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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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File: screenshot.93.jpg (389 KB, 1920x1036)
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389 KB JPG
Not sure if any of you will give a fuck, but I found this useful. This is a python script written by chatgpt that will rename all the images in your wallpaper folder to random filenames, generate CRC's for each file to detect and delete duplicates, and some other neat features. You can find the full list of features in the code.

I use this in conjunction with John’s Background Switcher for Windows

This gives me a new wallpaper every day. By giving all the wallpapers random names, this ensures I wont see a long string of similar wallpapers with similar filenames day after day.

nice work.You should open a github repo for it.
I'll use this for my media server. Thanks for the script
CRCs are bad because they often cause collisions (in this case deletion of different files with equal checksums); you should use a real hash function, like blake2b (provided by hashlib)
File: 1658887208578471.jpg (852 KB, 2880x1911)
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852 KB JPG
Your wallpaper, please?
File: Untilted - Evgeny Lushpin.jpg (926 KB, 3840x2160)
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926 KB JPG
Here is a copy.

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