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>OMG you're not sitting next to me
>OMG you're not forced to rent to me
What a faggot.
>all those people cheering after the nog got knocked the fuck out
based japan fuck this faggot
Japan is a Japanese country. They have every right to govern themselves as they see fit. If he doesn't like it he can fuck off.
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>dat brown hand
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fuck bastard stay out from japan
hope they chopped this faggots ankles off
Yeah god forbid they don't want to rent apartments to people who can't speak the language or read the rent agreement. I'm assuming the guy complaining about racism in Japan hasn't made the effort to learn it. Even blacks living in Japan are treated well if they understand the customs and can speak Japanese
Nice to know a country is called "racist" for not falling over itself to appease immigrants. Maybe if Europe was a little more racist, it's major cities would be livable right now.
>Mario coin noise
That little sound effect being timed to perfectly will forever make this clip legendary.
the store wanted him to pay more than what he thought was the agreed price of service. i can't tell if the store was pulling a fast one or it was clear but he just didn't understand.
the pervert wouldn't stop touching his leg so he beat the shit out of him gay pervert got what he deserved
he started mouthing off about how americans deserved 9/11
If anyone does that to you, just look at them and casually say "we invented trains".
he thought the maid at the cafe was his maid, but then she started talking to the jap guy
White nigger
the OG japanese was originally black, not even joking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSS6q-I64C0
Where's the webm with his (((manager)))?
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no logan paul?
Anyone have a webm of a street vendor who straight up called him a nigger?
>not even joking
just lying
kek i've been looking for that too
This thread makes me fucking embarrassed to be a Westerner. I'm sorry Japan.
blacks are not westerners
They hate Gaijin so much because, the next western country to them is America.

and they are

a) filthy
b) loud
c) not Jouzu
d) filthy

we dont want them in Germany. too
because they are

a) filthy
b) loud
c) not deutsch
d) filthy
But you're perfectly fine with ahmed and jamal raping your country
go to a policeman and say only 5999999 jews died in the holocaust
krauts are internationally regarded as one of the rudest, unfriendliest and socially inept people mind you.
if you'd actually venture out of your shitty narrow-minded hypocrisy crib country you might realize just how trashy you are.
retard, he was born in somalia (east africa)

no ceasefire, tariq
ironic post is ironic
Based... High trust societies are really something.
I gotta visit this place someday, sounds like a blast
I thought Germans were autistic introverts
Most people from the West seem to think of Japan like a giant amusement park like Disneyland. There have been reports of foreign tourists stopping geisha for photographs, carving their names on 2000+ year-old temples, excessive littering etc.
so what the guy said in the video, copy and paste, no trolling bro, lmao
>we dont want them in Germany. too
Is there actually Americans in Germany? Have you ever met one? That's so weird to think about
He is a troll, he typed out what was said in this video >>5509142
i'd consider those the nice ones
germans will blatantly stare, scowl, roll their eyes, scoff and mumble under their breath. most people will be in a constant state of repressed anger and seethe and act pissy with you.
there are of course people you can get along and make friends with but the general public interactions (cashiers, public transport, delivery, hospitals/doctors, restaurants, public service, even daycare and school staff, etc) will act just like that.
the only way you don't realize this, is by never having experienced other ways of social interaction.
not a fan of the american shallow politeness either but i'll take it over german social ineptitude any day
Not even joking I had a moment in my life when I was genuinely worried I might be going schzio, but then I remembered I was in Germany.
you are prob american so i hope my existence will provide you never ending trouble
I'd expect that from shitskins but Aryan Germans act that way?
Just avoid the "darker" areas, there's still places like that in america
You're thinking of Brits
"Aryan" Germans, Scandinavians, and northern Europeans in general are some of the most inhospitable people on earth. Southern Europeans are leagues ahead in hospitality and soul, any polnigger that says otherwise has never traveled to both areas.
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His argument was they assume that this is the case, not that it is true. It is true that sometimes Japanese will move away from you when you sit down, but it's only in rural areas where they don't much like foreigners at all. I've only ever had it happen a single time. I think the most difficult thing for people living in Japan is simply understanding that you will always be the outsider no matter what, for the rest of your life. As a bachelor I don't mind it, because being an outsider is part of the appeal. You like being a stranger, everything is new and fun. But living there for decades and breeding with a woman to have to still be treated as though you are a gaijin fresh off the boat, even if you were to naturalize sounds like it would be frustrating.

