575: Suisei (Hololive)
>20,011: Toya (Nijisanji)
>18,940: Lamy (Hololive)
>17,495: Ness (Nijisanji)
>17,029: Fauna (Hololive)
>14,195: Cecilia (Hololive)
>14,076: Dooby (Indie)
>13,325: Watame (Hololive)
>12,864: Fubuki (Hololive)
>11,757: Kagami (Nijisanji)
>11,054: Fubuki (Hololive)
>10,798: Hinano (VSPO)
>10,006: Kiara (Hololive)
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hey, man
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>11/01 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.934: Nerissa (Hololive) | HoloJustice's Haunted VRChat Investigation
4.862: Dokibird (Indie) | Halloween Stream
4.761: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | HoloJustice's Haunted VRChat Investigation
4.097: Cecilia (Hololive) | HoloJustice's Haunted VRChat Investigation
3.862: Elizabeth (Hololive) | HoloJustice's Haunted VRChat Investigation
3.769: Shu (Nijisanji) | Mario Party Jamboree w/ Luca, Ren, Sonny
3.265: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Song Cover Release After Party
2.981: Raora (Hololive) | HoloJustice's Haunted VRChat Investigation
2.972: Shiori (Hololive) | HoloJustice's Haunted VRChat Investigation
2.317: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Halloween Stream
2.272: Shinri (Holostars) | Halloween Stream
2.013: Uki (Nijisanji) | Halloween Stream
1.903: Vantacrow (Nijisanji) | Silent Hill 2
1.854: Doppio (Nijisanji) | Tabletop Simulator
1.821: Alban (Nijisanji) | FNaF: Into the Pit
1.695: Sonny (Nijisanji) | Silent Hill 2
1.343: Shiina (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
1.333: Rie (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
1.280: Rexford (Holostars) | Monster Hunter: Wilds
1.175: Elira (Nijisanji) | Hound: Automation
1.082: Vantacrow (Nijisanji) | Handcam Stream
1.080: Runie (Phase-Connect) | Halloween Karaoke Stream
1.032: Lumi (Phase-Connect) | Halloween Stream
1.023: Vantacrow (Nijisanji) | Buckshot Roulette
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the only schizo part is not realizing why they do this, it's for them to not overlap their anniversaries
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>11/01 TALLY:
23,175: Mint (Indie) | 3.0 Model Debut
17,029: Fauna (Hololive) | Unarchived Halloween Karaoke
14,195: Cecilia (Hololive) | Visage w/ Gigi
14,076: Dooby (Indie) | Dooby Halloween
10,006: Kiara (Hololive) | 3D Halloween Celebration
8,283: Bijou (Hololive) | Justice's Haunted Investigation
6,332: Gigi (Hololive) | Justice's Haunted Investigation
5,926: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | FuwaMoco Morning
5,055: Ina (Hololive) | Outer Wilds

