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The Skibidi War is going UNDERCOVER
Post skibidi. Anything skibidi.

Previous Thread: >>5416087
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Is there a complete download anywhere?
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The Instagram reels versions usually don't have the same editing that the Youtube Shorts does. There's no panning/music.
what killed the hype?
G-toilet, with a laser beam
quality spiked too much too fast and bloated time between episodes to 2+ weeks
Just realized TVmen don't have foot soldiers.
Wait, what?!
They do, they're just keeping them hidden because they're jewish fucks and only send 1-2 guys on the field at a time
Also many copy cats and other "kind of" competition.
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New teaser, meaning 73 is imminent.
Text in the top left says "You have no idea what's coming".
>"remember, it's only going to get crazier from here." in the 40M post
>"you have no idea whats coming" in this
>dafuq's avatar directly down and to the right of the toilet mech
if he turns this into a proper schizo tier story i'll fucking kneel.
anyways, up and to the left of the toilet. the two red dots and the bar thats distinctly darker than that area of the sky.
graphical artifact or a teaser for something major?
>astro toilet wheel
>double saw
>sub arms with weird weapons
>spider legs
Oh boy. This has to be a insanely high mobility toilet. You can even see it has 2 tiny plane tails for better aerodynamics.
No headphones means he's not scared of speakermen. This guy is gonna rekt some shit.
i dont think thats an astro wheel, the two arms seem to be coming out of it.
but definitely high tech.
probably a look at what the typical grunts are up to deal with next
infact lets look at things a bit
>original white toilets
the base strength toilets, almost entirely gone except for a few augmented white toilets.
>police toilets
the line between military grade and regular
>gray toilets
military grade
became far more common with the scientist
most "augmented" toilets are gray
>black toilets
elites, like the saw mutant and DJ.
>this white toilet
very clearly high tech. not "just" augmented, but the parts actually look like they're part of the design. instead of stapled on.
they are gray as well, which probably puts them as the high tech military grade to the high tech white toilets.
What program do you use to download youtube videos at full res? Kinda want to save some of the recent episodes before they get muted.
these extra long waits are killing my interest in the series.
yeah, dafuq seriously needs to figure something out.
its been four weeks since EP72P1, three days away from being a month
>the insta shorts have only been uploaded a few days ago
>YT shorts still arent out yet
>we still havent gotten EP73P1
its a very sharp contrast from a full episode every few days.
the scope and ambition have far exceeded a one man job.
he either needs to...
>hire a team (god knows he has the money)
>reduce the quality a bit for "non-climax" episodes (such as the grunt team infiltrating the lab, counting the scientist fight as a climax)
>or get to the point and reduce the length of non-climax episodes to a minute.
if not a combination of two or all three.
Honestly he'd do fine if he took all these long battle episodes and just cut them in 4-5 parts of 1-2 minutes and release them back to 1-2 day delays instead of one episode of 4-6 minutes once every 3 weeks.
That sounds quite good in theory but he clearly wants to do fights/sequences longer than that.
>YT shorts still arent out yet
That may be more because of copyright trolls than from actual time delay or other problems.
I use any video converter, 720 is enough
not gonna lie the speakers seem retarded as fuck compared to the rest
feels like they all got a collective IQ of 20 save for their big guy and the black ones
Most of the ones in black blazers are undisciplined.
the problem with speakermen is that they arent strategic and are nearly incapable of thinking ahead.
even the elite dark speaker almost threw the fight with the scientist by charging right for his claw despite being in a position to sneak attack from the back and go for the flush kill.
people actually like this?
Yes. Unironically.
surely the youtube playlists will be updated by the time i wake up...
just watch the WEBM in the op.
It's like Pacific Rim except good
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>uses exclusively melee weapons while everyone else has energy weapons and explosives
>cameramen are the all-rounders
>speakermen are the brutes
>TVmen are support focused magic casters
so who's the [fourth nigga in a row] thats a magical nuker?
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>watch shorts at work
>suddenly skibidi clickbait phone game ad out of NOWHERE
>72 part 1: march 20th
>no sign of 73 part 1 so far today today
>earliest timezone in russia is 6:20PM
we are now officially at the point where a single episode takes a full month to complete.
i REALLY hope that most of this time has been spent on new models for the next arc so that future episodes are shorter between.
Maybe a tank. Current alliance members can't take many hits. Except TVmen, they look nearly immortal.
>Titan TVman and CCTVman had their monitors broken and wasn't lethal
>TVwoman tanked super sonic toilet's attacks like nothing
But yeah, that's a big total of 3 agents from the TVmen faction that are active in combat, the rest are in the lab.
Skibidi RTS when
>skibidi xcom mods
id say its more that TVmen are rarer than the other factions so they have a much greater self preservation instinct, and only engage in battles that they can win or escape from as a result.
>TVtitan called out the trap that he was in, and knew to call it quits when Gtoilet's gank squad came in
>TVtitan's upgrades focus a lot on preventive measures (beam attacks charging the core, being able to give light repairs and a power boost to other titans, multiple screens to ensure that one being damaged doesnt take him out of the fight entirely...)
>CCTVman changed his tentacle screens to speakers so that sunglasses dont mess with him.
>CCTVman took one look down the scientist hole and immediately had his team fall back instead of trying to interrupt what was happening.
>TVwoman showed up to face the sonic toilet explicitly because she has an anti-decapitation countermeasure, fucking over his one gimmick
>TVscientist and CCTV man only came for the astro arm when the battle had passed, instead of trying to sneak it out during the fight to avoid potential excess damage
>TVmen showed up to evac everyone in episode 66 after the others were ambushed
we've only ever seen a single digit amount of them, the closest we got to 10+ was when the PoV went to the TVbase.
its safe to assume they arent in "active production" like the other machines are, so they'd be incapable of replacing any of their lost units.
thinking about it, we might actually see the TVmen go extinct if this is the case, we saw CCTV steal the black smoke from the scientist toilet so its possible that the toilets could figure this out as well and do the same.
Guess no episode until monday, minimum.
anyone got skibidi jew in sewer manhole webm
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Gentlemen... 25 minutes.
I don't know what Titan TVman said but I shit my pants with that intimidating voice. Next episode will be wild.
I can see why it took so long, kino as always. Also
>titan speakerman revolver spin
For some of the early-mid episodes it felt like just going through the motions to keep the trend going at times (even if it had its moments), but this episode really is peak. You can tell there's genuine passion behind it lately, and this one is just absolute unironic kino. I could really feel a shift in the series starting with 63.
This man was really feeling himself posing like that
>fools, you have no idea what's coming
Oh shit. I can't wait to see whatever was in the container that fell off.
>minor lore dump
> Titan Speakerman sitting all swagger like before elevating his head, as a sound cue plays simultaneously.

