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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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File: download.png (2.84 MB, 1080x2340)
2.84 MB
2.84 MB PNG
• Please always do a reverse image search before you ask us for help; iqdb and SauceNao are very helpful for anime-related images.
• Please explain your request in detail. We can't read your mind; every hint helps us get you the image you want.
• Please give the specific image size desired: WIDTH x HEIGHT is the convention when giving dimensions.
• Please include all requests in one reply. Link any additional requests to the original request.
• There is a separate thread for vectors. Please take your vector requests there: >>>/w/vector
• This is a SFW board. If you must request a lewd picture, please do warn us before you post the link.
• Please upload and link to an image hosting sites such as catbox.moe; mixtape.moe; temporary file hosters like uguu.se make the most sense, so use them whenever possible. Please DO NOT use Imgur — it compresses images.
• Please DO NOT add white space NOR stretch/shrink your picture since that makes it harder to work on.
• Please be patient. Your request might be very difficult or maybe the available editors are not interested. Don't take it personally.
• Please DO NOT «bump» your requests.


• Please DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
• Please BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.
• DO NOT harass people. HELP when they ask for an edit or let others deal with the request.
• CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is always welcome.

4chan Image/Thread Limitations:
• Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels will NOT post. (1000x599 or 479x1000 will NOT work)
• Images LARGER than 6MB will NOT post.
• Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG, WEBM
• Maximum resolution allowed is 10000x10000

Previous Thread: >>2251683
File: shiro_youduki.jpg (2.11 MB, 2048x1443)
2.11 MB
2.11 MB JPG
Request to remove the text, tha hair-bow and, if possible, change the eye-color into a blue like in the OP's pic in >>2250468 but with a dash of purple and with round irises.
File: Untitled.png (967 KB, 810x810)
967 KB
967 KB PNG
Rerequesting >>2252647. I noticed the previous image had noticeable noise, so here's a version with less noise to make it easier. Thanks!
Render her with the grass and butterflies and heart, please.
File: TotK Link Zelda.png (4.19 MB, 2560x1440)
4.19 MB
4.19 MB PNG
Would someone be able to fill in the white area at the top of this? Much appreciated
File: 1701914127756990.png (4.91 MB, 3000x4000)
4.91 MB
4.91 MB PNG
Sorry ,this one I would like 2560x1440 and the top one the bottom text removed.
>Please DO NOT add white space NOR stretch/shrink your picture since that makes it harder to work on.
Does anybody can remove the watermark on this? plsss
File: 114709341_p0.jpg (944 KB, 1000x2000)
944 KB
944 KB JPG
Can I get the text removed.
File: 1687687254467375.png (4.64 MB, 8818x4960)
4.64 MB
4.64 MB PNG
Can someone please remove the Q in the middle?
File: rei_asuka_wallpaper_4k.png (2.85 MB, 3840x2160)
2.85 MB
2.85 MB PNG
Got rid of the banding and JPEG artifacts too.
Full res (too big to post): https://files.catbox.moe/t1nwpk.png
Tell me what resolution your monitor is and I'll resize the wallpaper in a way that maintains the dithering.
1920 x 1080
File: rei_asuka_wallpaper_1080p.png (838 KB, 1920x1080)
838 KB
838 KB PNG
Perfect, thanks a lot!
File: IMG_3994.jpg (1.59 MB, 1727x1408)
1.59 MB
1.59 MB JPG
Can someone please remove all the pink background and the text? Leave it transparent. Thank you so much.
File: akemashite_omedetou.png (1.27 MB, 1727x1408)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB PNG
Can I get these rendered?
Can I get a detext, a white left to black right gradient and resize to 1920x1080?
File: MELT.png (1.61 MB, 1181x1670)
1.61 MB
1.61 MB PNG
Re-request to add the missing bits of hair by expanding outwards the side borders of the image. Remove the hair-bow and the jacket so it's easier to just add hair. Add petals on the new areas to complement the image if it's not that much of a bother.
Requesting a render please. Her outfit's slightly lewd, catboxed for blue board
Can I get her on a 1080x2340 with a BG like her eye pattern and colirs?
File: ame.png (488 KB, 558x1653)
488 KB
488 KB PNG
That's one, thank you!
File: file.png (1.17 MB, 1170x1255)
1.17 MB
1.17 MB PNG
Happy new years anons. I'm asking for someone to finish the top part of her horns. Here's a reference if needed
Thank you so much!
File: IMG_4044.jpg (418 KB, 2048x2048)
418 KB
418 KB JPG
Can someone please remove the text/watermark and then get rid of all the white background?