1) Mint (Indie) - 23,175 - 3.0 Model Debut

1x: Indie

1x: Mint

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
5p: Mint
3p: Fauna
1p: Cecilia
Mori/Biboo/IRyS Space Marine 2 - November 7th
Mori 40k miniatures painting stream (in the studio) - November 10th
Schizo. Cover said they were going to slow down on new gens after Justice.
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Holy shit, that's grim. Basically almost on the same level as these
Sub 2min song with no substance. I thought she was righting the ship after Carbonated Love got good play.
in what world nigger? how is 60k in 2 days the same as 60k in 6 months
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>pochi crafts a design literally made to extract semen from men
>it's used on reine who is the gayest woman on earth
Dumb anon.
sub-2min is the meta
Considering she didn't tease or shill this drop at all, she probably just wanted to release it for herself rather than going for big numbers
You rsemen would go to waste regardless
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>line goes up forever
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Maybe she'll hit 3million views in her next life?
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Remember that one indie who made merch and nobody bought any? Just remember that for no reason at all.
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birthday countdown btw
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>consistency = incline
Shiori, kiara, mori and nerissa mogged by purple cunny!!!!
>short 28s clip 3 years ago vs a cover
Won't take Carbonated Love that long either way
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>his oshi doesn't sleep on stream
>Tyranids look a bit hard
It's a grim world outside the garden. Thank god my oshi doesn't need to worry about making ends meet.
why are kson antis so retarded? also unrelated but why do they hate choco?
pathetic hours streamed in november, is she quitting?
>Mori realizing that making a non-Halloween show on Halloween was a retarded idea
>Its deflecting kek
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Twitch meta
Phasecucks aren't know for their intelligence
This is the only time I'm jealous of Kiara. Imagine the bed breaking sex they must have on the regular
Why are you wasting your time arguing with ennacuck, retard
if you wanna be a streamer you got to be able to time travel to compete man
it annoys me that they aren't even sleeping on stream they just walk away from the computer
that one bitch not even in the same zipcode
I still don't understand how Coco was as powerful as she was. I always thought her voice was a massive turnoff.
Bitch just debuted too, twitch whores deserve all the hate they get.
That one makes me sad.
objectively it shouldn't because it's just some random woman, there are billions of poor women in the world. Still, it does
what was the fbk announcement about?
>do I see a pattern here or am I going schizo
It was pointed out here before Justice as a possibility. There were some anons who predicted when Justice would drop based on it.
>Myth to Council 11 months (IRyS was obivously an outlier, kind of a standalone though)
>Council to Tempiss 11 months. Bad idea, everyone hated that, overhaul EN management.
>Council to Advent 1 year 11 months. Basically retcon 2022
>Advent to Justice 11 months
It works if you remember Omega and the management trying to muddy the waters, no gen numbers, no using en0, banning Haachame from the EN server, etc. As in wanting tempiss to be seen as EN3. Obviously all those things got changed with the new management

Seems a bit too consistant to be coincidence. They might slow down now, but wouldn't be too surprised to see EN5 in May
Cut gigi some slack, she's doing her best
>seething 2view fat hog
ew yuck
I love Fauna so much
They literally said they were slowing down debuts
3D announcement stream on Monday
>a crumb of 3D live please?
t. Fauna
Not entirely true
Gigi has way more than 2view now
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Still chugging along with 400k in October is impressive. Only Go-Getters and Mirage gained more views last month
your mother is getting cancer soon
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Oh yeah apparently EN got perms for that words on stream game, shiori was testing it out in members
new update or a better tracking?
improve yourself anon
The time I was okay with a similar stream was the GD Studio's DOTA TI streams
Because you could still see them randomly walking through the room and talking or doing stuff even when they were not actively streaming
If you want to do a sleeping stream at least chat should be able to hear you snore
Or maybe doobie can finally revolutionize the genre and sleep in her 3D tracking suit
>one minute
they need en5 before slowing down.
holoen basically only has 3 gen right now
Where did they say that? The only thing like that I remember is a bunch of ESL's not understanding their statement about the future of revenue growth not being driven primarily by new generations but instead of expanding sponsors and merch
Cover investing alot on her lately
What happen?
no they are not. read again
Joshu-kuns are sadly being NTRed by a powerful dragon Koyori is calling "Joshumut"
Yeah people said was why EN4 wasn't happening to. Very adamently.
I don't think it's necessarily happening. I just wouldn't be surprised either way
and given the nature of the industry it's likely we lose another girl sometime next year and with no many girls that barely stream we will need new blood
probably finally doing what they needed to do since 2 years ago, upgrade their tracking
is mori reformed now?
It's not her official model she never uses that thing anymore
it doesn't have the pickles on her face and the mouth doesnt look weird so it's the official one
Yeah, Me
>mori has to use a million wish to update her 3D model
>kiara gets one for free
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>3D stream w. mirage model
The facial expressiveness is impressive
Hopefully this isn't a one-off and can be used instead of Cover's dated 3D face tracking
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doesn't this dude only draw holo girls? seems weird to draw some indie
if they are really slowing down then I predict we will get en5 on may 2026 but tempus 3 will still debut on 2025
Mori gonna start numberfagging when she reaches 2.47M
99% of artists have only one god and its name is attention
All indies are equal, but some are more equal than others
small corpos and some indies commission him sometimes, but he mostly draws holos by himself
Mori's not exactly a runt anymore she's a solid EN 2nd army now
>nooooooooooo you cannot follow her
>she belongs to the company
>and you belong to the company
why are you booing me, im right
>getting angry at scenarios existing only inside your head.
not everyone goes schizo about voice retardchama
>Mirage model
fauna's sister probably
kiara please sit on my face
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Why is Fauna like this
She is nowhere near FWMC and CC
Is it Cover investing or Kiara doing it on her own and Cover giving permission?
Most holos easily have the money and prestige to contract out new/updated models/outfits
But it's Cover being anal about branding, some asinine concept of "fairness", and always wanting to reserve this stuff for special occasions (including possible ties to merch) that usually prevents them from doing so