How likely is it that a fourth race will be computermen working for the admin/secret agent?
It going that blue thing that dafuq was testing in the flashback
The patient zero skibidi
I remember a couple episodes ago during the big raid on the base, the skibidis were talking to the secret agent on their screen before closing the video feed as the cameramen breached the room
now there seems to be internal conflict within the skibidis

no more brother wars arc incoming?
The secret agent speaks specifically to the scientist toilet. According to their dialogue, the two worked together for some time until the secret agent betrayed the scientist toilet; it is unknown what they were up to or the relationship between them. He clearly does not want to leave loose ends and have his identity revealed. It is for this very reason that Dark Speakerman, Plungerman and the Large Cameraman were all fated to die upon coming into contact with the secret agent.

The conflict is between the Astros, a completely different kind of toilets, and the normal skibidi toilets. The conflict arises from the loss of the infected Titan Speakerman, so the astros put the blame on G-toilet for that big failure. It seems that astros have a certain relationship with G-toilet since they call him "commander", there may be other reasons for this betrayal.
>G-man toilet sad looking at TVwoman skinwalking scientist toilet's mobile armor

I think that was supposed to be a interdimensional portal of sorts.
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>Fools, You have no idea what's coming
>Whatever is coming... you won't survive to see it!
Let's fucking go!