At the least, I suppose it has helped to retain Japan's sense of identity by being so insular. Unfortunately that appears to be ending finally due to immigration laws becoming even more lax. I personally am extremely worried about Japan changing, and can't imagine how residents feel about it. The government should seek to instead offer subsidies to families having more children honestly, I think virtually every western country if it were honest could agree that mass immigration didn't solve the issue.
He said skub sucks, had to do it to him
severe beatings for thievery need to make a return across the world
>I wake up
>I seethe about America
>nigger shocked that his nigger skin doesn't give him special privileges in Japan
Must sting for him
Japan better buckle up because their politicians are selling them out. Cultural enrichment inbound.
pretty sure that guy hangs out regularly in Shibuya in front of the two family marts where all the gaijins hang out. I think i saw him there two weeks ago.
sound like the french but more reserved/restrained, probably less autistic about their language and rulefags instead of elitists
I'd take this 100% over fake american politeness
What's it like living in Japan?
i don't think anyone WANTS to go to germany. enjoy your arabs and niggers, kraut.
judased anglo mutt reminded the yarrow foor who still owns "his" country
nah britcucks are universally known as the absolute worst of tourists around the globe
that would be the muslims,nogs, russians and slavs
It's a toss-up between Americans and Brits
Let me clear some things up anon. Live in Japan and have for the past 5 years. Immigration laws are about the same only thing thats changed is the cap for high skill workers was raised thats it which even then the people who would qualify for those visa's is really small and you can only have that visa for about 3-5 years. People generally dont care aslong as youre not a typical gaijin. IE loud,rude, obnoxious, weeb,otaku etc. trust me i'm treated pretty normally and I live on a really remote island treated basically as a white Jap. so these influencers or whatever are just 1. Making shit up 2. Live in tourist/gaijin dense areas 3. are just really thin skin. Also dudes making up the rent thing its illegal here for them to do that.
same US-backed right-wing political party has been in power for more or less the last 75 years
>mainland chinese
>australian men in their 20's
no lol
source schizo/
This but also black.
There's nothing wrong with being black anon
>But living there for decades and breeding with a woman to have to still be treated as though you are a gaijin fresh off the boat, even if you were to naturalize sounds like it would be frustrating.
because it's true you weren't born from a japanese womb on japanese soil you don't magically stop being a foreigner one day that doesn't mean they don't have a certain degree of respect for people who adapt
buttmad britcucks let me remind (You) that your ilk are one of the very few "people" who countries have active restrictions against tourism and all these subhumans you listed are only the worst when they are diaspora that reside in your or americas shithole and I wonder why
Actually i ve met a few americans and i even dont live near a american base.

One had the same job as me, i should show him a little around and i get to know he didnt even knew the basics of the Job.

Germany is under american occupation, you will learn about it if you ask /pol and we dont have free elections, but americans had to learn it recently that they dont have it in the same manner as we dont have it.
If you want to know more, ask /pol

Anyway, japan and germany has both abrich culture, wich get destroyed by judeo americanism, wich is unforgivable.

And then a nigger who dont even know his fathers name, want to be a comedian, by just being a silly nigger.

It maybe works in his ghetto.

Anyway, even the "white" americans act silly, loud and rude in the videos.
They dont have the slightest respect for the country they visiting.
I dont want "guests" like them in my country.

They are not guests anyway, they are invaders who only know to destroy.
>they are invaders who only know to destroy

You are typing in ENGLISH because you were born to be ass fucked, now say thank you, fritz.
>EOL talking about language
top kek
rape is mentioned, and here comes the redherring-hyphen hurt poojet-brownboi, topkek
Ich habe Englisch gelernt, um dir verständlich zu erklären wie Scheiße du bist, schwuchtel

go on coward:

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What the actual fuck is wrong with anglos? Behvae you cunts!
I'm sorry the bright red pensioners in costa del sol were rude to you ahmed. Save some money so you can travel too.
Most dangerous shithole in Japan is safer than the safest city in the United States
I don't consider japan a shithole, 3rd world yes, by the attempted killing of a second prime minister 1 year apart, this is haiti style condition.
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Speak or type? You esl-ape, you don't know the difference? Many such cases, kek.
which is so megabased. meanwhile we can't leave a zionist cock unsucked
this stupid edgelord faggot, lol, lmao even, kys
Of course there isn't.
Every individual has the agency to live a good and respectful life. This is true regardless of class, IQ, race, gender, or any other factors.

