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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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This thread is dedicated to Women and Girls in videogames and related media.

Last Thread: >>8058243

Just follow the basics and post wallpapers (desktop or phone) that:
1) Have a female prominently pictured
2) Are videogame related in some way

Keep in mind:
3) Fanart, redesigns, gender swapping and crossovers are most welcome. Cosplayers, streamers, developers, and pro-gamers are also fair game.
4) Anime/Manga/Japanese style art is ok as long as it relates somehow to the topic (Women in Videogames).
5) Lewd, risqué, nudes, erotic, 18+ wallpapers are accepted as long as they are tasteful and comply with the general rules of the board. Please refrain from posting openly pornographic or shock content.

Have fun people! <3
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Anime wallpapers belong on >>>/w/
Please respect board categories and restrictions.
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wrong: >>>/wg/ accepts anime as long as it's "general" enough, as the OP states:
>4) Anime/Manga/Japanese style art is ok as long as it relates somehow to the topic (Women in Videogames)

Also >>>/w/ only accepts video games that are explicitly japanese or related to japanese culture, and to finish >>>/w/ is a strictly SFW board.
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Well said, my man.
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So what you're saying is the board is ruined and will soon be nothing but NSFW weeb shit in a few years.
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>the board is ruined and will soon be nothing but NSFW weeb shit in a few years

(1) You are in 4chan... whining about weeb shit... on 4chan. If that doesn't scream "look at me, I'm brain damage level retarded", I don't know what to say.
(2) You "slippery slope" type boomers keep blowing things out of proportion and getting all your panties in a bunch for nothing. I made a quick summary of the current threads on /wg/:

Total Threads: 150
SFW Threads: 137
Overtly Weeb Threads: 1
NSFW Threads Total: 12
>7 explicitly evoking nudity or risqué
>4 not really overtly asking for it in the title
>1 drug related

If you go just by numbers you have between 8.00% and 4.66% AT MOST of NSFW threads. Less than 1 in 10. "Oh no, the world is crumbling! Less than 1/10 of threads in this anonymous board on the internet show some titties or a bit of ass... civilisation has fallen!". Ffs. Please go outside and touch grass. Let people enjoy shit, go with your doomer bullshit and die in a hole, alone.
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>(1) You are in 4chan... whining about weeb shit... on 4chan. If that doesn't scream "look at me, I'm brain damage level retarded", I don't know what to say.
fuck yourself you autistic faggot
just because its a vietnamese basketweaving community doesnt mean literally everything has to be weebshit 100% of the time
atleast half the boards are almost weebfree
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someone mad, lol. take the L anon, you got stomped on with literal stats. as previous anon stated it ain’t even close to 100%. go cry to your mom about meanies on the internet who contradict you with literal facts. I bet your mom never loved you to begin with though
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Take it or leave, we don't care much really.
Please you're being shameless, stop it, you only will get the wrong attention enjoy the thread contribute to it and stop being a faggot.
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His mom shit him out in a dumpster then deuced out.
I miss when the rules were actually enforced...
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This one has such a melancholic feel to it.
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Poison is a tranny
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Back to /pol/ with you, no one cares.
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cool anon... but why go for such a weird resolution, when the original one is already 1920p high?
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