Thank you very much.
File: wallhaven-lmdgql.png (3.62 MB, 1920x1080)
3.62 MB
3.62 MB PNG
Can I get this converted to 3840 x 2160 resolution.
File: nier_wallpaper.jpg (5.63 MB, 3840x2160)
5.63 MB
5.63 MB JPG
File: 15a.jpg (323 KB, 1280x1920)
323 KB
323 KB JPG
Can someone make this into a 16:9 wallpaper with Misato on the far right. I want the background to be replaced by a plain color (something similar to the one on the floor so it fits good and shadow is remained). Also if possible remove the sauce bottle and finish her right knee.

Also can someone change her panties from black to the ones on the image below (it's the same size and all)
Requesting render
Thank u so much
File: 122690543151_1.png (5.31 MB, 2123x3435)
5.31 MB
5.31 MB PNG
Requesting transparent bg
Can someone remove the background, please.
Would someone render her and fonish her ears?
File: 1703719368482637.png (2.55 MB, 2880x2160)
2.55 MB
2.55 MB PNG
Request the removal of the male character
Could anyone come up with a 1080x2640 wallpaper using this image?
File: asuka-render.png (1.47 MB, 1283x2048)
1.47 MB
1.47 MB PNG
pretty rough around the edges if you put it on a dark enough background so if it doesn't work for you let me know, i might fix it lol
File: embed0012.jpg (420 KB, 915x1570)
420 KB
420 KB JPG
Request transparent background
>>2252412 Rerequest.
File: guel_render.png (637 KB, 915x1570)
637 KB
637 KB PNG
File: guel_render_v2.png (656 KB, 915x1570)
656 KB
656 KB PNG
waifu2x got thrown off by the dark red background and made the outline too thin.
That's not up to my snuff, so here's V2 with the issue fixed.
Please finish her ponytail and put her at the bottom of a 1080x2340 top gold to bottom blue gradient the color of her shorts and waistband.
File: agfrgadgfhadhg.png (1.21 MB, 1080x2340)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB PNG
File: arsgragaregaga.png (929 KB, 1256x2276)
929 KB
929 KB PNG
File: afrgthqarhsdbadfgh.png (1.7 MB, 1283x2048)
1.7 MB
1.7 MB PNG
my attempt, tried to brighten
Thank you!
Thanks, anon.
File: 1.png (107 KB, 794x625)
107 KB
107 KB PNG
There are some pixels with I put her on a darker background
File: 1703949190786403---EDIT1.png (1.08 MB, 1564x2200)
1.08 MB
1.08 MB PNG
File: 1703949190786403---EDIT2.png (1.01 MB, 1564x2200)
1.01 MB
1.01 MB PNG
I missed some things
Thank you!
>This is a SFW board. If you must request a lewd picture, please do warn us before you post the link.
Guys, I have a prompt that I would like to her hand get fixed, but is a lewd content, can I post it?
This is the original image. I'll post the lewd version tomorrow.
What kind of AI shit is that?
You can post lewds using external services like catbox. But most editors here dislike working with AI shit for obvious reasons. So I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.
File: 1.jpg (330 KB, 1280x1814)
330 KB
330 KB JPG
Please finish her knee and ponytail and put her at the bottom of a 1080x2340 similar to the original BG, but without any text.
Can I get her bottom of a 1080x2340 the color of the lighter brown in her outfit, or if you'refeeling artistic, a combination pattern of both colors?
File: 1704391907426682---EDIT1.png (519 KB, 1080x2340)
519 KB
519 KB PNG
That's the adorabalest! Thank yoy+
NSFW(!) request for someone who can draw a little. Can someone finish the bath part and the wall on the left side of the image? Just a very simple texture to fill the white space.

Can someone please dry off Revy please? Use this as a guide if you need it. https://files.catbox.moe/ei656e.jpg

Thanks in advance!
File: 111cb1488d.png (951 KB, 850x1272)
951 KB
951 KB PNG
Requesting background removal and finish her knee if possible too
Can someone make it into a 16:9 wallpaper with the girl on the right please?

Thanks for the info anon, very much appreciated. I don't know how the rules were executed here so the sake of the thread and you guys, I understood did what I did.


