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File: haruhipc.jpg (86 KB, 1280x720)
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What the hell is happening on this board? Half of the image files in every thread are broken, or their thumbnails won't show.
Holy shit, I thought it was just me.
maybe its because the images expire after a certain time on the servers
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I honestly thought it was something wrong on my end.
Same kek
It's not just this board, /wg/ is having issues as well. Don't know about the rest of the site.
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Fuck thought that was just me
I demand an answer
OTHER PEOPLE NOTICED THAT TOO?? i thought that was just my pc being retarded..
They've restarted the servers and some files just got fucked up along the way. You don't see it on active boards because the deprecated pics already went away.
The curse of my fav board being slow.
The site becoming so /pol/ focused really has killed so many boards. Gookmoot just doesn't care.
>Gookmoot just doesn't care
I wager he completely forgot about this place after it failed to make him money
I'll surprise you, not just this board, but most of the site :O
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mods pls ;_;
>random seething about /pol/
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Most images in the Shimakaze thread are gone... or not. Thumbnails seem to have been most affected, some images are indeed gone for realsies, but most I've checked can be opened in a new tab and they'll load, it's mostly thumbnails that are fucked.
It's like that on /cgl/ and /y/ too, every dead board listed here https://4stats.io/
Nobody cares about any board other than videogame trannyrals and politically retarded.
Oh, sweet summer child. Haven't you heard? The 4chan mods are faggots
Ah yes "mods", we have dismissed that claim
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is there an archive? it's sad
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used to have /w/ but now it's gay

this site is going to shit

/v/ and /vg/ now want you to wait 15 minutes to post anything
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as you posted this /a/ just got the same treatment
That's what i was thinking the place has threads that last for years sometimes with how slows low it is
and now everywhere

soon we'll have upvotes and pfp's and awards
Kinda wish they would just wipe the boards completely, it would spare this place the sort of "abandoned" feeling that infinity also had. It's like I ended up in the wrong part of Detroit up in here.
>mentions /pol/ without provocation
The only thing we have to blame from /pol/ is the ukraine worship general was spammed by the same 5 faggots so hard they turned off IP counts to hide it.
Just because your specific political stance isnt flourishing on /pol/ doesnt mean everything is it's fault retard
Only one's I know of are https://archive.palanq.win/w/ and https://archived.moe/w
Also, >verify your email address before making a post.
Do mods want this site to die?
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Thanks, the first site is good for /w/ the second one is basically dead.
>Do mods want this site to die?
I haven't been affected by the measure yet.
When digging through those archives I noticed all the threads that are created without a response, it was like spam and that's one of the boards with the least traffic.
I think /a/ is the same or even a little improvement somehow.

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