That being said, being black associates you with a lot of people who chose not to live such a life, but that's just the group, it's not the individual.
>if you want to pass you have to pay the troll toll
What's your experience with Brits compared to Americans?
had this happen to me. my friend kicked an african guy in the balls after he demanded we drop another 100 dollars at some dog shit bar to leave. We got chased by a bunch of other african guys on the street but we lost them in the back alleys around golden guy (not golden guy itself those houses behind it) so I could believe it if this guy weren't Japanese.
>Those caveman tier grunts from the white dude as he knocks them both out with one punch each.
Fuck yeah lmfao
>noo you can't kill politicians because... well you just can't okay!!
this is why your country is a shithole
>by the attempted killing of a second prime minister 1 year apart, this is haiti style condition.
Why are politicians sacrosanct in your eyes?
that's it, let out the catchphrases ESL-kun. enjoy living like a slave in your "democracy"
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Tetsuya Yamagami is a hero, ESL-kun. Don't get it twisted.
Been to the latter, Southern Europe was filthy and mostly terrible except a few areas. The only thing that was nice down there were the stray cats. I remember talking to a girl from China when I was in Venice and she couldn't believe how dirty and decrepit Italy was. She said it was disgusting by Chinese standards. I never encountered any good hospitality there, it was all either neutral or negative. Tourist areas look nice though, if you are ok with just sitting there or spending your time in a museum.
>in english we say chill
>well in japanese we say dissapear
tranny jannies got mad at this post
based italians ignoring shitskins
they were actually white
*makes up a longwinded mentally ill video full of lies to prove it*
the post
English is not your native tongue
everywhere they go
to fuck shit up
For what reason?
Did that temple refuse to let that faggot be a miko?
he's black
do you faggots not know moonspeak? he's muslim.
That doesn't counter my theory that he's a faggot who wanted to wear the pretty dress.
They're an occupied country dumbass. There's thousands of American soldiers on German soil.
his skin is black regardless of religion.
they literally say he's african you dumb faggot retard
muslim isnt a race
its a pedo death cult
They also literally say he is a Muslim, also that he's Gambian (which is a Muslim country), also he's wearing a thobe. Don't make yourself look this stupid when you throw out insults.
no shit sherlock
supremely based
he went to japan because some dude claimed his waifu
This wa sactually megabased.
They lured some white guy into a bar using a girl, then tried to trap him with an insane bill. It's a common way to scam tourists.
The actually dangerous places in Japan in Okinawa
slightly better quality

point was you're not making sense.
so democracy and freedon america took over your country, but you dont have free elections?
or they didnt take over and are just occupying it and you dont have free eleections?
I didnt know you count EU/UN approved rapefugee muslims and niggers as "american"
fucking wake up Hanz
i said no shit sherlock since the guy said he was german
youre retarded only danger there is the stupid fuckin gaijin
You're chinese, nigga lol
Nice try, mohammed.
Chinaman, nice try.
How many Americans have fucked your mom, anon?
That's not in Japan, look at the plate.
You're not very smart.
based Nips
>most dangerous part of Japan
and still a million times safer than the "safest" American city
as a good tourist, please do w/e you want to the bad ones.
Is that a fat white lesbian
I honestly can't imagine how much of a fucking loser you'd have to be to flee to Japan and try to become Japanese as a white person.

I literally can not comprehend.
>muh America freedoms and democracy
kek, you're retarded.
Yes, that is the joke. Are you autistic or something?
The guy they interviewed said the African was muslim and that he was mad that they were worshiping another god other than Allah. These incidents might become more common in the future.
Also the guy was jobless, so maybe that played a role in his actions.
Andy's still got it.
good job usa, not fucking up completely in Japan
wow what an amazing compelling counter argument or explanation.
oh wait....
I've had multiple occasions where they try and tell me that whites stole advanced technology from them. The schizo cope is real.
Those people from the US are white with jobs there. The crime from them is probably just drunk shit or military being drunk retards.
>hur dur but if da americans won they the good guys