>secret agent checking on camera woman after her watching the old videos
She knows too much, could die soon.
>opens with camerawoman going through her old memories with plungerman, the two were a pair since the start.
>speakerwoman mourning over dark speaker's death, the first time we've seen an object head be impaired by the death of another.
>rewinding all the way back to her date of creation, or the creation of one of the first cameramen.
>massive lore drop on what happened to start all of it, even if we cant make much sense of it at the moment
>camerawoman is now using plungerman's spiked plunger
>camerawoman upgraded to an energy weapon for her VATS targeting.
>mutants have seemingly organic limbs now, instead of robotic limbs taken from fallen objectheads
>its possible to pilot a toilet mech
>TVwoman may be dead, which would mark the first confirmed TVman death.
>whatever was in the shipping container that fell may come into play next episode.
>final beatdown with Gtoilet ready for part 2
good episode all around, cant wait to see the fight that Gtoilet puts up, hopefully what was in that shipping container, and whatever the fuck the next big thing is thats being teased.
curious about if "you have no idea whats coming" is a threat, or a genuine warning.
also, i wonder what the rule for talking is
>humans: obvious
>cameramen: titan might only be capable of vocalization due to the arm from the upgraded magnet astro. id assume he'll lose the ability once he loses the arm
>speakermen: can only "talk" through songs.
>TVmen: only in reverse
>toilets: "extremely powerful" one are seemingly capable of it, such as Gtoilet in his current state or the magnet astro but they still prefer to speak in native skibidi
So what are the chances of Gman clutching a 1v3
So far we have:
Gman probably still not fully recovered from his fight with the UFO skibidi
They are fighting in a skibidi controlled area so reinforcements might be likely

For the alliance side
TCM and TSM may have been recharged but not actually properly repaired
TCM and his new hand might be more trouble for the alliance if they have no knowledge of Gmans hacking beams
TSM can't do enough damage head-on probably relegated to backstabs
TTVM could probably solo Gman
Also tvwoman and camerawoman in sidelines ready to interfere if needed

It's not looking good for Gman also several deathflags
G-toilet has zero(0) chance of winning or escaping this time, the 3 titans are just too much. If he escapes or wins it will be because of whatever is in the containers, or that's what I think.
>TCM and his new hand might be more trouble for the alliance if they have no knowledge of Gmans hacking beams
They as a matter of fact do. Remember the POV of Gman toilet vs Magnet UFO was from scientist cameraman. and info of current fights gets shared basically instantly.
As a proof of this, remember when Titan cameraman lost his protective lens in the fight vs scientist toilet and Titan TVman brought him a new one.
Come to think of it, how do the alliance members communicate.
We know that every cameraman has a live feed to their PoV but how do we know that the titans were watching the fight between Gman and the UFO at that moment.
I might be overthinking this, the simple answer might be that TTVM is using one of his monitors to broadcast the Gman situation. Only bringing this up because knowledge of that new technology might be the difference between Gman winning or losing.
What puts normies off from this?
The first few episodes being shitposts?
The constant memes making fun of it (and not wanting to be caught liking it) and young kids also liking the series?

It seems like most people only know the silly song and the talking toilets.
If they knew about the increasing quality and development of an actual story more people would be interested. It's essentially just a power scaling battle series and everyone loves Dragon Ball.
Why is do people call him scienist toilet?
I like too personally call him "biggus thinkus"
The clone got absolutely washed by camera & speaker titan and this one is at like 30% stamina, he's done. He got no ganking leverage either since there's 3 of them + reinforcements on titan side.
First it was:
Then, after G-Toilet's line:
>fools, you have no idea what's coming
The TV-Titand rsponded:

Always remember to turn on subtitles. DaFuq finally is adding the TV-men's lines in them.
You know, the skibidis really seem to be ahead in R&D
and I just realized
it's because you do all your best thinking on the toilet
They just hear it's toilets and kids love it so they stay away.
Saw a few ʸᵒᵘᵗᵘᵇᵉʳˢ say exactly that to the go "damn this is so fucking good and not what I was expecting" 20 episodes in
the description was updated
>cameramen infiltrate last remaining part of skibidi lab
so this is where the convoy was headed, and while the fight is going on they'll probably take the shipping containers in.
my two:
>A: the toilets assemble whatever the fuck is coming next and it bails Gtoilet out
>B: the titans defeat Gtoilet, the grunt squad goes into the base and encounters whatever the fuck was in the containers
Nice dad joke.
Relevant Nedroid comic.