Well, this image above in question.Can you fix her hand to have the right fingers count? Any kind of shape (V pose, doing something random) is welcome :)
File: Hair-Ref.jpg (270 KB, 2490x1259)
270 KB
270 KB JPG
Sorry to ask again but requesting to give the girl an ahoge in the way of the blue-haired girl in >>2252993 but a bit longer and a bit more curved. And, if possible, make the bits of hair that are right in-between her eyes go across her face like in>>2252848 but much shorter, around the point of her fingers. Pic related for the ref.
File: oroborus.png (968 KB, 1256x2276)
968 KB
968 KB PNG
vectored outline and used >>2253025 's work removing the sig
Looks great, thank you!
Can I get her at the bottom of a 1080x2340 with a top left to bottom right gradient the opposite of her umbrella colors? (Pink to blue)
Please resize to 1920x1080 and combine all three. I'm not picky where the girls are, or placement.
NSFW, nudity
Make the background white, please. And remove the guy on the right.
File: Love Hina.jpg (215 KB, 1024x768)
215 KB
215 KB JPG
Would someone be able to upscale this to 3840x2160?
Can I get her on the same blue BG 1080x2340 as the middle part? No mushroom or penguin please.
Hello, can someone please adjust it to fit in smartphone wallpaper. Thanks in advance. (°u°)
>• Please give the specific image size desired: WIDTH x HEIGHT is the convention when giving dimensions.
1080 x 2460 pixels
Sorry, it's my first time :'(
File: 1704.jpg (450 KB, 1080x2460)
450 KB
450 KB JPG
File: misatoenderofbeers.jpg (643 KB, 3840x2160)
643 KB
643 KB JPG
Always feel a bit guilty butchering Scia's works. Here you go. Clean (ish) render here: https://files.catbox.moe/1mp360.png
Wow, that is amazing work, anon! Thank you very much!
You said simple, so I took some liberties with the tub. Hope you like. https://files.catbox.moe/vy8tgo.jpg
Thanks. You're very welcome!
File: bigpeachygazongas.jpg (827 KB, 1920x1080)
827 KB
827 KB JPG
Here you go.
Thanks, massively.
File: ilrevysecco.jpg (290 KB, 1050x1485)
290 KB
290 KB JPG
This has to be one of the first times in human history that someone requests the anime waifu to be made *less* moist. Good practice though, was fun to splash some paint on. Here you go.
Yeah, that looks alright. Nice and simple, thanks, anon.
File: 12555678908767.png (2.18 MB, 2545x2545)
2.18 MB
2.18 MB PNG
Request color ref: https://gofile.io/d/hIWRQO
Please delete BG around bound elf, thx
Can I get her and the wreath in the middle of a #84B6CF 1080x2340?
Thanks I rlly appreciate
File: frieren_render.png (1 MB, 1429x2000)
1 MB
I'm glad I gave you some practice. Great work, thanks!
Thank you!
File: wreathfu.jpg (974 KB, 1080x2340)
974 KB
974 KB JPG
Thank you, she's lovely!
File: bluehairfu.jpg (549 KB, 1080x2340)
549 KB
549 KB JPG
Here you go. (Mostly) starless version: https://files.catbox.moe/wpeglo.jpg
You're welcome!
Thanks anon!
Too small to post: https://files.catbox.moe/nwoccs.jpeg

Can someone please remove the artist signature/watermark?

Thank you.
I know she smokes in the graphic novels, but can someone erase Ramona's cigarette, please? 'm not a big fan of cigarettes.
File: mz.jpg (100 KB, 567x801)
100 KB
100 KB JPG
could someone remove the background from this? thanks!
File: maki_render.png (231 KB, 567x801)
231 KB
231 KB PNG
Thanks a lot ^^
File: 107111793_p0.png (3.34 MB, 3750x3750)
3.34 MB
3.34 MB PNG
Can someone make it 16:9 (not less than 1920x1080) and reduce the scale of the square with car and a label under it to make it look a little smaller? (you can even make both variants with reduced scare and not)
File: 11317593.png (1.57 MB, 1416x2006)
1.57 MB
1.57 MB PNG
Request to "fix" the girl, that is to say to erase the face cracks and undo the liquid-like effect. Keep the eyes/hair as they are
render of Mai Shiranui (the girl in the center) please
Can someone please remove all the white background from this one? >>2251361

