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>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
Phase Connect:>>>/vt//pcg/
EIEN Extended:>>>/vt//eiex/
V4Mirai + globie:>>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers:>>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers:>>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended:>>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended:>>>/vt//tsunx/
Stellar Verse Productions:>>>/vt//svp/
VSPO! EN + Specialite:>>>/vt//fpspec/

Previous thread: >>91870004
acti karaoke
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passionate baby making sex with Elia
how did SVP got a good ccv and other corpos didn't what's the secret
ok but how did they used that money
they attracted the phase audience
Phish's CCV isn't bad
Well I'm watching Lemi and it makes sense that she got the phase audience, she's like really mentally ill, awesome
>kawaii blacklist was real but not how you think
based honestly
fuck phase
Swear I got Clara ads on kawaii channels. Phase was fine. V4M too.
Isla HAGman
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>isla got a comment saying her eyes are scary on her debut and it's still living rent free in her head
No one approaches this princess because she's scary and intimidating...
acti should go full sexo and sing "you own me, please use my body"
/corpo/ cute
you get ads?
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dumb witch
I'm starting to see why you all like Brit girls so much
Cute retard
coalknights are in for a rude awakening
You forgot to link Elia
That was a purposeful action.
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Yura Love!
sad cope
If you aren't at least 30 years old you shouldn't be a vtuber
VSPO bots their chuubas, too, it's nothing new.
Which boring zoomer chuuba is this?
project verses gen 2
Dumb retard woman struggling with a 3x3 sliding block puzzle like it's a Mensa test
cooming to shiki
cut her some slack she's only a teenager
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I love whores so much
White woman should fansly her feet
i just assumed she already did
A fair assumption
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made for plapping
they've been around for 10 days it's not like they are mid 3views
Blair... you can do it...
Whore can't even bother to wake up to stream
vtuber handshake event where you can touch their feet
>vtuber handshake event
>where you can touch their feet
absolutely disgraceful
Probably sleeping in, in some fat ojisan's bed
yeah, mine
I hate all of them except for Phish

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