she commissioned and paid for it herself just like the xsense suit retards Cover only makes things harder
No retard he's done for small corpos and i died I've been baited by his art in thumbnails for literally whos
buy an ad
do you prefer collabs or solo?
>retards Cover only makes things harder
It's called perms
he did
they don't even give her permissions to use this stuff in their app or in their 3D studio, anything official for the matter I'm not sure how much she's even allowed to stream with it probably only for special occasions.
Fauna can't sing, can't dance and refuses to get better at either of them. Not like she has to, the lazy whore doesn't do 3D lives unless forced
They'll get bored after a while.
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Ollie has already survived two of these
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sure about that?
>Minto with tits
Third time's the charm
It's Anya then?
She's been reeaaally stretching the definition of "special" streams. Ame had to bury her best models but there's probably more leeway for using the appropriate official design
2 person collab is the best, they have someone else to banter with while still being in control and can make witty remarks. 4 is decent for party/group games but any more than 4 and it's just too chaotic and your oshi gets drowned out by all the noise. solo is good but usually just devolves into them reacting to the game
A phasekek...
Lumi has the hottest model in all of vtubing
Mori, no one cares to invite Kiara for Coachella
Quite sure
>phasekeks are AI keks
I've fucked around with like a dozen different models, cards, and presets and they all end up stale and repetitive
Who's EN first army?
Ame staying around and coasting for 2 extra years just to pay for a 3D setup she doesn't even know how to use, and them make a deal that she can continue to be a parasite despite not actually coming back for anything is something else. Baffling that cover is allowing this really
Which holo do you like? It's Fauna, isn't it?
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>being anal about branding, some asinine concept of "fairness"
Cover's always dumb until we see an indie fuck up or hear news about a small corpo being black or falling apart due to infighting
>Extremely big huge effing mori announcement sometime mid-november
Cover doesnt lose anything.
>sell ame merch and give ame some of the income
>never sell ame merch again and make 0 income
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Why do you even lurk in this thread?
>on 2025
>Anon discovers machine learning for the first time
Ironmouse, Henya, Zen, Michi, Kson
If I were ever to become an artist online, please let God remind me not to be an attentionfagging mexican like so many artists I know.

its fun using the word mexican as an insult
Another "big" announcement mid-November from Mori
she's pretty specific on what she considers big ones, so most likely some kind of bigger music release or concert appearance
You know the craziest development is how Kiara somehow became the best music producer in EN
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Forgot to say cover could stand to be less anal, but I would rather they be safe than sorry
gura is still the best though
Fuck it I’m going all in and betting my balls on Gachiakuta OP
another Lotus Juice collab? please.
>still defending his failed vsinger
Honestly at this point in her career I feel only another anime deal or sololive really warrants the HUGE ANNOUCEMENT label
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You're right Fauna has got so much better at singing and dancing.
It really is quite impressive what she can do now when she gets serious
I personally don't like it, but as anon said, they make more money this way. We shall see if it ends up being short sighted on their part
>I'm not retiring this model, I'm just gonna use it 5 times a year
>Trash singing for anime about trash
Branding matters. Otherwise you end up with what IM does showing off new completely different outfits every month to the point she has no visual branding
albums are still big, something like Phantomime had like 3-4 big names on it and stuff like opening for New Jeans is objectively a bigger deal than a sololive in a 5k venue (which is probably what we can expect from Mori due to how split her fanbase is)
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So cute
that artist is korean tho
She's so much better at raiding too. Hopefully she will raid Indies after every stream now
Fauna is trash. Enjoy your no streams
that was the suicide squad isekai
gachiakuta is gonna be good
the same k-Pop track three times, one genuine bop and a song even KFP keep complaining about, because Kiara keeps doing it in lives while it's the weakest piece on the album
What's up with new jeans. They still kicking? Thought I heard they had big beef with their agency
look towards the spoiler on my previous post, anon. also I'm mexican, so it still works on me.