Thanks a bunch
File: IMG_1450.png (641 KB, 1510x1510)
641 KB
641 KB PNG
File: ramona-nosig.jpg (335 KB, 1268x1268)
335 KB
335 KB JPG
How's this?
Added a bonus:
File: 1705435157855125.png (8 KB, 2560x1440)
8 KB
Can I get this in a 1080x2340 same BG color with her on the lower right detexted?
File: ZEROTWO.jpg (259 KB, 1920x1089)
259 KB
259 KB JPG

I simply used MS paint, was an easy job, enjoy.
File: wallpaper.png (9 KB, 1080x2340)
9 KB
Thank you anon!
>• Please always do a reverse image search before you ask us for help; iqdb and SauceNao are very helpful for anime-related images.
Can I get her at the bottom of a #CEAFAD 1080x2340?
File: misty_wallpaper_cutout.png (981 KB, 1920x1080)
981 KB
981 KB PNG
File: misty_wallpaper_full.jpg (3.37 MB, 1920x1080)
3.37 MB
3.37 MB JPG
Render: https://files.catbox.moe/5zsfod.png
Can I get her on the bottom of a 1080x2340 black to original color top to bottom gradient?
May I have this but with a black background and cropped to fit a standard smartphone resolution (what is the standard res for smartphones?) of, let's say, 800 x 1500 or larger?
File: ruby_gloom_wallpaper.png (1.06 MB, 1080x2340)
1.06 MB
1.06 MB PNG
Thank you!
Hey, that looks really good! Thanks! And thanks for the bonus!
File: GEDgV-QbkAAqVdy.jpg (266 KB, 1821x2579)
266 KB
266 KB JPG
Requesting recoloring of the girl.
color example:
color example
File: IMG_4905.jpg (246 KB, 1327x2048)
246 KB
246 KB JPG
Can someone please finish drawing the arm on the right side, and then remove all the white background? Thank you very much.
NTA but can someone make a 720 x 1600 mobile pape with this image?
File: misato_wallpaper.png (443 KB, 720x1600)
443 KB
443 KB PNG
hello please change the color from red to a light purple
File: purple_torii.png (28 KB, 1140x1140)
28 KB
thank you very much kind sir.
File: phonewall263.jpg (811 KB, 2621x4096)
811 KB
811 KB JPG
Hi can someone please finish the top of her head, and the sides of her to fit on a 1920x1080 wallpaper while having Rider centered?
File: IMG_4957.jpg (252 KB, 1248x1824)
252 KB
252 KB JPG
Good evening. Can someone please finish drawing the arm on the right side?

Thanks a lot.
Just to make sure, the right side of the image, not his right arm, right?
File: crackwaifu2.png (1.87 MB, 1416x2006)
1.87 MB
1.87 MB PNG
Here's just the face and hand fixed. I didn't see anything else outside of the eyes and hair that had the liquid effect, if I missed something, let me know.
File: thelinkup2.jpg (945 KB, 2560x1440)
945 KB
945 KB JPG
File: 1694602592367085.jpg (736 KB, 1920x1200)
736 KB
736 KB JPG
Please remove the letters
>if I missed something, let me know
You got it all. Thank you!
Correct. It would be just that tip of the shoulder.
Requesting background removal
File: Cal_Add_2001_10.png (1.86 MB, 1920x1200)
1.86 MB
1.86 MB PNG
File: ryo_render.png (3.19 MB, 3931x6400)
3.19 MB
3.19 MB PNG
File: Space Maria 01.jpg (640 KB, 3000x3000)
640 KB
640 KB JPG
Render please.
File: maria_render.png (2.61 MB, 3000x3000)
2.61 MB
2.61 MB PNG
Needs more JPEG /s.
Cheers anon.
Cool, here you go!
You're welcome!
Er, forgot to export to .png.
File: 85809861_p1.jpg (1.19 MB, 972x1816)
1.19 MB
1.19 MB JPG
Render request of this Tifa artwork please.
Can someone please finish drawing the arm of the EVA 02 (robot) at the left side, and then remove all the white background? Thank you

File: 1705809721672908.jpg (1.2 MB, 2928x2928)
1.2 MB
1.2 MB JPG
Requesting render
Render please
Can I get this on a 1080x2340 with the same retro style, with a similar blue as the main BG color?
File: shampoo_render.png (1.32 MB, 1192x2048)
1.32 MB
1.32 MB PNG
image was too huge to upload
Can anyone removed the background including the bandmembers and Luffy but leave the hands. Thanks
File: 1705918342359.jpg (251 KB, 1824x1824)
251 KB
251 KB JPG
Testing Krita on mobile. Kind of sucks for editing, but usable.
BTW, who is the artist? Or is this AI?
seems to be AI @Shoppy_0909
Go figure. Well, that's what I get for not looking closely enough.
Reipload to catbox my dude. That image is compressed to hell and back.
Thank you very much!!!
You're welcome! Enjoy.