That was you're argument. You're argument was that living under the occupation of another nation means you have fair elections. The U.S. doesn't even have fair elections these days. Do I even need to bring up all the dictators the U.S. have installed into power in third world shit holes.
this is the wests payback for unit 731
we mildly annoy the most autistic race on earth, forever
>sit down on train or bus
>people leave so you have more leg room
is this meant to be a negative
>autistic race
Japanese culture is centered around "reading the room" and "saving face", autists would have an incredibly difficult time there
>he was mad that they were worshiping another god other than Allah.
That's like a mexican going to sweden and being mad that they speak a language other than spanish. What was that retard expecting? Hope he gets deported. Dump him on that island that Japan and China fight over. He can occupy it.
Goes to japan and still a manlet
sus always wins
The unit 731 tales are faker than the holocaust. The unit didn't do anything they are accused of doing, it was all invented by the chincom in the 60s. The us government never thought they did anything they are accused of doing. All photographic evidence were proven to be fakes.
post the vid of logan paul in suicide forest
>defending faggot-pedo island in any capacity
2 bombs wasn't enough to make up for wakashudo
kys mutt
fuck off jew
Pearl Harbor was an inside job and you golem have no brain, heart or soul.
>defending faggot-pedo island
>The Chinese are often regarded "the Blacks of Asia" for this reason
Because they grow faster and they can't live without occidental industrial development and money... Interesting.
They're getting 800,000 niggers now though because jap boyz are low t and don't breed their azn qt3.14's
I can smell his BO through the screen.
lol the nips are once again saved by the white man. fucking stand up for yourselves you cucks
That is a pure lie without a shred of proof my chinese bot, Im not even american and i can tell you that there are super safe cities in the us and fun fact their ownership of legal guns is really high.
4:20 in the video.
Suck it
I think you meant riri lol
That's probably because he's German, anon.
>faggot-pedo island
Barely any faggots, and hardly any child rape victims. Are you sure you're talking about the right country?
lmao he moves so slowly too
There's plenty of videos of this guy getting attacked much worse by Japanese people
who is this a 50 year old emo guy?
As much as subhumans like this are absolutely infuriating they're a necessary evil to remind Japanese of the wonders of diversity
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If it was a teahouse scam then it was 100% deserved. I didn't know those were common in Japan, but I knew a couple of guys that got hit by one in China.
He's in a country with a small african population and he's doing his best so that the natives develop certain ideas about his kinsmen.
>muh dick dawg pee pee poo poo shiggy niggy doo wop da bop bix nood
truly a higher life form time to import them by the millions for maximum enrichment
Suspendas aka Sus. Currently living in Thailand after marrying the first prostitute he hooked up with that had a drug connection.
His wife Riri and her family is currently draining all his funds.
Someone post the picture of his car seat with her makeup smashed into while cheating on him.
Glad to see this retard hasn't grown up.
It's a medical issue.
this ugly hook-nosed jew looking bitch has the dumbest channel name "oriental pearl" lmao what a fucking stupid whore
i always thought she was jewish too
based nig a system that lets you do this deserves whats coming to it
>Germany is under american occupation, you will learn about it if you ask /pol and we dont have free elections, but americans had to learn it recently that they dont have it in the same manner as we dont have it.
>My preferred party didn't win because it sucks at campaigning, therefore freedom and democracy is a lie, and Americans are to blame for my own retardation
You guys really do it all to yourself, you know.
>africans can't be muslim
you are THAT stupid.
Fucking cringe weebcuck. I will never be embarrassed to be a "westerner". Take your self hatred and japan worship and shove it up your ass.
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fkn チャンコロ man...
I changed my views on "renting to foreigners" laws after my brother's tenant skipped the country with rent owed.
japan is so fucking based
based nigga
To be fair, it's not just foreigners that can fuck shit up.
Anti-discrimination laws in renting mean you have to rent to... certain people. Those people will fuck up the apartment and then bail on any financial responsibility. You can take them to court, but you won't recuperate your loss.
I do not speak japanese that well
can someone give a quick synopsis about this shit. why is dude so mad?
JOMON teaches y*yoi a lesson
If you act like an nigger, that is what awaits you.
Japanese people would get along, we have buddists in our city, they get along verry good and even have some fans with their joga .

I see them walk around, shopping and all this, but they are not:

No one rolls their eyes and mumble something in their breath
Good morning sirs
chinese man rejected for permanent residency visa so he gets violent.
chinese being chinese
This is exactly how Russians are. They may look like us, but they sure as hell don't act like us, just like the Chinese.
They do that shit in Japan? Fucking hell, Japan truly is a SEA country in disguise
this guy here acting like being racist is a bad thing mega kek
norwood sends his regards
I just spent 6 weeks in Japan speaking minimal Japanese and none of this ever happened. Maybe it's just fat burgers and pommies they don't like
>racism in japan
>only xenophobia
I hate bongs
lite racist at best, japan again leading by example but who is going to stop it, no one under the red sun
i hope when they do caught him, they beat him with a steel baton
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This, slavshits are the niggers of europe
not even slavs, russians in particular
im from poland and even we dont like them

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