sapling btw
are you watching worlds later?
t. the schizo that sat in /awat/ and tried to doxxpost every holo he could begging for collabs
t. shondofag the schizo that's been seething at Fauna for 3 years
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Kpop>jpop>jrap>electro swing. Kiara wins.
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I'm just telling you what music I click the replay button on, it's Kiara every time

actually its
jpop>jrap>electro swing>kpop

UNLESS its PSY, he's just under jpop
I hope she spreads the kpop gospel to the rest of the company. Her, laplus, and baelz could make a hell of a unit
no, at first you said she was the best music producer, which is just not true
idgi, was this outfit intended to be a redesign and she's backpedaling or was it just a white-haired outfit
She produces music in the best genre, so by default she is better the the rest. It's like she's making airplanes while the rest of the girls are making kick scooters. You can make some fine kick scooters but for what fucking reason.
>kpop sisters
mori has legitimately big announcements almost every time she does announcements. but she just has like 1-2 big announcements per month, her "big shit happening" rate is ridiculously high compared to 99.99% of vtubers. Her big announcements would still be considered big announcements by anyone, she just has them crazy frequently
I mean she doesn't acknowledge the EN homos anymore but she still joins vcr and collabs with irl j-rappers so dunno really
you know that kind of bait only works in global, right
no one here cares about Kiara enough to start arguing with a take like this even for shitposting sake
VCR I agree is iffy but you can't really expect her to not be collabing with people in the music industry
dunno, what you consider as "reformed"?
she will probably still collab with people you dislike sometimes
she is HoloEN's most or second most loyal soldier tho
Jrap>jpop for me
>liking any japanese music
shit taste
Nobody cares about actual musicians/celebs and people don’t care that much about ecelebs unless it’s someone objectionable like Koefficient and even that’s forgotten by most people within like a few weeks
Do you think post-Covid songs are Kpop or just pop sung by KR singers?
>I mean she doesn't acknowledge the EN homos anymor
You know I think that's all anyone really cares about desu
Raora is still obsessed with them
Kpop is Korean Pop. Korean singers singing in Korean. The more American feel and Hip-Hop influence usually take me out of it.
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male vtubers in general yeah. but especially holostars.
why? I think because any movement towards integration is perceived (correctly imo) as a fundamental threat to Hololive by a lot of people.
nobody cares about professional collabs with male producers or j-rappers but having retards like homoEN start showing up in everything related to Hololive would 100% destroy the appeal for people including me.
There's really no way to walk this line; including the homos in stuff is a non-starter, it's the hot stove that Cover is desperate to touch but has also learned they really can't.
>Mori and FBK with over 4k memgifts
Is this a new meta or something?
actual respected musicians are totally fair game. VCR is kind of ehhhh, sure, but that hasn't happened in like... half a year? you at least literally can't deny that what she's doing now is leagues better than what she was doing a couple years ago.
Mori had SC off for half of the month
[Koyo news] Just woke up and she's just now arrived at Mt. Gagazet
sex with peafowls
I love how delusional you guys are about things
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is VWP unicorn friendly?
I love their songs but never watch their streams
4k memberships bought with ars
She ran into Yojimbo but was too broke to afford him
Isn't that specifically to encourage people to buy album copies instead?
Some of it's pretty good
Nah, it was mostly because the majority of her solo streams were Dark Souls 3
>214 new members
That new membership tier didn't do much did it
not anymore, right now it's cause most of the streams were Dark Souls or 7d2d
You guys grinding to get ready for the new Holocure update?
Shill me this game
Curious, what was delusional about what that anon said
It's a good game
It's free
It's free. It's hololive. You lose nothing by trying it yourself.
You can play as your oshi.
We got:
>also mumei's dagger is a new weapon pickup
to be fair that may not be true
If they had branded regloss as JP7 would their numbers really be that much better?
Why grind though, don't you you just kill the update faster for yourself that way?
I started from scratch with the last update, didn't regret it. Might do it again
Grinding for casino funds. Also I personally like getting all the new characters to GRank 20 ASAP, so a decent amount go into that.
They would have had a much stronger start for sure.
Anything beyond that you can't really predict as expectations and reactions would have been completely different
And the meta will still be SoloMas stamp
Design and personality wise they would've been seen as massive downgrades from the previous gens
Would they still get shilled harder than holoX was?
Hey, until it drops on the 15th, we won't know for sure. I'm predicting that it'll be nerfed pretty hard though, Kay did the same with Nurses' Horn from the early days, and all the super broken characters got toned down.
As much as rebranding HoloID as HoloEN
Branding is important, but so is being flexible and rapidly recognizing when a talent is successfully incorporating something into their brand
Like how Haachama adopted spiderchama, which she did manage to officialize in merch
Or how Ame created Bee Ame and other la creatividad variants, where she apparently lost the argument with management to use regularly