Can someone please put some of the same circles/triangles/pointypatterns on the left and right sides so the white background doesn't feel so empty? Thank you
Can I get the BG removed?
File: sucy.png (1.21 MB, 1024x1536)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB PNG
Can someone please extend the left side of this pic until you reach a 16:9 aspect ratio? According to my math it should be 2730x1536. The idea is to preserve the manga-like pattern that you can see in the purple background.
>JPEG artifacts
Please post the original JPEG.
File: meruccubus_render.png (1.06 MB, 1188x2364)
1.06 MB
1.06 MB PNG
Beautiful! Thank you!
File: sucy_wallpaper.png (1.1 MB, 2731x1536)
1.1 MB
1.1 MB PNG
Can I get him in the lower right corner?
crap. here you go
File: dragoncat_wallpaper.png (3.72 MB, 1080x2340)
3.72 MB
3.72 MB PNG
Thank you anon!
File: IMG_5110.jpg (403 KB, 2160x2960)
403 KB
403 KB JPG
Can someone please remove the signature and all the background around this little witch here? Thank you.
File: 1690794043337102.png (3.01 MB, 2000x2838)
3.01 MB
3.01 MB PNG
Requesting detext (watermarks too) and white background
File: 1706056898641321.png (2.08 MB, 2000x2838)
2.08 MB
2.08 MB PNG
Requesting render please
File: zzz_sakaz_(artist).jpg (100 KB, 1193x843)
100 KB
100 KB JPG
req to remove text and 2x the image afterwards
File: 7.jpg (236 KB, 1132x1600)
236 KB
236 KB JPG
Requesting a 2K (2560x1440) wallpaper, style can be your choice. Please and thank you! <3
File: wallhaven-ex2r6r.png (2.25 MB, 5120x2880)
2.25 MB
2.25 MB PNG
can someone please add some classic kill la kill stars (see reference) in the white background so that it doesn't look too empty?

- https://files.catbox.moe/m5xroc.gif
- https://files.catbox.moe/6mdv3k.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/km3zyn.png
- https://files.catbox.moe/vpfr8a.jpg
- https://files.catbox.moe/vmhxr8.jpg

they can be bright and stylish or in solid color, the idea is for it to not look so empty. thanks a lot
File: IMG_5229.jpg (208 KB, 1331x1945)
208 KB
208 KB JPG
Hello. Can someone please finish drawing the tip of hand that’s cut at the right side? If you could remove the white background while leaving the shadow intact that would be fantastic as well. Thanks a bunch.
File: 006.jpg (107 KB, 800x710)
107 KB
107 KB JPG
Anyone want to do a quick render of this? The shadows are kinda kicking my ass. Would appreciate it
this would look fantastic as a vector. also the original looks a bit smaller but cleaner if any editors need it: https://files.catbox.moe/xljq4n.jpg
File: sucy.jpg (500 KB, 1252x2430)
500 KB
500 KB JPG
can someone please seamlessly remove the text on this illustration?
You think the smaller one looks cleaner? That's the one I had on hand but the version I posted I got directly from the artists gallery site, I still can't tell which is supposed to be the "source". I agree tho
File: racaseal_render.png (161 KB, 800x710)
161 KB
161 KB PNG
Looks great thanks!
Please make her barefoot.
File: Sucy Manbavaran.png (324 KB, 1252x2430)
324 KB
324 KB PNG
thank you! thank you! thank you!
Can someone finish the upper part of Yui's guitar(the girl on the right). Just draw part of the guitar, as if it is behind the Haruhi's (girl in the center) ass.

