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Cute Bearpire edition

>What is /choc/?
A general to discuss vtubers that have tanned, caramel, chocolate or overall darker skin color. EN, JP, Male, Babi, anything goes.

>Our Menu list

>/Choc/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>/Choc/ Skeb List

>Other Threads of interest:

If you want to add something to the Menu, reply to the OP.

Previous Thread >>91723954
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Azura live on Fansly
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Thanks for baking. I was debating it but was cooking dinner

Also Acti collab today got scuffed to oblivion so expect a guerilla soon.
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You forgot the (affectionate)
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I LOVE BROWN WHORES (affectionate)
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And there she is
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Seri is very cute
How are you this weekend /choc/?
Live choc
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I quit my shitty job and tomorrow is the last day I ever have to work it! It's going pretty good. How has your weekend been anon?
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Up next on /choc/! Times in JST.
NOW: Savii | https://www.twitch.tv/savii
>2AM: Goro | Holiday Matsuri
>7AM: Tome | Pokemon White Marathon
>8:30AM: Rara + Maiko | 3D Concert: Day 1
>9AM: Acti | Cute Tsundere ASMR
>10AM: Nyaru | JP Challenge: Harajuku Shopping
>12PM: Scarle | Let's Make some coal
Thanks scheduleanon
I still can’t believe Avi doxxed herself on stream lol
Dog in the big city
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All I want for Christmas is a Sana Mommy gf and positive affirmation
Choc olev
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Congrats! Are you a selfposting Oga who can finally make enough streaming? Either way I'm happy for you.

>How has your weekend been
Started kinda shitty. Lotta leg cramps yesterday, but it improved vastly when my wife did karaoke.

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