But that's just for whole differently models
Getting updated and improved models/tracking/rigging/etc like Kiara is doing is a different story, where branding has less to do with it, and rather it's more about "fairness" due to the slow as molasses rollout of incremental updates across of all of holo, which end up being no longer state-of-the-art by the time it happens
Her mindset, goodness and trustworthy anon and so many good friend come around her is solid evidence enough.
He did
>"biggest" ID streamer
>no SC or members
let's hope all these sponsorships actually pay well and let's hope the conversion rate for those is also good so that Kobo keeps getting those
By the way the Promise makeship plushies got extended by 11 days
wait what
Copying Doobie I see
>where she apparently lost the argument with management to use regularly
ENs really need to stop being such push-overs and adopt a more do what they want/apologize latter mentality
I love how each holoEN is trying to make-up for the Ame-loss
Because Kson always is archnemesis and antithesis of Numberfags. Numberfags can't accept that someone don't concern number exist.
ahh, so Shiori's also up for a potential HYTE case. I know Nerissa did a sponsorship for them a few months ago, but did Beebs or the Bau's do one as well?
I mean management is literally reaching out to Kiara about her 3D setup because they're curious how to maybe implement it in the future.
I really doubt it's cover helping rather than her negotiating for permission and straddling their retarded line
Nice crispy thumbnail
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>Shiori said she was shadowdropping something tomorrow
>Turns out to be her first ever sponsorship in holo
uhh that's certainly a choice...
[Koyo news] She allowed two burly men to ravage Kimahri because Kimahri didn't learn Mighty Guard
every single bigger content creator always says that sponsorship money goes incredibly beyond what fan donations could ever afford them
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>you now remember Bae is an ambassador for VRChat
Funny how she didn't participate in the VRChat collab.
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>content creator newbie guide
>completely unadvertised sponsorship
>scuffed thumbnail
She talks about in her Assetto Corsa practice stream.
Debuffvella, this is not the time
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ENs and IDs
Didn't rank in the top 200: Ina and Gura
Birthdays: Gigi and Ollie
That's because most of them aren't vtubers and they don't get as many donos
Justice is allergic to SCs
Are you guys sure Kaela isn't EN?
[Koyo news] She continues to forget a very simple mechanic of this fight
With Kawaii and Prism down Cover can hire some SC queens for EN5
Absolutely disgusting
anon, after the Twitch leaks we can't really say that, those people were making absolute shitloads from subs
but megacorps have virtually infinite money
I don't think you know what begging means
[Koyo news] The Ronso say they will build a statue of Yuna with a splendid horn on it
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dead thread..
[Koyo news] She is ending stream for today
Don't forget a muthafukin chao garden
I don't think Cover wants to hitch their horse to any form of income that comes from streaming, Superchats, Memberships, Ad rev. They saw what a simple change in the algo on Youtubes end can do to destroy their momentum. That's why they're so desperate to find some other means, like HoloEarth and HoloTCG. Fortunately the TCG took off. Get a few more sources of revenue and the Youtube channels will only be for building fanbases and funneling them to the merch.
Oh no the crats me aren't going to like that if they get cases before IRyS
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actual begging is like these
Those twitch leaks covered Subs, donations, and ad revenue. Also thenumbers covered from Aug 2019 to Oct 2021.
Be interesting to know much has changed since then
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It's quiet, too quiet.
They're all pretty retarded, but why would that last one be wild? What is wild about that?
IRyS isn't really the biggest on sponsorships, right? Or am I just bad at getting a feel on that front?
>That would be WILD?????
wtf is wrong with this fucking people
i mean toxic yuri is PEAK yuri, I thought we all agreed on this
>983 waiting
yeah... LoL Esports graduations soon
>Those twitch leaks covered Subs, donations, and ad revenue.
yeah, which are specifically not sponsorship deals since those are typically negotiated between the creator and company, without the streaming service as intermediary (aside from keeping the legal stuff like marking an ad as an ad)
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Generally when I see those kinds of comments, Wile, Unhinged, they're looking forward to the fanbase meltdown that would occur, rather than looking forward to the actual stream.
The one thing she's actually been vocal one is wanting a pc peripheral sponsorship. A case yes but I know hyte do keycaps too which would be her dream. She's a really pessimist though so she's probably already written herself off
show tits
I mean Irys isn't really the first thing people imagine when they think of HoloEN
At least they're expanding their vocabularies instead of calling everything "UNHINGED" I wonder if they're becoming self aware?
...and Shiori is?
this thread is pretty jaded about shit like this, but a percentage of more casual viewers are actually into the ideas of kayfabe and lore, so anything that tickles that particular autism appeals to them
groupings of animal girls, HoloRodent, owl and a rat making a PreyDator unit, HoloDeath (despite Mori/Ollie/Rushia unit being composed of some of the most different people in the company) and various retarded Stars combos come from that
For them every mixed collab is wild and chaotic for some reason
I do know that she's a big keycaps person. If VSPO ever collapses and the chuuba mechanical keyboard market along with it, IRyS is going to pounce on that chance. Jokes aside, she's based for liking mechanicals and all that. "Hope" (get it?) she lands a sponsorship one day.
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This tranny have no shame KEK
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A ligger was almost raped by a stalker.