Perfect, thanks a lot.
File: thigh_guitar.png (654 KB, 1280x1280)
654 KB
654 KB PNG
File: 486776.jpg (312 KB, 1275x1755)
312 KB
312 KB JPG
can somebody remove the text?
Thank you!
Can I get this with a purple gradient background with a 3840x2160 resolution?
File: 1000008459-transformed.jpg (2.71 MB, 2732x1536)
2.71 MB
2.71 MB JPG
Can I get her on the bottom of a 1080x2340, same BG?
Damn, NM about bottom I just realized her head isn't finished. So just her in the middle is fine.
File: 770240129005329.jpg (1.39 MB, 776x2468)
1.39 MB
1.39 MB JPG
Request transparent background
Thank you very much!!
Could you post the two source images in full?
That is, both:
-The higher-res one with the screentone pattern (and presumably, text)
- The lower-res one without screentone (and presumably textless) used for patching over the other

I think it'd be easier to just upscale the lower res version, than try to remove the screentone pattern in the higher res version.
I could try to remove the screentone, but with the method I use, the lower res patches are detrimental.
Can I get her on the bottom of this and have Unit 02 out of focus?
the people on this thread do a lot of cool stuff like that: >>2247201

but you must provide them a transparent background. editors in this thread can also do the work for you... both approaches can look cool. hope you get what you're visualising
Yeah, I don't want her in a render. I want her raw against the BG, but a render of her would look cool in the render thread.
File: chilblainDENOVO.jpg (374 KB, 1280x912)
374 KB
374 KB JPG
Could anyone try to remove the girl? Thanks!
File: IMG_5428.jpg (147 KB, 1074x2048)
147 KB
147 KB JPG
Transparent background render please? Thanks a lot
File: u0g36g.jpg (607 KB, 1080x2400)
607 KB
607 KB JPG
Thank you!
File: 1706488466636322.jpg (1.74 MB, 1080x2340)
1.74 MB
1.74 MB JPG
Dude, you finished her head! Thank you!
Different anon. Can I get a transparent background version of Asuka?
File: 1000008975-removebg.png (1.44 MB, 1448x2048)
1.44 MB
1.44 MB PNG
Requesting transparent background thank you
File: Ftwo_mSagAE3vsQ.jpg (380 KB, 2025x1421)
380 KB
380 KB JPG
NSFW: https://files.catbox.moe/84jywq.jpg

Can someone please make a transparent background render of this bunnygirl? Thanks
Can someone make the background white and rotate her so that the chair is "standing" on the ground normally. And finish the rightmost chair leg, please.

Blue board
File: esphelt.png (2.62 MB, 2000x3500)
2.62 MB
2.62 MB PNG
/w/ is a blue board, anon.
Original request: render with no background pls :3
sorry mb
File: 1704479463726917.png (711 KB, 1920x1080)
711 KB
711 KB PNG
Can someone please change the background color similar to the one from the link.

This is what I meant by rotating.
However when I try doing it with gimp it's all distorted.
>However when I try doing it with gimp it's all distorted.
You're having that problem because Interpolation is set to None in the Rotate tool's settings.
Set it to anything else and it won't be distorted.
Can I get her on a 1080x2340 the color of her hair, and a white border around her to make her look like a sticker?
File: lum_wallpaper.png (1.3 MB, 1080x2340)
1.3 MB
1.3 MB PNG
Render without shadow: https://files.catbox.moe/u6jh1z.png
Render with shadow: https://files.catbox.moe/80z6zw.png
File: blackredbggirl.png (961 KB, 1920x1080)
961 KB
961 KB PNG
Here you go. If you're using both of them for a dual monitor thing let me know which way and I can turn the gradient another way to make it flow better.
File: singergirlrender.png (3.26 MB, 2000x3500)
3.26 MB
3.26 MB PNG
Still testing the color to alpha method. Seems to work best with shapes like these with thick single-color outlines.
Missed a spot. Catboxing so as not to drown the thread. https://files.catbox.moe/6q6p1k.png
Thanks anon!
File: 1701334583327478.png (1.09 MB, 1920x910)
1.09 MB
1.09 MB PNG
Yes this is perfect, thank you so much. I actually have another monitor but was curious if you would also do the same with this one but orange black like the previous one. If not that's okay, still thank you so much.
File: blackredbggirl2.png (1.31 MB, 1920x1080)
1.31 MB
1.31 MB PNG
Sure, no problem. This gradient should look good whichever way you arrange them. If not, let me know, I can do one big gradient and split it.

