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>Birthday countdown
>can't break 1k viewers
>Less than 2k usd
What went wrong?
well, at least there was an attempt.
>Majority USD
Is she one of the only ones to still have that?
Is anyone surprised? She just flirts with the males as her only content and expects their fans to actually want to donate to her. That's a million dollars in her currency anyway I'm sure she's fine.
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Nah, the girls are still majority USD.
The boys though are much more interesting.
>Vox funny enough, is split pretty evenly between JPY/USD, with TWD right behind them.
>Fulgur/Ver/Doppio is split like vox, but USD is significantly above JPY/USD.
>Claude and Aster make fucking nothing so I can't even make a good split.
>EVERY other male is like 98% JPY/TWD with virtually no USD at all.

>Vanta is the only male that's overwhelmingly USD.

For comparison, all of the holostars are like 80-90+% USD.

As an example of how bad it is, Alban's 3D made 4k USD worth of superchats.
Wanna guess how much of it was USD? One single superchat of $20
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Vantablack Brapper my white man
Why is it always this guy? Is he the Scarle of the guys?
I'm tempted to go check him out. His vtuber name is so retarded he's gotta be a good streamer by Newton's third law or something.
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I don't watch him, but he seems relatively normal and just tries to be funny.

Also he flat out cancelled a stream and replaced it with a rant screaming at the sisters to stop being sisters and doxxing/harassing people and the other organs.
He seriously seems like he had no idea what he was getting into and is just kind of trying to do his own thing.
It's pretty great and it's basically him complaining about the exact same shit /we/ do about the niji fanbase.

From what I hear, Vanta, Doppio, Ren, and Ryoma are apparently the "good ones" who don't have anything even resembling a yab and just try to stream.
Ren and Doppio actively reach out to the terminated/graduated organs and try to support them in the background, and Ryoma's an island. He even matched up with Doki in apex and just brushed it off. (They even got champion that round.)
Bandage doesn't really have any yabs either but he's esl French so no one even knows what the fuck he's saying
She made an attempt OP
That's an onyan-looking motherfucker if I've ever seen one
>good ones
if they are still part of nijisanji they are not good
>thread about Reimu
>turns into a discussion about the male organs
Ah, the old classic.
I'm surprised they seemingly have no interest in fixing their shit. How do you lose 90% of your audience and income and not think you're doing something wrong?? Even if you delude yourself into believing it's because of some external factors or bad actors why aren't any of them doing anything differently? Hell just 1-1 ape hololive's whole shtick and see if you can get a little positive traction. Anything is better than doing nothing. How are they surviving?
>I'm surprised they seemingly have no interest in fixing their shit.
Oh they have plenty of interest in fixing their shit, see all those new collab songs and 3d debuts and stuff they've trotted out ever since the selen shock, they just can't get traction in the west because nothing can wipe away the stain of slandering your ex employee after they leave
>Hell just 1-1 ape hololive's whole shtick and see if you can get a little positive traction.
well back when holoen2 is still new many en vtubers claims that playing character is le bad and bee yourself is the only right thing
nijien happens to have lots of awful people so yeah, none of them going to change at all
>new collab songs
That has always been a thing since inception. It's nothing new and it would be really odd if there are no song collabs at all
>3d debuts
I wouldn't call this a W when the Golden 20 should have had 3D debuts last year with the cancelled AR live, and the debuts coincidentally started rolling out when Selen termination happened. If things were normal, Xsoleil livers would be debuting 3D this month
>stuff they've trotted out ever since the selen shock
The only thing that can actually consider a NijiEN-unique projects are the kpop song collabs and Sonny's theatre play. And no, the participation of JP events and Koshien doesn't count
Reimu is boring.
the point is that they clearly started a dedicated push to pump out more content for the en branch to try and regain trust from the west, but it failed to work because they fundamentally don't understand just how big a stigma the selen shock is
>Vox funny enough, is split pretty evenly between JPY/USD, with TWD right behind them
It's not a surprising fact to be honest considering he is the face of NijiEN right now. Every sisters I encountered always have him as either their main oshi or secondary oshi, so it's not surprising that he can bring in profit from both Western and Eastern worlds
>they fundamentally don't understand
I don't believe this one. Nip suits know they are treating their workers like shit and use "this is how it is in Japan" as an excuse. Niji can't fix anything because they never cared about their organs in the first place.
I mean the bastard tanked the initial Selen meltdown (pre-black screen) by playing Dark Souls
That's kinda based ngl
There's not much to say about Reimu besides her hot Colombian dialect.
Nobody cares about Reimu, not even her antis
The only Reimu content I've ever watched is her Spanish streams lmao.
>use "this is how it is in Japan" as an excuse
I believe that's what he means by they fundamentally don't understand why people overseas don't accept that.
More to the point, th fact that they are courting western viewers kinda invalidates that excuse now doesn't it?
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Another soul for the collection
Now we have a whole wave of latina 3 views on Idol (+Lala), so Reimu's shtick isn't that unique anymore.

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