My money is on that anti riot looking astro to come back last second and bail Gman
>with Gtoilet defeating the magnet astro and losing against the titans the astros see no reason for the commander to die, since even their best wasnt enough.
>detainer astro comes in and warps Gtoilet out at the last second.
>next time we see Gtoilet he's been upgraded with astro tech
>has a variety of arms, sheer size of them makes the titans look like grunts
Alliance members are robots, robots are at the end of the day mobile computers, they are basically like a semi hivemind in that factor, they have individuality but can share information instantaneously
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think the macho mutant can be added to this list?
One thing I'm wondering is whether the cameraman are aware of that G-Man monologue that Plungerman witnessed before his death.

The green flash/recording error sequence seemed to be similar to those instances in Half Life 2 when G-Man appears to the player unbeknownst to any of the NPCs. Given the dialog in this recent episode from TVtitan, it appears that this guy can cut off the hivemind that the cameramen have. I suspect that this will lead to some narrative twist.

If they really are "Astro Toilets" I genuinely hope that Dafuq pulls a Gurren Lagann the titans combine into a galaxy-throwing behemoth, or something of that mind.

[spoiler]What if he actually is ripping off Gurren Lagann?[/spoiler]
This shit is retarded. You could watch literally anything, you have access to the best media in human history, and this is what you choose to watch.

You're fucking retarded.
what would you prefer that we watch, anon?
>Gtoilet taken completely aback by the enemy puppetering one of their own
Can't say I was expecting that kind of characterization, Gman is becoming a personal fav between last episode and this one
yeah, makes me think that it'd be a waste to kill him off in the next part
>saw him fight fair against magnet astro when the kamikaze's failed, instead of trying (and failing) to run away
>got to see him strategize to secure the win (trick the astro into assuming he's winning, then sneak some control energy into the next shots. yes thats fair it was a fight to the death.)
>despite the upgrades he's definitely outgunned now by both the alliance and astros, but still puts up as much of a fight as he can
>cares for and defends his troops, like the titans do. ex: instead of trying to escape on his own (which he could have very easily done , he escorted the convoy. meanwhile the astros are just fine with killing random troops, along with some of the other large toilets
and personally, i dont think he knew that the scientist toilet had died. he escaped before the battle ended
he was probably expecting the scientist to sneak out to the convoy room and follow the others, not knowing that he was interrupted.
so there's a good chance that he genuinely thought the scientist betrayed him, at least for a moment until he realized that the head was completely rigid.
and even then, the two were friends so it still probably hurt.
>(which he could have very easily done
forgot to finish this:
he could have very easily escaped on his own after TVtitan came to crash the party, but he still dipped into the lab to prepare the convoy.
This is pure retard fuel I refuse to believe people are really invested in this shit. If you are you must be a 15 year old or younger.
see >>5521769
"s-stop having fun!!!!" - this is literally you, stop whining about it.
Retards can't understand KINO.
>One thing I'm wondering is whether the cameraman are aware of that G-Man monologue that Plungerman witnessed before his death.
Ep 71 already confirms what you said, the recording is cut off for the others cameramen when the secret agent intervenes. So no one knows about his existence.