And here she is on the original side, if you wanted that: https://files.catbox.moe/v7jqv6.png
Thank you again. Have a nice day.
My pleasure - you as well.
File: hornyflaminggirl.png (1.18 MB, 1170x1355)
1.18 MB
1.18 MB PNG
How's this?
File: purutimu.png (5.11 MB, 5120x2880)
5.11 MB
5.11 MB PNG
Less is more, IMO. This feels like the right amount.
Can you do that but in a 1080x2340 and a shade of the blue in the BG? Doesn't have to be the same, just similar.
Thank you!!
File: bluetallshapething.png (1.06 MB, 1080x2340)
1.06 MB
1.06 MB PNG
A render would take forever and also honestly detract from the 'pop' - so I tried this way. Hope you like it.
You're welcome!
Awesome! Thank you!
File: thumb-1920-829610.png (1.43 MB, 1920x1080)
1.43 MB
1.43 MB PNG
I have a weird request. Could someone do the background without Asuka? Also could you please replace the three purple squares with red ones similar to all the other ones? Thanks a lot!
Sorry, I'm misread your request.
Will still leave the render here in case it's of use to anyone.
Requesting the removal of the text on the background and a version of the image with just the blonde girl
That's why I said it's a weird one. :)
Everyone normally would ask for the render, I'm asking for the other thing. I knew the render existed, I searched it. It's just that I'd like to do the same wallpaper but being able to move Asuka around, and I'd like those purple squares to be red so there's not such a high contrast, since I want to use it as a Discord background.
File: boxground2.png (1.65 MB, 1920x1080)
1.65 MB
1.65 MB PNG
A bit weird, as you say, but why not. Inkscape'd from scratch.

And here's a downscaled 1080p jpeg with a tiny bit of 'crunch' - plus tiny file size, I don't know what size file discord lets one upload. https://files.catbox.moe/53b7nt.jpg

I can do higher res too, let me know.
If you could please do the three boxes with more or less the same color as the others I'd appreciate it.
Regarding the size, it would be great in 4k. Thanks a lot for your help!
Can do. (6+ MB so can't post here.)

That's great, that's what I wanted. Thanks a lot!
Awesome, glad you like. You're welcome!
File: UU.jpg (384 KB, 1920x1080)
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384 KB JPG
Requesting this image to be sharpened (or just make it look more crisp in general)

Thanks in advance!
/w/ is an anime board, so go ask on /wg/.
There’s an IMT there too.
Can I get her towards the bottom of a 1080x2340 with the Ben Day dots, but without the BG image?
Same color pattern on the BG please.
File: meruccubus_wallpaper.png (2.53 MB, 1080x2340)
2.53 MB
2.53 MB PNG
Render: https://files.catbox.moe/wyby0z.png
File: meruccubus_wallpaper.png (2.53 MB, 1080x2340)
2.53 MB
2.53 MB PNG
With shadow.
Thank you, this is awesome! The render is a nice bonus.
Can I get this resized to 1080x2340 and her sunglasses finished? I'd like her resized to about half size? Also, a shadow behind her too, please and include the wooden thing she's leaning against too.
File: 1.jpg (388 KB, 1280x1792)
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388 KB JPG
Can someone make the background in the same dark blue color that is under her shadow? Keeping the grain like pattern as if it's paper
File: 1707182941589174.jpg (926 KB, 1280x1920)
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926 KB JPG
Great! Thanks a lot.
Can I get a background removal, as well as a de-text on the legs? Thanks in advance.
File: IMG_5736.jpg (175 KB, 896x1268)
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175 KB JPG
Hello. Can someone please turn this into a 16:9 aspect ratio wallpaper? Please no AI upscaling or cropping. Since it already is 896x1268 maybe it could make for a good 2560x1440 or 1920x1080. Thank you so much in advance.
File: ezgif-3-dcd75ef876.jpg (480 KB, 1200x1200)
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480 KB JPG
Requesting render of Red Hood and clean up of all the fuzziness
Sort of NSFW (lingerie, tight dresses, lewd pose)

1- https://files.catbox.moe/a6qflh.jpeg
2- https://files.catbox.moe/scjrse.jpeg
3- https://files.catbox.moe/mlzu22.jpeg
4- https://files.catbox.moe/nuvqtw.jpeg

I need these four pictures on totally transparent background, as clean as possible. Thank you very much for your time.
This goes on >>>/wg/8041637 since it’s not anime or Japan related anon.
https://files.catbox.moe/js4hgc.png i took a shot anon
Can I get just Asuka with the cloud poofs on this BG? I'd prefer the BG to be kinda blurry.