Why are twitter lesbians still trying to hold onto this dead ship? Fauna has more chemistry with Kiara at this point
She's in Advent
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>>88719146 (me)
The "vague" tweet
Same reasons they hold onto Kromei
Holy shit
same reasons they hold onto bloodraven
same reasons they hold onto faumei
Twitterfags have generally ceases interacting with streams, now the community is what matters
>lewdtuber almost gets raped
Who would've guessed
shiptranny seethe
have you considered doing anything else with your time
Not now Rider
And Kronii only cares about Kaela and Mori
Why reply to this guy? Why continue to read what he types? He's the cuckposter and he has deliberately constructed those tweets to annoy (you) as much as possible.
same reasons they hold onto any ship they are retards who don't even watch streams and just like to pretend they are lesbians when deep down they crave the cock, women own me sex.
>Kronii only cares about her cliques
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only niji can get this numbers no?
I'm retarded
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Is there any proof that Biboo is cute, or is that just a rrat?
How many Ballon d'or for Kuzuha?
that retard(he is thecuckposter spamming this thread if you don't know) doesn't care, he just wants to keep the argument going and keep spreading bullshit, just report ignore and stop bringing his posts here unless its really funny
fandom doko? not watching streams that's for sure
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Being cute and funny necessarily entails being cute, so Biboo must be cute
I'm glad we've moved from "da bois are big streamers too, their numbers are great!" too "actually I'm glad da bois have shit numbers and glacial growth, it's a good thing!". Shows real character development.
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Holy cope
Trying to spin the fact people don't care about them as a positive is quite amusing
They aren't parasocial. You have to actually like a streamer to watch them for hours and spend money on them. Homofags are the cool fanbase that has a normal life of human interaction (seething on twitter) They don't have time to sit around watching streams and buying merch is just cringe (they don't have jobs in the first place)
Why do they have such a rabid hate boner well i guess not boner because because they're all women but the phrase hate pussy moisting feels off for "parasociality" and "parasocial fucks," anyway? I never got that.
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this is what /#/ likes
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>Shilled by the JP twitter
>14K vod
Self loathing. Those people who seethe about parasocials are actually extremely parasocial. See Millies chat for example.
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Nahida is better.
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>grows slowly
LEMAO What a Fucking Delusion
Standing still is pretty damn slow.
Dont worry the orange homos new cover will launch them into a new era of popularity
List of HomoENs that have had a reasonable termination/graduation rrat within the past year:
>blue guy (RM)
>dingo (RM & "Tenga Incident")
>clown (RM)
>flygon (RM)
>jutard (You guys all know when and why.)
>groombullet (rrat is literally in the name jej)
>the puppet one (Same rrat as jutard, just to a lesser extent)
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Do you ever see that graphs posted /here/?
Last time they grow was from VamFAG era and it only lasted 2months till its just downhill
If they'd kept going the way they were going with that small run of streams and collabs last year. I'd say it would have been peak yuri
>Why are twitter lesbians still trying to hold onto this dead ship?
A lot of fans on twittter or outside of here in general take like 6 months to a year longer to notice things then anons here do. Seen many of them starting to notice the lack of interactions between them over the last couple of months.
So probably just trying to will it back to life again
>ywn e-date hebe Fauna
Why even live
>NijiGraduation Cinema
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Even JP saplings like CC
>sheldon cooper
But PreyDator and HoloDeath we’re both things the talent pushed first not fans. Mori was the one who wanted to make HoloDeath a thing after she spent like a year and a half convinced Rushia hated her because people called her boing boing Rushia
they need more cumbaiting and fleshs streams
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Is it? Thought that guy was in jail or something.
Yeah so crazy of them anyway PEKOMIKO$$$$$$$$$$$
As of Oct/2024, Advent as a gen has the highest superchat average in all of hololive, not only EN
He transition to a girl and they let him out or something
Im fine with that as it filters homobeggars away
>Cant shit on non-binary approve relationship
That's where you're wrong. Rider for example is very clearly against same sex stuff, but simultaneously will pretend he is not. He particularly dislikes lesbians.
They have the highest cringe coefficient as well.
>We're not parasocial like those other communities!
Says the community that used to live on a doxxsite obsessing over every interaction and the personal lives and relationships of a group of streamers
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some of them came from talents, some came from fan suggestions resonating with talents, ultimately they all were somewhat popular with casual fans
yes but he cant say it publicly and thats the point, it silence them
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Calm down Phasecuck
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>pebkek taking credit for FWMC's achievement
Why are you like this?
Yeah, but it hasn't filtered him, just given him something else to seethe about.
Rider has actually gone underground, no doubt seething about it on an alt nowadays
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are you drunk? shrooms?
that is a damn cute ina.
An achievement for Fwmc is an achievement for Biboo (and Advent)
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Is Luna playing FF8 at 4x speed?
Quick summary for people who can't watch right now, he talks about how it's a "bad year" because he wasn't able to put out as much of the music and videos and stuff as he wanted this year, and it drained some of his motivation.

