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greatest political photos ever
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remember all you soppy leftist dickheads out there who are busy fapping yourselves silly over that photo, if you kill him, you WILL only make him an eternal unstoppable martyr against your ideology, and then you clueless muppets really will all be up shit creek without a paddle... you've been warned.
Guy who shot him was a republican but whatever...
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Shhhh… smooth brain have thought. Let him cook, he’s too dumb to understand that we’re laughing AT him.
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Not everyone anti-Trump is a libtard demoncrat ya know retards
holy shit how fucking dumb do you need to be to believe this.
I mean, it’s literally right there in the open for you to read, but hey, you still have that soft spot on your skull and think sister corn holing is fun. Drink paint.
holy kek liberals are seething at a level not seen since 2016. how fucking dumb are you to honestly believe this guy was a republican? i know exactly what your talking about and you've literally read one headline and then stopped there.

I really honestly actually hate weird leftoids so much its unreal.
Ngl whether you like Trump or not, that shot is badass.
Found the retards. You probably wanted to cosplatriot on January 6th but mommy wouldn’t let you. YNBARW.
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Our Soviet people spared neither strength nor labour for the sake of victory.We experienced extremely hard years. But now everyone of us can say: We have won. Henceforth we can regard our country as being free from the menace of German invasion in the West and of Japanese invasion in the East. The long awaited peace for the peoples of all the world has come.

I congratulate you, my dear fellow countrymen and country-women, on this great victory, on the successful termination of the war, and on- the ushering in of peace all over the world!

Glory to the armed forces of the Soviet Union, the United States of America, China and Great Britain which achieved victory over Japan!

Glory to our Far Eastern troops and our Pacific Fleet, which upheld the honour and dignity of our country!

Glory to our great people, the victorious people!

Eternal glory to the heroes who fell fighting for the honour and victory of our country! May our country flourish and prosper!
i wish i had a higher definition of this picture
according to who? the mainstream media? the feds?

and you really believe their bullshit at this point after all the lies they've repeatedly told the public over the last 8 years? really?


but presuming for a moment he was registered as a republican, that doesn't actually mean anything because he could have been a democrat-supporting RINO, or maybe he was registered but was planning to vote for biden or RFK jr this time round.

fact is though it's jolly convenient that a bunch of demonrat politicians and supporters have spent the past 2-3 weeks all publicly suggesting/calling for trump to be murdered/assassinated, and what do you know, someone actually tried to do it by climbing up on the roof of one of the few buildings overlooking the rally, a roof that just happened to have perfect line of sight to the podium and which somehow miraculously wasn't being watched or guarded by the local police or the secret service, and when locals tried to warn the police and feds of the gunmans presence with his rifle the locals were repeatedly ignored until AFTER the gunman had shot several rounds at Trump and the crowd.

oh and the FBI are now in charge of investigating this because that's SOP after an assassination attempt, so at least we know that investigation will absolutely be all above board and on the level... not.

the good news is that, unlike with Reagan, when the secret service called ahead to the hospital to let them know they were coming in with Trump, the hospital didn't just immediately hang up on them...
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Here you go
>Guy who shot him was a 'republican' who has been revealed to have donated money to the DEMOCRAT party and who was a member of a known FAR-LEFT political group who are renowned for encouraging their members to register as republicans so that they can then actively interfere in the republican nomination process.

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Here's a 16:9 crop I just edited, upscaled to 8K with topaz AI and then downsampled to 4K. Super crisp.
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and also a cool edited version I did
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(dark mode version)
dark mode version with dark logo
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light logo version
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thanks mate
This is the most kino picture I've ever seen, unironically. I need more edits of it.
Captain Bone Spurs!! Keep drinking that kool-aid Trumpers

This should trigger some people :D
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>mogs everything itt
Ah, I happen to have a few.
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Wished the shooter wasn’t such a lousy shot.
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source? not refuting this (or throwing in behind it) but i'd like to know more
Thank you anon, I've been looking for a high res version to get on a canvas
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I registered as a Dem to vote Marianne Williamson in the primary but will vote Trump in the general
I guess that makes me a Dem
Eisenhower should have let Patton take Berlin
>pov of Russian prostitute
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bro literally said demonrat lmfao
i think it's really funny when editors hide silly messages like this
>Now I wonder who “they” are

"They" are the same people who've wasted so much time, money, and energy paying for, and running, the lawfare campaign against Trump that is based entirely on lies and made up BS using their network of corrupt officials and paid actors while stomping on the judicial process and constitutional rights of Trump

"They" are the same people who are now so desperate to make Trump go away by any means because their lawfare has spectacularly backfired on them that it left them with one option which resulted in the greatest political snapshot in recent history if not all time

"They" are responsible for setting up Jan 6th, for embedding countless federal agents in amongst Trumps supporters and directly instigating that whole situation, "they" are also responsible for shredding key evidence, and for jailing so many innocent people

"They" are responsible for the ideological agenda that has allowed millions of undocumented illegal economic migrants to flood the U.S., Europe, Britain, etc. and which will see some/most/all of those illegal migrants given free everything in exchange for their vote at the expense of the safety and rights of the native citizens of all the western countries afflicted with the illegal mass migrant problem

"They" are the same people responsible for 'removing' JFK/RFK/MLK, along with various politicians, heads of state, VIP's, and media folks, from around the world over the years because those people were all inconvenient to the agenda

"They" are directly responsible for instigating the Russia/Ukraine situation starting back in 2014 in order to try to cover up the crimes of others, "they" are also complicit in turning the Russia/Ukraine situation into the giant money laundering and land/power-grabbing exercise that it has since become, because "they" need total control of Ukraine (the bread basket of Europe) in order to make their agenda work even if it comes a the expense of every single Ukrainian person.
/Pol, the wallpaper thread.

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