>What if he actually is ripping off Gurren Lagann?
Dafuq takes more inspiration from the Transformers movies to create skibidi toilet, in his own words. Not surprising at all considering his old sfm videos, he is a fan.
Yeah I also thought that, makes no sense that he expected scientist to die in there, scientist had like 293823 ways out of the base, he likely thought he was busy cooking up something else and they'd meet later, but now he knows his buddy's dead.
So the one with the full white suit is clearly Scientist Camera man, and the two on the right row are Camerawoman and Plugerman, but who is the one with white pants?
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>The solemn and resigned expression of G-Toilet when he saw his friend being used as a weapon by the enemy.
Bros...I never thought I'll feel as much I do now for a giant toilet monster.
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>skibidi sympathizer
flushed with impunity
cool, a higher quality version
>had a theory that TSM would lose his second speaker in the Gtoilet fight since the 40M gif didnt show it
>in reality if you pay attention, its just folded back to not overlap with TCM's arm
ah. i mean yeah that makes sense.
Am I the only 38yr old here who actually is interested in watching, and lore diving Skibidi Toilet?
came here for this
Yes. I started watching it with my little brother and got invested. Here’s hoping Titan SpeakerChad gets the kill on G-Toilet.
Weren’t Computermen already teased in the background of one episode?
Pretty much. It’s a shame, because it’s genuinely entertaining and has interesting lore and compelling character growth / moments.
Yes, old man. I'm 34 btw.
had a dream that was literally just a single fucking episode. nothing before it, nothing after. just fell asleep, dreamt an episode, and woke up
>plungerman was brought back from the dead, first thing he did was take on a giant toilet and win.
>G-toilet was turned a mutant before the episode
>G-toilet had his crew hunt down plungerman, wanting to stop the problem quickly
>but the scientist was also brought back with plungerman, as a regular white toilet with some crab-leg limbs to walk
>G-toilet noticed the scientist before leaving and picked him up for transport
and im actually mad because i can have dreams about this stupid shit, but no matter how hard i try, i cant get a single dream with a foxgirl.
rapist vibes
>already got mind fucked by skibidi
Though the same, man's weird
Sorry if modern media sucks. I'd rather watch singing toilets fight robots.
Who cares about foxwife bro, you got a free episode.
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>the racist speaker titan allegations were right
It's over
Titan Speakerman glows in the dark...
Is that the "secret video" people have been talking about?
There's this one and the Godzilla beheaded by TV titan as secret videos
so what do you think the final flashback in EP73 is implying?
>alliance was once human
>the scientists brought the toilets from another dimension or whatever
>camerawoman has existed since at least 1985, or at least cameramen in general have existed since then
>the change in recording quality suggests that cameramen can have their recording hardware upgraded
>this also implies that as long as whatever the recordings are on is recovered, a cameraman's "personality" can always be brought back.
>assuming this is the case, the titans (or even all cameramen) probably have indestructible blackboxes. meaning that even in the event of total body destruction, their personality can be brought back
>BUT this would also lose "temporary" data, such as whats being held in RAM. or more specifically: the total loss of all data held during recording errors.
>speaker and TVmen might not be so lucky since they dont record. at best their personality can be recovered, but all memories will be lost.
plungerman might just be brought back, but all instances of dafuq's avatar will be lost from his memory since those were under recording errors.
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>TCM doesnt wear headphones
>this exact scenario is what caused Gtoilet to pull out his noise attack against the astro
>the facial expression
thats not gunna end well.
now worried that the titans are going to make the same mistakes as the astro
>TCM gets noised
>TTV tries to parry but gets hit by control energy
>TSM fails a stealth attack or gets kamikazed
Hoping for Gtoilet's glorious last stand.
His face is gonna turn into a fucking tomato at this point.
>started off pristine and clean
>then slight burn marks
>bruises and heavy burn marks
>red patches all across face
>all battered up after astro fight
I thought it was just the people who both invited the skibidis into reality and made the cameras, personally.
They just picked up their maker's gimmicks like double thumbs up and regulra thumbs up.
>and the Godzilla beheaded by TV titan
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You can find the link for the actual unlisted video in 68 part 2. For some reason the scene that shows it clearly got cut from the full episode/season 22 compilation.
>"this will help"
>hands the cameraman copium
this is a jab at power scaling fags isnt it?
ok who's dealing the final blow on Gtoilet and how
out of the three titans TSM is countered the least (note what this anon said >>5528280)