A lot of the things that happened that didn't allow for him to do as much as he wanted were out of his control despite his efforts, but overall it is what it is and he'll keep pushing forward.

He thanks us for being patient and is almost done with university and he's spooked that he might fail 1 or 2 subjects
FWMC definitely carries a bit, but there's no slouch when it comes to supas in Advent, either. Pretty cool!
You are not even trying with this larp, vermin
Wrong thread homo
>he's spooked that he might fail 1 or 2 subjects


Yes kek
Nene is the new aqua
>he talks about how it's a "bad year" because he wasn't able to put out as much of the music and videos and stuff as he wanted this year
Money or management issue?
Thanks spy anon
Biboo had the second highest SCs in Advent for the last 3-4 months.
Advent in general is pretty consistantly solid to strong in Sc with FWMC being an obvious outlier
Nah, I want him to pass. I want him to do other things with his life that make the homo gig less attractive.
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Copied reddit comments are back
>real voice
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it's funny how being a Homo is just a gig and being a Holo is a full-time 6 or 7 figure career
Sakutan pornbox
Literally me
Thanks for taking the time to show what the word outlier means.
Your English classes must be going well
can you read?
>Advent in general is pretty consistantly solid to strong in Sc
This isn't true, and you're using FWMC as cover for the shortcomings of the other three.
>matsuri died to first pull
everything is suffering
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Fuwamoco is 3 people with pero so you divide by 3
Pero is just Mococo using a funny voice, so make it 2.5
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hola amigos de los numeros
why are flips so mentally ill and love harassing women?
Uncensored pussy, do not open.
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I guess it's safe to sleep now.
...and kekson

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