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Why is it so hard to find tropical anime images, reeee I hate winter
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>reeee I hate winter
I totally agree. Winter is the worst time of the year and summer is the best!
I miss this art style more than you will ever know.
The OVA era is to me like the era of chivalry was to Don Quixote. A golden age that probably wasn't as amazing or innovative as I think I remember, but the images and words burned on my heart from that 20-30 year stretch from the early 80's to the mid 00's, they make me long for a time that was only ever half real.
The tropics are NOT comfy….k maybe a foggy winter morning deep in the jungle after a rain…MAYBE…
Explain why anon, I was never there and fetishize the idea because of that
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Here's the other one
Its fucking hot and humid, you breathe hot and humid air, you're always hot and humid no matter what, you will always look oily, take a shower and 2 seconds later you're sweating anyway, ice cream helps until you finish it, and youre not always under the water as people might think.

also mosquitoes.
Sounds like Houston. Swamp ass 24/7? Check.
What's a good alternative?
Anything that has a noticeable season change instead of being hot all the time.
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North Houston is a bit better. It sounds like you live near La Porte or League City
North Houston, actually. League City, La Porte, Kemah all that feels like breathing water.
>inb4 woodland
As someone else living in the tropics I can confirm it's complete garbage. All year, always 30+c, always humid, even in fucking winter. It is disgusting.
Not far off, but no. Fuck those rich assholes.
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Bless. I hate those haughty bastards
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Anon who made this wallpaper here
Glad to see that you like it.
Here's another one for you
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Thank you!
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Tropical Rogue Pretty Cure will solve your winter blues.
I made this one too ;)
Probably because the type who enjoy the tropics aren't the type who draw jp arts, comission some southeast asian anime artists or something.
based and redpilled
it beats being fucking freezing every day and seeing the sun like 20 days a year
I live in the tropics and I am actually planning on moving somewhere colder. It's hot and rainy all day long everyday, so people are always oily and smelly. You can't wear anything nice because it's too hot, so people usually wear shorts and t-shirts/tank tops. Now people usually think "well, at least I'm near barely clothed women all the time" but the women are usually fat and brown with disgusting oily curly hair. I'd rather live in Yukon or Alaska tbqh
>arguing over summer and winter
Smh fall is the best time of the year.
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it does get below 30 celsius in our parts. esp. during the dry months. its only during later december to feburary though. hottest months are during march-may. rest of the year are just plain rainy.
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I used your BG. I'm working on a render in shape version of this. I'm not sure if I like this.
And done. This render took forever, I like it, but you can tell I'm still getting the feathering for the hair right.
I'll be honest man that shape looks like shit, both the noise and the color
That's fine. I can easily change both. Thanks for the honesty.
>Here you go anon, hope these better suit your tastes.
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All of this is not real if you live in the best topics, Hawaii
Hawaii is semi-tropical, go suck a tiki
>go suck a tiki
Pure cope
>carpark sign
wtf where
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Feels weird to say but that sand is so uncanny valley.
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Forgot the pic. Sorry!
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dont worry climate change will mace it tropical everywhere
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Living in Florida(The Keys Especially) is better than Living Hawaii: Change my Mind.
It looks like the Beaches you would see in the Pacific, Especially in Thailand, or the Maldives.
Florida Man
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I suppose I'll contribute
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I think I have a couple more somewhere.
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holy fuuuuuuck
not op but Spring and feel like outside of a couople months that I avoid sunshine its not that bad and decently cheap.
Pretty sure original reply is referring to the fact it seems the sand is dropped on to a photo of the wallpaper - as the sand doesn't seem to properly follow the contour of the surface it's sitting on
the fuck does 30c supposed to mean
anyone got HOTD wallpapers? ideally from or referring the beach OVA
30 Celsius, or 389.5 washing machine cycles to cheeseburger degrees to you Americans
Winter and -25C is not a problem, what really brings people down is November. It is cold and since it is not cold enough it is also wet. It is also fairly dark, later the white snow brightens everything and dampens the noise.

I think the idea is that the water level increased.
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Living for Spring, Summer and Fall
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I'm in love
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Have another one then
nakadashi yoko
Oh wah, when I lived in MN we’d get 90% humidity in the Summer.

One of the islands in Hawaii is one of the only places on Earth that doesn’t have mosquitoes.
bumping this good thread

it's considered improper to "bump" a thread without content
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i want to post something but i am totally out of tropical pics... So just BUMP.
I'm only here for the bare feet wallpapers
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in response to the anons from many many months ago, i can say that the tropics are a lot more enjoyable if youre visiting and not living there. i agree with the anon that said hawaii is a good balance instead of going full tropics. hawaii during the winter months is great and even during the summer its tolerable because often you will have a strong breeze blowing every day

Isla de Pascua is pretty good as well
>many many months ago
times moves fast, I'm op and I read every post, not like that's a hard thing to do but still
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ill keep that in mind for the future when i travel. itd be nice to go somewhere new, thank you for the recommendation.
yeah i remember seeing this thread first pop up and posting in it, but id been unable to take a look since then. nice to see you still around. i dont have many crazy pictures but heres a simple one.
What's the name for this particular aesthetic? Like ocean themed worlds, architecture n' shit. Genuinely my favorite but I never learned the name so I can never find the type of images I'm looking for.

pirates of the caribbean
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Winter is supreme elitist ubermensch master race.
Fat retarded murican detected.
These are sooo good. Thank you.
Sex with brown native girls.
Canon camera? What a dumb fuck slut. If she had half a brain cell she would know to buy a Sony.
of course anon, glad you liked!
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I've seen this wallpaper so many times and it's one of my favorites ever. Anyone have a 1920x1080 version or better? Also is this a reference to something?
Hawaii is literally right in the tropics retard. Semi-tropical would be like Florida or northern Mexico.
Now this is based, and dare I say it, quite redpilled as well.
I love when it is actually cold (not this wet ass bs now) but this... That looks like an absolute chill time nothing but enjoying... I like it
hawaii is so awesome... any good beaches on the coast of japan?
yes the tropics ARE comfy, you are just a pasty regionlet
god i fucking wish this was how i lived
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good thread utterly ruined by pedos
It's me again, managed to move to Europe, climate here is much better. The tropics can suck a dick
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Anyone have any good Summer Time Render papes?
wonderful, congratulation on moving, Im suffering the tropic summer here has been consistently 33C+ the Air Conditioner is my only respite.
Are you sure? It is 1. May today and it was snowing. Spring is postponed, possibly cancelled.
As long as it rains and its 22 C im all right with spring being cancelled.
Late I know, but I hope this anon post more because I like this.
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it's not much, but i got this one
is this from the summertime render ed?
blue board dude
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Very comfy
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it's from an old rpg system and setting from /tg/ called CATastrophe. Got a bunch of surprisingly good art when it had its 10 minutes of fame back in teh day.
This is almost a perfect wallpaper for me, if only it were a little less empty. Having a hard time finding a wallpaper that's not too busy or too empty.
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