but there's also the fact that TSM carries the most narrative weight.
>other two titans have fought Gtoilet (and failed) while TSM hasnt had the chance yet
>TSM still has the personal grudge of being used as a puppet for the toilets
>TSM is still running on his starter loadout for the most part, so that puts him as the underdog of the titans.
>he also hasnt had a major win yet, unlike the other two.
so my prediction for part 2:
>TCM removes the thruster jets that allow Gtoilet to zoom off, maybe a laser or two
>Gtoilet turns around, TCM grabs his head, TCM taken out of the fight due to critical noise damage
>TTV's screens get lasered, it was proven in 71 that his screens are vulnerable to damage still.
>TSM signals to TTV to take TCM to safety/for repairs
>as the two leave TSM goes completely ballistic, more or less beats Gtoilet to death
>sustains heavy damage, but he gets the kill in the end.
>TTV teleports back to take TSM for repairs.
>the fem-trio get ready to raid the base along with a few of the grunts in the area (>>5521166)
Yes and the funny thing is that powerscaling fags took that video seriously.
>the funny thing is that powerscaling fags took that video seriously.
classic powerscale fags.
they cant comprehend that something might be a counter to or just outsmart another thing, so they end up putting grunts at superstarnovaislandplanetsunstarsandmoon tier with a power level of 50 billion gigaflorps.
Quite a powerful blade to cut Godzilla like that.
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Stitched together troll leak
>TSM gets beaten early in the fight
>Gtoilet pulls the same trick he did with Astrotoilet on TCM claw, and makes him kill himself
I figured it out I'm a genius
>TSM has the biggest one
I kind of admire this guy's ability to create escalating, novel situations out of a completely nothing idea. Idk what mental illness allows him to accomplish this but good for him ig
nvm that's camerawoman, i'm retarded
>camerawoman realizing that the war is a fucking joke
>her love died for a fucking joke.
>killing herself as a response
This guy's oldschool, he's been making GMod videos forever. This is very much like old machinima or something you'd see back in the day on Newgrounds.
What's most impressive is his consistency and the fact that he's able to not only resurrect that energy but scale it up years later.
Titan speakerman without all the gear just feels wrong. It's like he battled cancer for 5 years with chem therapy and barely made it with one month left to live.
>camerawoman realizing that the war is a fucking joke
That may still be a thing as the plot can easily go that way.
I like how the consensus changed from G-man is gonna get murdered to, maybe only 1 titan will die.
Out of commission probably, that'll finally give Titan speaker a reason to go get some (well deserved) rest + finally some upgrades instead of using starter pack cannons that everyone tank
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four teasers from the website
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>fire on the neck
>final moment before execution
Really wondering if G-Man is going down here.
Bros... we might actually lose one of them.
it might just be the angle, but TCM looks to be the most beat up.
granted that might also just be a fakeout.
man, I really never considered Gtoilet as a formidable foe up until these last chapters, I always took him as just another big toilet
He being unflushable made me consider him very powerful from the beginning.
He didn't last this long by pure luck. Plus he's actually using his head even when outgunned and outmatched so that always got him a win.
the thing about Gtoilet is that he doesnt let his strength get to his head, unlike like other large toilets.
he's well aware of his limits and when its time to run away or call in support.
he fights dirty with the gank squad because its an actual fucking war.
he pulls out when he's outgunned because he's a heavy hitter and dying/getting taken out of combat in an unfair fight cripples his side (the TVmen also do this)
meanwhile every single larger-than-stock toilet WILL try to 1v1 the titans, despite being proven time and time again that they'll wreak your shit with minimal issue unless you're as strong as Gtoilet
there's a reason why the astros still refer to him as commander despite attempting to overthrow him: because he's not stupid, and if he survives they'll probably come to a begrudging truce since "damn, the titans actually are that powerful"

its just that we've only now gotten to see him fight at his limit, when he isnt a clone or stunlocked by a TV.
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playlists were updated
so either he moved the two secret videos (unlikely), or we are getting part 2 today.
given the x4 image teaser, id assume the latter.
I hope so.
surely tomorrow
him being annoyed over youtube fucking up seems to prove your theory
well, that mystery's solved.
wonder if we'll get it tonight once the issues are resolved or the usual timeframe tomorrow.
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I'm ready.
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>he got away again
im fucking done
G-Toilet has always been a weasel

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