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People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy
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you have to become a terrible thought. A wraith
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Oh no! Someone likes something I don't! I better post on social media how much of a boomer I am!
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Its about someone who is the best they can be, someone focused and dedicate to an idea. Someone who sacrifices everything to be the best
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All time favorite Batman besides Hush.
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I know she's Batgirl, but Cassandra has the baddest outfit.
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batman is cringe
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whats with all this cartoon porn bullshit
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Some faggot trying to get the thread nuked.
Nice. This is a Batcoom thread now.
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No the fuck it's not.
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Silly Bruce, that's not how you preform CPR.
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Perform. I r teh stoopid...
Go be a nigger somewhere else
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Stop posting all this softcore porn.
Ignore distractions.
Focus on getting better.
Like the Bat would
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The idea that these little girls could fight even one average man...is ridiculous. Even in this world it is beyond belief
Cassandra was trained as an assassin since she could walk.
maybe you haven't watched many men vs women videos.
I've seen untrained fat, average guys take down professional MMA women.

Its not even a close contest.

If the guy has a small amount of training he can literally beat two women fighters at the same time.
Theres just no way someone that small can win a fight

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It's fiction, dude. Relax.
You're talking about realism in a world where a guy dresses up as a bat and beats people up. If, in this fictional universe, they say a tiny woman can take on a gorilla, then she can take on a gorilla. Go jerk off to UFC somewhere else.
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Like I theres only so far you can suspend disbelief, even in this universe.

When a guy who is an amateur fighter, unranked, can easily beat a woman professional fighter whos the best in the world, at the top of the game. Then there's no way you can make me think a young girl would stand any chance
Who, tf cares bro? I'm not out here complaining about a psycho dressed up as a clown constantly escaping from an obviously corrupt insane asylum.
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I care
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Congrats. Fuck off.

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Happy Bruce Wayne's Birthday. I never bought a comic book in my life and I picked up the long halloween today on a whim. I found out what February 19th is after I bought it. Serendipitous, don't you think?
Long Halloween was shit to be honest, you picked one of the worst to start with.
You should have gone with Year One
damn, I was trying to decide between those two. I got long halloween because I liked the art style more.
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Long Halloween was good, you tripping. The best mid 80s Batman is the Two Face special. I had it, but my cousin stole it. I'm still pissed about it.
Long Halloween and Year One are both pretty good.

>Recommended Reading

>Where to Start

Honestly you don't need to read anything in a particular order, most comic older comic fans just grabbed whatever looked interesting. Try to just enjoy the stories rather than worrying about where they fit or anything like that.
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imagine the smell
mmm boba teeeee
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You have to become a terrible idea, a wraith
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Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding
Batman is cringe af
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People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy
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is there one quotable line in the latest The Batman movie?.

In Begins, there is so many brilliant lines, its a really well written script. It not only gives us the origin, with training but also the start of his career and the league of shadows.

In The Batman, there are no quotable lines. There's no origin, no training. The script is so bad that the villains plan could have been unraveled if they lifted the carpet with a carpet tool, then disarmed the bombs. It was all there. They also had to make him invulnerable like superman.
A bomb literally went off in his face, he gets shot with machine guns and shotguns point blank range. No armor in the world can take that. Overall it was a terrible movie. At one point he literally kills civilians to chase penguin, then lets him go.
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I'm imagining you doing the captcha just to type that shit and I'm laughing. What a faggot

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