Can someone make a 16 : 9 wallpaper from this. She should be on the right. Make complete the background color and her hair on the left.
File: 108496305_p7.jpg (753 KB, 1108x1200)
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753 KB JPG
Could someone get rid of the girl on the right?
Can anyone remove the subtitle? thanks <3
Please remove the background.
File: w5l7mk.png (2.64 MB, 1080x2340)
2.64 MB
2.64 MB PNG
Thank you anon!
Pics too small:


Can someone turn these two images into 1920x1080 wallpapers without making them look awfully modified by AI or with too many weird artifacts? Thank you
File: ixqm5q-1080p.png (1.68 MB, 1920x1080)
1.68 MB
1.68 MB PNG
>Pics too small
The minimum size is 480x600.
1280x768 should have been big enough to post.
File: dj3gxy-1080p.png (2.95 MB, 1920x1080)
2.95 MB
2.95 MB PNG
>without making them look awfully modified by AI or with too many weird artifacts
In this one, the background became overly sharp.
Might be worth blurring it or something.
File: IMT4.png (769 KB, 1108x1200)
769 KB
769 KB PNG
Render please
File: 1707435906065792.png (2.27 MB, 1650x2200)
2.27 MB
2.27 MB PNG
Nsfw, revealing cleavage, big boobs


Can someone please finish drawing both sides of the dress on this girl, and then remove all the white background? Ideally keeping the shadow as intact as possible

Thank you so much
Here's the render for now.
Might get to completing the sleeves (and the tip of the hair too) later.
Here's the full-res upscale if someone else wants to take a crack at it:
(Size warning: 9MB 5144x7200)

If >>2254251 is SFW enough for a blue board, then so is your image.
File: render.png (359 KB, 643x900)
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359 KB PNG
Forgot pic.
File: 1707587116110825_ext.png (1.22 MB, 2000x2000)
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1.22 MB PNG
Thanks for the render - here's the tips finished.
Can someone make >>8043284 happens? (thanks in advance)
Forgot how to crosslink board >>>/wg/8043284
I provided the full-res upscale for a reason.
Why didn't you use it?
Don't you see how pixelated a regular resize filter looks, in comparison to an upscale?

Anyway, I traced your work and integrated it.
I also forgot a tiny bit of background earlier, between the girl's right ear and her hair.
File: completed_render.png (1.07 MB, 2000x2000)
1.07 MB
1.07 MB PNG
Forgot pic again.
There should be a warning like Gmail does with attached pieces.
File: foreground.png (909 KB, 7432x5000)
909 KB
909 KB PNG
Simple enough. Cool idea
Because I'm not a fan of how upscales handle fine details. Pic looks fine at 2x original res IMO, depending on what it's being used for.
thank you for your service
Thank you so much anons. Don't understand your discussion too much, but thank you nevertheless. I'll try to find the one that fits what I need to do better. Just out of curiosity, can someone please highlight the differences between the versions? I don't know a lot about this stuff. Thank you again.
File: ezgif-7-d77e70ca28.gif (608 KB, 1024x1024)
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608 KB GIF
>Just out of curiosity, can someone please highlight the differences between the versions?
>>2254351 is blurry and the added bits are not blended well.
>>2254356 is sharp and the added bits are seamless.
Can I get a render?
File: 1707692754107305.jpg (1.25 MB, 3602x4096)
1.25 MB
1.25 MB JPG
Please remove the cigar. If you can, also make a wallpaper out of the resulting pic by extending the background if possible. Leaving the dimensions to you given the irregula image.
Requesting transparent background
File: starchaser.png (3.32 MB, 6666x3750)
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3.32 MB PNG
File: CEAFAD.jpg (488 KB, 1080x2340)
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488 KB JPG
Thanks anon sempai!
File: naotanandaba.png (1.16 MB, 1013x1899)
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4.07 MB
4.07 MB PNG
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1.45 MB PNG
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974 KB PNG
Can I get a render?
If possible I would really appreciate the removal of the Sailor Moon logo in the upper left.
File: 1707888898627794.png (1.82 MB, 1500x2003)
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1.82 MB PNG
Thanks a ton.
New thread:
Thank you!
Requesting the removal of the dialogue balloon and the text box in the inferior part of each image reference: https://gofile.io/d/u7Bxq5
File: 1709965039818684.png (1.61 MB, 1814x3144)
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1.61 MB PNG
can i get the background removed?
File: wallpaperflare-cropped.jpg (277 KB, 597x1340)
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277 KB JPG
Request to repaint every pixel or scale to x2 so that the image stays pixelated but in HD, with no blur/artifacts.
ty anons
try the new thread mate
Here you go
Scaled 2x without interpolation, not sure if this is what you wanted
File: yunyun_official.jpg (562 KB, 3647x2840)
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562 KB JPG
the white background is pretty binding when I set this as my wallpaper. Making the background transparent would be great.

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